Author Topic: Visiting the Neighbors - Kanako in the Netherworld  (Read 97388 times)

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Visiting the Neighbors - Kanako in the Netherworld
« Reply #330 on: January 31, 2013, 12:29:23 AM »
>We've dealt with his like in the past before, haven't we?
>"That sort of being, hm? You get those every now and again, even among the divine."
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure

Re: Visiting the Neighbors - Kanako in the Netherworld
« Reply #331 on: February 01, 2013, 05:15:09 AM »
>We've dealt with his like in the past before, haven't we?
>"That sort of being, hm? You get those every now and again, even among the divine."

>Not altogether often, but yes, you have. Amongst mortals and amongst divinities, there are sadists and tyrants, blackhearted creatures that have no value for any life beyond their own, and you have dealt with them on both sides of life.
>"Being like that are the reasons we fight." the paladin answers, clenching her fist for emphasis. "Whether we're defending Prinnies, Humans, Elves, Luminians, or any other being that's being oppressed, threatened or terrorized."


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Re: Visiting the Neighbors - Kanako in the Netherworld
« Reply #332 on: February 01, 2013, 05:26:45 AM »
>"And are you from this world, or are you, like myself, from another?"

Re: Visiting the Neighbors - Kanako in the Netherworld
« Reply #333 on: February 01, 2013, 07:28:41 AM »
>"And are you from this world, or are you, like myself, from another?"

>"We hail from a world known as Serra's Realm. As you could probably guess, it was named that because of its creator, Hallowed Serra."


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: Visiting the Neighbors - Kanako in the Netherworld
« Reply #334 on: February 01, 2013, 03:42:39 PM »
>"And what is your purpose here?"

Re: Visiting the Neighbors - Kanako in the Netherworld
« Reply #335 on: February 03, 2013, 03:02:37 AM »
>"And what is your purpose here?"

>"To bring peace and stability to this world. Well, not this world specifically, but to any world we travel to."
>The edge of the valley slopes upwards here, ice and white rock covering the hill, but the incline is gentle enough to prove merely a slowing obstacle to the paladin and the prinnies as they walk, not a roadblock.
>"Even if those Black Wyrms hadn't come here, this world still would be in bad shape." Cassiopea continues. "The current Overlord is one of those beings who cares more about his video games than his people. We plan to correct that."


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: Visiting the Neighbors - Kanako in the Netherworld
« Reply #336 on: February 03, 2013, 03:09:37 AM »
>"Who would be in control here if you are successful?"

Re: Visiting the Neighbors - Kanako in the Netherworld
« Reply #337 on: February 03, 2013, 03:49:30 AM »
>"Who would be in control here if you are successful?"

>"I'm not really sure, at this point. Exalted Chromium will stay until our rule is secure, of course, but as to who he plans to leave as his Clarissi- the title given to the ones that rule in his place- he hasn't said."


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: Visiting the Neighbors - Kanako in the Netherworld
« Reply #338 on: February 03, 2013, 04:27:07 AM »
>"I would like to meet with this 'Exalted Chromium'. I think we may be able to assist each other."
>"As I told Pyremay, I do not desire to rule this land myself. I seek the people's faith, not their allegience. I would be willing to add my power to Chromium's cause in exchange for the chance to spread my name through this world."
>We can have more than one shrine, correct? And a seperate miko for it, too, presumably. If we're going to gather faith in this world, we should establish a shrine within it.

Re: Visiting the Neighbors - Kanako in the Netherworld
« Reply #339 on: February 03, 2013, 10:21:01 AM »
>"I would like to meet with this 'Exalted Chromium'. I think we may be able to assist each other."
>"As I told Pyremay, I do not desire to rule this land myself. I seek the people's faith, not their allegience. I would be willing to add my power to Chromium's cause in exchange for the chance to spread my name through this world."
>We can have more than one shrine, correct? And a seperate miko for it, too, presumably. If we're going to gather faith in this world, we should establish a shrine within it.

>"After what you did for us, I'm sure he would like to meet you, as well." Cass says with a smile.
>"Speaking for myself, I would be more than happy to have you fighting alongside us. But I can't speak for Exalted Chromium, obviously. That's a decision he must make."

>You can indeed. As a matter of fact, you presently have two in Gensokyo. Sanae established a small branch shrine at the base of Youkai mountain, to allow humans to reach you more easily. It is presently not manned regularly, but it does still belong to you and Suwako. Establishing a shrine on another world while maintaining your base in Gensokyo will be a new experience, but you don't foresee any intrinsic problems. Though you will definitely require at least one shrine maiden to maintain your shrine in this world. Sanae can't be everyone at once, after all.

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Visiting the Neighbors - Kanako in the Netherworld
« Reply #340 on: February 03, 2013, 03:26:28 PM »
>"Well, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it, no? Let's just focus on handling the Prinnies for now, hm? Though I would not be averse to hearing more about what Chromium is like. His likes, dislikes, the standard things that one must know to work with someone."
>Let's keep moving along.
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure

Re: Visiting the Neighbors - Kanako in the Netherworld
« Reply #341 on: February 04, 2013, 09:24:36 AM »
>"Well, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it, no? Let's just focus on handling the Prinnies for now, hm? Though I would not be averse to hearing more about what Chromium is like. His likes, dislikes, the standard things that one must know to work with someone."
>Let's keep moving along.

>You have been moving along, and are now travelling northeast, in the direction of a raised stretch of icy rock protruding from the ground, like a white finger extending towards the red moon hanging in the sky.
>Cassiopea takes a moment a steadies herself visibly before saying, "The first thing you should know, then, is that Exalted Chromium is, himself, a dragon."


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: Visiting the Neighbors - Kanako in the Netherworld
« Reply #342 on: February 04, 2013, 03:04:59 PM »
>"Is he from the same world as Pyremaw?"

Re: Visiting the Neighbors - Kanako in the Netherworld
« Reply #343 on: February 05, 2013, 08:44:29 AM »
>"Is he from the same world as Pyremaw?"

>Cass blinks in surprise, then her eyebrows drop into something resembling a scowl. "No. He, like us, are from Serra's Realm. THAT Wyrm," she points at the black dragon displayed on Alexandros's shield. "and his kin, are from Draykl."


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: Visiting the Neighbors - Kanako in the Netherworld
« Reply #344 on: February 05, 2013, 02:56:16 PM »
>"Have you dealt with ones from that world before?"

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Visiting the Neighbors - Kanako in the Netherworld
« Reply #345 on: February 05, 2013, 03:01:18 PM »
>Nod thoughtfully. "I see. I do wonder if perhaps there isn't some long-distant relation hidden in the far-flung mists of time though. You find that remarkably often among divinities you know, such as in the pantheon I play a part in. Izanagi and Izanami are possibly the most famous case of it from both of the previous places I've called home. Once, they were husband and wife, but in giving birth to Kagutsuchi, Izanami perished, and fell into the Underworld, Yomi, land of the dead. Very sad tale really."
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure

Re: Visiting the Neighbors - Kanako in the Netherworld
« Reply #346 on: February 05, 2013, 07:45:45 PM »
>Nod thoughtfully. "I see. I do wonder if perhaps there isn't some long-distant relation hidden in the far-flung mists of time though. You find that remarkably often among divinities you know, such as in the pantheon I play a part in. Izanagi and Izanami are possibly the most famous case of it from both of the previous places I've called home. Once, they were husband and wife, but in giving birth to Kagutsuchi, Izanami perished, and fell into the Underworld, Yomi, land of the dead. Very sad tale really."

>The woman's scowl deepens. "I doubt you realize this, so I'll overlook it. But insinuating there was some kind of connection between a dragon like that and Hallowed Serra and her realm is an insult. Almost blasphemy. So don't do it again."

>"Have you dealt with ones from that world before?"

>She nods. "Once. On the volcanic world of Yoskral, we encountered a Green Wyrm called Vyrox. That one was no more compassionate or good hearted than Pyremaw was, but he was more talkative. From him, we learned that every dragon of Draykl desires conquest, that they consider themselves Gods amongst mortals. It is their right to do whatever they please with anyone that doesn't have scales, and even then, they only show any semblance of respect to a scaled being who obeys them."
>"And the Wyrms of Draykl travel the worlds." Alexandros supplies, most of the strain gone from his voice, though his body language betrays his weakness. "They come in all the colors of the rainbow, and more besides. They rule their home world of Draykl with fists of iron, and seek to spread that reign across the stars."

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Visiting the Neighbors - Kanako in the Netherworld
« Reply #347 on: February 05, 2013, 07:54:54 PM »
>"I wasn't meaning any offense you know, merely stating that even the pure can become even worse than a demon if such a situation causes it. Perhaps, once, that Broodmother they refer to was something else entirely. I was actually intending on finding her myself to learn more about her really. One must know both their allies, and their enemies after all, I used to be a War Goddess in the Old Days you know."
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure

Re: Visiting the Neighbors - Kanako in the Netherworld
« Reply #348 on: February 05, 2013, 08:16:19 PM »
>"I wasn't meaning any offense you know, merely stating that even the pure can become even worse than a demon if such a situation causes it. Perhaps, once, that Broodmother they refer to was something else entirely. I was actually intending on finding her myself to learn more about her really. One must know both their allies, and their enemies after all, I used to be a War Goddess in the Old Days you know."

>Both paladin's faces show displeasure at the first part of your statement, when you mention the potential for the best of people to fall, but neither one of them says anything about it.
>"If I may advise you, goddess, it would be in your best interest not to stand in her presence." Lex cautions you. "We believe the Blacks to be among the cruelest and vilest of the Wyrms of Draykl. Little doubt is in my mind..." The paladin stops here to take a breath before continuing, "that thou wouldst be attacked upon sight, and the Broodmother has power enough to rival Exalted Chromium himself. Thy power be both considerable and undeniable, but the Broodmother...." Another breath. "and her Brood would be too much, even for thee. 'twould be a true shame should harm befall thee... in thy attempt to learn more of thy foes."

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Visiting the Neighbors - Kanako in the Netherworld
« Reply #349 on: February 05, 2013, 08:18:00 PM »
>"Well, I have ways, being of the Wind has it's 'perks', as Suwako would say."
>Since Suwako can 'swim' in the earth, we are capable of a similar feat with the Wind, yes?
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure

Re: Visiting the Neighbors - Kanako in the Netherworld
« Reply #350 on: February 05, 2013, 08:32:31 PM »
>"Well, I have ways, being of the Wind has it's 'perks', as Suwako would say."
>Since Suwako can 'swim' in the earth, we are capable of a similar feat with the Wind, yes?

>"'tis your decision, goddess of the four Winds. Caution is warranted, is as much as I will venture to say."
>"Who's Suwako?" Cassiopea asks you.

>'Flight' usually covers that field.

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Visiting the Neighbors - Kanako in the Netherworld
« Reply #351 on: February 05, 2013, 08:40:05 PM »
>"I suppose you would call her an old rival-turned-comrade. While my domain is the Wind, hers is Earth. I fought and defeated her once in the old days, quite an exciting time really. While I have a serpentine motif, hers is that of a Frog. Due to that, people tend see us more as Rivals than how things truly are."
>Then sigh. "She has a tendency towards the more insane spectrum of ideas though, you recall how I dropped a washbin on Pyremaw earlier? I originally devised that to use on her when she gets carried away."
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure

Re: Visiting the Neighbors - Kanako in the Netherworld
« Reply #352 on: February 05, 2013, 09:55:45 PM »
>"I suppose you would call her an old rival-turned-comrade. While my domain is the Wind, hers is Earth. I fought and defeated her once in the old days, quite an exciting time really. While I have a serpentine motif, hers is that of a Frog. Due to that, people tend see us more as Rivals than how things truly are."
>Then sigh. "She has a tendency towards the more insane spectrum of ideas though, you recall how I dropped a washbin on Pyremaw earlier? I originally devised that to use on her when she gets carried away."

>"'twas a rather unorthodox form of attack thou employedest, yet it seemed effective." Lex compliments you. "And any form... of attack that incapacitates but slays not is admirable."
>"I take it you two operate out of churches that are nearby each other, then?" Cassiopea guesses.

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Visiting the Neighbors - Kanako in the Netherworld
« Reply #353 on: February 05, 2013, 10:06:22 PM »
>"Shrine actually, we share one. And that is not the only method I have that doesn't kill you know, there is one style known as Danmaku that is quite common in my current home. I, along with Suwako and the current Shrine Maiden, a young girl by the name of Sanae who is just as prone to being foolish as Suwako, moved our shrine from our original world, to one known as Gensokyo. Faith was in short supply, which forced my hand."
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure

Re: Visiting the Neighbors - Kanako in the Netherworld
« Reply #354 on: February 06, 2013, 07:36:15 AM »
>"Shrine actually, we share one. And that is not the only method I have that doesn't kill you know, there is one style known as Danmaku that is quite common in my current home. I, along with Suwako and the current Shrine Maiden, a young girl by the name of Sanae who is just as prone to being foolish as Suwako, moved our shrine from our original world, to one known as Gensokyo. Faith was in short supply, which forced my hand."

>"And that's what brought you here." says Cassiopea. "Hoping to tap the faith of this world."
>Alexandros, however, has a different area of interest, ask he asks, "Prithee, goddess of the winds, enlighten us further of this 'Danmaku'."


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Re: Visiting the Neighbors - Kanako in the Netherworld
« Reply #355 on: February 06, 2013, 12:21:22 PM »
>"I displayed it once already - my final attack on Pyremaw is an example. It is a common technique in my shrine's realm."
>"Gensokyo has a great many beings in it who are both pugnacious and powerful. Quickly enough a few developed danmaku as a way of battling without vaporising each other or the landscape while still resolving whatever conflicts they have. By now it's more or less outlawed to fight with anything else there, although it occurs from time to time."

Re: Visiting the Neighbors - Kanako in the Netherworld
« Reply #356 on: February 06, 2013, 12:26:34 PM »
>"I displayed it once already - my final attack on Pyremaw is an example. It is a common technique in my shrine's realm."
>"Gensokyo has a great many beings in it who are both pugnacious and powerful. Quickly enough a few developed danmaku as a way of battling without vaporising each other or the landscape while still resolving whatever conflicts they have. By now it's more or less outlawed to fight with anything else there, although it occurs from time to time."

>Lex smiles, somewhat sadly. "Would that all realms would follow such an example as set by thy world. 'twould no longer be a need for beings such as myself and my dear comrades to wield arms in defense of the downtrodden and innocent."
>"Is it a kind of sorcery?" Cassiopea asks. "We've run into a fair amount of different types of magic during our journeys, and I'd never felt anything quite like that before."
>"Hast thou forgotten the blessed realm of Flonyard, noble Cassiopea?" Lex asks her.
>The female scowls at her fellow paladin. "Like I could. But that energy wasn't the same as this danmaku. Not completely different, but different enough."

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Visiting the Neighbors - Kanako in the Netherworld
« Reply #357 on: February 07, 2013, 03:38:37 PM »
>"Somewhat. It is, in effect, using one's own magical energy, as well as that of the surrounding area to cause different effects, such as pattern-based attacks. One of the things that Danmaku is well-known for outside of being nonlethal, is the beauty of the patterns. One of my best 'Spellcards' in fact, is quite the sight to behold. And as a bonus, even a human with little magical ability has a chance to best even one of my power. Quite fascinating really, in this world's terminology, it is the equivalent of someone at Level 5, defeating someone at Level 500. My own being in the range of 900. Which also explains how I was able to essentially 'manhandle' Pyremaw. Though I do admit he gave a bit of trouble, but mostly in the range of making me mad. Which, ironically, was what I was aiming for when I was sending his attacks back to him. I've seen his type before after all, they hate being hoisted on their own petard."
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure

Re: Visiting the Neighbors - Kanako in the Netherworld
« Reply #358 on: February 09, 2013, 01:50:25 AM »
>"Somewhat. It is, in effect, using one's own magical energy, as well as that of the surrounding area to cause different effects, such as pattern-based attacks. One of the things that Danmaku is well-known for outside of being nonlethal, is the beauty of the patterns. One of my best 'Spellcards' in fact, is quite the sight to behold. And as a bonus, even a human with little magical ability has a chance to best even one of my power. Quite fascinating really, in this world's terminology, it is the equivalent of someone at Level 5, defeating someone at Level 500. My own being in the range of 900. Which also explains how I was able to essentially 'manhandle' Pyremaw. Though I do admit he gave a bit of trouble, but mostly in the range of making me mad. Which, ironically, was what I was aiming for when I was sending his attacks back to him. I've seen his type before after all, they hate being hoisted on their own petard."

>"I'd sort of wondered why you were doing that, actually." Cassiopea replies. "I've seen a lot of people fight a lot of dragons, but nobody I know ever tried that. I mean, you did know that dragons are immune to their own elements, right?"
>Alexandros, however, obviously is wondering something else, as he asks you, "Is it possible to learn this power?"


  • Mathematics.
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Re: Visiting the Neighbors - Kanako in the Netherworld
« Reply #359 on: February 09, 2013, 06:11:21 AM »
>"I had no experience with dragons up to fifteen minutes ago. So... no."
>"I'm not even sure if the elements in my realm are the same as here - fire, water, earth, metal, wood, sun and moon are the ones I know, and even then few people actually make use of them."
>To Alexandros: "I had to learn it once I got properly acquainted with Gensokyo, and I believe most beings with a semblance of magic are capable of it. I'm not sure if the same is true here, of course."
>How did we pick up danmaku and how hard was it to get to our current level?