Author Topic: [Hiatus] Touhou Soujinengi ~ Shuumatsu: The Genius of Sappheiros ~ Weekend!  (Read 95363 times)


  • Deathguard Night Sparrow
  • *
  • Harbingers, yo.
Okay, I've finished screenshotting the stage portion of Stage 18. I'll have that up as an update later.
Thanks once again, Serela, for that advice. It was very useful. The only team that had problems was Mokou, Reimu, Marisa, and Satori on the C route. They were all under level 40, so there was a lot of running away. A. Lot. Also, I avoided any TPK sin there. The only TPKs I got were from the grinding I gave up on. Enemies don't want me to have their skills.
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

Devil of Decline Partial English Gameplay Patch!
Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion!


  • Nyaa~ like no tomorrow.
Stage 19 isn't really much aside from the boss fight and high volume of creatures. The creatures are just basically taken from all the paths of Stage 18 though. Stage 20 is the one with problems, especially with some of its annoying and dangerous enemies.  You might want to get Sakuya's Vyse Sword if you use her a lot. It'll really help her take down most of the creatures. Probably a good idea to take your best mage along with you,
(Hydra, while somewhat rare in the later part of Stage 20, drops Obsidion, which is needed to craft end game gear. Killing it, and having the item drop is pretty tough, especially when he can attack, usually with breaths, 2X - 5X A TURN)


  • Moon Tiara Magic
(Hydra, while somewhat rare in the later part of Stage 20, drops Obsidion, which is needed to craft end game gear. Killing it, and having the item drop is pretty tough, especially when he can attack, usually with breaths, 2X - 5X A TURN)
so you bring aya and then it can't hit you
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore


  • Deathguard Night Sparrow
  • *
  • Harbingers, yo.
Fourth Volume- Part 4: Let's Split Up, Gang!

So, we need to enter the Lakebed Temple. Before I did that, however, I took the liberty to attempt some grinding. So, first, to Youkai Mountain!

This guy was someone I didn't cross paths with when I first came here, but he's here all the same. He's a Gashadokuro, and he's weak to Fire, Light, and Blunt. Be careful, though. He's dangerous.

After a bunch of time using Charm on those guys, I finally learn Area Heal, which is miles above Mass Heal in terms of usefulness. Trust me on that one.

For giving me all the shit you did, here's a Mad Thunder to the face.

And Petro Breath as well.

So there are Ace Powers! Also, that's an Officer Demon. Did I meet up with this version? I forget if I did or not.

Damn it!

I got TPKed a second time after that, but didn't capture it. This picture I just took to remind myself I was killed. Again.

Okay, I kept this too.

Not this, though.

That's why.
That's pretty much where I gave up. Three TPKs, and I'm done.

So here we have a Kid's Festival~Innocent Treasures remix as our dungeon theme. Very calm sounding for what is supposed to be the last area in the game.

Indeed there is. Strange.

A Gorgon did it.

Yup, no problems there.

No, really?

Yeah, it's pretty weird. At least to you people. It's not as weird to someone used to western architecture, like I am.

There's a pool. Swim across it.

Errm, swim across it.


Oh, come on! That's the lamest excuse for a party split ever. You had to swim to get here, so why can't you swim across the pool to get over there?

Bullshit! There's doors up there! You can even check!

Typical Reimu.


Okay, so the first thing I tried to do was just bring my normal party through and kill everything in one path, and then do the same on the other paths. Let's just say that ended badly. Not that I died, but the enemies respawned. So I went with Serela's recommendations (for the millionth time, thank you) and I made it through the rest of the dungeon like that. So that's why my party's going to be all mixed up in different places.

For our enemy icons, we have little turtles. Of doom.

Lamias here are dragons that can inflict Charm. And that's about it.

The Medea in the back can use some dangerous magic, but is weak to Dark. Okay.

How the hell do I go from a dry room to a room filled with water?

Down there is a Stymphy. Possesses the usual bird weaknesses and abilities.

Okay, there's a Backbeard (shouldn't it be Blackbeard?), which can reflect physical attacks but is weak to Fire and Water, while the Golden Deer uses Alice's kicking attacks. That's about it.

The Locomo Dragon. A very dangerous enemy, but in this game he's not as bad as he was in Devil of Decline. He still uses breath attacks, but we have Alice to protect us. Plus Sakuya has a sword on and can use Dragon Fang Strike. Hell yeah.

Much like the Cerberus, the Orthrus is weak to Water and uses Fire Breath. He's sort of dangerous.

Dragon Souls here are also weak to Water and are even more dangerous, possessing some pretty powerful breath attacks.

There's two buttons you need to push, one with team A and one with team C, which will open a path to the second half for team B.

Back with Team B, we've got a Void and a Will-o-Wisp. The Void is immune to magic and uses a powerful move known as Void Cutter, which hurts if not shielded from. The Will-o-Wisp reflects magic is generally an ass to kill.

The Myrmecoleon is weak to Water and does stuff. Not too dangerous.

The Phalanx at the bottom can use Shield Wall to reduce damage done to the enemy. Which is annoying.

Here there's a Squid Devil and a Qliphoth Petal. The Squid Devil uses Mind Blast and Blaster, both of which are dangerous. Weak to Pierce, as usual. The Qliphoth Petal is weak to Fire and Slash and can put you to sleep. That's kind of dangerous.

Last but not least in the slightest is Team C. Super Slimes are weak to Fire and can use Digest on you to drain HP.

The Minotaur is weak to Light and uses dangerous attacks such as Headsplitter.

The Elite Cockatrices are weak to Electric and Pierce but can use petrifying attacks. Of course.

The Pan can inflict Great Confusion, which is all kinds of dangerous. I think he might be weak to Light.

Great, a Hipporit. It can use Nose Fencing, which reduces PDEF and generally hurts. I think it's weak to Electric.

Pushing those buttons I mentioned earlier leads to this path, which triggers a cutscene after going through it.

So, uh, you guys going to do anything, or are you just going to sit there?

You're being paged, Lithos.

Yeah, we sort of did that. Too bad.

Oh, that too. There's no escape. You face us now or we come to you.

Sorry, but maybe you should have just dealt with us personally.

What plan? Oh, right, they determined who's doing what earlier.

So yeah, those three who were briefly mentioned. Guess how I'm going to have to deal with them!

That's kind of mean, Bio.

Then why have them fight us?


If you're not confident yourself, Lithos, then I'm pretty sure we'll be fine.

So, second half. Right.

The X25 can use HDD Crash and is weak to Electric, while the Lizard Knight knows some crazy powerful moves like Acala Sword and Dragon Fang Strike and is weak to Water.

In the back there is a Galgalim. Weak to Dark, but pretty damn powerful.

Alright, we made it to the end with one group. Let's do it with another.

The Specter is weak to Fire and Light and is pretty annoying. It knows Mokou's Fist moves for no apparent reason.

Last but not least we have the Youkai Hunter, which is weak to Electric but is pretty damn dangerous. Be careful.

That's another group.

And I got the third one. We can access the boss now, but there's something I need to do: Grind up Mokou so she can get a certain skill.


Getting old...

Oh yeah, Patchy can crit on magic now. It's pretty great.

Finally, I got it. But now that we're all leveled up and ready to go, can we defeat the three servants and find the Gorgons? That's for next time.


Treasure: Raiden Ring, Fire Crystal, Spare Parts, Crow Feather, Trapezohedron x3, Skill Ring III (drop), Rusty Blade, Magic Shard (x1 drop, x1 treasure), Silver Tray, Elemental Sphere, Magic Mushroom, Hinotori Feather, Adamantite Shard x2, Gold, Sun Tzu's Art of War, Blank Scroll, Rock (x1 drop, x1 treasure), Magic Ring III (drop), Steel, Water Crystal, Bamboo, Sewing Needle, Eyeball, Earth Crystal, Pretty Mirror (x1 treasure, x1 drop), Donation Box, Magic Medal, Orichalcum Shard (treasure x2, drop x1), Iron (x1 treasure, x1 drop), Vulcan Amulet (drop), Fire Shard (drop), Meteorite (drop)

Skills: Dark and Light Heal (apparently I got these earlier and didn't mention them..., Low power healing in a column and in a row respectively, Byakuren), Perfect Murder Doll (Low+ 3-6 time hitting attack, costs one bomb, Sakuya), Peerless Wind God (all allies move first while the field is in effect, costs one bomb, Aya), Slicing Cutter (Medium power piercing attack, Aya), Call Lightning (Medium power all-targeting Electric attack, Patchouli), Wind God Girl (Medium power all-targeting attack, costs a bomb, Aya), Counter Beacon (allows counterattacks, Youmu), Fantasy Seal -Ultimate- (Medium+ all-targeting Light spell, costs one bomb, Reimu), Earthquake (Medium power all-targeting Earth spell, Patchouli), Firebird (Medium+ power all-targeting Fire spell, costs a bomb, Marisa), Love Typhoon (Medium+ power all-targeting Electric spell, Marisa), Fujiyama Volcano (single-target attack with added Fire damage that causes Burn, costs one bomb, Mokou)

Satori Skills: Area Heal (heals an area), Petro Breath (all-targeting Earth attack that inflicts Petrify)

Recipes: Kusanagi, Exorcism Gohei, Magus Broom, Yamata no Orochi, Stardust Fan, Vyse Sword, Comiket Catalog, Autocannon, Goliath Greaves, Force Eye, Doujigiri Yasutsuna, One-Shot Punch, Sugatta Scroll, Autobarrier, Force Shield, Abaddon Shield, AP Shield, Barrier Suit, Magus Suit, A. Muscle Suit, Atman Coin III, Awakened Soul, Rage Choker IV, Protective Choker IV, Bracelet of Insight IV, Bracelet of Reflection IV, Headshot Goggles IV, Untouchable Goggles IV, Launch Earrings IV, Indefatigable Earrings IV, Squall Haripin IV, Swordmaster's Proof, Spearmaster's Proof, Axemaster's Proof, Dragon Scale, Orichalcum, Adamantite

Synthesis Done: Doujigiri Yasutsuna (Youmu), One-Shot Punch (Mokou)

TPKs: 5 this update,13 overall
Frustration: That was really dumb. Why were there so many TPKs?
And Nihilanth, I know what I'm doing with Stages 19 and 20. I've played this before, remember?
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

Devil of Decline Partial English Gameplay Patch!
Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion!


  • I'm just so charismatic
  • It's turning into derp
My guilty pleasure in reading your Let's Plays is seeing your frustration level rise. I usually feel bad for you too, this game looks really frustrating.

Grinding for Satori's skills can't be worse than grinding for Trapezohedrons in FF13. Nothing will ever be as horrible.



  • Deathguard Night Sparrow
  • *
  • Harbingers, yo.
My guilty pleasure in reading your Let's Plays is seeing your frustration level rise. I usually feel bad for you too, this game looks really frustrating.

Yeah, GoS is a pain. Why I subject myself to this, I don't know. Maybe it's because when I finally do win, it feels pretty damn great.

Grinding for Satori's skills can't be worse than grinding for Trapezohedrons in FF13. Nothing will ever be as horrible.


You see, that's why I DIDN'T grind for Trapezohedrons in FF13. I didn't want to sit there and spam Death with Vanille over and over and over again...
Granted, I didn't do many of the sidequests. I beat the game, don't get me wrong (Barthandulus on all occasions and Orphan's first form, I hate you so, so much), I just wasn't too interested in beating the sidequests. Maybe if I play again I should do that. Either that or I need to actually play FF13-2.
Back to this, though. I beat the bosses after countless resets and general frustration. So update will be up tomorrow, hopefully. And then it comes down to the last three stages... at least the next one is short and rather forgiving.
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

Devil of Decline Partial English Gameplay Patch!
Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion!


  • Deathguard Night Sparrow
  • *
  • Harbingers, yo.
Fourth Volume- Part 5: The Boss Rush

Because that's basically what's going on in this update! Before I go after the three servants, however, I need to get a certain formation.

Stand here and hold the A button. Your character will start hitting Meiling. Repeatedly. At first, nothing happens. Eventually...

Looks like she feels it!

Hey, you're up, Meiling!

Yeah, you've been sleeping since this morning. You better hope no one came in.

Shouldn't you be on guard, though?
She promises to give us a book if we do. Okay...

That's what we've come for.

*sigh* Meiling, you're hopeless.
Actually, considering Devil of Decline, perhaps not so. On to the bosses!

Okay, you're someone. Who are you?

Akame, huh? Well, I'm just going to walk past you. Surely you won't mind...

Yeah, she's a maid. She seems very angry about something, though. Lighten up, Akame.

This isn't an emergency... for you. It is for us, though. We need to talk to your mistresses.

That's bad news. For us. Not for you, of course.

I don't think Medicine can summon needles, though. Poison she has handled, though...

Yep, time to fight!

I don't LIKE hell though...

This battle comes down to whether or not you can spam Fujiyama Volcano fast enough before she kills you.

She uses Poison Hazard to boost the chances of inflicting Poison. You can cancel this, if you want, with Colosseo World, but you don't have to. She'll heal herself a lot, though, so it's a good idea if you do.

Gotta love Fujiyama Volcano.

Again, this is sort of an RNG sort of thing.

That was surprisingly simple.

A blowfish, right?


*face palm*

I don't think she cares, Akame.

Another person. Let me guess, you're an octopus?

Or Chihiro. That works too.

Yeah, we sort of got that.

You can fight, I assume.

She can control tentacles, apparently. That sounds horrible.

Please no Super Tentacle Hentai Porn.

Uh, I don't think eating a youkai is a great idea...

Sure, that's not going to last for long.

Chihiro here uses Tentacle and Tentacle Dance, as well as...

Octopus Maelstrom Swirl. Remember Xia's "Dancing Spray of Blood"? This works the exact same way. Use Artful Sacrifice set to Water to absorb the damage, and use Wind of Protection to protect against the Instant Death. She's weak to Electric, so make use of that.

Electric Bullet+Lazy Eight=Damage.

Of course, she can also blind you. This led to a reset.

Yeah, that was simple.

I don't think I've seen "x" eyes in a Strawberry Bose game besides this moment. Huh.

Yeah, we're youkai! Plus or minus a few of us...

Because we have Marionette Parrar?

I don't think it works that way, Alice...

Or you can just accept it.

Yeah, let's just move on.

What the!?

Who the hell are you?

Alright then, Kagami. I kind of need to beat you, now.

Yup. We like to fight too. So we're going to kick your ass, okay?

Excuse me?

I forget what we said about her to cause her to do that. Besides general insults.

Fun, a shellfish. Does your shell really protect against everything?

Of course we will!

Kagami is probably the toughest of the three to take down, using some powerful attacks. She can use Shellfish to counterattack against everything and raise her resistance to the three main elements. She has no weaknesses, but you should use Fire to negate her Water regen. You should also use Peerless Wind God so that her Shellfish move means nothing to you.

She can do this or Hyper Fang Crush, both of which hurt. This is the only opportunity to learn Hyper Fang Crush until much later, but I really don't care. I just have Satori here for backup healing.


Except I didn't keep it. Damn it!
After many resets, we win.

Graphical glitches return. Damn it!

We just hit hard enough.

Yeah, so?

Please don't say that, Patchy (at least, I think it's Patchy...).

Typos abound!

I think we scared her.

It was a joke, apparently. I wouldn't want to be any of the people we've fought if Yuyuko was here...

It takes several resets, but I do manage to kill all of them at once.

Finally. Took long enough.

It was difficult, but we made it.

Such as our fists and bullets.

Yep, they're the only ones left.

So, we have a healing circle. Thanks good.

And we have a warp circle back. But can we get through the extremely short Lakebed Temple Tatami Room and defeat the Gorgons? Well, I already made it through here, but I'm leaving that (and the boss) for the next update, which will be shorter than most.


Skills: Star Maelstrom (High power all-targeting Light attack that inflicts Instant Death, costs one bomb, Byakuren)

Formations: Devil's Circle

TPKs: 1 this update, 14 overall
Frustration: The worst is over. For now. We still have a few stages left to go.

Also, I might get the next update up by the end of the week, but updates after that I don't know. There's a lot I have to do with this, plus I need to deal with some real life stuff next week. At least on Thursday and Friday I'll have plenty of time to work on this.

Also, I've been thinking about what I'm doing after this. I'm probably going to do the rest of the main game, then return to Devil of Decline to finish the expansion. Then I'll either come back to do this game's expansion or move on to Phantasmal Summoners, Earthbound, or Touhou Mother (I'm not sure if I should Earthbound and then Mother 3 before doing Touhou Mother, just do Earthbound and then Touhou Mother, or simply just Touhou Mother). Sengoku Gensokyo... yeah, I'm not returning to that for a while. And if you think I'm going to LP Labyrinth of Touhou... not going to happen. Just thinking out loud for now.
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

Devil of Decline Partial English Gameplay Patch!
Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion!


  • Deathguard Night Sparrow
  • *
  • Harbingers, yo.
Okay, I'm done screenshotting Stage 19 (boss and all), but I don't think I'm updating tonight.

Also, I've been experimenting with recording programs and I think I hit on something that offers the same ability to record audio from my laptop plus from my microphone that isn't Bandicam (which still has that 10 minute limit plus watermark). I still don't think I'll be able to necessarily find time to do video-based updates, as it requires time I don't have 100% of. Plus if I do said video updates, they might be game-audio only, with my commentary coming in the form of annotations. My voice sounds weird when recorded. Finally, I already devoted myself to the screenshot style for this LP. If I'm going to switch to video, it'll only be if I restart the LP, which is something I am planning to do at a point wherein I CAN do a video LP sometime later. Of course, I'll finish this LP and the DoD LP in the screenshot style before moving on to the video style.

Again, this is all just thinking out loud, but after the main game of this and the expansion of DoD, if I have the time I might redo DoD as a video series on Youtube (which would allow you to see everything I do in realtime instead of the bits and pieces) as well as GoS. I will DEFINITELY do Sengoku Gensokyo as a video series, which means that I'm pretty much going to abandon that LP as a screenshot one. After that or between those I might also LP the main games in the series as well as LP some non-Touhou games. Don't think that just because I like Touhou doesn't mean I don't like other games ^^;. So yeah. There's my PSA for the day.
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

Devil of Decline Partial English Gameplay Patch!
Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion!


  • I'm just so charismatic
  • It's turning into derp
Sounds great to me! What will you use to make your video LP?


  • Deathguard Night Sparrow
  • *
  • Harbingers, yo.
Well, instead of Bandicam I'll be using FFSplit. It can be used for streaming and for recording videos either at the same time or separately. I just need to tinker with the settings a bit and I'll be all set for recording.
Of course, regardless of recording software my voice is still going to sound bad. And I need to find the time to record uninterrupted, which means that at best I'd only be getting a video or two out per week. That's going to mean it's going to take quite a while to finish anything, unless I get lucky. I might get lucky. Or I might get screwed over by a lack of time. Either way I'll try.
I'm just hoping that if I do redo DoD, at least a gameplay patch will be out so at least that part will be easier...
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

Devil of Decline Partial English Gameplay Patch!
Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion!


  • "Why always ATAI?"
  • The strongest striker...?
Again, this is all just thinking out loud, but after the main game of this and the expansion of DoD, if I have the time I might redo DoD as a video series on Youtube (which would allow you to see everything I do in realtime instead of the bits and pieces) as well as GoS. I will DEFINITELY do Sengoku Gensokyo as a video series, which means that I'm pretty much going to abandon that LP as a screenshot one.
I don't think it's a good idea. You're better off with screenshots, unless you pick action-packed games for your upcoming LPs. You can make some additional videos for your screenshot LPs, though, but I'll elaborate on it later in this post :V

As for GoS and DoD, watching someone grind their way through dungeon crawlers can get boring and repetitive really fast, and if you really want to VLP those games you should think of something in order to alleviate this problem.
I don't know about Sengoku Gensokyo, though. Recording a bunch of important battles is fine, but the VN sections seem very long and completely static, so it's generally pointless to capture them on video. You might want to dump the game script to a text file to ease your transcribing/summarizing job, but I don't know it this is even possible.

Anyway, I think recording your playing session has got some advantages (assuming you still use a forum thread to post your updates).
One: you can take your screenshots from the (raw) video of the whole session. You can forget about "couldn't capture this one millisecond long event" problems because you'll always be able to pick the right frame.
Two: you can show off some particularly nasty puzzles, important cutscenes and boss battles in their own videos, so that the viewer won't have to manually skip the repetitive parts.
Three: voice commentary is entirely optional for this kind of videos! If you give your viewers all the needed info in the update post and/or the description, talking over your video won't be strictly necessary.

Just my 2 cents.

Oh, I almost forgot: kudos for this quality LP, and keep up the good work!
<-- Sig by Suikama


  • Deathguard Night Sparrow
  • *
  • Harbingers, yo.
With videos, I WAS going to cut repetitive parts. If I didn't cut that, it would be boring watching me go back and forth between hub areas and such >.>. I've watched people do VLPs of RPGs. I get how to cut out battles. Just like with the SLPs I've been doing, I'd only show randoms if they have something interesting (new enemies, most likely). Plus I would be doing a lot of stuff offscreen, especially grinding.

As for Sengoku Gensokyo... I don't know if I can dump the game's script. I'll see if I can. If anyone knows how to dump it or has a dump, let me know. It'd be pretty useful.

Thanks for the feedback. The main reason for wanting to try VLPing was to provide any details I skimp out on due to the screenshot style of the LPs I've been doing. If you guys are fine with my current style, then I won't switch. I just feel as if not showing off everything (such as the dungeons themselves and, most importantly in my opinion, the music while it plays in-game) is, in a sense, not enough. But if I give enough detail, then I'll keep things as they are, although I'll see if I can't incorporate videos into the screenshot portions to show off boss fights and the like.

Last but not least, I'll try for an update tonight. Fighting the actual culprits behind this is pretty difficult, but DAMN doesn't it feel good when you win.
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

Devil of Decline Partial English Gameplay Patch!
Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion!


  • Deathguard Night Sparrow
  • *
  • Harbingers, yo.
Fourth Volume- Part 6: Getting Punched in the Face Hurts

Of course, that's sort of obvious, isn't it? Onward to the Lakebed Temple Depths, otherwise known as the Lakebed Temple Tatami Room! Inconsistency (and to a lesser extent capitalism) ho!

Why does this happen?


Here's our next demon tier, the Great Demon. Hits hard, uses the special Demon
  • skills, and is weak to Light as per usual. I find that actually attempting to fight these things isn't as bad as it seems despite the fact they look imposing. Granted, fights with these things drain resources by a great deal, so...

I'm still waiting for you guys to do something.


Yeah. You could have taken the time to escape, but it's too late now. We've already covered the entrance. There's no escape now.

Exactly. We're tough, damn it!

Yeah, she's a determinator. No matter what, she's going to keep on fighting.

Oh fun! More monsters!

Yeah, we're not going down easily.

Ana? Oh boy, this could be trouble...

Yeah, the eldest one has to take responsibility, after all.

I still don't like using that nickname. I prefer Ana.

So she is going. Great.

Oh look, that was fast. No new enemies besides one we could have encountered in the previous stage anyways. Let's go!

Yeah, you stopped suddenly. There doesn't seem to be anything wrong.

Something? There's a noise?



Yeah, that came out of nowhere.

How long did it take you? It must have been only, what, a couple minutes between the cutscene and the save point?
Of course, they ask for a name. Well, it's great knowing who your enemies are.

Anastasis Stheno Gorgon, if you want the full version, which she uses.


Why apologize? You're the enemy, you don't have to be apologetic like me.


Yeah, she wants our heads!

What the!

Those holes...

Yeah, it's like before!

Yeah, that's some seriously crazy power she's got there.

Oh yeah, we remember alright.

Right on the mark!

That wasn't a nice thing to do, Ana...

Held back means beating someone to near-death?

Hurray, your intuition finally works again, Reimu!


And you're going to PAY.

And Reimu ALWAYS wins against the culprit. Always.


Okay... so you're a Gentle Giant type? Besides the "smash everything to bits" mentality?

What do you mean by that?

Yep, that was her.

Huh? According to the image files Biotopos was the one who was watching us when we were leaving. I guess Anastasis was just off-screen?

Did you know at Hakugyoukurou as well but kept it to yourself there, Reimu?


You know something about them, Patchy?

I guess she knows some Greek mythology after all, huh?

Voile: It's got EVERYTHING.
I know it's not really called Voile, but still.

And we've pretty much got everything we need to know.

Well, technically Medusa was mortal. Maybe that's why Lithos is the youngest?

What do you mean?

So everything regarding you guys is a lie? Huh.

So that's why everyone's been calling you gods! Guardian deities, huh? So why do this?

We don't need nicknames for you, as Reimu points out offscreen.

Of course, using them anyways defeats the point of your previous statement...

Yeah, for what reason?


Of course, you're not good with words and you want it to be a surprise, huh? I remember what happened the LAST time the culprits hid the reasoning for their incident. I'm looking at you, Three Demonic Pillars!

Might as well. We were going to fight you all anyways.

Yeah, let's do this!

Wait, about those stories about you?

You're immortal!?

Crap. That's going to be a bitch to deal with.

I'm losing confidence...

Reimu on the other hand has not.

By the power of typos!

Oh boy, Anastasis. She's the first boss that DESERVES to have OUT as a boss theme. Well, you know how she said she has good regeneration?

SHE WAS NOT KIDDING. That plus her very high PATK makes fighting her pretty damn difficult. You need to buff yourself up defensively and debuff her offense to stand a chance. I used a certain method which you can use if you want to.

It involves not only debuffing her attack, but also landing Elemental Weapon set to Earth on her. You can actually target enemies with buffs. Set her to Earth and just have Alice use Spectrum Mystery set to Earth to always shield her attacks. Plus you can use Heaven Crack and Patchy's Land shifting skill to shift the Land to Electric to weaken her now Earth-based attacks. She's weak to Electric too, so that's why you want to set her to Earth. That's about it.

Despite all her massive PATK, this means NOTHING.

And then she breaks out THIS.

OWW. I think the spell in itself is cool. She basically uses Breathless Strikes, LAUNCHES you into the air, then thrusts back, knocking you into the air AGAIN and causing you to land on the ground with massive force. It's brutal. This is how NOT to defend against it.


That is how you actually defend against it: Heaven Crack + her set to Earth + full Electric Land + defensive buff + her being debuffed. Yeah, it requires a lot but you can reduce Muscle Revolution's damage to 0.
And yes, I switched out Youmu for Marisa eventually. Setting Youmu up for damage is more trouble than it's worth.


What do you mean?

Yeah, a couple of newcomers is nothing.


Yeah, she wasn't going to do anything to stop it anyways.

And of course, like all good JRPG villains, she just teleports.

And you stood there and let her. Good job, guys!

Yeah, there's three Gorgons, remember?

Of course, Reimu doesn't care who they are.

Guys, I think your sister just got defeated.

Of course she has.

Pretty badly too.

She's one of the most powerful people in all of Gensokyo. You must have set your expectations pretty damn low.

What do you mean?

You mean you like the fact that we're strong? Uh, does this have anything to do with this incident?

Game? So they do have an ulterior motive! But what could it possibly be?

Strawberry Bose has a habit of having these kinds of plots, don't they?

This was Lithos's idea? Just what do you want...?
Also, I guess Bio's our next opponent. Fun.

Of course. We're strong here in Gensokyo. Sanae learned that the hard way back in Mountain of Faith.

Yup, you're our next target. Fine.

And then a remix of the previous dungeon's theme pops up and manages to be one of the best songs in the game. Here it is, another Kid's Festival~Innocent Treasures remix!
This place is also known as the Divine Temple. I prefer that name.

Reimu, I think the temple got mad at us.

It's completely different!

Yeah. Strange.

By crazy Japanese game developers who must have been sadists to an extent.




Now you're just talking crazy. What the hell do you mean?

Yeah, so they changed everything up to confuse us? I still don't get the whole "replacer" thing, though...

No, really?

Typical Reimu. But can we make it through the Divine Temple to reach Biotopos and Lithos? Can we de-mist-ify this mystery? Can I make an even worse pun than that? I probably can. But the rest is for next time.


Treasure: Iron (drop)

Skills: Refresh Fortune (fully recovers a person's HP, costs a bomb, Sanae), Aura Jewel (High power healing spell, costs a bomb, Reimu)

Recipes: Blizzard's Edge, Xiuhcoatl, Mjollnir, Hakurei Embroidery, Kirisame Broom, El Moriya Nebim, Comet Fan, Ice Sword, Necronomicon, Shade High-Power, Kamikaze Greaves, Lolicon Eye, Gekka Bijin, God Hand, Siddharttha Scroll, Master Sorcerer's Robe, Violet Robe, Earth Spirit Kindergarten Uniform, Hakurei Robe, Moriya Robe, Raven Armor, Physical Isolation Suit, Demon's Cassock, Chief Maid Uniform, Seven-Colored Doll, Legendary Fencer's Clothes, Phoenix Robe, Strength Ring IV, Endurance Ring IV, Dexterity Ring IV, Nimble Ring IV, Wisdom Ring IV, Skill Ring IV, Muscle Belt IV, Magic Ring IV

TPKs: 2 this update, 16 overall
Frustration: Why does it take so long to beat you, Ana? And why must the next stage be so long and annoying?
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

Devil of Decline Partial English Gameplay Patch!
Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion!


  • Deathguard Night Sparrow
  • *
  • Harbingers, yo.
Holy freaking crap, I just finished the stage portion of Stage 20. I just need to do the boss and then it's updating time. I HATE that last puzzle. I really, really hate it. Thankfully, it's the last annoying puzzle in the game. Even the expansion has nothing on that.

EDIT: And boss done, though the update won't be done until tomorrow. Finally, one last stage...
« Last Edit: February 22, 2013, 03:00:47 AM by Validon98 »
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

Devil of Decline Partial English Gameplay Patch!
Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion!


  • Deathguard Night Sparrow
  • *
  • Harbingers, yo.
I have the screenshots ready, but I'm kind of tired. I'll update for sure tomorrow.
I still have the last stage to go, and although it has no real annoying gimmick to it, it's got some tough enemies. Worse, I'll have to be grinding there practically forever to fight the final boss fairly. I'm just not going to go all ChefMKT on it, because I want to not play this game for hours on end to get every single drop.
Also, say hi to the Unnamed 771! She's a cat, yet not a cat. No, really.
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

Devil of Decline Partial English Gameplay Patch!
Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion!


  • Deathguard Night Sparrow
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  • Harbingers, yo.
Update time, finally!

Fourth Volume- Part 7: Hell Temple

I don't play La-Mulana, just to let you know, because platformers like that are annoying to say the least. It's also why I never played I Want to Be the Guy, although I have played a bit of Kaizo Mario World.
Enough off-topic rambling, it's time for actual gameplay!

Stage 20 is divided into a few sections. There is a west section, and east section, and a north section. You have to complete the east and west sections in order to access the entirely of the northern section.

Backfires are weak to Water but use some dangerous Fire attacks. So be careful around them.

Hey, you fight a Garbangol as a boss in Touhou Mother before you fight Iku! I know they're a reference to something, I just don't know what. They can use Damage Net, which prevents escape as usual. Also they can use Energy to heal themselves (just like in Touhou Mother, where it might have been PK Energy, though). You can get that for Satori, I think.
As for the elemental people, they are Rainbows. They're weak to physical attacks and can manipulate the land. Not too bad.

Those things are Unseelie Courts (which we'll encounter eventually in DoD when I return to the expansion). They have some pretty dangerous slash attacks. I think they're weak to either Dark or Fire, but I don't remember.

That thing up front is a Tantan Kororin. It's weak to Fire and isn't too bad... until it charges up and uses Face Smash. That hurts a lot. The Python in the back is weak to Electric and uses a lot of dangerous Earth attacks like Rotten Breath.

The Phoenix can use Lifestream to set up a regenerating field. It can also use dangerous Fire attacks. So Water is the way to go.

Is this path really big enough to go through? Huh.

I think the Gorgons took some dungeon design tips from Bowser. You really don't need that many bottomless pits, though...

The big thing up front is a Talos. It has some pretty high physical defense and hits somewhat hard, but it's weakness to Electric will take it down. The Skull Rider can inflict status effects, but strangely it's weak to Fire. It's weak to Light too, so I guess it's just be cause he's undead.


In this room, you have to press a bunch of these buttons to open a door.

In the back there's an Ammonite and a Triton. Just like in Devil of Decline (or the other way around, I suppose), they have annoying Water-based breath attacks. Weak to Fire, if I remember correctly. The Triton knows some Piercing skills, but they aren't that threatening. Weak to Electric.

The Euroses (is that the proper plural form of Euros?) know some dangerous Electric attacks, but Earth shuts them down.

I don't know what's up with the Dante in the back. He uses some Piercing attacks and I don't know what he's weak to.

It's a warp point!

This is the beginning of the north section, but you can't access the rest of it until you flip some switches.

Thanks to a graphical glitch, I couldn't see Garbangols at one point. This was unsettling to say the least.

This is part of the western section, but it's above the path that leads to the warp point and key.

The gimmick to this area and a similar area in the eastern section are these buttons which turn on the bridges. The bridges disappear after you cross them, so they're pretty much one-way passages.

One switch down, another to go.

These are Dullahans. They have some pretty powerful Slash attacks, but they're weak to Light. So use that.

These Larvae Malboros use status effects, particularly Sleep. A Wind of Protection makes them jokes, unlike Final Fantasy. Weak to Fire and I think Slash.

And there's the other half done. Just need to toggle that switch and I'm good.

There's a Charybdis there. Although he won't suck you into his maw like the monster in the Odyssey, he uses some tough attacks. He's weak to Electric if I remember correctly.


Well, that's it for that.

Hah, I got a fairy stuck in the water! The fairy really is stuck there.

I just noticed this, but whoever typed the description for Damage Net used the wrong slash for the line break. It's "\n", not "/n".

This next puzzle is annoying. On your own, you probably would not be able to figure it out without random wandering. Essentially, there are some doors with faces near them, and going through them turns some faces on and others off. In other words, you have to follow a specific path in order to activate this face to unlock the path to the boss.

The Spirit Tortoise is another turtle upgrade, using Deva Stand and Fang Crush as usual and being weak to Water. It can also heal itself with Refresh, another good Satori skill.

The Gryphon is another bird, meaning it uses Wing Breath (is that the name of it?), Swoop, and has a weakness to Electric and Pierce.

It's a Hydra. They have crazy high regeneration and use some seriously tough to defend against breath attacks. At this point, run. You can reflect the breath attacks with Aya's 25 point Fan skill, which would be great if I bothered much with her.
You DO want to grind these guys, though, because they drop the almighty Obsidian, which is necessary for some very powerful equipment.

And the Chimera. Another dangerous thing you want to avoid. It drops the Chimera Shield, which is a good shield.

No just no.


Youmu managed to survive this and run the hell away. Amazing.

Not so much the next time.


It's boss time!

The mist! That means Bio must be near (she did say she was coming, after all).

Yeah, this isn't good.


It's affecting everyone! Except Mokou, for whatever reason. Strange...
But why is it affecting the humans?

There's someone there, apparently.

Hey, Bio. This is your fault, I assume.

Well, nice of you to actually show your face instead of hiding in the dark watching us like back at Eientei and Hakugyokurou.

So the other immortal one, right?

Most likely.

Yeah, this is her fault! Time for revenge... as soon as we get up, that is.

Sanae, technically you are partially a god. But yeah, the humans weren't affected before...

What do you mean?

Huh? Then why didn't it affect them?

Ah... but why target just the youkai?

Yeah, it's not good, Mokou. Looks like this is all up to you.

Apparently she's impressed with us as a whole. Thanks?

So, you want to give yourself an advantage in combat? Well, that's quite the advantage...

That's not good. We're screwed.

We're pretty much among the strongest youkai and humans in Gensokyo. The only other strong ones are elsewhere. Like Yukari. Funny, you'd figure she'd do something by now...

Biotopos is a heavy drinker. We're talking oni levels of drinking.
But if you would have liked drinking with us, then why cause an incident and make us your enemies when we would have been just fine if you did nothing to begin with?

Dodge the question, sure.

We kind of knew that by now, though.

I see. You're not truly immortal, though...

Yeah. It's similar, but it's not true immortality.

It's obvious, isn't it?

Yep. Unless you destroyed her entirely, she would come back. Again and again.

Wow, I can't believe Bio is shocked. Kaguya's got that too, but she's not here.

So, you're a symbol of immortality?
Turtles are symbols of immortality, by the way. That's why Minogame was called that in HELLSINKER: his/her name means "a turtle with seaweed growing on its shell," and Minogame is an immortal god-like being.

Genji said that too.

I guess so. It's weird for Genji to be an actual turtle and Biotopos to be a turtle loli, though. A turtle loli that smokes and drinks heavily, but a turtle loli nonetheless.

And as usual, it all goes over Reimu's head.

Yeah, it's time to beat you up and end this!

Whoa, that's a LOT of mist.

Yeah, we kind of did beat up your sister, so you might as well attempt revenge.


Yeah, we still haven't been answered that.

I kind of don't want to end up as a statue for the rest of my life, thank you very much.

Ass kicking time starts now!

Yeah right.

Biotopos is surprisingly easy. She uses some weak attacks on you, is weak to Water and I think Blunt, and uses field effects. Patchy and Mokou with her weapon set to Water by Byakuren mop up easily.

Yeah, this is pretty much the minimum. She did about either 11000 or 16000 damage at one point. I kid you not.

She uses a bunch of field effects, but because Patchy should have Arctic Chill on, it generally will get overwritten anyways. Paralyze Mist is the most annoying, as it randomly makes your characters unable to act, but generally they are mere nuisances.


When you reduce her to 0 HP, she uses Aging Drizzle, which always does more than your max HP in damage (it's like 105% of your max HP or something). Divine or Magical Barrier can reduce it, but otherwise you're screwed.
Here's how to do it right:

Use Little Legion to protect your people. You could also use Nitori's 3-bomb commander skill or Mokou's 3-bomb commander skill to protect you.

Wow, for the one who caused the mist you're pretty weak.

We're not INVINCIBLE, per say, but we're powerful.

Um, I did.

You going to admit anything?

Well, she is the one in charge of it, so she could.

Don't tell her that...


Well, great job, Reimu.

*head desk*

Reimu, just go home. We can handle this ourselves.

You're all alone, Lithos. Good job there.

When she's weak to an element and doesn't hurt me much, it was a clear victory for me.

You SERIOUSLY underestimated us, haven't you?

You need a hug?


Well, aren't you like Mai?

And that's cause for happiness?

I don't like where you're going with this...

Damn it. I swear, the sheer amount of masochists in Gensokyo is surprising.

Barrier? What barrier?

Um, that's a nice looking sword. Gold, however, is a weak material, so you might want a diamond or adamantite one instead.

This leads back to the entrance of Stage 18, for easy access to the world map.

This, on the other hand...

...Leads to one of the greatest songs in the game: The Gods' Sacred Area. Yeah, ending this with some hard rock, damn it!

It looks like we are in another dimension entirely.

And they weren't serious before? Oh please, things have been grueling since we entered the temple in the first place.

No, really? But yeah, this is the final stage in the game.

She mentions it's supposed to keep us in. Great, so we can't get out?
We can, actually. Storywise, however, we can't.

Then again, they've been keeping tabs on us since the beginning of this incident. We were trying to hunt them, when we were really the prey. This is unsettling, but it's pretty much true.

Yeah, just Lithos left, right?

Hell yeah!

So, this is it. The Gorgon Barrier. Will I be able to brave the extremely dangerous enemies here to reach Lithos? Are there any last-minute surprises? And with Chen and Ran out of commission, what has happened to Yukari? All of that will be next time when we head through the Gorgon Barrier!


Treasure: Rod of Penitence (drop, Patchouli), Magic Medal, Orichalcum Shard (drop), Naga Dress (Patchouli), Gold, Electric Crystal (drop), Orichalcum Dagger, Skullsmasher (drop, Alice), Adamantite Shard, Bracelet of Reflection III, Rock, Shuten-douji's Bracer, Trapezohedron (x1 treasure, x1 drop), Obsidian Shield (Alice), Pretty Mirror, Gambanteinn, Rage Choker III (Youmu), Mithril Chainmail (Byakuren)

Skills: Bold Advance (increases critical hit chance, Youmu), Clearing Mind (increases resistance against Fire, Water, Electric, Earth, Light, and Dark, Youmu)

Synthesis Done: Rage Choker IV (Mokou), Awakened Soul (Mokou), Orichalcum, Adamantite

TPKs: 4 this update, 20 overall
Frustration: Well, that's it for annoying puzzles. Now for annoying enemies! That's always great!
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

Devil of Decline Partial English Gameplay Patch!
Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion!


  • Moon Tiara Magic
If you want to grind exp, reset-hunting for King Yukkuris with a guaranteed kill party setup after reaching the healing circle should make that not too hard. (This is also pretty much how to farm any minibosses with drops or satori skills you like. Medoroa from miniboss Ambivalence is pretty nifty for the final boss if you're using her first party, which you probably are if you don't have Reflect Wall.)

The final boss can be beaten with just a few people at around 60 for key skills if you use an ideal setup, though.

I've been pretty quiet, but I'm also posting from Hawaii right now, so that should give you an idea why :3
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore


  • Deathguard Night Sparrow
  • *
  • Harbingers, yo.
Reset hunting? You mean run into enemies and if I don't get what I want, reset and try again? Sure, why not?
Also, I've been wondering why you've been quiet. I was thinking it was something I did or said. ^^; Have fun in Hawaii, then!
Anyways, I have the next update screenshotted, I just need to throw it up here. Which I won't be able to do until later. Hurray for having to do other stuff!

EDIT: So I defeat one King Yukkuri. Sakuya jumps from level 44 to 54. And I get the Yukkuri Crown.
Houston, we are engaging happy mode. Commence the celebrations.  :getdown:

SECOND EDIT: Oh right, I never mentioned this before. I beat the final boss on my first playthrough with one party. Yeah. I'm not saying beating the final boss again will be easy, but I may or may not be attempting it with one party again. I might do two parties, though equipment will be scarce. That's sort of why, despite MP becoming a problem as the fight drags on, I chose to do a one party final boss fight. ^^;
« Last Edit: February 24, 2013, 06:54:12 PM by Validon98 »
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

Devil of Decline Partial English Gameplay Patch!
Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion!


  • Deathguard Night Sparrow
  • *
  • Harbingers, yo.
Fourth Volume- Finale: Better Get a Mirror!

It's time to finish this! Let's go!

Did I mention the Gorgon Barrier's theme overrides Playing the Song of War and the victory theme? It does.
In terms of enemies, here's an Abyss Worm and an Alastor. The Alastor uses Electric attacks and the Abyss Worm uses weak attacks. Both are weak to Earth. Right then.

The treasure chests here are strange, to say the least.

Okay, we have a Death Rider and a Queen Flayer. The Death Rider uses some tough draining attacks while the Queen Flayer... does the same thing as any other Mind Flayer. The Death Rider is weak to Fire and Light. Not too bad.

The Sphinx is weak to Fire and can silence you. Not too bad.

Crap, a Machine Dragon. They use Evolution Breath. Which hurts. A lot. Weak to Water.

The Dryad Queen can use Enervation, which still lowers offense. It's weak to Fire, so kill it quick.

The Ibaraki Douji has some strong Blunt skills, but dies to Light. Be careful.

It's a Golden Baum. It's weak to Fire. Not too dangerous other than some draining attacks.

That warp from the end of Stage 20, by the way, leads right here. That was added in Lingering Summer Heat, if I remember correctly, so that you didn't have to backtrack to Stage 19 to get out.

The Cherubim is weak to Dark, yet uses some strong Light attacks. Be careful.

Each area in the Gorgon Barrier has two minibosses unique to that area. The Pendragon here is one of them. It uses some dangerous physical attacks and it has no weaknesses. It drops the Excalibur, though, so you might want to try to get that.
After moving through a certain area...

So you moved your throne here? Weird, but whatever.

I think she knows.

Told you.

Well, why don't you run then? Unless you WANT to fight me, which is a dangerous undertaking.

Going down with the ship, I suppose? Okay then.

What do you mean?


Someone's there! Who is it?

Damn it, Yukari! You could have at least come with us.

And I bet you knew the Gorgons were the culprits the whole time and only now showed up. Of course.

Oh yeah, I don't think you two have properly met.

Did it really take you that long to get here?

Well, you're no better, watching us from the shadows.

Yeah, kick her ass, Yukari!

Fuck. You. Yukari.

And what the hell is that?

Okay. Well, they caused an incident. That's something, right?

Yes, what do you think, Yukari?

Aha! I knew you knew the whole time. Then why not tell us? You're not going to tell us, are you?

That's rough.

Why deny your strength now when you were boasting about it before, Lithos?

She looks kind of cute when she's angry.

Yukari, honestly!

Chat? This is just insulting her! Yukari, you are a bitch, you know that?

Right, we need to know that.

Fuck. You. Yukari.

Just beat her and get the damn thing over with!

Lithos, you might want to run. She's a doozy to fight.


Whoa! That was close!

Yukari isn't dumb, you know.

That or a mirror could work, but I think Yukari doesn't want to petrify Lithos.

Really, now? She can just manipulate the boundary between Seen and Unseen.

Whoops, miss.

Uh, that's a funny way to put it, considering you're trying to HIT HER.

Whoa, settle down!


Yeah, there was no way she was getting hit by that.


Maybe you should use "the" gap youkai, not "a" gap youkai. Yukari's the only one, as far as we're concerned. Maribel doesn't count... yet.

Hey hey, no weapons in danmaku!


Well, that happened.

What do you mean?

Meanwhile, TPKs for everyone!

Crap, Lesser Dragons. They pack some dangerous breath attacks. Running away would be great about now.

No just no.

Well, this is the final save point. Let's do this!


What!? She lost!?

But she was winning... how did Lithos beat her?

Damn it, what the hell were you thinking, Yukari?

Well, we kind of already beat two of them. Lithos, however...

And she's there, isn't she?

Fancy meeting you here.

Yeah, she's pretty damn strong, as far as I can tell.

Yeah, no more fooling around! We've got a bone to pick, Lithos!

Granted, they still need to KNOW what her name is.


Well, she's like that.

That's true. Then why are you here, Lithos?


That would be weird...

Yukari's words are still getting to you, huh?

Again, bwuh?

Excuse me?

Oh yeah, Anastasis mentioned that. So, Perseus didn't kill you?

And it got twisted into Perseus killing you? Sure, why not?

I still don't get why apparently coming to Gensokyo is equivalent to dying, but okay...

Excuse me, you rudely entered Gensokyo without permission and caused a fuss!

For once, I agree with Reimu.


Well, that was why Reimu wasn't going to deal with it, but then...

Well, at least she listened to Yukari. I find it interesting that malice and resentment keep popping up, though...

No shit.

Well, hopefully she understands.

Your goal? What the hell is it, then? Why do this?

Fine, we will!

That's how things work here! We beat the everloving shit out of people when they act up.


Okay, sure, whatever.

Sisters care, right?

Lithos, you need to really make up your mind...

That's got to hurt, Lithos.

Time to kick ass and take names!

Screw divinity, we beat up gods on a daily basis!

Lithos uses two major status effects: Petrification and Charm. If you can defend against those, then this fight is simple. Not as easy as Biotopos, but certainly easier than Anastasis. You should DEFINITELY use Little Legion on the first turn though, because...

...She'll use Ras Algol Gorgops, which inflicts Petrify. Reset time!

She's weak to Fire. Yeah, Fujiyama Volcano is ridiculous.

For being the strongest, supposedly, you're weak.

She's so distraught, she's trailing her text offscreen.

Right. We want to know.

There's a strange breaking noise. What was that?

What was it?

There's cracks in the air! What the hell?

Someone's breaking in? Who could it be?

Shit. This can't be good.

Gigyas, is that you?

Uh, this is creepy. Who are you?

Oh, it's just Ana and Bio. For a second I thought it was some other thing that would have been disturbing.


That's kind of sadistic...

Yeah, everything was already settled with you!

Right! What is your plan?

Admit it!

Finally, a reason!

...That's it? Well, okay then. I guess you showed us. Well, that's it. It's over. You showed us. Now stop the incident.

Reimu, you knew? Or at least figured? You could have said something.

What do you mean?


But we beat you!


Shit. So it isn't over?

Well you know what? I'm done with you. You have been annoying me this entire game. You started it with hiding, and then with this. You could have just come to me from the beginning, but NO...

Hell yeah!

Byakuren Hijiri is a friend to humans and youkai alike! She won't let you cause further resentment between them!

Fujiwara no Mokou may be separate from many in Gensokyo, but she isn't going to let anything happen to its residents!

Youmu Konpaku is a fierce warrior who always carries her orders out. And she was told to finish you all off!

Satori Komeiji is hated by the surface, but she isn't as bad as one would think. And she cares about Gensokyo just as much as anyone else here!

Alice Margatroid felt the pain you gave all youkai, and she isn't exactly thrilled with your plotting!

Nitori Kawashiro was also forced into this because of you, and she'll show you what other aquatic youkai can do!

Sakuya Izayoi doesn't like messes. And you made quite a mess...

Patchouli Knowledge has been with us from nearly the beginning, and she wants a little revenge for being forced into this!

You hurt Aya Shameimeru's friends with your mist. Be sure to smile for the picture!

Sanae Kochiya is a shrine maiden of Gensokyo, and so she won't hesitate to take down anyone who threatens Gensokyo's safety!

Marisa Kirisame is the ordinary magician, but when things aren't ordinary in Gensokyo, you can be sure she'll rise up and take action!

Reimu Hakurei is the strongest human in Gensokyo. She is in charge of making sure nothing befalls it. You've pissed her off, and now you'll feel her undying wrath!

Laugh all you want, it's time to end this!

I'm not afraid!

Let's do this!

Or I would, if it weren't for the fact that I need to do some SERIOUS preparations. Next time, we'll fight the three Gorgon sisters and end this incident once and for all!


Treasure: Bamboo, Spare Parts, Reflexes (drop), Pretty Mirror, Sewing Needle, Snakeskin, Rock, Hinotori Feather, Eyeball, Rusty Blade, Strength Ring III (drop, Youmu), Hiryu's Lance (Sanae), Trapezohedron, Steel, Zeus Amulet (drop), Gold, Magic Medal, Magic Mushroom, Crow Feather, Silver Tray, Axe of Ahti, Adamantite, Orichalcum, Obsidian Blade

Skills: Rainbow Puppet (like Manipulate Puppet, but stronger, costs a bomb, Alice), One-Woman Army (Normal attacks attack all enemies, Youmu), Source of Rains (Revives and cures Permanents on everyone, costs two bombs, Sanae), Goddess Breath (Medium power large AoE healing spell that cures Permanents, costs a bomb, Byakuren), Hyper Amulet (High power Light spell that ignores Reflect and Magic Barrier, Reimu), Super Duplex Barrier (Nullifies either physical or magical attacks for the whole party for one turn, costs a bomb, Reimu), Paschal Moon-Reflecting Satellite Slash (Medium power attack that requires a stance, costs two bombs, Youmu), Neo Youkai Buster (High damage column Light spell that ignores Reflect and Magic Barrier, Reimu), Diabolic Energy (Medium power column healing spell that cures Variety effects, costs a bomb, Byakuren)

TPKs: 1 this update, 21 overall
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

Devil of Decline Partial English Gameplay Patch!
Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion!


Jesus, the Gorgon sisters are tedious folk. Shrill, bitchy, abusive, prone to overplotting, overmonologuing, overdoing things, and underpreparing for just how badly people can and will whup their asses.

They're gonna fit in just fine! :]


  • Deathguard Night Sparrow
  • *
  • Harbingers, yo.
I just have one thing to say.
I'm giving up for now. I'm taking a break from this game. I'm going back to Devil of Decline. I just can't take it anymore. Thank you. Have a nice day, because I certainly am not.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2013, 04:05:41 PM by Validon98 »
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

Devil of Decline Partial English Gameplay Patch!
Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion!


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Let dear granny Serela help you out!

Alice in Poison Shield formation front is practically required. With an Autobarrier shield. (Unless you got an Obsidian for the Aegis or rare stage 21 shield drop) Putting up Doll's War right before the third phase triggers is a good help. And she needs like, some kind of petrification immunity equip. Rainbow Greaves give her magic resist, and her def takes care of physicals, but you might even want the High Ribbon on her because Little Legion is pain.

Doll's War sure does help. And Hourai Doll helps keep back row from almost EVER getting hit by physicals or Minus. Oh yeah she needs good mystic resist >_>

Byakuren's Perfect Resist should prevent Vortex from dispelling people. This is +++++ on Youmu, who needs the Kusanagi or her foreign god slayer katana (katana is probably better!) And Weapon Bless+Dark Sword. And probably her Crit Up buff if there is any room, which there may not be. Also, I've heard Asura stance works a lot better then Manussya with Paschal Moon Satellite Slash, but I have not tested this.

Satori with Area Heal and Reflect Wall spam is actually pretty damn nice in the final phase. Reflect Wall gets rid of all that pesky magic and can be cast every other turn. It even saves you from her -super nuke- if the boss gets a chance to pull it out, iirc. Although, Mad Thunder and Medoroa and another status cure/heal caster is pretty fabulous in the first phase too... but, man, having the extra support in the last phase is so invaluable, Reflect Wall is cray-zee useful. Refresh or Heal are much faster then Areal Heal if you need a quick heal on Alice or something. (Refresh is for learning off the turtle, undine is uncharm/controllable. It IS on the turtle's control list, so you don't have to deal with BS charm shenanigans.)

If you level up Byakuren to get AntiMagic, that can help with the scary magic stuff too.  Youmu having trouble with bombs? Forge her special armor. Need to heal the whole party at once? Mass heal is bluh, but if you need it, it's all-target. Magic still tearing you apart? Put stuff like element guard and ribbon and rainbow greaves and high ribbon throughout your party. Dragon Mail too! Alice actually died to a physical? Slash resist. Need more revival insurance, Mokou commander. Can't get all these buffs up fast enough? Try to make it so you can switch your second party in earlier in the second phase.

ALSO LESS RELATED BUT stage 21 enemy golden baum should also be weak to water, and the huge worm is weak to earth.

« Last Edit: February 25, 2013, 05:43:44 PM by Serela »
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore


  • Deathguard Night Sparrow
  • *
  • Harbingers, yo.
Well, some of that stuff I did (Youmu+Dark Sword+Weapon Bless+Her Foreign God slaying katana is the best way to go). I tried getting Reflect Wall, then gave up when I realized the thing that casts in back in Stage 14 casts it faster than anything else, making it super difficult to land Charm. I know I should just throw Aya in the commander slot to cast her 3 bomb so I can get Charm off first, though, so I'll give that another go. I might get lucky.
I'll try again for Reflect Wall and then try again. Maybe I'll get through it. Then again, one of the times I tried I failed to kill the second phase fast enough, and we all know why THAT'S bad. Plus the boss keeps summoning the damn maids! The amount of resets was crazy.
This is why I used one party the first time I played...
Also, granny? I'm not a child...

EDIT: Got Reflect Wall, thankfully. Now to not die...
« Last Edit: February 25, 2013, 06:36:32 PM by Validon98 »
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

Devil of Decline Partial English Gameplay Patch!
Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion!


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Just letting snakes/crocodile summons in the first phase live is the best. Maids are irritating. You can even petrify the mooks with the Psycho Dagger or something with spare Sanae turns.

Perfect Resist on Youmu is super important though. Otherwise you get hit by Vortex and suddenly you have to spend several turns rebuffing instead of attacking and Byakuren gets all tied up as well.

Using Aya's not-commander go first skill or the Sonic Stream formation is easier for the speed, but since you already got it, there you go.
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore


  • Deathguard Night Sparrow
  • *
  • Harbingers, yo.
I DID IT!!! WHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The last two updates are coming, don't worry. Man, I can't believe it. I finally beat this game again. I just have to let the credits roll and finish screenshotting.

EDIT: I'm not going to post the updates tonight, considering its massive size (300+ images for the epilogue alone). I want to focus more on starting to get back into Devil of Decline right now. But I will make sure to get those updates done tomorrow!
« Last Edit: February 26, 2013, 01:40:45 AM by Validon98 »
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

Devil of Decline Partial English Gameplay Patch!
Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion!


  • Nyaa~ like no tomorrow.
Haaaa . .  I finally beat it as well . . that last battle . .

There are tears in my eyes . . .


  • Deathguard Night Sparrow
  • *
  • Harbingers, yo.
Eastern Blue God Omen- Part 1: Divinity Means Brutality

So, we've got to do a little more grinding and then we can finish this.

The King Yukkuri here is the best way to get some grinding done. Although it runs away, you can still defeat it using at the very least Aya and Sakuya. Make sure Sakuya has her Two-Handed Sword and Time Manipulation trees maxed out, then have Aya (as a commander) use Paparazzi and Sakuya use Private Square. Then just have Sakuya wham on the King Yukkuri with Full Moon Revenge, which should kill it before Private Square ends.

Yes, 10 levels. That's a lot.

AND the Yukkuri Crown on the first try. Nice!

This is the Crom Cruach. It's weak to nothing, loves using Death and Pain Bond on you, and is generally overall annoying to kill. It drops a sword that is useless unless you synthesize it into something better, which is stupid.

The Basch here is extremely powerful, with moves like Acala Sword and whatnot. It has not weaknesses either. The best thing to do is be careful and also murder the thing's face quickly.

Full Moon Revenge still looks awesome.

I attempted some Obsidian grinding... until I realized that Hydras don't like showing up a lot, so I gave up. Just have Aya use her 25 point Fan skill to reflect the Hydra's breath, have either Sakuya or Youmu use Dragon Fang Strike, and you'll be fine.

More formations I won't use!

And a Darkonium Marisa! It has no weaknesses and uses magic. However, unlike normal Yukkuri, it does not run away, so feel free to beat on it. It drops the upgraded version of Marisa's crafting material (the Millennium Mushroom), so if you feel up to grinding these guys go ahead.
After this, I decided I was at a good enough point to start the final boss!

The way the final boss works is this: There are three phases. You can split your entire 12 person team into two parties, and you're able to switch them at any point ONCE during the battle. The command is in your commander menu.

In the first phase, the three Gorgons will alternate in a fixed cycle: Anastasis, Biotopos, then Lithos. Then it will repeat until the phase is over. They all pretty much do what they did in their original fights, except Biotopos does not use her field effects, making her the weakest of the three in my opinion. They are all weak to the same things they were the first time, so make use of that. They all also share the same health bar, so the huge damage you'll be doing to Biotopos (as her weakness to Blunt and Water makes her easy prey to Sakuya's Ice Sword and Mokou's Fujiyama Volcano) will apply to everyone.
In the meanwhile, the sisters will try to summon up to two enemies to help them. The list of these enemies includes...

...The maids. If they show up, reset. It's too annoying to have to deal with them in addition to the Gorgons themselves. Matsuba can also show up, and you still want to reset. Also, here is me using the completely wrong formation. You want Reimu and Aya here for allowing your party to dodge and protection from spell cards when they show up (they use the same spells as before with the exception of Aging Drizzle, because that would be mean).

Hah, we got you!

Why, thank you!

Fun fact: depending on who is in your front slot, this dialogue changes slightly.


Uh... Like before, I guess.

Right. This is the second phase. Essentially, it's a damage race. Every three turns, the Gorgons (who all act as one target at this point) will use...

...Prayer. If they use it three times, then the third phase will be extremely difficult (nicknamed the "Lunatic" final boss). You can use Private Square to screw up the turns they use it on, as Prayer always goes last. This will give you a bit more time. Again, the party I'm using sucks for the third phase.
In terms of their attacks, they use some dangerous stuff like Flare and whatnot. Don't worry if people from the first party die, because you'll be switching to the next party during this phase anyways.

Like Perseus? I don't know, really.

And here the most awesome boss theme in the game shows up. Here it is. It's probably the best theme out of every single battle theme in all of Strawberry Bose's games. Give you that feeling of "Fuck yeah! Let's do this!"

Here we go! The final battle against the Three Goddesses! Again, my formation for this is WRONG. But I'll tell you how it works. The boss will use some crazy power elemental spells. Satori with Reflect Wall can negate this damage every other turn, and Little Legion can have Alice absorb the damage on the turns you can't use Reflect Wall. Have Youmu buffed up with Dark Sword, Heat Weapon, and anything else that can raise her attack power. Have Patchouli use Void Spirit to set the Land to neutral, because if it hits max, the Three Goddesses will use Absorb Land, then Void Cavitation, which HURTS.

This is Slash of the Present, but it's better to use Paschal Moon-Reflecting Satellite Slash (did I write that correctly?) with Asura Stance.

Those attacks hurt.


It is, Patchouli!
After some more failures (wherein I reset), I went back for grinding.


Hell yeah!

Less useful, but still!

I don't care.

This is useful to use on Alice on the turns she has to use Little Legion.

Too bad I can't keep it...

That's what I wanted!

This ended up being my final version of my first party. I took this picture mainly because Reimu is badass enough to take just enough damage to leave her at 4 HP. Seriously, that's just badass.

Still not enough, huh? Let's try that again, this time with elemental protection on Alice.

Youmu, you are fucking amazing, you know that?

That should do it!


Finally, it's done. The final boss is beaten. Next time we'll go over the epilogue and be done with this.


Treasure: Yukkuri Crown (drop), Drake Scale (drop), Donation Box, Iron, Blank Scroll, Magic Shard, Golden Tray (drop), Gold (drop), Earth Crystal (drop), Pretty Mirror (drop)

Skills: Empty World (removes fields, Sakuya), Suction World (adds HP draining properties to attacks, Sakuya), Shoot the Moon (High power piercing Mystic attack that ignores Magic Barrier, costs a bomb, Marisa), Tengu's Newspaper Deadline Day (raises EVA and ACC of party, costs a bomb, Aya), Wild Dance of Great Fortunes (Medium power all-targeting healing spell, costs a bomb, Sanae), Dark Hole (Medium power Dark spell, Byakuren), Extending Arm (Medium power attack with added Mystic damage, costs a bomb, Nitori), Sword Chaser (chases Slash attacks, Nitori) Lance Chaser (chases Piercing attacks, Nitori), Axe Chaser (chases Blunt attacks, Nitori), Hydro Camouflage (a field that gives a chance of negating attacks, costs a bomb, Nitori), Rainbow Parrar (a better version of Marionette Parrar, Alice), Galaxy (High power Mystic attack, Marisa), Possessed by Phoenix (grants Reraise to the entire party, costs two bombs, Mokou), Quickened Master Spark (High power Master Spark-like single-target Mystic spell, Marisa), White Hole (Medium power Light spell, Byakuren), Double Spark (Very High power large piercing Mystic spell, costs a bomb, Marisa), Red Herring (Very High power attack that inflicts Instant Death, Sakuya), Kappa's Multi-Chaser (chases anything, costs a bomb, Nitori)

Satori Skills: Mass Heal (Heals all), Refresh (heals and removes Permanents), Poison Breath (Earth Breath attack that inflicts Poison), Starlight Barrier (makes all allies immune to the next attack done to them, costs a bomb), Tornado (All-targeting Electric spell that inflicts Daze and has Slayer against Dazed enemies), Leaf Shield (protects one ally from the next two attacks done to them), Reflect Wall (reflects all magic, costs a bomb)

Recipes: Claiomh Solais, Gungnir, Aegis Shield, Shen Long's Robe, Hades Armor, Golden Cassock, Yata no Kagami, Yasakani no Magatama

Synthesis Done: Launch Earrings IV (Sanae), Ice Sword (Sakuya), Kusanagi (Reimu), Saddle Fan (Aya), Avian Dress (Aya)

Formations: Hyper Library

TPKs: 3 this update, 24 overall
Frustration: It's all over. Thankfully.
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

Devil of Decline Partial English Gameplay Patch!
Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion!


  • Deathguard Night Sparrow
  • *
  • Harbingers, yo.
Eastern Blue God Omen- Finale: Gensokyo's Guardians

What kind of groan is that?

Yeah, we did it! It's over!


You don't exactly know who we are.



Role: Blasting you in the face with Fujiyama Volcano.

I missed Satori's, but still. Role: Using Reflect Wall and keeping Alice alive in the last phase.

Role: Murdering you with Paschal's Moon Reflecting Satellite Slash.

Role: Using the 3 bomb commander spell in the first party if Reimu's barriers were on cooldown still.

Role: Keeping the Land on neutral and blasting you with magic otherwise.

Role: Making sure we dodged EVERYTHING in the first phase.

Role: Full Moon Revenging your face.

Role: Making sure the entire party didn't die.

Role: Making sure Youmu could carry out her duty in the final phase.

Role: Buffing and healing in the first phase so that we could do it with the limited resources we had.

Role: Using Hakkero as the commander of the second party to make Youmu do insane damage.

Role: Making sure that your Spell Cards meant nothing in the first phase.
We are the strongest in Gensokyo! Don't deny it!


What's so funny?! We're being completely serious here!


Okay then, we did it!

What do you mean?

No, really? You messed things up seriously here.

Yeah, what was the point?

What about that?

Finally, it's over!

Yeah, it's weird alright. Same thing with the Three Demonic Pillars. They get beaten and then finally they loosen up. Strange, but whatever, I guess.

So, then why cause the incident?

Okay, so they had a goal. Please don't tell me it was to relieve boredom, or I would seriously have to throw you off into the abyss of the Gorgon Barrier. It looks like a LONG fall.

Damn it!
But wait, who are you?



Oh right, Bio didn't mean Yukari yet.

That would be WEIRD, wouldn't it?

Okay then. But...

Clever! But then you just sat on the sidelines and did absolutely nothing, didn't you?

Yeah, what the hell, Yukari?

Fuck. You. Yukari. Do you have ANY idea of what I just went through? ANY IDEA!?

Of course. You could have whooped her ass to Hell and back, but NOOOOOOOOO...

Welcome to Gensokyo, leave your common sense at the door!
It's good for someone like me who has no common sense whatsoever.

Please say it wasn't...

Huh? What was it?


Don't you fade to black on me!

Hey, the youkai are alright!

Finally, she's back home. It's been tiring, hasn't it?

Yeah, everything's back to normal!

Yup. No problems anymore.

You don't have to.

I hate the fact that some people cast Byakuren as some sort of supporter of only the strong, when really she genuinely cares about youkai and humans alike. I want to find those people who cast her in a bad light and knock them upside the head.

Yeah, it was a real team effort. Your part was extremely important, though, so don't sell yourself short.

That would be a good idea.


Yeah, it's been a LONG day.

Hot springs in Mother 3 always restore you to full HP!

Are you still asleep?


You were dreaming she was beating you or something, huh?


Komachi, I wouldn't...

Oh boy...

*face palm*

I think you pissed her off.

You REALLY pissed her off.

Well, there's the ultra-sadist part!

Hey there Kourin, how's it going?

You sure?

That and no one really comes to Kourindou anyways. Thanks for the help, though!

Hey guys, how's it going?

Why would Mokou come here? Is she trying to start a fight or something?

Yeah, shouldn't you be inside?

Well, Mokou did just spend a day resolving an incident. I guess a warm welcome is nice.

Come on, Mokou, don't be shy. It's okay.

Yeah, we didn't hear about their goal.

Well, that's good.

I don't like "mischief." That's always bad.

Yup, no Lunarians!


Huh? Why is Kaguya waving her arms like that?

So Lunarians were never a part of it, huh? Then why did Kaguya ask us to go out to see? Kaguya...


I think Eirin knows what's going to happen now...

Oh boy...


I think you pissed her off. Again.

Fujiyama Volcano her face off until it burns, Mokou!

You might want to start running yourself, Mokou!


Hopefully they won't burn down the forest. Again.

Hey there Yuuka and Medicine, how's it going? Also, why is Medicine wrapped up?

Well, that's good, right?

Honestly, you're weird, Medicine.

Hey, what are you, a masochist?

How would Yuuka know?

I suppose that's true. But wait a minute, how do you know that?

And you didn't tell us? Come on, Yuuka...

Of course, Yuuka's dodging it.

Yeah, you might want to worry about that...

Of course.

Yuuka sure would love hanging out with Anastasis, then.

Don't worry, she'll let you out. Maybe.

Hey, Yuyuko. You look awful.



She probably did.

Oh, that.

Really? There are others who can serve you though...

Oh. I guess that's a compliment, then.

You perked up suddenly.

Yes! She did a fantastic job, Yuyuko! You should have seen her, you would have been so proud!

Of course.

Did you really sit here without eating all day?
Youmu goes off to prepare something.

That she did.

So you sent her off in order to have her learn, huh? Sure, why not?

You're still here, Cirno?

Youkai Mountain?

I guess.

A while ago. You got in my way so I beat you up.

Yeah, tough break.


I wouldn't do that if I were you...

Nice going there, Cirno.

Which way?

Satori's back!

Yeah, that was a long day, huh?

It sure was. Someone give Satori a drink, because she needs it badly.


Hey Orin and Okuu! How's it going?



Wow, that's just terrible. I'm sorry, Satori. I didn't want to drag you into this. I really didn't.

Reimu was very harsh the whole time, wasn't she?
Then Orin says the flat part was right on.

Come on, really, Orin?


I guess that's true.

When you think about it, that would be an amazing experience for her. As an underground youkai, she doesn't get to see the surface, and the most she knows about it probably comes from Koishi whenever she stops by. IF she stops by, that is...
So yeah, that must have been exciting.

Really? I think she's tired, though...

She did mention she would, though.

Maybe after the part where we beat you up. I don't think they want to hear that...

Of course, Tenshi's here.

Iku, are you okay?

I would assume not. Sorry, Iku.

I figured you'd know her on a better level than that.

I'd figure it was evening, but sure.

Is that allowed?

I guess so.

Well, you see...

Yeah. Again, I didn't want to do it, but Reimu HAD to be a bitch...


Yeah, that sucked massively for you.

Yeah, Tenshi! Own up to your mistakes!

That would hurt, huh?

You're still bored? Really?


Oh come on now!

No, she doesn't.

Well, that would be more productive. And helpful to us. And yet you still try to beat us up in Devil of Decline, and you weren't even too useful of a shikigami... such a shame.

Alice is coming home too!


Again with "pranks"! I swear, if it really was that I'll thrash them again!

Not really. Mikoto's not really a god, per say, and Kanako and Suwako aren't really aquatic gods.



Come on, now!

Well, you did use them to block attacks. I don't think they took too kindly to that.

You sound like Marisa.

I guess so. Back to research!

It's "Heaven's Falls," not "Heaven's Soak."

Yeah, it was pretty much that.

Yeah, but I'm pretty sure it was more than just one danmaku duel.

Sorry, Nitori. The Lunarians have it above you by a mile.
Aya mentions that she should write an article on the Gorgons. Oh boy...

Yeah, that's bad.

Aya, you know what she's talking about...
Aya mentions it was just a joke, though. Okay then.

Give them good publicity, you mean? Whenever you write stuff, someone's reputation gets ruined. Reimu's shrine is being called a youkai shrine again because of you!
That was in the most recent Wild and Horned Hermit, by the way. Man, it must suck to be Reimu.

What was it?

I guess so.


Sorry, there.

I don't want to know.

You're one to talk, Nitori. You've pissed off people yourself...

Hopefully Aya won't flip the table. AGAIN.

I guess. Sure, why not?

I guess not.

Hey, Akyu. You've been helpful again. Thank you for the recipes!

Hey there Keine, how's it going?

Yup, everything's back to normal.

Yeah, it sure was something.

Oh, so what happened?

It seems everyone is saying they were playing a joke, which makes me angry. You know I hate when people do terrible things for laughs!

Yeah. You can meet them if you want.


Those Chronicles must be growing large, huh?

Yep. And you'll keep getting reincarnated to carry out your duty. It seems kind of scary knowing you'll be constantly reincarnated to do one duty, but if you get to keep your memories I guess it's alright.

Hey Remy, are you okay?


They're back!


A very harsh lesson.

Although you did nothing.

It's okay, Patchouli. You'll be fine once you're among your books again.

I'd say "by all means, go ahead," but we still don't know if they deserve further punishment or not. If their intentions are pure, we overlook. Else, we punish. That's the Hakurei (and Validon) way!

Yeah, they didn't know. So it's okay.

Tea is good, I guess.

She just walks out, though. I thought she could stop time to get the stuff.

Flandre? Koakuma?

Or Meiling. Why'd you lock her out?
Don't worry, Meiling. You get more screentime in the next game.

Back here, huh?

Hey Superbitch Yakumo, how's it going?

You okay, Chen?


Seriously? Ran is an Extra Stage boss. I'm sure she could have handled it if it wasn't for the fact that petrification powers are cheating according to the Spell Card rules.

They sure were.

You might not know, but Yukari does.

They could have been.

I guess that means they're okay to stay.

Enshrined? You mean they built a shrine? Good luck getting faith, though.


I thought that was your design plan.



Why punish Chen? It wasn't her fault!


She's pissed, Ran.

I wonder what's going to happen to them...

Well, YOU were the one to cast yourself as bait in that situation. Honestly, it was your own fault...
Also, I wonder if the carver was the same one who made the Keine statue in Devil of Decline. It probably was, considering the level of detail.

I still hate you, Kanako. That's never going to change.

Didn't you say that a while ago?

She's your descendant, Suwako. I think you should talk about her with a little more respect.

Hey Sanae! How's it going?

It was a long day. It could have been shorter, but NOOOOO...

Yeah, we went everywhere, today. It sure was crazy.

That's a weird way to talk about tea...

I wouldn't say chaotic. That's the next game.

It must have sucked...

That was terrible...

Yeah, she did.

Ah, comedy.

She's a god, what do you think?

So wait...

Apparently she wasn't doing a great job of hiding it. Oh well, otaku will be otaku.


Come here, guys. I have something to give to you: MY FISTS!

Yeah, I'm not too pleased either, Sanae.

Well, generally it's Kanako who comes up with these ideas...

She was hysterical. She was so funny, a turtle spun away crying out! Whether it was in joy or in pain I don't know.

That was the reason why you didn't tell us? Well, that's good and all, but seriously, there were 11 others who were trying to do this.

Oh, hey Lithos! And Akame and... I forget your name. Damn it!

Wow, that sucks.

Siblings can be annoying. Trust me.

But Lithos should be able to do some greetings as well...

She's not five, honestly...

She's probably way older than you, Akame, so I would be quiet on this one.

Oh, hey Chihiro (did I spell that right?)! You kept popping up a lot in the final battle. Those resets angered me so much...

Strange color? Oh wait...

You haven't had green tea yet, I suppose. Did they even have tea in Greece?

Glad you like it, then! If you didn't like it, then it would be kind of hard to have tea here in Gensokyo, huh?

Well, they do want to see more of Gensokyo. Though I suppose they saw plenty of it while they were tailing us.

Hey there, how's it going?


They always like getting in trouble, don't they?

I guess it went well besides that, I suppose.

That must be Bio!

Bio came in kind of weirdly. Are you okay?

Oh. That makes sense.

It's certainly a great place to get smashed...

You are completely stoned off your ass, aren't you? Oh wait, stoned is a drug term... well, alcohol is a drug, so it counts, damn it!

I haven't tried it, so I wouldn't know. Then again, I'm not 21, so yeah.


Yeah, a bar.

It is. It's a wonderful place, if you can look past some of the youkai being terrible...

Yup, not everyone in Gensokyo is terrible. There are some great people here, like Ana's saying. If you can be friendly, they'll be friendly back. It isn't entirely full of assholes, as some people think.

Yeah. They're strong, and as long as you don't get on their bad side, they'll be friendly.

Well, Yukari seems to be fine with it. I guess you guys are welcome, then!
« Last Edit: February 26, 2013, 03:26:12 PM by Validon98 »
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

Devil of Decline Partial English Gameplay Patch!
Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion!


  • Deathguard Night Sparrow
  • *
  • Harbingers, yo.

Gensokyo's guardian deities? Well, if you have no evil intentions, I guess so. It would be a great boon in case further incidents occur.

It's settled, then!

Huh? What do you mean?

Finally, we're back.

It's been a LONG day.

Oh yeah, it's summer.

You're tired, huh?


That was their goal? Well, it isn't playing around. I guess I'll let it slide, as long as they cause no more trouble.

Yeah, the mist was kind of overdoing it, though.

That is going too far, but again, if they do no more harm I'll be fine.

Of course, that pisses off Reimu still.

That's why Marisa ever resolves any incident. She's bored.

Oh yeah, your intuition sucked, Reimu. We kept getting steered in the wrong direction.

You suppose? It's true!


Ah, I see.

It was all a secret test of character, essentially. In order to see what Gensokyo was all about. I think we showed them a good deal of how things work here.

That makes sense. Reimu couldn't track down the culprit, simply because there was none. And Eiki was doing nothing wrong. I guess her intuition only seeks out people who are doing terrible things, huh?

That is true. Always leaving the dirty work to Reimu...

That would piss me off too.

Too bad we never get a chance to fight her. Ever. I'm serious, we don't.

Just like that fox youkai, huh?

Brick joke!
Devil of Decline had one in another sense. Reimu says at the beginning and the end, "My eyes must be playing tricks on me," or something to that extent. The first time of course was when she found her shrine missing, and the last time was when she saw you-know-who at her shrine.

Touhou-style ending time!

It's definitely not hot where I live...

Hey guys, what's up?

Bio, I don't think Reimu has to time right now to drink.

Never mind.

It's nice seeing other art of the Gorgons besides their Spell Card portraits.

Are they all heavy drinkers, or is it just Bio?

It's certainly better than freeloading off of Reimu like some other original character. *glares at Angra, who simply smiles back*

Don't make me associate you with someone like Kanako!

Oh, I guess that's better than people coming to the temple. People don't really like the Forest of Magic.

That's true. Poor Reimu needs to have some more followers.

Hmm? I guess we could...

Sorry, Reimu. First Byakuren, now them. You're never going to have any worshippers at this rate.

How that didn't bring bad publicity, I don't know.

Well, I guess.

Again, sorry Reimu.
Also, "as expected?" I know that's what ZUN puts at the end of his endings, but I almost lost hope. "As expected" is a little taunting...

Nevertheless, it's done!

And we have the clear data right here!
It's been quite an adventure, hasn't it? Well, I would do the expansion, but I really want to get the expansion for Devil of Decline done. So, next time, we'll continue our pursuit of the evil spirit Mima and see if we can't turn Gensokyo back to normal again! Then, after that, what could possibly go wrong in Gensokyo now that the Gorgon sisters are its new guardian deities? And after THAT, what will I do? Will I try my hand at the hijinks of Earthbound and eventually Touhou Mother? Or will I return back to Gensokyo to do battle with monsters and finish what I started with the Strawberry Bose trilogy in Phantasmal Summoners? All of that shall occur within the next couple of months, hopefully.
Thank you for reading this LP. I'm Validon98, as always, and I'll see you next time.

EDIT: Apparently the original update was too long, so I had to split it in two. Character limits, ho!
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

Devil of Decline Partial English Gameplay Patch!
Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion!

Heehee~ It's nice to see my first Touhou RPG game be finished in an LP.
Great Job~ As expected!  :D
Looking forward to DoD Ex~