Author Topic: Youkai Quest: 3rd Revision  (Read 35403 times)

Hanzo K.

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Youkai Quest: 3rd Revision
« on: June 02, 2013, 11:57:18 PM »
First Thread
Second Thread

~BGM: Life's Beginning~
Welcome....To The Land of Dreams and Illusions...


In this wondrous and mysterious land where legends and myths are real, you will meet many other youkai, some like yourself, others not.
Will you be a hero(ine), or one of those unsavory sorts who causes incidents?
It is all in your hands, dear players, for this is...


~BGM: A New Star Is Born!~
You are Hibachi, newborn Nekomata.
And you've been through quite a bit I might add, quite an interesting tale you've managed to spin in this brief time.
You've faced angry Kedama, befriended one, sparred with a Wind Goddess, faced off with a giant snowman thing, and had many more adventures.
You also recently learned that Mystia was after new and previously-unused ingredients, and in her search, attempted to forage at the Youkai Mountain.
Unfortunately, the Tengu Patrols had no intent to let that happen, and kept scaring her off. You don't like that.
So, given she's one of your friends too, you resolved to help open channels for her to gather ingredients there. Maybe one of your friends at the Moriya Shrine can pull some strings? However, you ran into a little 'trouble' on the way up the mountain after encountering Aya Shameimaru, Gensokyo's Self-Proclaimed '#1 Reporter', and recieving a Civilian Passport for the Tengu Village. (You assume it only lets you go into the residential and entertainment sectors.)

Parser: "Ah-ahem. Excuse me for a moment, I need to get my voice ready for this next little part. It wouldn't be a recap without it you know." *The Parser clears his voice a few times
(Insert DBZ Announcer Voice Here. You know you'll read it in that voice.)

Our heroines were on their way up the mountain to resolve something, when they were accosted by a group of Fairies playing at being bandits. Both parties gave a good account of themselves, and now,  the conclusion of this battle on today's episode of YOUKAI QUEST: 3rd Revision!

Cooking Outfit(Unequipped)
This stylish-looking White Apron and Green Kimono set looked brown when you first saw it, but you blinked and it was green like all the others.
Cooking Hat(Unequipped)
This poofy hat is a must for any chef, as the Legendary Chef Boyardee can attest...But you kinda wonder just who he is.
Classy Suit (Equipped)
Yukari probably left this in your closet, you think it looks snazzy!
Tiny Ribbon (Worn as Accessory 1)
Cute little ribbon you woke up with.
Nifty Cloak (Worn as Accessory 2)
Yukari gave you this cloak to go with your suit, it's even got a pouch for Ponga to sit in! (You don't think he can use it anymore now though...)
Snazzy Cap (Current Headgear)
Yukari gave you this neat little hat at the same time as the Cloak, apparently it was made as part of a set to go with the Suit.
Classy Headgear (Unequipped)
Snazzy Top hat that goes with the suit. You think it adds charm, but does it add CHARISMA?
Yukari's Note (Key Item)
A note that was addressed to you, written by Yukari.
Blank Spellcards(2) (Key Item)
These blank spellcards were given to you by CidNitori, as well as Momiji, but you can't use them until you have them engraved somehow.
Mountain Map (Key Item)
This is a simple map of the Youkai Mountain, simple enough that even you can read it. It marks such important places as Moriya Shrine, Tengu Village, Kappa Village, and the Outpost!
Momiji's Newspaper (Key Item)
A newspaper with a picture of a green-haired woman on the front, who could she be?
Froggy's Iron Ring (Equipped as Accessory)
The Red Kedama dropped this when you defeated it. It's apparently one of the many Iron Rings that were scattered all across Gensokyo when Suwako and the Red-White fought.
Athletic Wrappings(Equipped on Arms)
A roll of Athletic Bandages that people who play sports often wear, it has a caricature of a drunk-looking girl with horns on it. Maybe they belong to whoever's face that is?
They seem to have a strange effect when you equip them.
Macca(Total: 224)
These weird coins were given to you by Ran, they were helpful in resolving the Nozuchi incident. They must have some kind of power, but you can't feel anything.
Yen(Current Total: 6200)
Gensokyo's currency apparently, it seems to have been one of the many things adopted from the Outside World. This is important for buying things!
Elegant Chopsticks (Key Item)
These were given to you by Yuyuko as thanks for the food you and Youmu made, you've been needing something like this for a long time!
Shimmering Blue Rose (Key Item)
A mysterious Blue Rose that shines faintly, you found it in your cloak's pocket after dancing with a strange girl whom nobody could see but you...You have a feeling that it's probably important.
Pagoda-shaped Lantern (Key Item)
You stumbled across this strange object as you were exploring, Literally. It looks kinda like a Pagoda almost...And what's with that gem in there?
Star-shaped Key (Key Item)
You found this Star-shaped Key in the Iceberg Fortress, You need the other three keys to gain access to the Dungeon.
Moon-shaped Key (Key Item)
You found this key in the wreckage of a desk in the Iceberg Fortress, it's one of four keys to allow access to the Dungeon!
Sun-shaped Key (Key Item)
You found this key in a room in the Iceberg Fortress with a trio of mysterious armors, it's one of Four keys to get into the Dungeon.
Crown-topped Key (Key Item)
The fourth and final key to unlock the dungeons where Dai was being held. Cirno had it when you knocked her out of the King Frost.
? Shoes (Weapon: Footwear -Unequipped)
You found these strange shoes hidden in the depths of the Iceberg Fortress. They seem to increase Graze just by wearing them, wonder how they do that?
Really Cold Dagger
You found this weird dagger in the undercroft of that iceberg, who knows what it can do though? You'll take it to Ran or Yukari later.
Tengu Village Passport (Key Item)
This is a Civilian Passport for the Tengu Village! Now you can go around there without an escort! But since it says Civilian, that must mean there's still places you can't get on your own.
1&1/2 Bags of Dried Squid Strips(Misc Item)
It's not your favorite, but it'll do. Chen likes it though!
1 Seasoned Chicken Meatbun 4-Packs(Misc Item)
A 4-pack of Seasoned Chicken Meatbuns, preserved via magic or something. You just know they'll keep nigh-indefinitely.
1 Plain Beef Meatbun 4-Pack(Misc Item)
A 4-pack of Plain Beef Meatbuns, preserved via magic or something. You just know they'll keep nigh-indefinitely.
1 Teriyaki Beef Meatbun 4-Pack(Misc Item)
A 4-pack of Teriyaki Beef Meatbuns, preserved via magic or something. You just know they'll keep nigh-indefinitely.
1 Container of Candy Stars(Misc Item)
A container of Candy Stars, your favorite sweet. You got it to share with Chen.
Modified Gensokyo Map!
It shows various locations in Gensokyo, some of which you don't really know well enough that you feel safe visiting, but there's several that you know are safe. Nitori improved one of her outdated maps to make this!
Thanks to this, you learned of more locations you feel safe going to!
-Abandoned Doll-
This lonely-looking doll was found tossed aside in a pile of trash.  You felt sorry for it and picked it up. Maybe it'll have a happier home with you? You might want to get a replacement outfit for it though...
-Broken Knives-
This set of busted knives seem to be on their last legs, but you're confident that Hebichi can breathe new life into them somehow!
-Blank Scroll-
This blank scroll was found among rubbish and such in the Human Village. It doesn't have anything written in it at the moment though.
-Broken Pots&Pans-
These pots and pans are so well-used that their bottoms have worn-through. Hebichi should be able to do something with these though.
-Used Wok-
Who's the idiot who threw this away anyhow? It's still usable! Just needs a good cleaning is all, something Ran or Hebichi can easily take care of!

「Soldier Cat ~ Felyn Lance」 (Mana Cost 2)
This is the first Spellcard you unlocked, It fires a barrage of Laser Shots directly forward. You get the feeling Yukari would be proud.

「Nine Lives Buster -Focus-」 (Mana Cost 6)
This spellcard unlocked itself as you were fighting the fake Cirno for a second time, it fires a fierce barrage of large and medium-sized shots. But like your other card, it's forward-restricted as well. However, it has a much larger area of effect.
Nine Lives Buster -Spread- (Mana Cost: 6)
This is the alternate form of Nine Lives Buster, it fires intermittent waves of small shots, a rotating three-way of normal shots, and a spiraling five-way of bubble shots that loop in on each other. This spellcard is an Area of Effect Spellcard!

~Battle Skills(Non-Danmaku)~

-Support Defense-
This skill allows Hibachi to cover for an ally, and take hits in their place. But it breaks once she goes below 40%, so be careful using this!
It reduces incoming damage by Half, and adds a 30% chance to graze the attack entirely!

~Known Danmaku Types~

Thanks for "Note"ing [COMPLETE!]
You have a strange note, and you don't know who wrote it, but you feel you should thank whoever it is.
Recently you've discovered that it was Written by someone named Yukari, as well as meeting the Chen the note talked about, it seems Chen knows her .
You've also met Ran Yakumo, Chen's master, it seems she's something called a shikigami, and Ran is this Yukari person's shikigami, which makes Chen a shikigami's shiki..gami...ow.
You've finally managed to thank Yukari for the note, don't you feel good about yourself?

Ice Crusher [COMPLETE!]
Word is that Cirno's been acting strange and attacking anyone going near the Misty Lake, and since she's been doing that, nobody can get any fish there!
This problem must be dealt with, for the sake of your lunch!
So the Cirno that's been causing trouble was a fake afterall.
If she's been being impersonated, then something must've happened to her...But what?
You've learned that Cirno was acting like she was being chased by something, and disappeared shortly after, only to show up again causing trouble.
But that was the fake, so the real one's still missing.
After resolving to strike the following morning, you did so. And were faced with many powerful foes.
Eventually, you rescued Dai and Cirno, and came out of this whole ordeal with two shiny new items that you have no idea about!
You also encountered the OTHER YOU, who claims to be you. How the hell does that even work?!
"Magic dear, magic." ...Oh. That would certainly explain it...Right?

Mountain of FaithFun
According to CidNitori, the Tengu on the Mountain have lots of fun things to do!
So it's your task to find out what!
Apparently the Tengu and Kappa busy themselves with playing Shogi in their off time, but maybe there's more they do than just that?

Kitty Hawk [COMPLETE!]
According to CidNitori, there's someone on the Mountain that can help you learn to fly!
You've survived the duel with Kanako, there's a good chance she'll be the one to teach you how to fly!

Of Kedama And Fairies [COMPLETE???]
Momiji said that Fairies keep Kedama as pets sometime, so the best person to ask what Kedama eat would be a fairy!
And Suwako said that Fairies are Embodiments of Nature itself, so they know all about Kedamas.
Now all that's left is to find a fairy that's willing to tell you! And after rescuing Dai and Cirno, you have!
Although, Ponga's humanoid now, so you don't really need to know. But you still want to know anyways on account of just plain wanting to.

The Ole Fishin' Hole
Mystia needs a new fishing spot since her old one got all gunked up from all the fights that've been happening lately.
Being a cat, this makes you the purr-fect person for the job! Maybe Nitori would have some input that'll help too, Kappas are 'intrinsically linked to all things aqueous'.
Or so Yukari says. You think it's just a fancy way of saying 'They like water'.

Keepin' it Cool!
Mystia needs a way to keep cold things like Ice Cream in stock easier, and Cirno's not gonna be too helpful with that.
Maybe you can pull a few strings to make things easier for her!

The Hunt for Red OctoberRare Ingredients
Mystia's been on the hunt for new things she can cook with, and has wanted to get some good from the Mountain in particular.
But the Tengu keep scaring her off! Maybe you know someone who can help with that!

Ancient Relics
According to Yukari, there were two powerful people in Gensokyo who haven't been seen for a long time.
She mentioned that they've left some of their possessions behind, and that a puppeteer might be able to help you find some of them.
According to Rumia, the Black-White might be another lead on this matter. Rumia also mentioned a shop on the outskirts of the Forest of Magic, and that the owner of that shop might also be able to help.
So far you've got three leads, a Puppeteer, who resides in the Forest of Magic. The Black-White, who also resides there. And a merchant who lives on the Forest's outskirts.
You'd think that since they can all be found in the Forest of Magic, that maybe they might know each other!

The Statue's Mystery
After fighting the three Armors in the Iceberg Fortress, a strange statue was left that has an entirely unsettling presence. As well as not being easy on the eyes in the least.
But why did it appear? And where did it go?

-The Forgotten Doll-
You found an abandoned doll radiating loneliness in a garbage heap at the Human Village. Feeling sorry for it, you took the miserable little thing into your care.
you think that your next step in regards to the doll is to either find someone to make it some new clothes, or obtain already-made clothes.
Maybe someone here in the village would know something about that...Which they did. Your next lead is a Puppeteer who comes to the village on occasion who makes all her puppetry implements herself.

Cat Form (Nekomata/Kasha Innate)
"Nekomata were once cats, so why then is it a surprise that they still take that form?"
This active skill allows you to shift between humanoid and cat forms.

Catlike Tread ~ Rank D (Nekomata/Kasha Innate)
This stealthy way of moving is not only utilized by Nekomata, but Kasha as well.
This Passive Skill enables the user to sneak around with more stealth than the average youkai

Danmaku Mastery ~ Rank C
"Danmaku's all about power, ze!" -An Ordinary Magician
This passive skill's level reflects how good you are with danmaku.
You've been using Lasers a lot lately, maybe you'll learn a new shot type soon?

Youkai Fortitude ~ Rank D
"The bodies of youkai are considerably more resilient than a human's." -Hieda no Akyu
This passive skill reflects how durable you are.
You're more durable than you used to be, train this if you want to be able to resist attacks better!

Youkai Strength ~ Rank D
"The sheer physical power some youkai, like Oni, can muster is truly frightening."
This passive skill reflects how much physical power you have at any given time.
You've gotten a bit stronger, you'd say you're a good deal stronger than the average Human in terms of physical power..

Smooth Moves ~ Rank @#$%&!
"These moves originated from a famous performer from the outside world, how you learned them is unknown, but you can use them almost as well as he was said to."
You don't really know much about this skill, And it seems you're lacking something that you had in the dream. What could it be..?

Confusion Resistance ~ Rank E
"Even the strongest of beings can fall prey to confusion, try not to fall into it too much yourself."
This passive skill reflects how easy/hard it is for things to make your brain overheat, but it's not that strong right now.

Sense Presence ~ Novice
"It's...Oh, it's just 8000."
This passive skill is always on, it allows you to sense the presence of other Youkai, Powerful Humans, and Divine Beings, as well as Gauge their power in relation to your own.

~Special Skills~
This skill is known by almost every youkai. But for some reason or another you lacked it, so you had to learn it the hard way.
You can fly to various locales, but Yukari advised you against flying to places you don't fully know about.
Known Places:
  • Mayohiga
  • Hakugyoukurou

Youkai Mountain
  • Tengu Village
  • Tengu Village - Market Street
  • Tengu Village - Blackwing Groceries
  • Tengu Village Residential - Momiji's House
  • Moriya Shrine
  • Kappa Village
  • Kappa Village - Nitori's Workshop
  • Airship Dock
  • Kappa-Tengu Outpost
  • Mountain's Foot - Path
  • Eastern Foothills
  • Western Foothills
  • Great Mountain River

Bamboo Forest of the Lost
  • Entrance
  • Mystia's Cart

Misty Lake
  • Shore
  • Iceberg Fortress
  • Misty Lake - Great Mountain River's End

Human Village
  • Human Village - North Gate
  • [Human Village - South Gate
  • Human Village - East Gate
  • Human Village - West Gate

Scarlet Devil Mansion
  • Scarlet Devil Mansion - Gate

Ringkind ~ Rank D
You've trained with Suwako a fair bit in the use of the Iron Ring you found a while back, you're quite used to it's heft now.

Wildcard ~ Rank Novice
This is your Special power, everyone in Gensokyo has one. But you don't know near as much about it as your other skills.
Mastery Level: 2%

Wildcard [Weapon]: Rank Novice
This skill measures how effective you are at applying the effects of Wildcard to any weapon you might be using at the time. Right now you can only apply it to one weapon/attack type(not including Danmaku, which is separate.) at a time, but getting better at this will allow you to affect more at once.

Weapon Forms

Frozen Frog's Hoop [Only Accessible when under Wildcard(Ice).]
This is the Ice version of the Froggy's Iron Ring, the frogs on it don't look to happy with being frozen though...

Frost Knuckle [Only Accessible under Wildcard(Ice).]
This imbues your fists with the power of a raging blizzard! Sometimes attacks will slow the enemy down!

Frost Kick [Only Accessible under Wildcard(Ice).]
This grants your feet all the might of the frozen wastelands! Sometimes a kick from this will momentarily freeze an enemy in their tracks!

Frost Claw [Only Accessible under Wildcard(Ice).]
This makes your claws as sharp as an icicle honed by a midwinter gale, and just as cold too!


"Phoenix" Fujiwara no Mokou, Hourai Immortal.
Rank: 1
Element: Fire

"Metalworker" Hebichi, Nozuchi Metalworker
S-Link Rank: 1
Element: Unknown

Serpent Nozuchi ~ "Hebichi"
~Skills/Abilities "Hebichi"~
Danmaku Mastery ~ ?
Youkai Fortitude ~ ?
Youkai Strength ~ ?
?? (Will be Known Later)

Jr. Kedama ~ "Ponga"
~Skills/Abilities "Ponga"~
Fluffy Body(Kedama Intrinsic)
This Passive Ability shared by all Kedama reduces physical damage by 5%.
Danmaku Mastery ~ ??
Youkai Fortitude ~ ??
Youkai Strength ~ ??

>Conditions of our crew? How about theirs?
>Dai seems to be holding together just fine. You and Rumia on the other hand, are definitely going to need a hot meal and a warm bath when you get home after all this.
>After all, even a cat like you wouldn't be averse to a warm soak at this point. After that little incident up at the Moriya Shrine Lake, the one that left you really banged up, you discovered just how relaxing a good soak was. Oh sure, you protested quite a bit the first time, but you really had no choice but to go with it as you lacked the strength to avert it.
>After a little while, you found it was a quite pleasant feeling. Almost nostalgic even. You never really figured out why. Chen, for what it's worth, couldn't figure it out as to why you ended up liking it. She thinks it's weird for a cat to like water. Then again, she dislikes it for a completely different reason than most cats, seeing as how it nullifies the Shikigami Contract until she dries off. She hates being severely weakened like that.

>As for the group of fairies, it looks like there's only five left. And a fair portion of them are pretty banged-up. A few good hits should clear this fight up nice and easy. You just hope they don't have backup hiding somewhere, waiting to take advantage for when you're worn out after the battle.
>Maybe asking Rumia about her spellcards would help? Because right now, aside from normal danmaku, you feel like you could barely even shoot smoke. It's not really a physical fatigue, but rather, a mental one. You've probably still got enough juice for one more spellcard, but you feel it's best to save it for when there's one more foe left. Or a stronger one appears.

>Have Dai to bait the fairies to group them together. Prepare to jump into a fight if something bad goes on to her.
> Get behind the leader that rushed us and deliver some more physical punishment.
> Get Rumia to shotgun the fairies once they're in a group.
> Also, have Dai shower them with Fairy Kunai!
>You say for Dai to try distracting them, and she just looks at you like you're crazy. Seems she doesn't want to do that.
>In the meantime, the Masked Youkai and one of the fairies start trading blows, with the Masked Youkai clearly having the advantage.
>The other fairies try attacking RUmia and Dai, but they miss horribly. Dai even teleports away from one of the shots. It's that shot that manages to hit you.
>You of course end up taking that stray shot to the side in your effort to get at the one that rushed you. Hurts quite a bit, but it wasn't for nothing, since you managed to land a punch on her! Got her right in the face too.
>In response, the fairy starts shouting at you. "Why you...Not even my mother hit me like that!"
>...Fairies have moms? You can't help but sweatdrop at that. In fact, everyone but that fairy does so. You can't help but wonder if that fairy watched Mobile Unit Tensoku.
>Rumia and Dai exchange confused glances at each other. "Do fairies even have parents?" "I have no clue."
>That said, you're pretty sure you just made yourself the target of that fairy's attacks instead.
>Of course, breaking out of the puzzlement, Rumia takes the opportunity to blast at three of the fairies that managed to bunch up. "Big mistake girls~! Bang!"
>Wow, that was actually pretty awesome. Two of them look like a mere poke will put them down, and the other one was a leader too! She's doing better though, but not by much. She'll take a bit more to take down than that.
>Dai takes the initiative and follows up with a spread of kunai shots that finish the job for those two, and scratch the others that that weren't as bad off.  She doesn't seem too happy about this though..

~BGM: Sudden Chill~

>It starts to get cold all of a sudden for some reason, but it seems like Dai knows what this means...Could it be? "Fairies can respawn anywhere, but I didn't think Cirno would respawn here!"
>Wait what? Cirno's respawning HERE?! You thought for sure she was gonna respawn back at the lake!
>And, as if on cue, a block of ice somewhat bigger than a fairy forms in the middle of the battlefield. Inside it you can see a familiar shadow. So this is how she respawns? You figured she'd just...You know, poof back into existence. Guess she's too spirited to come back like that. Doesn't look like she's got wings though. Weird. Maybe they're inside the ice too?
>That said, you can see cracks forming in the ice. If those other shadow-holding iceblocks were anything to go by, this one'll probably explode when something gets close too.
>And true to form, one of the remaining leaders marches right up with a curious expression, and even starts poking the iceblock.
>...Big mistake, as that triggers it to explode violently! The poor fairy didn't even see it coming as the shards made her go poof. You almost laughed a bit at how gullible she was.
>And within the ice...Was indeed Cirno, now sporting what appears to be a fresh set of wings. You had noted the set she had when you first met her looked pretty ragged and chipped. You guess she makes a new set each respawn.
>"Aaaah...That was a great nap~!" ....She considered that a nap? You worry about that girl.
>Of course, she casts her gaze around, and blinks a few times when she notices you. "...Eh? Is there a fight going on or something? You look pretty beat up! Time to show everyone why I'm called the strongest!"
>...About as sharp as a butter knife that girl. Oh well, More Party Members?

=Cirno has Joined the party!= (Party Member Summary to be edited in soon...)

Hibachi - 53% MP 2
Rumia - 60% MP 12
Daiyousei - 92% MP 14
Cirno - 100% MP 14

Guest: Masked Youkai?
Guest Status: ??

= Party Member Summary: Cirno =

Cirno, like Dai, is also a Fairy. However, where Dai excels in removing pain, Cirno excels at causing it.
In the party, she fills a somewhat similar role as your own, but is much more focused on using Ice-based magic to knock down the opposition. In both physical and non-physical flavors.
She also isn't as durable, as expected of a fairy. She has a high amount of determination though, possibly surpassing even your own.
And despite being a fairy, she has an innate knowledge of many things ice-related. Of course, it's to be expected since it's her element.
But whether or not she'll put it to use when appropriate is another thing...


Cirno's Spellcards
These are Cirno's spellcards! (More in the Spellcards Section.)


Ice Fairy's Dress
A blue dress that belongs to Cirno. You're not sure how fairies respawn with their clothes, you think they're a part of them.
"Hehe, you like how blue it is? It's my favorite color!"

Ice Energy(Shortsword)
A normally shapeless mass of Ice Energy that seems to be emitted by Cirno. She can form it into anything she desires, but almost always makes a sword.
"Oh, this? I make it out of ice! Letty taught me how! See, what you do is you make an icicle, then shape it how you want! I make it like this since it feels right!"

-Special Skills-

Ice Change
By issuing a command for this skill, Cirno can transform her weapon of choice into a different form, listed below. She'll learn more as she progresses along.
  • Ice Energy Shortsword
  • Ice Energy Longsword
  • Ice Energy Lance
  • Ice Energy Buster Sword

Ice Shotgun
Three times more shotgun than Rumia's Shade Burst. It hurts less though...

Icicle Rapidfire
A single-target barrage of icicle danmaku that has good accuracy, but poor damage per hit.

-MP-Based Skills-

Icicle Shot (MP 1)
A cheap Special Danmaku that hits one target. it has low power, but good accuracy. No other special effects though.

Freeze Light (MP 3)
A three-way spread of supercold energy beams that can inflict the Freeze Status effect on a critical hit.

Ice Charge (MP 2)
An effective melee attack that involves her encasing herself in ice, then rocketing into the enemy. Causing the ice to shatter violently.
Since she usually uses danmaku ice, it's nonlethal. Still does a number on other fairies though.
It deals a guaranteed critical hit if the target's already been afflicted with Freeze.


Icicle Fall 'Easy' (MP 2)
"This was the first spellcard I ever made y'know! I put a lot of work into it! I just can't figure out why it doesn't hit as much as it oughta!"
A powerful attack, but seems to have poor accuracy. To make up for this, it's surprisingly energy-efficient. Who would've expected this from a fairy?

Cold Body [Super Ice Kick] (MP 4)
"I got the idea for this by watching some weird TV show about sports and giant machine-thingies! I didn't really understand it, but the kick was cool!"
A powerful single-target spellcard, but there's nothing much beyond that.

Cold Sign - "Perfect Freeze" (MP 6)
It's not really my strongest card, but it's the best I've got on me right now! After this, let's visit my hideout so I can get the others!"
A Mass Area Preemptive Weapon type spellcard, or 'MAP Card' for short. Be careful using this one though, since anyone in range will get hurt by the wildly-fired danmaku.
It can also inflict Freeze randomly, including on the user.

=Tutorial Corner: MAPW Type Spellcards=
"Hello all, Yukari here again. This time I'm explaining the class of spellcards that don't care what they hit, the 'Mass-Area Preemptive Weapon Spellcard'. Spellcards belonging to this classification are generally powerful, but tend to hurt the user's allies too if one isn't careful."
Parser: "That's right, most MAP Cards have a problem with friendly fire, since they emit such a large and choking amount of bullets that even their own allies have problems. In this case, even the user herself isn't exempt from getting hurt by her own attack. Fairies, eh?"
"Yes, though there are a few out there that don't have an issue with Friendly Fire, such as some of my own, or some of little Reimu's."
Parser: "Shh, they haven't met Reimu yet in this universe!"
"Oh! You're right, how silly of me~! Well, that's all for this Tutorial Corner!"
Parser: "Until next time!"
"Goodbye~! And do keep an eye on Chen would you?"
Parser: "H-hey, I've already got one cat to take care of, I don't need another." *sweatdrop*
« Last Edit: September 25, 2014, 11:06:05 AM by Hanzo K. »
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: Youkai Quest: 3rd Revision
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2013, 08:01:33 PM »
YES. That was a Gundam reference wasn't it?
> "Just finished actually. Sorry we didn't leave some of 'em for you, nya."

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.

Kyo Tanaka

  • Don't worry Sakuya, I will (Uuu~♥) protect you...
Re: Youkai Quest: 3rd Revision
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2013, 01:07:23 AM »
>Share ball of yarn to Cirno, maybe she'll forgive us?

>Check again. That battle thing's still up, maybe one's alive.

>If so, use our physical attack on the fairy, let our mind recover.

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Youkai Quest: 3rd Revision
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2013, 11:40:39 PM »
YES. That was a Gundam reference wasn't it?
> "Just finished actually. Sorry we didn't leave some of 'em for you, nya."
>Share ball of yarn to Cirno, maybe she'll forgive us?
>Check again. That battle thing's still up, maybe one's alive.
>If so, use our physical attack on the fairy, let our mind recover.
Yes, yes it was. Lampshading the absurdity of it coming from a fairy was an afterthought. Double the funny since it initially came from Rumia, of all Youkai.

>Well, the fairies DO seem pretty beat-up, but they're stubborn ones it seems. You kinda respect their tenacity and determination to get at your stuff.
>"Just finished? Looks like there's still a couple of them, so I'll help you out!" Cirno comments, with her typically-cocky expression.
>Of course, seeing that Cirno's shown up, the remaining two fairies quickly flee the area, shouting cries of "I'll remember this!" and "It won't be so easy next time!"
>You think they've played too much Super Hisou Wars, given how they talk like grunt unit pilots. That said, it looks like this won't be the last time you'll run into these guys. It seemed kind of like they had someone higher-up calling the shots for them, yet they still fear Cirno for some reason. Wonder why?
>Of course, seeing that the issue was resolved, the Masked Youkai departs wordlessly. You didn't even get a chance to thank her for saving you or anything either, what a shame!
>Just then, Cirno pipes up curiously. "So, uh, where are we?" Oh yeah, you were on your way to the Tengu Village!
>You'd share a yarnball with Cirno, but you forgot yours at home! You're also not sure if fairies even like yarnballs.

Parser: Sheesh, sorry about the delay you guys! But now that the fight's over, things should progress smoother.
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: Youkai Quest: 3rd Revision
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2013, 11:52:25 PM »
> Head on towards the village!
> "We're on Youkai Mountain, nya."

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Youkai Quest: 3rd Revision
« Reply #5 on: June 24, 2013, 12:22:27 AM »
> Head on towards the village!
> "We're on Youkai Mountain, nya."

>You decide to resume heading for the village, with Cirno now also in tow.
>"The mountain huh? Hey Dai, isn't that where that weirdo lives?" Cirno asks Dai with a confused expression. "The one who has a thing for frogs? I...I think you shouldn't run into her. There's no telling what will happen to you.."
>They couldn't be talking about Suwako, could they? You do know she's got a pretty strong frog motif. Plus, there was the frog that hopped out of her hat when you first met her.
>Oh well, you'll figure it out sooner or later, time to get moving! Of course, noticing you picking up speed, Cirno flashes you that same grin as before. "Race ya!"
>And before you can react, she grabs Dai by the arm and flies off down the path! Oh, it's on now! Nobody tops you in speed except for the Tengu, and Chen! Your pride won't allow it after all.
>So, following suit, you grab Rumia and take off after them! "Is that sooo~~?!""

=Girls are racing now, please wait.=

>Oww...You really need to remember how to stop when you get up to full speed. That said, Cirno ran into the wall too. In your daze, you hear a pair of voices. Definitely not Cirno, Rumia, or Dai. In fact, they're no voice you know. Must be some of the gatekeepers...? One sounds like a girl though, the other sounds vaguely masculine.

>"Hey, you think that's the kid Inubashiri was talking about last night? You know, the one she was talking about getting a passport for? I gotta say, Boss Tenma must've taken a shine to her to permit an outsider a passport that easily."
>"Gotta be. Want me to send a call out for her?"
>"Nah, you know how loud those get. At this proximity, the kid would probably lose her hearing for a few hours. Best that we let her and her friends come to on their own."
>"Oh. So...we just leave them here?"
>"Nah, we'll prop them up against the wall near the gate. We'll play it by ear from there."
>The female voice seems startled. "Hu-whuh?! B-but, here in public?! Wh-what if Aya catches us?!" You dimly think in your daze that she's misunderstanding. In fact, you're fairly sure you hear the distinct sound of a facepalm shortly before you feel a pair of hands hoist you up, and then sit you against a wall somewhat gently. "Let's just get this done already..." You're fairly sure you hear a note of exasperation in the male-sounding voice.
>You hear Cirno groaning something about roadblocks. You'd be inclined to say the same thing if you were a fairy yourself. Rumia seems to be mumbling about the license plate to the bus that hit her. Silly Rumia, there aren't buses in Gensokyo that you know of!

Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: Youkai Quest: 3rd Revision
« Reply #6 on: June 24, 2013, 04:15:18 AM »
> Wait for the dizziness to subside and take stock of our surroundings.

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Youkai Quest: 3rd Revision
« Reply #7 on: June 25, 2013, 02:58:07 PM »
> Wait for the dizziness to subside and take stock of our surroundings.

>You decide to wait until you aren't so woozy.
>After a short while, it's mostly cleared up. You touch your forehead to see if you'll be okay, and slightly wince. Yeah, you'll be feeling that one in the morning.
>It looks like Cirno, Dai, and Rumia are also pulling out of it too.

>When you look around, you note that you're resting against a wall near the Tengu Village Entry Gate, where Momiji let you in way back when.
>...What's that funny smell? It kinda reminds you of that time lightning hit a tree on Mayohiga's Outskirts. You didn't really notice it before on accounts of being dazed, but it seems to be emanating from the Gate. Did lightning hit it or something? You honestly aren't sure.
>You do note that it also smells faintly of wolf. But that's probably to be expected, since Wolf Tengu seem to be the main watchers according to what you learned.
>Still, that smell of lightning strikes you as odd.
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure


  • 雷滝
Re: Youkai Quest: 3rd Revision
« Reply #8 on: June 25, 2013, 08:43:19 PM »
> As long as we're up and steady again, approach the Gate and examine it to find the cause of the smell of lightning!
[08:23 pm]  Aristocrat -- Raitaki on a scale of 1 to 10 your current mafia game play is annoying as fuck
[08:25 pm]  Aristocrat -- Raitaki, if both of us ended up as mafia
[08:25 pm]  Aristocrat -- I would be so angry
[08:25 pm]  Aristocrat -- that I will snap and give into my rage

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Youkai Quest: 3rd Revision
« Reply #9 on: June 25, 2013, 11:52:00 PM »
> As long as we're up and steady again, approach the Gate and examine it to find the cause of the smell of lightning!

>Curious about the smell, you slowly pull yourself to your feet. You wobble a bit, but you think you've got it under control now.
>Since you've gotten to your feet, the next logical step is, well, to take a step! Which you do so, and nearly fall over for your troubles. You catch yourself though.
>A few minutes later, you get yourself almost fully under control, with a few wobbles. Since you've gotten that all set, you decide to make for the gate.

>Upon arriving, you see two people standing near it, their clothing would mark them as Tengu, but one of them feels...Different. You're not sure, but the male's Presence seems different from the Tengu you know. Almost like it doesn't quite belong in this particular location.
>Well, that and it looks like every so often, a little spark jumps from him. That's actually kinda cool. Of course, the fact that he almost seems to have sideburns that look like scales or horns, in addition to making him look like the hero to Shin Hisou Robo: Apocalypse, would mean he's probably not your garden-variety Tengu. His hair's a rather bizarre shade of blue, almost like the spark that jumped from him.
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: Youkai Quest: 3rd Revision
« Reply #10 on: June 26, 2013, 01:31:03 AM »
> Clap our hands together.
> "Ah! You're the one who smells like lightning, aren't you?"

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.


  • 雷滝
Re: Youkai Quest: 3rd Revision
« Reply #11 on: June 27, 2013, 04:51:34 AM »
> omg a lightning guy aaaaa hugs
[08:23 pm]  Aristocrat -- Raitaki on a scale of 1 to 10 your current mafia game play is annoying as fuck
[08:25 pm]  Aristocrat -- Raitaki, if both of us ended up as mafia
[08:25 pm]  Aristocrat -- I would be so angry
[08:25 pm]  Aristocrat -- that I will snap and give into my rage

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Youkai Quest: 3rd Revision
« Reply #12 on: July 03, 2013, 11:54:10 PM »
> omg a lightning guy aaaaa hugs
>You pouncetacklehug the strange guy, but...Well, you never would have guessed guys with lightning powers don't take well to being surprised. Who'dve thunk it?
It was a wonderful life! Ended quite brilliantly as well, as you're sure you scared some fairies on the opposite end of Gensokyo. Unfortunately, unlike fairies, you don't respawn.

> Clap our hands together.
> "Ah! You're the one who smells like lightning, aren't you?"
>In your moment of realization, you verbally conclude that the smell's coming from the strange young man.
>...Of course, when you clap your hands together, he seems to get startled, and a small bolt shoots upward. It probably sent some poor fairy back to respawn on the way up, judging from the slight flash.
>You make a note to not surprise him too often if you end up having to deal with him more often... You have the strangest feeling that would be a bad thing.

>It takes him a few moments to calm down. During those moments, you see these weird little floating balls of light and sparks hovering around him. Some of them even seem to rest in his hair, which you note has gone all shonen upgrade on him.
>What was really nifty was that those sideburn things changed position to look like horns while that was going on. Of course, the little balls of light have since dispersed, and his hair's gone back to how it used to be. You sort of wonder if it's somehow related to whatever power he might have, given how that's a thing among Youkai.
>That said, during that time his very Presence itself seemed to shift somewhat while he was 'charged up' like that. It felt....Stronger? You aren't really sure, but you'd guess that it may be an instinctual response to surprise, kinda like a cat poofing up when frightened.
>Either way you look at it, you should definitely keep Cirno in check around him, there's no telling what she'll do after all.
>Hang on, where'd that other Tengu go? Maybe she ran off to get someone?
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: Youkai Quest: 3rd Revision
« Reply #13 on: July 04, 2013, 12:41:23 AM »
> "Ah, sorry about that!"
> Keep an eye out for the other tengu.
> "What's your name, nya?"

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Youkai Quest: 3rd Revision
« Reply #14 on: July 09, 2013, 12:02:19 AM »
> "Ah, sorry about that!"
> Keep an eye out for the other tengu.
> "What's your name, nya?"
>When you apologize for startling him, he notices you. "Oh, that was you? I thought we were under attack from those fairies again. They've been causing a lot of trouble over the past few days."
>...That would probably link up with when you set out to resolve the mess with Cirno, wouldn't it? The fact that they ran off when Cirno showed up would imply that a power void appeared when Cirno disappeared.
>Maybe this is related? Regardless, you keep an eye out for the other tengu, and ask 'Mr. Sparky' his name.

BGM: Tengu that Isn't a Tengu ~Theme of Jin~

>"Oh, me? I'm Jin. Though I guess you could tell I'm not your ordinary Tengu, huh?"
>He scratches the back of his neck absentmindedly. "Man, I still have to wonder what the old boss was thinking, letting a guy like me work as a gatekeeper." Old boss? Does he mean that Tenma person you heard about? Or maybe someone else?
.He stares blankly at you for a few seconds before seeming to remember something. "Oh, before we talk anymore, you should use this on yourself and some of your friends. The boys and girls down at Supply gave me one of the overstock by mistake, so I can't think of anything better to do with this."
>He throws you what seems to be a small jar with a cork stopper in it, which you fumble to catch for a few moments. You really need to work on that. "That's Youkai Mountain Salve, 'DF' Blend. It'll fully restore anyone you apply it to, both stamina and energy, but there's only two good uses left in that jar. Three if you spread it thin. I don't know how a partially-used jar slipped through the cracks."
>He then grins lopsidedly, in a way that reminds you vaguely of both Cirno and CidNitori. "But the good thing is that since you're the one Inubashiri mentioned, you oughta be able to restock it with the weaker Civilian Blend. That one just relieves aches and pains some. The Kappa invented it you know, they make a lot of things. I'm pretty sure you can learn more about it at the Kappa Village."

-Item Get! Mountain Salve Jar(3 Uses of DF Blend Left)-
This jar of medicine has around three uses left, the medicine within is the Defense Forces blend of Mountain Salve, which fully restores Health and Magic. Once the jar is empty, you can replenish it with more at certain places.
You should probably use this on you and your friends right away!

>He then walks up to you, and hands you a piece of paper. "That's a Village Map, you'll need it. Newcomers always get lost their first time, so this should help you find your way around a little."

-Item Get! Tengu Village Map-
This is a map of the Tengu Village! If you get lost, unroll it and match up the landmarks to get back on track!

-Tutorial Corner: Mountain Salve Blends-
Different Shops will have different variations of the default blends.
These variations have various effects depending on where you bought that blend.
You might get lucky and find a really good blend from one shop, but find a relatively underwhelming blend in another.

Market Street's shop always sells the 'Plain' version, with no additional modifiers.
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: Youkai Quest: 3rd Revision
« Reply #15 on: July 09, 2013, 12:18:26 AM »
> Use that blend on ourselves, Dai, and Rumia.
> Thank Jin for the freebies.

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Youkai Quest: 3rd Revision
« Reply #16 on: July 17, 2013, 12:59:16 AM »
> Use that blend on ourselves, Dai, and Rumia.
> Thank Jin for the freebies.
>You thank him for the stuff, and he just waves you off. "If Inubashiri was on duty, she probably would've done the same too."
>After that, you head back to where the others are, and find that they've mostly come to, save for Cirno. Rumia's the most awake of the rest, probably because she's used to crashing into things. Who knew that would come in handy?
>Dai seems to be in and out, so you should probably apply it to her pretty soon. Seems she took the crash pretty hard, harder than everyone but Cirno that is. Then again, you're pretty sure Cirno's to blame for this, since she was the one who grabbed Dai.
>When Rumia notices you, she waves at you in her usual cheery manner."Ah! There you are. What's with the jar?" she asks. You explain to her that it's got medicine inside, another gift from the Tengu, and she nods in a seemingly understanding way. "So it's not food? Darn."
>...You're beginning to think she's almost as bad as Yuyuko when it comes to food. That said, you head over to where Dai is resting, and start applying some of the medicine inside. You note it's kinda cold, goopy, and sorta green-looking, maybe it must be made from the local herbs and plants?
>Shortly after applying the bit you used for Dai, she seems to start coming to. "Mmnng..." Sounds like she'll be alright. After that's done, you walk over to Rumia, and begin applying some to her as well. "Wow that's cold!"
>And, just as with Dai, you note she started perking up after it was applied. "Waha~! That stuff's awesome~! I could really get used to having that stuff on hand~! Doesn't beat food though." Ah, Rumia, ever the weirdo.
>Since everyone else has been covered, you start applying the last of the salve to yourself. The first thing you note is that it feels really cold, then starts to warm up, and then it starts to feel like it's seeping into your very being!
>You soon feel as refreshed as if you'd had a good night's sleep and then some! ...You can't believe this, but you're finding yourself agreeing with Rumia.

-HP and MP Restored! All status ailments removed!-
-Ran out of Salve...-
-Got: Empty Medicine Jar-

>Well, now that that's been taken care of, what do you want to do now? You recall that you were going to find Momiji and thank her, as well as see about figuring something out for Mystia. Then you were considering finding Nitori for a few things too, but that would require a visit to the Kappa Village.
>Thankfully, while the Kappa are, as a people, shy and reclusive, they aren't as bad about it as the Tengu. People can come and go, as long as there's a kappa they know. And thankfully for you, you know Nitori. Kinda.
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: Youkai Quest: 3rd Revision
« Reply #17 on: July 17, 2013, 04:26:27 AM »
> Since we're already here let's head into the village and try to find Momiji.

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Youkai Quest: 3rd Revision
« Reply #18 on: July 30, 2013, 06:10:23 PM »
> Since we're already here let's head into the village and try to find Momiji.

>Do you want to leave Rumia and the others to their own devices and head in on your own? You could, given how Cirno's bound to cause some kind of trouble.
>On the other hand, with Dai along, she might be more manageable. You've got at least two ways you could do this.

Parser's Note: I apologize for not having updated, I wasn't able to get online and actually update until recently.
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: Youkai Quest: 3rd Revision
« Reply #19 on: July 30, 2013, 06:38:32 PM »
> Tell Dai to keep Cirno reined in and head on inside in search of Momiji.

No worries!

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Youkai Quest: 3rd Revision
« Reply #20 on: July 31, 2013, 12:58:46 AM »
> Tell Dai to keep Cirno reined in and head on inside in search of Momiji.

No worries!

Umm...Shouldn't you clarify on if they're coming or not? (My apologies.)
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: Youkai Quest: 3rd Revision
« Reply #21 on: July 31, 2013, 02:01:35 AM »

Umm...Shouldn't you clarify on if they're coming or not? (My apologies.)
Oh whoops. I thought I made it clear when I typed it up, but my mind was elsewhere.

> Bring our current party with us and head on inside.
> Tell Dai to keep an eye on Cirno.

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.

Kyo Tanaka

  • Don't worry Sakuya, I will (Uuu~♥) protect you...
Re: Youkai Quest: 3rd Revision
« Reply #22 on: July 31, 2013, 04:20:43 AM »
>How long has it been since we last saw Momiji?

>Will she be able to recognize our cuteness?

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Youkai Quest: 3rd Revision
« Reply #23 on: August 03, 2013, 08:54:06 PM »
>How long has it been since we last saw Momiji?
>Will she be able to recognize our cuteness?
>Last time you saw Momiji was about three to four days before you got involved with things at the Lake. That said, she should still recognize you. It's not like you've been away for a year after all, it's closer to a week.

Oh whoops. I thought I made it clear when I typed it up, but my mind was elsewhere.

> Bring our current party with us and head on inside.
> Tell Dai to keep an eye on Cirno.
>You wait a little bit for Dai to come to fully, and then you tell her everyone's coming with you. Dai seems worried about the idea. "Dai, did you forget that she's got one of those passport things? Pretty sure we can tag along as long as we stick close."
>Dai of course, sighs in what seems like an exaggerated way, but doesn't feel like it. You get the feeling she's used to doing that. "That's what I'm worried about."
>You then point out that Cirno's still somewhat dazed, so even she should be able to keep her in check for a little while. And besides, fairies respawn in random places, you're fairly sure they respawn even in the Tengu Village.
>With that matter having been settled, you take everyone to the gate. Though it takes a little work with Cirno's staggering. You vaguely think she seems almost drunk, which makes you grin a little for some reason. Oh wait, you know why. It's funny.
>Once you reach the gate you see Jin there yet again, still smelling faintly of the aftereffects of a lightning strike, but now looking like he's on the job this time. "Passport?" In response, you produce the passport you recently obtained. He looks it over for a little while before returning it to you. "Going to keep those three in check? Well, not like it's much of a problem since fairies have respawned here in the past a lot. It doesn't quite apply to them, so just keep blondie from doing something stupid. She has that kind of look, y'know?"
>You had a feeling it was like that, seeing as fairies are aspects of nature and all that. But who's blondie, you vaguely wonder. Then you catch sight of Rumia while looking around to confirm who he's talking about. Right, her. She does crash into things after all. She doesn't seem too happy about being called 'blondie' though. You can hear her grumbling something about her ribbon and being called stupid, so you think she might get called that a lot? You guess it's a good thing she's not all that powerful compared to a Tengu?
>But with that matter resolved, you gather your party to venture forth into a place that's still mostly unknown to you...The Tengu Village.

- BGM: Village in the Sky -
>The first thing you think of when you arrive in the Village proper, are the cities from all the anime Sanae watches. So busy and...crisp? You aren't sure that's the word you're looking for, so you stand there for a moment while taking in all the sights. You've only seen this once before after all, and you didn't get much chance to just take in the sights since Momiji was dragging you around.
>Looking back to the gate, you see Jin leaning on the gate and looking amused. "First time seeing it with a passport, hm? You should be thankful to Inubashiri, you're among the few outsiders to get a Village Passport. Myself included." And then it hits you just how important that funny little piece of paper is.
>Realizing that, you unfold the pther piece of paper you got today, the Village Map. When you unfold it, you find it to be blank for a short while before you feel a faint energy coming from the passport you've still got in your hand. Seems it's designed to work only when a passport is matched to it.
>When the feeling subsides, images start to resolve onto the Map. It would seem that if you go straight north from here, you'll reach Market Street. Jin mentioned something about there being places to restock there. Maybe you'll find some neat souvenirs too! You always wanted to add a new outfit to your list of clothes to wear. That ninja-esque outfit Aya was wearing seemed pretty cool too.
>Come to think of it, you can see a lot more people dressed like that. They're flying, walking, running, and some even seem to teleport! Almost all of the ones dressed like that seem pretty busy, and you're certain you can see a few faint flashes from more than a few of the more plainly-dressed ones. Looks like you'll be making headlines here today by simply being around!
>As for the map...It would seem that if you go Northwest from the gate, you'll reach the Residential District. Going Northeast leads you to the Entertainment District. And further still is a place the map has in red ink, so you're pretty sure that's somewhere you can't go with just your passport alone.
>Looking at the sun's position, and going by your own status, you'd say you've still got a couple hours before everyone needs to have lunch, but not by much, so you could do several things. You could visit Market Street to see what you could buy. You could go straight to the Residential District, and wait at Momiji's. Or you could visit the Entertainment District to see what they do for fun here.
>Examining the others reveals that Rumia could go for a snack, Dai wants to restock her supplies, and Cirno.
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: Youkai Quest: 3rd Revision
« Reply #24 on: August 03, 2013, 10:52:54 PM »
> Better head to Market Street first and see what's offered. Supplies are important after all.

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Youkai Quest: 3rd Revision
« Reply #25 on: August 21, 2013, 12:48:53 AM »
> Better head to Market Street first and see what's offered. Supplies are important after all.
>Opening the map, you figure out how to get the Market Street from where you are. Thankfully, it doesn't seem that you'll have to go through any dodgy parts of the city, those are mostly in the Entertainment District according to the map.
>Come to think of it, that's a pretty handy feature right there. You suppose it was designed for newcomers maybe? Pretty weird since you need a Passport or be with a resident in order to get in. Maybe it was designed by that Tenma guy you keep hearing about..?
>Following the map, you and the others soon arrive on one of Market Street's many branching pathways, passing by many curious onlookers as you go. It's like they've never seen a Nekomata, two fairies, and a darkness youkai going shopping before!
>That having been said, you aren't quite sure if you yourself will be able to buy anything, since all you have if that macca you got a few days ago. You might be able find someone around here looking to buy information on the Iceberg Fortress mess though, it doesn't seem like any of the Tengu know that it's been resolved yet since it's still there. And who better to get information from than one of the people who was involved with the resolution? You aren't sure where to go to do that though.
>Oddly enough, you think you hear a familiar voice somewhere in the area....Could it be Momiji? Or maybe Aya? Or was it that Tengu called Hatate? It certainly wouldn't be Nitori, the voice is notably lacking in her usual string of swears.
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: Youkai Quest: 3rd Revision
« Reply #26 on: August 21, 2013, 03:48:06 AM »
> Put our ears to good use and try to find the owner of that voice!

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Youkai Quest: 3rd Revision
« Reply #27 on: September 03, 2013, 06:14:39 PM »
> Put our ears to good use and try to find the owner of that voice!
>It takes a while for your ears to adjust fully to all the chatter and noise, but you think you might have a bead on where the voice is.
>So naturally, you drag the others along while you try to track down the voice. It takes you a while, and more than a few twists and turns, but as you get closer you hear the voice clearer. It's definitely Momiji.
>As you turn the last corner, you see Momiji at a very close stall with a few bags filled with various edible goods and examining a basket of fruits intently before you notice her ears twitch.  She seems to have realized something, judging from how she reacted.
>You guess she's out shopping, since this is the market area. Must be groceries day for her, since she's looking at foodstuffs. Of course, that doesn't last for long when she finishes her business there and looks over her shoulder and notices you and your little entourage. "I thought I smelled someone familiar, I guess this means Aya made the delivery successfully."
>She then walks over with her usual smile and raises one of the bags she's carrying in greetings. "She didn't do anything weird did she? Aya has a habit of being a little pushy sometimes."
>You note that the bag she raised contains a lot of those weird cans she had in her icebox thingy from the last time you visited. The ones that really smelled bad when you got curious about one she'd left unfinished and lying around. What is it with her and that stuff anyways? You don't get it at all.
>It seems she's got a lot of snack-type stuff in the bag too, maybe she's stocking up for a party? Ooh! looks like she's even got those shrimp-flavored crackers you and Chen always fight over! She's definitely planning for something fun, but you can't tell what.
>...Wait, rewind a bit. Icebox thingy? It suddenly occurs to you that you might be able to ask Momiji about one of the things Mystia needs! And come to think of it, she's a Tengu too! Maybe she can help with that other thing that was bothering Mystia too! Of course, for the other thing, you'll probably have to go further down the mountain to ask Nitori at her place, unless Momiji knows where Nitori is.
>But looking back, you recall that Momiji mentioned that she knows Nitori and occasionally visits her, or has her over as a guest. You think it's got something to do with the game you saw Nitori playing with Hatate back when you first arrived on the mountain, back when you couldn't fly. Seeing as it seems to be relatively popular here on the mountain according to Suwako and Kanako. They prefer a different game though, something about capturing territory and stuff. it's got a weird map you've never seen before too.

Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: Youkai Quest: 3rd Revision
« Reply #28 on: September 03, 2013, 09:45:45 PM »
> Greet Momiji if we haven't already.
> "This might be kinda random but where'd you get your icebox thingy, nya?"

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Youkai Quest: 3rd Revision
« Reply #29 on: September 12, 2013, 05:19:06 PM »
> Greet Momiji if we haven't already.
> "This might be kinda random but where'd you get your icebox thingy, nya?"
>You raise a hand in response to her having done so, then come right out with the question as usual. Which, of course, leaves her with a rather flummoxed expression.
>"Eh? My icebox? It's Kappa-made, why do you ask?"
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure