Author Topic: Rage Awakened - Let's Play Touhou-A-Live!  (Read 41077 times)


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Re: Rage Awakened - Let's Play Touhou-A-Live!
« Reply #60 on: March 01, 2014, 07:53:29 PM »
I figured that, I just wasn't sure because the furthest I got on my original playthrough was the second chapter part of Fantasy Chapter, meaning besides the stuff vgperson has written up concerning the final chapter (which she has written a decent general overview of what there is to do), I have NO clue as to what do. Ahh well, I don't mind spoiling myself in that regard only because I want to show off as much of the game as physically possible and I would kind of punch myself in the gut if I missed something that's not hard to find or do.
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

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Re: Rage Awakened - Let's Play Touhou-A-Live!
« Reply #61 on: March 02, 2014, 12:11:53 AM »
I figured that, I just wasn't sure because the furthest I got on my original playthrough was the second chapter part of Fantasy Chapter, meaning besides the stuff vgperson has written up concerning the final chapter (which she has written a decent general overview of what there is to do), I have NO clue as to what do. Ahh well, I don't mind spoiling myself in that regard only because I want to show off as much of the game as physically possible and I would kind of punch myself in the gut if I missed something that's not hard to find or do.
I'm pretty far in Final, so I can potentially tell you about stuff you could miss in most of the chapters.  Part of this comes from a readme included in the folder that vgperson put te game in on their site.
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Re: Rage Awakened - Let's Play Touhou-A-Live!
« Reply #62 on: March 02, 2014, 01:36:06 AM »
Yeah, I know, I've looked at said file before, and I'm probably going to be using it as a checklist when the time comes.
Also I have the first Return update screenshotted. I'm going to be keeping the updates fairly short in order to balance story progression and actually getting things up on here with the amount of work I have to put in to make said updates. I got like around... oh... 150 or so screenshots for the first update, most of which are dialogue that I'll be subtracting from the total screenshot count as usual, so that'll probably end up being... like... maybe 50 or so?
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

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Re: Rage Awakened - Let's Play Touhou-A-Live!
« Reply #63 on: March 02, 2014, 02:41:27 AM »
If it's anything like the original Live A Live, you'll
just learn any of the moves you missed in the Strongest chapter by leveling up.

Enjoying this LP, by the by. I've heard plenty of good things about this fantastic little crossover, so keep up the good work LPing it.  :D
Did you bring a light?

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Re: Rage Awakened - Let's Play Touhou-A-Live!
« Reply #64 on: March 02, 2014, 12:11:52 PM »
I'm pretty far in Final, so I can potentially tell you about stuff you could miss in most of the chapters.  Part of this comes from a readme included in the folder that vgperson put te game in on their site.

With this I get the feeling that every questionable thing I've done in the final chapter could have been avoided. And almost everything felt really questionable. :V


  • Deathguard Night Sparrow
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Re: Rage Awakened - Let's Play Touhou-A-Live!
« Reply #65 on: March 03, 2014, 01:11:12 PM »
@Yookie: Considering the source material, I wouldn't doubt it. :V

But anyways, updates.

Return Chapter- Prologue: Good Morning, Shang!

When isn't it okay to start new chapters?

Oh hey it's Earth. How are you doing Earth?
Also Return Chapter -Opening- plays here. If it is based off of the song I think it's based off of, it is still a remix of part of Unseen Syndrome and Fires of Hokkai.

...Shouldn't that be "Space Log"? Or is "Space Dog" referring to the ship itself?

Designation - Memento Mori

Owned By - Lunar Exploration Crew

Oh right, that news report in Hourai Chapter mentioned something about the ship having gone to the moon.

Destination - Gensokyo
Cargo - None
Passengers - 6
Youkai - 4  Magicians - 1  Humans - 1

I wonder who the passengers are.

Soranomagumo, your Shanghai artwork for this game was pretty good.

Alright, we're going home!

Corridors that are dark are a thing.

REI-IJI, huh? Wait a minute... it's another familiar name. Four names, four similar sounds in them.
Yeah, like I promised in the last update, I'll just be clear for those who haven't gotten the hint yet (though I doubt anyone has missed it). All of these "familiar names"? They, much like the original game, share something in common. Whileas the original game had "Odio," this game has "Reiji." Seeing as that's from a katakana translation, I don't think I need to explain what that's supposed to mean in English.

But of course, it's not like that's important or anything, right? Right?
Naming stuff aside, a cherry blossom at the Hakurei Shrine huh? Is the computer elegant or something?

Magicom - A means of powering machines by using a plant or animal spirit as a mechanical brain

So it's literally the spirit of that cherry tree that's running this whole ship? Damn, that's kind of impressive.

Oh hey, it's the crew members... although there were six passengers. Where's the sixth?

Looks like Alice is waking up. What for, though?

...I can't do the vocalization for Shanghai's little cute voice in text form.

Someone is being silent.

???: "Yes!
It's complete!"

Oh? Care to share?

???: "Huh?"

What's strange? Is your doll not moving like it's supposed to, Alice?

Thought that would've...?

Alice: "I guess it didn't work..."

Sorry Alice, but I guess you can't bring every doll to li-

...Or said doll can walk to the left thanks to the wonders of the left arrow key!

Alice: "It moved, it moved!"

Yay, you got a doll to move on its own. Although... well no, canonically none of her dolls are truly independent. So this is a pretty big accomplishment for her.

Alice: "I wonder... can you understand me?
My name is Alice.
A-L-I-C-E... Alice.
Good morning!"

Good morning to you too.

Alice: "Uh...
Ah, right! You still don't have a name, do you?"

Oh right, we don't. Are you going to be ironic like Kato and name us Hourai or something even though we're a Shanghai doll?

Alice: "Right, well...
Since you're a Shanghai doll, maybe...

And we've gone Chrono Trigger when it comes to names. Like, oh hey, we have a frog-person? Let's name him Frog! We have a robot? Let's name him Robo! Oh, we have a Shanghai doll? Let's name her Shang!
Granted it's still kind of cute so ignore my ramblings.

Alice: "...
Well, that's kind of lame..."

Just a little.

Alice: "But it is a cute name.
I guess it'd be best to ask your opinion...
What do you think? Of your name being Shang."

Shang gives a cute squeal of approval. I meanwhile have a slight tremor in my heart from the cuteness of said squeal.

Alice: "I guess you like it, then!"


Oh, where're going?

Into the corridors, apparently.

Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee no control over my movementsssssssssss

Oh, alright. Not a bad idea, I guess.

Alice: "If I don't do that, you won't be able to get around freely."

Oh, then even more reason to do it.

In we gooooooooo

But I wanna use the computer toooooooooo~.

Alice: "Don't touch that!"


Alice: "Now, then..."

Oh hey it's a computer. Seeing as it's probably REI-IJI itself speaking, I'm going to attribute a lot of mechanical dialogue to it.

REI-IJI: "Tell me your business"

Apparently you don't need to use punctuation when you're a computer.

Alice: "Morning!
I want to register a new member."
REI-IJI: "Very well"

Let's register some crew. Again, this green text I'm also going to attribute to REI-IJI for convenience's sake.

REI-IJI: "Class - Worker Machine

Name - Shang

Now registering


Well that was quick and painless.


Alice: "Just don't forget your name, of course."

...Wait, was my name Hourai...?
Just kidding, I know it's Shang.

Alice: "Each room has its own security...
So if you try to enter a room, it'll want you to input your name on the front of the door."

Thankfully this is automatic, for the most part.

Alice: "If you're not sure what room you're looking at...
Check the panel on the right side of the door."

Not so automatic, but helpful. It's a good idea to get a feel for what is where in the ship.

Alice: "Do you need to hear that again?"

No not really. I've done this chapter already, plus things are kind of easy to understand. So yeaaah.

Alice: "Good! Next, Shang.
Now I want you to come look for me."

Found you. You're right there.

Alice: "I'll be somewhere on this floor."

And she walks off. Before we look for her, let's talk to REI-IJI.

Hellooo. How's it going?

REI-IJI: "I had already known about you
After all, I have been watching
Over your creation all this time
You are Miss Alice's first successful
Free-thinking doll"

Pretty much! Alice should be proud.

REI-IJI: "You are a Magicom like me
So I hope we get along
So please...
Take it easy"

Will do, REI-IJI! Well... we have to do stuff, so I don't know if we can necessarily take it easy...

Alice be in front of the little cryo-sleep room thing.

Alice: "Now I'll introduce you to my fellow crew members.
Through here is the cold sleep room...
Since space travel takes so long, we enter a sort of sleep in there."

You know, you only went to the moon. It doesn't take a very long time to get there from Earth, relatively speaking. Cryo-sleep shouldn't be necessary.

Alice: "So, I have something to ask of you."


Alice: "I want you to wake up all the sleeping crew."

Oh, um, no problem.
She then unlocks the door for us.

Alice: "Go ahead!"


First of all, even though this isn't necessary, let's check and see if the capsules are working okay. If there's a malfunction, might as well stamp it out now!

REI-IJI: "1..............................
All clear"

Alright then.

It's a sleeping Reisen.

There's a nameplate on it.
Assistant Investigator

Well, let's flip it, for the sake of, you know, waking people up.

And it slides open just like that.

And somehow Mystia's the pilot. Can she even fly a ship well?

Wriggle as communications engineer... uh... is she even knowledgeable of engineering?

Sanae's somehow vice-captain. Huh.

Alice: "That's the spirit, Shang."

No problem.

Sure it's not night?

Pretty much.

Alice: "I named her Shang."
Wriggle: "I'm Wriggle. Hi, Shang!"
Sanae: "Nice to meet you, Shang.
My name is Sanae."

Looks like she's gotten nice reception so far.

...And meanwhile, Mystia refuses to get up.

Mystia: "Snrrrk..."
Wriggle: "Is Mystia still asleep...?"


Uh... sure!

Respond to the cute vocalizations, Mystia!

Mystia: "Mmm...

Not entirely pictured: Shang body-checking Mystia in order to wake her up.

Mystia: "Why did you do what heck is that what the heck is THAT?!"

...A cute little doll that moves on her own?

Wriggle: "Whoa, calm down, Mystia!"

Yeah, nothing to get too worked up about. I mean, come on, you've probably seen weirder in Gensokyo proper.

Wriggle: "This is that doll Alice was working on."
Mystia: "Eh...?
D... Doll?"

...Yes, doll. You know, the kind of thing Alice makes all the time?

Mystia: "Oh, THAT doll, right. Whoa, it's finally done, huh?"

Yup! Fully functional as far as I can tell.

Mystia: "My name is Mystia."

Well I know that, but Shang might not.

Meanwhile, looks like Reisen's up. That means... we've got six people here, counting Shang. Makes me wonder where the remaining member is...

Sanae: "Did you wake up okay?"
Reisen: "Hmph...
As if that's possible sleeping in that miserable excuse for a bed..."

Well, it's designed to make you go into cryo-sleep so that, you know, it feels like the entire journey took like no time at all. I don't think comfort or familiarity is part of the package there.

Reisen: "Can you people at least try to keep the noise down?"

Uh... well, sorry if we're excited for reasons.

Wriggle: "Alice finished making her doll!
Her name's Shang."
Reisen: "Yeah, like I care..."

Well someone's grumpy.

Reisen: "Although by that, I mean...
It can waltz around all it wants, but I should it won't interfere whenwe're trying to work."

Alright, alright, just don't start cursing at the world if we accidentally get in your way during work.

Reisen: "Now, don't we have a meeting to go to? I'm going to get there pronto."

A meeting, huh? We should go too.
Reisen also soon leaves, Oh well.

I can see that.

Sanae: "Don't let her get to you, Shang."

Sure, no problem, I've dealt with pissy people before... kind of.


Alice: "Now that we're all awake, we're having a meeting in the Rec Room.
Shang, you come too."

Okay, then let's go.

Alice: "Reisen will get used to you eventually..."

I doubt that.

Mystia: "Boy, you're treating her like a kid."

Considering she was just "born," you know, it's hard not to, I guess.

Mystia: "Psst, Shang... She usually throws her dolls around like bombs..."

...This is sadly true.

Alice: "Hey! Shang is special!"

Yeah, those other dolls were probably not free-thinking. I mean, considering this is her first free-thinking doll, you'd figure she'd keep it safe rather than just use it as ammo.

Alice: "Anyway, let's go."

And we will go... in the next update. What kinds of things will be at the meeting? How will the continued space exploration go? Things like that should be answered next time.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2014, 08:03:01 PM by Validon98 »
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

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Re: Rage Awakened - Let's Play Touhou-A-Live!
« Reply #66 on: March 03, 2014, 04:44:32 PM »
Oh hey it's Earth. How are you doing Earth?
Also Return Chapter -Opening- plays here. If it is based off of the song I think it's based off of, it is still a remix of part of Unseen Syndrome and Fires of Hokkai.



  • Deathguard Night Sparrow
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Re: Rage Awakened - Let's Play Touhou-A-Live!
« Reply #67 on: March 03, 2014, 08:04:29 PM »
Ahh, thank you for pointing that out. One of the downsides to having so many BBC tags is that they are easy to mess up. :V
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

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Re: Rage Awakened - Let's Play Touhou-A-Live!
« Reply #68 on: March 03, 2014, 08:44:20 PM »
Ahh, thank you for pointing that out. One of the downsides to having so many BBC tags is that they are easy to mess up. :V

No prob, always a pleasure to help out!

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Re: Rage Awakened - Let's Play Touhou-A-Live!
« Reply #69 on: March 05, 2014, 06:13:36 PM »
So, I've been going through this game myself, since word got to me that it's in Englitch, and I've been trying to pacifist up Youmu's chapter. A few questions come to mind.

-Does Hayate count as a kill? I imagine so, but it's best to be sure.
-Opposite of Youki's room, there is a jar with some options, but the option's translation seems to be broken and/or unimplemented. What's the deal with it? I assume you drop in kobans, but whyfor?
-Related to that, there's a secret passage in the moat tunnel leading toward the wall. That is, the one leading toward the corridor where you trigger Youki's chamber. There are hidden chests inside, but they don't seem to be translated either. What's in them?

Also, there is a switch noise to tell you where the trigger for Youki's chamber is, but it's really super quiet. You have to pump up the volume a bit to hear it. From the bottom, it's three sets of > < marks in the wall up. The third > < marks almost point to it.

While I'm thinking about it, there's no hidden EX bosses or super hype items in Ran's chapter, right? Just the option to spare James if you drink with him?

Finally: While's not been directly following the LP to keep surprises surprising, when I've needed help finding a thing, this thread has been helpful, and I appreciate that!


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Re: Rage Awakened - Let's Play Touhou-A-Live!
« Reply #70 on: March 05, 2014, 07:13:12 PM »
Hayate is that Ninja-girl in the box after that guy with the speech impediment, right? (I'm the best when it comes to names.) If so, then yes. She counts as a kill. Everything but the boss's henchmen, the boss, those ghosts in one of the storage houses and the bots in the mote counts as kills.
The hidden chests just give some consumables afaik, don't know about the jar.
(A "kill everybody" run is harder though imho. :V)

Don't know about the Ran chapter, but there is definitely nothing important in any of the chests/jars/drawers/whatever in the village. Opened every of those and there were just consumables.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2014, 07:16:05 PM by Yookie »


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Re: Rage Awakened - Let's Play Touhou-A-Live!
« Reply #71 on: March 05, 2014, 07:22:22 PM »
Nope, no hidden bosses in Ran's chapter. The only "secret" thing is taking the time to hear out James's story so that you can get the option to run away from the battle against him near the end and spare him.

Also I'm being super lazy with getting an update worked on. IRL and finishing Rosenkreuzstilette have kind of gotten in my way. :V
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

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Re: Rage Awakened - Let's Play Touhou-A-Live!
« Reply #72 on: March 05, 2014, 07:49:54 PM »
One rather important thing I've just remembered is that I've come across that bug again in the final chapter.
It seems to occur randomly so once you get there you should definitely watch out and keep several separate files. (I had one that time luckily.)

And Rosenkreuzstilette amused me with its rather weird character-, weapon- and stage-names. :V

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Re: Rage Awakened - Let's Play Touhou-A-Live!
« Reply #73 on: March 06, 2014, 04:47:42 PM »
I have begun Shang's chapter.

It doesn't seem that beating Working Cube's hard mode gets you anything, at least not if you do it while they're going through Mystia's room. Maybe if you do it in front of Wriggle? Or perhaps the benefits don't pay out immediately?

Also, any hidden fun stuff/bosses I need to know about? I remember this chapter was pretty free of such in Live-A-Live, but who knows?


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Re: Rage Awakened - Let's Play Touhou-A-Live!
« Reply #74 on: March 06, 2014, 06:00:20 PM »
The game won't let you activate the DIP switch to turn on Hard Mode while in front of Wriggle. You have to wait until after the point where you find the note that talks about it that you can activate it.

Lazy Validon is still being lazy with updates. I'll try to get something together by the end of the week. Hopefully. If schoolwork and such doesn't get too much in the way. :V
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

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Re: Rage Awakened - Let's Play Touhou-A-Live!
« Reply #75 on: March 09, 2014, 06:10:30 PM »
I am now in Meiling's chapter, which I saved for last.

Oh my crap, what do you even do about Flandre? She nukes me first turn!


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Re: Rage Awakened - Let's Play Touhou-A-Live!
« Reply #76 on: March 09, 2014, 07:07:37 PM »
I am now in Meiling's chapter, which I saved for last.

Oh my crap, what do you even do about Flandre? She nukes me first turn!
I have no idea how you're supposed to think of this outside of random flailing, but...
Equip that accessory that Tewi gave you.

Maybe there'd been some hint, but I only found out because of a randon YouTube video of it.
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Re: Rage Awakened - Let's Play Touhou-A-Live!
« Reply #77 on: March 09, 2014, 07:20:07 PM »
Well that would explain it. I never got anything from her.


Wow, that charm turns this into a joke fight unless you're trying to keep Kasen alive.

Also: Int Twinking Meiling is more satisfying than it ought to be.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2014, 10:15:42 PM by Chaos Purvis »

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Re: Rage Awakened - Let's Play Touhou-A-Live!
« Reply #78 on: March 18, 2014, 10:41:30 PM »
So, is the
Mima chapter ultimately as grimderp as it's turning out to be? Or to be more precise, can I make it less grimderp? Because they seemed to hit is possible to win over Utsuho again, and I don't wanna miss my chance to do that, or things like it. This chapter is kind of mechanically unfun as it is, so I don't want to replay it if I don't have to. =[

Edit: I just got to Louise, and this feels like one of those things that would screw me over it I did it wrong...
« Last Edit: March 18, 2014, 10:48:36 PM by Chaos Purvis »


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Re: Rage Awakened - Let's Play Touhou-A-Live!
« Reply #79 on: March 19, 2014, 06:27:11 AM »
Considering what is going to come after that chapter it has to end on a dark note but there must be something to not be screwed up. Out of all the fights that seemed like you could have a choice it has to be something that has to be done beforehand since you can't run from any of the battles and just letting turns pass doesn't do anything either.
But it seems to be something really obscure because I couldn't seem to do anything right.


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Re: Rage Awakened - Let's Play Touhou-A-Live!
« Reply #80 on: March 19, 2014, 05:06:08 PM »
...I keep forgetting I had started this LP. It's just I've been either really busy or not motivated to actually do anything remotely considered to be LPing the game. End of senior year kinda does that to you, you know?
I will get back to this, don't worry, but yeah, long unannounced hiatus is going to continue until I am able to motivate myself to continue this. Probably once most of my senior year shit is out of the way I can breathe out and work on this again. I am NOT going to abandon this like I have prior projects. I am sick and tired of doing that just because circumstances like to bite me in the ass.
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

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Re: Rage Awakened - Let's Play Touhou-A-Live!
« Reply #81 on: March 19, 2014, 07:12:49 PM »
I kinda know that feeling when I have video-files and several hours of writing texts to do with them (or take a 3 month break in something else) so you're not alone with this.
Just take it easy, we'll continue to hijack your thread for general game discussion in the meantime. :V

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Re: Rage Awakened - Let's Play Touhou-A-Live!
« Reply #82 on: March 24, 2014, 04:27:06 AM »
Maybe it's just me but the Girida in Mokou chapter looks like Metal Slug tanks.
The Black Phone in Rinnosuke's shop must be from Earthbound hence the Earthbound-like quote.
The man-powered flying contraption is a reference to Romancing SaGa 2 where you can use such a device.
The mecha yukkiri not being able to level up but powering up by equipping stuff/using item might be a SaGa/SaGa Frontier reference where playable mechs use a similar mechanic.
The forgotten Chimera is a reference to Mother 3. Also, is it a Mystia bird on its head? X D
The Eirin-like mecha is (I believe) a reference to a Eirin-like character appearing in some fan stuff. Don't know much about it though.
Al-Phoenix is probably a SaGa Frontier reference.
You guys probably noticed it but since no one mentionned it, I just wanted to say Yuuka uses Pok?mon moves. And then Cirno learns Ice beam from her too. X D
Is it just me or the countdown screem is from Street Fighter 2? X D

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Re: Rage Awakened - Let's Play Touhou-A-Live!
« Reply #83 on: March 24, 2014, 04:36:14 AM »
Yuuka indeed does that but there are more Pokemon references in other chapters
and yes, the Chimera has a little Mystia on its head.

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Re: Rage Awakened - Let's Play Touhou-A-Live!
« Reply #84 on: March 24, 2014, 07:08:42 PM »
There's a non-trivial number of Metal Saga references too. One of the EX Bosses in Mokou's stage, for instance (who is a motherfucker).


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Re: Rage Awakened - Let's Play Touhou-A-Live!
« Reply #85 on: March 24, 2014, 10:34:29 PM »
The Eirin-like mecha is (I believe) a reference to a Eirin-like character appearing in some fan stuff. Don't know much about it though.

That would be Yagokoro.

Mew seeker

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Re: Rage Awakened - Let's Play Touhou-A-Live!
« Reply #86 on: March 26, 2014, 11:02:44 AM »
That would be Yagokoro.

Yes, you can see the character better at this link.

You can wish for anything!

Re: Rage Awakened - Let's Play Touhou-A-Live!
« Reply #87 on: July 17, 2014, 05:18:32 AM »
Pardon me for bumping this thread, but i have some question that has been bugging me when i'm playing the Mokou chapter recently
Since i'm not sure where I should ask for question related to this game, I think this topic is a good choice for this

When I'm playing the Mokou chapter, from what I check in the touhou a live wiki in the japanese wiki, it says that the YDMT-IV (the mecha yukkuri one) has another skill called Maelstrom.
To get this skill, you must get the Octopus Board, which is an equipment you get from appraising item from Rinnosuke.
However, to get this specific "Who Knows What" , it says that it must be a drop from the Seilent Base (Eientei), which from playtrough so far, I've never got one from that base, only able to get the Who Knows What from random encounter in the village

My question is, how do you really get this Octopus Board? Is this really from a drop item? And from which enemies?
Thank you for the attention and sorry for bumping this thread