Author Topic: Touhou 13.5 東方心綺楼 Hopeless Masquerade - I'm hopelessly in love  (Read 477560 times)


  • alter cool
Tried to play with a friend earlier. Was going fine for the first match, but in the third round of the second match something went wrong with the controls and I ended up controlling both of our characters. When we got back to the menu two controllers were assigned to player one and no controllers were assigned to player two. Sorry I'm so bad at this, but would someone please explain to me in very simple steps how to set controllers to players? I can't seem to get it right.
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.


  • Triple Teasing Charicature
I had similar issues with the Demo but wasn't sure if it was my DS3Tool, my computer, or the game itself having controller identity issues.
[☰] [☴] [☵] [☶] [☷] [☳] [☲] [☱]


  • Knight of the Hungry Ghost
  • Yuyuko-sama!
    • HSE-Endeavor's Robotics Team
According to Pooshlmer, Tasofro's blog said something about the next patch not being bug fixes. Can anyone confirm that?
Probably adding Kokoro.

>This is the little mistress.
>Oh, hello little one!
Is this my dream, the destiny to behold?
~Sister of Scarlet~


  • Te-Te-Te-Te-Tenko
  • Hinanai Tenko~
According to Pooshlmer, Tasofro's blog said something about the next patch not being bug fixes.
Kokoro?My feelings about this.
That is all.
I finally got ahead!


  • *
  • Probably won't respond 'til this mess is sorted o?
 What Tasofro really said is more like, this patch is mainly about bugfixes and improving player control (such as C and Z not doing anything when the skill requirements are not met); the next patch will be for the actual balance adjustments. They said nothing about Kokoro.

There's also this exchange from June 7:
Migel Futosi: I'm glad to receive the commission for a new Kokoro win pose. I will try to make it more impactful than the previous win poses.

Unabara: Don't set up a cliffhanger like that (what
Migel Futosi is the newbie pixel artist I mentioned who drew 1/3 of Kokoro's sprites.

Also, look at his current twitter portrait!
« Last Edit: June 13, 2013, 01:19:34 AM by cuc »
Touhou Fantasy News: twitter


  • Hermit Mode on!
  • Just chilling like a hermit.
There's also this exchange from June 7:Migel Futosi is the newbie pixel artist I mentioned who draw 1/3 of Kokoro's sprites. Be sure to check out his current twitter portrait!
My danmakucopter goes pew pew pew!

Check out my newb PAD box it's a thing right?

What Tasofro really said is more like, this patch is mainly about bugfixes and improving player control (such as C and Z not doing anything when the skill requirements are not met); the next patch will be for the actual balance adjustments. They said nothing about Kokoro.

Ah, I see. Thank you!


  • 私だ。エルグレコ。
  • 南無三
Tried to play with a friend earlier. Was going fine for the first match, but in the third round of the second match something went wrong with the controls and I ended up controlling both of our characters. When we got back to the menu two controllers were assigned to player one and no controllers were assigned to player two. Sorry I'm so bad at this, but would someone please explain to me in very simple steps how to set controllers to players? I can't seem to get it right.

I suppose you were playing in "VS Player" and not in VS network.
If it was actually in VS Player on the same computer, you or your friend probably changed the profile of someone during the game, you can assign specific controls for every profile in the "profile menu" of the game.

By the way, did you try to play again in "Vs Network"? You never asked to try again, aren't you interested anymore?

Probably adding Kokoro.

Kokoro?My feelings about this.
That is all.
Well, I already said it on the first message talking about the update:
The 3rd patch has been released ( ̄ー ̄) .
But still no Kokoro ⌐_⌐‘ .

PS: they don't even talk about her in their last blog entry, I hate them.

They don't speak about her, not even to say if they'll add her in some future patches or when, that's why I was being a little bit upset: if they focus on simple bugs without even finishing the game and add the missing content to finally get a "final version" of it, that's very weird but well, nevermind. If it takes more time for some reasons, it's still not really a problem but after more than 1 month of waiting I was expecting at least something like "we'll probably add her in the next patch" or giving an approximate date, but at least saying a little thing about her since they know everyone is waiting for her...

Also, look at his current twitter portrait!

Oooh, I love it!
Even if we'll never see all these masks in the game, I really liked the concept of "all the masks from other games/series/animes!"
I recognized three of the Masked/Kamen Rider masks, Dio's mask, Vega's (Balrog's) mask, Phanto's mask, Ellen, etc...
It's a simple fanart but I'd really like to see in the game a Kokoro controlling dozens of masks from other places and universes (if only... ( —‿‿— ) )..
« Last Edit: June 13, 2013, 05:55:01 AM by ElGreko »

The Greatest Dog

  • Grazing at Mach 10
  • 90 Frames per Second GO!
... She's spinning more than Hina right there.

@Kokoro: Maybe they don't intend for her to be playable until later? Maybe Kokoro's moveset is spoilers for Double Dealing Character?


  • Triple Teasing Charicature
I'm not in any place to complain about the roster size when games like Skullgirls are allowed to get away with even less characters from a much larger dev team.
[☰] [☴] [☵] [☶] [☷] [☳] [☲] [☱]

Shin Rokuren

  • - 秘剣 -
  • 「ツバメ六連」
Okay, so maybe this has been discussed before but is it possible to edit a profile icon? I noticed the folder and if possible, use a different bmp image but use the same name. Has anyone tried it?


  • 私だ。エルグレコ。
  • 南無三
Yes it's totally possible, I drew myself my own profile icon (also with transparence).

Okay, so maybe this has been discussed before but is it possible to edit a profile icon? I noticed the folder and if possible, use a different bmp image but use the same name. Has anyone tried it?
Here's some that you can use. Just put them in the icon folder.
Oh, if you want some icon here's some that I get from an artist on Pixiv.
How it looked :
The zip file :
The password is 'icon', put it in the bracket with a button beside it.
You can go check pixiv for some more or you can just make it yourself.

Oh, about the new patch. I already found one new bug.
When I was testing with Byakuren to see the changes, I noticed that when I used her Last Word to finish off an opponent, the game showed that I lost, whether the enemy won a round or not. They still explode though, and a larger one at that. I find it funny, it's as if Byakuren gave away the match after beating the crap out of them.
Here, there's a video of it on Nico
« Last Edit: June 13, 2013, 10:16:35 AM by monhan »


  • Gensou Rounin
  • Profile Loading... Please Wait Warmly.
Darth_Sirov, I managed to luck through Reimu's spell card after like being smashed all around. The Nurikube was ineffective as I expected because the amulets fly past really really fast and any additional she spawns (the twin spinnings) or the homing ones will just disable it. I kept on using the lantern and any combo I could pull off (TL DR: LUCK). Had to blow a continue for Reimu and 2 lives =.=

Surprisingly, For me, Kokoro was 100000x easier to beat on Lunatic. Mainly because none of the spell cards are actually annoying. Perhaps the first one, but that is a matter of smart timing to graze/puncture through. I found myself a new favourite char for this game next to Byakuren.

Sorry if I wasn't of any help. All I did before was doing the lantern attacks and play keep away as much as possible, the nurikube was only a temporary fix if she didn't use her big homing amulets.

And yeah, practically every other spell card that is not "Homing" or pre-activated, are easy. Only thing that makes Kokoro harder than Mamizou is if you're pushed on the defensive and don't graze (all her spell cards are guaranteed Guard Crush).

Shin Rokuren

  • - 秘剣 -
  • 「ツバメ六連」
Real sweet. Thanks guys.


  • alter cool
I suppose you were playing in "VS Player" and not in VS network.

Yes, that's right.

If it was actually in VS Player on the same computer, you or your friend probably changed the profile of someone during the game, you can assign specific controls for every profile in the "profile menu" of the game.

Okay, but how is that done exactly? We were both using controllers and the game recognized them both as far as we could tell, but I couldn't figure out how to reassign them. I know how to assign controls, but now how to assign controllers. Hopefully that makes sense.

By the way, did you try to play again in "Vs Network"? You never asked to try again, aren't you interested anymore?

Sorry about that, I've been very busy. Still have a ton of homework and I somehow got talked into taking more shifts at work. I haven't had time to look at netplay at all. I'll get back to you, but it might be until this weekend or possibly even later if this amount of homework keeps up.
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.


  • 私だ。エルグレコ。
  • 南無三
Well, if it happened during a match without anyone to touch the configuration menu, that's kinda weird, maybe a bug, but just check your profiles to see if everything is correctly bound.

For assigning controller key, it's in the same menu as your keyboard keys:
In the Profile menu, go on the "Key config" menu, and choose a profile, you'll have 2 column, "Keyboard" in white, and "Gamepad" in yellow with some "button1, button2, button3, etc..." bound to the game keys (I know it's not very easy if you don't understand japanese, if you don't get something, just ask -‿-).

I never tried to configure the gamepad column since I only play with my keyboard, but this is where you configure the stuff!

And don't worry for the netplay, it's whenever you want ( ̄ー ̄).

Oh, and talking about replacement icons, for those who are interested, not for the profile icon but the game shortcut's icon, there is a replacement icon too, since the original one is not very good.
It looks like this:

256x256 format
48x48 format


  • Deathguard Night Sparrow
  • *
  • Harbingers, yo.
Well, I just did Ichirin's story, and there was something off about it. Nitori's first spell (the one with the missiles) didn't show up at all, and Koishi's second nonspell phase never showed up. The rest of the story mode was fine. Note that I did attempt this story mode before 1.03b, and both things were normal the first time. I don't get it.
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

Devil of Decline Partial English Gameplay Patch!
Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion!


  • Gensou Rounin
  • Profile Loading... Please Wait Warmly.
I'm not sure about Nitori, but I did hear that if you get max popularity midbattle, they'll skip everything and go to Final Spell Card mode.


  • Deathguard Night Sparrow
  • *
  • Harbingers, yo.
The thing is that I didn't get max popularity in either case, so... both things are still unexplained beyond "it's a bug."
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

Devil of Decline Partial English Gameplay Patch!
Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion!


  • v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^
  • v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^
If you manage to take down a lifebar without taking any damage then you get skip another one further down. It doesn't work the same way for all bosses, but I've skipped miko's second non-spell life bar before and also kokoro's third spell card for taking down certain lifebars without damage.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2013, 03:31:34 PM by Athrel »


  • Gensou Rounin
  • Profile Loading... Please Wait Warmly.
If you manage to take down a lifebar without taking any damage then you get skip another one further down. It doesn't work the same way for all bosses, but I've skipped miko's second non-spell life bar before and also kokoro's third spell card for taking down certain lifebars without damage.

I think that happened to me only once, so I wasn't able to fully test this.


  • v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^
  • v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^
I think how it works is that for stage 1 bosses, no life bars can be skipped. For stage 2 and 3 bosses the first spellcard can be skipped if the first lifebar is taken down without the player taking any damage. For stage four bosses, the second nonspell lifebar can be skipped if the first one is taken down without the player taking any damage. No stage five or lifebars can be skipped since they're usually just mamizou in disguise and not a full battle. I don't know if any stage six lifebars can be skipped since I usually take damage there. I'm not entirely sure how kokoro works either, but as I mentioned earlier I've been able to skip her third card by clearing the lifebar before it without taking any damage.


  • Danmakufu Scripter
I think this patch has introduced a new glitch, because several times now I've had the music get stuck in a 1-second loop--as in, at any point in time, the music would glitch up and play the same 1-second of a song over and over again, even when the BGM should change.  The only way to solve this seems to be to quit the game.  And I've never had this problem before.

EDIT: This problem only seems to happen when I'm playing as Kokoro, so I'm guessing this'll probably be fixed when Tasofro gets around to properly adding her to the game.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2013, 09:03:26 PM by AJS »


  • Deathguard Night Sparrow
  • *
  • Harbingers, yo.
Haha, now I get the spellcard skipping thing. I actually managed to skip Kokoro's third card with Nitori (by the way, I don't like playing as her because comboing is annoying and ammo is limited). And then I got my Last Word right as Kokoro went into her final card. Safe to say, I got revenge for having lost two continues previously.
I pretty much have figured out that the stars on the left after every phase are equivalent to the damage category from SWR, while the ones on the right I think are time. Not sure about the right one.
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

Devil of Decline Partial English Gameplay Patch!
Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion!


  • *
  • Probably won't respond 'til this mess is sorted o?
Left one is damage (3 stars for no damage), right one is time.
Touhou Fantasy News: twitter


  • alter cool
Well, if it happened during a match without anyone to touch the configuration menu, that's kinda weird, maybe a bug, but just check your profiles to see if everything is correctly bound.

For assigning controller key, it's in the same menu as your keyboard keys:
In the Profile menu, go on the "Key config" menu, and choose a profile, you'll have 2 column, "Keyboard" in white, and "Gamepad" in yellow with some "button1, button2, button3, etc..." bound to the game keys (I know it's not very easy if you don't understand japanese, if you don't get something, just ask -‿-).

Just tried to work this out again and failed again. I guess I don't know which buttons I'm supposed to be using. Here's a screenshot of my character select screen, if someone can tell me exactly which button to push for each player that will probably fix my problem.

I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.

Shin Rokuren

  • - 秘剣 -
  • 「ツバメ六連」
I think this patch has introduced a new glitch, because several times now I've had the music get stuck in a 1-second loop--as in, at any point in time, the music would glitch up and play the same 1-second of a song over and over again, even when the BGM should change.  The only way to solve this seems to be to quit the game.  And I've never had this problem before.

EDIT: This problem only seems to happen when I'm playing as Kokoro, so I'm guessing this'll probably be fixed when Tasofro gets around to properly adding her to the game.

I got this problem as well when doing random vs Comp matches. I was using Ichirin vs Miko.


  • 私だ。エルグレコ。
  • 南無三
Just tried to work this out again and failed again. I guess I don't know which buttons I'm supposed to be using. Here's a screenshot of my character select screen, if someone can tell me exactly which button to push for each player that will probably fix my problem.

As I already said to you, you need to configure your profiles, you bound both of your profiles with your gamepad, so it's logical that you control both of the players when you press keys.

You need to configure your profiles to make one of them display "Keyboard" and the other one "Gamepad".

On your screenshot, between both of your profile names, it's written in japanese "C or Pad2: Move to the submenu.".
So, if you press C or one of the main keys of your gamepad, you'll open a submenu where you can directly choose your profiles, edit your decks and modify the input bindings and configure everything you need to quite easily, without leaving the character select screen.

I personally don't have a gamepad, so I can't assist you more, but I hope you'll manage to make it!

PS [unrelated] :  don't forget to update your game to 1.03 ( ̄ー ̄)