Author Topic: [Illustration] EP Poses Ragdolls For Utility (16 NOV)  (Read 8849 times)


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[Illustration] EP Poses Ragdolls For Utility (16 NOV)
« on: September 26, 2012, 11:05:48 PM »
Less idling and mere commentary, more actions! After all, feedback is probably the best way to learn if I'm into illustration and composition (latter will come another time).

Most of the drawings are traditional paper-pencil-pen medium, along with pencil crayons coloured pencils for the colouring work if I feel like extending it further. I didn't carry my scanner and don't really like having to go to the uni library to scan, so for the time being most of these will be camera pics with some post-processing.
Stylistically...I've heard Western onlookers say my work is anime-style, while mainland Koreans told me it's occidental. So...mixed? :V

Also uploading these to Pixiv, but for now they use my Photobucket. The pics are linked below instead of direct attachment, and grouped chronologically. (alas I have only one of my sketchbooks with me so no big backlog to upload here...yet)

Feel free to post suggestions, comments, ideas, etc. below. Requests...I don't really take them outside of certain cases.

First batch of pics (upload 26 Sep 2012:)

Summer 2011:
Satori with incorrect colours. Way to rely on mental memory rather than referring to images? :V (plus camera flash ruining parts welp)
Sol Badguy. Poor showing indeed.
Rinnosuke. I only noticed today that his glasses were misaligned.
Okuu, Yuka, and...uh....
Mannosuke 3D! This crapfully drawn pic was originally for Kanjou's radio ad contest, but never got used.

Autumn/Winter 2011 (this time really sucked, so few drawings):
I never finished this Yukari. :<
No idea why I drew him. All I can say is that I was probably listening to this while it happened, due to the resemblance.
Have another Yuka!

Spring 2012:
Have a Tenshi!
Scary cereal mascot?
DoDonPatchy - a silly Touhou-Cave crossover. Meant for the Vs. Saxton Hale mod, later Freak Fortress 2. Haven't started on her though.

Summer 2012:
A quickly drawn Koishi, part of a set of Freak Fortress 2 boss sketches.
Self-explanatory sketch of a quick Ran head.
Momi-momi-もみ-모미 Momiji-bo-n~!

Autumn 2012:
Taking cues from Maullar, for some form of pose practice ~

Sanaes. I blame Merp for this.
Yukari in another Touhou-Cave crossover. (reference) (official spinoff of reference)
The results of free-drawing.
Over the course of a day....
A third Jojo-style face contour.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2012, 12:31:48 AM by Max⁇ Hyperkinetic Lagomorph »
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Re: [Illustration] EP Draws for the Benefit of Progression
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2012, 11:16:07 PM »
Didn't know you were the type of guy who made drawings.

God, loved that Sanae, want some more :V
Liked the Yuuka as well.

And, Saxton Hale? Didn't you mean:
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Re: [Illustration] EP Draws for the Benefit of Progression
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2012, 12:33:31 AM »
About time. :I


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Re: [Illustration] EP Draws for the Benefit of Progression
« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2012, 01:17:11 AM »
About time. :I
I know, should've done this a long time ago. :\
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Re: [Illustration] EP Draws for the Benefit of Progression
« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2012, 01:41:01 AM »
Assemblage of egregious drama queens

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Re: [Illustration] EP Decides That Sleeping Is For Transient People (10 OCT)
« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2012, 05:58:27 AM »
Lots of code and proofs to write makes me have enough logical thinking for a while, and drawing is a good counter-action. Either way, a good snooze schedule gets demoted, so instead of one rest it's several naps. Uni life! :V

I'll try to update every fortnight as well. Will be using thumbnails in smaller batch submissions such as this one.

Everyone's favourite dog-"hyperkinetic rabbity thing" crime-stopping duo! A bit off in several parts (Sam should be barefoot, Max is both out-of-scale and has incorrect ears, etc.) but this is the first time drawing them where I'm at least content with the result.

Miko Story what? Somehow I can already tie many of the characters from each series to the other....XD

Miko Story idea continuation, with Reimu as Woody. No idea how this came around, but I got a good laugh out of it at least! :V

For Tenshi Day; didn't like it that much so I didn't finish it.

Another strange idea (not too well-drawn either - was attempting Jojo-style Ichirin), but I would love to see Unzan screaming "ORAORAORAORA~" with lots of fists in TH13.5! :getdown:
plus bizarrely spelling bizarre incorrectly, how strange

The result of sleep deprivation for the past few days combined with too much caffeine consumed to stay awake yesterday (due to midterm). Plus charcoal pencil play and classic Dr. Robotnik / Eggman to the side.

Drawn prior to a university anime club meeting yesterday evening. Got a few good comments on it as well as my other pictures (showed a few group members my sketchbook over dinner earlier).

EDIT: Moved a few around for chronology reasons
« Last Edit: October 10, 2012, 06:58:19 AM by ✚まどか Quick-Fix Medic »
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Re: [Illustration] EP Decides That Sleeping Is For Transient People (10 OCT)
« Reply #6 on: October 15, 2012, 01:51:29 PM »
In my place you will be The Guy who's basically worshiped as the official unofficial God of Art. Great job.

Sometimes it just baffles me how do you actually transfer the image from your head to a piece of paper. I absolutely adore these works, simple, clean, and definitely amateur-friendly for the likes of me, mind if I borrow your style for practice? :V
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Re: [Illustration] EP Decides That Sleeping Is For Transient People (10 OCT)
« Reply #7 on: October 15, 2012, 05:37:40 PM »
When drawing I usually have a gist of how the final image will turn out, but often the result will not be the same. So instead I focus on the general idea and sometimes draw based on current mood. One can always refine the details another time.

Feel free to use my stuff for practice.

Considering doing a few digital works as well as (maybe) livestreaming for on-the-spot feedback. Alas the Windows programs I have (Paint.NET, GIMP, Inkscape, PSE8 - SAI refuses installation) don't cut the dice in various areas. Pixelmator does work but that involves a reboot to Mac OS on desktop, and (being a Hackintosh install) it isn't exactly known for stability or full compatibility....
« Last Edit: October 15, 2012, 05:58:21 PM by ✚まどか Quick-Fix Medic »
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  • Red shroom
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Re: [Illustration] EP Interrogates the Steamed Pork Buns (24 OCT)
« Reply #8 on: October 24, 2012, 07:26:02 AM »
Yep, it's update time. Even at this hour and with nonsensical names. :V

Wasn't in the best conditions at the time, so I thought a TV test card was needed to get back on track. :V Also some body practice and creeper.

I think it's supposed to be a defeated Kogasa mugshot with some Jojo influence, but I'm not sure. Whatever it is, it was good for practicing with multiple pen types (rather than the usual 0.5/0.7mm I use).

Like any traditional artist-in-training, I'll contour things at times. In this case, it was based off this advertisement (on an off-note, 9 views on YT isn't something to commend :V) I saw at the state fair last week.

A good Max but at the cost of egregious use of white-out. Gah, that stuff is a pain - mostly since my drawing pens smudge easily on it - but it is better than nothing at least, bar digital editing.

One of TF2's most notorious hats, mostly among traders.

Way to be on a Max-drawing spree that day! :V Pretty sure I misspelled some of the Korean and was a bit off on the Japanese part too, but whatever.

Modern soldier Reimu (well, that was in mind anyway) go!

What was going to be a contour of the TF2 Scout using a Gmod screenshot turned to a full drawing with Jojo influence once again. Also noted some perspective issues on the shoulder but I blame my source pic for sucking.

She must be too lazy to gap one of the walls for a better viewing angle. :V (screens were above and slightly in front of the chalkboards)
« Last Edit: October 24, 2012, 03:12:56 PM by Max⁇ Hyperkinetic Lagomorph »
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  • Red shroom
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Re: [Illustration] EP Poses Ragdolls For Utility (16 NOV)
« Reply #9 on: November 17, 2012, 12:31:36 AM »
Should've updated sooner. Whoops. :V

Merasmus! Contour from this comic.

TF2 contour again, this time from here.

"Reader, if you thought the first two Jojo-esque pictures contained too much bare-knuckled excitement, then get ready to have your EYES BREAK FROM ROADROLLERS, and your COMIC-HOLDING HANDS, GO INTO ORAORAORAORA MODE, when you get a look at the rest of this action-packed ish, STARRING ME!"
..ahem, had to say this. :V

Spy. 'Nuff said.

POO TIS POW! *Skyrim theme continues*
...I haven't played Skyrim in a while at that....

More risqu? body posing. Considering the lower legs (not pictured) were pretty bad I think this one didn't work out so well.

Reimu, 'nuff said.

Drawn at a group dinner. Yeah, Yuyuko's right hand could use some improvement.

*hands spycrab*
"NO! I don't want that!"
(reference - and the TF2 version where Yuyuko's quote is from)

Gmod-based drawing practice, yay!

Attempted this face pose and added a Jojo flair. Didn't quite work out.

Based off this pose. No idea how this came to be.
Also played with alternate overall tones for Youmu but messed up.

Pen outline of zombie Sniper, with the background layer removed and simplified to just black lines. Will be colouring this one digitally.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2012, 12:35:13 AM by Max⁇ Hyperkinetic Lagomorph »
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