I would never translate conversations. Rinnosuke and Keine would end up speaking the same thing.
Actors_Locations_Menus_Misc > Actor > Enemy_common.csv seems interesting. I'll try translating this.
By the way, where are the texts for the special abilities of weapons and the such?
Transform Gap and Warehouse Gap has subtle 'go-off-the-screen' error.
Synthesis Gap has more problems than that.
Eye Drops has subtle errors.
'White Wolf Sword +10' overlaps with the price in the Shops. Might need a shorter name or something.
Could you change 'Kourin' to 'Rinnosuke' in the ADV parts?
For example I'm not really sure what the point of 'P' items are since you can still shoot amulets when it's at 1 or 0 or whatever the minimum was...and they don't seem any more powerful when I collect em =\. But if not I'll just try and figure it out.
Danmaku does become stronger when you collect 100 of them. Blue < Yellow < Red.
Even if Reimu has no P, she still can shoot danmaku at cost of 1 HP, and damage is roughly halved.
At least in Motto!? it was.
About Reimu's attack power.
Damage increases with money, capped at 10000 yen.
Damage decreases as Reimu becomes hungry.
When Reimu is starving, she gets a boost in attack power instead.
Boost in attack when she is surrounded or when the HUD is flashing red(25% HP).
'Fantasy Seal' has errors.
Compress, Bait, Curse Return, Knockback, Change (ofudas) has descr. errors, too.