Author Topic: An Untitled Mafia - Game Over  (Read 66286 times)


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Re: An Untitled Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #540 on: November 24, 2013, 02:45:41 AM »
##Vote: Schezo for the same reasons as yesterday. Why are people ignoring my case on him?

I don't really understand why people are suspicious of me, either, aside from what Kilga said, but I don't think that's too damning.
Most people didn't catch Darkie's claim, and details in his posts are easy to gloss over because they're messy. I don't think it really makes sense that I'm bad for trying to utilize his role as well, even if it turned out to be a less reliable plan then I envisioned. I think there's a priority that the town gets as much killing power under its control as it can.

Zak's claim is kinda iffy with Serela defending it so hard. I can believe the role but it doesn't make him terribly town. Here's hoping he at least improves his scumhunting, though.
Kilga is this right; like is this person seriously the player, and it's not some alias or something that's designed to be deliberately obfuscating? NekoNekoRex. Who the hell is that :C   ~Poya Aaaa (Serela), Bunny Must Die Mafia


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Re: An Untitled Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #541 on: November 24, 2013, 02:46:01 AM »
##Vote: Schezo
Kilga is this right; like is this person seriously the player, and it's not some alias or something that's designed to be deliberately obfuscating? NekoNekoRex. Who the hell is that :C   ~Poya Aaaa (Serela), Bunny Must Die Mafia


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Re: An Untitled Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #542 on: November 24, 2013, 02:47:33 AM »
NNR:I don't really care about Zak's claim itself. If he's scum it would still be a believable role for him to have.
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore


  • en-counse
Re: An Untitled Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #543 on: November 24, 2013, 02:49:12 AM »
Before I start. 
If I was a thing to IHNN he'd have voted me by now but he doesn't give a fuck so here we go.

Re: An Untitled Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #544 on: November 24, 2013, 02:53:05 AM »
You literally pulled this out of thin air on us.  We didn't get a chance to discuss and make an informed decision.

That was kind of my point - I went off on a conspiracy theory tangent, but nobody really had a chance to decide anything based on my role, and if there was a mafioso that did make such a decision, there's really only one or two people it could have been. Basically, your point about questioning why scum didn't go after me based on having a role falls flat.

Also, yeah, my role alone doesn't make me town at all. I think most people can agree on that.


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Re: An Untitled Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #545 on: November 24, 2013, 03:00:36 AM »
No, no, no.  My point was that *the reason scum didn't hammer you is because you are scum*. 

ActionDan (7) - Schezo, Darkninjaabc, NekoNekoRex, I have no name, Zakeri, Serela, Cheez8 (Lynch!)
Zakeri (5) - Kilgamayan, Serious Bananas, ActionDan, Dormio, Sky_Paladin

I'm going to assume Dormio is a towny killed by scum unless there's a pressing reason to believe otherwise.  There's no reason for town to have a rolehide/color hide ability. 

Both Dormio and Serious Banana's were voting for Zakeri.  Dormio was even leading the case for it.  I'm not sure why SB was picked over Kilga or myself, though.  Actually I have a pretty good idea but I don't want to give it away. 

##Vote Zakeri
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Re: An Untitled Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #546 on: November 24, 2013, 03:07:15 AM »
hahaha what

I'm actually inclined to sheep SP for that.
Kilga is this right; like is this person seriously the player, and it's not some alias or something that's designed to be deliberately obfuscating? NekoNekoRex. Who the hell is that :C   ~Poya Aaaa (Serela), Bunny Must Die Mafia

Re: An Untitled Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #547 on: November 24, 2013, 03:12:53 AM »
Your point was that if I were town, scum would rather have me gone because of my role, but that's not possible because it happened at the end of the day. you can't really use that to disprove a scenario where I was town.
Your new reasoning has less holes in it at least.

Schezo, do you have anything on Nameless other than the fact that he decided to reread before voting?
In fact you're doing the exact same thing, putting off a vote just to make a cheapshot at somebody else.


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Re: An Untitled Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #548 on: November 24, 2013, 04:08:12 AM »
Zakeri is busy crying in the QT. It's cute <3

Anyway, while SkyPaladin's VCA -is- rather... uh >_> <_< yeah... I think town/town wagon split being like this isn't too weird when you consider how much easier it is to justify voting ActionDan, and that IMO Zak being seriously lynched didn't seem like a real option until the day was just about to end; I thought most of the day that Dan was the assumed lynch and anything otherwise was simply because either
A.Lol darkie vig claim
B.So that we expressed desires other then the obvious ActionDan lynch, and also because you can't stuff your vote on him when he's l-1 (he was a few votes away from dying for most of the day)

Coloring SkyPaladin as green might be a little overzealous, too, even if I'm also inclined to think he's town; I wouldn't go anywhere near saying he's confirmed as such.

I do have to agree scum letting Dan live another day so he could get lynched later would be tempting assuming town/town wagons, but I still didn't think a non-Dan lynch was realistic until the end. Then there's other things like scum worrying they'd catch flak for lynching town!Zak over the super questionable Dan in some eyes, or them not really being around, etc. But this is going into "overanalyzation" territory maybe? idk
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Re: An Untitled Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #549 on: November 24, 2013, 04:11:29 AM »
tl;dr I don't think it's super weird for scum to sit on the miller who only claimed after getting a guilty on him

I mean come on, it's the stance you cannot ever be called out for using
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore


  • en-counse
Re: An Untitled Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #550 on: November 24, 2013, 04:21:15 AM »
Yes Zakeri, I clearly don't have anything to add after I said I would address their cases earlier. 

Quote from: 486
This is silly when all you've been doing is making inane comments all game. "Being the peanut gallery" isn't scumhunting
Playstyle case.  The best kind imo.
I've been through all your posts and basically all of them are "Ugh, X".
Really?  Why don't you quote them and show this.  It's really easy to generalize and discredit me.
yes.  I'm coasting.  When I made a vote on Dan for role related reasons that were obvious to everyone.  I don't know.  Was Dan's lynch not clear to you?  This is what it feels like if you can't read my point there.
Quote from: 435
Could you (or someone else) give me an example that's him scumhunting and not just him commenting on posts he dislikes? "Doing more" doesn't mean "trying harder".
If I'm going to be wrong I'd at least like some proof I am.
Well actually dear.  IHNN was sitting on his hands for the majority of day 2.  You haven't shown any of my posts that were not trying so burden of proof is on you here. Proof that you're wrong is that if you think IHNN's d2 play was acceptable then Jesus Fucking Christ.
Quote from: 443
Noname, what is your opinion on relying on Darkie to vig Dan, so we can lynch someone else today (like Schezo)?

I'm still all for Lynching Dan but if we can have the potential to remove a conf scum and get another lynch then all the better. The only part I'd be unsure about is variables coming between getting Dan shot (like a BP or Scum Doc), but if we have a tracker, we could at least confirm Darkie tried or something.

A lot to think about, but Dan isn't going anywhere anytime soon.
First off.  Dan was getting lynched yesterday.  No ifs ands or buts about it.  He either got lynched then or in lylo to paranoia.  There was no way he was living through the game.  You wanting to leave him to night actions is lolbad because they can be interrupted.
Having unconfirmed people confirming people is stupid for obvious reasons.  (Scum can lie about whatever)
Quote from: 480
My plan was a crapshoot regardless of whether Darkie could shoot or not, I realized. Preferably we would have had a tracker to make sure Dark stays on course but I forgot we have a dead tracker already. It was pretty early in the morning when I made that plan, so I didn't think to hop off it when it didn't seem like a good idea. I was still in the best interest of town; town would have gotten more control on who dies, as opposed to Darkie shooting randomly and us having to wait till tomorrow to decide on Zak/Name/Schezo.

Anyway I'm in the camp that Dan has confirmed himself scum, and needs to die (the self-vote earlier on helps confirm this). Caught Red, soon dead.
This is the post that damns you. First part is already covered it's dumb and why.
"I was still in the best interest of town; town would have gotten more control on who dies"
Shut your fucking mouth.  You don't decide what was in the best interests of town.  That's for me to decide.  That's for everyone else to decide.  I will tell you if what you're doing is in the best interests for town.  You saying this is hints that there's a chance that you are doing something that isn't in interest of town.  If you are town everything you do is in the best interests of town.  Why the fuck do you have to say it?  Because you're scum and not sure if we're reading you and falling for it. 
People don't really consider your case on me because it's garbage.
Quote from: 480
I think there's a priority that the town gets as much killing power under its control as it can.
This coming from the guy who wanted the nightvig claim to kill Dan.  Hue.
##Vote: NekoNekoRex

Quote from: 400
This is pretty lol though.  It's my vote, I'll put it where I want it and at the time I wanted it on Zakeri over ActionDan.  ActionDan was also very close to a lynch and if he's scum (which I believe), he would have been able to selfhammer and cut off discussion.  Voting Zakeri would also give better results (potentially) than voting for ActionDan-since votes=pressure for content, and ActionDan was already under pressure.  FURTHERMORE, competing wagons make for potential wagon analysis later, which can help catch scum later.  So this point in your case is pretty much just opinion that my vote placement was on the wrong scumread.
ok.  If Dan was getting lynched 99% there is no pressure coming from making another wagon.  Like.  Scum can literally sit there and call your bluff since the hammer won't fall on anyone not Dan.  There is no pressure.  The wagon analysis is laughable since scum can vote however they want knowing Dan was leaving the building.  Then there's that irrational fear of scum quickhammering to stop discussion which is silly since it'd be doing town a favor on the offchance Danscum can get out of the lynch and scum doesn't really gain anything by stifling however many hours of the day.
Quote from: 437
This bugs me, because I was saying I might have been misinterpreting-and even if what I'm saying isn't based on what happened (but it is based on what I thought happened from what I read), it doesn't mean I never said -anything- at all.
The same post says Dormio was bad for the stream of consciousness without explaining how or why.

It's very hard to make cases on people when literally all you can say is either "I think this person is scummy" or "Yeah they're saying things but not really relevant things".
I'm sorry.  But if you think it's ok to talk bullshit and not be called out on it on the premise that you "said stuff at all" then you must be smoking some good dope but no.  It doesn't work that way.  Also if you think there's nothing wrong with Dormio making his posts near unreadable then we'll add that as a con.  Dormio has no reason to make his posts hard as fuck to understand when he could clear it up and make it legible.
People make mistakes regardless of alignment, though.  Going and acknowledging that mistake?  Null.  Sky had done other things in that time that could also have helped Raikaria's opinion.  However, the part I italicized rubs me the wrong way-I can't pinpoint exactly why, but it doesn't =feel= town motivated.
Why are you saying it's null then saying it's bad?  Fucking pick one.
Quote from: 442
It works regardless of being buddies but Sky scum would suggest Schezo scum to me.
Ok.  Well.  Sky hasn't flipped scum yet.  Why is this a point against me?  Pretty sure there needs to be some red if you want to draw partner connections like that.
Anyway, lynching Zakeri wouldn't help people with alignments of others much while Dan's alignment would be helpful!  The fact that he's almost definitely scum makes this much better than Zakeri!
I don't know why you made the 400 point if you acknowledge you were still going after Dan anyways.  Hello?

Anyways your post today calls me scum and Sky scum for a point you initially called null while calling it bad and tying him to be my partner.  Uh. Word?  Die gently after NNR.

Anyways that list SkyPaladin just posted is hilariously bad.  I feel Dormio might have been scum moreso than town looking at that.  But it's worthless to look at it and color and go, "well here's some conclusions" since Dormio's flip isn't known. And yes.  Coloring your nonconfirmed self as town also invalidates it.  Since you know we all consider our individual self town. 


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Re: An Untitled Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #551 on: November 24, 2013, 04:31:16 AM »
I could def. sheep schezo's nnr case but I have to read nnr myself before I do that

that will be occurring after work tomorrow as I'm hoping to go to sleep within like 20 minutes
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Re: An Untitled Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #552 on: November 24, 2013, 04:33:08 AM »
well it wouldn't be purely schezo's case anyway, I also liked what Kilga said d2 and some of the things NNR has said so far D3 rub me the wrong way

but I'll address all this later when I actually, y'know, read nnr
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore


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Re: An Untitled Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #553 on: November 24, 2013, 05:04:00 AM »
Utterly exhausted from today. More or less sleep-typing right now.

Claimed identities of the surviving neighbors make me wonder if BBM was killed N1 because there's a scum among the three of them and they figured BBM would be the hardest to fool. (No offense to the rest of the neighborhood.) Admittedly one is likely to find a scum by just selecting three people at random, but I'd suggest the neighbors start looking hard at one another even given IHNN's circumstances.

Starting to wonder if I shelved Sky Paladin too quickly due to his claim of copping me. Will need to go back and read him alongside the likes of DNA, NNR, and Schezo when I'm less asleep, as well as dwelling on what sort of stock I put into Zak and IHNN being neighbors in regards to what I think about them (also there's the previous paragraph to consider).

Sky Paladin: DNA didn't shoot Dormio because he isn't a vig. Even if you missed the DNA post where this came to light there were sufficiently many reactions from other players that you really should have noticed this.

No vote yet, not conscious enough to make a decision I'd feel comfortable with. Talk to me again in about 16 hours.
[22:40:12] <Drake> "guys i donwloaded esod but its not workan"
[22:40:21] <Drake> REPORTED
[22:40:25] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> PROBATED
[22:40:30] <Drake> ORGASM
[22:40:32] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> FUCK YEAH

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"


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Re: An Untitled Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #554 on: November 24, 2013, 11:50:28 AM »
Playstyle case.  The best kind imo.
Complete bollocks. There's no scumhunting needed to say "X is making a dumb post". You never go into detail, you never push anything, you just go, "Oh, that was lame" and move on.
Really?  Why don't you quote them and show this.  It's really easy to generalize and discredit me.
Dormio's stream of consciousness posts are godawful and should stop or he deserves death.
I can kinda pity Dan here since his gambit didn't play out if he's town so here we are.  Living with the backlash of gambiting.
IHNN has no content since content misrepping the game doesn't count and can die whenever.
Real quick. Explain to me again how Dan dying is damning for me?  Is it because we're both catboys?  The fuck?
I'm backing Dan up by voting him for role related reasons as opposed to how he played up until then?
Yeah well ya see Cheez.  You need to actually vote someone so I know what you really think.  Talk is cheap and all.
Alright, Godblessyou bud.  You didn't need to write a book about it.
That votecount says NekoRex should get lynched.
Just lots of one liners that don't really go anywhere, and you never focus on anyone but your main vote.
yes.  I'm coasting.  When I made a vote on Dan for role related reasons that were obvious to everyone.  I don't know.  Was Dan's lynch not clear to you?  This is what it feels like if you can't read my point there.
Having an easy lynch is NOT an excuse to coast all day. You spent the rest of the day defending yourself and throwing random jabs at Dan, which is horribly lazy and and anti-town.
Well actually dear.  IHNN was sitting on his hands for the majority of day 2.  You haven't shown any of my posts that were not trying so burden of proof is on you here. Proof that you're wrong is that if you think IHNN's d2 play was acceptable then Jesus Fucking Christ.
I think you're about the same as him, actually. That quote was asking Serela for a rebuttal to my case on you, not for reasons to vote IHNN
First off.  Dan was getting lynched yesterday.  No ifs ands or buts about it.  He either got lynched then or in lylo to paranoia.  There was no way he was living through the game.  You wanting to leave him to night actions is lolbad because they can be interrupted.
Having unconfirmed people confirming people is stupid for obvious reasons.  (Scum can lie about whatever)This is the post that damns you. First part is already covered it's dumb and why.
I didn't think about that, actually. It never came to mind. That means very little in your case.
"I was still in the best interest of town; town would have gotten more control on who dies"
Shut your fucking mouth.  You don't decide what was in the best interests of town.  That's for me to decide.  That's for everyone else to decide.  I will tell you if what you're doing is in the best interests for town.  You saying this is hints that there's a chance that you are doing something that isn't in interest of town.  If you are town everything you do is in the best interests of town.  Why the fuck do you have to say it?  Because you're scum and not sure if we're reading you and falling for it. 
Strawmanning me? Town always wants to be able to decide on who dies as much as they can, because otherwise you leave it up to random chance or rely on players with ulterior motives. It means better chance of hitting scum. I have ulterior motives? Prove it.
People don't really consider your case on me because it's garbage. This coming from the guy who wanted the nightvig claim to kill Dan.  Hue.
##Vote: NekoNekoRex
This is garbage, you're just trying to get rid of the two players with any amount of suspicion on you. Since now you can't simply coast through the game on one or two votes and one off comments, you're forced to OMGUS with a big bad text wall.
Kilga is this right; like is this person seriously the player, and it's not some alias or something that's designed to be deliberately obfuscating? NekoNekoRex. Who the hell is that :C   ~Poya Aaaa (Serela), Bunny Must Die Mafia


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Re: An Untitled Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #555 on: November 24, 2013, 01:42:53 PM »
OK, my turn. 

I never had more than five minutes to reply to the thread until now so I couldn't get my points across clearly.  It's really frustrating.  So I'm going to get the most annoying stuff out of the way first, in no particular order. 

Coloring SkyPaladin as green might be a little overzealous, too, even if I'm also inclined to think he's town; I wouldn't go anywhere near saying he's confirmed as such.

Coloring your nonconfirmed self as town also invalidates it.  Since you know we all consider our individual self town. 

I'm sorry, I should have colored myself black, because I don't know my own role.  OF COURSE I COLORED IT GREEN.  What, did you want me to do it like this?

Day 1
Raikaria (8) - SB, Kilgamayan, Sky_Paladin, Zakeri, BT, Schezo, Cheez8, Raikaria (LYNCH!)
Serela (2) - ActionDan, BigBangMeteor
Sky_Paladin (2) - Darkninjaabc, I have no name
NekoRex (1) - Dormio
Not Voting (2): NekoRex, Serela

Day 2
ActionDan (7) - Schezo, Darkninjaabc, NekoNekoRex, I have no name, Zakeri, Serela, Cheez8 (Lynch!)
Zakeri (5) - Kilgamayan, Serious Bananas, ActionDan, Dormio, Sky_Paladin

How does that help us?  Oh great, I guess it does give away who I think the scums are, and by coincidence, they are voting me day 1 again.  Goddamnit people.  My first game, scum voted for me day 1.  My second game, scum voted for me day 1.  My third game, scum voted for me day 1.  Please get a new strategy.  This is getting old. 

I feel Dormio might have been scum moreso than town looking at that.  But it's worthless to look at it and color and go, "well here's some conclusions" since Dormio's flip isn't known.

I guess this is a fair point.  I mean, it's obvious that town needs to have a role that can kill somebody and hide their color and role.  Because townies often need to lie about their role so they can easily fake their way out of a counterclaim from the scum, right? 

Liar, you lie!  There is no possible feasible way that this is a townie role.  This is such a bold faced lie I had to reconsider my scum picks. 

This is a janitor ability, right?  It's used to give scum the role of a player secretly so they can say "oh right I am the doctor" (or whatever role Dormio was) and now there's nobody to counterclaim.  Of course it's a scum role.  OF COURSE ITS A SCUM KILL. Scum don't kill their own dudes, right?  I think that's a fair assumption. 

So of course Dormio is green.  There's no other reasonable conclusion.  This game is not bastard.  There can be no secret ITP faction that needs to hide.  It's straight up town vs scum.  Don't just bullshit your way out of a solution that isn't convenient for you.  I think you are a smart guy but if you want to entertain any other possibility that Dormio was town then I am forced to consider you as less than a smart guy.  This is pretty painful coming from the guy with the Cirno avatar, but there you are. 

Why do I feel like I have to hold people's hands to get through this, ugh...

blah blah blah I am an ITP blah blah blah now I'm a vig blah blah blah oh wait people are paying attention to me, better come up with a better lie. 
Sky Paladin: DNA didn't shoot Dormio because he isn't a vig. Even if you missed the DNA post where this came to light there were sufficiently many reactions from other players that you really should have noticed this.

DNA said a lot of things.  I read them all.  The first time, I chose to ignore it because I thought 'well it's RVS'.  The second time I thought 'Hey nobody seemed to notice, let's not call out the vig publically and give it away to the scums'.  Then suddenly everybody was all over it and I was sigh never mind.  The reason I asked DNA if he shot SB was because night 1, there was 1 night kill.  Now we have two?  It means:
On night 1, there was two hits, and the doctor saved somebody.  That means the doc knows somebody who is definitely town...if there's a doc. 
Or it means night 2, somebody in town got a bit trigger happy. 

I specifically mentioned DNA because I'm pretty sure he's scum and I wanted to see what new and creative lie he would come up with this time. 

- I think that Zakeri and Darkninjaabc should die first, just my personal opinion.


RGGH just...rage...


Also, I'm going to continue to assume there are three mafia in the game, regardless of how likely it was that Dormio was one of them.

#1 - We know Dormio was not scum because that is retarded. 
#2 - We know there are three scum because it is not LYLO today.  There are nine players.  If there were four scum, today is LYLO.  Therefore, there are three scum.  Technically there could also be two. 
#3 - But since you're my top scumpick, I'm pretty sure you know exactly how many scums there are. 

Okay, next. 

Why Zakeri is scum:
#1 - his net contribution so far amounts to 'lets vote for Sky because it was cool on day 1'.  To be fair I skimmed his posts and it is popular for scum to vote for me on day 1.  Curiously, Zakeri didn't.  That's actually the strongest point against him being scum, ironically. 
#2 - Zakeri literally didn't show up in any kind of force until his neck was on the line in the last six hours of day 2. 
#3 - Zakeri refused to role claim and had to get Serela to do it for him.  What the hell.  If you are town, don't get other people to do it for you.  Aren't you a towny?  If you're towny, make your own fucking defense!  Why make Serela risk his neck for you?  Now if Zak flips red, people are going to go 'Hmm well Serela is his buddy.'  No thank you.  Serela doesn't read scum.  That was an awful bus.  But you couldn't get IHNN to bus for you because he is your scumbuddy, the only hapless towny left in your thread was Serela. 
#4 - Out of the people voting for Zakeri, three of them are confirmed town.  Of course you can say 'Well Kilga is only town because you said he is town, Sky. And your alignment isn't known'.  I know my alignment.  I know my cop result.  So I can colour them all green.  The end.  Is there another cop?  Do a check on me.  Oh it comes back green, they will still say "Well maybe Sky is the godfather".  Maybe Kilga is the godfather.  So many what-ifs.  I'm going to go with what I personally know until I see some compelling reason to distrust Kilga.  Like a really bad scum slip or he doesn't vote for a scum that flips.  You should do the same for me. 
#5 - Out of the people voting for Zakeri yesterday, two of them suddenly caught a case of dead.  Why didn't they shoot Kilga?  Because he is a confirmed townie and probably has the doctor on him. Why didn't they shoot Sky?  Because I have mystery box #3 and they don't know what it does so they are going to try and lynch me or kill everyone else instead.  But hey what's the very next thing Zak does? Whoops, it's a vote for Sky!  How fucking convenient. 
#6 - Let's go back to the start of the day.  No wait, let's go back to the end of day 2, because that's where the story starts. 

Zakeri you better have a cool post ready for when night ends. (I'm pretty sure scum aren't so afraid of our QT that they'll kill you >_>)

I'm on post 185 of my full read right now
but let's vote for Sky even though I am only halfway through day 1.  "It's okay, I already made my decision, now I need to justify it."
Serela is also town, and my bestest buddie, so the rest of the team has to be hiding in posts I haven't read yet,
Hey let's make it clear Serela is my buddy so if I die, take him with me, right. 
I've been at this for 2 hours.

Then I'll wait to see the re-read before posting my judgement :D  Although I have to say, you had all night phase to do your read and typing.  Why wait until the day phase to start it again?
Serela made this same point.  Just saying. 

Then finally, from Zak, a beautiful and decisive analysis appears. 
Schezo, do you have anything on Nameless other than the fact that he decided to reread before voting?
In fact you're doing the exact same thing, putting off a vote just to make a cheapshot at somebody else.



Zak's so called 'case' on me amounts to little more than ...I don't know.  I don't know.  Why are you voting me, Zak?  You didn't finish your read.  You stopped reading, as far as I can tell, early day 1.  Have you not been keeping up with events?  Have you not been watching the thread?  Have you been so busy in between your scum quicktopic and your neighbours quick topic that you forgot to play the game? 

I said I would wait.  I would say twelve hours constitutes as 'waiting'.  Welp!  Time up! 

Your new reasoning has less holes in it at least.

Your damn right it doesn't. 



Schezo vs NNR

Oh you two

All you've done all game is snipe at each other.  MAKE OUT ALREADY.  None of you are scum.  Focus on the real battle. 



What do Kilga, Schezo, and Sky all have in common?  Is it the letter a?  Is it that all of them start with S?  Is it that they all are secretly super heroes who fight crime at night while dressed up as magical princesses?  Is it that they are all secretly scums?  No, the thing in common is they all want to kill (somebody) and then I Have No Name after that. 


The game is called

Lynch I Have No Name, since we all think he's scum, then go for associative reads.  Tip - It'll be DNA or Zak. 

Also, I just lost The Game!  You're welcome! 


Well, that felt good.  Getting all that out.  Now I need to knock back a mango milkshake and think about how the hell to use OpenGL shaders. 
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Re: An Untitled Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #556 on: November 24, 2013, 01:51:40 PM »
Sadly, "Your damn right it doesn't" your = you're.  I guess I don't get to be in A Few Good Men. 
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Re: An Untitled Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #557 on: November 24, 2013, 02:37:08 PM »
This post.  This one.  This was the first little whispering of evil that I heard. At that time I knew he was a black, shrivelled thing; a dead blight upon the cool green grass, a maligned horror that ought not be tolerated under the good light of the sun.  I knew then that I had seen the darkness but I yet not knew it's name. 
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Re: An Untitled Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #558 on: November 24, 2013, 02:38:36 PM »
I dont really know what to expect. But given what we have here sp is scum is the only plausible conclusion.

Why? Simple. I feel his playstyle is completely off.  The sp i know have a really cool head and is never one to jump to comclusions. Him going "well DNA said alot" was retarded. I know better than anyone I havent. His pushes on zak is deliberately shaky. Or so i am lead to see. Hes not really herding the push and he swears oddly lot which is completely unlike what i know of his style.

Dude. I am just a vt. If i am anything else i am going to place way more effort in such. Except not rrally because i am confused. I have no info based on which i can work with. Pushing a case on me is understandable if you are using lack of content as ammo. Anything thats not that makes you scum.

[/b]##:Vote: skypaladin
I also scumread zak and kilga. Ihnn and nnr strikes me as town from their exchanges.

Yeah thats about it.
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Re: An Untitled Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #559 on: November 24, 2013, 02:43:16 PM »
##:Vote SkyPaladin

And please just kill me or sth. I have a feeling this setup is going to be bulls. Release me fron this chaotic madness
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Re: An Untitled Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #560 on: November 24, 2013, 02:46:54 PM »
Oh and excuse me but after reading thru skys case on zak i am not really sure anymore. But ihnn must be town. Sp is still scum due to ridiculous style. If sky flips red then its likely nnr is town.
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Re: An Untitled Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #561 on: November 24, 2013, 02:48:58 PM »
mfw skypaladin assumes he knows the scum team so he can blame them for voting for him d1 :V

I'm not exactly opposed to an IHNN lynch (I still need to reorganize my priorities to decide how much I would or would not exactly want one -now-) and, to be entirely honest, I think either one of Schezo or NNR is scum and I keep waffling between which one I want to lynch (of course, I should be getting this in order after I reread NNR later) anyway I have to get ready for work now.

Also, SkyPaladin, yes, there actually -is- a reason to suspect Dormio was possibly killed by not-scum. There was two deaths last night. Ergo, yes, we might -actually have an ITP serial killer-. There was 2 deaths the night before even if it was probably because BT died on ActionDan. 3 scum 1 sk in a game of 15 doesn't sound terribly weird, considering 3 scum 1 sk happens in setups with less town on here sometimes. (I still think Dormio was town tho' and I don't see much point in discussing this more)

that being said I don't think skypaladin is scum, still

cut by ahaha
Anyway, you being VT is a terrible reason to not put effort into the game >_> Normally half of town or more is VTs. Repeatedly fakeclaiming was also terrible but coming from you it ends up being null I guess? >_>; I'm not opposed to Darkie being scum. To be honest, he did say last game it was his job to be weird since he was scum, and he's kind of continuing with it this game.

Urgh I don't want to come back after work and decide who I actually want dead.
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore

Re: An Untitled Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #562 on: November 24, 2013, 03:00:27 PM »
I normally don't like to point out Appeal to Emotion but I feel that Sky is disingenuously inflating his case on me.

I had to go to sleep last night, and 2 and a half hours for one game day's of reading is actually pretty good time for me.
I really don't like how he's self-centered enough that major reasoning for who scum is and isn't is people voting for him. He even goes as far as giving me town cred for not going after him on day one. I feel like he's using this more as a way to punish anyone who dares make a case against him rather than trying to pick out actual scum.

but let's vote for Sky even though I am only halfway through day 1.  "It's okay, I already made my decision, now I need to justify it."
To be honest, I'm kind of peeved at the number of people saying "Ehh, I'll figure it out later" And then keeping their vote in their pocket. Nameless, Serela, Kilgamayan, and to a lesser extent even Schezo have blown off the start of the day while I've been trying to catch up with the game.

I hope you realize that a majority of your case is basically "Zak hasn't even finished reading the game, let's lynch him before he can."


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Re: An Untitled Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #563 on: November 24, 2013, 03:40:48 PM »

Let me get this straight Zak.

Your defense is "it's not fair that Sky is lynching me when I haven't finished reading the game"


You were already voting for me from before you had finished reading the game.

That's a little thing we call...hypocrisy.

You have had the same time to read the game as everybody else. What makes you special?

Serela: the game is not bastard. Therefore I assume there is no ITP. If there is an ITP, please feel free to announce yourself.

DNA: I am swearing because I am annoyed and overtired. My politeness filter is getting a little thin.
You voted for me and the retroactively announced after reading the post you weren't sure. Does that mean you just voted because you saw I had mentioned you, or was there some other reason?  When you mention both Zak and Sky are your scum picks, you automatically voted me? Why?

Zak, calling people who vote for me has been a pretty accurate scum tell for all my games here so far. You want to break the trend? I see you are already voting for me, so...

Well, I have to get up in five hours so I guess that's my cue to call it for the night. And I never got that millshake. Damn.
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Re: An Untitled Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #564 on: November 24, 2013, 03:52:32 PM »
Oh, piss off with your irritation with people spending 12 hours of D3 not contributing when you spent 72 hours of D2 not contributing. I was so sleepy last night I was nodding off at the wheel while driving home and I still provided more scumhunting opinions in that post than you did all of yesterday.

Still at church and not home, so still no major reread.

DNA: Why do you think Zakeri and I are a scumpair? And why is IHNN town?

Fake edit: Most of the above is directed at Zak.
[22:40:12] <Drake> "guys i donwloaded esod but its not workan"
[22:40:21] <Drake> REPORTED
[22:40:25] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> PROBATED
[22:40:30] <Drake> ORGASM
[22:40:32] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> FUCK YEAH

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"


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Re: An Untitled Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #565 on: November 24, 2013, 03:53:23 PM »
Sky: ITP does not imply bastard mod setup here.
[22:40:12] <Drake> "guys i donwloaded esod but its not workan"
[22:40:21] <Drake> REPORTED
[22:40:25] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> PROBATED
[22:40:30] <Drake> ORGASM
[22:40:32] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> FUCK YEAH

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"


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Re: An Untitled Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #566 on: November 24, 2013, 04:30:55 PM »
Bah. Sorry for the attitude. I have no idea why that pushed such a button.

I do still think Zak's irritation is disingenuous at best, though.
[22:40:12] <Drake> "guys i donwloaded esod but its not workan"
[22:40:21] <Drake> REPORTED
[22:40:25] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> PROBATED
[22:40:30] <Drake> ORGASM
[22:40:32] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> FUCK YEAH

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"

Re: An Untitled Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #567 on: November 24, 2013, 05:19:44 PM »
I wasn't even trying to implicate scum with calling out non-voters, but I would really appreciate not being told to just fuck off.


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Re: An Untitled Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #568 on: November 24, 2013, 09:13:54 PM »
Hmm hmm hmm.

- LYLO and MYLO will be announced, but not whether they are potential or not.

Mod clarification request: Does this mean potential LYLO/MYLO will be announced as LYLO/MYLO without the "potential" qualifier, or not announced at all?
[22:40:12] <Drake> "guys i donwloaded esod but its not workan"
[22:40:21] <Drake> REPORTED
[22:40:25] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> PROBATED
[22:40:30] <Drake> ORGASM
[22:40:32] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> FUCK YEAH

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"

Re: An Untitled Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #569 on: November 24, 2013, 09:59:47 PM »
Mod clarification request: Does this mean potential LYLO/MYLO will be announced as LYLO/MYLO without the "potential" qualifier, or not announced at all?
I'll either announce that it's possible for town to lose following a mislynch, or possible for town to lose without lynching correctly. Today is not *YLO.