Author Topic: Marisa and Things-Not-About-Her-So-They-Are-Not-Important!  (Read 16445 times)


  • Heart of Gaea
  • Nya.
CHAPTER 13 + 1


The magical slaves were ablaze with the fury of danmaku, like glowing judges who handed out a quick and swift verdict to those who it finds unworthy of mercy. It strikes without warning, and without remorse, leaving only a trail of point and power items taken from its victims.

Aww, who am I kidding? I'm no poet. Poet-izing events just isn't my style. And if I'm a judge, then Reimu is my lazy shinigami.

"Whoops~" I jumped over a table, moments before it splintered into this winter's firewood. Flandre and the others were nowhere in sight, which made me a little lonely. Aww, I miss NOT dodging my own spell card already.

Oishi, or was it Koishi, or whoever she is, staggered to regain her footing. She looked terrible, like someone after fighting the monster miko back home. Despite her injuries, and clothing damage which would probably give any tailor a heart attack, she wore a creepy benign smile which reminded me of Alice during her fouler moods.

"My you look like you're in trouble," she remarked as she saw me dodge a laser seconds before it turned me into roasted long pork.

I swear I'm going to make some major modifications on this spell when I get back to my nice, comfy home. I mean, sure, I liked the challenges, but give me a break! The entire revolving plot which probably involves me dying in one grisly way or another is getting old real fast.

Okay, time to run, run, RUN!

RU - wait, where is Koishi going? Koishi, staggered in a half-walk, half-limp fashion towards the cafe's exit.


Oh, right. Flandre.

Damn, I hate being ignored. I can't let her escape and get Flandre either.

I jumped through the barrage of bullets, and easily caught up with Koishi, blocking her path. The slaves kept up their barrage, raining destruction on whatever path I step on. Instead of stopping, I ran around Koishi, knowing that the bullets trailed moments behind me. Koishi stopped cold as the bullets crashed down on her path.


Koishi jumped away, and I immediately strafed across her path to the entrance, running around in a wide oval path while dodging the bullets which always landed moments behind me.

"Annoying, isn't it?" I asked amidst the tumult of the magical barrage.

"Quite so," Koishi admitted, still with her nonchalant smile. "You intend to keep me here and let your friends escape, yes?"

"They're not really my friends," I replied, puffing from the effort as I ran around, and the bullets chased after me. I suddenly turned towards Koishi, who frowned as she guessed my intent.

"I just don't like kidnappers," I said smugly.

"Huh, is that right?" Suddenly, she vanished and within a blink, she appeared in front of me, mid-lunge. She threw a solid punch aimed at my jaw, and I barely had time to block it before it hit -

- and the floor around me exploded as the bullets caught up with my position. The explosion threw both of us down on the floor. I immediately rolled sideways, knowing that the barrage would be followed by another wave of bullets. Koishi didn't, and was rewarded by a bunch of magic bullets. Jackpot prize.

I scrambled to regain my footing, only to see Koishi staggering back to her feet. Sheesh, what a persistent girl! Not like Muscles back at Letty's inn.

Huh. Wait a minute. Let me go back a few paragraphs for a moment.

This is the second time Koishi got hit by my spell. But my Starlight Typhoon isn't acting spell card~ish, destroying walls and furniture like a delinquent vandal that could've been helpful for distracting Alice whenever I needed more mushrooms, or Patchouli whenever I needed more reference books. She couldn't possibly be standing after that, unless she's some hulking berserker who can withstand tonnes of damage before going down, and she doesn't strike me as someone with that amount of constitution. So does that means my Starlight Typhoon isn't that deadly?

Well, at least I won't accidentally give somebody a surprise permanent vacation to the Sanzu River, especially myself. But that doesn't solve my more immediate problem. But if it *only* hurts, then...

"Eh~? What are you grinning about?"

I kicked a fancy chair into the air hitting a star-shaped bullet as it whizzed by. It splintered into a countless pieces of wood, generally worth less than a fraction of the chair's original price.

Am I grinning? I guess I am, though I don't really know why. Am I enjoying this? Probably not. At least, I hope not. I don't want to end up like someone weird, with a taste for losing battles and such. Or pain.

Heh, what's happening to me? Since when did I've become so introspective? I'll become a hermit if I keep it up.

Still, a grin is a grin, and it means someone just had a brilliant idea. And that someone is none other than the renowned (or soon to be) Kirisame Marisa!

A bullet whizzed towards me, spinning merrily in its own axis while it flew towards me. I took a deep breath as I braced myself...

...with a graceful flick of my wrist, I caught the bullet in my hand. The bullet's momentum spun me around, and I relaxed my arm as I let the momentum flow into my center of gravity. I spun on my feet like a ballerina, and then released the bullet towards Koishi.

Who, by the way, was too amazed at what I just accomplished or too dazed from her injuries to properly dodge.

"Eek!" Hah! She took a bullet right in the kisser! And...

"HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooTTTTTTTT!" Hot, hot, hot, the damn bullet was hot! "Damn it!"

I can't stop now! I'm not a flimsy fairy who goes pi~chuun after a single bullet! Gritting my teeth, I caught two bullets, spun around like earlier, and threw the bullets at Koishi before she could recover.

"Kya!" Koishi shrieked as she suddenly found herself in the middle of a danmaku barrage. She tried jumping backwards but the barrage threw her off-balance, and knocked her down on the floor for the third time. I continued catching the bullets as they whizzed near and then threw them towards Koishi.

The spell card soon died down as it reached its time limit,and it vanished into thin air as suddenly as it appeared. I stood still for a few moments, trying to catch my breath, then walked over Koishi to check if she's still conscious.

"Ahhh..." Damn, my whole body was sore. My injured shoulder also felt like it wanted to fall off. I clenched my teeth and took a deep breath. Damn, I need a drink.

"...cough, cough..." I walked over to the sputtering, prostate girl, who was still smiling benignly like a fool. "...that was something more than I expected..."

"I thought you got knocked out," I said smugly. "You're pretty tough."

"I can't feel my legs, actually," she replied in resignation. "Ah, my boss is going to be mad."

"Your boss?"

Koishi gave a big sigh that could've put an old man to shame. "If I were you, I'd start running. Sakuya will be here in a few minutes, you know."

Ugh. Not her again. "Then, I'll be taking my leave then," I said with a bow then started to walk away.

"By the way, tell your friend that Morichika Rinnosuke is safe," Koishi called out. "After all, Flandre wouldn't want him to be harmed."

"Huh, how nice of you."

"Is that so? We'll still use him as a bargaining chip to get Flandre, you know."

"Whatever," was my only reply, as I pushed the cafe's door open. It fell to the ground with a loud clang. There was already a crowd of people who gave me puzzled looks, but I ignored them and started to walk.

Ping-pong: Surprise question, everyone! Where the heck should I go next? Well, far from here, naturally. Alice and NoName would've probably brought Flandre to a safe place... where would that be? The mayor's place?

As if I knew where that was. I left my city guide back at the inn. I swear, I *really* need to remember to always bring it with me. Guess I'll head back to the inn and get the map -


- and something to eat. I haven't had a proper lunch yet. Damn.


Letty turned a corner and arrived at the Central Plaza for her afternoon appointment with Kourin. She immediately noticed the crowd of people in front of the inn, and knew that something wrong has happened. She squeezed through the crowd and saw that the cafe was thoroughly thrashed.

"What in the world?"

However, she was startled out of her thoughts by a gentle tap on her shoulder.

"Good afternoon, Miss Whiterock."

Letty turned around and saw Sakuya with a cruel, twisted smile. Letty's eyes widened in shock.

"Would you mind taking a walk with me for a moment?" Sakuya asked innocently.


"Hey, Letty, are you there?"

That's strange, the inn is deserted. Could she have gone out? Her packed belongings were at the corner of the room.

Well, the inn wasn't locked so she wouldn't be gone too long, I guess.

I'm hungry. I wonder if Letty left something to eat in the kitchen or pantry...

"Hmm, and who might you be?"

A door upstairs creaked open. A familiar figure started to walk down the stairs and gave me a curious look.

And I returned the look, because she looked exactly like Remilia Scarlet.


あなたの名前 呼んだらそこで
また偶然 逢えるなんて

« Last Edit: August 29, 2013, 12:24:31 PM by Nenekonesha »
Where is Metafalica anyway?


  • guess the IRC ban wasn't a big enough hint
Re: Marisa and Things-Not-About-Her-So-They-Are-Not-Important!
« Reply #31 on: September 17, 2013, 09:41:40 PM »
I gotta say. I read though this, and I really like it man. I love Marisa's narration, and I'm definitely quite interested as to knowing what happens next. Keep up the good work dude.

I do feel Letty just triggered a potential death flag there, running into Sakyu-assin (heh) I suppose we'll find out what happens to her next time.]]


  • Heart of Gaea
  • Nya.


"I'd close my mouth if I were you. It's unhealthy and downright unsightly," Remilia said gleefully. I closed my mouth, which was actually open to my surprise, and studied the young...woman walk down the stairs with uncanny grace.

Not that I expected anything less from the doppelganger of the Scarlet Devil from Gensokyo, I was simply surprised to find someone of apparent importance inside a run-down inn that was at the verge of closing down.

"Are you a tenant of this inn?" Remilia pressed on. "Or are you a weary traveler looking for decent lodgings for this afternoon?"

She folded her arms as she reached the bottom of the stairs, giving me an eyeful of shiny charismatic appeal that really unnerves me for some reason. Must be my upbringing, though I bet I can compete with Alice's table manners on a good day, if I felt compelled to do so.

"I'm a tenant," I replied as meekly as I could. What I learned from these noble types was that their need for respect must be suffered to appease their pride. It would save a lot of time later when you need something from them. "My name is Kirisame Marisa."

Remilia's eyes twinkled when she heard my name. Well, it was possible that she'd heard my name before, from Flandre no doubt. Heck, now I've begun to feel awfully popular, though I should be used to it by now since the people in Gensokyo rarely say my name with indifference.

One does not say my name merely as 'Marisa', they say it as 'Marisa!' or 'Marisa?' or 'Marisa!!' or 'Marisa!?!?!'

Okay, maybe that doesn't read as good as it sounds.

"Kirisame, you say...?" Remilia slowly repeated. She seemed pensive for a moment, which was actually one of the rarer expressions of Gensokyo's Scarlet Devil. You'd think that a half-millennium vampire would be a bit more thoughtful and wise, but I was sadly mistaken. She had the attitude of a primadonna, the whims of djinn, and the stubbornness of an oni.

However, this world's Remilia is much quieter, and a bit do I say it...thinky? She always looked like she's thinking about something, like the look of a housewife who didn't what to cook for dinner. Or a forlorn student whose deadline for his summer assignment was fast approaching. She either looked mature or nihilistic, depending on your perspective.

On the other hand, like this world's version of Flandre, I have already taking a liking to this world's version of her older sister. In fact, the absence of the near-permanent smirk on her face makes it more pleasant to look at.

"You seem to be a bit torn up," she remarked while looking at my shoulder and torn dress.

"Ah, I just came across some trouble," I said frantically. Crap, why am I lying to her? Damn it, I feel like I lie out of reflex, just like some old rabbit who likes tricking sharks instead of just asking nicely. "No worries."

Remilia raised an eyebrow, but said nothing. Well, she seemed content to accept my story at face value, or she doesn't really care either way.

"Pardon me, but I have not properly introduced myself," said Remilia. Ironically, I've already labeled her since I've met her sister. "My name is Remilia Scarlet, mayor of this city."

Wow. Talk about anti-climatic. Oh well, moving on.

"Mayor?" I said with as much disbelief as I could artificially muster. "Wha-"

However, before I could even finish my disbelief (huh, what?), a deep rumbling caught our attention. Coincidentally, I also felt tremors underneath my feet.

An earthquake? You're kidding, right, fate?

"What in the world?" Remilia muttered to herself.


The door...way burst into a thousand splinters as a huge fellow broke through it like a bull. He looked all torn up, with bruises, cuts, and burns covering most of his body...

...wait a minute. Now that I realized it, I have to admit that fate just really hates me today.

Damn you fate. I'd shake a metaphilosophical finger at your ideal, but I'm too busy right now.


Yep, he's still stupid. Then again, I have to give this guy some slack. I mean, I left him underneath a burning pile of debris a few hours ago so he probably didn't have much chance to learn proper grammar from then. He didn't even put a period after his sentence.

"Oh dear me, I don't fancy him a friend of yours, am I correct?" Remilia remarked nonchalantly. Well, she still has the old Remilia's charismatic appeal, though she is starting to remind me of some old ghost who likes to take things at a stride.

"No, not really," I answered. I have to admit that he is quite the persistent fellow.

I therefore conclude that he is probably unpopular with women.

"Hmm, then is he the trouble you came across earlier?" asked Remilia.

"Well, not exactly," which was the truth, "though he IS trouble."

The huge guy was puffing like a bull who was about to charge. Uh-oh.

"GRAAAAAAAH!!" Yikes! Damn it, I should've hit him harder earlier!

I jumped back, dodging a swooping backhand that would've been unguardable even if I had Royal Guard skills like a certain bishounephilim with a big broadsword, but if I could counter his blow just before it hits, it would be so damn Stylish.


Wha- my legs, can't feel it-


A sharp pain ran through my injured shoulder. Damn! I hit my shoulder against the counter! Why didn't I notice it? Was I too preoccupied by internal monologues? Or-

Before I knew it, I was kissing the floor for the second time today. The floor just wants to hug and kiss me because I'm too cute for surface dwellers.

Seriously though, this is bad. Have to get up...

My arm, feels heavy, actually my entire body feels it the effect of Sakuya's poison? But I though Alice gave me the antidote. Is it wearing off? Or maybe-

Don't tell me that I'm actually...tired? Oh yeah, the last time I used Starlight Typhoon, I was knocked out almost immediately afterwards. And that was when I wasn't knocked around by Sakuya and the big guy over here.

Aww, this sucks real bad. I don't want to be done in by something so lame...

If only I had...


Remilia dodged out of the way almost effortlessly, as if she had seen the move coming from a mile away, and the huge guy was moving in slow-motion.

But isn't it always like this? Remilia thought. Seeing things as they unfold before they even happen, and choosing the right system of events to pursue the most favorable outcome. I guess this curse comes in handy this way too.


Remilia heard Marisa's faint cry as she collapsed. What now?

Should I save her? Or should I keep out of this?

I'm not even supposed to be at this place, after all.


Interesting. So someone already saved my sister?

Are you involved somehow, Kirisame Marisa?


But it's still my choice, isn't it?


Well, that goes without saying. Though I'd rather not really get involved.


Don't change things when I am clearly undecided about my next course of actions.


Humph. Whatever. This man is annoying anyway. Trashing Letty's inn is already an unforgivable excuse.

Doing it in front of me is practically a death sentence.

Nonchalantly, Remilia approached the huge man as he stooped down to pick up Marisa.

"That is a very ungentlemanly way to treat an injured lady."

The man grunted as he heard Remilia. "WHO YOU?"

Remilia seemed amused by the question. "You are clearly an infidel, else you should know who exactly you are dealing with right now."


"With that, your fate is sealed." Remilia sighed. This is such a bother.

"Spear! Gungnir come to my aid!" Remilia stretched her left hand upwards, and a brilliant flash of red light engulfed her hand. From within the light, Remilia pulled out a long, ornate spear.

"Have you any regrets in your life, infidel? It would be best if you say your prayers quickly, for you will die within this hour."



"Oi, are we just going to leave Marisa back there?" asked NoName between puffs.

They were hiding in a dark alley between two fashion shops in the busier part of the city. The three of them were panting.

"Of course not," replied Alice as she hoisted Flandre onto her shoulder. "But we need to get Flandre to safety first."

"Is she going to be okay?" asked Flandre. "I, uh.."

Suddenly, a man approached them from the shadows. Alice instantly jumped into action, bring Flandre behind her.

"It's okay, he's with us," said NoName. "You have a report?"

The man nodded. "We have terminated the agents following you. It would appear that both Izayoi and Komeiji have retreated for now."

"So we're no longer being followed?" said Alice. "That's a relief."

"There is something however..." the man hesitated.?We shall speak of it later, it is important that you reach safety as soon as possible. I shall escort you to the Scarlet estate."


« Last Edit: October 01, 2013, 08:34:45 AM by Nenekonesha »
Where is Metafalica anyway?


  • I don't mean to be greedy...
  • ... but white rice is my favorite food.
Re: Marisa and Things-Not-About-Her-So-They-Are-Not-Important!
« Reply #33 on: October 14, 2013, 12:34:44 AM »
I love how you portrayed Remilia's fate power here!