Author Topic: A good way to bring all PC-98 characters back at once: Coliseum Mode  (Read 15380 times)

Re: A good way to bring all PC-98 characters back at once: Coliseum Mode
« Reply #30 on: January 28, 2012, 05:40:52 AM »
Here's the email about it:
Do a search for Yuki. It doesn't say that they are retconned, it just says try to ignore the events of PC-98.

As for Yuuka, all we know is she knows Reimu prior to Embodiment of the Scarlet Devil, but we can't really make any other judgements
as how they knew each other. You can assume they met under similar circumstances, but that may not be so. Its the same case with Alice.
Alice most likely knew Reimu prior to EoSD


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Re: A good way to bring all PC-98 characters back at once: Coliseum Mode
« Reply #31 on: January 28, 2012, 07:02:25 AM »
He doesn't say ignore the events of the PC-98 games, but says to pay "it" no mind when referring to a question about the intricacies  of the older games.  Whether he is referring the story, the characters, or the logistics of the games in question is up to interpretation. 
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Re: A good way to bring all PC-98 characters back at once: Coliseum Mode
« Reply #32 on: January 28, 2012, 08:45:50 AM »
iK: Er, he says to disregard as much as you can about his older works (with Amusement Makers, i.e. PC98), just as you would disregard fanmade games as canon. It's pretty well not up to interpretation. I'm not sure why you guys need to try to find some sort of validation in the PC98 series as if a little glimmer of loophole in rhetoric means it's totally ok to regard everything as canonical and equivalent to the Windows games in story, characters, etc. Just as well, you shouldn't need to explicitly look for a reason to support the PC98 series. It looks like that's what's being done and it's just silly. You don't need proof to ratify your views about the series to anyone, as long as you aren't trying to rationalize and utilize those views as argument.

Starsword: It's similar on your side. You don't need to use overdrawn logic like "well it wasn't explicitly stated anywhere so we can't make assumptions on it". While technically true, it doesn't really help along the discussion, it's just trying to pound the opposition's views back. Furthermore, even if the PC98 series shouldn't be used as precedent or canon, the evidence, however small, does favor Alice and Yuuka "being the same person" as they were back then more than it favors any alternative. Doesn't prove anything, but you don't need to try to drown those kinds of assumptions. Of course, game2011 using the word "proof" didn't help, but eh.

Hao: one thing I noticed was the "this time," thing, which is pretty much invalidated by the meaning of the japanese term, which is different than your proposed connotation. Pretty insignificant and otherwise I agree with what you say, but again, eh.

I mean I like Yuuka as much as the next person but it is kind of annoying not to see any love for anyone else, especially when I like the cast so much.
I dunno, that'd be the ONLY reason why I'd even bother seriously playing a Windows Touhou game period. You know, wanting to see them again is EXACTLY the rationale for my support for any sort of PC-98 revival, regardless of what it's bundled with, because I can deal with shitty stuff I don't like in games if I feel the good stuff outweighs it. So I'm not really sure how this point is relevant at all if you bothered reading my post.
I do agree wholeheartedly, I would like some of the more prominent old characters to return as well. The thread subject kind of rolls on the assumption that there is a demand for the characters to begin with though, so I didn't bother taking people's desire to bring them back as a strong argument or even a point of discussion. The only huge anomaly I see is Yuuka, and I do agree that it is inconsistent and arguably unfair, but yeah. I'm not saying that people wouldn't want some characters back, that's just silly.

I don?t agree with your point [...], so I consider your argument to be invalid.

I'm sorry for brushing off the walls of text, but you simply did not understand anything I said in all three of my posts, where I'm pretty sure I've made my thoughts perfectly clear (although with trance's posts i'm starting to doubt that). In any case, if you had to admit that you don't get what I'm talking about, why did you bother arguing against everything I said in the first place? It honestly feels like you're arguing past me, at some invisible target, and you're just arguing against absolutely everything I said simply because I don't agree with the thread's concept. If I didn't know better I would just call this out as a massive strawman wallpost. Giving people no quarter just because they disagree generally leads to faulty arguments, and just plain isn't very nice.
- I am not arguing that nobody wants PC98 characters back, the whole thread is based on the fact that people want the characters back so of course people want them back.
- I am not arguing that inane characters in Windows are less inane than ones in PC98 (although you seem to be arguing the converse which is just as wrong)
- Neither am I arguing that characters in Windows are more "fleshed-out" in terms of how you're defining it, because you're confuddling "fleshed-out" with "has some not-completely-insignificant character attributes".

I could swear if Alice was never brought back by Zun, everyone would say ?No, she will never come back, she has no relevance to gensokyo, blah blah blah? And nowadays she is one of the most popular among touhou cast. So, I disagree with you. The older characters should not be looked down upon, because it was still Zun?s works, even though it was his first works.
I actually thought I pointed out why Alice isn't as big of a discrepancy as Yuuka is, but I guess not. First of all, you're completely right in the first phrase. If Alice was never brought back, we would give her just as much significance and Yuki and Mai, i.e. none. The thing with Alice is that she is completely and utterly different from her PC98 self. If you look through absolutely everything about Alice, besides the little theories about her wanting to create life as Shinki did, she and PC98 Alice are nothing alike. Nothing about Shinki, nothing about Makai, nothing about any characterization made in PC98 or any references to her having anything in common with her younger self. She has a/the grimoire, dolls, the vague reference to having met before, and the not-wanting-to-lose-at-full-power gig, none of which are core to her being PC98 Alice; just core to keeping her image. If the concept of the character was interesting, then sure he could just recycle it, just as he probably would again if he brought back some other vanished character. She is a completely and utterly new character, thrown in the body (well, not even) of Alice. Don't get me wrong, she's quite obviously the same character. She just is not the same character. Reimu is the same. Marisa is the same. Yuuka is more or less the same, which is why I can't poof her away. Alice is now a magician youkai,  has a solid characterization (notably different from PC98 Alice), has hobbies of collecting books and dollmaking, and is noted to be similar to Marisa and is often bickering with her. She now has a house and all of these hints at previously existing in Gensokyo and is randomly not a loli anymore. While she is obviously the same "Alice" from PC98, she might as well be just as new of a character as Letty.

This is all still related to my central points above, and is most definitely related to ZUN "resetting" the series. EoSD marks his disassociation with Amusement Makers, and it marks when he took the whole series on himself and resolved to do things "properly".

Back in the NES times [etc]
Has very little to do with what we're talking about. Even besides the odd simile though:
1. you're using standards from some games as standards for another, which is faulty;
2. what you personally think doesn't describe a trend nor does it make your statement any truer
3. you're tossing out all literary significance put into games just because some games were still good without much of it, which is not only faulty, it's insolent. I agree more or less with the content and sentiment, but your argument isn't helped.

But if you insist, then I could make some alterations,
I didn't insist. I was saying that no matter the silly excuses you could think of for characters to fight, they don't help towards what I'm talking about. Can you please go attempt to understand what I am saying, because I really don't want to have to write my thoughts out again in different words just because you won't stop arguing against it despite not knowing what you're arguing.

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Re: A good way to bring all PC-98 characters back at once: Coliseum Mode
« Reply #33 on: January 28, 2012, 10:02:28 AM »
I never saw that link on the other thread until your post. It looks like PC-98 is retconned.
My belief before reading that was just to ignore PC-98 events and assume the characters are still around, but have no effect in the story.
With this new information, yeah, it is very clear to me.

"well it wasn't explicitly stated anywhere so we can't make assumptions on it"
I am on the belief that PC-98 events should be ignored, but I was trying to not take sides, so I wrote neutrally with the information I know of.

Re: A good way to bring all PC-98 characters back at once: Coliseum Mode
« Reply #34 on: January 28, 2012, 10:18:40 AM »
Hao: one thing I noticed was the "this time," thing, which is pretty much invalidated by the meaning of the japanese term, which is different than your proposed connotation. Pretty insignificant and otherwise I agree with what you say, but again, eh.

...Oh yeah, I completely forgot about the translation issue. I have but the barest knowledge of the language, so if you reckon the original is pretty unambiguous I'll defer to you on that.

I was trying to not take sides, so I wrote neutrally with the information I know of.

A good policy, always nice to see. Makes me imagine someone standing in the middle of a warfield tossing ammunition to both sides, though.

Re: A good way to bring all PC-98 characters back at once: Coliseum Mode
« Reply #35 on: January 28, 2012, 02:31:52 PM »
Just one thing on the email: The line "二次創作では出来るだけ無視しちゃってください" could be translated as "In the later creation, please ignore it." (Unless my moonspeak has become faulty ;^_^), in other words, I think he's saying that it isn't relevant to the windows series, but that does not mean it's been retconned altogether.

Anyway, I'd prefer to see either the original games getting remade or some more of the characters getting integrated with the windows cast, rather than have them all just randomly show up from nowhere.

Re: A good way to bring all PC-98 characters back at once: Coliseum Mode
« Reply #36 on: January 29, 2012, 02:05:23 AM »
It is not that email that has concrete evidence, it is the other one that Drake posted that changed my stance. I will post it here too.


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Re: A good way to bring all PC-98 characters back at once: Coliseum Mode
« Reply #37 on: January 29, 2012, 07:54:27 AM »
Just one thing on the email: The line "二次創作では出来るだけ無視しちゃってください" could be translated as "In the later creation, please ignore it." (Unless my moonspeak has become faulty ;^_^), in other words, I think he's saying that it isn't relevant to the windows series, but that does not mean it's been retconned altogether.

The full part of the e-mail which has that line, regarding a question asked "Are Yuki and Mai really dead?"

Which means:
They're basically "whatever"-kinds of characters, so they may not be dead. I really have no comment regarding old works. Please ignore it the same way you could ignore fanworks.

EDIT: goddamnit Drake already made this clear come on guys.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2012, 08:26:46 AM by clarissa.noire »

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Re: A good way to bring all PC-98 characters back at once: Coliseum Mode
« Reply #38 on: January 29, 2012, 08:30:02 AM »
I see it more as the first five games are canon and still exist in the same timeline as the Windows games, but they're no longer relevant, so there's no loss even if they are retconned.

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Re: A good way to bring all PC-98 characters back at once: Coliseum Mode
« Reply #39 on: January 29, 2012, 12:26:52 PM »
I personally like to imagine the PC-98 games as an alternate universe version of the Windows games, though having the PC-98 games and the Windows games in the same continuity does tend to be somewhat convenient.

On the subject of coliseum mode, it would be a nice addition to a fangame, but this probably won't appear in any of ZUN's games.
Some of Master's sayings:
Nothing happened, but that's still an extra.
Yesterday was not special; tomorrow will be.
Strange and romantic is the fate.


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Re: A good way to bring all PC-98 characters back at once: Coliseum Mode
« Reply #40 on: January 29, 2012, 05:17:35 PM »
I'd just like to point out one thing (and hoping that it hasn't been covered already). Unless I missed something, when ZUN said to ignore PC-98 like you would a derivative work, that was back in 2003. As in, that was nearly nine years ago. While I'm not saying he's had a complete change of heart, things like the background of UFO stage 6 give me the impression that he hasn't completely disowned them. When was the last time he ever said anything about PC-98, out of curiosity?
nintendonut888: Hey Baity. I beat the high score for Sanae B hard on the score.dat you sent me. X3
Baity: For a moment, I thought you broke 1.1billion. Upon looking at my score.dat, I can assume that you destroyed the score that is my failed (first!) 1cc attempt on my first day of playing. Congratulations.

[19:42] <Sapz> I think that's the only time I've ever seen a suicide bullet shoot its own suicide bullet

Re: A good way to bring all PC-98 characters back at once: Coliseum Mode
« Reply #41 on: January 29, 2012, 10:43:56 PM »
I will re-post this, as that was the first time I have seen it. It seems like it is dated 2003, but I am unsure.

Re: A good way to bring all PC-98 characters back at once: Coliseum Mode
« Reply #42 on: January 30, 2012, 01:20:48 AM »
interesting new information for me, that would help explain the low rank for PC-98 characters in popularity contests (fewer people knowing about them, fewer people making fanworks with them, plus the already known problem of scarcer canon information about them).

with ZUN's statements, one can imagine that he may recreate/reintroduce characters when he feels it's the appropriate time for it. Byakuren being introduced (for example) doesn't mean that Shinki became unrecoverable, just mean that she's no longer canon until further notice (for example, being mentioned in a future official written work). Personally I think that, while ZUN would like the freedom to create new things, he would try to avoid conflicting his old works/retconning whenever possible.

Another consequence of this approach, though, is that fanworks are still being made for PC-98, and this (the invalidity of PC-98 as canon evidence) makes it more difficult for the artists to attempt to tie the two "series" (PC-98 and Windows) together without *risking* their PC-98 get canonically retconned/recreated as a Windows version. Maybe if doujin game developers can overlook this risk, though, they (the two "series" and/or even Seihou) could still interact with each other.
neku: now for something important.
How much time do you guys think it will take for HM to be translated? Besides everyone's story modes and the whole menus, there's also the fact that the way HM's programmed is different from all other games. I bet it'll take two months.

lusvik: I don't mind about playing HM in japanese. The language of punching other people is international.


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Re: A good way to bring all PC-98 characters back at once: Coliseum Mode
« Reply #43 on: January 30, 2012, 03:03:44 AM »
with ZUN's statements, one can imagine that he may recreate/reintroduce characters when he feels it's the appropriate time for it. Byakuren being introduced (for example) doesn't mean that Shinki became unrecoverable, just mean that she's no longer canon until further notice (for example, being mentioned in a future official written work).

Umm, not to be anal about this, but that was Shinki's castle in the background of Byakuren's fight. Hell, that would give a valid reason for why Byakuren knows Shinki's attack.

Personally, I'm of the belief that there's nothing really separating PC-98 and Windows characters other than the console. There's never really been an opportunity to see any of the old characters. For HRtP, hell has never been revisited. The humans in SoEW could very well be living in the human village, where the games have never explored (mostly). Mugenkan was seemingly abandoned by Yuka (maybe), and it took place in an area of Gensokyo that has gone mostly unexplored otherwise (come to think of it, I think Marisa recently made a reference to the lake of blood). And Makai, well, it was canonically said in one of Reimu's endings that the area of Makai explored was a highly rural area, as opposed to the urban metropolis MS took place in. So, the characters never went anywhere. Just because they're not in the eyes of the main characters doesn't mean they stop existing.

And honestly, even if ZUN says and still believes that they no longer exist in canon? When the hell has that ever stopped this fandom?
nintendonut888: Hey Baity. I beat the high score for Sanae B hard on the score.dat you sent me. X3
Baity: For a moment, I thought you broke 1.1billion. Upon looking at my score.dat, I can assume that you destroyed the score that is my failed (first!) 1cc attempt on my first day of playing. Congratulations.

[19:42] <Sapz> I think that's the only time I've ever seen a suicide bullet shoot its own suicide bullet


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Re: A good way to bring all PC-98 characters back at once: Coliseum Mode
« Reply #44 on: January 30, 2012, 03:42:11 AM »
I'm of the belief that ZUN just doesn't give a shit. If he were interested in bringing back some of the PC-98 characters at all, he would have done so at some point - case in point: Kazami Yuuka. Yuuka's inexplicable return made me question why none of the other cool and interesting PC-98 characters have been brought back - Shinki, Sariel, Meira, Yuki & Mai, etc. Indeed, they did not ever stop existing - they were just forgotten. There's a key difference here. I actually don't know how the discussion even went this deep down the rabbit hole. Oh, btw, re: Stg6 UFO - people were actually talking about that elsewhere, and making some theories and speculations about it but in the end nothing really materialized. To me that seemed more like a throwback than any sort of intent to make anything out of it. Obviously that saddens me as a PC-98 Touhou idiot purist, but really.

Another consequence of this approach, though, is that fanworks are still being made for PC-98, and this (the invalidity of PC-98 as canon evidence) makes it more difficult for the artists to attempt to tie the two "series" (PC-98 and Windows) together without *risking* their PC-98 get canonically retconned/recreated as a Windows version. Maybe if doujin game developers can overlook this risk, though, they (the two "series" and/or even Seihou) could still interact with each other.

Can you honestly say that the people who make these derivative works really give a damn? If they did, Tsundere Alice wouldn't still be ragingly popular.

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Re: A good way to bring all PC-98 characters back at once: Coliseum Mode
« Reply #45 on: January 30, 2012, 04:07:42 AM »
Personally, I'm of the belief that there's nothing really separating PC-98 and Windows characters other than the console. There's never really been an opportunity to see any of the old characters.
Yeah, I don't think the lack of reappearence makes them less real. How many Windows characters have returned after their first appearence? Hardly any really, excluding the photography games, which have no real plot or dialogue anyway. It's not really that common for characters to return in general, so it's not much different for the PC-98 crew. The only real oddity I see myself is that Mima didn't carry over when she really seemed like a staple character back then. The same could be said for Sakuya though, so it's not that weird really, and Mima still had more appearences than most of the Windows characters do now anyway. I wouldn't say he forgot about them; he treats them more or less like he does the rest of the non-major characters.


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Re: A good way to bring all PC-98 characters back at once: Coliseum Mode
« Reply #46 on: January 30, 2012, 04:22:11 AM »
interesting new information for me, that would help explain the low rank for PC-98 characters in popularity contests (fewer people knowing about them, fewer people making fanworks with them, plus the already known problem of scarcer canon information about them).

Ehh, I'd say these things have more to do with the popularity of the games to begin with. As I've stated, some of the PC-98 games sold like, 280 copies max. In addition to this, the Japanese community has a lot less lax view on  emulating the games and downloading copies of them in the first place. I would not be surprised at all if the PC-98 games and characters are actually more popular in the Western community, since on the whole, our view on emulating the games is the same as our view on open source and freeware.
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Re: A good way to bring all PC-98 characters back at once: Coliseum Mode
« Reply #47 on: January 30, 2012, 10:20:05 AM »
Yeah, that information was news to me too, but I don't really think the people making fan works would care about it being purely canon.
There is nothing wrong with adding PC-98 characters, since they are flexible and you can imagine them any way you want, because of
the very few information about them. But if you want to make a fan work following canon, yeah that would raise questions.

I think it is more with the continuity issues. Eiki rules all of hell, so how do you resolve that conflict? How should Sariel or anyone in the
Hell route interact with Eiki? Shinki is in Makai, so that is fine, since that is a separate area and is part of Makai (Hokkai) where Byakuren
was sealed in. In a world building stand point, it is just easier to make a fresh start and not have to worry about continuity issues that
may present itself when introducing characters with previous backgrounds. A continuity reset, so to speak, because the prior games
made it difficult to world build.