Author Topic: .Touhou//Corruption Vol.1  (Read 5047 times)


.Touhou//Corruption Vol.1
« on: January 07, 2013, 01:30:33 PM »
Hello guys! Yes its me again your number one journalist in Gensokyo, Aya Shameimaru!

Yep I am back with another fan fiction of mine but of course, not a crossover.

Here's a quick briefer of the story for you guys. I am hoping of actually finishing this one! =D


Basically we have our main female lead who is Mononobe no Futo and along aside her is Toyosatomimi no Miko. After school Miko decides to tell Futo about a virtual reality MMORPG game called "The World". Although Futo is not sure whether to play it or not, as there's school work in the way and other work. Futo makes her final decision to go along and play.


Let's begin our story.


The city Gensokyo filled with lush of rich land covered with green with tall buildings lining up near each other, reaching the finite indigo skies. The streets paved with grey cement with a few cherry blossom trees blooming on each side across the streets. Streets filled with Families, school kids, business workers and priests running, walking and talking calmly past me.

I am Mononobe no Futo, I'm a student at Gen Academy which is located in the city Gensokyo. The girl aside me is Toyosatomimi no Miko born with great intelligence, and has the ability to listen to ten people speaking at the same time and to listen to human's desires.

"Not much further to the Academy".

The marvelous Miko spoke with her eyes shut with grace.

"Futo, I have been wanting to-".

"Yikes! Its this time already?! I knew I shouldn't have bush my teeth this morning! Let's go before we are late Miss. Miko".

I grabbed Miko's hand, her face went bright red but I wondered why but shrugged it off, I didn't want the honor student Miko getting in trouble for my faults. I threw my manners aside and ran through anybody that was in my path.

"He- Hey! Hold on! Slow down and stop calling me Miss. Miko!".

We arrived just few seconds late, the teacher was expecting me to be late as I usually am, but not the honor student Miko.

"Sorry were late".

Miko and I both bowed apologizing in front of the teacher known as Keine.

"*sigh* I will let you both off this time but make sure it doesn't happen again. Now take your seats."

Keine was sighing, placing one of her hands on her forehead, while Miko and I both walked towards our seats. The classroom was filled with students sitting on their black chairs in front of their desk, in black and white clothing with golden buttons on their shirts. I sat down on my seat which was next to the wide sea, peering through the glass windows. Sitting here makes me feel so relaxed that I grow the tendency to fall asleep and day dream.

"Please Stand up".

A voice that echoed through the room jumping from student to student until it finally reached me. But it was faint, and became even more faint until I could hear it no more. I was asleep until something hard hit my forehead which immediately woke me up from my slumber. I touched my forehead where the damage was done, it was somewhat white and powdery. A sound could be heard from my left ear. It was the white charcoal rolling down my desk until it met its end, falling to the floor, yet making minimal sound throughout the room.

"Ouch... That really hurt!".

Both of my hands holding my forehead tightly, with tiny tears nearly coming out both of my eyes.

"Your lucky I didn't use my forehead to collide with yours Futo, now stand up like the rest of the class".

I stood up alongside the rest of the class with a miserable face. Keine started to call out the students names one by one. By the time Keine was finished, the lights started to strangely flicker on and off. The Students started to freak out noticeably. Keine tried turning off the switch to the light but it didn't work. The lights burst which caused a panic in the class room.

"Please remain calm! Please go under your desk".

I did exactly as I was told. I looked up to the ceiling which was covered with blue electricity, and all the fire alarms came into action, loudly ringing through my ears. A few minutes later the alarms stopped, making it safe to come out of hiding, but to only see that outside was in much more of a state. Fires were raging through the cities and cars were crashing everywhere.

Welcome to my story of .Touhou//S.M. Corruption.

Prologue End-

Finally we come to our end of the prologue! Hope you enjoyed it and looking forward to chapter one! =D
« Last Edit: January 27, 2013, 08:24:21 AM by AyaShameimaru »


Re: .Touhou//Corruption Vol.1
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2013, 05:17:25 PM »
Nice! 52 views! =D This story isn't made of fail after all. x3 Anyways onto chapter one.

Chapter One: Welcome To 'The World'

"What.... What just happened?".

in a frightening tone of voice, With an empty expression on my face, I did not know how to react to such an unpleasant sight, I couldn't stop staring outside, it felt like my eyes were glued to the windows. I started to move backwards until I felt a warm touch on my back and then arms being wrapped around my waist. I slowly turned my head around and saw it was a girl, with ivory hair which looked like horns, wearing a school uniform with a multi-coloured shirt and a violet and raven skirt. It was none other than Miko, the number one honor student of the school.

"Is thee okay?".

I spoke to the girl holding me tightly around my waist, Miko lifted her head until her ivory eyes met with my grey eyes. The expression on her face was the emotion of sadness, was she worried about me? What was this feeling I was feeling? This is the feeling of guilt, I didn't mean to worry Miss. Miko, I pulled up my arms slowly and wrapped them around Miko.

"I'm sorry I worried you".

I held tighter to Miko and liquid tears started too fall from my eyes splashing onto her face, this feeling of guilt was too strong. Miko wiped away the tears and moved her warm hands onto my face.

"Its alright, please don't cry or I will start crying".

Miko gently answered, I closed my eyes and reopened them with a smile on my face. I wiped away the remaining tears. Keine slides open the door's stepping back into the classroom and announcing a message from the headmaster.

"Alright listen up class A. The head teacher has decided to let you have the rest of the day off. Please be careful on your way home".

The room became empty within seconds, Keine was depressed she didn't get to teach her students today but also relieved to get to see an old friend. I remembered Miko wanted to ask me something, I took my attention back to Miko.

"What did you want to ask me last time again?".

She became confused for a few minutes thinking of what she wanted to say again, I waited patiently and wouldn't allow any interruptions this time, Miko finally realized the question she longed to ask.

"Before I was interrupted two times I wanted to ask you, have you heard of MMORPGs?".

Miko had let go of my waist and took one step back, still staring at me, patiently waiting for my reply. Sweat began to run down my back but I kept my cool and pretended not to be nervous. I had no knowledge of what an MMORPG is.... Is it some kind of food? I came up with some random answer hoping it would be correct.

"Is it a shopping mall?".

The room suddenly became silent, a cold chill ran down my back. The expressions on Miko's and Keine's face were speechless, then a sound could be heard from Keine's area. It sounded like a giggle the giggle got bigger, it was Keine, about to burst out laughing and the same sounds could be heard from my area, Miko was about to explode laughing as well. Sheer embarrass started to break out of the roof, my face went red I quickly covered my face, I couldn't bear to look at Keine and Miko in the face. Miko stopped laughing and took my hands off from my face.

"Its alright, an MMORPG stands for massive multiplayer online role-playing game, its an online game on the computer with massive numbers of players who are people around the world that interact with each other in a virtual world".

The confusion started to disappear from my mind, Miko grabbed my hand and pulled me outside to the empty school grounds. Taking another step back from me, I wondered what she was doing this time.

"Do you want to play 'The World' with me? It's a virtual reality MMORPG. Virtual reality is a computer-simulated environments that can simulate physical presence in places in the real world, as well as in virtual worlds.".

'The World'.... I have heard people having conversations about it, but I never really knew what it was until now. I moved my hand and placed it on my head thinking if I should really do this as there's school work and other work in my way. I didn't want to just say no and upset Miko so I thought I'd give it a go.

"Sure! I will play with you!".

Miko jumped around me in circles filled with happiness, she pulled out plastic sliver glasses and a blue PGP from her pocket, and placed them in front of me. I glazed at the two objects and wondering if these were for me.

"Are these for me?".

"Yeah, I bought them especially for you and no one else, I knew you were going to accept".

These words made my heart feel very warm, I rose my hand and took both of the items from Miko's soft and smooth hands and placed them in a special area in my bag.  I turned around with a grin on my face, facing the black and gold metal school gates. I began to walk out of the school's property, with Miko following from behind of  me, reaching the right hand side next to me.

The excitement stored inside of me couldn't wait to play a new world unexplored, what would this virtual reality game be like? What kinds of new people will I meet? How is it played and what kinds of levels will there be? I knew all these questions would soon be answered.

The World

Finally reaching our destination point I was completely exhausted from all that walking, why does she live so far from the academy? I am surprised shes not even tired from walking so long but hey that's my Miko for you! Miko stopped at the gates and allowed me to be the first to go through,  she lived in a big white mansion with four big windows below and on top of the building. Her front garden took up most of the land. In the area was filled with maple trees, spider lilies and ponds with religious Shinto Buddhist statues curving around the ponds.

There was a long grey road leading all the way up to the mansion with red wooden Shinto lantern's on each side. I guess it Looks like the house was even more further away than I thought! Exactly how rich is Miko? I passed through the gates and Miko followed from behind, It took a while to get to the mansion but I made it through.

"Finally! We're here!".

I shouted with a great passion of a thousand suns.

"Oh no, we still have a long way to go. My room is on the very top floor of the mansion".

Miko covered her mouth with a golden Shaku.

My joy quickly became cries of horrors to walk further, my feet felt like they were breaking apart. I landed on my legs and waved a white flag surrendering, I could no longer go on.

"I was joking Futo, my room is the first door on the right on the second floor.".

I stood up as fast as I could with a grin across my face and a thumbs up, I knew it was a joke all along, no way I could fall for something as obvious as that! Miko looked bewildered but shrugged it off.

Miko walked to the double brown doors and twisted it open, inside was a colossal entrance with a luxurious set of decorated scarlet walls with yellow patterns of youkai and samurai warriors, bronze book shelf's neatly placed against the wall near the classic white stairs and banisters, with a violet and yellow carpet running all the way to the front entrance of the building, and a raven ceiling with four flush mount lights hanging from the ceiling.

"Your house and garden is very beautiful".

"Thank you... Shall we move onto the room?"

I greatly answered with a big yes and walked straight into the mansion with no delay and Miko following from behind again closed the doors and guided me towards her room. Miko slid open the doors and I jumped inside and opened my bag and pulled out the sliver glasses and blue PGP ready to play 'The World'. Miko closed the doors then pulled her golden PGP out and yellow glasses.

"Alright, first turn on your PGP then put on your sliver glasses".

"Right.... uh... Where's the turn on thingy?"

"Ahh jeez Futo... Its the red button on the bottom of the PGP".

I stroke my head laughing a bit from asking such an embarrassing question. I flipped the PGP upside down and pressed the red button. The screen light flashed before my eyes with the logo "PGP" and the company Tony appearing below it and faded out. It loaded with complex systems and menu's I didn't understand but I ignored it and listened to Miko's simple instructions, I put on the sliver glasses and waited for her next commands.

"Alright Futo, I have already installed the game on your PGP. go to the menu games and press the X button, after that you should see a file which should be the game, scroll down and press the X button again".

I followed the orders directly given to me and pressed the left button to slide across the menu's on the left side to reach my journeys end, after scrolling left to see many different types of menu's I finally found the games section. I pressed the X round button that was on the left side of the PGP and saw a file as Miko said which was a game named The World. I pressed the X button once more time with passion, the glasses automatically came on which surprised me. There was another logo on the screen with "Login" and writing below it named "Username" and "Password".

"Great Futo, now its time to give you your details. Your username is your name, Mononobe no Futo and your password is your date of birth. Now fill these boxes with the exact details I gave you to login."

I done exactly as I was told, the screen this time flashed green and sent me over to the character selection, I tried to do this bit on my own without Miko's help. I noticed a box with white lettering which was "Character Creation" on the right hand corner of the screen. I clicked on "Character Creation" which sent me to a different page, it had five job options which were "Twin Blade", "Magician", "Lancer", "Warrior", "Hunter", "Gunslinger" and "Rogue".

I picked the magician which would of suited me the best although they have little defense, not much attack power and less hp than other jobs but they're pretty powerful when it comes to using skills as their magic attack is quite powerful and being a far range  gives me the advantage over many of the other jobs, and having high magic defense I would take less damage from other users skills and magic type monsters.

"Great, I have decided I will pick a magician!".

"So your going for a far range character Futo, that would give you the advantage over some of the other jobs.".

"Exactly! I have studied quite a lot about magicians and other types of jobs!".

I selected the job magician but surprisingly I was shocked. The character looked exactly like me, these glasses have auto scan aswell? I noticed something different, there were two of the same patterns of the colour grey on my cheeks, all shaped of circles. After naming my character the same name as me. I pressed the finish button which sent me back to character selection and pressed the X button.

It felt like I was teleported into the game, I quickly took the glasses off and I was puzzled, but I did remember Miko saying this was a virtual reality MMORPG where it feels like I'm the one playing as the character in the game. Miko took off her glasses after logging into 'The World' and turned her head round facing me and said these simple words which would change my life forever....

"Welcome To The World.... Futo.".

Chapter One: Welcome To The World - End

Finally I am done with chapter one. I got a special character for all you guys in chapter two that many old Touhou PC98 fans know and love! =D Hope you enjoyed this chapter!
« Last Edit: January 27, 2013, 08:24:52 AM by AyaShameimaru »


Re: .Touhou//Corruption Vol.1
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2013, 07:23:22 PM »
Chapter two here we go! Yeah! Yeah!

Chapter Two - Lost One

The World was a beautiful place where player ships flew across the endless azure skies with floating islands drifting on the white puffy clouds, Lakes traveling under the stone bridge until it reached the biggest stone tower in the kingdom. Hundreds of players of all kinds of different jobs interacted and sold items to one another, The roads were made of stone which was multiple-colours and buildings were neatly positioned near each other but there was enough space for ally ways.

I couldn't stop staring my eyes off at such a fantastic world but then a window appeared with a NPC beside it who is a female. It seemed to be a guide on how to play The World. I tried crossing it out but more windows started to appear and people started to stare a bit giggling and laughing.

"Ahh... My first impression in the game and I ruined it....".

The windows suddenly disappeared, I turned around and Miko was behind me, her character was a job of a Knight, a 2nd class advancement from the first class Warrior. Her character had exactly the same face and hair as Miko but she was wearing silver amour and had a one handed sword hanging from her waist.

"I saw you were having some trouble with the windows so I pressed the X button on the top right corner which were on your windows that were popping up.... So shall we be going?".

"Oh... uh... Yes!".

I'm so clumsy, how could I have missed that out? I started to walk to the right but Miko shouted,

"Wrong way Futo! Its this way!".

I nearly fell to the ground in embarrassment and walked towards the left.

"Wrong way again Futo....".

I screamed as loud as I could which made a commotion around the area. My face was bright red. Miko came to my side, making a sigh and used a item to teleport us straight to the dimensional gate which connected all maps to this kingdom and many others. The teleportation room was a blank room with green and yellow numbers going down and blue blocks floating up. Many other players were here aswell going to different locations.

We arrived at the dimensional gate which was a empty room with golden pillars and black & white goddess, statues surrounding the gate that would teleport us any where around 'The World'. Miko lent her hand down to me, I moved my hand and grabbed on to her's, She began to pull me up from the white floor.

I moved towards the dimensional gate which was a round blue orb with golden rings that spun around it. I picked an easy dungeon to start off with. Blue rays started to appear below me which gradually covered my body and yellow feathers fell below my head with my body disappearing. I was back at the teleportation room with Miko waiting to go to the next destination.

"We are nearly there!".

The Unknown Enemy

The map appeared before our very eyes and we landed onto the floor quietly. The level was a waste land with sand every where and dead trees, rocks and cactus's beside each other and a few mountains  with a clear blue sky and a scorching sun razing down on us.

"This level is a bit too high, should we try somewhere else?".

"No, I want to level up as fast as I can and gain the 2nd job advancement like you did!".

"Well alright but first let's make a party so the exp can be shared, stay behind me so you don't die.".

A window popped up inviting me to a party Miko made to share exp, which are experience points gained from enemies to level up the character. Each level I gain I would be able to take on stronger opponents, and be able to protect Miko and other friends that I will make in 'The World'. I Accepted the invite. A monster ring spun around, they were called activation enemy rings which appeared next to us and activated.

"Get ready Futo and remember to stay behind me!".


It was a big stone golem, the size was unmeasurable. Maybe this level was a bit too high for me but if I stay at a far distance I should be alright. The golem screamed raising its defense and attack which made it harder to kill. It started getting ready to attack. Its fist began to glow green and it bashed right into the ground. Me and Miko jumped back before it could have hit us, the attack made a shock wave blowing the sand back.

"This will only take a few seconds Futo.".

Miko landed back onto the ground, crouched and sprint back at the golem. She jumped up until she was in the center of the sun and began to draw her sword, holding it down pointing at the golems head.

"Falling Shining Blade!".

Miko slashed her sword straight into the golems head. The crisp golden rays of light began to rip through the stone golems body. The golem screamed its last words,


Its whole body exploded into tiny rocks. Miko landed back on the floor and placed her sword back into its sheath. I leveled up to level 6 and my stats were automatically raised.  Before I ran to Miko to congratulate her a girl in red and white robes, light blue eyes, a dark crimson colour ribbon tied on top of her robe, long white hair with double hair beads tied to her long pony tail. She ran across me! was she being chased!?

"Who... Was that....?".

Another girl passed me but she didn't look like a player, she wore a torn black dress and a red long sleeve vest overtop. She has a purple belt with a large X tied in the center, and she carried a black and white scythe with three yellow orbs going down the long wisp-like bending blade. She had red eyes, pinkish red hair with two pony tails tied to the double hair beads. She was making a wicked smirk along her face and she showed the eyes of a psychopath.

"That's no normal player.... So the rumors are tr-".

"Lighting Bolt!".

"No! Futo wait!".

Miko yelled at Futo but it was unfortunately too late. Before the lightning bolt could hit the unknown enemy, she had set her eyes on Futo with a terrifying face. The lighting bolt strike onto the ground making a destructive shock wave and a gust of sand blinded me and the rest. After the gust of sand cleared both of the girls were no where in sight.

"Ha hah! I got her! Serves her right!".

I got a cold chill running down my whole body and turned my head round, there was a black figure standing behind me. My body couldn't move even when I commanded it to...

"Oi oi... I can't move my body....".

The black figure grabbed my head and lifted me from the ground, Miko stood up and opened her eyes to see me in such a state.


I pleaded to the anonymous female behind me to release me but she responded with these only words,

"Oi brat... Were you the one that attacked me?".

I was too scared to answer, if I said yes she would surely shatter my head, if I said no she might go after Miko. Wait!!! This is only a game though so it wouldn't matter if she kills us in a virtual world because we wouldn't die in the real world!

"Yeah, I was the one that attacked you!".

"Futo! Don't!!!".

Miko shouted out my name and ran to save me from what was to come next, the stranger began laughing corruptly and turned Futo towards her face.

"You have quiet some courage brat.... Let's see how much courage you will have left after you fall into a coma!".

The anonymous girl threw me back and instantly moved her hand pointing towards me. A wide yellow circle appeared around her hand with a red eye in the center, and golden sword shapes curving around the circle from behind. Purple electricity began flicked around it, it looked like as if it was charging a powerful attack. The unknown stranger was making a crazy appearance and finally blitz blasted her attack.

It was no normal attack, it had a lines of hexagons, thick lines, hollow circles and normal lines with triangles on top. Some were twisting and others were curving heading straight towards me. Miko pushed me out of the way and barely dodged the attack herself. The attack ripped straight through a rock, it began flashing green and buzzing until eventually broke apart and disappeared.

"Another one? *Sigh* What a drag... Could you two do me a favor and stand still?".

The villainous girl fired her attack again but faster than before, Miko picked me up and dodged it as fast as she could. The floors began to crumble after being hit by such a powerful skill she wielded. Miko landed back onto the ground and dropped me to the side and ran straight towards the enemy with her sword drawn out of her sheath. Finally clashing her blade with the enemy making a thunderous noise and yellow sparks wildly bursting into the air.

“What's a phase like yourself doing here or would you rather be called, Komachi The Terror Of Death?”.

Miko aggressively answered the phase but the only respond given was a heinous laugh, Komachi began exchanging blows with Miko.

“My job was to data drain the girl I was after but you people got in my way, so I am going to kill you two.”

Komachi swiftly slashed Miko's sword out of her and quickly grabbed her neck, and threw her scythe to the ground. She placed her hand onto Miko's chest charging her attack ready to data drain Miko. before Komachi's attack could hit Miko, she turned her head towards me in a struggle and lifted her hand.

"Don't... End up... Like me... Futo... Return Orb active!".

Before the item fully take effect, Komachi blasted her attack through Miko's body, she fell to the ground flashing green and buzzing. While the enemy was laughing and then looked at me. My body disappeared and before I knew it I was back at the teleportation room. I was completely useless, I quickly took off the glasses to see if Miko was alright.

She was lying on the ground, Miko was not moving at all. How was this possible?! Its just a game right? I began to panic and tried to wake up Miko but it wasn't working... I rang up an ambulance near by, later on that day I was informed by the doctor, Eirin, Miko has fallen into a coma. None of the doctors knew what was wrong or what caused it.

"No way... How...? Please tell me its a lie!".

I fell on my kneels and tears fell from my eyes, I didn't want to hear the words coming from Eirin's mouth. I tried to block it out by covering my ears and wrapping myself in lies and ignorance, but it was the truth. She really is in a coma. A while after being near Miko's side, I thought to myself. These things she called them, Phases... If I defeated them would she wake up? It was worth a try but would it really work.

I walked back home and went upstairs to my room and turned on my PGP.

"I swear Miko... I will save you no matter what it takes.".

Chapter Two - Lost One - End

Finally the end of Chapter Two, I am sorry for taking a long time to deliver the rest of this chapter.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2013, 09:57:39 AM by AyaShameimaru »


    • My Let's Plays!
Re: .Touhou//K.G. Vol.1//Corruption
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2013, 10:12:13 PM »
So what happened to finishing this? Also, are you SURE this is named correctly?

This sounds like .hack//Infection's opening.

NOT .hack//G.U. Vol. 1: Reminisce, which is what the title suggests.

I have WAY too much time on my hands.
My fanfics: Touhou Wrecks X!
What happens when Nue's in a pranky mood and at the same time, Yukari's bored? Pokemon XD: Impostor of Darkness
I made this cool matrixy eye:


Re:.Touhou//Corruption Vol.1
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2013, 07:56:49 PM »
So what happened to finishing this? Also, are you SURE this is named correctly?

This sounds like .hack//Infection's opening.

NOT .hack//G.U. Vol. 1: Reminisce, which is what the title suggests.

I have WAY too much time on my hands.

I am planning to finish this like I stated when I first made the thread, but I have alot on my hands at the moment. I just want to get all of my art research, S.A.'s and work out of the way first.

Overall I am sorry for the long delay.

Yeah your right, it does sound like .Hack//Infections beginning and the title I gave this thread sounds like .Hack//G.U. The title must be changed! : p

I will make it up to all my readers but that won't be until tomorrow as I need to get this S.A. done, or I fail the entire course. ; p
« Last Edit: January 27, 2013, 08:25:38 AM by AyaShameimaru »


Re: .Touhou//Corruption Vol.1
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2013, 11:24:30 PM »
Chapter Three! Here we go! I was thinking after I finish this or be nearing to finishing this story, I would start considering making a doujinshi of this. x3 That's when my art manga skills get better...

Chapter Three ? Bracelet

Before Logging into 'The World', I received an email. It never said who it was from and the picture on the top left hand corner was all fuzzy, I opened the mail from the anonymous person.

?C0m3 t0 'C@th3dr@1 H!dd3n F0rb!dd3n H01y Gr0und'

I... w!11 b3... w@!t!ng th3r3 f0r y0u, p13@s...  C0m3 qu!ck1y...?

?I wonder who sent me this??.

The only thing I managed to understand was come to 'Cathedral Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground'. Maybe this person  will know something about these Phases and how I could save Miko.

I loaded up 'The World' and wore the glasses, there weren't much players online but around this time it was a night sky. All the street lights were turned on, I was getting distracted by the display of lights. I had no time to waste here, I needed to find the dimensional gate and enter into the 'Cathedral Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground'.

?Where could the dimensional gate be...??.

?Are you lost??.

A stranger spoke from behind, I turned around. It was a girl with light green short curvy hair, green hexagon shapes and inter hexagon shapes on both sides of her cheeks. She has light green eyes and wears metal plated chest amour with short sleeves and she has a belt around her waist with a long green skirt which bears white rectangles outlined with violet and she also has ghostly legs.

She was a first class advancement of an Archer with a long yellow bow, with brown string tied to both tips of the end.

?So are you lost??.

The ghostly girl answered waiting patiently for my reply, I didn't want to waste much time here answering this girls question. Though I didn't know where the dimensional gate is located, still I might aswell say I am lost.

?Yes I'm lost, where is the dimensional gate??.

?Well, why didn't you say so sooner? Follow me, I will show you.?.

The green girl quickly began to walk ahead of me leaving me behind, why is she in such a rush? I'm the one that's in a rush. I ran up to her to catch up and in no time we arrived at the dimensional gate, it was kinda crowded for some reason, there must be a special event going on. That would explain the empty streets.

I moved towards the gate in front of me and selected the map 'Cathedral Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground' which was sent to me by that unknown player. Exactly who is she...

?Thanks for showing me the way.?.

?H- Hey! Wait-?.

My body disappeared into thin air, and I arrived at the teleportation room. After that I finally arrived at the 'Cathedral Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground' which was a long stone bridge leading towards a stair case made out of stone. In front of me was a tall stone church with a sunset scene that never changes.

I headed towards the big sliver doors and pushed it open with all my strength. Inside was a marble floor with long brown wooden chairs lining up in rows of three on each side of the room with a statue of a person tied all around with chains connecting to the walls. A tall glass window had five circles on the stain glass behind the statue, and there also were stone pillars connecting on the walls in rolls of three on both sides. Lights were hanging from the ceilings. A girl in red and white was standing on the stone stairway facing the statue.

The girl turned her body without delay. She looked very similar as if I saw her somewhere before in 'The World'. Was it the same girl that was being chased by that weird monster called phase?

?So... You have come as expected.?.

She knew I would come? Exactly who is this girl? My memories started to slowly flow back into me. She was the same girl I last saw with Miko.

?I need to ask-?.

?I'm sorry... I don't have much time to answer your questions... Take this book.?.

The girl pulled out her hand and a old brown book that looked very warn out appeared with golden writing on the front and golden lettering on the side. I took the book but my questions were still unanswered. I needed to know how I would be able to save Miko and what these phases are.

?This book holds great power.... This book will either bring salvation or destruction at the will of the user. You will find your answers as you travel around 'The World'.?.

?W- Wait!?

The unknown girl started to slowly lift off into the air disappearing. This book.... What power could it have in-store? Maybe the power inside could help me save Miko and other lost ones that were data drained by the Phases. I also need to train... At my current level there's no way I could take on these kinds of monsters.

I arrived back at Kingdom Val to buy some items and equipment until loud steps could be heard gaining nearer and becoming louder. A girl walked up to me with an unhappy expression on her face.

?Hey! What's the big idea running off like that??.

It was the girl that I met who guided me to the dimensional gate. I never got her name, but the last thing I was expecting on my mind was someone yelling in my ear holes. That reminds me of a specific person from Gen Academy that yells at people when someone does something bad.

?Hey! Are you even listening?!?.

?Uh... Yes..?

?Your coming with me!?.

She pulled me by her side and immediately selected a map to an unfamiliar dungeon. We arrived at the unknown map which was a scorching area, the floors were steaming hot rock and some areas filled with lava. There were huge orange and reddish rocks scattered around the map.

?I have heard there's this rare idea inside the dungeon somewhere... Oh yeah! I forgot to introduce myself, I am Soga no Tojiko and you??.

?Futo no Mononobe.?.

There were many enemy activation rings everywhere around the level, spinning around waiting for a player to come near enough to activate. activating all of these should give me a deal of leveling up, I turned my head around to ask Soga before we headed off into the dungeon but the only thing that was there was a reflection of herself.

"I'm way up here slow poke! Hurry up! I don't want anyone else to steal the rare item!".

I teleported to Soga by using one of my skills I raised before Miko got data drained by that monster. The dungeon was in front of us, it was a giant rock with lava flowing off the sides and mini lava rocks surrounding it. The entrance was a big black hole which leaded inside of it.

"So this is what a entrance to a dungeon looks like.".

"Nope, there's all kinds of different entrances to dungeons Futo.".

After walking inside, the dungeon was a less heated place, the floor was made out of stone with a dark brown rocky wall. The dungeon looked really plain to me but as long as it had strong foes to fight then it would be a excellent dungeon to me to train in.

"Let's go Futo.".

In the other room was a longer room then the previous one we were in. There stood one enemy activation ring that spun around slowly and a brown treasure chest that has a metal out line with a red pattern all over it. Making a few steps nearer, it activated and came out with three elf enemies that had long shiny blonde hair,pointy ears,crystal eyes, a long green dress and a long brown bow.

An arrow swiftly past by me near my face, the other two were firing arrows at Soga. she was dodging them as if they were nothing. Soga pulled out her long bow and pulled on the string, two fire arrows appeared.

"Double Burning Shot.".

She released her attack, both arrows ripped through the enemies chest doing 134 damage giving them both an instant K.O. I needed to become as good as Miko and Soga to save my friend... I gave my attention back at the enemy and rushed towards it charging up my light attack on the end of my staff. The arrows were coming more faster then ever but I managed to dodge them all. I arrived right near the enemy and grabbed the staff with both of my hands.

"Electrical Ball!!!".

It strike right into the monsters belly pushing her back until it hit the wall. The entire room lighted up in light blue electrifying the elf. Soga was in shock to see Futo release a powerful attack. The rooms lights went back to normal and the monster was given a instant K.O. The attack was a critical of 264 damage. I fell on my legs out of breath, as I used up all of my MP.

"Your pretty powerful Futo... For a newbie. I will let you have the treasure chest up ahead.".

"Thank... you...".

I lifted myself up and walked towards the chest and opened it, it was just an healing potion that would come into greater use later on in 'The World', we walked through room to room slaying any enemies in sight until we reached our goal. The next two rooms will be the last. We headed into the next part of the dungeon, a monster was there with tiny green hexagons on the side of its body and other places around it, it was a long snake enemy with sharp teeth and red eyes.

A player had double swords, one short and the other one long, with a cherry blossom insignia and flower attached with a wakizashi. Her chest and shoulders were covered with dark emerald metal plated amour with white long sleeves. She has a light green skirt, and two white wings attached to her back. She also seems to have short sliver hair and dark blue eyes with a raven ribbon placed off-center on her hair. There was a ghostly formless phantom following her around.

"Damnit! Why aren't my attacks working?".

She was in some need of help defeating the beast, I quickly reacted and ran to assist the player.

"Raining Fire!".

The attack hit straight down onto the enemy but it seemed it wasn't affecting it at all. What kind of beast is this? A voice then echoed through my head, it sounded somewhat familiar.

"Use the book...".

I remembered it was the girl I met in Cathedral Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground that gave me some strange book that looked very warn out. I took the book out from my inventory and placed it in one of my hands.

"The book....".

"This book will either bring salvation or destruction at the will of the user...".

I decided to use the book, I didn't want to see anyone else falling into a coma like my friend. With this power I might actually have a chance of defeating the phases and freeing  all the lost ones that have gone into coma's. I have made my mind up.

'User has installed the book'.

The screen started to flash white and made a buzzing noise, the book automatically opened and flipped the pages over. I couldn't move my arm! Something was straining me, White big ancient lettering's started to appear and attached onto my clothing. My clothes started to change colour, a round green bracelet shaped of kites appeared on my wrist, it grew bigger. My arm moved on its own facing the enemy, strange kinds of green and blueish shapes that looked like rectangles appeared behind the bracelet making a star shape overall.

It shot out its attack. A big ,dark, pink round circle appeared with large and small blue squares going around it in a circle, the blast was shapes of black, blue and green hexagons spreading away from each other then coming in closer to hit the enemy. The hexagons disappeared after ripping through its targets body and changing the monster into something else. Six red lines behind it came back and went into my hand, the bracelet went back to its normal size and became invisible to the naked eye.

'Viral Infection has spread.

You Have Gained A Virus Core'.

"Spell card! Hungry King Sword".

hundreds of bullets came out on all sides hitting the enemy and killing it doing 1023 damage. What was that? This bracelet... Such power...

"So your the one that's been causing all this bugs and glitches all over 'The World'.".

Chapter Three - Bracelet - END

Haha! Finally the end. Sorry for the long delay, I wanted to make this chapter really long.


    • My Let's Plays!
Re: .Touhou//Corruption Vol.1
« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2013, 10:35:49 PM »
Alright! I can't wait to find out who the Balmung is in this game. story!
My fanfics: Touhou Wrecks X!
What happens when Nue's in a pranky mood and at the same time, Yukari's bored? Pokemon XD: Impostor of Darkness
I made this cool matrixy eye:


Re: .Touhou//Corruption Vol.1
« Reply #7 on: February 16, 2013, 03:51:31 PM »
Alright! I can't wait to find out who the Balmung is in this game. story!

Meh. : p Sorry its taking me a while to get the next chapter up. 

Done my assessment last day ago but doing some work to get it reassessed by someone else.

Strangest thing though I done less art and I was missing alot of work in unit 4 but I still got a merit. I worked my butt off for the other unit but my teacher gave me a pass? That doesn't make sense. D';

Next chapter will be uploaded soon. : p