Author Topic: Shino Quest - The Wait is Over! (Act 2.0)  (Read 92723 times)

Tamashii Kanjou

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Shino Quest - The Wait is Over! (Act 2.0)
« on: May 29, 2013, 09:53:45 PM »
~Please note, it has been a year since this was put on hold~
~The previous two threads can be found here (Act #1) and here (Act 1's conclusion, Act 2's beginning) for your viewing pleasure~
~Several people demanded this; so blame them~

Did you think I was gone for good?

You are Shino, the Corrupt Maiden of Perversion; or in the more 'official' sense, the Corrupt Maiden of the Kanjou Shrine. And your ?journey? began on a beautiful morning? with you naked in a shower~ :V

Act 01
?   You've received the latest copy of Bunbunmaru square in the face; wearing only a towel.
?   Had a fight with Sakuya, and almost won her over...before Keine caused her to retreat because of fighting inside the village.
?   You spotted Yuuka in the village, and followed her. You attempted to beat her with words. You were Master Sparked into a wall.
?   After waking up on the ground with Kanjou & Mokou on hand, you were given some books to return to the SDM; thanks to Kanjou.
?   You met Meiling, followed by Flandre; who you used in a plan involving the capture of Koakuma.
?   The books were returned to Patchouli, then all hell broke loose as Marisa flew in.
?   You gropped Koakuma in the confusion; before Flandre attacked everyone in the area.
?   You managed to escape, after which you started a relationship with Sakuya. [Yes, this is currently Shino x Sakuya.]
?   Time passed. [My way of saying stuff 'that is not safe, and therefore, can't be typed in here' happened.]
?   You left the SDM and returned to the Kanjou Shrine; your entrance involved tickling Hatate.
?   After getting changed to do shrine duties, you fed a group of kids from the school during a donation rush.
?   You, Kanjou & Keine, along with the shrine, vanished for a moment via some weird barrier.
?   Kanjou breaks the barrier/illusion, causing Aya to swoop in to find out what happened.
?   Yukari gaps Aya away, before you grope Yukari after a quick distraction; thanks to Kanjou.
?   Yukari gaps a train at you in response; Kanjou saves you by... actually, you don't know how.
?   'Tokiko' asked you both to help Rinnosuke; Kanjou stayed at Kourindou whilst you went back to the shrine.
?   You wake Yukari up at the shrine, after finding her knocked out from the incident; Yukari trolls you afterwards, before leaving.
?   After an encounter with a 'ghost' at the shrine, you encounter Kasen; who tells you it's actually a spirit of some sort.
?   She also tells you that both of the shrine maidens have gone missing, before asking if you could help find them.
?   You are thrown through the floor of your shrine after inducting Kasen into the list; seconds after she placed a donation.
?   You set off with Aya to go to Alice's House in a bid to find out more about the spirit.
?   Aya is knocked out by her defence system; you take this chance to swipe her wallet before being attacked by lots of dolls.
?   Marisa arrives and helps you disable the attacking storm of dolls; Aya crawls away, Yukari gaps her left-behind camera.
?   Alice mentions the possibility of the spirit having come from Makai; possibly to spy on all of Gensokyo.
?   Marisa flies out on her own accord, whilst Alice breaks down on you; revealing she has missed the people of Makai for so long.
?   Alice begins to plot a way to 'teach Reimu a lesson' and bringing down the barrier that is sealing the entrance to Makai.
?   You agree to help, some what, before groping Alice; you quickly make your leave soon after.
?   You find Aya slumped against a tree, before helping her out of the forest; Aya departs after this, leaving you alone.
?   You head back to the village, and bump into Akyuu; who is handling information from ?Ryuzaki.?
?   Upon arriving back at the shrine, Kanjou & Akyuu reveal why you weren?t involved in the Great Lunar War.
?   Sakuya arrives whilst you deal with the information that very bad things happened before you came back to Gensokyo months ago.
?   Sakuya invites you to the SDM as a ?special guest? to ?break Remilia.? You accept.
?   Remilia can not stand your presence; and faints at the sight of Sakuya making out in front of her.
?   Patchouli asks for your assistance while Sakuya tends to Remilia.
?   You almost drown recovering some books from the library?s swimming pool.
?   Sakuya, Flandre & Meiling share some food with you; before you call it a night with Sakuya.

Act 02
?   You wake up to find Sakuya is not beside you, and your shrine maiden attire on hand.
?   You left the mansion, only to find a bit of a ruckus at the gates.

>Relationships! (There are more; these are just the most note-worthy ones~ :V )

>Aya: A deal was struck between you two: you sign up to get Bunbunmaru before anyone else, she gives you exclusive pictures. Of course, you also help take said pictures from time to time. In short, you get on so well with her.
>Keine: A good teacher. Or a strict one. She doesn't approve of your antics, and you have felt her head-butt on several occasions. But you get on pretty well despite it.
>Byakuren: She runs a temple in the village, which you know can take off as a ship too. She remains elusive to your 'charms' and you're determined to get her at some point. She treats you as kindly as everyone else.
>Kanjou: The shrine belongs to Kanjou; and you prefer it that way. He's no god, but you prefer it that way too. At least, if just to see Reimu complain endlessly about it. Kanjou trains you; and whilst your views on it are different, you wouldn't leave him alone.
>Yukari: She appears from time to time to 'cure boredom.' She has been known to send you off on wild missions for no reason; but you don't mind. You still hold her as a rival, of sorts; since you are still yet to 'technically' beat her.

>Sakuya: Your current girlfriend! Cool and calm around her mistress; and more so away from her. Sakuya used to disapprove of your antics, but that has changed somewhat; seeing as you two are together now. She still sees fit to address the importance of manners from time to time; normally after certain incidents.
>Remilia: Your 'enemy.' She has ridiculed you, your potential, and has caused you pain, suffering, and a whole heap of rage! And that's before mentioning your relationship with Sakuya. After fighting back with 'The Charismatic Vampire Humilated!' article, anyone who mentions the term 'Charisma Break' is often referring to your 'fights' with her.
>Yuuka: Less an enemy, more the unreachable star. Your paths keep crossing, but you have never bested her in combat. Yet she still remains 'friendly' with you. You think Kanjou might have something to do with that... or she just enjoys beating you all the time.
>Akyuu: Akyuu knows you the same way she knows most people, by talking to them for the Gensokyo Chronicles. She is a good person to go to for information, and seems to enjoy talking to you.


>Your hands have one hell of a tight grip for a human. But this came natural to you... You think.
>You are a pervert. As such, certain smells give away anything from the location of someone to who it actually is. You know a few of by heart.
>Your danmaku skills are pretty good. Granted, some of them have been adapted to suit your 'style,' but you enjoy the fact it's sort of different. Your spell cards reflect this too, but we'll get to those later.
>As a maiden of Kanjou, you are pushed on every training session whenever the day arises. As such, you're very fit and healthy. But doing too much in a day can really take its toll on you.


>Spell Cards!

>>Maiden's Sign: Wave of Romance!
>>>This card is pretty bright, compared to most of your other choices. Bright waves of 'love' engulf your opponents; bending inwards as it gets closer. You send out amulets too; because every shrine maiden loves using amulets.

>>Perversion Sign: The Mysterious Glomp!
>>>This is a very silly card; but you've won with this before. You dive in a specific pattern, or straight at your target, and attempt to collide with them. Of course, you also summon danmaku at your sides and amulets in a quick circle each time you dive. It takes a few seconds after each dive to ready the next danmaku charge; so sometimes, you improvise with how far you're flying out.

>>H Sign: Unthinkable Particle Works!
>>>This is a card that, whilst sticking true to what you are, is also a pure danmaku challenge. You position amulets around the area; these amulets seal the two of you inside. Your attack then starts with a laser grid being formed by the square. Two corners will fire normal, black danmaku towards the opponent. Your next attack sends out the same danmaku from yourself. However, it changes the already black danmaku into many tiny purple ones; scattering them to each side. It's a tricky card for even those high up there, but the energy level on your part is also very high.

>>Ultimate Lust: Death of the Highest Score!
>>>IF Kanjou didn't know you any better, he'd think your names were silly... yet pretty clever at being mysterious. Having thrown yourself at youkai willingly, you have learnt that some things are best left to chance. This throws everything hidden in your perverted mind out onto your target. Worse then that, it makes grazing anywhere in front of your direct position very hard. Danmaku circle outwards as amulets explode into particles once more. You make a blind dive once nothing else can be seen. You have knocked yourself out with this in the past; yet very few people have caught this card.


>Shrine Maiden Attire {Equipped}
>>It's the same sort of design as Reimu & Sanae; in other words, the 'default' attire. Yours, however, is a dark purple in the places where it would be red or blue.
>>Your skirt is plain, like Reimu; though there is the odd black heart now and then.You're still in the process of making different versions; so it's pretty simple right now.
>>Of course, everyone knows a maiden has detached sleeves. Yours are purple at the top, in the middle and at the end of the sleeve.

>Currently in Pockets (of Shrine Maiden Attire)
>>Spell Cards. No need to tell you what these are for.



Loaned for Knowledge
>>Kanjou needed some books returning to Patchouli. Since he was busy, your task was to return them to her. This was a success; though you think Patchouli may not appreciate the raging Flandre you left with her.

~QUEST #02~
That Spirit's a Spy!
>>A spirit has been floating around; attracting the attention of magicians and hermits alike. Alice seems to believe it may have come from Makai, but is unsure.
>>You become determined to see if you can use the spirit to spy on all of Gensokyo; aiding in your life-long dream of perversion.

~QUEST #03~
The Unspoken Return
>>Having journeyed into Hokkai, and released Byakuren, you seem to remember very little else of what happened afterwards.
>>You decide to find out the answers as you continue your rounds around Gensokyo.

Voile's Diving Session
>>Patchouli wanted you to collect some books from the library's pool. You gathered 24 of them... but not before almost drowning in the process.


>It's approaching 8 in the morning.
>You are outside the entrance to the Scarlet Devil Mansion.
>There is a pretty big group of people in front of the SDM's gates.
>You can hear Meiling's voice; but it's pretty hard to make out what she is saying.
>The group, from what you can see have calmed down a little; but one of them is refusing to back off.


Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Shino Quest - The Wait is Over! (Act 2.0)
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2013, 10:06:36 PM »
>Let's mosey over to the gates.
>Do we know where Sakuya is, or what she might be specifically up to at the moment?

Tamashii Kanjou

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Re: Shino Quest - The Wait is Over! (Act 2.0)
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2013, 10:54:47 PM »
>Let's mosey over to the gates.
>Do we know where Sakuya is, or what she might be specifically up to at the moment?

>You head closer to the gates.
>"I won't warn you all again, this mansion is strictly off-limits!"
>Sounds like Meiling really is having a tough time.

>You have no idea. The fairy that guided you to the entrance was under the impression she was busy; so who knows.

>As you close in on the gate...
>"We are not leaving until we find out what is going on."
>From what you can see, that came from the one person refusing to go back into the crowd.
>She sounds... angry.


Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Shino Quest - The Wait is Over! (Act 2.0)
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2013, 11:37:12 PM »
>Do we recognize anyone in that crowd?

Tamashii Kanjou

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Re: Shino Quest - The Wait is Over! (Act 2.0)
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2013, 11:43:28 PM »
>Do we recognize anyone in that crowd?

>You do not.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Shino Quest - The Wait is Over! (Act 2.0)
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2013, 11:53:07 PM »
>Approach the gates, put on our best smile.
>"Well, well, what's the trouble, folks?"

Tamashii Kanjou

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Re: Shino Quest - The Wait is Over! (Act 2.0)
« Reply #6 on: May 30, 2013, 11:01:49 AM »
>Approach the gates, put on our best smile.
>"Well, well, what's the trouble, folks?"

>You walk up to the gates with the most charming smile you can manage.
>No one seems to notice you as you put a hand on the gates.

<"Well, well. What seems to be the trouble, folks?"
>Meiling glances back to you...
>"I might be asking you the same question!"
>But not before the girl in front of her directs her voice at you.


Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Shino Quest - The Wait is Over! (Act 2.0)
« Reply #7 on: May 30, 2013, 12:20:06 PM »
>Glance around. Do the ghosties seem to be especially thick around here?
>Also let's evaluate this speaker.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2013, 12:25:28 PM by Chief Purvisil »

Tamashii Kanjou

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Re: Shino Quest - The Wait is Over! (Act 2.0)
« Reply #8 on: May 31, 2013, 11:33:46 PM »
>Glance around. Do the ghosties seem to be especially thick around here?
>Also let's evaluate this speaker.

>You do a quick scan of the group.
>They seem to be a mix bag; some appear confused, some seem angry, and others just shuffle amongst each other.

>As for the person in front, she has short red hair; just above the shoulder, with the front resting above her eyes.
>Whilst her white top has some grid-like pattern across it, and the red haori on top of it resting just past her waist, her dark blue hakama stand out.
>They probably were hakama at some point, but the left leg is noticeably shorter; jagged pieces of material indicating it was likely cut off from knee point.


Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Shino Quest - The Wait is Over! (Act 2.0)
« Reply #9 on: June 01, 2013, 12:04:37 AM »
>And them spirits?
>"That's a great question! I can't get to the bottom of it when I have to quell a little riot, now can I?"

Tamashii Kanjou

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Re: Shino Quest - The Wait is Over! (Act 2.0)
« Reply #10 on: June 02, 2013, 08:49:12 AM »
>And them spirits?
>"That's a great question! I can't get to the bottom of it when I have to quell a little riot, now can I?"

>... There isn't really any spirits lingering around.
>There seems to be a couple hovering away from the mansion; they seem to have no part with what's going on.

<"You know, that's a great question!"
>"You're damn right it is!"
<"I can't get to the bottom of it when I have to quell a little riot like this, now can I?"
>"... You call THIS a riot?!"
>She doesn't seem to appreciate that statement.
>"Regardless of what you think, if we were starting a riot, your mansion would be toast by now!"
>Meiling lifts her left foot and brings it down to the ground.
>The next few seconds are filled with the ground around them cracking; rumbling underneath their feet.
>The girl attempts to keep her cool, but you can tell she wasn't expecting this sort of energy to rock underneath her.
>The group, meanwhile, are not taking it so well; some of them falling over others.

>The rumbling stops after roughly 10 seconds.
>The ground remains on the same level as before, but you wouldn't trust it to hold up if something else happened.
>"I'd advise against threatening this mansion."


Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Shino Quest - The Wait is Over! (Act 2.0)
« Reply #11 on: June 02, 2013, 05:19:20 PM »
>"This isn't my mansion, dearie. It's their mansion. I'm here on business, but I can't do that when I have to keep Meiling here from kicking your fool head across the lake, can I?"
>"Now, if you have something helpful to add to any investigations I'm making, I'd be happy to hear it. But right now, you're doing more harm than good being here."

Tamashii Kanjou

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Re: Shino Quest - The Wait is Over! (Act 2.0)
« Reply #12 on: June 04, 2013, 10:14:09 AM »
>"This isn't my mansion, dearie. It's their mansion. I'm here on business, but I can't do that when I have to keep Meiling here from kicking your fool head across the lake, can I?"
>"Now, if you have something helpful to add to any investigations I'm making, I'd be happy to hear it. But right now, you're doing more harm than good being here."

<"This isn't my mansion, dearie. It's their mansion."
>"And why exactly..."
<"Because I'm here on business, sweetheart. But I can't do anything when I have to keep Meiling here from kicking your fool head across the lake, can I?"
>The girl growls , but quickly glances to Meiling; who remains in her current 'prepared to strike' stance.

>You take the time to smile at the girl.
<"Now, if you have something helpful to add to any investigations I'm making, I'd be happy to hear it. But right now, you're doing more harm than good being here."
>The girl looks back to the group and points directly across the lake.
>"EVERYONE! Over the lake, now!"
>A lot of murmuring starts spreading around, but a fire-crackling clap hushes that.
>"Stay in the group, and don't wander!"
>The group begins to shuffle, and fly away from the mansion gates; over the lake.

>The girl remains in place.
>She glances behind to make sure none of them are lingering, before looking back at you.
>"I hope that's good enough for you, little girl. Perhaps an exchange of names would be a better introduction."


Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Shino Quest - The Wait is Over! (Act 2.0)
« Reply #13 on: June 04, 2013, 03:34:22 PM »
>"Of course, I'm Shino of the Kanjou shrine"
>Proper bow.

Tamashii Kanjou

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Re: Shino Quest - The Wait is Over! (Act 2.0)
« Reply #14 on: June 04, 2013, 03:57:23 PM »
>"Of course, I'm Shino of the Kanjou shrine"
>Proper bow.

<"Of course. I'm Shino of the Kanjou shrine."
>You bow to the girl.

>"And I'm Hong Meiling; gatekeeper of the Scarlet Devil Mansion."
>Meiling doesn't bow as low as you do; but you guess that she is still unsure as to the girl's aim.

>"A gatekeeper?" The girl sniggers. "I wouldn't have guessed."


Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Shino Quest - The Wait is Over! (Act 2.0)
« Reply #15 on: June 04, 2013, 04:06:26 PM »
>"And you are?"

Tamashii Kanjou

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Re: Shino Quest - The Wait is Over! (Act 2.0)
« Reply #16 on: June 04, 2013, 05:50:37 PM »
>"And you are?"

<"And you are?"
>The girl places a hand on her hip, and grins.
>"The name is Tomiko Akane; fire-starter extraordinaire!"

>She clicks her other hand as she ends her sentence, and generates a bright blue flame above her finger.


Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Shino Quest - The Wait is Over! (Act 2.0)
« Reply #17 on: June 04, 2013, 07:17:23 PM »
>"Oh wow, are you a phoenix too?"
>Discretely size her up for possible victimizing.

Tamashii Kanjou

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Re: Shino Quest - The Wait is Over! (Act 2.0)
« Reply #18 on: June 06, 2013, 10:32:55 PM »
>"Oh wow, are you a phoenix too?"
>Discretely size her up for possible victimizing.

>You quickly, and 'discretely' look her over.
>She is about the same height as you; perhaps a little taller than you, but not by much.
>Her chest is... smaller then yours? Again, not by much; but you certainly believe you have the bigger 'chest.'

<"Oh wow. Are you a phoenix too?"
>Tomiko looks at you with a surprised expression on her face.
>"Phoenix?! You're telling me they actually exist?"
>Meiling glances to you; she seems pretty perplexed.


Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Shino Quest - The Wait is Over! (Act 2.0)
« Reply #19 on: June 07, 2013, 12:20:24 AM »
>Hmmm. Sufficient. But we can wait for a short while.
>"Yeah, I kinda beat her up a while back."
>After numerous tries, but they need not know this.
>"So, tell me what you know?"

Tamashii Kanjou

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Re: Shino Quest - The Wait is Over! (Act 2.0)
« Reply #20 on: June 08, 2013, 11:45:47 AM »
>Hmmm. Sufficient. But we can wait for a short while.
>"Yeah, I kinda beat her up a while back."
>After numerous tries, but they need not know this.
>"So, tell me what you know?"

>Not bad, not bad. But she can wait for a while.

<"Yeah, I kinda beat her up a while back."
>You think you hear Meiling snigger a little; probably because she knows it wasn't really a walk in the park.
>Fire girl over there doesn't need to know the details...
>Except she seems very interested.
>"You have to tell me about her! What was she like? Did she torch an entire village? Did you kill her? Did she come back to life by rising up through a pile of ashes?"
>She seems to have left her aggressive side behind.

<"Well... first of, can you tell me what you know?"
>"Only if you tell me about the phoenix!"
>Meiling is certainly taking a couple of steps back.


Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Shino Quest - The Wait is Over! (Act 2.0)
« Reply #21 on: June 08, 2013, 06:58:36 PM »
>"Oh, she's a sweetie once you get to know her. A gruff sweetie, but you know they type, right? And no, she's actually really careful about burning things down. Now, about that stuff I asked about?"

Tamashii Kanjou

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Re: Shino Quest - The Wait is Over! (Act 2.0)
« Reply #22 on: June 08, 2013, 11:16:42 PM »
>"Oh, she's a sweetie once you get to know her. A gruff sweetie, but you know they type, right? And no, she's actually really careful about burning things down. Now, about that stuff I asked about?"

<"Oh, she's a sweetie once you get to know her."
<"Well, a gruff sweetie... you know the type, right?"
>Tomiko stares at you for a few seconds; growling a little.
<"Anyway, she's actually really careful about burning things down."
>"I always thought something like a pheonix would have problems with that."
>"Well, there have been fires over at the Bamboo Forest before." Meiling chirps in. "But she really has full control over it."
>"I could learn so much from her!" Tomiko is beaming once again; only she's directing herself towards Meiling now.
>"You mentioned a forest. Which direction? Does she live there?"
>"Well, from here you'd have to..."

>You cut Meiling off before she gets dragged in any further, and snap the fire girl's attention back to you.
<"Now then, the stuff I ask about."
>"Fine, fine."
>She points... in the direction of the Human Village.
>"There was a pretty large group of us flocking around that direction. I didn't want to get involved, so I took some of us this way."
>"What for?"
>"To look around, of course. We don't exactly know where we are, okay!"


Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Shino Quest - The Wait is Over! (Act 2.0)
« Reply #23 on: June 09, 2013, 03:22:32 AM »
>"Didn't want to get involved with what?"

Tamashii Kanjou

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Re: Shino Quest - The Wait is Over! (Act 2.0)
« Reply #24 on: June 09, 2013, 02:01:53 PM »
>"Didn't want to get involved with what?"

<"Hang on. Didn't want to get involved with what?"
>"With that group! A number of them I don't really like; so I do my best to stay away from them."
>"I know that feeling." You hear Meiling sigh.


Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Shino Quest - The Wait is Over! (Act 2.0)
« Reply #25 on: June 09, 2013, 07:12:58 PM »
>"Okay, and what's the deal with that stuff you were refusing to leave until you found out what they were?"

Tamashii Kanjou

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Re: Shino Quest - The Wait is Over! (Act 2.0)
« Reply #26 on: June 09, 2013, 10:27:43 PM »
>"Okay, and what's the deal with that stuff you were refusing to leave until you found out what they were?"

<"Okay then. What about the deal with that stuff you were refusing to leave until you found out what they were?"
>"Where the what now?"
>"She means our mansion, thank you."
>Tomiko glances back at the lake.
>"Some fairy mentioned something happening at this mansion. She seemed to believe the residents were always stirring things up; so we came over to find out why."

>Meiling looks at you and whispers something; you can just make it out.
>"Tell me she didn't speak to the idiot."


Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Shino Quest - The Wait is Over! (Act 2.0)
« Reply #27 on: June 09, 2013, 10:34:20 PM »
>Give Meiling a little shrug.
>"Naw, they're pretty nice here, usually. I mean, look at Meiling. Isn't she just a sweetie? How could you believe she's plotting anything nefarious?"

Tamashii Kanjou

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Re: Shino Quest - The Wait is Over! (Act 2.0)
« Reply #28 on: June 09, 2013, 11:10:52 PM »
>Give Meiling a little shrug.
>"Naw, they're pretty nice here, usually. I mean, look at Meiling. Isn't she just a sweetie? How could you believe she's plotting anything nefarious?"

>You simply shrug; any fairy can be 'dumb,' but pointing fingers at Cirno isn't always 'smart.'

>You turn back to Tomiko.
<"Naw, they're pretty nice here... usually."
>"Visit often, I take it?"
>Meiling simply nods.
>"More then you'd think."
<"See? Just look at Meiling. Isn't she a sweetie?"
>Tomiko looks at Meiling and chuckles.
>"Sweet is certainly one way of putting it."
<"So how could you believe she would be plotting anything ne..."
>"I never said 'she' was. I was on about the residents of this place!"
>"Hey! They are not THAT bad."

>And the two are staring each other down again.


Hello Purvis

  • *
  • Hello Jerry
Re: Shino Quest - The Wait is Over! (Act 2.0)
« Reply #29 on: June 09, 2013, 11:31:19 PM »
>Put some reassuring hands on shoulders.
>"And she's the one they have who serves as the face for visitors, you know? Don't worry, there's nothing going on here."