Author Topic: Hatate Quest Kaksi  (Read 59003 times)


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Re: Hatate Quest Kaksi
« Reply #600 on: April 01, 2014, 05:43:19 AM »
>Smile. "Maybe. We'll see."
>Pictures first. We can do the interviews later if need be.
[9:49:09] <Purvis> Generally not, but your mother may be an exception.

Re: Hatate Quest Kaksi
« Reply #601 on: April 01, 2014, 05:45:56 AM »
>Smile. "Maybe. We'll see."
>Pictures first. We can do the interviews later if need be.

>At present, you are not close enough to properly photograph the event. Your camera doesn't have the range Aya's does.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Hatate Quest Kaksi
« Reply #602 on: April 01, 2014, 05:49:08 AM »
>No you fool, it doesn't have the WIDTH!
>"I'll meet up with you, don't worry."
>Full steam ahead!

Re: Hatate Quest Kaksi
« Reply #603 on: April 03, 2014, 04:07:14 AM »
>No you fool, it doesn't have the WIDTH!
>"I'll meet up with you, don't worry."
>Full steam ahead!

>Why can't both be true?
>"As you wish."
>As Celes and the others break off and drift out to port, you accelerate on, checking the available space on your camera. You didn't manage to blow it all on Ranka, so you should be good for documenting a rather fierce danmaku battle. Which this one certainly seems to be shaping up to be. You can make out six individuals flying around ahead, with copious volumes of danmaku flying between them all. You recognize most of the parties involved: Yamame Kurodani, a rather odd sight above ground. Mystia Lorelei. Ichirin Kumoi, who seems to be sporting a different outfit than the last time you spotted her. Her partner, Unzan the nyuudou, doesn't appear to be in evidence, but from your own experience, you imagine he can't be too far away. There is also an aqua-green haired youth in a brown dress with them, whom you recognize from Aya's news reports as Kyouko Kasodani. The other two are strange to you. One is a tallish woman with long white hair and a bushy tail, both streaked with gold. She sports wings as large and as white as a Yamabushi tengu, though hers are edged and outlined in silver. She also carried a trident-like weapon with slightly curved tines.
>All five of them seem to be focusing their fire on a black haired woman with two small, light blue horns on the top of her head. Five on one doesn't seem entirely fair, but it is this one who seems to be having all the fun. Even from here, you can hear her taunting the others as she returns fire with color-changing bullets. Weirdly, some of the others' danmaku seem to curve or bend in ways beyond the norm, their courses reversing.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Hatate Quest Kaksi
« Reply #604 on: April 03, 2014, 04:47:55 AM »
>Did we get any pictures of Ranka, actually?
>Look for some good angles to photograph this event, then consider how dangerous it would be to get to those points and how well each would pay off.


  • Nothing to see here.
  • Enigmatic, isn't it?
Re: Hatate Quest Kaksi
« Reply #605 on: April 03, 2014, 01:52:15 PM »
> What does the white-haired girls danmaku look like? Might any power of hers be apparent?
> How does the reversal work? May this be the infamous Seija Kijin from the latest major incident?  (Incase Hatate ever heard of her.)
> Do you think she can reverse our photo's?
« Last Edit: April 03, 2014, 01:53:59 PM by Darkness1 »

Re: Hatate Quest Kaksi
« Reply #606 on: April 04, 2014, 03:21:25 AM »
>Did we get any pictures of Ranka, actually?
>Look for some good angles to photograph this event, then consider how dangerous it would be to get to those points and how well each would pay off.

>You did. Although, the ones you have were taken during her duels with the Prismrivers and then Honoka. Not the ones you were hoping most to come away with, but she's very photogenic when she's duelling as well.

>Being a tengu yourself, and considering your market is dominantly tengu, you would definately want to take some if not all your good shots from above. Tengu don't like looking up at non-tengu, as a general rule. Also, you would be safer sticking to the western side of the engagement zone. The only one really on that side is Kyouko, and judging from the level of her shots, you should be quite capable of evading any stray shots of hers that come your way. Plus the horned woman is less likely to concentrate her fire in that direction, since Ichirin seems to be the biggest threat, and she seems to be staying more to the south side of the battlefield.

> What does the white-haired girls danmaku look like? Might any power of hers be apparent?

>At the moment, she is employing alternating bursts of large white orb shots and yellow petal-shaped shots. It's hard to tell from just one attack pattern, but so far, she appears to be about on the same level as Mystia is in terms of power and intensity. She doesn't appear to be employing any powers or abilities she might possess, at least as far as you can tell.

> How does the reversal work? May this be the infamous Seija Kijin from the latest major incident?  (Incase Hatate ever heard of her.)
> Do you think she can reverse our photo's?

>For her own bullets, the horned woman's shots keep changing color between red or blue to black, and back again. The shots of her opponents, however, are more affected. Not all of them, but some of them abruptly reverse their course and head back the way they came. Not really enough to threaten the horned woman's opponents, but enough to annoy them. The winged woman, especially, seems enraged by the tactic. The horned woman seems delighted to see their irritation.
>That could be her name, but you've never heard of a Seija Kijin before.
>She already has!

Parser's Box: I should explain. The timeline of this story, and the one that came before it, was established before the release of Hopeless Masquerade. As a result, the last major incident to happen from the games was the event depicted in Ten Desires. The events of Hopeless Masquerade and Double Dealing Character have not occured in this work, nor have the events of the Symposium book.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Hatate Quest Kaksi
« Reply #607 on: April 04, 2014, 03:26:34 AM »
>Let's loop toward the west, and get a few nice pictures. Be wary of the tide of the fight shifting for the worse, though.

Re: Hatate Quest Kaksi
« Reply #608 on: April 06, 2014, 12:14:14 AM »
>Let's loop toward the west, and get a few nice pictures. Be wary of the tide of the fight shifting for the worse, though.

>Choosing your vantage point (at least your initial vantage point, as larger scale battles like this could very well necessitate a change of angle more than once) you head up and to your left. Casually, of course, as you don't want to draw any fire your way.
>At the least, you have no immediate worry of that from Ichirin and the white-haired woman with the trident. The two of them have evidently got fed up with the horned woman's shenanigans, and fly closer together, pooling their efforts. The winged woman thrusts her weapon forward, casting out a broad cone of streaming wedge shaped danmaku, while Ichirin waves her hands and generates multi-directional laser blasts. Yamame, prudently, notes this and puts a bit more distance between her and the pair. The tactic proves effective. Ichirin's lasers virtually plug up the gaps between her partner's danmaku, and the horned woman has almost no choice but to eat several impacts. Kyouko and Mystia try to take advantage of the situation, but the horned woman recovers more quickly than they evidently thought, and their bullets go high and over the diving woman's head.
>Rather than be perturbed by this damage, the horned woman irritating grin only seems to widen. You make sure to get a clear shot of that, as well, though doing so makes you work to keep a scowl off your face. You're not even fighting her, and yet she seems insufferable. She then produces a spellcard, and then things get a bit bizarre. You feel a peculiar wrenching sensation and a distinct feeling of moving in a direction you had no intention of moving in. When the feeling passes, you find yourself on the eastern side of the battlefield. And it isn't just you. With the exception of the horned woman, every participant has changed locations, east to west, west to east.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Hatate Quest Kaksi
« Reply #609 on: April 06, 2014, 01:22:12 AM »
>Let's get some pictures of this! Then consider where they next good angle seems to be.

Re: Hatate Quest Kaksi
« Reply #610 on: April 06, 2014, 03:02:01 AM »
>Let's get some pictures of this! Then consider where they next good angle seems to be.

>Ichirin and her partner seem a bit rattled by this shift in the battlefield, and understandably so. The horned woman gives them little time to adjust, as purple flaming danmaku starts to fill the air around her. It's not a very intense attack, however. The flames don't move all that fast, and there are numerous gaps to exploit between them. You hear Ichirin say to her partner, "Split up!". Getting a nod, the two face away from each other, but when the fly off, they fly backwards towards each other, rear ends colliding. This phenomenon seems to be affecting the others as well, as Kyouko and Mystia each show surprise as they react to the purple shots. Yamame, however, seems content to observe the flames for the moment.
>Assuming things don't flip around again, the same elevation you were planning on using before would still be good, just on the east side as opposed to the west.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Hatate Quest Kaksi
« Reply #611 on: April 06, 2014, 04:17:49 AM »
>Actually, has this helpfully gotten us past the battlefield without having to fly through or around it?

Re: Hatate Quest Kaksi
« Reply #612 on: April 06, 2014, 04:26:44 AM »
>Actually, has this helpfully gotten us past the battlefield without having to fly through or around it?

>Not especially. You're still on the side with Kyouko by herself, but since the others have flipped as well, nothing's really changed.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Hatate Quest Kaksi
« Reply #613 on: April 06, 2014, 04:50:28 AM »
>Let's work our way across, then, so we can be ready to meet up with the others. Take an easy route, get any nice pictures that happen to present themselves.

Re: Hatate Quest Kaksi
« Reply #614 on: April 08, 2014, 04:15:44 AM »
>Let's work our way across, then, so we can be ready to meet up with the others. Take an easy route, get any nice pictures that happen to present themselves.

>Hoping to get a better view from the eastern front, you set out towards the west. Wait, that's not right. You wanted.... Seems that the horned woman's flip effect is still affecting you as well. Fortunately, none of her danmaku is heading this way. Having to dodge around that while making mental adjustments for the change in direction would be a real headache.
>Adjustments that some of the battlers below you obviously struggle with, as you record through your camera. Kyouko and Mystia especially seem to be having a hard time, taking hit after hit from the purple flames. Ichirin and the winged woman, however, seem to have found a strategy. While the horned woman may have flipped the horizontal, her spellcard hasn't affected the vertical. So the two of them seem to focusing more on evasive maneuvers up and down, rather than side to side. That wouldn't work against the bulk of spellcards you're familiar with, but this one has plenty of gaps to exploit. They seem to be doing well for themselves. Yamame, however, seems to be doing better than them both. She seems to have adapted to the reversed X-axis rather well, and while her return fire is not very powerful, it is more consistent than any of the others, and she is doing a much better job at evading the purple flames around her.
>Not having the distraction of danmaku to avoid, you reach your chosen vantage point in time to see a dual stream of danmaku from Ichirin and Kyouko converge on the horned woman, and a last burst of blue shots from Yamame take the last of the health of her spellcard. With its end, the battlefield flips once again, and you find yourself on the western edge of the engagement zone once more.

>The horned woman responds to her opponents success with yet another taunt, sticking her tongue out and making the 'antlers' sign like some human children do when they want to mock someone. "Come on, come on, you sure you're even trying? There's five of you!"
>You see Ichirin mutter something, then produce a spellcard of her own. Your reporter's eyes note Yamame, discreetly, doing the same thing. Before either of them can declare or activate just which card they've drawn, the air above the battlefield darkens, and a large purple cloud materializes over the assembled ladies. That would be Unzan, making a rather dramatic appearance, as he often does in these sorts of situations. It makes a good photo op, but he also does a good job of obscuring your view.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Hatate Quest Kaksi
« Reply #615 on: April 08, 2014, 04:27:16 AM »
>Have we reached the other side of the battlefield yet?
>It not, proceed as before.
>It so, get a parting shot from out position, and continue onward. It possible, try to beat the others to a rendezvous point.

Re: Hatate Quest Kaksi
« Reply #616 on: April 08, 2014, 07:38:21 PM »
>Have we reached the other side of the battlefield yet?
>It not, proceed as before.
>It so, get a parting shot from out position, and continue onward. It possible, try to beat the others to a rendezvous point.

>You have, but now you find yourself needing to adjust your position to get under or around Unzan. You choose the former, and drop down a little bit, just as Yamame unleashes her own spellcard. A web-like pattern of petal shaped bullets fly out from her raised hand, framing the horned woman in danmaku before Yamame pulls her bullets back in, sending them all back out again in a more spread out fashion. It's very pretty, very 'spider-y', but the horned woman, from what you've seen, should have enough skill to evade them. Unzan, however, it seems has other ideas, and while their opponent's attention is diverted by Yamame's bullets, Unzan materializes a hefty purple fist and drops it down towards the taunting woman. Between Yamame's bullets, and accompanying fire from Mystia, she plainly fails to notice the incoming fist before it's too late. With a professional's timing, you catch the expression on her face just before Unzan's fist connects with the top of her head, doesn't even slow, and drives the girl into the ground. You wince in reflexive sympathy. That can't have felt good.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Hatate Quest Kaksi
« Reply #617 on: April 09, 2014, 12:43:31 AM »
>Perfect. Time to go!

Re: Hatate Quest Kaksi
« Reply #618 on: April 09, 2014, 01:03:41 AM »

Branneg Xy

  • ^UP ^
Re: Hatate Quest Kaksi
« Reply #619 on: April 09, 2014, 03:29:04 PM »
>To the other end of the battlefield for a shot posthaste,of course!

Say,in future danmaku duels  with a partner,Momiji or
not,Hatate should really alternate between "regular" danmaku and Double Spoiler by keep opponents,or rivals :3 ,guessing  .Even alone it is more than worth a calibrated shot .
^^^^  " 西行寺幽々子の強奪!!隣の晩御飯 " ->>>
" Yuyuko Saigyouji 's "Uslurpation" !! Dinner is Next ".
( Possibilities of ENGrish ) ^^^^ .

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Hatate Quest Kaksi
« Reply #620 on: April 09, 2014, 03:39:26 PM »
>Rather than the other end, let's go to where we would rendezvous with the others. If that involves the other end, then so be it.

Thought we crossed it already?

Re: Hatate Quest Kaksi
« Reply #621 on: April 11, 2014, 06:51:25 AM »
>Rather than the other end, let's go to where we would rendezvous with the others. If that involves the other end, then so be it.

>Clarification request. When you say 'the others', did you mean Celes and them?

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Hatate Quest Kaksi
« Reply #622 on: April 11, 2014, 07:15:59 AM »

Re: Hatate Quest Kaksi
« Reply #623 on: April 12, 2014, 06:19:55 AM »
>To the other end of the battlefield for a shot posthaste,of course!
>Rather than the other end, let's go to where we would rendezvous with the others. If that involves the other end, then so be it.

>Looking past the area where the bullets crisscross, you spot the flaming hooves of Celes' cauchemar a ways away. They've taken a pretty wide circle around the danmaku duel. That horse of hers does indeed move pretty quickly, but you can intercept them with relative ease.
>But first things first. You make sure to take a couple of rapid fire shots of Unzan's fist pulling back off the horned woman, getting a good shot at her face. It seems that Unzan finally wiped that smug look off her face. Well, for a moment, at least. You see the woman snicker, then toss out one more taunt before starting to get back to her feet. Unzan's fist starts to descend upon her again, but the horned woman turns and flies away at ground level, her velocity and demeanor indicating a full-on retreat. It seems that the shooting is over.
>Having collected some quality shots of the battle, which does indeed seem to be over, you turn and head to cut off Celes and her companions. With some disappointment, you note that Ranka seems to have disappeared. But then again, she could just be pulling the same trick she did earlier. "Finished already?" Sabine bellows out to you as she and Celes draw closer.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Hatate Quest Kaksi
« Reply #624 on: April 12, 2014, 06:46:55 AM »
>"Just some quick shots, didn't intend to hold you guys up."
>Let's try that air sensing business, if we can do it without slowing down or making an obvious effort.

Re: Hatate Quest Kaksi
« Reply #625 on: April 14, 2014, 03:33:03 AM »
>"Just some quick shots, didn't intend to hold you guys up."
>Let's try that air sensing business, if we can do it without slowing down or making an obvious effort.

>"We appreciate that." Celes says. You note that she has removed one of her gloves, and that she has a ring on each of her five fingers. Each ring has a different colored gemstone set in its silver band, and the orange-yellow gem on her pinky finger is glowing slightly.
>You're not quite sure you can. Not the way Ranka talked about, anyway. As a tengu, you know how to listen to rumors and snips of news on the wind, but sensing a presence that's trying to conceal itself, that, you've never tried. A Dai-tengu might be able to do that more easily, you imagine, but as with most things, the scope of their powers trumps that of the Crows.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Hatate Quest Kaksi
« Reply #626 on: April 14, 2014, 04:50:54 AM »
>We'll give it a try while following the rest.

Re: Hatate Quest Kaksi
« Reply #627 on: April 14, 2014, 05:17:21 AM »
>We'll give it a try while following the rest.

>"Didn't catch what that was all about, did ya?" Sabine asks as you match their pace.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Hatate Quest Kaksi
« Reply #628 on: April 14, 2014, 05:54:20 AM »
>"Close as I could tell, the girl with the horns was giving the Buddhists and that earth spider a hard time. She was definitely laughing it up, at least."

Re: Hatate Quest Kaksi
« Reply #629 on: April 14, 2014, 05:57:53 AM »
>"Close as I could tell, the girl with the horns was giving the Buddhists and that earth spider a hard time. She was definitely laughing it up, at least."

>"Earth spider? What's an earth spider? Spider with extra dirt in the legs or something?"