Author Topic: Yin-Yang Orb Quest  (Read 42448 times)

Re: Yin-Yang Orb Quest
« Reply #120 on: June 22, 2014, 10:07:53 PM »
Ookay. This time, for real.

Quote from: O4rfish
What gender are we?

>Gender really doesn't apply to you as well as it does for other beings. Orbs are notable for their nearly uniform appearance and lack of obvious biological features. You don't care if you're addressed as an 'it' or a 'they', and neither if somebody thinks you're a 'he' or 'she'.

Quote from: O4rfish
Can we talk to multiple orbs or fairies at once?

>You shouldn't have problems concentrating on "talking" to Hima and Mica at the same time, since they're both in plain sight and close to you.

>"Girls, maybe we should start moving away from the crowd."
>Start floating in the direction away from the cloud of fairies.

>Both Hima and Mica seem to react to your "talking". Success.
>"Yeah, was just about to say...", Himawari says. "These folks look reeeal dumb. Let's move." Thankfully, Himawari is also interested in distancing herself from the crowd of rowdy fairies.

>You begin floating away from the fairy crowd, and by rotating your viewing axis to look behind yourself you make sure that Himawari and Mica really are following you. After gaining enough separation from the fairy crowd, you halt and judge that your current position will give you plenty time to react in case something really does spark up in the fairy crowd.

>Hima and Mica follow your suit and halt as well.
>"Much better here. Sooo, Mica, what ya been up to lately?", Himawari asks.
>Mica slightly tilts her head. "Didn't you already ask that question from me?"
>"Uh, what? No, I-"
>Himawari's sentence is cut short by a small glowing blue orb narrowly whiffing past her head. A small gust of wind brought by the orb bullet's high velocity causes Hima's dark red hair to flail around briefly before she finally jolts:
>"Whoah! The heck, buddy!?", she shouts out to the crowd as she jumps and ascends with her wings a couple ten feet up in to the air.
>That bullet caught you completely off guard. You barely heard a loud danmaku firing noise coming from the direction of the fairy crowd before the bullet was already speeding past Himawari!

>You orient yourself to take a look at the current situation in the crowd.  In mere seconds, the rowdy crowd of fairies has turned into an angry mob of fairies engaged in a free-for-all brawl. Bullets emerge sporadically from the chaos of the fight and fly off in random directions, including yours. You've no idea how these fairies are missing shots at point blank range. Some of the fairies outright vanish in a small flash of light upon receiving danmaku-infused punches to their body, while others fall limp and twitch in the lakeside grass, vulnerable to trampling. Every fairy is fighting to the death, no-one seems to be attempting to escape.

« Last Edit: July 06, 2014, 10:55:50 PM by Tapsa »

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
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Re: Yin-Yang Orb Quest
« Reply #121 on: June 22, 2014, 10:34:18 PM »
>Stare blankly for a bit, then do whatever passes for a bemused shrug for orbs. "Well girls. any, uh, idea what caused that? Did the heat just fry their brains or something?"
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure


  • something seems fishy
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    • Ask an Oarfish!
Re: Yin-Yang Orb Quest
« Reply #122 on: June 23, 2014, 12:09:36 AM »
>"Let's move farther away."
[9:49:09] <Purvis> Generally not, but your mother may be an exception.

Failure McFailFace

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Re: Yin-Yang Orb Quest
« Reply #123 on: June 23, 2014, 12:33:09 AM »
>"Let's move farther away."
>"Very far."

>What is our body structure? Is it basically invincible, since we got attacked by Reimu before?

>You haven't. You do fill the criteria of being a Yin-Yang Orb, but you're red and white instead of black and white like Hakurei Shrine orbs are. Then again, you aren't sure if Reimu discriminates based on color.
Reimu in EoSD, PCB, and MoF to TD (Farthest I can confirm) have a red Ying-Yang orb in the sprite sheets:



Everything after MoF is the same, but with different shots.

So, it's completely possible for this specific Ying-Yang Orb to fit in easily. (In game, at least)
« Last Edit: June 23, 2014, 02:57:07 AM by bigyihsuan »
1cc Easy: DDC (all) | 1cc Normal: UFO (SanA autobomb),  DDC (ReiA, SakA) , LoLK (Sanae PD)| EX clears: DDC (MarB Ultra) | Puzzle Games: StB: 10-X, DS: Hatate unlock, ISC: All clear

Failure McFailFace

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Re: Yin-Yang Orb Quest
« Reply #124 on: June 24, 2014, 11:00:23 PM »
I think I just killed this
1cc Easy: DDC (all) | 1cc Normal: UFO (SanA autobomb),  DDC (ReiA, SakA) , LoLK (Sanae PD)| EX clears: DDC (MarB Ultra) | Puzzle Games: StB: 10-X, DS: Hatate unlock, ISC: All clear


  • something seems fishy
  • paranoia 4 lyfe
    • Ask an Oarfish!
Re: Yin-Yang Orb Quest
« Reply #125 on: July 02, 2014, 01:58:24 PM »
>"Has this sort of thing happened before?"
[9:49:09] <Purvis> Generally not, but your mother may be an exception.

Re: Yin-Yang Orb Quest
« Reply #126 on: July 12, 2014, 08:29:21 AM »

Reimu's multicolored option graphics in the shmups != the original bouncy youkai facebreaking black and white Hakurei YYO.

>What is our body structure? Is it basically invincible, since we got attacked by Reimu before?

>You're far from invulnerable. Your lack of limbs, muscles, bones, tendons and ligaments does help quite a lot to mitigate damage that would be crippling or fatal to a more biological creature. You're DEFINITELY capable of taking way more punishment than the average fairy, but you have your limits as well and you can still experience disabling pain.

>If Reimu really would've wanted to get completely rid of you back there, you're sure that she could've done it in a much less flashier way. You think it's that amulet which she slapped on you that made you feel the most pain, not necessarily the divekicksplosion.

>Stare blankly for a bit, then do whatever passes for a bemused shrug for orbs. "Well girls. any, uh, idea what caused that? Did the heat just fry their brains or something?"

>"Um, let's think about it somewhere that ain't here. This place sucks for talking!", Himawari shouts to make herself audible to you over all the danmaku noise while she jinks to the side in the air to dodge a bullet.

>"Let's move farther away."
>"Very far."

>"Yeah, let's do that!", Himawari yells.

>You take off along with Mica who hasn't said much about this whole brawl, probably because she was talking too quietly to be heard over all the noise, and rise to Hima's altitude of a couple ten feet. You begin flying as far away as possible from the angry fighting mob of fairies. You look around yourself and notice that both Mica and Hima are backdashing flying backwards so that they can react to any bullets coming this way. It's very unlikely for any stray bullet to hit any of you from this angle and distance, though.

>Soon, youreach the edge of the forest. You land near it, with Hima and Mica following your suit. You won't have to take cover from danmaku behind the trees or vegetation, since the fairies' bullets in the distance seem to lose velocity and then harmlessly drop on the ground instantly disappearing, or just outright fizzle in the air while still flying. You're certain that Hima and Mica have noticed this too, since they turn their backs to the crowd in the distance. From here, the mob of fairies is a barely visible silhouette in the sparse lakeshore mist.

>"Alright, this seems like a good enough place. Sooo... what were we gonna talk about?", Himawari shoots glances at you and Mica, and headtilts.

>"Has this sort of thing happened before?"

>"Nope! Never seen somethin' like that. I guess there's sometimes fairies that beat up other fairies to make 'em know who's the boss, but everybody but us just went crazy there!", Himawari tells.
>"Maybe it really does have something to do with the heat, like Orby said.", Mica says.
>"Whaddya mean?"
>"We fairies are close to nature, aren't we? Maybe things going on in the nature might affect us."
>"You saying the heat suddenly got everyone mad? Eh..."
>"Urgh... it's difficult for me to find words it.", Mica lets out a sigh. "But you'll agree that this heat doesn't feel entirely natural, right?"
>Himawari nods. "Actually... think I said somethin' close to that to Orby when we met."

>...? That didn't sound like Himawari or Mica... it sounded like someone vocalizing their frustration somewhere close to you.


Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Yin-Yang Orb Quest
« Reply #127 on: July 12, 2014, 03:07:49 PM »
>"Why, I do believe we've got yet another annoyed someone somewhere nearby."
>Are we currently capable of getting a bird's-eye view of this little area? if so; "Gimme a second to scan the area." And then proceed to do so.
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure

Re: Yin-Yang Orb Quest
« Reply #128 on: July 14, 2014, 08:38:04 PM »
>"Why, I do believe we've got yet another annoyed someone somewhere nearby."

>"Gah, what now..", Himawari replies to you, annoyed that something is interrupting a conversation between her and Mica yet again.

>Mica looks around herself, but it doesn't seem like she's spotted anyone. "Oh, you heard someone as well? I don't see anyone nearby us."

>Are we currently capable of getting a bird's-eye view of this little area? if so; "Gimme a second to scan the area." And then proceed to do so.

>You're feeling perfectly capable, since you've had time to recover from that encounter with Reimu. On a related note, Hima looks to be doing just fine as well, apart from her still limp left arm.

>Himawari nods twice to your plan: "Gotcha. Gonna bet it's just some folk lookin' for trouble, but with all I've got into with ya today, I wouldn't be surprised if the red-white's coming for us for cheatin' death, heh!"

>"Let's help our orb friend by keeping a lookout as well, shall we? I'll look this way, you look that way.", Mica suggests to Himawari.
>Himawari hums in approval, before turning her back towards her friend. Mica turns likewise to cover her own sector.
>Hima backs up a little, causing her butterfly-like wings to brush against Mica's four long, narrow wings. Mica's body jolts a little from the sudden wing contact. Hima looks over her shoulder all confused at her friend's reaction.
>"What's with the jumpiness?", she asks Mica.
>"Nothing... just focus on keeping a lookout.", Mica answers. You notice the skin on her cheeks has turned slightly red... is that something she should be worried about?

>You're about to leave the fairies to their antics by taking off to get that bird's eye view over your party, but you halt to listen to a sharp rustling of leaves coming from the direction where Himawari is keeping an eye on. There's some particularly large bushes that way which span almost all the way to the water's edge from the edge of the forest. One of the outermost bushes close to you is waving about.

>"Somebody's about to appear..", Himawari says, keeping a close eye on the bush.


Failure McFailFace

  • I'm h...a...p...p...y...
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Re: Yin-Yang Orb Quest
« Reply #129 on: July 14, 2014, 11:00:04 PM »
> How big are we?
> Would it be possible to douse ourselves with black ink/paint to look like Reimu's orbs?
1cc Easy: DDC (all) | 1cc Normal: UFO (SanA autobomb),  DDC (ReiA, SakA) , LoLK (Sanae PD)| EX clears: DDC (MarB Ultra) | Puzzle Games: StB: 10-X, DS: Hatate unlock, ISC: All clear

Re: Yin-Yang Orb Quest
« Reply #130 on: July 15, 2014, 07:04:10 PM »
> How big are we?

>You're about the size of a sake barrel, maybe slightly smaller in all dimensions, if you were to compare yourself to an inanimate object closest in size to you. Himawari could wrap her working arm around you partially.

> Would it be possible to douse ourselves with black ink/paint to look like Reimu's orbs?

>If you had someone apply a skilled paint job on top of your pattern, you could probably get yourself a believable black and white look.

>"Come on out!", Himawari shouts to the somebody making their way through the bushes, who may also be annoyed.
>The leaves of the bush part, partially revealing a blue-haired girl in a blue dress darker in color than that of Mica's. The girl stumbles forward out of the bush, clutching firmly onto her head in pain with her right arm. Despite grasping onto her skull like that and wincing, she doesn't appear even superficially injured to you. Now that the pained girl is completely in your view, you notice a large blue ribbon fixed behind her short hair and what appear to be large icicles fanning out of her back. The icicles are melting, with flowing water coursing down their length and dripping on the ground. The way these icicles are arranged strongly reminds you of a fairy's wings... could she be a fairy?

>"Oh, it's Cirno, isn't it?", Mica says.
>"Yeah, it is! She don't look like she's doin' all that well, tho'...", Himawari points out.
>You've heard both Hima and Mica throw that name around for a while now, but only now you get to see her in person. This Cirno must've got a high profile only amongst fairies, since you can't recall hearing her name elsewhere.

>Cirno staggers a few steps closer to your group, still clutching onto her head, before stopping to stand pigeon-toed.
>"You...! You're their henchmen, aren't you?!", she points toward your group with her left hand.
>"Huh? Ya got us all wrong. We're free fairies!", Himawari shakes her head and waves off Cirno.
>"Don't try to play dumb with me!", Cirno shouts. "Those cowards left henchmen like you two behind to cover them while they run away with my stuff!"
>"'Those cowards?'", Mica asks.
>"Didn't I just say that don't try to make a fool outta me!? You know who your bosses are, stop lying!"
>"They broke in my house without making any noise, were invisible, and knocked me out by sneaking behind me and pressing some wet rag on my face! After I got back up, some of my very important stuff was GONE! Stolen! Like my first three volumes of 'The Highest Judge of Paradise' and my YAMAXANADU action figure! And they also scribbled things like 'Cirno sucks' all over the walls!

>Cirno pauses to catch a little breath after her relentless barrage of words. Wordmaku?

>"They wrecked my house last time, and this time they stole my stuff! I'm gonna find and beat up those three jerks in a record time! If you wanna stay not-frozen, you'd better tell me where they are!"
>"They're over there!", Himawari points toward the angry mob of fairies which still doesn't seem to have dwindled down in numbers.
>The blue-haired girl guffaws at Himawari's attempted diversion. "Hah! Why would they be in a fight? They're weak cowards! Time's runnin' out for you, tell me where they really are or prepare to get frosted!"

>You notice that Himawari is gesturing you to get closer to her.

« Last Edit: July 15, 2014, 07:12:56 PM by Tapsa »

Captain Infinity

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Re: Yin-Yang Orb Quest
« Reply #131 on: July 16, 2014, 06:33:36 AM »
>Get closer to our buddy.

Re: Yin-Yang Orb Quest
« Reply #132 on: July 16, 2014, 07:16:26 AM »
>Get closer to our buddy.

>You draw closer to Himawari. She also manages to get Mica closer to her.
>"I know how to distract 'er. I'm gonna say a thing to 'er, and when she's all confused, we're gonna run in that forest. You with me?", Himawari whispers to you.

« Last Edit: July 16, 2014, 07:18:08 AM by Tapsa »


  • something seems fishy
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Re: Yin-Yang Orb Quest
« Reply #133 on: July 16, 2014, 07:29:29 AM »
>"Sounds good to me."
>Do we know anything about Taoism or other religions?
[9:49:09] <Purvis> Generally not, but your mother may be an exception.

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Yin-Yang Orb Quest
« Reply #134 on: July 30, 2014, 07:34:34 PM »
>Let's let Hima handle it, and then follow her lead.
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure

Re: Yin-Yang Orb Quest
« Reply #135 on: August 26, 2014, 09:57:31 AM »
I've felt for the longest time that I can't feasibly pull off this text adventure due to a multitude of reasons. Just gonna say time isn't one of them, although you may have a different idea about that considering some hiatuses took atleast a month. I'm just not happy with most of my decisions with this Quest. I doubt anything of value will be lost if I stop working on this.

However, I'm putting up a new Quest right now. I'll be recycling the overarching storyline of this Quest for that one, since I didn't even get to flesh it out properly. It'd be plain rude to quit completely, especially since some players in this thread even sent me PMs concerning my inactivity.