Author Topic: On The Boundary ~ Illusionary Festival for the Dawn  (Read 88770 times)

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: On The Boundary ~ Illusionary Festival for the Dawn
« Reply #390 on: December 12, 2012, 03:58:24 PM »
'So, they've headed to Teach's place already, huh? Guess I'll follow suit. They were talking about that Danmaku stuff too. Danmaku's connected to Spellcards so...Danmaku=Spellcards=Magic=Magician=Me! If I follow them, I'll be able to do what I plan to!'
So after polishing off the last of the shrimp bun he was eating, of which he still had a backup that he'd save for when he needed it later, and chose to follow along.

-Boys are Taking a Shortcut Now, Please Wait Warmly.-

Thanks to the shortcuts he knew from his time as a student, it wasn't a problem to reach the schoolgrounds at all. In fact, he was quite proud of his intimate knowledge of the Village's layout. If anyone knew the place better than him, it'd probably be Teach. Or the Village Elders. Hell, maybe even his old man, but who knows where he got to.
After all, when he wasn't in school, he was usually on the run somewhere in the village, hiding out from the fallout of his latest escapades.
"Now...what to do next...Seems recess is in session, and those three are probably already in there by now." 'It'd be rude to just barge in, but since when did I ever case about that? ...Eh, I'll just linger around for a while, reminisce about my school years....Wonder if that hidden spot I made is still here..? Well, I guess I'll find out sooner or later. Maybe some other kid found it and started using it.'

OOC: It's nothing much, just the sort of thing you'd expect a kid to make. A little nook to secret away toys and the like in.
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure

Re: On The Boundary ~ Illusionary Festival for the Dawn
« Reply #391 on: December 20, 2012, 01:55:03 PM »
A small frown creased the school teacher?s face as Laresa spoke.
?Umm?I?m kinda of busy right now?? Keine began as she glanced towards the doors leading out of the school house and into the classroom. ?I?m only at my desk right now because the students are having their lunch break, which will be over soon.?
The historian rose from her seat and turned towards the group, arms folded.
?I?m sorry, but I don?t have enough time to give you three a brief lesson in danmaku.? Her eyes reflected a sympathetic light as she gazed at them. ?Perhaps it would be best for you to find someone else to teach you danmaku.?
As Tetsumaru spoke up, Keine turned towards the boy, flashing him a faint smile. ?Yes it has?how have you been? Your father isn?t overworking you is he??

Re: On The Boundary ~ Illusionary Festival for the Dawn
« Reply #392 on: December 20, 2012, 02:27:14 PM »
This did not surprise Kohaku all that much, she knew that Keine was a busy woman. On the hand, she was at least a little surprised, considering that, if the fate of Gensokyo is apparently at stake, the Daidouji heir would have thought she could spare a bit. But then, she knew how passionate Keine was about education. Kohaku could have gotten annoyed at it, but that would have been pointless.
"Would you have any references, then, sensei? If I'm supposed to confront youkai, then I want to do it in a way that doesn't force me to kill any of them."

Re: On The Boundary ~ Illusionary Festival for the Dawn
« Reply #393 on: December 24, 2012, 05:26:31 PM »
The midday sun hung in the sky, emanating a gentle warmth. The air was cool and refreshing, with little wind. Up in the sky, a few clouds had begun to form, as if warning of a coming rainstorm. Other than the insinuation of a coming rain, the afternoon had turned out to be rather peaceful.


The girl let out an exhausted sigh as she trudged on through the village streets. Her long lavender hair flowed behind her. Her attire was professional in appearance, and on her back she lugged a large square pack. Atop her head were a pair of long, crooked rabbit ears. She kept her gaze down, trying to avoid eye contact. Lost in thought, the girl kept on walking.


Takuma stood outside the schoolhouse, reminiscing over fond childhood memories, waiting for the right time to enter. He grinned slightly as he mused to himself, not paying any mind to the world around him.
Takuma was brought back to the present by the sudden collision. He turned around to see a young woman. Her lavender hair reached to her knees. A second later, he noticed the bunny ears on her head, which were unlike any rabbit ears he had seen before. As he shifted his gaze towards her face, the girl swiftly averted her eyes. Perhaps she was shy? Taking a step back, the girl spoke up.
?Um?Sorry. I wasn?t paying attention to where I was going.?


Keine raised a hand to her mouth and thought. ?Hmm?references?? the schoolteacher?s brow furrowed for a moment. The half-beast?s gaze drifted to the violet haired youkai exterminator. After about a minute, Keine returned her gaze to Kohaku.
?Well, there is someone who could probably teach you the basics and give you a good demonstration.? The schoolteacher paused, lowering her arms and glancing back towards the classroom?s entrance briefly. ?She?s quite understanding of humans, and she?s not known for hostility?? Keine glanced at Laresa and Tetsumaru for a moment, then continued. ?A woman by the name of Alice Margatroid. She?s a magician that lives in the Forest of Magic, but she often comes to the village to display her skill.? Keine gave Kohaku a faint smile. ?You can probably find her near the village center or the marketplace if she?s in town today.? Keine turned to her desk and retrieved a small piece of paper. Taking hold of her pen, she jotted something down on slip, then held it out to the group. ?She has short blonde hair, wears a blue dress, and is always accompanied by one or two dolls. I?ve written it down just to be safe.? The historian said, giving the group a small, supportive smile.

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: On The Boundary ~ Illusionary Festival for the Dawn
« Reply #394 on: December 24, 2012, 05:54:50 PM »
Whoa, that was a surprise. The impact jolted him out of his little reverie just enough for him to register her and her statement.
"Oh, uh, I wasn't really paying attention myself I guess. Fond memories of school and all that." He commented in an absent-minded seeming way.
After a few seconds, he shook his head to clear the cobwebs out. "Got business with Teach?" he questioned while gesturing towards the schoolhouse with his thumb. "Pretty sure she's already busy with someone else." 'Nice ears. Never seen ones like that before. All crooked and such. Wonder how she gets 'em like that without hurting herself?'
It was then that he took note of the clouds forming, and quickly fished around in a pouch at his hip to produce a small tile. That tile had an odd symbol on it. Ur, a Rune that could mean Auroch, or Rain. This particular tile was the Rain version. A faint glow from the tile confirmed much of his suspicions before he slipped it back into the pouch. That there was likely rain on the way. "Better mind the weather, s'probably gonna rain later y'know. Personally, I can't stand gettin' caught in the stuff myself. Y'wouldn't believe how much effort it takes to get all my clothes dry after a good rain."
It was idle chatter, but it was the best he could think to say. "Oh, name's Takuma. Freelance Odd-Jobs Guy, and Magician-In-Training. You got a job that needs doin' around here, I'm usually the guy to ask. Don't charge much either. I also do Rune Divinations if people ask. Don't get much call for that though."

OOC: It's not much, just a little cantrip to make it easier for him to guess if there'll be rain or not. That's what most of his single-tile spells do. Little, mundane-utility things like this.
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure


  • The problem is, you're a friend that likes to talk!
  • *
  • ...well, I am too!
Re: On The Boundary ~ Illusionary Festival for the Dawn
« Reply #395 on: December 24, 2012, 07:47:34 PM »
Dolls? The mention perked Tetsumaru up a bit. His dad made parts sometimes for dolls, especially around birthdays; probably didn't make any for this particular lady, but in any case it was something he could sorta relate to. "Ah, no, not really," he responds offhandedly.

"Should we go look for her then?" he asks the other two. "Seems like our best option for now."

[23:02] <~Iced> You have sown the seeds of your own destruction Amra.
[23:20] <Stuffman> enjoy your personally crafted hell Amra

Re: On The Boundary ~ Illusionary Festival for the Dawn
« Reply #396 on: December 28, 2012, 05:41:48 PM »
The name rings a small bell in Kohaku's mind, but it takes her a moment or two to connect the dots. "The puppetmaster? I had no idea she was proficient at danmaku." Kohaku accepts the paper from Keine. "I know her, at least a little."
I just hope Laresa doesn't know she's a youkai.
"She's never made her danmaku knowledge public, though." Kohaku continues. "At least not to my knowledge. Do you think she'd be willing to teach us?"


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: On The Boundary ~ Illusionary Festival for the Dawn
« Reply #397 on: December 28, 2012, 07:05:01 PM »
The dollmaker youkai, hmm? Worth a try, I suppose. She's not dangerous; there should be no harm in simply asking her. "A good question," Laresa said. "I don't think it would hurt to ask her, though. She's hardly hostile." Wouldn't stop Vaxla, but the doll army-and her general level of power-does that well enough. "And if she declines, then, well, as I've said, I am quite capable of learning it without instruction."

Re: On The Boundary ~ Illusionary Festival for the Dawn
« Reply #398 on: December 30, 2012, 08:03:48 PM »

The bunny girl glanced over the human?s features as he spoke, her mind seemed to be in another place at the moment.
?Uh?yeah.? She muttered in response to the boy?s first question, followed by a muffled ?Oh? when he told her that Keine was busy.
When Takuma retrieved the tile from his pouch, the girl?s ears perked up. She gazed curiously at the item, observing the rune?s faint glow closely. The girl glanced up at his face, a faint trace of surprise on her own. She snapped out of her reverie when Takuma turned towards her again, immediately averting her eyes.
?Ahh?! I-I?m?My name is Reisen.? The girl stumbled over her words for a moment, making sure she spoke with common courtesy. Upon the mention of the word ?magician?, the rabbit?s ears perked up. ?Magician you say?? She mumbled as she furrowed her brow in thought for a moment. After a few seconds, her expression shifted into one that looked as if the girl had just gotten a good idea.
?Actually?? She began, pausing to figure out how to properly word her next statement. ?There is something that needs to be done? Uh, it?s not something I need done, but that my Master needs done.? The rabbit made a gesture as she spoke to emphasize the fact. ?Usually I do the errands, but I can?t do this one, so she needs someone else? someone that isn?t a youkai? to do it. Perhaps you could? I mean, if you?re interested that is? maybe you could, um, assist us?? Reisen said apprehensively, trying to petition for the young magician?s aid.


Keine smiled warmly at Kohaku?s inquiry. ?I think she?d be more than willing to at the very least give you a demonstration.?
The schoolteacher glanced towards the clock for a moment, then turned around to face the group once again.
?Now, if you could excuse me, I need to get back to work, it?s time for the next class.? The teacher gave the group one last smile and a polite bow of the head before turning and heading into the classroom.


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: On The Boundary ~ Illusionary Festival for the Dawn
« Reply #399 on: December 31, 2012, 01:34:59 AM »
We weren't here for very long, Laresa thought. The boy following us is likely still around.

Laresa'd noticed him right away. He was being careful to remain unseen, but Laresa was a professional youkai exterminator. Being able to notice such things could quite often make the difference between living and dying. One could not allow one's self to be approached unaware in her line of work. Her skill at spotting such people had saved her more than once. Not that this boy is likely a danger; no doubt he's simply curious. Kohaku was the new shrine maiden, after all; it was likely that the boy simply recognized her from last night and became curious. She would be sure to remain aware, of course, and she was quite able to do so without him or her companions knowing she was doing anything. And telling Kohaku of this wasn't necessary. Such things are my concern, not hers. She doesn't need to know about a simple curious boy. Only if it looks like something more will I need to inform her.

"Let's go, then," Laresa said.

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: On The Boundary ~ Illusionary Festival for the Dawn
« Reply #400 on: December 31, 2012, 03:52:51 PM »
He raised an eyebrow in a slightly curious way. "Oh? Someone that isn't a Youkai eh? Well, I do end up doing odd-jobs as it is. What's the job?"
He then grinned in his usually lopsided and slightly reckless way. "First time's free of charge. Gets people to be more likely to call on me when something needs doing after all."
He was somewhat puzzled by what sort of job specifically needs someone not a Youkai, but he'd learned to not quibble too much on that sort of matter. A job's a job after all.
Even if he's rowdy, somewhat violent, and quite reckless, he's got a certain work ethic he's gotta follow. And that means doin' the job he's hired to do.
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure

Re: On The Boundary ~ Illusionary Festival for the Dawn
« Reply #401 on: January 05, 2013, 07:05:52 AM »
Kohaku gave her teacher a polite bow. "Thank you for your time, sensei." she adds before she, Laresa and Tetsumaru take their leave of her, and make their way towards where Alice can, hopefully, be found.

Kohaku was, by nature, not a suspicious person, but she was a curious person, and the encounter they'd just had with Keine left her puzzled. The day before, Keine had said that Gensokyo was on the brink of collapse, despite there not being any signs of it. Kohaku believed her teacher wouldn't have said that if it wasn't true. Now, however, she was less certain of that assumption. If she really WAS supposed to protect Gensokyo, somehow, then Kohaku would need all the information, all the help, she could get. And yet Keine had not been willing to take time away from her school to do that, in this case. Which meant... Kohaku wasn't sure. Either Keine didn't believe danmaku was really important, or she had been exaggerating about Gensokyo being doomed and was only trying to get Kohaku's attention at the time. As much respect as Kohaku has for Keine, she found herself uncertain which one of these to believe.

It is an introspective Kohaku who, in the company of her new companions, arrived in the center of the village in search of one Alice Margatroid.

Re: On The Boundary ~ Illusionary Festival for the Dawn
« Reply #402 on: January 27, 2013, 06:55:50 PM »
((I apologize for the lack of a full update recently. Shit went down and life got complicated. Fast. I'd explain further but I have little time to spare right now. Here's half an update.))


A dampened thud sounds from the partition. The shrine was just as desolate as it had appeared. Nothing was nestled into the abandoned shrine other than dust and cobwebs.
Kisei muttered to herself quietly, still aware of the threat of being discovered, as she took a final glance at the room she was in. After a moment, Kisei turned towards the room?s entrance.
Just then, a frigid sensation akin to the one from last night assaulted the girl?s neck.



?We can discuss the job on the way to Eientei if that?s okay with you.? Reisen said as she glanced at the schoolhouse. The girl noticed a group of people coming out of the building. She observed them as they left, carefully examining their features closely.
A few seconds passed before Reisen snapped out of her daze. ?A-ah. Well, I need to deliver this package to the school house, so it you don?t mind, I?ll just run this over to them.? Reisen said as she gestured to the pack she was carrying. The rabbit glanced about anxiously for a moment before speaking once more. ?I?ll be back in just a moment, please don?t go anywhere?? She said, lowering her head as she finished. A second later, Reisen started towards the schoolhouse in silence, leaving the boy standing in the middle of the street alone.


((As for Sour, GYMO, and Amra; I apologize for not having an update complete for you all. I'm really sorry about this, but please be patient, an update will come soon. If you have anything to say on the matter, please post in the discussion thread.))

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: On The Boundary ~ Illusionary Festival for the Dawn
« Reply #403 on: January 27, 2013, 07:17:52 PM »
Eientei huh? Well, he hadn't really needed to go there before, but since it's part of the job, he had no reason to complain.
'Wait right here eh? What am I, some kinda kid? Well, she does seem to be a Youkai, so to her I probably am! Well, guess I'll just sit here and wait. Ain't polite to abandon a lady like that after all. Doubly so since it's part of a job. Got a reputation of bein' reliable to keep up after all!'
So of course, since a job was on the line, he decided to meander over to the nearest fencepost sit down with his back against it. "Man...been a long time since I sat here..."
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure

Re: On The Boundary ~ Illusionary Festival for the Dawn
« Reply #404 on: February 09, 2013, 11:33:25 PM »

The magician stared at the human, her violet eyes cold as ice and sharp as a blade. She remained silent as the human spoke, giving off an almost hostile vibe. Once Yumiko had finished speaking, a unnerving silence set in.
After almost a full minute of eerie silence, the purple haired woman spoke up.
“And why precisely should I hire you, human?” She said standoffishly as she examined the girl’s features.
"...In.. truth, you probably have no reason to. With a home like this, I am sure that its owner keeps the library well supplied as far as working staff... in honesty, I am mostly here to offer what little help I can, in return for what little I can understand of the library's knowledge."
« Last Edit: February 10, 2013, 02:06:50 AM by Orphea.Russ »

Re: On The Boundary ~ Illusionary Festival for the Dawn
« Reply #405 on: February 17, 2013, 04:46:45 AM »

The woman's eyes narrowed. "And what makes you, a human, better suited to this job than a fairy or a demon?" The purple haired magician spoke sharply, her violet eyes giving the girl a piercing glare. The air around them, thick with a musty smell, was heavy with intimidation. The magician wanted a reason why she should hire a mere human over a youkai.

Re: On The Boundary ~ Illusionary Festival for the Dawn
« Reply #406 on: March 06, 2013, 11:02:31 AM »

The woman's eyes narrowed. "And what makes you, a human, better suited to this job than a fairy or a demon?" The purple haired magician spoke sharply, her violet eyes giving the girl a piercing glare. The air around them, thick with a musty smell, was heavy with intimidation. The magician wanted a reason why she should hire a mere human over a youkai.
"... if you'll pardon my assumptions, my lady... Fae are notoriously forgetful and whimsical... I cannot speak for how I compare to a daemon, but I am rather certain that any one of them would be more suited to your work than I. I... will not lie to further my chances. " As much as she tried to fight herself to keep staring back at the purple-clad woman before her, she had to fight herself from biting her lip in anxiety. "... But I want to work here, if you'll let me. I... I have nowhere else I can go to for new knowledge, and any book I have read already I call to mind immediately, and it is a very boring existence..." Having reached her limit of being able to return that heavy, all-seeing gaze, however, she lowered her head slightly and looked to the side. "... and I'm tired of being alone, there."

Re: On The Boundary ~ Illusionary Festival for the Dawn
« Reply #407 on: March 11, 2013, 08:12:07 AM »

A dampened thud sounds from the partition. The shrine was just as desolate as it had appeared. Nothing was nestled into the abandoned shrine other than dust and cobwebs.
Kisei muttered to herself quietly, still aware of the threat of being discovered, as she took a final glance at the room she was in. After a moment, Kisei turned towards the room?s entrance.
Just then, a frigid sensation akin to the one from last night assaulted the girl?s neck.
Kisei did not bother keeping her voice down. It was the pink-haired lady from last night again. "Just my luck," she snarled. Not looking back, she held her hands up in mock surrender, "I'm not even here to steal today. Who are you, anyway?" She then proceeded to go through the door.

Crow's Dumping Ground of Art

"So I never have to worry what tomorrow will bring, because my faith is on solid rock; I am counting on God."

Re: On The Boundary ~ Illusionary Festival for the Dawn
« Reply #408 on: May 05, 2013, 12:12:40 AM »
After a short journey through the village, the trio plus dog arrived at the center of the village.

The heart of the village, as per usual, is full of life. Villagers are scattered about, chattering lowly. Stalls and shops eagerly advertise their wares in an attempt to attract the nearest consumer. In the heart of the plaza, the magnificent Dragon god statue stands proudly, as if acting as the guardian of this center of commerce. Looking at the area now, it becomes a tad hard to fathom that only yesterday, a mass gathering of individuals occurred here.

As the three humans made their way further into the square, they spotted a somewhat concentrated group of people gathered around one part of the plaza. Curiosity perked, the trio approached the crowd.

At the center of the crowd was a sole woman. Her blonde hair, adorned with a red headband, shone a brilliant gold in the afternoon sun. She wore a blue dress decorated with pink ribbons and a pair of boots. Her eyes were a beautiful shade of blue, lit with a vigorous light. However, what caught the eyes of the crowd most was what stood before her.
Dolls. Excellently crafted and extremely detailed. They moved fluidly, as if alive, operated by invisible strings controlled by the puppeteer?s hand. The arms of the woman moved with grace, her slender fingers danced on air, as if she was the conductor of a magnificent orchestra. The doll maker?s dexterity mesmerized her audience, capturing their minds within the story she weaved.


((I apologize to everyone for the severe delay. I'm currently finishing my school year. So I'll be busy a short while longer. I'm just posting what I had for now, as I have planned out a scene with Sour. Hanzo, Crow, and Orphea, I apologize for not having an update for you all. Please forgive me and I shall get it done as soon as I can.))

Re: On The Boundary ~ Illusionary Festival for the Dawn
« Reply #409 on: May 14, 2013, 12:57:57 AM »
   Something about that story seems vaguely familiar to Kohaku, as she watches Alice's puppet show. The purple-clad figure called "The Magician" dances around two smaller figures, which Alice calls "The Witches." And just before that, a blue-clothed doll called "The Spirit" fought a pitched battle with a small mirror-carrying doll with a black bow called "The Girl". It is when Alice returns to one of the other heroes of her story, "The Priestess", that the memory clicks in place for Kohaku. Haine told her a story once about her old home, which she was uncharacteristicly vague about, about a time when a number of adventurers- they called themselves heroes, of course- came into her homeland and wreaked all kinds of havoc, even confronting a God, or maybe THE God, Kohaku wasn't sure. Haine assured her that things were eventually settled and everyone went home, but Kohaku got the impression it was a rather tummultuous time for her girlfriend and her people.

   Distracted, Kohaku finds herself wondering if that's where Haine ended up after she left the village. Or how far away it was. Haine was never that specific; her homeland could have been outside Gensokyo, for all Kohaku knew. That was frankly a depressing thought. Her brother, she knew- somehow- was somewhere in Gensokyo still. Her first lover, however...

Re: On The Boundary ~ Illusionary Festival for the Dawn
« Reply #410 on: May 14, 2013, 06:26:36 AM »
Posting for Guyyoumetonline

"She is quite talented," Laresa said as the three of them watched Alice's show, "isn't she? Of course, someone such as Vaxla wouldn't care. Not that you need to worry about her trying anything. She knows when she would be outmatched."
Laresa carefully observed Kohaku's reaction, as she knew it would reveal how much Kohaku knew about Alice. In addition, if Kohaku didn't know, she should be able to figure it out, and if she did know, she was now aware that Laresa also knew. And to anyone else, including Tetsumaru, it would mean little.
"Well," Laresa said, "let us wait for her to finish before we approach her."

Re: On The Boundary ~ Illusionary Festival for the Dawn
« Reply #411 on: July 10, 2013, 03:00:56 AM »
The crowd?s attention remained fixated on the puppeteer?s story, their gazes following the dolls? dance intently. Children, their eyes alight with excitement, awaited the story?s finale with baited breath.
Alice smiled faintly as she continued on to the next arc of the story.
A green-haired doll clad in red, called ?The Youkai? fought a tense battle with a blonde doll wielding swords called ?The Maid?. The puppeteer gave a small smirk, signifying the approaching climax.
The purple haired one, referred to as ?The Priestess?, came to a stop, as if she had reached a dead end. The doll glanced around before looking upward. There hovered a white haired doll, dresses in red robes, which the puppeteer titled ?The Goddess?.
With just a moment?s pause, the dolls engaged. They moved vigorously, even Alice?s own hands were swooping through the air, directing the dolls? wild dance with astonishing precision and dexterity. The purple haired girl wove in, out, and around the goddess? attacks valiantly as the white-haired doll gained six large, purple wings. However, the priestess did not falter, the goddess? assault becoming heavier. The crowd silently cheered on the hero as she continued to advance on the goddess. Further and further, until the goddess was on her final attack.
Alice smiled as her fingers orchestrated the climax of the story.
With a swift, final retaliation, the priestess struck down the goddess.
Alice swung her arms high into the air, holding them there for a moment, before bringing them down into an elegant curtsey.
The crowd was awestruck for but a second before erupting into cheers and clapping. Praise was shouted out to the puppeteer, making her give a modest smile. Some even whistled for the girl. The children jumped about enthusiastically, wanting the story to continue further.
?That?s the end of the story.? Alice said to the children who looked at her expectantly.
The kids vocalized their dissatisfaction with this fact, to which the puppeteer only gave them a sheepish smile.
Within a few moments, the crowd that had surrounded Alice to watch her performance begun to disperse.



After what felt like twenty minutes or more, the purple-haired rabbit exited the schoolhouse. She glanced around for a bit, before spotting Takuma and hurrying over to him.
?Sorry about that. Let?s go shall we?? She said as she gestured towards a road that lead away from the village center.



The magician listened to the girl as spoke, having an emotionless fa?ade about her the entire time. It was only when the girl finished speaking, that the magician gave her a small, albeit very faint, smile.
?You said something about recalling anything you have read instantly?? Patchouli asked with intrigue. ?So you are blessed with a photographic memory then??, she said, leaning in a bit and resting her chin on her intertwined hands in a way that made her appear to be contemplating something thoroughly.



As Kisei exited the room, she heard nothing. Seconds passed in silence, but nothing happened. Puzzled, the girl turned to look.
Nothing. No pink haired ghost lady, no anybody for that matter. Strange. Perhaps this place really was haunted?
A faint wisp of sound, too faint to be made out from the thief?s current position, can be heard coming from the room Kisei has previously been in.

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: On The Boundary ~ Illusionary Festival for the Dawn
« Reply #412 on: July 17, 2013, 01:00:44 AM »
Away from the village center, eh? Well, a job's a job, and he did pride himself on his work ethic after all. "Wasn't much of a problem waiting, took a little trip down memory lane to pass the time."
Having said that, he stood up and started heading in the direction indicated, though he soon paused, and would follow along when she took the lead. "Well, let's get going then. Job's a job after all. Fill me in on the details as we go, like you said earlier."
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure

Re: On The Boundary ~ Illusionary Festival for the Dawn
« Reply #413 on: July 20, 2013, 01:00:12 AM »
With his human lost in her thoughts, Hyozan nudged Kohaku in her leg as the crowd around Alice started to disperse. The cold nose of the malamute jerked Kohaku sharply out of her ruminations and she let out a short gasp.
Looking around, she managed to look a touch abashed as she looks down at her canine companion. "Thank you, Hyozan." The dog merely sniffs the air. Setting aside the thoughts of Haine for now, Kohaku straightened her kimono and picked her way through the crowd, heading towards the showman puppeteer.

Re: On The Boundary ~ Illusionary Festival for the Dawn
« Reply #414 on: July 26, 2013, 04:57:30 PM »
Posting for Guyyoumetonline

Laresa pushed her way through the crowd.
She hated it. Too many people. Too close. At that impromptu gathering yesterday, she?d remained outside the crowd, and been fine, but here, she was in the middle of it, pushing her way past people.
A glance at her chest. A gaze on her behind. A hand passing too close.
Images. Memories. Old sensations. Her back pressed against the wall, his hands holding her arms to her sides. The warm splatters on her face. The touching of his flesh to hers as his-
Laresa pushed past the images, the memories. Okay, girl, you know how to deal with this. Focus. The current goal. Kohaku and I asking Alice about danmaku Don?t think about- damn it, girl, you know better than that. No telling yourself what not to think about. Just focus on the current goal. On the encompassing job of acting as Kohaku?s bodyguard and investigation all this with her. Current task: Alice. Danmaku. Okay. Okay. Okay.
Anyone watching would have seen no sign of Laresa?s internal difficulties, not even a hind of her discomfort. She was good at keeping her thoughts and emotions contained within herself. She?d had to be.
Laresa assumed a bodyguard?s proper position by Kohaku as the new shrine maiden approached Alice.

Re: On The Boundary ~ Illusionary Festival for the Dawn
« Reply #415 on: August 27, 2013, 11:15:41 AM »
The magician listened to the girl as spoke, having an emotionless fa?ade about her the entire time. It was only when the girl finished speaking, that the magician gave her a small, albeit very faint, smile.
?You said something about recalling anything you have read instantly?? Patchouli asked with intrigue. ?So you are blessed with a photographic memory then??, she said, leaning in a bit and resting her chin on her intertwined hands in a way that made her appear to be contemplating something thoroughly.

"I... well, yes, although I'm not sure if I would have called it a blessing... usually it also means that I can remember every conversation with someone, as well, since I can read their lips without concern for error." And yet she had to admit that the way the librarian's barely-present smile was the tiniest bit concerning; then again, it was probably wholly appropriate to be, given the circumstances. To the girl's understanding, Patchouli had little reason to be smiling at her, after all...

Re: On The Boundary ~ Illusionary Festival for the Dawn
« Reply #416 on: October 12, 2013, 02:08:00 PM »
((My sincerest apologies for the lack of an update recently. I have been swamped with school work. I currently have 6 assignments ongoing, 3 of which are due in less than a week. I know, I'm a bad GM. I wouldn't blame you for being upset with me. All I can do is apologize and hope things will clear up and that I'll be able to get to replying soon.))