Author Topic: [Hiatus] Touhou Soujinengi ~ Shuumatsu: The Genius of Sappheiros ~ Weekend!  (Read 95368 times)


  • Deathguard Night Sparrow
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  • Harbingers, yo.
I have two things to say. First of all, I did in fact find the original version of OUT from KanonRPG. On top of that, I found a collection of all 18 versions of OUT in one video! So, I got it off of Nico Nico Douga and put up a version on Youtube for all to enjoy. It's here if you want it. I need to add song and game names, though. Also, one of the songs later in has a bunch of pictures that show some of the references in Hachikuma's games. One of them, curiously enough was this picture here:

Excuse me, what? Can anyone identify what that says for me? Because seeing Otoha in something that clearly isn't a Strawberry Bose thing is a bit... strange.

The other thing I wanted to say was that I'm going to run both expansions parallel to each other. So here's the prologue!

Lingering Summer Heat Prologue: I HATE HATE HATE HATE YOU!

Kefka's so goddamn insane. I guess that's why some people like him.

Hell yeah I am!

The beginning of every Touhou game, more or less.

Reimu, there aren't any leaves. I'm pretty sure you're good for a few more months.

Well, it gets really hot in late summer.

No kidding.

You're still on that?

Biotopos in her natural home: A pub.

Could people please stop saying that? It's a bit weird to hear.

I guess that's true, Matsuba. Also, yes, she can remove her claws. That's a bit weird, but whatever. It's Gensokyo, there's really no such thing as "normal."

Or death, if you drink it too much.

Honestly, you should try to act a little more mature for your age... however old that is.

I don't either, but that's more an age thing than anything else.

I think Matsuba treats everything with a bit more seriousness.

I guess they have. And they aren't causing as much headaches to Reimu as a certain other incident causer who settled down here. *glares at Angra again, who simply laughs*

That is true.

No kidding, I'd be pissed too.

Explain Hopeless Masquerade, then.

I guess that's true. They're certainly making up for the damage they caused. Again, unlike you-know-who. *glares at Angra AGAIN, who glares back and threatens to burn me*

Hell yeah they are.

That's a sudden shift in conversation, but sure, why not? Just leave something non-alcoholic for me, thank you very much.
Shinobu also asks for some snacks (so it isn't just Nobou? Huh).

She's not a kitchen utensil...

Oh, hey Yukari. Why are you here in the Bamboo Forest of the Lost?


I... don't get it.

What the hell?

Bio, you're completely wasted. Again.

You must have a pretty damn good liver.

Oh boy...

Deranged, you are Strawberry Bose's Woolsey. If you were the one that translated this, that is.

I wouldn't get her pissed off, Bio...

Stop. Drinking. Now.

That was fast!

Demon Shock!?

Who's there?

Err... hi?

Oh bite me if you can't figure who that is purely by her silhouette!

Explain yourself, completely obvious person!

You don't want to get Bio angry. You wouldn't like it when she's angry.


Demon Shock's single target, though!

You think?

Wrath of the Gorgons must now be a thing.

Again, you should be able to totally guess who that is if you look closely enough.

Bring it on!

That's a reflection effect. Too bad I'm not controlling the battle...

You missed it, but Bio used Destruction Ray... which sort of just bounced off.

Whoa, that's new. I don't like the sound of that.

Take that!

Abyss Hand?! That's got to be painful...

I don't want to see it.


That charged your Last Word? Man, I really want to see that.


Well that happened.

You scare me, person.

Damn it, and there's no one to help...

This is REALLY bad.

What the!?

...T-There's devastation everywhere...

Touhou Soujinengi Zansho: The Genius of Sappheiros ~ Lingering Summer Heat
Guys, I think we're screwed.

It seems the devastation hasn't reached the shrine.

Really? Is that all you can sense?

So you can sense it. You just can't tell it from the heat.

That's a bit extreme.

Yeah, you're just talking crazy at this point.

No shit.

No, that's a bad idea.

Your words are truer than you might think, Reimu...

Oh, hey Yukari.

Of course, Reimu wants nothing to do with it.

Well, I think she's still pissed at you for leading her on like that.

Always true, in my opinion.

Well, she might have something to say...

You have shaved ice?

Err, what?


I think that's one of the best sprites I've seen in this game ever.

Why would you do that?

I love it how Yukari's just taking it like it was nothing.

Title drop!

I'm sorry, Reimu.

So, you wonder why Reimu's so pissed? Because people keep taking her stuff.
You've got to feel sorry for the poor miko. I know some people pass her off as a jerk, but when she gets treated like this, I wouldn't blame her.


She does, occasionally.

Reimu says no.

Well, she can use the Hakurei Ying-Yang Orbs, so she has to be one.

That doesn't sound good.

Well, maybe.

Yeah, all that devastation...

Hell yeah it is. We've got major trouble.

At least you get it, Reimu. We've got a bad incident on our hands right now.

Yeah, but what is it?

So, what kind of atmosphere would it be, then?

Malice... that came up quite a bit in the main game. Well, if it's malice, I want to take a few potshots at it. Malice is one of the few concepts in this world I cannot stand.

Hell yeah!


Lithos! Are Bio and Ana okay?

I guess gods mind their own business. Except for, you know Kanako...

Yeah, she's been beat.

Revenge solves everything. Somewhat.

Well, I'm glad you're on my side this time.

Give me a break, Yukari...

I'm sorry, please ignore her.

Reimu, I wouldn't...

Whine a little more, and you'll be about the same level as Angra. At least you two don't share that holier-than-thou attitude.

Well, that's good news.

It's always our job...

Yeah, because maybe she cares. Actually, she always cares, canonically speaking.

When can you never tell an incident's afoot?

Hey, more party members!

It's funny reading those words, considering Devil of Decline...

See you later, person who's probably never showing up again.

Yeah, our lead count is zero.

Hey, we actually have a destination!

I'm not even going to comment on that.

Oh right, everyone else is gone.

Sounds better than going at it alone.

Err, catch?

I know, that's kind of weird...

So, we're in control of Reimu again! I'll explain the Incident Board in the next update.

And we get a nice new background for the menu for being in the expansion. But can we find our old allies and bring them back? Who is causing this incident? And how much grinding will we have to do to get this over with? That's for next time.

EDIT: I found that the image is from a doujin graphic novel... okay then...
« Last Edit: March 07, 2013, 09:45:34 PM by Validon98 »
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

Devil of Decline Partial English Gameplay Patch!
Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion!


  • Deathguard Night Sparrow
  • *
  • Harbingers, yo.
Yes, I'm doing another update. Amazing, huh?

Searching for Friends- Part 1: A Song of Ice and Fire... and A Few Other Things

So, last time Lithos joined our party to help us combat some sort of malice we don't really know much about. Let's talk about her!

Lithos is... interesting. First of all, she starts out at the average level of your entire party from the end of the main game. She has a lot of powerful attacks that she and her sisters had in the main game, most important of all being Pegasus Meteor Strike. Her Family Members Growth tree grants her Divine Barrier, which is not a common thing in the game to get for yourself. However, her usefulness is limited to the beginning of the expansion to make sure Reimu doesn't flat out die alone. To be honest, my appreciation of the expansion characters isn't that high considering I was perfectly fine with the original characters and I'll be perfectly fine with them once I get them back, plus the expansion characters are really only good in certain situations. Feel free to try to convince me otherwise, but I'm firm in my belief.
Growth Trees: Evil Eye (Boosts spellcards and bombs), Golden Wings (Boosts magic), Golden Sword (Boosts physical attacks), Family Members (Boosts HP and MP and grants Divine Barrier and Regen)
Unique Weapon: Rapiers (Piercing weapon that has high accuracy yet low power)
Last Word: Super Void Cavitation (Deals 7777 damage to all enemies (777 to bosses))
Commander Bonus: +2% XP to all party members, 1 Bomb: Purify (Reduces Land Power), 3 Bomb: Evil Gaze (Inflicts temporary Petrify on all enemies)
Starting Skills: Maenad (Deals 666 damage and inflicts Petrify), Blaster (deals damage and can inflict Petrify or Instant Death), Ras Algol Gorgops (inflicts Petrify to all enemies, costs two bombs), Land Amp (Increases current land powers)
Additional Skills Gained Due to Starting Level: Aging Drizzle (May reduce all enemies to 0 HP or deal 9999 damage if they have more than 9999 HP, costs two bombs), Muscle Revolution (a powerful Blunt attack, costs a bomb), Energy Riot (Medium power all targeting Mystic spell), Pegasus Meteor Attack (1-9 time randomly-hitting attack, costs a bomb)

So, how are we going to combat this unknown malice?

We're going to have to take a look at this Incident Board. The entire expansion is based around this board, and it contains all of our quests.

We have a few quests to start out with. There are three types: Character, Story, and Other. Character quests have us attempt to seek out one of our old party members as well as a few new ones in order to build up our party again. This makes sense, as all of our old party members have been overtaken by what I'll just refer to from now on as the Malice until we find our who's really behind it. And no, that doesn't mean Marisa+Alice.
Story quests will unlock after completing most of the Character quests, and completing one will unlock the next. They all have to do with going into areas where the Malice is gathering in search of the culprit, and they are necessary to complete in order to beat the expansion.
Other quests are just random fights. Each character will have one Other quest tied to them which awards their material as a reward. There are other Other quests that will reward other materials, such as Adamantite and Orichalcum. Other quests can be taken multiple times and are cycled randomly upon finishing any quest. Grinding the Other quests is necessary to get all of the materials to craft all of the ultimate equipment. It's not the greatest thing ever, but we're not at the point where we can grind those.

To start off with, we need to gather party members. Cirno is the easiest to get, so let's go after her, shall we? She's up at the Giant Toad's Pond area of the Youkai Mountain.

Every area you go into with a Character quest will have four new chests with this design. They contain new equipment and materials for the new characters, more often than not.

Each area with a Character quest will also have new enemies! This is a Rastpuin (not a Rasputin, although that would make more sense as a name). It's just like its Gapuin cousin from earlier, Damage Net and all.

Here's a Death Matango and a Komodo Dragon. The Death Matango is weak to Fire and can inflict Sleep, while the Komodo Dragon is weak to Water (I think?) and... really doesn't matter.

Super Void Cavitation. It. Is. Awesome.

The Rainbow Bentoras here have a rare weakness to Mystic. They aren't that much of a threat.

Whenever entering the room with the character, this message shows up. One of the enemy icons will be the one you're looking for, but you won't be able to tell which one it is. The unique thing about that enemy, though, is that if it runs into you, it won't start a battle unless you move into it, unlike other enemy icons.

High Fairies are our new Fairy-tier enemies. Weak to Dark as usual. Packing spells and different varieties, as usual.

Of course, we have Cirno herself here! She'll cast Water spells, but they aren't that strong. She'll start out with an attack that inflicts Freeze, but it really isn't too annoying. Omnidirectional Demon Binding Circle isn't necessary, but if it helps you sleep at night...
Spam Pegasus Meteor Strike and you'll be fine.

Why thank you, game.

Hey Cirno. Stop. Fighting. Us. You'll. Never. Win.

It depends on what you mean by "normal," Lithos. Is she stupid and have suicidal overconfidence? Then she's normal.

"Snake girl?" Is that the thing that stands out the most about her? Besides the green hair, the extra eye on her forehead, or her mismatching stockings?

Good old Strawberry Bose Reimu. I knew you haven't left us.
By the way, Cirno... What happened to you?

I see... the Malice got to you, huh? Well, I guess we beat the Malice out of her! Or something. I really don't know.

No kidding.

Lithos, she's a fairy. She's CANNON FODDER. Why should she join us?

Apparently coming with us is equivalent to pulling pranks on others. Okay? Oh, she starts at level 1, unlike Lithos.

She's... not too great. She can get some good Water regen and can inflict Freeze and Instant Death, but that's about it. She's useful in only a couple of boss fights. That's it. I won't really be using her besides those moments.
Growth Trees: Fairy Power (Boosts support abilities), Strongest (Boosts offense), Motivation (Boosts HP, defense, and Water regen), (9) (Boosts MP among other things)
Unique Weapon: Ice (Slash weapon that is stronger than swords and inflicts Freeze)
Last Word: -500 Degrees (Deals Water damage and inflicts Freeze on all enemies that do not resist it)
Commander Bonus: Boosted resistance to Quick effects, 1 Bomb: Active (9) (Increases Water Land and reduces all other Land), 3 Bomb: Frreze (9) (Inflicts Freeze on all enemies)
Starting Skills: Icicle Attack (Low power Water spell that inflicts Freeze), Ice Barrier (Counterattacks attacks with a Water attack), Perfect Freeze (Medium power all-targeting Water spell that inflicts Freeze, costs a bomb)

So... yeah. I tried to go Yukkuri grind after this in order to build up Cirno's levels.

These are two separate TPKs. Maybe later, when my party is a bit more full.

Nitori's next on the recommended order. So, to the area before the midpoint, then! Before I do that, I really need to go see Akyu.

Yes, we have.

Among being the queen of the Gorgons and controlling snakes. With that, we get stuff from her for Lithos. Check back here for the other new characters too.

Someone's knocking at the door. Who is it?

Is this a cutscene I missed in the main game? Huh.

Getting recipes. Keine, the mist is taken care of. It's the Malice you should be worried about.

That would be pretty helpful, actually! Keine...

Damn it.

A formation? Really?


Oh yes, you'll get recipes after finishing certain quantities of quests. Check here often.

You can get Ostracon now. It's our next tier of materials. We'll be finding a good deal of it on our own for now, but we'll need a LOT of it for all of the upgrades we'll be making to our equipment.

Here we get a Super Kedama and a Queen Bee. The Queen Bee is weak to Water and I think it can inflict Poison with its normal attacks. The Super Kedama acts like the Kedamas from earlier, which means they can use that suicide move from before.

That's an Issun Boshi. What that's supposed to be, I don't know. I think it's weak to Light, and it's... really not dangerous.

Crap, a Top Ace! Weak to Dark like the other angel enemies, but it HURTS. Spam everything you have and pray at this point.

Come on!

Here we go...

Nitori, Nitori, Nitori... Our good old engineering Kappa is a bit more difficult to beat than Cirno. She uses a camouflage move to block the next three attacks. You can override that with Pegasus Meteor Strike. While she still has camo up, she'll use her elemental skills that she had as a playable character. Use Reimu's elemental-blocking barrier and you'll be fine.

Of course, I can totally fail. That's always a great idea.

Did you really appear here, Nitori?

Super Void Cavitation. Not. Good. Against. Bosses.

Wow, I'm failing today...

I missed this enemy before. Of course, I HAD to run into it while looking for Nitori again... It's the Red Dragon King. Weak to Dark and uses those Zapper moves like Paralysis Zapper and Death Zapper. Annoying? Definitely.

Took long enough...

Sorry, we had to do it, Nitori.

Does Reimu ever hold back in danmaku?

Well, it's not your fault. Blame the Malice.

Possession, huh? Well, it's a better descriptor than what Cirno said...

She might as well.

Hurray, we got Nitori back! Finally, a more useful party member!

And next we have Mokou. Off to Muenzuka, then!

Yes, I have Cirno in my active party. There's a reason for that. As for the enemy, we have a Death Ghost. Weak to Light, Water, and Fire, and is really not dangerous.

The Harpy Queen can summon more allies like before and is weak to Electric and Piercing. Not too troublesome... unless it summons things. Then you're screwed.

The Phoenixian Amaryllis is weak to Fire and Slash and can put you to sleep, and then can inflict Instant Death on you. Fun!

The Fuuri can inflict Varieties on you, but is not really that bad. Weak to Fire, if I remember correctly.

Of course, Mokou is who we're after! She is pretty tough. Essentially, Cirno should have as much IND as possible and just try to continuously freeze Mokou. Everyone else should just spam their attacks, except for Reimu, who should use Super Duplex Barrier whenever possible just in case Cirno screws up.

This is what happens when Cirno screws up.

Again, more enemies while trying to find Mokou after having been beaten by her already! The Royal Earth is just like the Earth from before... except worse. Weak to Electric. Be careful.

You are awfully close to the fourth wall, Cirno.

Cirno, you suck. You know that, right?
Just to be clear, I don't hate her as a character. By now you should know which Touhou character is the only one I hate. >.>

Of course, I manage to do it. I'm not completely terrible at this, you know.

Sounds like you just got woken up or something.

Was she ever really asleep?

"Some trouble?" Ahahahahahahahahaha... *sighs*

Yeah, we're not sure about this whole situation yet.

So it was more of the Malice... I actually am wondering how the Malice is managing to do this.

Technically, there was that person that you all should totally know by now, but of course, Lithos and Reimu didn't see that person.

You were so useful against a couple of bosses...

Hell yeah, Mokou's back!
I don't show it, but we're heading for Aya, who's at the first area of the Youkai Mountain. We've spent a LOT of time there today, haven't we?

High Ghosties are weak to Light and... do stuff. Not really a problem.

Not the Godly Catfish! It uses some seriously bad Electric attacks. Weakness? I think it's Earth, but I can never be sure with enemies I tend to run from.

Aya's the one we want, though. She'll use some physical attacks and buff her EVA with Tengu's Newspaper Deadline Day, so you might want to try to kill her quick. She's weak to Earth, so Nitori can deal serious damage. So can Mokou.

Not too problematic, although Aya almost killed me. I only had Mokou left.

You can't dodge forever, Aya. You should learn to accept that.

At least she's okay. Not that I really care too much...

Let me guess...

Indeed. The Malice is everywhere. EVERYWHERE.

Gensokyo seems to have a lot of masochists around...

Well, she's rejoining the party. Hurray, I guess.
Next up: Sanae. She's up on the top of Youkai Mountain. I think that covers every area of Youkai Mountain.

The Eight Raijin has some attacks that don't do much. I think he might be weak to Light, but then again I don't tend to stick around enemies for that long.

What the?

If you talked to Chen after finding her beaten up, you would have gotten this from her. I guess she must have left it here.

The Ungaikyo can use Reflect Magic in order to... reflect magic. I have absolutely no idea what it's weak to.

Of course.

That's a Okiku-mushi. It's weak to Fire, I think, and it uses Death Breath or something like that. I can only remember it due to Phantasmal Summoners (I have it. You can get it from upgrading an Antilon Larva).

Sanae is not that hard. The main thing she'll use is...

A move that summons people. They counter physical attacks. And they're susceptible to Instant Death. Cirno, here's your last moment to shine. After this, you're as good as off the team. Sanae herself will buff herself and her minions, and that's about it.

That was easier than all of the other fights!

Don't be sad, Sanae. At least you're back to normal.

That's what I said, damn it!

Hurray for violence! It solves everything!

Possession is definitely what's going on here.

Did anyone else mention hatred? Huh. Well, then called this the Malice is certainly on the mark!

At least the Malice isn't possessing you, Reimu.

Hell yeah, our favorite party buffer and healer is back in business! Well, that should be enough for today. Next time we'll find more of our lost party members as well as a certain red-eyed friend of ours from earlier.


Treasure: Pretty Mirror, Magic Shard, Blank Scroll, Silver Tray x3, Ostracon x3, Magic Medal x2, Mithril Sword, Sewing Needle (drop), Donation Box, Mother Nature Ring, Lunatic Morian (Cirno), Iron, Rock, Snakeskin, Kunai, Frozen Frog, Magic Mushroom, Spare Parts, Adamantite Shard

Skills: Ice Beam (Low+ power column Water spell that inflicts Freeze, Cirno), Icicle Fall (Medium power piercing Water spell, costs a bomb, Cirno), Ice Storm (Low- power all-targeting Water spell that inflicts Freeze, Cirno), Freeze Blood (inflicts Instant Death, Cirno) Minus K (High+ power Water spell that inflicts Freeze, costs a bomb, Cirno), Icicle Mirror (reflects magic, Cirno), Divine Fantasy (High power Light spell that always hits, costs a bomb, Reimu), Death Freeze (inflicts Instant Death to all enemies, Cirno), Chrysaor Golden Slash (Column attack that can inflict Instant Death, Lithos)

Recipes: Bellerophon, Perseus, Agincourt, Nagato, Eternal Ice Wall, Watermelon Bar, Ice One-piece, Cirno Robe, Powerful Spirit Gohei, Dragon Broom, Asklepios, Meteor Fan, Durandal, Nakoto Manuscript, Royal Ordinance, Crusade Greaves, Angel Eye, Itsurou Nyuudou, Saint Hand, Achar's Scroll, Orion, Ice Slugger, Cataplexy, Ragnarok, Suika, Darkness Robe, Mirror Pajamas, Kindergarten Master Uniform, Legendary Shrine Maiden Clothes, Yasaka's Shrine Maiden Clothes, Great Tengu's Clothes, Improved Refitted Optical Camo, Priest's Robe, Sacrlet Devil Mansion Maid Uniform, Impregnable Doll, Powerful Fencer's Clothes, Kirin Overalls, Giant Melon Sword, SANOH Knife, Sacred Akiba Cherry Blossom, White Bolg, Animate G-Pen, King Tiger Axe, Pro Gamer Fan, D&D STAFF, Flame Robe, Aqua Robe, Land Robe, Lightning Robe, Ifrit's Breastplate, Furfur's Breastplate, Dryad's Breastplate, Djinn's Breastplate, Fire God's Armor, Water God's Armor, Earth God's Armor, Elec God's Armor

Synthesis Done: Powerful Spirit Gohei (Reimu)

Formations: Gensokyo Wall, Shikigami Attack Formation

TPKs: 7 this update, 7 overall
Frustration: Well, this started spectacularly. Let's see if my luck will stay the same.
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

Devil of Decline Partial English Gameplay Patch!
Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion!


Sanae has been possessed by something, and is rampaging about repeatedly. Return her to sanity!

Cirno has been possessed by something, and is rampaging about repeatedly. Return her to sanity!

Validon, I'm not sure how we're supposed to tell if restored sanity with these two. :getdown:


  • Deathguard Night Sparrow
  • *
  • Harbingers, yo.
Validon, I'm not sure how we're supposed to tell if restored sanity with these two. :getdown:

Uh... They aren't trying to kill anything that moves? I mean, that's sort of what the Malice is doing to everyone.
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

Devil of Decline Partial English Gameplay Patch!
Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion!


  • A Random Chicken Passing By
  • Das Nunstuck Git Und Slotermeyer
Well they do that everyday in Gensokyo, except the lethality part, ne?


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Cirno has some viability... for normal fights :T Due to AoE Instant Death+nice damage skills on her Ice weapons and other various things, like ignoring water resist for stable damage. In boss fights, the best she can do is be as good an attacker as someone else could be, if the boss is weak to water. Generally. There's a few she's nice for, mostly the ones you already did because lack of options.

Although you do use her one time for a more serious boss, so having her level not completely low is nice. In general though she's only nice if you really WANT her to be... so, ignorable.

Lithos, on the other hand, while being weird and quirky, is legit useful. Her two-bomb skills are all pretty useful, and Pegasus Meteor is usually pretty nice, and she carries Petrification at a good rate on one of her weapons. Rainbow Wings on her magic POW tree is very useful. 50% boost to FIR/WTR/ELEC/ETH damage combined with Pegasus Meteor and Byakuren elemental enchants works pretty well, and is nice for Nitori chasing if you're so inclined.

...the expansion characters are weird in use.
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore


  • Deathguard Night Sparrow
  • *
  • Harbingers, yo.
I'm just going to say right here and now that I am planning on updating sometime soon, hopefully. However, Photobucket all of a sudden sucks. Whenever I put my photos on there now, the site puts them all out of order. That is the last time I use Photobucket. I'm switching to Imgur.

And there you have it. Imgur actually works. It doesn't mess up the image order at all. It actually works. Also, yes, I've killed 20 King Yukkuris. I've actually killed more than that, so this image is a little inaccurate. Those Yukkuris weren't actually hard to kill. Finding them isn't hard either, actually.
So, I'll update at some point. Not now, though.
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

Devil of Decline Partial English Gameplay Patch!
Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion!


  • Deathguard Night Sparrow
  • *
  • Harbingers, yo.
Well, this update is two things. First of all, a news bulletin on my LPs in general. I'll be updating them at a slow pace, but I haven't given up on them, so don't expect them to end suddenly. In addition to that, I recently found out about Touhou Genmuyoutan: The Nightmare of Rebellion. Having heard about it, I'm really excited because it's going to be the third in the "Omen Trilogy," the first two being Genius of Sappheiros and Devil of Decline, obviously. I'm hoping that it will be connected to the first two games in some way and I'm curious to see how Akyu, Mamizou, and Kasen will fit into the role of main party members.
I'm going to make a blind LP of it when it is released in August, because I really want to do that as an LP. Now, I also want to do Valkyrie Profile, so when Devil of Decline is done (which it will be soon), I'll start running that and Genius of Sappheiros simultaneously. By August, both games should be done, leaving Nightmare of Rebellion by itself.
Second of all is the update itself! Sorry for the delay, but I've been busy!

Searching for Friends- Part 2: Malice Cannon

We must continue the character recruitment with Reisen and Eirin. This won't end well.

New enemies here, namely the Red Foot (Feet?) and the Mythologian Spellcaster. The Red Foot... does something? The Mythologian hurts you with spells and is weak to Dark. To be honest, I ran away from most enemies here because they're not worth the time. We'll be getting into the good grinding soon enough.

Here's a Spartan Soldier. I believe he still uses Shield Wall, but he really isn't that strong himself. Dark kills him, I think.

Pudding Princesses here are weak to Fire and I think they use Dissolve. Okay then.

...What the hell? That's a Kudan... I think it debuffs you. It looks a bit horrifying or just plain weird.

There's an Aosaginohi. It's a bird. It's weak to Electric and Pierce. Not really that different from other birds.

And a Carbuncle. Of course, it can use Reflect Wall. Fun. I don't know what it's weak to.

And Reisen and Eirin themselves! Sanae needs to be on buffing duty, as Eirin packs physical attacks that hurt, and Reisen has a lot of status effects. Focus on taking down Eirin first and you'll be fine. Make sure Reimu uses a Super Duplex Barrier every few turns in order to block Eirin's Spell Cards, because they HURT.

Of course. Now to find them all over again.

On the way there, I found an Undine Queen. Weak to Fire, uses dangerous Water spells, and has natural regen that's boosted by Water Land. Not easy to take down, especially when I'm trying to run from battles to conserve resources for the boss.

Nevertheless, I manage it!

Can you please stop attacking me, Eirin? You're too damn powerful.


Well, only one of them's here. The other two? I don't think we actually see them. Unless it's in the epilogue, which I haven't seen yet.

Go for the direct question, of course.

Hell yeah. That Malice has been everywhere. Everyone, even in the Underground and the Netherworld, seems to be affected. That's not good.

Gee, you think? At this rate, everyone will be trying to kill each other for real. We're looking at mass bloodshed here.

It's powerful, alright. All the more reason to find it and shut it down quickly.

That's what I've been saying. This incident can't bode well for anyone.

Can you be glad to speak words right?

Damn, I wanted you to help.


Right, right.
Well, Reisen's on our team now, so let's talk about her!

Reisen's all about status effects and having Slayers against those with status effects inflicted, whether they are Permanents or Varieties. In other words, if you can get some debuffs going Reisen can be amazing. Besides that, she's not really great. Out of all of the expansion characters, she's one of the better ones, but only really for boss fights and random encounters that you can consider mini-boss fights.
Unique Weapon: Suppositories (Unique Piercing weapon that inflicts Berserk)
Growth Trees: Red Eyes (Boosts status infliction), Bunny Ears (Boosts attacks and Slayers), Illusion (Boosts support, prevents physical attacks and dispels from ending negative effects on enemies), Moon Secrets (boosts HP, MP, bombs, and grants Slayers to physical attacks)
Commander Bonus: High chance of preemptive attacks
Commander Supports: 1-Bomb: Dream World (lowers ACC of all enemies), 3-Bomb: Luna Wave (Increases Slayer damage for all allies)
Last Word: Red Eyes Banquet (inflicts damage and Berserk)
Starting Skills: Mind Explosion (Low power small AoE attack with Slayer against enemies with Permanents), Disorder Eye (Damages and dispels enemies, has Slayer against enemies with Permanents or Varieties), Moon Rabbit Tele-Mesmerism Technique (Line attack that inflicts damage and a Permanent of choice, Slayer against enemies with Varieties, costs a bomb), Visionary Tuning (Line attack that inflicts damage and a Variety of choice, Slayer against enemies with Varieties, costs a bomb), Lunatic Red Eyes (Inflicts damage and Berserk to all enemies, Slayer against enemies with Permanents and Varieties, costs two bombs)

Okay, that's it for her. Now...

...Let's go after Sakuya and Patchy!

Still asleep, huh Meiling?

Dragonflies here are pains in the ass. They usually go first and open up with Fire Breath, which one-shots Nitori perfectly if she doesn't have Fire resistance equipment going, due to her natural weakness to Fire. These things are weak to Water, but getting that set up is a little tricky.

The Elder Salamander here is also weak to Water, but of course is a bastard due to powerful Fire attacks along with other lizard skills, like Tail Chop. Ugh.

Sakuya and Patchy... this fight is one of the first difficult ones of the expansion. Sakuya attacks with physicals which can hurt, but Patchy's magic is really the main issue. Dealing with her isn't too easy, though, because she'll counter elemental attacks with a single-target spell of that element, which means Fujiyama Volcanoing her is a bit on the dangerous side. Nevertheless, as long as Mokou has good magic defense, she can withstand it. They'll both pull out some dangerous spell cards, so Reimu is invaluable for using Super Duplex Barrier and hitting Patchouli with Light spells (which she won't counter because she has no single-target Light spell, plus she's weak to it).

That was totally expected. You know what? At this point, I'm going to probably not be following the "recommended" order as much, because I swear that list is not right after Reisen and Eirin. The quest I SHOULD do next is...

Byakuren's quest! I want my buffer back, damn it!

Finding them was easy, thankfully. This fight is weird. Byakuren will start off with...

Demon God's Wall. This gives her 100 Divine Barrier, making her invulnerable to anything without Exorcism. Reimu is also useful here, as her spells ignore Divine Barrier. Murasa on the other hand will use anchors that have an effect at the end of the turn, like healing her and Byakuren and inflicting status effects. The most dangerous one is Final Anchor, which won't go off until the end of the turn after she uses it but will pretty much be a like a delayed Aging Drizzle if it goes off. Overwrite it with a field effect of your own (which Nitori has, thankfully) and you'll be fine. It didn't show up in this fight though, so that's good.

Hey, it's Devil's Recitation. Get it right, Byakuren. Also, OWW.

Not too bad, though. The Divine Barrier will wear off eventually, but she'll reestablish it. When it's not on, focus everything you have on her and she'll drop like a stone.

Sorry, Byakuren. This is really getting bad...

This is definitely bad if Byakuren was affected like this too.

Yeah, no kidding. This Malice must be extremely powerful to infect the minds of peace-loving people like Byakuren.

Oh yeah, Lithos mentioned Muenzuka earlier. I guess that should be our next destination once we get the gang back together.

Crap. So, that's it. We have to go there at some point.

Well, it's kind of obvious.

Really. If we can stay as a group, we can keep each other in check and not lose our minds again. So, you're joining up again, right Byakuren?

Hell yeah!

It's more of a temple, but sure. We can't use Final Anchor in this game. Sorry.

Yeah, no kidding. I missed those really good buffs.

While we're at it, let's show off a different kind of sidequest as well as showing how "not" to do it.

These kinds of quests thankfully show you which enemy is the one you want. Why they couldn't do that with the CHARACTER quests, I don't know.

Now, you're supposed to bring only Mokou here. There is a reason why it can be okay to not do that. The character-specific Other quests award the material of the character if completed correctly and within the restrictions. If not, then you "fail" the quest, you don't get the reward, and the quests won't shuffle. However, the enemy you fight has a good chance of dropping another copy of that material. What you can do is "fail" quests, but get the random drops, which may or may not be faster than hoping the quest you want happens to show up after getting the guaranteed reward for doing it right. It's up to you, though.

As for Kaguya, she's basically the same as she was before. Even with Mokou by herself, as long as she has magic defense you can probably Fujiyama Volcano her to death easily. Not too hard.

As you can see, I failed, but the quests won't shuffle. Of course, I didn't get the drop. I give up trying this, because really. Let's go back for Sakuya and Patchy.


Oh yeah, Sakuya will use Quicktime, which gives her (and Patchy, if she's still alive) three free turns. It is a field effect, though, and she often overwrites it herself with Suction World like a moron. Bravo, Sakuya.

Hey, we did it!

That's twice we've beaten you two. Maybe you should stop trying to fight us.

I think that's the last thing you should be worried about.


Same case as always.

No, really?
Well, you guys want to help or what?

Despite the fact that you hate going out, Patchy.

Good to know, Sakuya.
After this, I offscreen go on a King Yukkuri killing spree. Everyone's levels went through the damn roof. Or, more accurately, I got almost everyone I have up to about level 70ish. Not everyone, though (sorry, Cirno).

Going after Remilia next was a mistake, though. I have to include it here, though.

The Scarlet Cap is weak to Light, I think. It uses some Blunt attacks that hurt, but other than that it's fine.

...That's an Admiral. RUN!!!

The Scarlet Sisters... I'd give you the strategy I'd use... if it weren't for the fact that they totally curb-stomped me. I reset and got as far away as I could from that situation. I'll deal with them in the next update, after getting...

Marisa and Alice. That's a bit easier, thankfully. Not by much, though.

The V30s are weak to Electric and are like all the other computer chip enemies. The Chiron is another Fairy-type enemy, weak to Dark as usual.

Marisa and Alice are tricky. Alice is a tank, as usual, and Marisa has hefty evasion. Alice will spam Little Legion and will use a skill that increases her and Marisa's elemental resistance. Marisa will use her spells and will counter physicals with Master Spark. Essentially, make sure that Mokou has good Mystic resisting equipment and beat the crap out of both people. Reimu, again, is good with her spells even if they don't hit weaknesses because she can spam them nigh constantly.
Oh, they'll also use spell cards (Modified Straw Doll Kamikaze and Final Master Spark). I reset after realizing I might need a little more experience.

The Bloodhound is weak to Water and uses Fire Breath. Fun.

This quest is a simple one for getting materials.

Ah, here you are!

Doing this with a full party is easier than doing it with Lithos alone, plus you have a good chance of getting something good from it. Essentially, these Kedamas will hurt you, but they're mere annoyances. Most of these guys (except one) have a chance of dropping random stuff like the Harbor Frog. In other words, this is good for grinding out materials.

Marisa and Alice go down after Mokou goes into badass mode and tanks ALL of Marisa's Master Spark counterattacks and takes her down with only normal physical attacks. Granted, she got softened up by Sakuya beforehand, but still. Badass.

As always.

You guys were annoying together, you know that?

...It's the Forest of Magic, Marisa.

Thank you, Alice.
Alice assumes they were annoying.


It's getting kind of crazy at this point. We could really use your mad tanking skills again, Alice.

Well, Marisa can help too, I guess.

Not that I'm really scared. But that's all for now, because the last few fights are pretty damn tough. That's what we'll be doing next time.


Treasure: Rusty Blade, Ostracon, Element Guard, Hinotori Feather, Elemental Sphere, Blank Scroll, Bamboo, Orichalcum Shard, Sewing Needle, Fresh Blood, Iron, Adamantite Shard, Rock

Skills: Severing Cutter (High power piercing attack, Aya), Wind of Miracles (buff that enhances any buffs that are active or cast while the effect of this spell is active, the boost does not wear off even if this buff wears off, Sanae), Anti-Magic (Highly boosts magic defense, Byakuren), Sungrazer Comet (Very High power all-targeting Fire spell, costs a bomb, Patchouli), Metaphysical Mind (Medium power large AoE attack with Slayer against enemies with Permanents, Reisen), Invisible Full Moon (Piercing attacking that inflicts Control and has Slayer against enemies with Varieties, costs a bomb, Reisen), Idling Wave (Piercing attack that lowers all stats and has Slayer against enemies with Varieties, costs a bomb, Reisen), Andromeda Nebula (Large AoE Light spell, Lithos), Calamity Waving Fan (High power all-targeting attack, costs a bomb, Aya), Ice Giant (Very High power all-targeting Water spell, costs a bomb, Patchouli), Blazing Phoenix (Medium+ power all-targeting attack with added Fire damage which also inflicts Burn, Mokou), Rubble Pile Belt (Very High power all-targeting Earth spell, costs a bomb, Patchouli), Jackpot World (field that increases multi-hit chance, Sakuya), Ras Algol Maenads (Inflicts 666 or 6666 damage and petrify to all enemies, costs two bombs, Lithos), Fantasy Heaven or Hell (High power all-targeting Light spell that ignores Reflect and Magic Barrier, costs two bombs, Reimu)

Recipes: Psychopath, Narcolepsy, Red Eyes Clothes, Hourai Brand Summer Clothes

TPKs: 3 this update, 10 overall
Frustration: I don't like sidequests. I really don't.

EDIT: Of course, after I update and attempt to play some more, I defeat two of the three bosses I have to do before the next update. One more and I'm finally out of this stupid portion of the expansion. Does it get better? Not really.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2013, 12:08:07 PM by Validon98 »
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

Devil of Decline Partial English Gameplay Patch!
Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion!


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Sakuya with her Vyse Sword and buffing, using a proper attack (aka Not Full Moon Revenge) can murder the face off the vampire sisters. I think if her get her last word you can like, one-shot them. At least if you follow up with Private Square. (This also slays Marisa/Alice but it can be hard to hurt Alice even with a slayer since her and Nitori have multi-hit attacks... and if Alice is alone she starts spamming her last word for total invincibility)

Anyway, Reisen is -crazy- good against pretty much every boss that can be debuffed (That is almost all of them) because she can be made to hit 99999 without that much issue. She has a POW tree with a lot of natural slayers and decent attacks on her special weapon that makes her pretty alright to use in random battles as well, especially if you're using, say, Satori, to spam statuses you can slay for major damage.

I'll say in advance that Remilia is crazy good for random battles but not much use in almost any bosses (because her good nuke attacks have high cooldown) unless you want a blinktank and don't actually need Aya's other abilities. There's a few that are vulnerable to her Star of David hp-based attack though for major damage.
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore


  • Deathguard Night Sparrow
  • *
  • Harbingers, yo.
(aka Not Full Moon Revenge)

What do you mean it's not a proper attack? It hits things. It kills things. And it's how I dealt a good deal of damage to the Scarlets when I beat them last night.
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

Devil of Decline Partial English Gameplay Patch!
Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion!


  • Moon Tiara Magic
It's actually a lot weaker then her non-weapon skills. Two hits from her 1~3 hit noncard does about the same/better, and then she has the 4-hit noncard that does even more per hit in addition to having more... (Although you may not have that one yet)
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore


  • Deathguard Night Sparrow
  • *
  • Harbingers, yo.
It's actually a lot weaker then her non-weapon skills. Two hits from her 1~3 hit noncard does about the same/better, and then she has the 4-hit noncard that does even more per hit in addition to having more... (Although you may not have that one yet)

Well, I have a habit of not trusting attacks with variable numbers of hits, regardless of damage potential. It could be three... or it could be one.
Sakuya's level 77 now, so she'll get Mysterious Jack soon-ish. Level gains at this point are far and few inbetween unless I King Yukkuri grind, and I don't think I'll need to go do that again.
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

Devil of Decline Partial English Gameplay Patch!
Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion!

Sakuya with her Vyse Sword and buffing, using a proper attack (aka Not Full Moon Revenge) can murder the face off the vampire sisters. I think if her get her last word you can like, one-shot them. At least if you follow up with Private Square. (This also slays Marisa/Alice but it can be hard to hurt Alice even with a slayer since her and Nitori have multi-hit attacks... and if Alice is alone she starts spamming her last word for total invincibility)
Remi/Flan or Flan alone are some of the easiest early expansion fights because of that. I like to just ensure everyone survives the first turn while buffing Sakuya with Light Weapon and an attack buff, then either making her go first in the next turn or making everyone go first in the next turn (depends if I used Sanae or not). One Private Square and you'll get a vampire to a minimum of 10% HP, maybe even less if you got lucky with the armor double attacks. Things would probably go even better if I used anything other than FMR, I guess.

I also recall having a funny fight with Marisa/Alice last time, which ended up in a punch/spark-off between Mokou and Marisa or something, but I'm not fully sure of what happened. Hell, it's been a long time since I last touched this game.


  • White Mage with a Twist
I'm glad i'm not too late for this LP. I found the DoD one two days ago and by the time i'd finished reading it you were already done. I didn't comment because I thought it would be pointless, but I can see that this one isn't done yet so I actually feel relevent saying how much I love your LPs

I ragequit during this portion of the Expansion so many times because I seemed to be blind to the fact that you don't have to do those quests in the order that they appear. If I'd understood that sooner i would have finished it months ago instead of last week.
"The eyes are the windows that let us gaze upon the soul"


  • Deathguard Night Sparrow
  • *
  • Harbingers, yo.
I'm glad i'm not too late for this LP. I found the DoD one two days ago and by the time i'd finished reading it you were already done. I didn't comment because I thought it would be pointless, but I can see that this one isn't done yet so I actually feel relevent saying how much I love your LPs

I ragequit during this portion of the Expansion so many times because I seemed to be blind to the fact that you don't have to do those quests in the order that they appear. If I'd understood that sooner i would have finished it months ago instead of last week.

Well, thank you very much! I wouldn't keep doing them if people didn't like them, so I guess I can be glad for that, because I like making LPs. It gives me a chance to talk about the games I like playing, and this is one of them.
And yeah, you don't have to do them in order. It's better to get the more useful characters FIRST and then the ones that are harder. I mean, why go out of your way to get a character who either isn't useful or is an expansion character if they aren't worth all of the raging?
Oh, and I have screenshots ready for a few updates, it's just that I have to do the actual writeups and get the images on imgur. Time is really not on my side this week for much stuff, but next week I'll definitely try to get those updates up and more.
Perhaps even to Muenzuka...?
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

Devil of Decline Partial English Gameplay Patch!
Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion!


  • Deathguard Night Sparrow
  • *
  • Harbingers, yo.
I haven't forgotten about this. I even have three updates worth of screenshots prepared, including this update!

Searching for Friends- Finale: Light 'em Up

So, we've got a few more party members left to go, huh? Let's take care of them, then!

First up: Youmu and Yuyuko. This'll be somewhat annoying.

This fight is essentially a repeat of their earlier fight, except Yuyuko will sort of go crazy with instant death stuff. Youmu will use stances and do a lot of damage physically. They're both weak to the basic elements, so Mokou will burn holes in them like they weren't even there.

Of course, Yuyuko can hit the whole party minus Alice with instant death. Time to reset!

I missed this earlier. Now is a good time to fix that.


Don't worry, she won't hurt you again. I think. Maybe.

I'm trying not to think about that too hard.

What we just got is a formation that boosts the party's instant death resistance. That'll be good against Yuyuko and Youmu.

Meanwhile, Mokou continues to be a badass.

And she once again is the one to finish off the fight. She is awesome.

We're really getting through these quests quickly.

I'm tired of you two ganging up on us. Can't we just have a cup of tea and be done with this?

When you're fighting for the life and sanity of your friends, you tend to be serious.

Yeah, that Malice...

Youmu, it wasn't your fault. Blame this Malice stuff, whatever it is.




Fun! So basically, whatever is causing this is beyond that of anything we've ever seen. The words "we're screwed" don't begin to cover the extent of how bad the situation is.

Oh yeah, we need all the help we can get if we're to fight this Malice.

Come on, Yuyuko!

Well, at least we have Youmu back. Hurray!
Meanwhile, back at the SDM...

Flandre does no damage to Alice because she's a goddamn tank.
As for the strategy for this fight, you don't want to use magic attacks unless you're positive it is the finishing blow. Have Sakuya use Private Square or have Alice use Little Legion on the first turn and every four turns afterwards in order to protect against their spell cards. Make sure Alice has Charm resistance as well, as Remilia's Red Magic will inflict that. Other than that, have Byakuren use Star Sword on Mokou and Sakuya and go to town.

Not too bad with Alice.

That's twice, Remilia. I'm wondering if vampires aren't as strong as they sound...

Well, that wasn't exactly a casual game of danmaku, so of course it hurt.

Kicking? I don't think we KICKED anything...

By "a bit far" you mean "completely kicked the crap out of them," then yes.

No problem. Beating the crap out of people to make them sane is what we do best.

Let me guess...

Yep, the Malice even got to Remilia.

Well, we could go investigate, but we're still a party member short.

Yeah. Hopefully we can find the rest of our friends and get a move on. Things get worse every minute we sit and do nothing.

Uh, you sure, Remilia? You're going to blow up in the sun or something...

Uh, yeah, it's an incident.

Well, it's some unknown power filled with malice and hatred. That in itself isn't an incident, but it trying to mess with you and everyone else in Gensokyo is.

I'm not going to comment on that. I'm just not.

Yeah, I don't want to play with Flandre anymore. I think she's still a little crazy.

Okay, now we have Remilia!

Remilia seems to be all about powerful attacks with large cooldowns and sometimes drain effects, which could be useful when combined with the massive PATK and SPD boosts she gets with her Growth trees. This is combined with the fact that she has a low DEX and VIT, which means she practically needs to have weapons that have good ACC ratings like spears to hit things. I don't really like using her, as is the case with most of the expansion characters.
Unique Weapon: Javelins (Piercing weapon that is effective against low-DEF enemies)
Growth Trees: Supernatural Strength (boosts physical power), Fleetness (boosts speed and evasion), Noble Lady (boosts magic), Vampire (boosts HP and other stats)
Commander Bonus: +3% Perfect Dodge
Commander Spells: 1-Bomb: Red Vampire (Allies gain HP Drain on attacks), 3-Bomb: Scarlet Devil (Allies gain very powerful HP Drain on attacks)
Last Word: Spectacle of Destiny (turns enemies into Yukkuris based on level)
Starting Skills: Spear the Gungnir (Low damage High accuracy piercing attack), Vampire Cradle (Medium power attack that can inflict Daze), Red Magic (Dark elemental all-targeting spell that inflicts Charm, costs two bombs), Star of David (spell that targets all and deals damage proportional to HP, costs a bomb), Scarlet Shoot (Low damage piercing attack that can inflict Daze, costs a bomb)

Alright, now there's one last person to get...

Goddamnit, formations.

Oh right, this has opened up too. However, getting Yuugi involves entering a new dungeon, and I just want to get the last party member left besides Yuugi.

This showed up as well. You know what? Let's do that instead. Nazrin's easy.

Nazrin will hit you with weak stuff. She's weak to Fire. Take a wild guess how this'll go. The best part is you'll most likely get a Gold drop from her in addition to the Gold you get from beating the quest. That's two Gold per quest. Amazing, huh?

Seriously, that's the easiest quest in the game.

We also get a formation that grants Slayer against Yukkuris. That's great, but I'm not really going to abuse that until I can start fighting Yukkuri Emperors WAY down the line from now.

Okay, okay, NOW we can get Satori.

Aw, Orin and Okuu left their cucumbers here. I think they're bad now.

And welcome to an easy fight. Okuu will go down with Light attacks (although don't leave her in critical condition, or, much like when we first fought her, she'll murder your face), Satori needs to be taken care of first because she can use Elixir, and Orin can inflict Zombie on dead characters, but isn't threatening beyond that.

Not really a problem, and definitely one of the easiest of the last character quests.

Sorry guys, but we had no choice.

Hey hey, this time was necessary! If you had only let us in earlier, we would have spared you.

As per usual.

How is it embarrassing? There are so few that are not affected by it that I'd be surprised to find someone who isn't affected by it.

Well, not exactly...
Orin does try to correct Reimu on it, but Reimu shrugs it off.

It can't possibly be someone here in the Underground, could it?

Whoa. All of that hatred together would probably be extremely dangerous. So if we have to fight this thing, it'd be like taking on all of the spirits of Hell. That'll be fun. Or not.

Oh yeah, you haven't been there, Lithos. It's a lovely place. Just don't stay too long if you don't want to be possessed by evil spirits, which would probably kill you, seeing as you're a goddess/youkai.

No, really?

Please give me Okuu, please give me Okuu, please give me Okuu...

Okay, we have Satori.

Aww, no Okuu. I'm sad now.
Oh well, there's always Mystical Power Plant...
But that does it for now. Next time, we'll descend to the Underworld in search of Yuugi and the Malice itself.


Treasure: Ostracon, Frozen Frog, Gold (x2 reward, x2 drop)

Recipes: Asgard, Ginnungagap, Dracula Set, Scarlet Robe, Elemental Sphere, Sun Tzu's Art of War, Diamond, Emerald, Obsidian, Dragon Fang, Legendary Box, Millennium Mushroom, Giant Snakeskin, Giant Crow's Beak, Golden Tray, Magic Crystal, Foreign Parts, Five-Inch Needle, Giant Eyeball, Sharpened Blade, Hinotori Wing, Ancient Scroll, Millennium Shell, Fully Frozen Frog, Hourai Suppository, Pure Fresh Blood, Oni Crystal

TPKs: 0 this update, 10 overall
Frustration: Well, that's the characters pretty much done. Time to take on actual dungeons.
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

Devil of Decline Partial English Gameplay Patch!
Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion!


  • Green shroom
  • The guy that was dead for like 5 years
Why do you have to fight Nazrin in her quest? It just says that there is some treasure nearby the temple or something. Did she find the gold, and you have to beat her to get the gold?

Also, why you no like Cirno?
"I'll give you old-timey, you mountebank!"


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Why do you have to fight Nazrin in her quest? It just says that there is some treasure nearby the temple or something. Did she find the gold, and you have to beat her to get the gold?

Also, why you no like Cirno?
Because the quest is an excuse to fight Nazrin for gold drops; Nazrin is piss easy even when you only have Reimu/Lithos and is a repeatable quest you do pretty much purely for the sake of getting gold.

There's several of these. Wriggle/Mystia for adamantite pieces, Rumia for orichalcon pieces... (There's faster quests for farming these though)

Also, Cirno isn't very good in this game. She's viable if you WANT her to be, and has some minor upsides to using her, but she really isn't anything to write home about. Remilia at least is super great for random battles with high-power low-mp-cost AOE javelin skills, even if she's never good for a boss except maybe the couple weak to Star of David.

Cirno's upsides are that almost all her attacks (including her special ice weapon) inflict Freeze (Ice weapons do it a lot better then her magic after you get good ones) and that her Ice weapon skills do decent damage along with freeze -plus- status effects like AoE Instant Death. She pierces 2 levels of water resist with magic and I think pretty much all ice resist with her Ice weapon (Making her damage stable), but it's been a long time since I played. She also can get several hundred regen in Water land and has a self-buff for reflecting magic off herself for many turns at a time. This pretty much sums up Cirno.

These are okay effects that make her decent enough to warrant use in random battles if you like. She's okay-ish on ice-weak bosses but there's better characters to use. If you want to stun-lock one of the few freeze weak bosses she's okay I guess, too, but there's lots of different things you can do to those bosses that are more effective. This is the extent of Cirno's use; pretty eehhhhhhh.
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore


  • White Mage with a Twist
I never thought of using Star Sword on Sakuya and thus made the Vampire battle far harder on myself than I apparently had to, lot of light magic though.

I never used Cirno at all when I played so I didn't know she pierced water resist. Some of the expaansion characters seem to have really narrow focuses that make them usefull for one or two bits but almost unusable wiithout huge effort in everything else. I stuck mainly to pre-expansion characters.

I like the repeatable quests making it less of a pain to grind materials though so that's a nice touch.
"The eyes are the windows that let us gaze upon the soul"


  • Deathguard Night Sparrow
  • *
  • Harbingers, yo.
I never thought of using Star Sword on Sakuya and thus made the Vampire battle far harder on myself than I apparently had to, lot of light magic though.

I never used Cirno at all when I played so I didn't know she pierced water resist. Some of the expaansion characters seem to have really narrow focuses that make them usefull for one or two bits but almost unusable wiithout huge effort in everything else. I stuck mainly to pre-expansion characters.

I like the repeatable quests making it less of a pain to grind materials though so that's a nice touch.

Light magic is a terrible idea in that fight. It provokes devastating counterattacks. Using Star Sword on Sakuya, Mokou, or Youmu will make things MUCH easier on yourself.
Yeah, I'm not a fan of really any of the expansion characters. The pre-expansion ones get the job done, as far as I'm concerned.
And the repeatable quests thing is okay, but I don't like the fact that they randomly shuffle. If they didn't do that, I'd like it a lot more (of course, I know that would make grinding some of the materials really easy, but then again you actually have to win the fights, so... yeah).
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

Devil of Decline Partial English Gameplay Patch!
Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion!


  • Moon Tiara Magic
ex characters:

Cirno:Okay in randoms if you WANT to use her, only passable in a veery small number of bosses. Pretty ehhhhh, but can bring useful things to the table in random fights if you're interested.
Remi:Faaaabulous in random battles with a Javelin, but same as Cirno for bosses. One of the best characters to take IMO for running through the ex stages.
Reisen:Her slayers are incredible. She will murder every single boss in expansion utterly. Can work fine in random battles too. A gimmick character with little variety that can make her look boring... but she's undeniably devastating.
Yuugi:Even less variety then Reisen; a one-trick pony. Not much good in randoms, but can blow away some bosses after learning the correct moves, as that "one trick" is plain and simple SHEER DAMAGE NUKE. Very helpful in taking out some of the most difficult material quests with Youmu as commander to make her crit Knockout In Three Steps.

Lithos can't be summed up in one sentence since she actually has enough variety to almost put her on level with the non-ex characters. Her main uses are her fixed damage skills which get better and better, from Aging Drizzle to Ras Algol Maenads to Cosmic Supercluster; and using her Rainbow Wings special ability in combo with Pegasus Meteor to deal large eth/wtr/fir/elec damage vs. bosses. Petrifying random enemies with her normal attacks with one of her weapons is nice too, and she's got enough options to be alright in randoms. Muscle Revo has super high accuracy too I guess.
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore


  • Deathguard Night Sparrow
  • *
  • Harbingers, yo.
I've been so busy and whenever I want to try to write something up, I end up just getting distracted by something else instead.

Pursuit of the Malice- Part 1: Here There Be Onis

So, we have all of our old party members back! What now, you might ask?

We have to go to our first new dungeon of the expansion in order to track down Yuugi. It seems as if there's incredible darkness coming from the Underground's map icon. That can't be good.

It looks even worse up close.

And here we are. It has the same theme as the Hell of Blazing Fires, so I won't relink that.

As this is our first expansion dungeon, we have our only new theme for the expansion, this time being a remix of Charming Domination... for like five seconds before becoming something else entirely. Right...
As for this guy, this is an Ifrit. He's weak to Water, but he is VERY powerful. If he uses something like Firebird on you, you're pretty much screwed. So protect against Fire and spam Water attacks is all I can recommend.

Two new enemies here. The Hell Anaconda is weak to Water and doesn't really do much besides I think inflicting Paralysis, like other snakes. The Hell Mandragora is weak to Fire, and if I remember correctly it can put you to Sleep. Not too bad.

Purgatory Mendozas aren't really that dangerous. They pretty much act like Hell Mendozas, weakness to Pierce and Electric and all.

There's a Hell Pincers. I think it's weak to Electric. It also has a unique move that Satori can learn if you care enough called Kabuff+1. I honestly don't.

Hell Oni's here are... weak to something. I forget what. They have some annoying attacks, but other than that they're fine.

And now we have a Hell Gashadokuro. Weak to Blunt, Fire, and Light. It's got some dangerous Blunt attacks, but that's it.

This secret passage leads nowhere. Really?

Oh boy, a Hell Dragon. I think it doesn't have a weakness (maybe to Light, but probably not), and it resists the base elements. That plus some powerful attacks makes this guy a dangerous foe.

And these guys are all people we could have met up with earlier. I don't think I discussed the Sylph Princess, though. Like the Sylph, it's weak to Earth, and it can also use a move which makes itself act more times per turn. That's not very great.

The Nightblade God's Curse was another monster I forgot to show off earlier. Like the Nightblade God, it reflects magic, so take it down with physical attacks.

I hate Fire Breath.

Let's show off Remilia's Last Word, I guess?

This move fails on this guy right now, but what its supposed to do is change the enemy into Yukkuris. The chances of it happening are boosted by level.

What is the point of this door if it doesn't even open?

I want to get at least one of you...

Dragons. Suck.

At last we get the key! We're almost done with this place!

Here's the door!

And here's the boss room! Let's do this!

Whoa, it looks pretty dark around here. This could be bad...

I guess we have to fight, then?

I'll take that as a yes!

Oh hey there, TheNewGuy, how's it going? No, just kidding, it's Yuugi (where did you think he got his avatar from?). As for the fight, it's essential that you have a formation like Poison Shield that prevents area attacks from hitting the rest of your party when your tank is targeted. That's because Yuugi can use Rock Grenade, which is an area attack. The idea for this fight is simply just have Alice use Hourai Doll to draw Yuugi's attacks and then spam whichever one of her skills reduces all incoming physical damage by 95%. Yuugi is weak to Light, so lay it on her with Reimu and Patchy (and make sure you use Super Duplex Barrier set to physical to protect everyone while Alice is setting up Hourai Doll).

This could be trouble...

...I have NO comment. I think this is because Sanae's evasion buff also grants Perfect Dodge, so... yeah.

Nevertheless, we get her pretty easily.

Even if you have the strength of 100 men, we have magic. I know you can manipulate the supernatural, but that has nothing on proper magic.

Of course not. Poor Alice will have to be repairing her dolls for weeks...

Uh, yeah, we get that.

Oh right, the Malice. It was controlling you, I presume?

Hmm? I don't get how that works, but okay?

Ah, right. I didn't think you knew them that well, but okay? Hopefully they aren't causing TOO much trouble (although the last time I saw them in Do the Right Thing, Parsee is with Tenshi swearing her ass off because the tengu are assholes, and Yamame is catching lunch. I think).



We need to chase it down now!

Yeah, we could use an oni's strength here.

Way to go on the compliments there, Yuugi.

Hey, a new party member!

Hell yeah!

And that's our last character quest! We can get no more characters from here on out. Let's go over Yuugi quickly and then we'll end this update.
Yuugi is a physical powerhouse and a pretty good tank, but that's it. Most if not all of her skills use up bombs or are single target, so she's not really great for random encounters. She does have a very nice commander bonus for when you're using a physical nuker in your party, so there's that. All in all, I won't use her much, but she's there if you want a character with powerful attacks.
Unique Weapon: Rocks (Blunt-type weapon that usually carries slayers and partially ignore defense)
Growth Trees: Strongarm (Boosts PATK), Iron Shell (Boosts defense), Sake (Boosts bombos and critical power), Hell (boosts HP ands MP)
Commander Bonus: +5% physical power
Commander Spells: 1-Bomb: Oni's Wall (Reduces physical damage dealt to the party) 3-Bomb: Barrier of Mt. Ooe (Greatly reduces physical damage dealt to the party)
Last Word: Oni's Roar (increases all damage dealt to the enemy by 150% on the turn used)
Starting Skills: Supernatural Phenomenon (Medium power physical attack, costs a bomb)

And... that's it for all of the characters. Wow.

However, as you can tell, we're not done yet. Next time we'll head to the Forest of Magic in order to find out where the Malice is.


Treasure: Iron (drop), Bamboo (drop), Oni's Metal Rod, Ostracon, Lizard Tail, Frozen Frog, Oni Fragment, Fresh Blood, Electric Shard (drop), Adamantite Shard, Yukkuri Medal of Honor (drop), Suppository

Skills: Powerful Miracle of Dispel (dispels all Variety effects on either the party or all enemies, Sanae), Life Steal (Medium power attack that drains HP from the enemy, Remilia), Curse of Vlad Tepes (Low power piercing attack that drains HP from the enemy, costs a bomb, Remilia), Hot Jupiter (Very High power all targeting Electric spell, costs a bomb, Patchouli), Red the Nightless Castle (Medium power large piercing attack, costs a bomb, Remilia), Ofuda of Great Healing (Medium power healing spell, Reimu)

Synthesis Done: Ragnarok (Remilia)

TPKs: 2 this update, 12 overall
Frustration: The dungeons only get worse. *sigh*
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

Devil of Decline Partial English Gameplay Patch!
Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion!


  • Deathguard Night Sparrow
  • *
  • Harbingers, yo.
I promised that I'd get my head out of my ass today and actually make an update, so here it is, with most if not all of the content somewhat already written before.

Pursuit of the Malice- Part 2: I Hate Dragons

That's a bit of a strong title, but honestly, dragons in Strawberry Bose games are ALWAYS the most annoying monsters. In fact, they're the most annoying monsters to kill period.
Before we go into the Forest of Magic, though, let's head for some sidequests.

Like Patchouli's! This one's easy.

Of course, FINDING it is a whole other issue.

You can bring one ally with you. Bring Mokou. Spam Fujiyama Volcano (and Fire Crest with Patchouli). Win.

This one's a bit harder (as you can see, it's an eight-star quest), but it's one of the best quests to grind (Orichalcum is still necessary for post-game stuff).

Of course, it's right here in Kourindou. All of the Kourindou quests have tough monsters, but they drop the high-tier materials like Orichalcum, Devil Hearts, Dragon Fangs, Emerald, Diamond, and Super Ajas (those we'll need a LOT of later on).

The key to this fight is to first of all ignore the advice given to you on the wiki. Reisen is useful for this fight, but Sakuya is a lot better. So mentally replace Reisen with Sakuya in this picture. Essentially, have Reimu use her breath-reflecting spell first turn while Aya uses Tengu Newspaper Deadline Delay and Sanae boosts evasion. Byakuren is there to buff the crap out of our attackers and debuff the boss. Reisen would be there to take advantage of the debuffs and spam Disorder Eye, but she's not really strong enough at this point. Use Sakuya with the Kusanagi and spam Dragon Fang Strike. Also, make sure that Aya spams her breath-reflecting spell from turn two onwards (except when she needs to refresh the field, which in that case use Reimu's spell), because the boss loves to spam breath attacks. It'll occasionally use physical attacks, but if you buff everyone's evasion enough you'll never be hit. A rather lengthy fight, but if pulled off right it's the easiest of the eight-star ones.

This is why you DON'T use Reisen.

Also, I must have not had enough IND on Byakuren. I'll try this again later.

For now, let's just go to the Forest of Magic.

It's right here, next to the normal version. Hmm...
Well, just to let you know this version looks identical graphically to the second version of the Forest of Magic, except this one has a different layout. I call it the Forest of Magic Hatred. So let's go in!

This is the Manhunter. It uses some powerful attacks with Slayers against your party, but it's weak to Electric, so... yeah.

Lots of new enemies here. The Great Mountain Man at the bottom is weak to Dark, but will counter any attack with wither Blind of Silence, so be careful of that. The Melusine up top can use Charm on your party, which is annoying. I think it's also weak to Dark. The Great Master in the back isn't much of a threat because Alice at this point can tank most moves. It's also weak to Dark. Patchy, Silent Selene them, please.

That's a Gandharva. I've only seen it once, I think. So I know nothing about it.

These are Small Thunders. These are weak to Earth and have some annoying Electric attacks. Fun times.

Here's an Aura Battler Bug. Weak to Water, but it uses Gale Sword, which HURTS. Seriously, that thing can pretty much kill the party even with Alice there. Thankfully, it drops Steel like it was nothing.

Stupid dragon-type enemies...

Hurray, the first key! Let's get to the second half!

Death Beholders, of course, are annoying. Weak to Pierce and I think Light (not sure about that, though). They can cast Instant Death spells and I think they can cancel your action for the turn, but I forget.

This way is to the place we need to go.

And there's some Agurikos. They cast debuffs. I think that's it. They're weak to either Fire or Light. One or the other.

Okay, see these things of grass?

If you touch them, then a bunch of enemies will come out. So avoid that.

The same is true of this room. Walk slowly, and you should be fine.

And here's the end!

Alright, we're going to do this... as soon as I go and find some more treasure.

Like this.

Or this. Okay, that's enough.

Whoa, it looks all dark here. Could this be the Malice?

It's one of those things from earlier. Huh.

Looks like we're going to have to kill it!

Oh boy... this is the Abyss Dragon. It's incredibly powerful. It's attacks can easily knock out your party. Of course, you can tank a lot of them with Alice. Make sure to use Anti-Magic and Armor Bless on Alice to increase her tanking abilities. Another thing to note is that the Abyss Dragon is vulernable to Silence, so inflict it on it to prevent it from using such spells as Meteor.

It's will use either Inhale or Focus Magic. After either one, it will usually use Vortex to dispel any buffs and then use either a powerful breath attack, Comet, or Medoroa, all of which are painful. If you can get Perfect Resist on Alice and have her use Little Legion, you can minimize most of the damage. Other than that, use Light on the Dragon. There are also little Embodiments of Hatred or whatever they're called around the Dragon. All they have are crappy debufs that don't even hit most of the time. They're also weak to Light.

As seen here. Reimu, you are amazing.

I think we got him!

Alright, it looks like the hatred here is gone. But it's not over yet, is it?

Yep, we have to go to the Garden of the Sun Hatred to clean things up further. Also...

Hey Akyu, how's it going?

Not exactly. It looks as if there's still trouble in the Garden of the Sun, not to mention we haven't even visited Muenzuka yet to see what's going on there.

Oh was it ever...
Anyways, we get the tier V accessories from this as well as a bunch of other recipes. We'll have to make those for the upcoming areas. But will we be able to take care of the Malice in the Garden of the Sun? That's for next time.


Treasure: Bamboo, Orichalcum Shard, Magic Shard (reward), Steel (drop x3, treasure x1), Water Shard (drop), Iron, Suppository, Oni Fragment, Elemental Sphere (drop), Magic Medal, Pretty Mirror, Lizard Tail, HVD-ROM, Kaleidoshield (Reimu), Eirik Shield (Sakuya), Guardian Sword (Alice)

Skills: Manifestation of Mahavairocana (Very High power all-targeting Light spell that inflicts Silence, costs two bombs, Byakuren), Active Camouflage (Nullifies one attack on all party members, costs two bombs, Nitori), Hell's Wheels of Pain (Low power AoE attack that inflicts paralysis, costs a bomb, Yuugi)

Recipes: Dodgeball, Shuriken, Oni's Gymwear, Four Devas Bloomers, Trapezohedron, Ostracon, Rage Choker V, Protective Choker V, Bracelet of Insight V, Bracelet of Reflection V, Headshot Goggles V, Untouchable Goggles V, Launch Earrings V, Indefatigable Earrings V, Squall Hairpin V, Permafrost Clothes, Vlad Set, True Red Eyes Clothes, Seydlitz, Oni God's Gymwear, Infinity Buckler, Demon Shield, Dragon King's Shield

Synthesis Done: Untouchable Goggles V, Trapezohedron, Untouchable Goggles IV, Bracelet of Insight V, Launch Earrings V

TPKs: 2 this update, 14 overall
Frustration: I don't like fighting dragons. They're rather annoying to fight.
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

Devil of Decline Partial English Gameplay Patch!
Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion!


  • Deathguard Night Sparrow
  • *
  • Harbingers, yo.
Double-post because I have had this stuff ready way in advance, but never took the time to actually do write-ups. That's my own fault.

Pursuit of the Malice- Part 3: Not Another Puzzle Dungeon...

I've honestly had enough of them in this game.

Of course, considering we're going to the Garden of the Sun Hatred, it's obvious we're going to have more Salerno Academy-like puzzles, aren't we? Speaking of which, I can't wait to get there in the VP LP. I'm really excited for it. Not really.

Looks to be the same.

Except now we have Great Sunflower Fairies, which are basically just another Fairy tier. Take a guess as to what they're weak to? Go on, guess!

Hundred Eyes here are weak to Fire, can use Insult (I thought it was Tongue) to make you weak to the elements, and drop a lot of Steel. Not a problem.

Furfurs, on the other hand, are really dangerous. They often manipulate the land towards Water and then shower you with dangerous Water attacks. It's weak to Fire and Light, but it is a very dangerous foe, kind of like the Ifrits from earlier.

We've also got Red Sun Flowers here and a King Cockatrice. The flowers can use Sunburst on you, but are weak to Slash and Fire. The cockatrice of course can inflict Petrify, but is weak to Electric and Pierce. Not too bad, actually.

At some point we flip a switch part way through a dungeon full of annoying flower puzzles to turn of these jets. At least now we'll be able to access the second half whenever... provided we bring some red scent from the first half. This is somewhat annoying...

The Rakshasa is weak to... something. Earth, I think? It carries some dangerous Blunt attacks, so be wary.

Finally, we get to the end! That was... rather short, in hindsight. There is a path that leads to treasure here, but you need a red scent and that's too annoying to get. It'll get it later, maybe.

For now, let's beat this thing up!

The Abyss Demon is similar to both the Abyss Dragon and other Demon-type enemies you fight across the game. In terms of how it is similar to the Abyss Dragon, it is weak to Light and has those little Hatred things around it, which regenerate a little faster after being killed. However, this boss fight is more a damage race than anything. The Abyss Demon will try to bring the land over to Dark with a multitude of Dark attacks. Try to keep the land as close to Light as possible, although don't max it out or the demon will use Absorb Land to neutralize the land and heal himself. The closer to Light the land is, the less Demon skills (like Demon Tempest) he can use. There's not really much other strategy to this fight, other than buff up and try to make sure that you have plenty of Dark protection.

And once again, we've done it. And of course, once again, we are not done here.

Another formation?

Poison Shield is still better.

Finally, we can go and see what has been oing on at Muenzuka! I'm not going to waste another update waiting around. Let's go do this now!

It's right here. Muenzuka Hatred. Let's do this!

I find it weird that if this place seems to be the center of this entire disturbance, then why doesn't it look significantly different? I guess I could say that of the other Hatred locations as well.

More new enemies, these ones being Queen Avalons and a Zombie High Tengu. The Queen Avalons cast a lot of magic, particularly Sleep spells, so be careful of that. I don't know if they have a weakness, and if they do it's probably to Dark. The tengu can often go first and Daze a lot of your party members. Besides that, Fire and Light will murder it well.

These ramps are one-way, which means we'll have to find another way to get up here.

Oh hey, it's those Namahage guys that we also saw in Devil of Decline! They still are weak to Earth, but they aren't weak to Slash. They also carry extremely dangerous Slash attacks, so try to kill them quickly.

I find it weird that the Tiger VIs and other "tank" enemies aren't as powerful as they are in Devil of Decline despite still having Main Cannon. Alice is just a super-tank, I guess. The Tiger VIs are weak to Water, I think. Either that or Fire.

This guy is a Great Goby, who isn't much more dangerous than a normal Goby. I think he's weak to Electric.

Rusty Wheels are definitely weak to Fire and Slash, and like their laughing cousins they use Hit-and-Run a lot.

There's really a King Yukkuri here? At this point, King Yukkuri grinding takes quite a while for people to actually level up. That's a crying shame.

Also, because my laptop crashed and I was angry, I decided to take the time to do some sidequests. I already had done the Hydra one before, and I did it again afterwards, but I might as well do something new.

This guy is weak to Instant Death. As long as you can get it off first turn, victory is assured. It's probably one of the easiest Kourindou quests in the game.

See? Not a problem. It nets you two Emeralds too.

We might as well try another character quest.

This guy is not easy. He'll smash you with a LOT of physical attacks, particularly Blunt and Earth attacks. Stack up as much resistance as you can on Yuugi, get her a good Rock, and go to town.

I sadly don't have any good Rocks. Maybe some time later.

Meanwhile, back in death world, we've got Mind Flayer Lords, which are like every other Mind Flayer variety, except more powerful.

Last but not least, we have the God Mantis, which is weak to Water and generally hits you with powerful attacks. Not as bad as the Mind Flayer Lords, though.

Damn it!

We have to go down this ramp in order to get to the end. We're almost there!

And here we are! Now, we COULD do the boss battle now, but there has to be some sort of suspense, right? Actually, it's more because the next update is sort of long and I wanted to split it up here more because the next one is a pretty big cutscene. Anyways, what is beyond this room? Another Abyss enemy? Or perhaps the Malice itself? That is for next time, wherein we finally find out what has been dwelling here in Muenzuka and causing such an uproar in Gensokyo.


Treasure: Bamboo (drop), Earth Crystal, Orichalcum (drop x2, reward x2), Iron (drop x2), Pretty Mirror (drop), Water Crystal, Gold (drop x1), Steel (drop x2), Electric Crystal, Frozen Frog, Oni Fragmnet, Cloak of Invisibility (Byakuren), Armor of Vajra (Youmu), Snake God's Robe (Patchouli), Emerald (drop x1, reward x1), Silver Tray, Guardian Deity Armor (Sakuya), Perpetuity Robe (Patchouli), Oni Fragment, Sewing Needle, Eyeball

Skills: Full Moon Slash (Medium+ power Manussya stance-only attack that reduces physical and magical defense, Youmu), Storm on Mt. Ooe (High power attack, costs a bomb, Yuugi), Heavenly Halo Dancing Slash (Medium power Devaloka stance-only column attack that reduces physical attack, Youmu), Mysterious Jack (High power attack that hits 1-4 times, Sakuya), Tengu's Thorough Reporting (the target moves last this turn, Aya), Berserker Soul (A self-buff that lets normal attacks hit eight times in a row, Yuugi)

Recipes: God Hand (Mokou)

TPKs: 2 this update, 16 overall
Frustration: It's bad enough that the dungeon is hard. It's even worse when my laptop crashes mid-dungeon and forces me to redo tons of work.
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

Devil of Decline Partial English Gameplay Patch!
Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion!


  • Moon Tiara Magic
The first two abyss bosses are vulnerable to HP-% attacks (or at least the Dragon is). Remi's Star of David, maybe even Byakuren's commander bomb... welp.

Queen Avalons are good for learning Mad Thunder on Satori if you don't have it. It's the strongest attack you have against one of the kourindou quest bosses, so it's still relevant.

Reisen is definitely good against the hydra. Make sure you increase the trees that power up her special slayer and give her natural slayer on dragons, then give her whatever cool weapon you have (Hiryu's Lance for dragon slayer + spellcard cooldown is great, or use the Kusanagi). Land a permanent on him (He's vulnerable to a lot of them) and several debuffs and she starts hitting crazy damage, and will get 99999 from Lunatic Red Eyes. Bringing Satori for more statuses and having Sanae try to poison on the side is nice. (Don't forget you can stack Sanae's miracle wind buff, too! One of her trees gives her noncard cooldown reduction...)

He does have some stab resist though, above what you pierce with a spear, so you might consider using Star Sword on Reisen if you use Hiryu's Lance. The cooldown reduction on spellcard is nice though, and iirc it has a really big slayer effect, unlike the Kusanagi. But, yeah, Reisen will -destroy- almost every expansion boss. Almost none of them have notable status resistance.

Mindflayer quest is so nice for easy EXP.
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore


  • Deathguard Night Sparrow
  • *
  • Harbingers, yo.
I know about how useful Reisen is, but my Power levels are lacking and I can't always get what I want from them all. I often have to give up on one category to do well in another. So basically, because of that, Reisen is not really dealing that much damage, and I don't trust spells like Lunatic Red Eyes with huge bomb costs and cooldowns when I can't be guaranteed to hit for high damage. Fantasy Heaven or Hell is perhaps the only exception to that rule, because when it hits it usually hits hard. The next boss is no exception, as you'll see once I get the update up and as you probably already know from prior experience.
Also, I just want to note to some people who have been paying attention. Look at the titles of the updates. They hide a clue to the identity of the next boss. I'd figure for those who haven't played before, I'd be crafty and do something like that. Of course, it's not complete without the title of the next update~.
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

Devil of Decline Partial English Gameplay Patch!
Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion!


  • Deathguard Night Sparrow
  • *
  • Harbingers, yo.
So, can you figure out the hints in the titles now~?

Pursuit of the Malice- Finale: A "Turn" for the Worst

Okay, we've come far since we started the expansion. Now we'll finally be able to see what was going on in Muenzuka!

Everything looks normal... strange.


Is it any worse than the feelings of evil we felt back in the Forest of Magic and the Garden of the Sun?

I'll take that as a yes. Then, this has to be it, right?

So the Malice is right here? Show yourself!

That's what I said!

So you ARE here, huh?

Well, it took a while to break our friends from your grasp, but we came as fast as we could to take you down!

Hina!? What are you doing?

Yeah, this is weird! What does misfortune have to do with malice?

Even when evil, you still are acting fairly polite. This is weird...

I don't know, Lithos...


Onto what? Explain yourself!

How would misfortune cause these negative emotions? Granted, misfortune is a bad thing, but still, how could it cause this much malice?

Wonderful observation, Cirno. About a few minutes too late, though.

That's MOON rabbit to you!

Not one bit.

Nice reaction time you've got there, Yuugi. How drunk are you again?

That we do! Unless Hina pulls a cheap-ass teleport, but she probably won't.

Remilia Scarlet won't let you toy with her emotions! She's got charisma to uphold!

Yuugi Hoshiguma doesn't like being controlled by others. She'll make you pay for your manipulation!

Cirno's... a fairy. I don't know how to make that sound epic.

Reisen Udongein Inaba has had it with the unceasing madness. She'll protect her masters against your negative emotions!

Lithos Medusa Gorgon may have caused incident that allowed this all to happen, but she will not let you destroy her new home!

That's called "being pissed," Hina!

You're alive too, you know!

Whoa, that's dark! So, if we give in to our hatred and defeat you, we'll destroy the world?

Marisa Kirisame won't let herself be made a fool of by a curse goddess. She'll Master Spark you to oblivion!

Reimu Hakurei will not let Gensokyo end because of your manipulations. She'll protect it to the very end!

Of course!

Yeah, you're a stage 2 boss! We've kicked your ass before, which means we can do it again!

Let's do this!

Okay, it's time to get revenge for everything Hina has put us through! The party I am using is VERY specific. Alice is there to play defense, Sanae is there for healing and buffing our resistance, Byakuren is there for offense buffs and defensive debuffs (Hina is practically immune to Power Down), and Marisa and Reimu are there for a VERY good reason.

Hina can use one of two barriers: Mirror of Malice and Indomitable Dolls. Mirror of Malice reflects physical attacks and makes Hina immune to magic attacks, while Indomitable Dolls does the opposite. Mirror of Malice can be dispelled by Reimu and Sanae's dispel spells, so use those to take it off. The other one you can ignore. Why? Reimu and Marisa can pierce the reflection and still deal damage to Hina, so they're my main damage dealers.

OUCH. I think this one dispels you. Also, Sanae got it to reflect back to Hina. That's actually kind of nice.

This one inflicts Curse, which is dangerous. Make sure you have your resistance buffed as soon as possible to avoid it.
Also, you need to get Hina killed as soon as possible. She has a LOT of HP, though, so that could be hard. If you don't kill her within 12 turns, she'll start using Pain Bond, which is a skill we have seen before. It is a Dark spell that deals more damage the less HP she has, which basically means it's an Instant kill.

I switched over from Marisa to Mokou because although Mokou can't pierce reflection with anything but Honest Man's Death (I think), when she can get a hit in it's better than using Marisa's lasers.
As for what Hina is doing, when you bring her down to a certain amount of HP, she'll use All-Reflector. This reflects EVERYTHING, but it also makes her weak to Light. If you pierce this reflection using Reimu's spells, for example, she'll counter with an incredibly powerful attack that's a guaranteed one-shot. If you kill her, though, she won't get it off.
Guess how we'll deal with that?

Hell yeah.

Go Reimu!

Yeah! That took a LOT of resets to get right. It's like fighting Rinnosuke in Labyrinth of Touhou in that you need an appropriate amount of luck in order to win. That's actually kind of ironic, haha.

Hina dropped something? Huh. She's the only boss in the entire game that can drop something, which is... weird.

It's over, Hina! We've won!

No more of this malice! Make it end!



What just happened? Hina?

We've won, then!

Alright! We did it! Although, it looks like Hina's pretty bad off. That's... unusual for a danmaku duel.


What do you mean? We beat you! The misfortune and the malice are gone!

Do we really have to fight more?

Huh?! But you said you were the one that did this, right?

Uh... huh? So... it's not over?

A grudge? So, some sort of spirit of malice, then?

So, it's all our fault, then? I honestly would like to say that this was foreshadowed WAY in advance in the main game. I have to give props to Strawberry Bose for that!

So, it's like a feedback loop? It causes the negativity, the negativity takes its course, the negativity grows because of it, and the Embodiment of Hatred grows stronger. If we don't nip it in the bud, it'll grow out of control, won't it?

Damn, I had you all wrong, Hina. Well, I did know the whole time, because I've gotten to this part before, but I just went with everything because I don't want to spoil things in advance for you guys who haven't played this before.

That's a little insulting, but it makes sense. She is a stage 2 boss, after all. Not that stage location equals power, but generally it does (Stage 1 Yuyuko in Ten Desires doesn't count).

Yeah, what does it want? Is this another amusement thing, like what Shinki wanted back in DoD's expansion?

Oh crap, it's actually serious this time.


In other words, it's like Koishi, but less carefree and more destructive. That's not good.

And we're on the hit list, aren't we?

Which was why everyone here was acting crazy. Glad we got that figured out, at the very least.

So, if we didn't interfere sooner, things would be a lot worse than they are now, huh? That's... terrifying. What would Gensokyo have become if we didn't start knocking some sense into its residents?

Of course! We need to find the Embodiment of Hatred and destroy it before the crisis worsens!

Oh yeah, it fled from Hina's body. It could be anywhere...

Well, it's our fault too for breeding the negativity in ourselves. Tenshi was right. We were expressing intense amount of hatred, weren't we?

Hell yeah!

Yeah, it's not necessarily all up to you, Lithos. You've got Reimu and the rest of us. I don't think any of us want to see Gensokyo destroyed.

So, we're going to a seperate dimension, huh? As per usual for every good final boss.

So we need to go inside the Embodiment of Hatred itself and destroy it at its core? That's all fine and dandy, but can we force that path open?

Spin Hina spin!

Whoa. That's some portal...

That's a good idea. She's probably a bit out of sorts from the possession.

Hell yeah, text cutoff! The best of all text displays!

Yeah, we now have to go within the Dark Space.

It's right here. We can access it whenever we want, essentially.

And this is it. Dark Space. It reuses the music from Genbu Swamp. Okay then. Next time, we'll delve into the depths of Dark Space in search of the Embodiment of Hatred. To be honest, this was as far as I got in my original run of the game. I didn't even make it to the boss of this portion of the final dungeon (of course this last dungeon is divided into multiple parts, as if that was a spoiler in a Strawberry Bose game). So this'll be fun, huh?


Treasure: Disaster Blade (drop)

Skills: Final Master Spark (Extremely High power large piercing Mystic spell, costs two bombs, Marisa), Fantasy Needle (High+ power Light spell, Reimu), Nirvana's Cloudy Way in Purple (Very High power all-targeting Dark spell that dispels, costs two bombs, Byakuren)

Synthesis Done: Rock (x4), Legendary Box, Hakurei Embroidery (Reimu), Millennium Mushroom, Kirisame Broom (Marisa), Ancient Scroll, Siddharttha Scroll

TPKs: 0 this update, 16 overall
Frustration: Here comes the final dungeon... this will not end well.
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

Devil of Decline Partial English Gameplay Patch!
Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion!


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Hina's drop is 100% and has some crappy hidden negative effect that makes it never worth using.
I don't trust spells like Lunatic Red Eyes with huge bomb costs and cooldowns when I can't be guaranteed to hit for high damage.
If you've got the status effects up, you're set.

Don't expansion characters come with so much power, already? 50 points is enough for Reisen, anyway. With a spear, at least. Kusanagi would probably want a bit more into the swords tree. 20 into the tree that lets you not dispel bad effects with Disorder Eye, 20 into the tree for special slayer boost (preferably 25 so you doublecast it sometimes) and 10 into spears for the good effects. She doesn't have a natural dragon slayer, oops. She doesn't worry about her status tree because that's what other characters are for. The 99999 isn't with a critical hit, by the way! Just a permanent and 4~5 debuffs. Damage would still be stellar without that much.

Putting some in her slayer tree for a lot of bomb increase isn't so bad, though.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2013, 04:29:32 AM by Serela »
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore

So, if we didn't interfere sooner, things would be a lot worse than they are now, huh? That's... terrifying. What would Gensokyo have become if we didn't start knocking some sense into its residents?

Koishi Komeji's Heart Throbbing Adventure 8)


  • Deathguard Night Sparrow
  • *
  • Harbingers, yo.
Overwhelming Malice- Part 1: Descent into Darkness

Now that we know the true villian behind everything, we have to descend into Dark Space in order to track him down. However, before we do that, there's a sidequest that popped up that I actually want to try out. I haven't done this one in my first run.

Yes, the Godeater/Maneater/whatever. It drops Adamantite, so that's pretty good. Really, at this point, I should be trying to get as much Adamantite and Orichalcum from the quests as I can so that I can make more character-specific equipment, including armors.

As for this guy, he is really powerful, but he's also weak to Fire and Slash, and he's somewhat susceptible to Burn. Just buff Mokou's attack AND induction so that she can inflict Burn as much as possible with Fujiyama Volcano, have Youmu just spam her Manussya or Asura skills (whichever you prefer), and you should be all set for this fight. Just hope that the boss doesn't eat your face within the first couple of rounds.

Anyways, we've got Dark Space here. Much like the Gorgon Barrier, we've got these teleporters, which can make things a little confusing, especially considering Dark Space is much larger than the Gorgon Barrier.

Also, the enemy icons are mindflayers. That's just great.

Oh hey, Ancient Nagas. They can cast Charm on you, but besides that they're not really at issue. I think they're weak to either Dark or nothing, probably just Dark.

Droughts are weak to Dark for sure. They can cast Sunlight, which is a Light spell that hits everyone AND can inflict Blind, but other than that they're not really an issue.

The Destroyer here isn't much of an issue either. It can use Main Cannon, but as long as it hits Alice you'll be fine. It's weak to Dark like most angel-type enemies. It's surprising the number of things weak to Dark here!

This is a little weird. I mean, I think it's supposed to represent like a lake or something, but, uh... that's probably not water.

In the back there is a Petal of Resentment. Weak to Slash and Fire like all good plant-types, but like some earlier plants it can inflict Sleep. I read somewhere that it can also inflict Control when at low HP, but I haven't seen that yet myself.

Alright, the Shirley Temple (really guys? You translated that as Shirley Temple?) at the top there is much like the Backfires from earlier, except they can cast Water spells. They're weak to Dark and Fire, obviously.
The Ravana in the back is REALLY dangerous, with stuff like Vaccum Wave and Acala Sword. It'll even leave large dents in Alice, so you want to be careful with them. They're weak to Earth, so use it!

That's a Fate Spinner there. I think it just uses a spell that can inflict Slow, though I assume it also uses a Paralyze spell as well. It's weak to Earth and probably Water (although in this situation, Earth would be better).

Uh-oh, Unicorn Legends. They are like their Unicorn brethren in that they have a high magical defense and use stuff like Dark Wall against you. I'm not sure what they're weak to, but I think it might be Dark. Not sure, though.

The Luna Bird there is basically a cross between the birds and bats from earlier in that it can use Swoop and Suck Blood. Huh. Weak to the usual Electric and Pierce, of course.

Uh-oh, it's an Amon. No, not the guy from the Legend of Korra (that's not even the origin of the word anyways), but a stronger version of whichever enemy we encountered back at the Genbu Swamp. It still uses Barrier Change and it's still a bastard to kill, so you probably want to run if you don't feel like dealing with them.

Two new enemies here: the Diamond Tortoise is just a stronger version of all of the other turtle-type enemies we've fought, so nothing new there. The Impellitteri, however, are another thing. Remember the Terminator from Devil of Decline that carried a full-party normal attack that carried a Slayer against all party members? THESE GUYS HAVE THE EXACT SAME THING. Thankfully, they're slow enough that you can run from them or kill them before they have a chance to act, but at this point I'd rather run. I don't know what they're weak to, though.

There's a Yamamo-no-Mae, but I don't really know what it does. I assume because it is a Spirit, it's weak to Light, and I could guess that it uses a Charm-type ability, but that's all I know.

I'm actually surprised I made it to the end so quickly. I think I missed the mid-dungeon shortcut back to the beginning and essentially just rushed to the end. Huh. Well, I'm DEFINITELY not going into the next boss battle quite yet. I'm just going to show off the rest of the enemies here and I'll do some more grinding. All of my sidequesting and such I'll put in the next update along with the boss fight itself.

I really don't know how this bridge is even existing in this place. In fact, this entire place just makes no sense to me. I mean, didn't Hina say this was like within the Embodiment of Hatred itself? If so, it has some pretty screwed up innards.

That's a Mass Production Mech-Dragon in the back there. It's weak to Water like its Machine Dragon cousins from earlier, and of course it packs Evolution Breath, which will still murder your face.

There's the Loitering Seven Boys right there. I still don't know what they're a reference to, but they're weak to Fire and Light like before. I think they can also use Zombie, but other than that they're not much of an issue despite their size.

And that's the last enemy in this area, the Gelatinous Master. Weak to Fire and Water like always, it'll pretty much act like the Gelatinous Matters and Golden Baums from before. Nothing really else to it.
That's it for now, though. Next time I'll continue my grinding and face the next-to-last boss of the game, who apparently hates all of existence itself. He must be a stick-in-the-mud or something, because I don't get how someone could hate everything.


Treasure: Adamantite (x1 drop, x1 reward), Ostracon (drop x2), Wiseman Suit (Reimu), Gold, Time-Space Robe (Remilia), Magic Shard (reward), Orichalcum (x1 drop, x1 reward), Iron (drop), Massacre Sword

Synthesis Done: Five-Inch Needle, Seven-Colored Doll (Alice), Golden Tray, Chief Maid Uniform (Sakuya)

TPKs: 0 this update, 16 overall
Frustration: Did I really not die at all this time? Huh. That's not going to happen next time, I'm pretty sure.
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

Devil of Decline Partial English Gameplay Patch!
Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion!