Author Topic: [Let's Play] Touhou Gensoumaroku: The Devil of Decline~Matsuri Expansion!  (Read 24502 times)


  • Deathguard Night Sparrow
  • *
  • Harbingers, yo.
You might be able to tell by my near-constant posts on the Mystical Power Plant thread that I am really excited for Mystical Power Plant! Well, the team that made this did make The Last Comer, so I'm sure it will be a good game.

Black Sanctuary- Finale: A Nose to Grind

All we have left to do is grind up in preparation for Shinki. So let's do this!

Here's an enemy I missed: the Empress Flayer. Essentially, these guys are more annoying than any other Mind Flayer type enemy in the game, solely because they are the strongest type. Oh boy...

I really hate these guys.

This is an Emperor Yukkuri. Unlike the King Yukkuri, which will cast Regeneration the turn after you lay down D-Net, this one will use it randomly after you've cast it, and then immediately escape. It also has 20 HP, compared to the King Yukkuri's 8. Really? Safe to say, I kill only one of them.

More TPKs. How obvious.

Dragons equal death. Run and don't look back.

That is, IF you can run.

Oh boy, a Demiurge. It's weak to Mystic, but it uses strong elemental physical attacks. Worse, it will charge up at the end of the first turn and lay waste to you on the second.

This is what happens. He spams this move on all of your party members, outright killing most of them.

This is the usual result. Don't worry, these guys become a cakewalk later. For now, I run.

Terminators are also death. They hit everyone with something that has Slayer against all of them. You can run, but they'll kill you, probably.

Don't let the Dragon use Dragon Breath. Because it hurts. A lot.

This was bound to happen.

Oh, a Seraphim! Weak to Dark, it's the ultimate Light shikigami. That means its pretty tough to kill. Sadly, I do not recruit it.


And a Crom Cruach. Weak to Water, it loves spamming Instant Death, and will counter most attacks with Death. For now, lets stay away. We'll be back.

Guess what?

Speed of Light "Luxion Edge." It's a piercing attack that's Electric elemental and has Extra power. It's basically how I kill Walpurgisnachts.

Gee, I wonder where I've seen this before?

I didn't run away fast enough.


This is not the same image, I swear.

Ever hear Yakkity Sax before? That's what's going through my head right now.

Danahnah Nah-nah-nah-nah-nah-nah Nahnahnahnahnah badumadadum...

Oh good, something else killed me. Weird that I'd ask to be killed by something else, but I swear, those Terminators...

Oh look, a Chaos Elemental. It's like those strong Elementals from earlier, except it's, you know, Dark elemental.

So... many... Yukkuris...

Mind Blast sucks, you know that?

Hey, a Rikotte! Finally, grinding will go a lot more smoothly. She starts out with Harmony Resonance, which is a 200 power all-targeting spell which can be either Light, Dark, or Mystic. She also has Roar, which inflicts instant death. She also starts with 25% resistance to Light and Dark and 5 magic defense. That is not why I want her. She gets a skill called Rapid Stream at level 30.
Rapid Stream essentially makes your party go first in a specific order (thank you, ChefMKT, for figuring out the order in which your party members go). Essentially, the order will start with the back row, from the bottom up, then the middle row, from the bottom up, and then the front row, from the bottom up. So, right to left, bottom to top. This will let you buff up someone and get Thunderclap Gale going on them so that they can take care of whichever enemy you're up against. This will only really work for enemies with an elemental weakness, but most enemies in the final area have a weakness, with a few exceptions.

Like Dragons. I hate them so much.

Hey, an Ifrit! This guy is the ultimate Fire shikigami, but I don't care for it. Weak to Water, and it packs some really annoying Fire spells. It has a Water equivalent called the Furfur, which I didn't fight at all before. So, the only ultimate elemental shikigami I get is the Titan Arum. I'm fine with that.

Of course, I don't get it also because it kills me.

Did I mention I hate Fueriduns?

Oh look, things are new here in the Clock Tower. High Masters are essentially stronger ninja type enemies, while the Obsidian Turtles are weak to Water and have a very small chance of dropping Obsidian, which I might want if I want to upgrade the Ice Sword. Meh.

What a surprise.

So, we have Messangers of the Palace of the Dragon King and a Peri Queen. The Peri Queen is like Peris from earlier in that they use chasers, and the Messangers are weak to Electric (I think). Not a problem.

For some reason, I want to try at least this boss fight.

So, here's the Shadow of Otoha. Much like before, she's weak to physicals and will counter Earth magic with One Thousand Needles. She'll also use some extremely dangerous Electric attacks, so be careful.

Maybe if I try again?

Again? Really? It looks exactly the same as last time...

It takes a bit of experimenting and resetting, but Thunderclap Gale and a fully buffed Patchy with Stinking Toxic Cloud can absolutely murder Otoha. The Shadows of the Three Demonic Pillars can drop weapons and also Devil Statues, and will become more powerful every time you beat them. If you beat all of them at least once, you'll be able to get some recipes and the chance to fight Neo Angra. I don't care for them, however. These recipes I assume are what the Super Ajas are for.

Uh, okay then? Thank you, Serela, for telling me where this thing comes from (not that I watch Madoka Magica, but okay then). It starts out with Missile and 25% resistance to everything. Most of its skills aren't really great, except for its last one, which is an Extra power all-targeting Darkness elemental attack. Unfortunately, not much is weak to Dark at this point, so I frankly don't care, even if I get some good resistance.

Oh, come on!


Now Xia has her second Spell Card! Let's see it!

That is Scourge "Descent into the Maelstrom." It's a 250 power all-targeting Water spell that can inflict Instant Death. It's basically "Dancing Spray of Blood," but more powerful. And that is how I kill Crom Cruachs.

Oh, Chloe's as well!

That's Soul Hunting "Heart Anima." It has a draining effect, which I guess is nice, if you care for that sort of thing.

Okay, this is not from "Heart Anima." This is from Stardust Blade on Suika. My strategy for killing Demiurges is as follows: Have Mokou use Benevolence Wall first turn in order to attract all of the Demiurge's attacks. Someone needs to use Aegis Defense on her to tank the damage. Have everyone else try to buff up Suika. Emerald Pentagram, Dragon Power, Weapon Breath, whatever it takes. On the second turn, Have Mokou use Rapid Stream (my party formation is set up so that Suika goes last, so that she'll have all of the buffs from both turn 1 and turn 2), finish up the buffing, and make sure you use Thunderclap Gale on Suika. Stardust Blade will absolutely destroy the Demiurge, especially considering I have that upgrade to the Kusanagi, which has Slayer against the Demiurge. Hard? Not really. It just requires a bit of setup.

And then I recruit it on the second try. This is just too freaking good. It starts with the ultimate Fire, Water, Earth, and Electric physical skills that aren't unique to a certain shikigami or monster (Flame Strike, Freeze Impact, Land Impact, and Lightning Slash, respectively). It also starts with 50% resistance to the six magical elements. It will also get Yarudabaoto, a 300 power spell that lets you choose its element. This is essentially the ultimate multi-element shikigami in the game, and a shikigami I did not expect I would recruit. I did it, though!

Of course, we still need to have two more TPKs from things I can't kill before I quit my grinding. At the beginning of this grinding, I was about level 70. Now I'm about level 80. I have all of the stuff I need to take care of Shinki. Next time, we'll defeat Shinki and watch the epilogue. It's almost over.


Treasure: Platinum Jewel (drop), Piercing Round (drop, Angra), Hammer of Meltdown (drop), Holy Lance (drop), Invincible Sword (drop, Meiling), Devil Shard (drop x2), Melchoir (drop, Patchy)

Skills: Gyarakushi Blaster (300 power Mystic spell, Moon Resident), Speed of Light "Luxion Edge" (Extra power Electric piercing attack, Otoha), Rapid Stream (makes your party go first, Rikotte), Catastrophe "Descent Into the Maelstrom" (250 power all-targeting Water spell that can inflict Instant Death if the land is above neutral towards Water, Xia), Stardust Blade (High power Mystic physical attack, Moon Resident), Strong Wall (cuts damage to an ally by 50% Rikotte), Soul Hunting "Heart Anima" (Chloe), Breath Protection (decreases the power of breath attacks, Rikotte), Yarudabaoto (300 power spell with an element of your choice, Demiurge)

Passives: Buring Inner Strength: 25% (???, Garubangoru), 5% Magic Nullification (Kanako), +30% power of Earth spells (Titan Arum), 25% resistance to Slash (Komachi), +1 Duration of Little Legion (Alice), +15 Attack (Chloe), +10% speed of Mystic spells (Moon Resident), 10 Magic Defense (Rikotte), +10% Elemental Spell Casting Speed (Fairy Maid), 50% resistance to Fire, Water, Earth, and Electric (Dragon Maid), +15% Power of the Elements (Demiurge), 15 Magic Defense (Rikotte), 20 Evasion (Otoha), +15% Breath Power (Dragon Maid)

Synthesis Done: Necklace of Strength V (Suika)

TPKS: 25 this update, 54 overall
Frustration: We're almost there...

Also, seriously, what does "Burning Inner Strength" mean for the Garubangoru? Does it have to do with criticals or something?
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

Devil of Decline Partial English Gameplay Patch!
Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion!


  • Deathguard Night Sparrow
  • *
  • Harbingers, yo.
Whoa, triple update today! Well, I sort of had this all done beforehand, so I guess it makes sense.

Finale- I Expected This Sort of Thing to Happen

I'm done messing around, Shinki. Let's do this!

Or die. Again. Of course, it's all due to Makai Creation. I die two more times because of that freaking spell, but I didn't screenshot them. It's possible for Rapid Stream to go off before Shinki is able to use Mass Dispel after charging, so you have one last shot to try to either kill Shinki or have someone tank as much damage as possible for the party.

Of course, she can die because she never used Makai Creation during this run. The RNG actually decided to like me. Hurray! We did it!

How do you like that, Shinki?

Of course, she's utterly surprised we beat her. Well, it's a little thing called persistence. And a little thing called revenge.

Mima literally says either here or the line before that Shinki's been checkmated. Okay then...

Stop complaining, you lost.

Yeah, no more of this! End the incident now!

Shinki is saying here that she'll be back a second or third time. Crap. Does that mean this isn't over?


She's gone. But we did it!

Byakuren's a bit worried, though. What if she does come back?

Mima isn't really worried. She says that she might just be joking.

And earthquake.

Angra is a bit confused, but this should seem familiar...

It happened when Gensokyo was turned back to normal the first time. So everything is returning to normal again. Finally!

Everything's normal again!

I love how Patchy's just just of chilling up at the top. You were our big time nuke against Shinki, Patchy. I'm proud of you, you feeble-bodied librarian magician you.

And Sakuya's here with food! Oh right, I never recruited her at all. Sorry. Looks like that's not going to happen. It's not going to happen, either. I'm done.

Time stop powers go!

Why are they being all lovey-dovey towards Flandre? Maybe I shouldn't ask...

Looks like Reimu and the Myouren Temple crew are hanging out together? This is a bit strange, but okay...
Also, not pictured are Murasa and Ichirin, still fighting. Stop it, please.

Whoa! I think Byakuren can't hold her liquor...
Soon after, Reimu leaves out of what I think is anger. Not sure, though.

Well, it looks like you're heading home again.

She comments (somewhere in here) on how Byakuren is a complete teetotaler. Well so am I, but it's sort of because I'm underage.

There's some sort of cheering noise coming from the shrine!

This could be bad...

Reimu's pretty sure she knows who it is...


It's a mob of demons! Goddamnit, Angra, stop inviting people over here!

It's even worse than before, I know! Also, that falling down sprite is kind of cute. Poor Reimu...

I guess they're just sort of chilling here. Of course, this is a shrine, not a demon resting spot.

And Reimu's going to have to get involved. Again.

She's not really pleased with Shinki.

I think she wants you guys to go. Now.

Shinki, of course, is somewhat confused... I think.

Well, she wants you to go. Simple as that.

Angra, you look a little... scared. Well, sitting down and feasting with your creator might be a little weird.

The carpet, once more, is scorching.

Honestly, I didn't find Makai THAT hot...

Otoha I think is telling Reimu to stop making a face. Well, she is kind of not happy...

Apparently, Reimu has a question that's been bugging her since we beat Shinki.

Oh, she was asking about the whole "I'll be back a second or third time" thing. Yeah, that was kind of weird.

Shinki said something about it being in a "manual" of some kind. What do you mean, manual?

Is there something you're hiding?

It's a book! What the hell?

The book's title is "How to Cause an Incident." What? There's a book on that?

It's apparently a detailed guide on how to cause a good incident, which is enjoyable for all. It's even got multiple chapters. Uh... what?

How the hell did you get this thing?

Mima apparently knows that someone has been giving these books out. So, Mima knew about this the whole time, huh? I'm wondering if she and Shinki planned this out together, but they don't say at all.

Yumeko knew about this too... I'm seriously starting to wonder if this was all planned from the start.

Reimu wants to know who wrote this damn thing!

...Yukari. What a surprise. I'll have to causally beat her upside the head a thousand times the next time I see her.

So essentially, you were just trying to solve boredom problems?

Yeah, this has got to stop. You demons need to know when to stop messing around with others.

I guess Makai's a really boring place. It wouldn't be for me, but for them? Yep.

Angra must have said something wrong, because Yumeko's a little angry. I guess she demands respect from the likes of Angra, who is technically a lower ranked demon.

Calm down, everyone!

I think she wants Angra and the Three Demonic Pillars to call her mother, considering she created them. Uh, I really don't think...

Oh. Well, that works.

I don't think anyone expected that.

And then Otoha calls her an old woman or something. Uh...

HOLY SHIT!? Geez, Shinki!

Uh... Shinki...

I think she's mad!

Mima's worried now. I think this isn't good!

Mima, Yumeko, and Angra ran for it. Uh... does this mean the others are all dead?
That's a horrifying thought. I hope it's not true.

The only one left besides Shinki is Reimu... this is not good!

And she runs off. A small warping sound can be hear in the distance.

...Well THAT happened...


So wait, are they just going to leave like that?

They left her with the mess. Again. Sorry, Reimu.

And that's it! That's Devil of Decline, all set and done! Even though I could fight harder versions of Shinki, or fight the other bonus bosses, or something like that, I'm not. I am done. I am definitely going to take a break from this. At least until the English patch comes out. Maybe then I'll play it again. Who knows? All I know is, that's it. We've still got Genius of Sappheiros to finish, and then we'll have beaten the first two games in the Omen Trilogy, which will prepare us for the third game:
Touhou Genmuyoutan: The Nightmare of Rebellion! Look forward to that in August! Until then, there's one more thing I want to do...

Yep, Valkyrie Profile. It's a bit sudden for me to all of a sudden switch to this game, when I've been doing all Touhou stuff. Well, I'm going to keep doing Touhou stuff. It'll just be in the form of Genius of Sappheiros. I'll create a proper introduction thread for this game when I have time. Real life problems might get in the way.
Thank you, everyone, for sticking through this with me to the end. But now, I must say that our journey with Devil of Decline is completely over. It's been a fun, frustrating, but overall amazing ride. Perhaps some day in the future I will create a video LP for this wonderful game, when I am able to. Until then, this has been Validon98, as always, and I'll see you next time.
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

Devil of Decline Partial English Gameplay Patch!
Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion!

When they mentioned the book on how to cause incidents, I thought it might be foreshadowing for Nightmare of the Rebellion, but nope! It's Yukari. >~<


  • Deathguard Night Sparrow
  • *
  • Harbingers, yo.
When they mentioned the book on how to cause incidents, I thought it might be foreshadowing for Nightmare of the Rebellion, but nope! It's Yukari. >~<

Eh, I honestly don't know WHAT Nightmare of Rebellion is going to be about. Seeing the Makai area in the trailer does make me think that Angra and the Three Demonic Pillars will make a return. I'm also hoping the Gorgons show up. Considering this is the third in the "Omen Trilogy," I wouldn't be surprised if for some reason, the combination of what happened in both games results in something far, far worse than what happened in GoS's expansion, and it will take the combined forces of everyone from across both games to take it down. Based on the title alone, I know something bad WILL happen. How bad will it be? I don't know. It could possibly be even worse than the World of Chaos.
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

Devil of Decline Partial English Gameplay Patch!
Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion!


  • Moon Tiara Magic
We finally get battle-akyu that just barely didn't make it into GoS </3
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore

Slow as usual, but I like how the element Elementals are basically the first elemental monsters with as many things tacked on as their sprite could fit.
Makai Creation. It deals more damage the closer the land is to neutral.
Shinki vs. Three Goddesses, I want to see how this would turn out.

EDIT: only today I finally beat all three difficulties Shinki has after getting every non-Yukkuri shikigami, I guess I'm really as slow as I thought.
No idea why I'm updating this post with this info, although it might be because making a new thread for this game would be silly because it wouldn't last any long at all.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2013, 04:50:43 AM by homing curvy laser »