Author Topic: Urist Fortress Mafia - Night 3  (Read 70515 times)


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Re: Urist Fortress Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #600 on: January 15, 2014, 04:36:40 PM »

If A visited B but was hooked by C, would D see A visiting B or would they see A not visiting?

They would not be seen since they never successfully visited.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: Urist Fortress Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #601 on: January 15, 2014, 04:37:18 PM »



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Re: Urist Fortress Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #602 on: January 15, 2014, 04:37:22 PM »
1.Darkie, haven't you noticed, that i switched my vote to NNR/Doriano after i sort of believed your doc claim?
2. Also i switched from Dormio to you, because you were the only alternative at that moment.
3.Also don't deny that your hammer was kind of suspicious.
1. EVEN IF you sort of believed my doc claim you never talked about it, how could we know. Besides, as you are bringing something else up I assume that you are acknowledging your d1 hiatus was unrefutably scummy

2.What the hell, you should have the knowledge that you are town doublevoter, and yet you never asked any questions to dormio, nor pressed the fact that you massively futzed up in D2 and did something else, nor made any stances so far. In fact this exchange with you is probably the longest I actually had the chance to directly question you.

3. I explain it first thing at D2 start, due to my crappy phone rending me incapable of posting. Since I was ''triple hated'' due to silly voteparking, and we have selela and cheez(whom I thought of at that point as null/waffling town). I figured me and conq needs to do what has to be done. Surprise! Turns out cheez is scum WITH you! And we took advantage of your vote to rid us a heavily suspected hated townie instead of claimed doc!

I think you forgot you are supposed to be a lazy doublevoter town who hates me for all day long cf7, you should've at least some emotional rant if you are genuinely displeased or just outright ignore me and go straight lazy.

Also I believe you have forgotton your own claim and the mindset you are supposed to have with your claim, better luck next time.
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  • Moon Tiara Magic
Re: Urist Fortress Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #603 on: January 15, 2014, 04:38:47 PM »
!!fun!! intensifies

(okay actually leaving now apart from a 5 second check right before I leave to make sure nothing exciting happened)
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore


  • mafia is suffering
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Re: Urist Fortress Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #604 on: January 15, 2014, 04:38:58 PM »
Do you want to be at L-1?

ohhh my goood you are threatening me with VOTALS and STUFF because YOU ARE THE SCUM.
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Re: Urist Fortress Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #605 on: January 15, 2014, 04:39:17 PM »
serlea, unvote or vote cf7
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Re: Urist Fortress Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #606 on: January 15, 2014, 04:40:00 PM »
For BOLDED shit:
CF7 does have very little to show for himself, true. I'm not arguing that. But if you honestly think that the only noteworthy thing CF7 did is switching his vote to you, then I don't know what to say other than you're wrong and probably acting a little too self-centered.
For ITALLICS crap:
How long is a while? I don't know. It's long enough for him to post once saying he's leaving his vote on Dormio, retract his vote to look at the big picture, then place his vote back on Dormio.
For UNDERLINED faeces:
I am not comparing his cases. He has hardly made any cases to compare. I am saying that your accusations are just you overblowing the importance of somebody voting for you and it's starting to make me feel a lot less bad about distrusting you.

Even after dormio's flip which has told everyone he's just hated.
I don't understand how this is incriminating at all. If anything, it seems like the opposite to me. Please make more sense.

Cut a bunch.
and since you two are obviously still online, I assume you two are busy reconciling in the back alleys of your dingy scum basement to discuss or rage so that you won't accidentally screw up even more by defending your scumbuds,
I was busy trying to make sense of the loud and angry nonsense of you talking about various forms of poop. Cut me some slack. Your logic isn't the easiest thing in the world to follow, you know.

Cut a bunch more.
Someday, I'll have a clue what I'm doing.


  • Can you feel the LOVE tonight?
Re: Urist Fortress Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #607 on: January 15, 2014, 04:44:08 PM »
ohhh my goood you are threatening me with VOTALS and STUFF because YOU ARE THE SCUM.
Just to prove my claim i suppose...

Oh, wait... That's not it.

By the Divine Right of Amok; Highest Dwarven God; and the God of Blood; hear my words today!

##Vote Darkninjaabc

Now, real scum can come and hammer you.
Sometimes rumors are just... rumors


  • mafia is suffering
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Re: Urist Fortress Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #608 on: January 15, 2014, 04:47:47 PM »
Hey Cheez that's a smart move, you ignored everything I typed out and went to even censor my arguments in your quotes to make it more difficult for people to read because what? I am swearing? And my logic is hard to follow? Come on, if you are resorting ad hominim and that old thing about my logic being weak please just drop it, your doctor is not pleased.
CF7 does have very little to show for himself, true. I'm not arguing that. But if you honestly think that the only noteworthy thing CF7 did is switching his vote to you, then I don't know what to say other than you're wrong and probably acting a little too self-centered.
I am self centred but I am not wrong, That's irrelevant and shows to your irritation.  Also I am damn sure I mentioned countless times about everything CF7 did and even you yourself just said in the LAST SENTENCE RIGHT THERE CF7 MADE NOTHING TO SHOW FOR HIMSELF. Also why are you even defending and befriending the guy who had little to show and obvious operates on an impossible mindset when you could've questioned him instead?
How long is a while? I don't know. It's long enough for him to post once saying he's leaving his vote on Dormio, retract his vote to look at the big picture, then place his vote back on Dormio.I am not comparing his cases. He has hardly made any cases to compare. I am saying that your accusations are just you overblowing the importance of somebody voting for you and it's starting to make me feel a lot less bad about distrusting you.
Its okay I never trust you anyway
But I don't gather exactly what is this part meant for anything in your stance because you never stated any in that section of your quote. But you accusing me is unacceptable because I know full well this time everyone follows me.
I don't understand how this is incriminating at all. If anything, it seems like the opposite to me. Please make more sense.
Can you just not throw ad hominim at me when you are losing at logic and make more sense instead? Thanks~~~~!!! :D
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  • Moon Tiara Magic
Re: Urist Fortress Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #609 on: January 15, 2014, 04:48:30 PM »
Anyone who prevents massclaim from finishing today will earn all of the disdain.

no time to sort through this
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore


  • mafia is suffering
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Re: Urist Fortress Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #610 on: January 15, 2014, 04:48:51 PM »
thank you, now I am out of this mess, in case you are not lying.

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Re: Urist Fortress Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #611 on: January 15, 2014, 04:50:44 PM »
But obviously, you have to be!

Rai, please, votecount?
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  • Can you feel the LOVE tonight?
Re: Urist Fortress Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #612 on: January 15, 2014, 04:54:05 PM »
Yeah. Votecount would be nice.
Sometimes rumors are just... rumors


  • Derp Imminent
Re: Urist Fortress Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #613 on: January 15, 2014, 04:57:23 PM »
that whole post: ffs Darkie

Actually it just made my post way too long and I didn't like how it looked. I "ignored" most of what you typed because most of what you typed was both untrue and irrelevant to what I actually said.

I sure don't mean to defend CF7 (at least not now) because you and him seem to have started a little race to become the scummiest poster recently. The one thing CF7 has to show for himself is the double vote, assuming it's not a bluff, because even a one-shot double voter scum in a game with a hated townie seems skewed to me. Maybe the idea was to give town more power during the night and scum more power during the day or something, which would be neat. Actually, yeah, that extra vote doesn't really mean as much.

Also I still don't trust you fully because two fully functional protective roles is hard for me to swallow, even in this kill-happy setup.

But you accusing me is unacceptable because I know full well this time everyone follows me.
Your smugness really isn't helping matters either, you know.
Someday, I'll have a clue what I'm doing.


  • mafia is suffering
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Re: Urist Fortress Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #614 on: January 15, 2014, 05:02:42 PM »
Actually it just made my post way too long and I didn't like how it looked. I "ignored" most of what you typed because most of what you typed was both untrue and irrelevant to what I actually said.
Okay, so you are deliberately twisting my words to your favour and defend the bits your like, caw caw.
I sure don't mean to defend CF7 (at least not now) because you and him seem to have started a little race to become the scummiest poster recently. The one thing CF7 has to show for himself is the double vote, assuming it's not a bluff, because even a one-shot double voter scum in a game with a hated townie seems skewed to me. Maybe the idea was to give town more power during the night and scum more power during the day or something, which would be neat. Actually, yeah, that extra vote doesn't really mean as much.
Hey, why are you pre-amping for the extra vote and even bothered to make it a majority of your post? You even went as far as to ignore my arguments, as well as everything you said falling apart, to come up and pre amp the IF TEH VOTE IS GONNA WORK, CF7 is PROLLY TOWN because roleshens that I literally cannot follow (was it that, a scum with doublevote and hated town in a setup is subjectively bad? lol)
Also I still don't trust you fully because two fully functional protective roles is hard for me to swallow, even in this kill-happy setup.
Your smugness really isn't helping matters either, you know.
Its simple, shadoweh and you are both lying.
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Re: Urist Fortress Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #615 on: January 15, 2014, 05:08:19 PM »
And if you are gonna choose a fakeclaim don't make something so bloodily obviously fake.

I mean chicago doublevoter? lol, more like activator scum (posts a command that gets modconfirmed to do something, but in reality does nothing). But in this case, with fake votes.

Elsewise its just doublevoting scum then, I don't see how he being able to doublevote and putting it on me goes to prove anything that he has an impossible d1 mindset.

And even that ''doublevote'' just now was fueled by no reason at all, sans that he's probably pissed.

cheez, things are not wrong because you state them to be, you prove them by logic. Now can you actually address everything I told you did wrong and logic me back instead of pre amping the idea of IF HE ACTAULLY CAN DOUBLEVOTE EVERYTHING IS IRRELEVANT.

No things are still relevant, cf7's d1 mindset is still a mess, he still never explain why did he pop the vote on me and why he posted nothing until now that hes strung on.
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  • Derp Imminent
Re: Urist Fortress Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #616 on: January 15, 2014, 05:10:11 PM »
...My goodness. At this point I'm just going to go take a shower to cool my head. If you're actually right about my logic falling apart, then there's little point in me continuing to post in my current state.

And none of that "lol scum is running away" crap, because I will still respond to you.

Cut again. I will consider this during my shower, Darkie, and I will come back later once I've thought logically about things and know where I wish to stand on current events. Alright?
Someday, I'll have a clue what I'm doing.


  • mafia is suffering
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Re: Urist Fortress Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #617 on: January 15, 2014, 05:11:12 PM »
go on
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Re: Urist Fortress Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #618 on: January 15, 2014, 05:12:01 PM »
although I must add its actuallly still very likely they just need more time to recouncil in their scum qt.

Because god knows how long a shower takes
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Re: Urist Fortress Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #619 on: January 15, 2014, 05:15:15 PM »
And if you are gonna choose a fakeclaim don't make something so bloodily obviously fake.
I mean chicago doublevoter? lol, more like activator scum (posts a command that gets modconfirmed to do something, but in reality does nothing). But in this case, with fake votes.
And even that ''doublevote'' just now was fueled by no reason at all, sans that he's probably pissed.
The problem is, that it's not a fake claim.
More like annoyed, actually. Because somehow you to refuse to listen to anything i say.
Sometimes rumors are just... rumors


  • mafia is suffering
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Re: Urist Fortress Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #620 on: January 15, 2014, 05:19:24 PM »
I think you have mistakened.
I listened to everything you said, pointed out the impossibility in the logic and how therefore it adds to my argument that you are scum.

And as I have have said, even if its not a fakeclaim, it still goes to prove nothing on that you have never justified your impossible mindset d1, and is just calling attention to this pointless struggle.
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Re: Urist Fortress Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #621 on: January 15, 2014, 05:22:27 PM »
Sometimes rumors are just... rumors


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Re: Urist Fortress Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #622 on: January 15, 2014, 05:38:47 PM »
Votecount of Amok

Dorian (2): Conq;  Zakeri
Darkninjaabc (5): Shadoweh;  Cheez8; Dorian; CF7; CF7 L-1
CF7 (2): SB; Darkninjaabc
Shadoweh (1): O4rfish

Not Voting (1): Serela

With 11 votes in play it takes 6 to lynch.

Deadline is here:
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.

Dorian White

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Re: Urist Fortress Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #623 on: January 15, 2014, 05:41:46 PM »
Fore the sake of sanity will I leave the role implication out for the moment and only look at Ninjas content.

First point, his scum picks:
Aside from RVS and his short dispute with Conq was his first suspect Cheez and that for the better part of day one until ?this point?. What I find interesting about this post is that the only thing he said about Cheez here is: ?cheez has been disappearing forever already, I do not understand.? which by all means doesn't sounds like a change of mind but he dropped him entirely in favor of his new scum team ?oarfish/shadoweh/dormio? two supposed lurker and his counter wagon at said time, which strikes me as quite opportunistic. Even his later post ?here? doesn?t explains the sudden drop in priority nor does it actually sounds like he dropped his suspicion on Cheez at all. No, he even goes that far and questioned his own current vote with: ?... I realized the likeliness that if cheez is scum from such, then dormio must be town. ? I'll come back to this at a later point.
In his ?next post? he said that he's ?still absolutely okay with lynching oarfish, serela, nnr, shadoweh or dan so saying.? mostly on a LAL policy but he still ?advocating the lynch on dormio because I feel that its the only possible option for a lynch given the tight deadline and the existing wagons.? I can say that is alone is already a questionable wide field of suspicion as it is but apparently not enough for him, cause he adds SP and CF7 to his list at the end of day one.
Now take his day two picks where he started with CF7 just to flip flop on SK Conq and ended up voting me, a lurker slot that he barely even mentioned all game, over one of his supposed scum picks. And you will agree with me that this is a inconsistent and incoherent mess.

Second point, lining up mislynches:
The above mentioned line about Cheez and Dormio is only one of three attempts to setup false dichotomys, the other two are ?here? and ?here?. What made him think that Cheez waffling has any compelling implications on Dormios alignment? And when he really saw an implication, then why haven't he considered the possibility of town Dormio a bit more? No, he rather went into the next one: ?IF dormio flips town CF7 is confscum? and that's because: ? CF7 for one is a sore thumb for stating both lynches are delicious and then tryharding plopping his vote on dormio, my instincts are screaming that he's scum looking to save paladin's ass? and ?If Dorm flips town sky is scum, if sky flips town dorm is scum, not that sure on the latter, but the former is almost most certainly true.? and if both flip town then CF7 is apparently scum nevertheless cause that's the vote you started the day with.
Sincerely, if that wasn't meant to paint someone red in case the other flips fist then I have no idea what it meant at all.

And finally the third point, his over defensive position:
I already pointed out how disconnected his suspicions are from a town perspective, now lets try to reconnect them in a scum perspective. First, it's a interesting fact that he dropped Cheez just at the time when said one voted Dormio, the same goes for the sudden suspicions on Oarfish and Shadoweh. I already said what I think about his Dormio vote and his end of day vote pattern is nothing less than cheerful notme over me wagon hopping.
Ninjas first vote this day may be the only halfway consistent thing he had done all game if he wouldn't have dropped supposed ?confirmed scum? to entertain us with excessive ITP panic which he then also dropped to sheep exactly the one he supposed as SK before.

Conclusion: my vote stays where it is.

PS: that was torture and I somehow got the feeling that I was cut by something even more disturbing but I'm in for a drink anyway.^^;;
PPS: Good, at least it wasn't a hammer and to make sure that it stays that way ##: Unvote
Bella gerant alii, tu felix Gensokyo nube. Nam quae Mars aliis, dat tibi diva Venus.


  • Derp Imminent
Re: Urist Fortress Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #624 on: January 15, 2014, 05:44:17 PM »
Alright, I feel better. Seems a shower takes about 20 minutes.

...Er. I'm re-reading our previous posts, Darkie, and between us both saying the other doesn't make sense, I've kind of lost track of where the original point of the argument was. Would you mind restating what you want me to respond to so that I don't complicate things further by guessing wrong? ^^;

While I do enjoy my crackpot theories, I have to admit that a double vote should really indicate CF7 is town.

I'm still probably going to be disagreeing with Darkie in the future, but I should probably cut him more of a break than I am. This setup could probably use a second protective role in some capacity, after all. Not a third one though so I should probably be suspicious of either him or Shadoweh.

Speaking of which there's something weird going on with her, Oarfish and Conq. The most I can make of that is that either Oarfish is lying (which would be the simplest solution) or something with the roleblockers and bus drivers really, really wreaked havoc.

Hey, cool, a double vote. And whoa, a big wall. I'll put this here first before reading that.
Someday, I'll have a clue what I'm doing.


  • Derp Imminent
Re: Urist Fortress Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #625 on: January 15, 2014, 05:46:30 PM »
Oh yeah.

Someday, I'll have a clue what I'm doing.

Re: Urist Fortress Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #626 on: January 15, 2014, 06:05:20 PM »
I just skimmed through and apparently we're massclaiming?

I'm the one-shot trapper. I'm pretty much guaranteed to be the fourth NK from last night.
I decided to give it to Shadoweh because I figure town roles are the least likely to target her.
I'm not told when, if, or who sets off my Trap, so I don't actually know who I killed, but I asked yesterday while we were discussing things, and Raikaria confirmed that because of how my ability works, it has highest priority in move order.

Re: Urist Fortress Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #627 on: January 15, 2014, 06:12:40 PM »
So Cheez8 is our second doctor and is counter claiming Darkie?


  • mafia is suffering
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Re: Urist Fortress Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #628 on: January 15, 2014, 06:19:11 PM »
Yay competition! I was getting bored doing cookie clicker too.
Fore the sake of sanity will I leave the role implication out for the moment and only look at Ninjas content.
So you are going to ignore your scumbuddies futzed up claim and backtrack on things? That's so absolutely helpful and not wasting more time diverting attention from the currently super condemning edvidence that is impossible claims. Moreover, my claim logic is easy. Its just outright unreasonable and insane for CF7 to be town doublevoter, that's it.

This is a clear attempt on the justification of the likely results of Dorians wall, diverting attention from cf7 and dump it on me. Remember this bit as you read through my post.

First point, his scum picks:
Aside from RVS and his short dispute with Conq was his first suspect Cheez and that for the better part of day one until ?this point?. What I find interesting about this post is that the only thing he said about Cheez here is: ?cheez has been disappearing forever already, I do not understand.? which by all means doesn't sounds like a change of mind but he dropped him entirely in favor of his new scum team ?oarfish/shadoweh/dormio? two supposed lurker and his counter wagon at said time, which strikes me as quite opportunistic.
I don't heed the big problem with lynching the lurkers, for I have always advocated for the death of null reads who are impeding us. Besides, that is when oarfish claimed nothing, dormio was still lurking and incriminating as ever and shadoweh a lurker also. You dislike it being bad in hindsight because its in HINDSIGHT. The bit about Cheez is both due to his lurk and waffling, that he never had a clear stance. I didn't call him scum outright because I gave him the credit of doubt and that I lacked any condemning edvidence at that time. Therefore I dropped him, and advocated for the lynching of lurkers, problem?
Even his later post ?here? doesn?t explains the sudden drop in priority nor does it actually sounds like he dropped his suspicion on Cheez at all. No, he even goes that far and questioned his own current vote with: ?... I realized the likeliness that if cheez is scum from such, then dormio must be town. ? I'll come back to this at a later point.
Eh.....Maybe you should read up on implications. There is much that can be deferred from tone, style and generally how a person speaks. Since I am typing out everything without any proofreading nor trimming, it should be incredibly easy to track my behavior. Just saying ''one post doesn't prove everything'' doesn't come to ''therefore the rest of the posts are wrong''  conclusion.

 You extracting that bit of the thread is helpful, but anybody who are gonna click into his links pray read the stuff before and after the posts. I personally didn't click into them yet because I am pretty confident in the approximate phenomena Dorian is referring to, which is that I didn't explain me dropping cheez, and its wrong to point at me being scum. For firstly, at that point I had little material to truly push so hard for a lynch where there's many more incriminating scummy slots like dorian's and cf7's. Secondly, I gave cheez the credit of doubt as I mentioned earlier. This section of your biased follow up at picking flaws in my logic is therefore untrue.

In his ?next post? he said that he's ?still absolutely okay with lynching oarfish, serela, nnr, shadoweh or dan so saying.? mostly on a LAL policy but he still ?advocating the lynch on dormio because I feel that its the only possible option for a lynch given the tight deadline and the existing wagons.? I can say that is alone is already a questionable wide field of suspicion as it is but apparently not enough for him, cause he adds SP and CF7 to his list at the end of day one.
Now take his day two picks where he started with CF7 just to flip flop on SK Conq and ended up voting me, a lurker slot that he barely even mentioned all game, over one of his supposed scum picks. And you will agree with me that this is a inconsistent and incoherent mess.
So the big idea in this bit is that everything I did was an inconsistent and incoherent mess before I latched onto the correct scums.
Hoho, very funny.

Basically, I don't see what's wrong with correcting wrong opinions, which is such a big deal you make out of over the span of your wall and is the biggest accusation you toss at me. Moreso when you haven't even bothered to read up my existent responses to actually most, if not all of the arguments posted here. The lynch and subsequent hammer on dormio was explained at least thrice due to unconfirmed alignement of people on his wagon, the inherent scumminess of dormio, my incapability of posting and that i got voteparked.

Oh, and that bit about me flip flopping on cf7 and subsequent conq is due to my tiredness, which has again been explained by myself personally at least twice. When conq questioned me on why did I turn so sharply from him to cf7 and the other of which I couldn't recall clearly. But you must pardon me for my slack for I truly view responding to your not really well thought out arguments as irrelevant. For we already have overwhelming edvidence on reliable sources of information, instead of all your jumbled jargon of assumptions which also have shown over and over that when said assumptions are being made, did not reference to any of my previous arguments and is therefore very boring to rebutt against for your (Dorian's) assumptions and arguments are but old stuff which I have talked about already but he was too lazy himself to check and factor them out.

But where are we at? Excuse me, at why me flipping out at cf7 and conq. Why sir, I believe it will do you some good to read up on my recent posts, and then you shall certainly see my stance and justification for so. Firstly, I never dropped my case on CF7. I merely was confronting conq due to the proposed 1v1 between me and him sourced to roleshens (which is something that you, Dorian, ignored completely in regards for your sanity). And I personally dropped it later and providing an explaination, which is that during our argument I realized I could've been roleblocked and the intital reason for a 1v1 to be taking place: conq and DNA's nightaction claims are impossible to happen together if they are alone, being false and therefore the subsequent debate has no need to resume. This is also further proven by oarfish's claim of that shadoweh visiting conq during the night and possibly interfering with either of our results.

But since you need to forsake everything about roleshens in regards for your sanity, I am sorry I have brought this up in the first place. You know, so like you have lost your sanity that is sanity sanity something?
Sorry for being scarastic but I believe that its well worth the mockery for role interactions are an intergral part of mafia argument.

Second point, lining up mislynches:
The above mentioned line about Cheez and Dormio is only one of three attempts to setup false dichotomys, the other two are ?here? and ?here?. What made him think that Cheez waffling has any compelling implications on Dormios alignment? And when he really saw an implication, then why haven't he considered the possibility of town Dormio a bit more? No, he rather went into the next one: ?IF dormio flips town CF7 is confscum? and that's because: ? CF7 for one is a sore thumb for stating both lynches are delicious and then tryharding plopping his vote on dormio, my instincts are screaming that he's scum looking to save paladin's ass? and ?If Dorm flips town sky is scum, if sky flips town dorm is scum, not that sure on the latter, but the former is almost most certainly true.? and if both flip town then CF7 is apparently scum nevertheless cause that's the vote you started the day with.
Sincerely, if that wasn't meant to paint someone red in case the other flips fist then I have no idea what it meant at all.
Sincerely, I also have no idea if you ignoring my later apology and explaination of that I was incapable of posting well formulated responses in the face of the greatly disunadvantageous situation to me D1 and to properly acknowledge the situation I was in at that point to accept that the hammer is justified ages ago....Well, I have a question, is your sanity that important? Because right now I am losing mine. For that you are telling us to ignore every response and role interaction in lieu of trusting your crackpot theories, I am sorry, but I cannot oblige.

And finally the third point, his over defensive position:
I already pointed out how disconnected his suspicions are from a town perspective, now lets try to reconnect them in a scum perspective. First, it's a interesting fact that he dropped Cheez just at the time when said one voted Dormio, the same goes for the sudden suspicions on Oarfish and Shadoweh. I already said what I think about his Dormio vote and his end of day vote pattern is nothing less than cheerful notme over me wagon hopping.
Ninjas first vote this day may be the only halfway consistent thing he had done all game if he wouldn't have dropped supposed ?confirmed scum? to entertain us with excessive ITP panic which he then also dropped to sheep exactly the one he supposed as SK before.

Conclusion: my vote stays where it is.

PS: that was torture and I somehow got the feeling that I was cut by something even more disturbing but I'm in for a drink anyway.^^;;
PPS: Good, at least it wasn't a hammer and to make sure that it stays that way ##: Unvote
OMG its finally about over.
There are two things I would like to address in this third point.
One, him saying we should look at everything DNA did as scum, AKA through biasedness, so that his stuff can make sense
Two, him saying me pursuing on CF7 and Cheez are the same as Conq.


Excuse me but my patience is wearing thin.
what the fuck is that point about ignoring roleshens for sanity, you are completely abusing that and your ignorance in my responses to force rubbish on me.

Second point says that CF7 and Cheez case are same as me pursuing conq. What the hell? Conq case was a thing because as I have mentioned alot-of-times already, I was working on a wrong assumption. I wasn't intentional on making this wrong assumption. And I corrected and explained my mistake. Again and again. While you ignored all those times I responded to the conflict between me and conq, again and again. You aren't ignoring only roleshens, but also my defenses, so that your arguments can make sense. Seriously, what the hell

CF7 and Cheez claimed. This is role interaction, this role interaction involves 3 pages from roughly page 19 to page 21 so read it yourself.

Fuck this is stupid bullshit
Althought I must give you cred for making something okay out of the shit position you are in Doriano

Cut by 4 replies
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  • Derp Imminent
Re: Urist Fortress Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #629 on: January 15, 2014, 06:21:32 PM »
Enlighten me. What does a trapper do? (and why did everything apparently revolve around Shadoweh last night)

Also I don't know if it's exactly a counterclaim or not with all of these deaths flying around.

Also, this is, uh, basically the first time I've dealt with the Jailer role. Now that I can ask, I should be trying to protect active contributors who don't have power roles, right? Or should I be using it to roleblock people I don't trust every so often, even if I risk accidentally saving them?

cut by- okay there's no way I can read all of that and still make it to class in time. Be back in a few hours.
Someday, I'll have a clue what I'm doing.