>"What, breaking onto someone else's ship and stealing whatever you want doesn't make your victim suffer?"
>"Want to avoid making people suffer? Here's a tip: Take up knitting."
>The bird snickers, and so does the shorter tengu. "
You try knitting and tell me it isn't suffering," the former quips.
>"The relic is no more Murasa's property than it is your own," Ren says. "And when we take it regardless, what will any of your struggles have done but brought you injury?"
>"What the hell are you even talking about?" Chisato says. "What 'relic'?"
>Ren turns and regards her a moment. Chisato bristles under her gaze, and for a moment you honestly wonder if she's considering emulating Ishi.
>"If you aren't aware of it," Ren continues wearily, "I suppose it's immaterial. It
is here, and we
will be leaving with it."
>"Let's get them moved and get on with this," the bird says, taking hold of Miyuki. The taller tengu takes Chisto, and they head off across the deck.
>"I'd like to see your face after the captain beats it bloody," the redhead spits. "Haven't got her yet, have you, you fuckin' crows." Her transport is surprisingly stoic in the face of her captive's tongue.
>Ren moves to follow them, still holding Ishi at arm's length. You feel the other tengu grab you bodily and haul you after them.