Author Topic: Reimu Quest  (Read 68145 times)


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Reimu Quest
« on: July 19, 2013, 02:09:02 AM »

> Your name is Hakurei Reimu.

> You are one of the most notorious members of Gensokyo thanks to your status as the last Hakurei Shrine maiden and primary incident solver.  You are admired, hated, and loved all at once, and to be honest that can be kind of overwhelming and stressful for you sometimes.  You?re around people frequently but it can be very draining on you.  Sometimes you just want to be alone.  Although moments of silence are rare, you are comforted in the knowledge that when you let down your guard, no one will be able to take advantage of that.  Your status as the last Hakurei shrine maiden has made you untouchable.  This is because your life is intrinsically linked with the Great Barrier that surrounds Gensokyo.  If you die, then the entirety of Gensokyo will go down with you.  This fact is even more important because, as of right now, you don't have a successor.

> Lately, you haven?t been able to be as active in incident-solving as you used to be, but that?s to be expected.  Gensokyo's population has grown within the past few years, and incidents come and go--some even solved by youkai.  Although you still hold some resentment towards youkai, you?ve gotten closer to them and have even found love and friendship in their company.  It?s a bit complicated.  There will always be tension between youkai and humans, and although--or maybe because--you've got friends on both sides, you're in an awkward situation.

> You are a tea enthusiast and are fond of animals, although you?d rather not go through the hassle of keeping any pets.  You?re also quite thrifty and have taken advantage of the hot springs behind your house to earn your keep when you are not solving incidents, because let?s face it; a shrine is a difficult thing to take care of.  You?re one busy girl, but you?re not alone.  You share a room with Ibuki Suika, who you took in many years ago.  Also on the shrine grounds are the Three Faeries of Light, who you?ve recently won over and convinced to help out with shrine work.  Until the likes of them showed up, you've been alone for as long as you can remember.


> The year is currently 128, and summer has been upon Gensokyo for a while now.  It?s currently evening at the shrine and you?ve been doing some cleaning.  Suika has been out most of the day, but you should be expecting her back soon.  Meanwhile, you?ve gotten the three faeries that live near the shrine to help you out with chores.  Hopefully, in your endeavors, you?ll find some old junk to pawn off to Kourindou.  You?re doing all of this today, because tomorrow you are going on a date. 

> The weather is nice and warm, and it looks like it?s going to rain.  You are currently standing in your bedroom, and have no plans on leaving the shrine tonight.

> _
« Last Edit: July 19, 2013, 02:35:59 AM by ヒミ子 »

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[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character

Hello Purvis

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Re: Reimu Quest
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2013, 02:14:04 AM »
>Where is Genjii?
>How 'bout them Satoris, eh? Eh?
>Where are we at, precisely? Indoors, front yard?


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Re: Reimu Quest
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2013, 02:14:42 AM »
>What will be the date tomorrow?
[9:49:09] <Purvis> Generally not, but your mother may be an exception.


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Re: Reimu Quest
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2013, 02:15:39 AM »
> Who's the lucky bastard that managed to snag us?
[22:40:12] <Drake> "guys i donwloaded esod but its not workan"
[22:40:21] <Drake> REPORTED
[22:40:25] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> PROBATED
[22:40:30] <Drake> ORGASM
[22:40:32] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> FUCK YEAH

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"


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Re: Reimu Quest
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2013, 02:34:31 AM »
>Where is Genjii?
>How 'bout them Satoris, eh? Eh?
>Where are we at, precisely? Indoors, front yard?

> Now that you no longer require Genji to tote you around Gensokyo, he has taken to roaming the Forest of Magic.  He hangs around the Toad Shrine or Crater Lake, both of which are pretty far out in the sticks.
> You think about Satori and blush.

> You're inside, of course!  Why would your bedroom be outside?  If you take a left out of your room, though, you'll end up in the living room, and if you take another left you'll be in the kitchen.  From there you can go out to the backyard.  You'd have to take a right out of the living room to get to the courtyard out front, though.  All of these places are easy to access because your shrine is small.

>What will be the date tomorrow?

> It's going to be a quiet dinner, and then tea with cake.

> Who's the lucky bastard that managed to snag us?

> Of course that would be...

> ...Her.  She understands you so well, it's like she's a mind reader or something.
> ...Wait.
> In all seriousness, you don't think you could have this kind of close relationship with anyone else.  You feel as though an invisible force has drawn the two of you together.  There's something to be said about relationships that start off insignificant and unassuming, but end with both parties closer than they could have anticipated.  In short, it's something that happened naturally.  What's to be said about it is that both your fates were sealed when you kicked in her window during the Geyser Incident.

> _
« Last Edit: July 19, 2013, 02:36:29 AM by ヒミ子 »

☆ Check my profile for links to my sites! ☆
[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character

Hello Purvis

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Re: Reimu Quest
« Reply #5 on: July 19, 2013, 02:40:28 AM »
>Where do we like to go to salvage stuff?
>What sorts of things have we and Satori done in the past?
>Has anything of note happened lately?


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Re: Reimu Quest
« Reply #6 on: July 19, 2013, 03:03:55 AM »
>Where do we like to go to salvage stuff?
>What sorts of things have we and Satori done in the past?
>Has anything of note happened lately?

> You have a small garden in which you grow your own vegetables.  For your other food, you go to the Human Village.  Things like clothes, household items, and the like are usually procured from Kourindou.  But you can't always rely on Kourin for everything, so you sometimes go to the Forest of Magic.  Items from the Outside World often end up there.  There's even an abandoned building you've looted from before, but you save that for long trips.
> You think about past experiences with Satori.  For all the hype that romantic relationships get, in reality nothing earth-shattering happens when you get a girlfriend.  One particularly funny thing you remember doing with her, though, is going to the Hell of Blazing Fires to release cages of hell ravens so you can watch them roll around in the ash like it's snow.  Other things you've done with Satori is taking her to the surface and showing her the prettiest locations, having sleepovers, and dinner dates much like the one you're about to embark on tomorrow.  Most of all, though, you end up doing a lot of mundane, everyday activities with her.  It's been very peaceful.
> It's been a little quiet lately.  Maybe too quiet, even.  You haven't heard from Kochiya Sanae of the Youkai Mountain for a while.  It's almost a little sad, because she used to never leave you alone.
> If it counts, the weather has been looking stormy for the past week, but it hasn't rained a drop.  It probably will tonight, though.

> _

☆ Check my profile for links to my sites! ☆
[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character


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Re: Reimu Quest
« Reply #7 on: July 19, 2013, 03:04:12 AM »
>What is the date today?
>What do we know about Crater Lake?

[9:49:09] <Purvis> Generally not, but your mother may be an exception.

Hello Purvis

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Re: Reimu Quest
« Reply #8 on: July 19, 2013, 03:07:20 AM »
>Let's go relax on the front porch, if we got no plans today. Maybe nab a quick drink along the way.
>How much trouble do the three faeries typically turn out to be?

an unmatched sock

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Re: Reimu Quest
« Reply #9 on: July 19, 2013, 03:51:07 AM »
>How have Her Gradiency Byakuren and her gang been? Causing trouble or relatively peaceful? Or did they and the Taoists wipe each other out simultaneously?


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Re: Reimu Quest
« Reply #10 on: July 19, 2013, 11:00:55 AM »
>Now that we got those outta the way, do a dance.
"I'll give you old-timey, you mountebank!"


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Re: Reimu Quest
« Reply #11 on: July 19, 2013, 11:15:22 AM »
>What is the date today?
>What do we know about Crater Lake?

> The date is July 18th, 128.
> You get a different story about Crater Lake every time you ask someone.  The most popular story seems to be that someone fell from a great height during a danmaku battle and landed so hard they made an actual crater.  So many danmaku battles have happened in Gensokyo, though, that you will probably never find out which one caused it.

>Let's go relax on the front porch, if we got no plans today. Maybe nab a quick drink along the way.
>How much trouble do the three faeries typically turn out to be?

> You suppose the shrine is clean enough that you can put it off for now.  You grab a glass of peach juice from the kitchen and head out to the front porch.
> From what you can see behind the clouds, the sun is already starting to set.  The wind blows precariously, spilling leaves over the shrine's main cobblestone pathway and disturbing your drink.  Thankfully, none of it spills.
> Speak of the devil, the three faeries are in the courtyard right now.  They could never handle the shrine by themselves or without supervision.  They're like a bunch of unruly kids.  Right now they're supposed to be sweeping, but they seem to have gotten into a mock sword fight with the brooms instead.

>How have Her Gradiency Byakuren and her gang been? Causing trouble or relatively peaceful? Or did they and the Taoists wipe each other out simultaneously?

> They've both been quiet.  At first you were afraid that they were going to explode at each other, but after the incident with that menreiki youkai, things seemed to have simmer down.  That isn't to say you don't see people from either group.

>Now that we got those outta the way, do a dance.

> Modern shrine maiden robes
   > Pretty much a highly stylized schoolgirl uniform.  Complete with cute little shoes, ankle socks, and hair decs.
> Detached sleeves
   > Where you keep all of your items.  For some reason, they have a functioning hammerspace which you suspect is Yukari's doing.
> Yin yang orb
   > Your signature weapon.
   > You're the only one who can touch it without either burning yourself (human) or suffering excruciating pain (youkai).
> Gohei
   > Marisa jokes that it's like a magic wand, but you refuse to be associated with Gensokyo's magician population.
> Spellcards
   > Dream Sign "Evil Sealing Circle" (4 hits)
      > Used to overwhelm adversaries with ofuda.  +5 damage
   > Divine Spirit "Fantasy Seal" (4 hits)
      > Used to close in on adversaries with ofuda.  +5 damage
   > Holy Relic "Yin-Yang Demon God Orb" (3 hits)
      > Smite thy enemies with a giant orb.  Surprisingly light lifting.  +6 damage
   > Divine Arts "Omnidirectional Demon-Binding Circle" (5 hits)
      > Used to paralyze adveraries.  +7 damage
      > May also be used outside of battle to temporarily stun adversaries.
   *> Untitled "Flying Mysterious Shrine Maiden" (1 hit)
      > Powerful card that can only be used when you are close to unconsciousness or death.  +10 damage
   *> "Fantasy Nature" (1 hit)
      > Powerful card that can only be used when close to death.  +10 damage
> Tea set
   > You have a lot more of these in your house. 
   > You like leaving them in friends'/acquaintances' houses so you can have tea whenever you like.
> Ofuda x10
   > Multipurpose magic cards you keep for non-danmaku usage
> Broom
   > The shrine broom.  Shut up, Marisa (this is a joke).
> Bag of fried beans
   > You take these with you whenever you go underground, but you wouldn't dare use them on Suika.
> 1000μ
   > It's always a good idea to keep a some money on you.

> HP: 100/100
> Health: Healthy
        > That's a little redundant, isn't it?

> You spontaneously break out into dance.
> The faeries see you and burst into laughter.

> _

☆ Check my profile for links to my sites! ☆
[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character


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Re: Reimu Quest
« Reply #12 on: July 19, 2013, 11:17:14 AM »
> Where's Ruukoto?


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Re: Reimu Quest
« Reply #13 on: July 19, 2013, 11:32:43 AM »
> Where's Ruukoto?

> Your dancing grinds to a halt when you spontaneously remember your robot maid.
> You completely forget where you put her.

> _

☆ Check my profile for links to my sites! ☆
[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character


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Re: Reimu Quest
« Reply #14 on: July 19, 2013, 04:19:00 PM »
>How cute are the fairies?
[9:49:09] <Purvis> Generally not, but your mother may be an exception.


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Re: Reimu Quest
« Reply #15 on: July 19, 2013, 04:32:39 PM »
>Check the donation box, maybe there's something in it today.


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Re: Reimu Quest
« Reply #16 on: July 19, 2013, 05:16:45 PM »
>How cute are the fairies?

> You'd say they're as cute as your average faerie, which is pretty cute.

>Check the donation box, maybe there's something in it today.

> You check the donation box.
> ...
> Sweet!  Somebody left some cash!
> Obtained: 500μ

> _

☆ Check my profile for links to my sites! ☆
[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character


  • something seems fishy
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Re: Reimu Quest
« Reply #17 on: July 19, 2013, 07:29:26 PM »
>Someone donated? This must be an incident!
[9:49:09] <Purvis> Generally not, but your mother may be an exception.


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Re: Reimu Quest
« Reply #18 on: July 19, 2013, 07:52:42 PM »
>Someone donated? This must be an incident!

> The only way there'd be an incident is if someone left a mysterious letter, or a huge pile of money.  500μ is small potatoes compared to 10,000μ or even 100,000μ.  Either that or a dead animal left by some punk cat youkai or something.  None of which have ever showed up in your donation box.

> _

☆ Check my profile for links to my sites! ☆
[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character

Hello Purvis

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Re: Reimu Quest
« Reply #19 on: July 19, 2013, 08:01:31 PM »
>Who are our big donors?
>Call out to the faeries, "Hey, get back to work, you!"


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Re: Reimu Quest
« Reply #20 on: July 19, 2013, 08:13:41 PM »
>Who are our big donors?
>Call out to the faeries, "Hey, get back to work, you!"

> Ibaraki Kasen and Yakumo Yukari are the ones responsible for large sums of money in your donation box.
> You'd count Toyosatomimi no Miko, the leader of the Taoists' gang, but she only donated one time and that was as compensation for starting an incident.
> Smaller sums or things that aren't even money are from youkai you don't even know, and even rarer, a human.

> The faeries squeal with laughter and hurriedly go back to sweeping the front pathway.  At least Suika does her jobs diligently.

> _

☆ Check my profile for links to my sites! ☆
[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character

Hello Purvis

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Re: Reimu Quest
« Reply #21 on: July 19, 2013, 08:37:44 PM »
>Max and relax on the porch for a bit. Today is the day for that kind of thing.

an unmatched sock

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Re: Reimu Quest
« Reply #22 on: July 19, 2013, 08:51:02 PM »
>About what time is it?


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Re: Reimu Quest
« Reply #23 on: July 19, 2013, 11:32:08 PM »
>Max and relax on the porch for a bit. Today is the day for that kind of thing.

> You take a breather.  This is one of those rare moments when Gensokyo is quiet.

>About what time is it?

> You believe it's around 7:30pm.  It shouldn't be as dark as it is, but it's so cloudy that you'll let it slide.
> You think Suika should be coming home soon.  She said she'd be back before nightfall, at least.

> _

☆ Check my profile for links to my sites! ☆
[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Reimu Quest
« Reply #24 on: July 20, 2013, 01:19:55 AM »
>Is she on dinner duty, or are we?


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Re: Reimu Quest
« Reply #25 on: July 20, 2013, 02:20:00 AM »
>Is she on dinner duty, or are we?

> That would be her.  She's actually very good at cooking.

> _

☆ Check my profile for links to my sites! ☆
[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Reimu Quest
« Reply #26 on: July 20, 2013, 03:38:22 AM »
>Good, then time to relax!


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Re: Reimu Quest
« Reply #27 on: July 20, 2013, 07:59:51 AM »
> Take a short nap. By the time you wake up, Watermelon should be done cooking.
> Dream about being rich.
"I'll give you old-timey, you mountebank!"


  • It's a cheer up charm!
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Re: Reimu Quest
« Reply #28 on: July 20, 2013, 02:41:06 PM »
>Good, then time to relax!

> Take a short nap. By the time you wake up, Watermelon should be done cooking.
> Dream about being rich.

> You curl up on the porch and close your eyes.  You are eventually lulled into a light sleep, and although you don't remember what you dreamed about, you're sure you were thinking about money.
> ...
> What feels like ages later, you are jolted awake by someone shaking your shoulder and calling your name.  Somewhere in the background you hear the faeries laughing again.

> _

☆ Check my profile for links to my sites! ☆
[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Reimu Quest
« Reply #29 on: July 20, 2013, 05:46:17 PM »
>Jolt awake!
>"Gyah, what?"
>Try to assess the situation as much as a bleary-eared half awake shrine maiden can.