Author Topic: Len'en Project by JynX? (First 3 games updated)  (Read 266624 times)

edit: Uhhhh I bought Shion's other skill ("Id-kun") and my money shot up to maximum. I don't think that's supposed to happen.

Having both Id-kun and Es-chan active makes things SO MUCH EASIER, oh my god. I feel like I'm cheating by doing this. :V

The fact that you can deathbomb reliably on sudden-death mode made the game feel a lot more fair. Maybe if I only treat the HP gauges as the "real" extra lives, as opposed to the Barrier gauges, it'll be easier to read when I can or can't deathbomb...?

Yeah... I bought some of Jun's bonuses and my booze maxed out. But I felt so guilty that I alt+f4d it out so it went back to normal.

And just in general some of the upgrades and skills can make it feel like cheating. I bought all of Fumikado's deathbomb timer upgrades. It gives you so much time it might as well be an auto-bomb.
My name is Tres. It sounds like "Tray". Tressert is "Tray-zurt"; like Tres dessert.
I've cleared every touhou game on Lunatic, and beaten every extra except SoEW.
NMNB: MoF Hard, SA Extra, UFO Extra

Oh man, I just tried the deathbomb thing too. It's like an entire half-second long now? Wow.

Tsubakura and Iyozane's Flash Bombs are a menace once you buy the skills that power them up, too. They both take off 1/3 to 1/2 of a lifebar on the bosses I tried them on (even without damage upgrades), and they both look wide enough to cut through a lot of bullet clouds no problem. At this rate, JynX is going to have to make things harder when balancing for the full version.


  • Mukyuu!
When I saw her I immediately thought of
Reimu in Shuusou Gyoku.
Their patterns are so similar!

Welp, maybe i have a lot to learn before i become mlg.

Now, can we talk about how glorious is the the ability to change in-game text so easily?


Credit where is due.


  • Deathguard Night Sparrow
  • *
  • Harbingers, yo.
Ah, thank you for doing them corrections and such. For some of those titles, I'll explain why I did them:

The title theme I did "Raging Spirit Tales" because that's the Japanese name of the game, minus the Len'en part (according to the wiki, at least, so I'm thinking the wiki is mistaken, since I do know the title literally means "War Record of Heaven and Shadow" or even more literally "Heaven Shadow War Record").

Slow Starter's name was me just uncertain how to put the kanji together to make a name that made sense. I did know it was something like "suddenly" or "forcefully" opening some sort of cover on a cannon, but you probably made less weird sounding. Same sort of thing with The Straits...

Advance Now... was again a "oh hey let's figure out a word order for these kanji", and with that kanji it's a case of me not being sure what to do with it by itself (when I translated the song titles for Nightmare of Rebellion, I usually translated it as "bewitching," but I went with "mystic" this time around), but if it is meant to be youkai, I'll go with it.

Made in Black... okay here's the thing: I have never, in my last couple years of messing around with translations, seen it used as "made". I've always seen it used as "maid." Interestingly, I do know that Kurohebi is technically an artificial human from her/his profile, but I don't know if that necessarily means that the word is "made".

On another note, I've also translated all of the upgrade files (not all of the skills, I've got a lot to go on those and I don't think I'll get the time tomorrow to work on them), plus some UI stuff for the upgrade screen. There might be some cutoff text, I haven't gotten the chance to test it all, but if that's the case, just go into the appropriate file and break the line with a normal line break (the file doesn't need a specific number of lines, and there's room for at least 8 to 9 lines in the game itself, so there is plenty of room for line breaking). The files go into the text_dat\upgrade folder.

Also those edits are amazing holy crap why.
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

Devil of Decline Partial English Gameplay Patch!
Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion!

Ah, thank you for doing them corrections and such. For some of those titles, I'll explain why I did them:

The title theme I did "Raging Spirit Tales" because that's the Japanese name of the game, minus the Len'en part (according to the wiki, at least, so I'm thinking the wiki is mistaken, since I do know the title literally means "War Record of Heaven and Shadow" or even more literally "Heaven Shadow War Record").

Slow Starter's name was me just uncertain how to put the kanji together to make a name that made sense. I did know it was something like "suddenly" or "forcefully" opening some sort of cover on a cannon, but you probably made less weird sounding. Same sort of thing with The Straits...

Advance Now... was again a "oh hey let's figure out a word order for these kanji", and with that kanji it's a case of me not being sure what to do with it by itself (when I translated the song titles for Nightmare of Rebellion, I usually translated it as "bewitching," but I went with "mystic" this time around), but if it is meant to be youkai, I'll go with it.

Made in Black... okay here's the thing: I have never, in my last couple years of messing around with translations, seen it used as "made". I've always seen it used as "maid." Interestingly, I do know that Kurohebi is technically an artificial human from her/his profile, but I don't know if that necessarily means that the word is "made".
No prob, no prob. It's not like I'm much of an expert myself.
  • Yeah, the wiki title appears to be a copy-paste error from RMI.
  • Advance Now: I'm not 100% sure if it's meant to be "Youkai" or not myself, either. :V Apparently 妖 has had a lot of translation debate in some places. "Mystic" sounds fine to me too, though; the "illness" part was the main thing anyway.
  • メイド by itself would totally be "maid," yeah. "メイド イン [blank]", though, seems more likely-- to me, at least?-- to be "made in"; some examples I found with a side-by-side comparison are "Made in Earth"-brand cotton products, the Queen album "Made in Heaven", and the "Made in Wario" game series.

edit: Couple minor things for the upgrade text:
  • The last line of Aoji's damage-reduction upgrade is, like... "sure is tough", I think? As in physically resilient (硬い/固い). Something like that. "Made of tough stuff" could be good?  (Googling "かったいなぁ" in specific got me a bunch of results for a Castlevania meme about a tough boss, but the phrase is basic enough that I figure it's not solely a Castlevania thing...?)
  • Souko's HP upgrade ought to say "Shion's is higher" rather than "higher than Shion's".
  • The last line of Tsubakura's upgrade is more like "it might get in the way when you want to stay in the center". (Not major)
That's all though. It looks great!
« Last Edit: June 06, 2015, 02:45:54 AM by gilde »


  • >Everyone: Pose as a team
  • The world is real.
  • The upgrades from the bosses don't make the bosses harder, thankfully. Some of them are actually super useful! I posted a list of what the upgrades do a ways up.
  • Bombs are the same as previous games, it's just that they look different on the interface. They're the black circle things to the right.
  • The lag you're describing was probably the "Time Lag" event that occurs on Easy and Normal. (It kind of sucks.)
I see. Thanks! I checked the list of upgrades.

Also, after what JynX gave us, LoLK demo seems so small, lol. I still haven't fought two bossess, and I've beaten the game four times.
Normal 1cc: EoSD, PCB, IN, PoFV, MoF, SA, UFO, TD, DDC, HSiFS
Hard 1cc: PoFV
Extra Clear: PCB, IN, PoFV, MoF
Other Stuff: ISC all clear


  • Deathguard Night Sparrow
  • *
  • Harbingers, yo.
Thanks for the fixes on that. I try my best despite my usage of JParser for a lot of it (I sometimes use Google Translate or Honyaku to help out, and I used to use ATLAS, but JParser is usually what I go for when I want to attempt translating something), but of course my knowledge for things like Aoji's line isn't too great, and Tsubakura and Shion's lines were me messing up what words are being used to refer to what (I seriously need to get better at Japanese word order and what words describe what).

On that note, it's funny how there's upgrades to both make the Direction Change gauge move faster and slower. I suppose it makes sense for the purposes of making it so that either you don't have to basically be flat up against one side all the time if you want to go that way, or you want to be able to make use of the whole field when trying to stay the middle path
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

Devil of Decline Partial English Gameplay Patch!
Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion!


  • hey catgirl
  • Surprisingly unkempt
Music comments ready for translation. Thanks for the title translations and for pointing out the error in the article, by the way.


  • Mathematics.
  • Fun for EVERYONE.
I'm sort of intimidated by the discussion here. Branching paths? Random events? Skills? Upgrades? Armour/flash bombs? Heresy!

Is there something I desperately need to know before I go into this? Because right now it looks like I'll get roflstomped if I don't know what I'm doing.


  • >Everyone: Pose as a team
  • The world is real.
I'm sort of intimidated by the discussion here. Branching paths? Random events? Skills? Upgrades? Armour/flash bombs? Heresy!

Is there something I desperately need to know before I go into this? Because right now it looks like I'll get roflstomped if I don't know what I'm doing.
Better start with easy, since some of the events are killer on higher difficulties.

Speaking of events... I tried playing normal. Drunk, High Gravity, Dimensional Destruction. All at once. :getdown:
I need to upgrade
skill tree.

Edit: Drunk, High Firepower III. You've gotta be shiting me, game.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2015, 07:24:41 AM by LunaWillow »
Normal 1cc: EoSD, PCB, IN, PoFV, MoF, SA, UFO, TD, DDC, HSiFS
Hard 1cc: PoFV
Extra Clear: PCB, IN, PoFV, MoF
Other Stuff: ISC all clear

I'm sort of intimidated by the discussion here. Branching paths? Random events? Skills? Upgrades? Armour/flash bombs? Heresy!

Is there something I desperately need to know before I go into this? Because right now it looks like I'll get roflstomped if I don't know what I'm doing.

Your playing experience on Easy Mode shouldn't differ much from your average Touhou or Len'en game; most of the random events aren't that impactful on that mode. The upgrades and skills and all that are there to help you deal with the higher difficulties once you're already used to the game. The only thing that I think would be disorienting to a totally new player is the Flash Bomb system, I guess? Just make sure you're in focused mode if you want to use a regular bomb.

edit: I guess the branching paths matter too, if you're looking for a specific boss, but if you're doing a first-time playthrough then you can just go wherever.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2015, 07:39:58 AM by gilde »

I'm sort of intimidated by the discussion here. Branching paths? Random events? Skills? Upgrades? Armour/flash bombs? Heresy!

Is there something I desperately need to know before I go into this? Because right now it looks like I'll get roflstomped if I don't know what I'm doing.

The branching paths you can ignore if it's too complicated/you're just figuring out the basics. Basically you can fight different bosses depending on which side of the screen you spend more time on.

The random events are probably the most fun part. You should probably change the image files if you can't read Japanese though. They're pretty straight forward though.

The armor isn't a big deal either. It's just Fumikado's flash bomb, don't worry about it.

The only complicated thing that's really neccessary to understand is the health system. At the bottom of the screen you have 4 sections: several small blue bars, several small red bars, a large blue bar, and a large red bar. The large bars are your health, the small bars are your remaining lives. Getting hit lowers your health, and when your health reaches 0 you lose a life. Your blue health takes damage first, once you run out of blue lives your red health starts taking damage. Losing a blue life has no side effects. Losing a red life causes your bombs to reset and it causes you to lose a good chunk of power. When your red lives reaches 0 it's game over.

Cool colored bullets deal less damage, warm colored bullets deal more damage, and white bullets are instant kill.

As for skills and upgrades, you get booze (money) just by playing regularly. Just know that buying them makes the game a LOT easier. Use gilde's pastebin to learn what each does.
My name is Tres. It sounds like "Tray". Tressert is "Tray-zurt"; like Tres dessert.
I've cleared every touhou game on Lunatic, and beaten every extra except SoEW.
NMNB: MoF Hard, SA Extra, UFO Extra

Plastic Vortex

  • Girl is ranking up
  • Please wait warmly
Has anyone extracted the game data? I kinda want that Aoji and their theme.  :V

Is it me or this thing reminds of you something
High Gravity
Horizontal Inversion
Bomb Seal
Tenkai, I guess birdcage = barrier?
Yaorochi's RMS Drunk Spell, but probably refers to Azuma
translation from :

Well, that makes these characters haven't appeared yet from previous games
Hoaaka, Kuroji, Clause, Hibaru, Sukune, Yaorochi, Sadagimaru, Tenkai, Jinbei, Senri
My bet is probably that Clause-Kuroji-Sadagimaru in one team, and Sukune-Yaorochi-Tenkai in one team
Or maybe Tenkai-Jinbei-Senri in one team, but probably Senri still busy in holiday so there won't be Senri
But Sukune-Yaorochi-Sadagimaru works too, Kuroji-Hoaaka-Clause works too... (i think)

Has anyone extracted the game data? I kinda want that Aoji and their theme.  :V
I ripped music tracks from videos:!HFhEAQAR!kd65oANlOYmeRyZBKGTjRg . I have not tagged them, I will add metadata later.
Easy: PoDD, FW, LoLK
Normal: SoEW, UFO, HSiFS
Hard: LLS, MS, EoSD, PoFW, MoF, SA, TD, DDC
Lunatic: PCB, IN
Extra: EoSD, PCB, IN, MoF, TD, DDC, HSiFS; Phantasm


  • >Everyone: Pose as a team
  • The world is real.
Geh? I'm playing on normal right now and I went 100% middle (haven't change a direction once) and yet I've encountered
Since it's normal, I'm sure she is going to do bad stuff to me

I also got 4 midbossess in this stage, three of which were in the row.

Edit: Holy shit, secret boss on normal sure is a thing
She ate my whole life in no time
Game why
« Last Edit: June 06, 2015, 02:16:34 PM by LunaWillow »
Normal 1cc: EoSD, PCB, IN, PoFV, MoF, SA, UFO, TD, DDC, HSiFS
Hard 1cc: PoFV
Extra Clear: PCB, IN, PoFV, MoF
Other Stuff: ISC all clear

Can someone explain me the levels and bosses passage scheme? I thought it looks like the pic, but it turns more bosses than actually exist in the game.
Easy: PoDD, FW, LoLK
Normal: SoEW, UFO, HSiFS
Hard: LLS, MS, EoSD, PoFW, MoF, SA, TD, DDC
Lunatic: PCB, IN
Extra: EoSD, PCB, IN, MoF, TD, DDC, HSiFS; Phantasm


  • Deathguard Night Sparrow
  • *
  • Harbingers, yo.
You can't really generalize the boss patterns with a picture like that, especially since there's a secret boss that breaks that pattern (that boss being, IIRC, at 12 (or whatever the last section of the level is):-2 on Stage 3:0, and possibly elsewhere). It's very weird to be honest and a lot of it is mostly dependent on following specific paths. I know you fight Sese by going all the way one way for two stages and then for stage 3 going the complete opposite way (So like... Stage 3:2 and moving to the left, or Stage 3:-2 and moving to the right), at least according to the Upgrades pastebin that roughly shows where each boss is (might be?)
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

Devil of Decline Partial English Gameplay Patch!
Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion!


  • >Everyone: Pose as a team
  • The world is real.
Stage 1:
Left: Mitsumo
Center: Kurohebi/Jun
Right: Souko

Stage 2 (left):
Left: Kujiru
I don't know about other directions, since I've been there only once.
Stage 2 (center)
Left: Mitsumo
Center: Shou/Aoji
Right: Souko

Stage 2 (right):
Right: Medias
I don't know about the rest.

Stage 3 (left)
Left: Kaisen
Center: Lumen
Right: Sese

Stage 3 (center):
Center: Lumen/Suzumi
I haven't been anywhere else.

Stage 3 (right)
Left: Sese
Center: Lumen
Right: Kunimitsu

That's basically how it is. I'd be thankful if someone fixed the gaps in my knowledge.
Normal 1cc: EoSD, PCB, IN, PoFV, MoF, SA, UFO, TD, DDC, HSiFS
Hard 1cc: PoFV
Extra Clear: PCB, IN, PoFV, MoF
Other Stuff: ISC all clear

1) Is there a proven way to get the Jun? I never reach her, only Kuroji on center way.
2) I tried to reach a hidden boss, but route Left-Right-Center, "3:0" - "11:-2" brought me to Sese.
3) I only once got Lumen, does anyone know any proven way to her?
Easy: PoDD, FW, LoLK
Normal: SoEW, UFO, HSiFS
Hard: LLS, MS, EoSD, PoFW, MoF, SA, TD, DDC
Lunatic: PCB, IN
Extra: EoSD, PCB, IN, MoF, TD, DDC, HSiFS; Phantasm

And what means blue imposition and red filling on the bomb scale?
Easy: PoDD, FW, LoLK
Normal: SoEW, UFO, HSiFS
Hard: LLS, MS, EoSD, PoFW, MoF, SA, TD, DDC
Lunatic: PCB, IN
Extra: EoSD, PCB, IN, MoF, TD, DDC, HSiFS; Phantasm


  • >Everyone: Pose as a team
  • The world is real.
And what means blue imposition and red filling on the bomb scale?

I don't know what red one means, but blue gaudge are your temporary bombs and if you have some there, you'll loose them when you die. Bombs will be refilled up to yellow gaudge, which is diffrent depending on character.

Answering your previous questions:
1) Jun appears only center, so just go here until you get her.
2) Best way to get hidden boss is go Center-Center, then go two times to the left on third stage. Always works for me.
3) Best way to get Lumen is go center on first stage, then right/left on second stage, then center on third.

I'm surprised someone is asking about Jun, she appeard as many times as Kurohebi did for me (or even more). The person that didn't wanted to show up for me the most was Aoji (and I go mostly center route). I got her only two times. It seems she really is shy.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2015, 07:03:52 PM by LunaWillow »
Normal 1cc: EoSD, PCB, IN, PoFV, MoF, SA, UFO, TD, DDC, HSiFS
Hard 1cc: PoFV
Extra Clear: PCB, IN, PoFV, MoF
Other Stuff: ISC all clear

Yes, I got hidden boss by Center-Center-(left, left, center+). Also I got Jun, suggesting that is necessary to be on one of the side subcolumns in the central column (in the previous passages I most likely reached boss only in central-central column).

Does anyone know how to pass the hidden boss "enveloping circle of daggers" spells?
Easy: PoDD, FW, LoLK
Normal: SoEW, UFO, HSiFS
Hard: LLS, MS, EoSD, PoFW, MoF, SA, TD, DDC
Lunatic: PCB, IN
Extra: EoSD, PCB, IN, MoF, TD, DDC, HSiFS; Phantasm


  • >Everyone: Pose as a team
  • The world is real.
Does anyone know how to pass the hidden boss "enveloping circle of daggers" spells?
When the circle disappears, quickly get away from it and fly somewhere else in the screen, the best would be far away, as they will reach you from the back.
Normal 1cc: EoSD, PCB, IN, PoFV, MoF, SA, UFO, TD, DDC, HSiFS
Hard 1cc: PoFV
Extra Clear: PCB, IN, PoFV, MoF
Other Stuff: ISC all clear


  • Mukyuu!
Is it me or this thing reminds of you something
High Gravity
Horizontal Inversion
Bomb Seal
Tenkai, I guess birdcage = barrier?
Yaorochi's RMS Drunk Spell, but probably refers to Azuma

Huh, i supposed the Bomb Seal was
Shion's, by the sound effect and swapping xis original "unable to 'use' lives (dying)" to "unable to use bombs"
Also, that
was already occupied by the lasers randomly showing in the screen, now with 100% less bullet spawning.

Some specifics on unlocking the hidden boss? I went to the direction like 2-3 times before fighting Sese. In a run i found Jun for the first time and in the same run i found the hidden boss and now i always find it, so maybe you need to encounter all the previous characters before actual unlock. btw, xis theme reminds me of Jojo's anime's soundtrack (the trumpets, mostly. ~Sono chi no sadame~ Jooooooooooojo)

A small detail: bosses are shown using literal spell cards. They spin around the boss, start brown, turn red while active, and turn black after use.

The boss locations I wrote in the Upgrades pastebin are tooootally outdated. Sorry about that.

  • Mizumo always appears on the right side of the Senri Shrine, and Souko always appears on the left. They'll show up no matter what stage it is, unless Suzumi ambushes you on stage 3 instead.
  • All the new characters are essentially "storyline" bosses. They're the ones with dialogue relevant to the actual plot of the game, and will only appear if you're going all the way to one side. The returning characters so far have little relation to the plot, and appear if you're milling around in the center or doubling back.
  • Specifically: Medias appears on the right-hand side of Frontline River, which is the right-hand Stage 2. Kunimitsu appears on the right-hand side of Fantasy Seawall, the right-hand Stage 3. (If you wait around for a bit and visit Frontline River on Stage 3 instead, Medias will still be waiting on the right-hand side.) Kujiru and Kaisen similarly appear at Unlost Woods and Outpost Camp, which are the stages on the left-hand side.
  • As for the returning characters: Kurohebi and Jun appear exclusively on Stage 1, Aoji and Shou appear exclusively on Stage 2, and Lumen and Sese appear exclusively on Stage 3. They can show up in any location for their assigned stage, as long as you're not on track to encounter one of the "storyline" bosses.
  • Suzumi appears seemingly at random in the centermost stage 3 (Senri Shrine). I think they're likely to show up on tile 11:-2 or 11:2, but since sibgamer also got Sese in that location once, I'm not so sure. I did consistently encounter Suzumi by doubling back and trying to fight Mizumo/Souko twice in one run, though. according to post below, even a center-only run can end up with Suzumi on the left or right side of stage 3. B e w a r e

Midbosses don't show up on Stage 1, but from Stage 2 onward anything can happen. Unlike stage bosses, any character can show up in any location as long as you've already reached the stage number they correspond to (ie. Medias from stage 2 onward, Kunimitsu from stage 3 onward). They can have any random event apply to them, usually making them an impossible nightmare on higher difficulties. It's like running into a freakin' F.O.E. in Etrian Odyssey.

Here's an updated version of the Pastebin, minus inaccurate boss locations and plus more accurate skill descriptions.

Re:events corresponding to player characters, the Dimensional Destruction event mirrors Yabusame's bomb too.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2015, 01:01:44 AM by gilde »


  • Mukyuu!
  • Suzumi appears seemingly at random in the centermost stage 3 (Senri Shrine). I think they're likely to show up on tile 11:-2 or 11:2, but since sibgamer also got Sese in that location once, I'm not so sure. I did consistently encounter Suzumi by trying to fight either Mizumo or Souko twice in one run, though.

I just tried my new shiny Es-chan with Shion/Yabusame/Tsubakura...on hard mode. I had a lineal playthrough up to stage 3, then i went right until square 11;09 (white region on the map), and there was...she. I 1cc with one bomb left on my last hp bar, 16 mil score and 300k booze :getdown:. So, she might appear more frequently on harder difficulties :getdown:.

Is there any way to change those upgrade's texts in game from Japanese to English ?

I tried editing the upgrade's files in "text_dat/upgrade" but it didn't work

Is there any way to change those upgrade's texts in game from Japanese to English ?

I tried editing the upgrade's files in "text_dat/upgrade" but it didn't work

That's what you're supposed to do. What exactly are you trying to change, and what files are you changing? Are you changing "skill_(character's name)_(00/01)".txt or are you changing "upgrade_(character's name)".txt? Do you want to change the upgrades (the 2nd screen in the in-game upgrade menu) or the skills (the 3rd screen)?

I don't know if this is your problem, but to see the edited text for skills you have to unlock the skill first. Otherwise it'll just show a locked screen message.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2015, 04:45:08 AM by TresserT »
My name is Tres. It sounds like "Tray". Tressert is "Tray-zurt"; like Tres dessert.
I've cleared every touhou game on Lunatic, and beaten every extra except SoEW.
NMNB: MoF Hard, SA Extra, UFO Extra

Right now I got hidden boss on route Left-Right-Right on Normal.
Easy: PoDD, FW, LoLK
Normal: SoEW, UFO, HSiFS
Hard: LLS, MS, EoSD, PoFW, MoF, SA, TD, DDC
Lunatic: PCB, IN
Extra: EoSD, PCB, IN, MoF, TD, DDC, HSiFS; Phantasm