Author Topic: On The Boundary ~ Illusionary Festival for the Dawn  (Read 88927 times)

Re: On The Boundary ~ Illusionary Festival for the Dawn
« Reply #60 on: December 30, 2011, 06:06:51 AM »
"Oh, me?" Kisei pointed to herself, "I'm from around here." She placed herself a safe distance from the sheathed spearhead, fearing the wielder might employ some complex move to trap her. It was the only thing stopping her from getting back on the run, although she was already prepared to do so.

This kind of admonishment was par for the thief's course, but the way it was put pushed a button. She wasn't being treated seriously. Getting away with it was more exciting it if she had fought or fled away, rather than just being let off with a reminder not to do it again.

"And if you were afraid of this turning in to a full-on fight, don't worry. I was just fending him off. If he wasn't about to hit me, I wouldn't have done that." She crossed her arms. The latter statement was a lie. She would have swept him off his feet if there was no external interference.

Crow's Dumping Ground of Art

"So I never have to worry what tomorrow will bring, because my faith is on solid rock; I am counting on God."


  • The problem is, you're a friend that likes to talk!
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  • ...well, I am too!
Re: On The Boundary ~ Illusionary Festival for the Dawn
« Reply #61 on: December 30, 2011, 06:30:53 AM »
Bam. Pow. Floored. As quick as the trance started, it ended. He stared at the floor, holding his jaw, feeling yet not feeling the pain. He was used to getting hit, but what...what was that weird...voice?

He rolled his jaw and spat out a glob of blood. Something might've torn. He didn't really care.

Tetsumaru slowly got up to his feet, wordlessly and silently, and merely looked forward at the thief, eyes narrowed. His fingers gripped his shikimozue tensely, itching to release the catch that kept the blade locked inside the rest of the cane.

"If you didn't run away from the people you stole from, I wouldn't have tried to hit you."
[23:02] <~Iced> You have sown the seeds of your own destruction Amra.
[23:20] <Stuffman> enjoy your personally crafted hell Amra

Re: On The Boundary ~ Illusionary Festival for the Dawn
« Reply #62 on: December 30, 2011, 08:00:49 AM »
Kisei giggled obnoxiously, and very intentionally so. "Uh, hello, have you ever seen someone get mugged? Would I just stand there and wait to get caught?" She placed her hands on her hips, almost irritated by these people's lack of common sense. "Rhetorical question, by the way. Don't answer it."

She grimaced briefly at the bloody spit. It was scary how much damage she could do without exerting much effort. Turning her attention back to the boy, her eyes wandered around his movements. No fidgets, no huffing and puffing, and the only things that moved were his hands. He really wanted a fight, didn't he?

But she had no time for that. She needed some sleep. She would end up being cranky at night if she didn't get any.

Crow's Dumping Ground of Art

"So I never have to worry what tomorrow will bring, because my faith is on solid rock; I am counting on God."


  • 不聖女
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  • 2017年~ 茨心R (希望)
    • himegimi
Re: On The Boundary ~ Illusionary Festival for the Dawn
« Reply #63 on: December 30, 2011, 03:36:11 PM »
Senri rolled his eyes as he now leaned against his cloth-wrapped weapon, a loose cloth still tied tightly around his right wrist. "what, do you take us for idiots?" Senri rolled his eyes and looked at this troublemaker who had just socked his friend straight in the face for no discernable reason other than to cause trouble. She knew what she was getting herself into by doing that, it was all part of the thrill, part of the chase. Senri could see that for some reason. It was that "desire" that Senri could feel from this. "maybe if you hadn't given in to your desires and tried to steal from us for your own materialistic needs..." Senri hissed at the thief. "And I'm still considering giving your little hands some medical attention." Senri seethed out loud, suddenly gripping his weapon and staring down at the girl with an incredibly disgusted look on his face. He didn't like thieves at all, especially those who hurt his friends. "After all, I can't let what you did to my friend go unpunished, can I? I work at the teahouse, I have to have SOME form of enforcement." Soon, Senri's expression twisted into something incredibly weird. Almost... vaguely sadistic.

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Re: On The Boundary ~ Illusionary Festival for the Dawn
« Reply #64 on: December 30, 2011, 04:40:50 PM »
Sanaya had kept quiet during the exchange, raising a worried eyebrow as Tetsumaru spat out blood after getting up. "She got a really good hit it seems." She redirected her gaze towards Kisei yet again.

"If you were really just fending him off you would not have needed to deliver a follow-up blow, or even aim for his face." Her look became disaproving yet again. "I might not be a fist fighter like you but sweeping his feet would have been more effective and less damaging."

She shook her head, annoyed at the fact that she was chatting about unnecessary things. Her follow up statement remained unspoken as the boy with the cloth wrapped sword came in, almost seeming like he was out for blood. "The teahouse! I though I might have seen him before."

She repositioned herself so that the naginata was now instead located in between Kisei and Senri. "Yes, and if she was making trouble in your teahouse I would not begrudge you for throwing her out."

She shifted her grip on the weapon slightly. "However this is a public location, there will be no armed conflict here." She raised her weapon and gestured with its blunt end towards Tetsumaru. "I would be more concerned about making sure your friend is okay, that punch could have dislodged his jaw if he was less lucky."

Her weapon swung around towards Kisei yet again, a  sneaking feeling of hypocrisy was starting to surface. "I'm the only one swinging a weapon around right now, it is sheathed but still."

"I believe you at the very least owe them an apology. I do not believe an attempted crime warrants punishment but that act of violence was unnecessary." A glance towards Tetsumaru. "And should not have been instigated in the first place."
« Last Edit: December 31, 2011, 01:59:20 PM by Marokuu »
My first attempt at storywriting, looking for critique

Avatar schizophrenia? I don't know what you're talking about.

Re: On The Boundary ~ Illusionary Festival for the Dawn
« Reply #65 on: December 30, 2011, 08:44:00 PM »

As the girl and her dog cautiously enter the dusty building, Kohaku can feel it. A powerful chain of binding. A strong force keeping something in the building. However, as she looks around, she sees nothing that comes across as odd to her. Puzzled, the girl continues on.
As she makes her way around the donation box and inside, she sees a small, dusty display with various odd items. It appears to have not been touched in many, many years, making you wonder how old this building really is. After not discovering anything that could give her answers, Kohaku continues on down a hallway, eventually reaching a small kitchen.
As she enters the kitchen, the sudden drip from the faucet makes her twitch. In the sink she sees a single cup. On the counter, besides a thick layer of dust, are a few small boxes and bowls.
Beyond the kitchen is a larger room with a kotatsu in the middle of it. On the sides of the room are two sliding doors, which are currently closed. Hm, odd. Despite this building appearing to be quite old, there are no large tears in the paper. Almost as if maintenance was performed on the building at regular intervals.
As Kohaku moves into the room, she spots various slips of paper on the table. They all have strange writing on them, messy and worn from age. The words are nearly faded past recognition. With no apparent answers in the room, Kohaku continues on her tour through the shrine. Though it?d be nice if she had a guide to explain everything.
As the girl continues down another narrow corridor, she passes a few rooms, either ones that were empty, or rooms that appeared to be bedrooms. Some were messy, while others were neat, making the girl wonder even more about this place and it?s inhabitants.
Sadly, she had yet to find any answers.

As Kohaku came closer to the end of the hallway, she began to feel that strange eeriness once more. With each step she took, the feeling grew stronger and stronger. As she finally reached the end of the hall she came to another door. However, unlike the rest, this one was completely wooden, with no holes in it.
As Kohaku stands in front of the door, she can feel something inside. Something she's unfamiliar with in the slightest. Curiousity rings in her mind, but is soon silenced, as if whatever was inside the room did not want her to enter it, and it would do everything in its power to ensure that she, or anyone else, did not enter it.



After figuring out her next move, Laresa turned and headed back to the village. It didn?t take her long to reach the village?s entrance again. As she entered she noticed that everything was back to normal. People talked to acquaintances as they shopped for their needs. Kids ran about, playing whatever game the village children liked to play. Other adults just lazed about, passing the time idly with pointless chatter. It was as if the gathering had never occurred, and that it was just any other day in the village.
Laresa didn?t preoccupy herself with these leisurely thoughts however. She had things she needed to do, and when she was set on something, it appeared nothing could stop her.
Without hesitating, Laresa headed straight for the road the Schoolhouse was on.


Tsukasa just watched as the thief made a run for it. As she heard the boy with the cane pursue, she let out a sigh, shaking her head slightly.
Slowly she moved her arm, shifting it around as a means to wake up her limbs. She slid the scabbard back into a small loop of ribbon that kept the weapon at her side. With another sigh, she started for the group which had by this point moved away from her. As she walked, she undid the ribbon slightly, making sure to loop it through the handle so the little purse snatcher before her wouldn?t try anything. After retying the ribbon, she picked up the pace slightly as she walked over to the group rather casually.
?Okay that?s enough you kids? She says as she reaches the team. ?There?s no need to make this any harder than it needs to be.? She says with a small smile. She looks each of them in the eye, ending with Sanaya. As her eyes meet with the woman?s, she gives her a reassuring smile, giving the feel that ?It?s alright, I?ve got this one?
Sanaya gazes at her for a moment, before nodding. She lowers her weapon slightly, but keeps it in hand, ready if one of them should attempt to strike the other.
With that, Tsukasa turns her gaze to the thief.
?You?re lucky that kirisute gomen has long been abolished.? She says to the girl with a smile, one without warmth. She places her right hand on her hip as she speaks again.
?Since you failed to steal anything, I don?t see anything wrong with letting you off with a warning? She pauses for a moment, her smile becoming slightly less friendly.
?However, if I catch you the next time you try something like this, I won?t be quite as forgiving? She says, her tone becoming more cold and threatening at the end.
Next, Tsukasa turns her gaze to the boy with the cane sword. Her smile returning to its original feel.
?Now that was quite rash of you don?t you think?? She says, glancing at his weapon. ?She didn?t even get away with anything, not to mention she already got her slap on the wrists per say? She said as she gestured at her scabbard. ?So why did you chase after her? Swinging your weapon none the less? She said, a frown slipping onto her face.
?As for you?? She starts, turning her gaze to the boy with the ribbons in his hair. Her frown deepens as her gaze falls to his weapon.
?Could you please put that away? It?s not only dangerous, but quite unnerving? She says, her eyes narrowing slightly. ?I?d prefer if no blood was spilled, whether it be by accident or not? She says, shifting into a more neutral expression.



Suwako hops along a short distance behind Nanaya, overseeing the process.
As Nanaya starts speaking, Suwako frowns, but delays interrupting until the girl has finished.
When the girl finished, Suwako watches as she starts to tremble. The goddess hesitates, but eventually speaks up.
?Aauu?? Suwako mumbles as she raises her sleeve to her mouth. ?You?re not supposed to say it aloud you know??
« Last Edit: December 30, 2011, 09:30:18 PM by Sonae »


  • The problem is, you're a friend that likes to talk!
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  • ...well, I am too!
Re: On The Boundary ~ Illusionary Festival for the Dawn
« Reply #66 on: December 31, 2011, 12:41:54 AM »
He shakes his head, eyes unsure and unfocused. "There was...something. Nothing. Like some kind of voice...far away and quiet, but...," he trails off. Confusion is written plainly across his face. "I don't's all a little fuzzy."

The apprentice shakes his head once more, then gives Senri a tenuous smile. "I'm going to head home. Otou-sama will want to hear about what happened. Give my regards to the rest of your family."

Then he bows to the rest. "I apologize for any trouble I may caused all of you. I acted rashly. If you were to stop by my father's forge later, I would be happy to accomodate you."

So with that he began walking home, sword gripped tightly in his hands. It was...scary. The voice was scary. Scary in and of itself...but most of all, it was scary because... was familiar.
[23:02] <~Iced> You have sown the seeds of your own destruction Amra.
[23:20] <Stuffman> enjoy your personally crafted hell Amra


  • The Main Character (Really!)
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Re: On The Boundary ~ Illusionary Festival for the Dawn
« Reply #67 on: December 31, 2011, 08:57:01 AM »
Hotaru found herself unimpeded to the exit. No bizzare gathering for who knows what, no thief stealing her suppies, nothing but just the short length here. Not like she'll leave here completely; She'll be back occasionally, probably getting things from her brother, who'll no doubt be happy about this reversal of roles.

"...And then I meet a hungry youkai." Hotaru made a tiny chuckle and went on to travelling, unsure about her destination, but a hundred percent certain that it'll be a knowledgable one.

...Where's my game?

Re: On The Boundary ~ Illusionary Festival for the Dawn
« Reply #68 on: December 31, 2011, 09:28:05 AM »
Kisei watched the blacksmith's child walk away. She chuckled softly. "Apology accepted, but don't expect me to reciprocate," she called after him, "The same goes for all of you. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll be leaving. For real."

One cursory glance at all the faces present was all she took before taking her leave. These people would be carrying their equipment and belongings if she saw them again- she herself was a blatant example. If any of them were following her, she didn't know; she just sped up to avert that situation.

The good thing about morning heists was that her parents would be none the wiser when they woke up. Thankfully, Kisei had no injuries that would give her away.

Crow's Dumping Ground of Art

"So I never have to worry what tomorrow will bring, because my faith is on solid rock; I am counting on God."


  • 不聖女
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  • 2017年~ 茨心R (希望)
    • himegimi
Re: On The Boundary ~ Illusionary Festival for the Dawn
« Reply #69 on: December 31, 2011, 02:09:52 PM »
Senri sighed and hefted his styled zanbatou, still wrapped in cloth, over his shoulder and did not turn to face whoever it was that asked him to put away his weapon. "Little..." Senri was tempted to spit at the ground at which the petty thief left the scene almost as if nothing happened, though she seemed to be at least wary in case one of those present were stupid enough to give chase. Which they weren't, so she was fine. Senri, however, was going to keep his eye on her if ever she were in the vicinity. "Sorry, sorry. This is part of my uniform, have you not been to the teahouse? It's wrapped in cloth, so it won't cut... that much, anyway. I don't enjoy resorting to bloodshed. I just use the flat of my weapon, blunt force trauma is much more effective in that respect you know?" Senri said calmly this time. He started pacing in the general direction of the village teahouse. "That didn't need to happen. Ah, well. People these days. Anyway, come stop by the teahouse. I'll be there being the waitress, I got drinks for ya. Well, that's what they call me anyway. Have a nice day. Oh, and I think Tetsumaru-san will be OK. Thank you for your concern for him." Senri trailed off as he paced faster and faster until he was no longer visible from the other two.

元素召唤 || pad & msl news translator robit
twitter xx motk resident whale


  • Maru~ Maru~
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Re: On The Boundary ~ Illusionary Festival for the Dawn
« Reply #70 on: December 31, 2011, 03:18:42 PM »
She had kept quiet until everyone else cleared out, quietly contemplating how Tsukasa had handled the situation. "She carries such a sense of authority, I guess it comes from being raised in a family of a high caste."

Her own intervention has been basically ignored and then cut off by Tsukasa's intervention. She was glad that nothing had happened but a vague feeling of disappointment lingered at the back of her head. She shook her head once again. "Cut that out, sensei handled it admirably and that is all that matters."

"Sensei." She raised her voice when the others had left. "Were you serious when you mentioned 'kiri sute gomen'?" The corner of her mouth twitched slightly when she recalled the ancient practice. She could not imagine herself ever making use of it, even if she had been from a family in the samurai caste. "While I certainly could have acted as your witness it would be nice to know if you would have actually done it."

She smiled and gave a halfhearted laugh as she picked up her harness and secured her weapon once again. "Never mind, let us not talk about such grim things now. I have no jobs at the moment and I do not have anything else planned, would you like some help with opening up the dojo? I seem to recall you mentioning that you closed it because of the gathering."
My first attempt at storywriting, looking for critique

Avatar schizophrenia? I don't know what you're talking about.


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: On The Boundary ~ Illusionary Festival for the Dawn
« Reply #71 on: January 01, 2012, 02:15:03 AM »
Laresa knew Keine's schedule, and she knew the school's schedule. She knew when the breaks were, but she also knew that sometimes Keine had work to do during those breaks, and today, there were good odds that some kids had tried to leave class and get to the village center. Which likely meant a disciplinary session with Keine, not a pleasant experience. So Keine would be busy during the break. Fortunately, Laresa had something she could do while waiting.

As it just so happened, there was a teahouse by the school. It was a smart location; parents bringing their kids often stopped by for some tea. And it did have at least some traffic throughout the day. Which meant people.

While waiting for Keine, Laresa intended to investigate the strange gathering further, but examining the site was unlikely to yield any useful information. But there were people. Laresa had known what was happening thanks to her mimicing ability and had followed the impulse as part of a pre-existing plan. But what experiences did others have?

Laresa waited in the teahouse, and as she waited, she questioned the customers, forming a picture of just what experiences people'd had with the impulse to gather.

Re: On The Boundary ~ Illusionary Festival for the Dawn
« Reply #72 on: January 01, 2012, 10:38:52 PM »
(Headache  :()

Amaya fills the teakettle with fresh water. She goes back into the kitchen and puts the kettle over the fire. Amaya opens one of the lockers and pulls out a can with tealeaves in it. "There are not much left, I hope Mom brings some with her." she says, after she took a look into the can.
She prepares 3 cups with some of the tealeaves and waits till the water has the right temperature. 'If it boils it's too hot for green tea. I better take it from the fire, now', and so she does. She checks the temperature of the water first and fills it into the cups. Vin still sitting on the place where Amaya put him."You are such a good snake Vin" Amaya said to Vin as she pat his head.
Amaya kindly waits till the tea is ready, then she takes out the leaves. She puts all cups onto a small dinner tray. With one finger she taps two times on the table, to give Vin a signal to follow her, before she leaves.
Amaya comes out of the kitchen with the cups of tea and puts them on the table in the kitchen. "Suwako-chan, I made you a cup aswell." she yells to the outside.
As she moves to the outside, because she didn't a response, she notices the tear in Nanaya's face. 'Is she crying' she wondered. "Nanaya-sama, is something wrong?" she asks kindly.

Re: On The Boundary ~ Illusionary Festival for the Dawn
« Reply #73 on: January 02, 2012, 09:09:53 AM »
As if this place wasn't odd enough... Kohaku muses, standing before the door of ominousness. Given what she's feeling now, even the reckless Koryu wouldn't want to touch that door, whatever's on the other side. Still....
The Daidouji heir slides a chain slowly out of her hand.
"Better back up, Hyozan. Not sure what's about to happen here." Whether it was out of a sense of canine concern for his master, or simple failure to understand the order, the malamute does not move from Kohaku's side. The human smiles faintly, then extends her arm with the chain out slightly away from her. To her surprise, the chain acts almost of its own accord, straightening out slowly and moving towards the door, as if drawn to something on the other side. And then, with a massive PANG!, the chain flies away from the door, almost like it struck an invisible force. The chain disconnects from Kohaku's arm and shatters into shards and links of metal, scattering with a metallic tinkle on the floor behind her. Hyozan lets out a surprised yelp, as does his human.
"Hahhh...." Kohaku breathes. "Well. Glad I didn't use my hand..." Hyozan whines, seemingly in agreement. Deciding that enough is definitely enough, Kohaku turns and walks back down the way she came.

This so-called shrine has left Kohaku with a very odd impression. It feels fairly well 'maintained' but not 'lived in'. Pulling open a closed door at random reveals a bathroom with a similar feel; no obvious signs of dust, or cobwebs, but no obvious toiletries or recent signs of use. Another door a few down reveals one of the neater bedrooms, with a bed and desk that have been taken care of, but no more, and likely have  been that way for quite some time. How long? Some years, at least, if the writing on those bits of paper had time to fade as much as they had. Kohaku considers exploring the bedrooms a bit more, looking for clothes or other signs of inhabitation. She doesn't, however, as IF someone is living here, Kohaku's invaded their home too much already, she's not about to do it any more.

Most vexingly of all is that persistent sense binding Kohaku's been feeling since even before she entered the building itself. It's more than whatever was in that room back there, it's like... the building itself that's generating it. As though something is binding it to something she can't identify. Or is it the building ITSELF that is chaining itself to the other thing? Kohaku snarls shortly. She'd known her powers had the potential to extend beyond simply flinging chains around, this is beyond anything she'd ever imagined. She understands that it's only natural to encounter things beyond her. Being essentially in the MIDDLE of one of those things, and failing so utterly to come up with any answers on her own, is rather frustrating for the young woman.
"SOMETHING brought me here." she snaps out loud. "Am I supposed to see something? Meet someone? Have I not found the right bed yet?" She pauses as she reaches the room with the kotatsu in it, and raises her voice in irritation. "A little help would be nice!"


  • 不聖女
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    • himegimi
Re: On The Boundary ~ Illusionary Festival for the Dawn
« Reply #74 on: January 02, 2012, 01:47:06 PM »
"Eh... sorry I'm late." Senri sighed as he had arrived at the teahouse only moments ago, to be chastised by one of the fellow coworkers there for being unusually late; Senri had no issues with punctuality for the most part, until today anyway. "Even if everybody was drawn to the square, that was only a minor inconvenience... But I had to deal with a petty thief, okay? Someone tried to steal a friend's stuff. So that's why I'm late." Senri sighed as he put up his 'game face' and got ready to serve customers who were wandering into the teahouse for some... well, for some tea, obviously. Eyeing someone who appeared to be gathering information from some customers, Senri just shook his head and continued taking the orders of various patrons and delivering their various teas. After some time, Senri had become incredibly good at delivering tea with just one hand on a tray while balancing his gigantic cloth-wrapped weapon. Most of the locals had gotten used to the sight, perhaps treating it as some assurance of security. Or maybe they just liked it. Senri didn't know for sure.

But he was just doing his job.

元素召唤 || pad & msl news translator robit
twitter xx motk resident whale

Re: On The Boundary ~ Illusionary Festival for the Dawn
« Reply #75 on: January 02, 2012, 11:57:24 PM »

Just then, as if the perpetrator had heard the girl?s call, a strong gust of wind blew past her and her trusty malamute.
Kohaku shifts herself into a more stable stance and guards her face with her arms. Startled the girl shuts her eyes quickly. Had some all powerful Youkai come to finish her off? Was a storm about to tear the desolate shrine to pieces? Kohaku could hear a flurry of sounds. The violent rattling of the doors, the creaking of the old wood, the papers flutter about swiftly, and the growling of her friendly malamute.
Hyozan let out a sharp bark at the unknown source of this sudden gale.
Before not too long, the wind subsided, and cautiously, the girl opens her eyes.

As she opens her eyes, she sees the chaos that was caused by the wind.
Papers were scattered all across the floor, some still floating towards the ground. Words, scattered all across their pages, seem to be readable.
Kohaku turns her gaze to the Kotatsu, which now has an empty tabletop.
Were there really this many papers on that small table?

Next, Kohaku turns her eyes to the frail doors, only to notice more oddities.
The doors weren?t open, nor were there any noticeably wide openings where the paper windows had been torn. In that state, they would have still kept the majority of the gust at bay, with only a chilly breeze seeping through. Kohaku glances around, to see all the other doors and windows are still closed.

Hyozan gives Kohaku a slight nudge, bringing the girl back to the now messy room.
The dog sniffs at the papers before looking towards its master.

The newly created mess, composed of a variety of scattered papers.
Some were small, others larger. Some were perfectly shaped while others were torn and shredded. Some were severely faded, while others were legible. Some were stained by some sort of spill, while others seemed to have been kept better than others.
Despite all these things, there was one thing that all of the papers had in common.
All of them were visibly aged.
All of them were several years old.



Tsukasa watches silently as the others leave one by one. First the blacksmith, then the thief, and then the tea waiter. As the thief spoke before departing, Tsukasa frowned sternly, unnoticed by the girl who had already turned on her heels and headed in the opposite direction.
Tsukasa listened to the tea server?s explanation intently. She had never been to the teahouse, she was far too busy to spend her time on leisure.
?Blunt force can still be dangerous if the wielder is uneducated in its effects? Tsukasa commented. ?Though I imagine for you to choose a weapon like that, you must be quite knowledgeable on such subjects? She says with a small smile. She gives a respectful nod of the head as the waiter departs.

Eventually, Tsukasa and Sanaya were the only ones remaining.
?Sensei? Sanaya spoke up.
Tsukasa turned and looked at the woman, waiting for her to speak.
"Were you serious when you mentioned 'kiri sute gomen'?"
Tsukasa blinked then smiled. She shook her head, not needing to speak her answer.

As Sanaya changed the subject, Tsukasa perked up.
?Oh yeah?! That?s right I?ve got to get back to the Dojo!? She said hastily as she glanced around.
She gave Sanaya a friendly smile and a polite bow before speaking once more.
?It would be much appreciated if you would help me out at the Dojo? She paused as she raised her head. ?I?ve got a few demonstrations today as well, so if you wouldn?t mind?? She said, a faint excitement flashing in her eyes.

[Y]oukai [J]esus

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Re: On The Boundary ~ Illusionary Festival for the Dawn
« Reply #76 on: January 03, 2012, 10:01:41 AM »
The girl embraces her wish to the gods. The one standing near her, and the others that roam the heavens above. Suwako said there were over ten thousand of them... Right? Well, around that number. One of them would listen, right? One of them would hear her wish. That was what she hoped for. In a trance, Nanaya swayed slowly, as if being pushed by the wind. Her gauntlets jingled softly as the wind blew.

Nanaya perks up after hearing the voices of both the goddess of the shrine, and the young maiden which would soon govern the place in time. Amaya was daughter of Sanae, one of Kasen's old friends. Yes, the memories of Kasen telling stories, flowed into her mind. How Sanae was amazed to see Nanaya's mentor fly on the back of a giant eagle. How another shrine maiden was picked up by a dragon within swirling thunderclouds. How Komachi had a close relationship with her. Finally, she slouches back, before wiping her tears and standing straight up. A smile forms on her face, and Nanaya turns to face Amaya once more. Her thoughts diminished and her mind beginning to clear, Nanaya smiles wider.

"It's nothing." Little droplets of tears still visible on her eyes, she walks forward. Nanaya's smile returns back into a frown. Her lips quiver slightly at the memories that would pass her by. Her gauntlets sway silently in the wind. Her sword drags across the ground, sending sand up into the air as it grinded on the ground. She tilts her head and smiles again at Amaya, before walking towards the shrine.

"Arn't we supposed to have tea? Let's have it inside, where it's more comfy." Nanaya enters the shrine soon thereafter.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2012, 04:53:24 PM by Evolution »

<Nietz> Anyway, sex toys alone won't come up to 11k.
[18:48] <Warma> There must have been a new depth, where you've sunk as a person. Then you dug through that.

Re: On The Boundary ~ Illusionary Festival for the Dawn
« Reply #77 on: January 04, 2012, 09:42:46 PM »
Talk about eerie. Kohaku thinks as she assesses the situation around her. This would certainly lend credence to the theory that someone or something was watching her, wanted her here. Someone with skills far beyond her own. Kohaku tried to calm herself, telling herself that whatever force was at work here mustn't want to hurt her, or it would have done it already. Closing her eyes, she listens for a moment, trying to detect any sounds from the outside, signs of that woman that appeared oh so briefly after she retreived her ocarina, or anyone else she might have sent back.

Her ocarina... Kohaku produces the instrument and gazes at it, wishing devoutly that her brother was here right now. Not the least reason for which being that, if all this was because of a youkai, Koryu would be even more excited about the prospect than his sister.
As if sensing his friends' longing, Hyozan sidles up to Kohaku's leg, as though offering some comfort to the human. Smiling, Kohaku kneels down and gives her canine friend a hug about the neck. "I'm glad you're here, Hyozan." she says warmly, while the dog licks her face, just once. Not quite keeping herself from giggling at the sensation, Kohaku disengages from the malamute and turns to the table, while adressing the air around her. "Alright, then, you want me to see these papers here? Fine." She grins. "But they'd better not just be your old love letters." And then she sits, and begins to peruse the papers before her.


  • Maru~ Maru~
  • Lurk~ Lurk~
Re: On The Boundary ~ Illusionary Festival for the Dawn
« Reply #78 on: January 05, 2012, 01:03:50 AM »
"Ah, hold on for moment." Sanaya swung the harness over her shoulder and stretched her arms above her head."

"Nn~ahh" A content sound escaped her throat. "All right, I can help out with the demonstrations as well." Her eyes flashed with the same fain excitement that could be seen in Tsukasa's eyes.

"I have been training and meditating daily since the last time, let us do our best in showing what we are capable of."

She checks her sheath on final time before making a motion with her hand.

"Lead the way, Sensei."
My first attempt at storywriting, looking for critique

Avatar schizophrenia? I don't know what you're talking about.

Re: On The Boundary ~ Illusionary Festival for the Dawn
« Reply #79 on: January 06, 2012, 03:04:14 AM »

Tsukasa smiles a very genuine smile and nods. She turns and begins to walk forward, with Sanaya in tow, down the road that will eventually lead them to the Dojo.



The girl voices her acceptance of the perpetrator?s challenge and begins to gather up the various bits of paper that lay scattered before her. As Kohaku glances over them for but a moment as she gathers them, she notices some resemble the articles that are in the tengu?s newspapers. Others, however, seem to have been ripped out of a book or something along those lines.
As Kohaku finishes gathering the slips of paper, she glances at her friendly malamute who is sitting beside her, ready to defend its master if need should arise.
With a smile, Kohaku turns her eyes back to the papers and begins to read.

      Gensokyo Re ord
   This is a remote place in an eastern country, far fr     y hu     abita ion.
   In Ancient Times, this was a pla          or. Those who wandered     close          eaten   by youkai.
   People called this place       
As Kohaku comes to the end of the first slip of paper, she sets it down on the tabletop where it had originally been. After making sure it wouldn?t be blown away again, she moved her eyes to the next slip.

   Over a thousand years      passed                ?

   Humans  built      civilization. Humans don?t fear     dark             
   even at midnight,     grew to     point       they could produce light

           the humans bl      followed               science  unscientific                            ose      things like youkai  nd on         eventual y excluded    su   stition

   Gensokyo was      deemed useless to     new world,            sealed    away          Great Barrier            never    opened again.

As the girl comes to the end of the second slip, she frowns.
These slips appeared to be the most aged, indicating that they were the oldest. Despite the flurry of questions that racked Kohaku?s mind, she set the second slip down and continued on.

   With     passing    time, those who still knew             died out.

          innumerable years      passed since               Gensokyo is still home to      youkai and            humans.

                  yo kai   civilization of magic, the youkai grew       powerful enough    freely open even the       Barrier                . However,     youkai do not            open it.                , they actually reinforce  the barrier with    even stronger power. The seal that     once locked Gensokyo away     now used          to pr  e t i      n                            it.

         the age of human  and youkai began anew

Kohaku puts the third slip down on the table with the first two and picks up the next piece.

                    a fantasy land of yo kai, but even now, lost humans so  times end up ther 
   They are said by     outside       to      be   ?spirited away?.

   Those who visit Gensokyo         believe      it is a legendary paradise     looks like    utopia     ever             in favor    the           living in Gensokyo.          no doubt that    feels like paradise for humans from     outer world

As the girl comes to the end of the fourth section, she glances at the remaining pile of papers. Many readable papers still remain, waiting to be read. As she reaches for the pile she notices the corner of a piece of aged paper sticking out in the middle of the pile. Without thinking about it, she grabs it and carefully pulls it out of the pile. As she glances over it, she notices something different from the last few.
This section was signed.

   Gensokyo is   paradise for      youkai and       humans.
   It will remain   paradise until        are destroyed, or it is                     
   The following is a record of the peaceful and fantastic everyday events that take place in Gensokyo.

   Why is Gensokyo a paradise for both humans and youkai you ask?
   That is b-   

(Inscribed by the 13th shrine maiden of the Hakurei Shrine)

Re: On The Boundary ~ Illusionary Festival for the Dawn
« Reply #80 on: January 06, 2012, 07:23:52 AM »
Hakurei Shrine. Is that was this place is.... But who was this 13th maiden, Kohaku wonders. "Who were you, and how long ago did you write this, for these to be in such condition? Who wrote the words before yours?" She raises her voice, addressing the air around her. "And who let these papers go to seed in the first place?"
She shakes her said, her emotion changing to something akin to amusement, as she gives Hyozan a pat on the head. "What have we got ourselves into, boy? And why us, eh? What's this being want with a human and a dog?" Hyozan offers only a small sneeze, to which his friend laughs, before turning her attention back to the papers before her. Needless to say, the information before her being in fragmentary form, there's not a lot the human can glean for certain. This was obviously a record of some sort, from the earlier days of Gensokyo. Perhaps even the origins of this little piece of the world, it's hard to say. But Kohaku finds her eyes lingering on one section in particular:

Gensokyo is   paradise for      youkai and       humans.
   It will remain   paradise until        are destroyed, or it is

Kohaku would have to agree with that assessment. She loves her home, and the fact that youkai and humans live side by side. In fact, she actually wishes the two races were even closer than the are, perhaps not as... fervently as her brother does, but the few youkai she's met (and the one she loves) has only made her want to meet more, to learn more about the other race(s) of Gensokyo. She's listened to as many stories as Keine-sensei was willing to tell, and read every book she has on youkai in general. It hasn't been quite enough.
But then there's other half. Was that line simply the Hakurei Shrine maiden wondering out loud, so to speak, or was it a warning? A warning to whoever else might come after her? And for that matter, if this IS the Hakurei shrine, then where's the current maiden?
Perhaps more answers could be found in the remaining papers. "Wish we had some tea, Hyozan, but, oh well..." Settling in, and hoping that the rest of the papers are in better condition than the elder ones, Kohaku turns her attention to the as yet unread papers.

Re: On The Boundary ~ Illusionary Festival for the Dawn
« Reply #81 on: January 07, 2012, 01:53:39 AM »

Kohaku make herself comfortable and takes the topmost paper. As she looks at it, she notices that it?s a newpaper. She separates the papers, and takes the first page to read it. The title appears to have been rubbed out, leaving only faded smudges. Entire lines seem to be missing aswell

   O Month O Day, cherry blossoms are still in full bloom at the shrine.

   Flower viewing takes place almost every night at the most magnificent shrine.

   To report this exciting event, I've made my way into the site of flower viewing and collected information.

   Humans, youkai, fairies, and a myriad of other species are enjoying themselves at the shrine.
   The only one person who was in a bad mood was the shrine maiden of this shrine,
   I took a direct interview with her to discover why she was in such a foul mood.

   The banquet is, as one would expect, bustling

   Gensokyo's most beautiful cherry blossoms are at Hakurei Shrine. The full bloom seems as if it's going to end soon, so why not visit the shrine while you still can?

(Aya Shameimaru)               

The first thing the girl notices, other than the unreadable blobs of ink, is that the name of the Shrine Maiden has been removed from where it appears to have been written. There?s nothing there, not even the slightest of smudge. Like it had been removed with magic or something.
As you move the paper towards the table, you notice that there is something attached to the back of the page.

       miko at Hakurei Shrine, which stands on     bord   b tw e  Gens  kyo  an  t   out r w r  .

   Her occupation is t  conquer  o     commit    a crime and    drink tea    t   ver    .

Once again, the name of the shrine maiden has been removed, though it seems to have been cut off this time.
Kohaku puts the page on the table and picks up the next page.
As she does so, tiny pieces of torn newspaper flutter to the ground. It appears that the page was folded in a way to prevent them from slipping out when held correctly. Kohaku glances at the page to see it?s upside down. Hyozan lays his head down on his paws and lets out a breath, luckily, this action didn?t scatter the bits of newsprint. Carefully you gather the pieces and begin reading the words on them.
                the shrine maiden wh-
figure out who's behind it
preserves     order in Gensokyo
youkai going to the shrine
                                An incident on such a massive scale could only
when a major incident occurs
handled by the human sh-                               
it's up to th-
                                                relied on her intui-
finally arrived at...                                               
                a bad omen
to find the missing real mo-
remove the border
On a day in the summer-
                                                the mansion where a red devil resides...
to remove the distiction between-
                                Gensokyo was
If the culprit behind the problem was not stopped-               
scarlet and white.
wrapped up in a disturbing, evil mist.

only the shrine maiden


Questions rain down in the girl?s mind, confusion acting as a wind to create a storm. Hesitantly, she puts the slivers of paper back into their makeshift holder. With a sigh, she turns her attention to the next newpage. The next page seems to be in better shape than the others.

   The Hakurei Shrine.
   Deep within the mountains, seperated from the human village, Gensokyo's only occupied shrine can be found situated on the border between Gensokyo and the outside      .
   However, while this shrine does have a connection to Gensokyo, it's not a particularly close one.
   It doesn't have a close connection with the outside       either. This shrine's location is on the very bor   .

   Many people are fascinated by the cherry blossoms that bloom here in the spring.
   But because of th                     sh                        ere, many youkai and evil spirits gather at the shrine. Those are always the kind of beings that assemble here.

   The shrine has no role other than maintaining the border between Gensokyo and the outside world. This is no longer a place to worship the gods, so those who find sacred areas difficult to deal with have no problem here.

   No matter the time, there will always be someone there

   As of now, Gensokyo and the outside world are completely cut off from each other because of the Hakurei Shrine.
   However, compared to the Hakurei Shrine from before, it was not the brilliant shrine it is now, and I remember that it was unable to perform its functions at all.
   I guess that from the outside world, the Hakurei Shrine is probably still seen as the dull, small shrine it was a long time ago.
   The youkai who visit the shrine now enjoy the colorful shrine

(Aya Shameimaru)               
« Last Edit: January 07, 2012, 01:55:17 AM by Sonae »

Re: On The Boundary ~ Illusionary Festival for the Dawn
« Reply #82 on: January 07, 2012, 09:09:24 AM »
Letting a small sigh, the Daidouji heir leans backwards, cupping her eyes in her hand. Straining to understand exactly what she was reading was starting to give her a headache. Whole sentences leading to partial sentences leading to two words... And then there was the missing name. The missing name of the shrine maiden. Deleted by knives and spells, or the equivalent of both. What was the woman like? Did she have an enemy that removed her from history? Two enemies, given the different methods? She sighs again, and looks towards the doors.
"Yknow, if you're trying to tell me something, a whole book would be a better idea."
She briefly considers calling out to the being(s?) responsible for the goings on here, Kohaku was sure there was at least one powerful sentience involved here. If she were her brother, she would have done that long ago. She herself was not quite as reckless as Koryu, but that hardly means she didn't relish the chance to meet a new youkai. Assuming that this WAS the work of a youkai, but Kohaku was willing to wager that it was. She was also willing to wager, now with a fair amount of certainty, that whoever brought her here didn't want to hurt her, but rather show her something. Except that that something was incomplete, fragmented. Well, suppose it couldn't hurt to ask...

"Or better yet, you could talk to me?"

Re: On The Boundary ~ Illusionary Festival for the Dawn
« Reply #83 on: January 07, 2012, 07:08:28 PM »

Kohaku calls out, hoping for a response. As she listens, she gazes at Hyozan, hoping the malamute would be able to pick up what she had not.
Everything remains still and silent, as if time has ceased moving. After over a minute of deathly silence, Kohaku sighed. It seems who ever brought her here did not plan on revealing themselves to her, and even asking for them to do so wouldn?t help. With slight disappointment, she turns her gaze back to the pile of papers. On top there are a few small pieces. She picks the smallest one up. She notices this paper seems to have been either kept better, or was written far more recently than the others. The small slip in her hand reads ?A closed world?. Kohaku puts the slip onto the table and spreads out the remaining snippets of information. The papers are of various sizes, and seem to have been removed from a book of some sort. With a sigh, she begins to read them.

located at the boundary between Gensokyo and the outside world, just like the Hakurei Shrine,

   she can

   Were it not for the Great Barrier, even Gensokyo itself wouldn't exist.

   everything is built upon the existence of boundaries.

   create or

   Gensokyo as an illusionary world

   a place like Gensokyo whenever she

   boundary between illusion and reality


The girl wonders who ?she? could be. Was it the shrine maiden? If so was this woman that powerful? It didn?t seem like Kohaku?s headache would go away any time soon. She places the smaller bits on the table and picks up a larger section.

     Gensokyo is separated from the outside by a large magical barrier.
     This barrier could be seen as the boundary between inside and outside.
     However, the inside world and the outside world are still physically contiguous, so it may be logically said that the barrier created the place that we call Gensokyo.

Placing the section on the table and turning her eyes to next one, she notices that this one has a title at the top, written darker and larger that the other text. However, there appears to be blank sections, as well as the lower half of the text being torn away.

     Youkai Expansion Project

     This is

     The project refers to a plan designed and implemented           in order to restore          the youkai of Gensokyo, who felt           by the increase    the                 

Kohaku glances around for the lower section that had been ripped off, but is unable to find it. With a frown, she puts the paper aside and continues on to the next piece, which is also titled.

     The Great Barrier Disturbance

     This, of course, refers to the Great Hakurei Barrier (*6)
                th        youkai w                who suggested     creation       the Great Barrier and created what is now Gensokyo.
It appears this one was ripped as well. As the girl moves to place the paper on the table, she notices something attached to the back. A note of some sort.

     6: The boundary separating Gensokyo and the outside world. It is said it is extremely difficult for youkai or humans to pass through, and so logically it creates a separate world.

Kohaku sets the paper down and looks at the remaining pile. Not much seems to remain, but enough to take a while to read.
With a glance at her malamute pal, she picks up the next piece of paper. As she picks the page up she notices part of the top has been ripped off. Then Kohaku catches a glimpse of something.
The next paper in the pile is more newsprint, one that seems to be severely damaged at that. With a moment of hesitation, the girl begins to read the page she is holding.

     Divine spirits, not possessing a body, usually live in a Shinto Shrine.

     Shrine Maidens

     There is a considerable lack of spirits in a shrine, so revealing their forms to people is something that mostly never happens.
     They speak so faintly that ordinary humans can't hear them.
     For this reason, those who carry the duty of facilitating communication are shrine maidens
     Shrine maidens can, utilizing peculiar methods (*14), hear the words of the divine spirits and communicate this to the people.


     Shrines are not constructed by divine spirits, but by humans.

     Simply because it is a place for divine spirits, a shrine looks no different from any ordinary building.
     If many people come to the shrine to worship the divine spirit, it will begin to gain power from being worshipped by so many for the first time.

Continuing on without pausing, she picks up the scrap of newspaper. Once again, whole words appear to have been purposefully rubbed away. The title is partly legible.

                   Mysterious Tr       u  th  Secret History

                                                                           human and youkai that reside in Gensokyo, and discover the secrets of Gensokyo.

               Mr. A (pseudonym)
               People nowadays know nothing about things like why do youkai live here, what is Gensokyo, what kind of people were their ancestors, and so on.
               When the            youkai are chased from Gensokyo and Gensokyo falls under human control, it is            necessary      they know the truth  about Gensokyo, said he.

               I listened to the thoughts of one      y u a ,      Keine Kamishirasawa                .
               "It's not good that some humans have forgotten their fear of youkai and are trying to drive them out of Gensokyo.
               Gensokyo is keeping a balance now between youkai and humans.
               Just like                                .
               If that give-and-take balance is destroyed, Gensokyo will collapse in an instant.


The rest of the paper appears to have been torn away.
There's only one word that has y u a in those exact places.

Re: On The Boundary ~ Illusionary Festival for the Dawn
« Reply #84 on: January 07, 2012, 10:19:12 PM »
Kohaku's eyes linger on the mention of her former teacher. And especially the half a word that precedes her name. 'y u a '. Could that be... youkai? Keine, a youkai? But... that can't be. ... can it?
The young woman's eyes light up a little almost of their own accord. She'd always been fond of Keine-sensei, as had Koryu before her, but they'd never once suspected she could be anything other than human. An intelligent, attractive human, true, but still only human. But if she's right...

"That... would be so cool!" she mutters to herself, smiling quietly. She makes a note to herself to speak to sensei about this when she leaves her. Somehow, though, that thought gives her pause. Something brought her here, something wanted her to see this. What if that something doesn't want her to leave? Kohaku's obviously stronger than your average human, but she has a strong sense that the force at work here is beyond her.
Well, no sense worrying about it for now, the young woman thinks. There's still more things to see here.

Re: On The Boundary ~ Illusionary Festival for the Dawn
« Reply #85 on: January 08, 2012, 01:54:23 AM »
Amaya watches Nanaya's mixed emotions. 'I feel kind of sorry for her.'
"Yes the tea is ready, come in." She says and points at the table inside. Amaya turns to Suwako. "Suwako-chan, I didn't know if you also wanted some tea, but I made you one aswell." She turns back to Nanaya "Please take of your shoes before you enter."
The room is quite big, but still quite simple. Except a big table, some zabuton and a big commode. The table had a blanket attached to it. It was still quite cold at so it was comfortable at the table.
"Please take a sit." Amaya says.

"Please tell me, Nanaya-san, you seem very.... fixed up. I don't want to hurt your feelings, but do you want to talk about it?" Amaya isn't completly confident in what she's doing but she's trying hard to hide it. It's able to hear worries in her voice, even thought she doesn't know Nanaya.

Re: On The Boundary ~ Illusionary Festival for the Dawn
« Reply #86 on: January 08, 2012, 05:56:05 AM »

With refreshed energy, the girl spreads out the remaining papers. To her surprise, only two remain, and they are both plentiful with words.
The two appear to be from the same book as well. Though one appears to have been ripped. Kohaku picks up the more complete of the two and begins to read.

          Hakurei Shrine

          Encounterable youkai: None... supposedly

          On the eastern edge of Gensokyo lies its only shrine
          This shrine exists on the border between the outside world and Gensokyo
          To be accurate, the place where this shrine exists is not Gensokyo.
          All of Gensokyo can be seen from this shrine, and it is famous for having the most beautiful cherry blossom trees.
          The Hakurei shrine maiden, who specializes in incident resolution, lives here
          She watches over Gensokyo from here, and when an incident arises, she will go out immediately and ascertain the cause.

          Although normally youkai should not approach the shrine, there is a rumor that it has become a den of youkai, and that humans no longer approach.
          Just as in the village, one is ensured safety from attacks by youkai while at the shrine; however, as the path between the shrine and the village is an animal trial with poor visibility, and since safety cannot be guaranteed, it has always prevented people from visiting the shrine to worship.
          It has other special traits, such as items from the outside world appearing within the proximity of the shrine or people from the outside world spotted nearby.
          A human being from outside will become food shortly after encountering a youkai, but if his luck is sufficient to find the shrine, they can return to their own world.

It doesn?t take the girl long to read through the page, and she quickly snatches the last one off the ground and begins to read it. Kohaku notices that there are more empty spaces as well.

          Shrine Maiden of Paradise

          The current shrine maiden at the Hakurei Shrine, which lies on the border of Gensokyo.
          The Hakurei Shrine exists to watch over the Great Boundary which ensures Gensokyo's existence, and the shrine maidens of Hakurei resolve major incidents for a living

The first thing Kohaku notices is that the name of the shrine maiden has once again not appeared. Skipping down the page, she comes to an untitled section. It seems as if the title was faded away on purpose.

          powers of the Hakurei shrine maidens
          The Hakurei shrine maidens control the Great Hakurei Boundary and protect Gensokyo.
          If the Great Boundary were destroyed, either from inside or out, Gensokyo would likely not fare well.
          Gensokyo relies on the Hakurei Shrine and its shrine maidens to continue to exist as it does today.

          Spell Card Rules


          The spell card rules allow both parties to show off their skills in a beautiful competition
          *Spell cards are specially-named techniques, and they must be declared upon use.

          Following these rules allows for conflict resolution which is almost like a sporting event.
          With the introduction of these rules, it became possible for even relatively weak humans to challenge youkai.

Skipping a blank area, Kohaku comes closer to the end of the torn page.


                 a specialist in incident resolution.
          When an incident occurs (*3),
          This refers to an incident that involves all of Gensokyo where the perpetrator is unknown. Typically this is due to some youkai's whimsy or the doings of a newcomer.

The final section is untitled.

          Since the Hakurei Shrine stands on the boundary of Gensokyo from the outside world, one can go to the shrine from either world.
          But it normally isn't possible to pass between the two worlds.

          It's said that the Hakurei Shrine seen from outside is a desolate, uninhabited shrine which no one visits.
          Before the Great Boundary was created, the shrine was not as empty as it is now, but it was also not built up to the same scale as the Gensokyo one.
          It's said that the Hakurei Shrine in the outside world has mostly been abandoned since the boundary was created.


As the girl finishes, she lets out a sigh.
Just then, Hyozan?s ears perk up.
As Kohaku turns her attention to the dog, he lifts his head, and gazes towards the way the pair had first entered the building. His stare is strong and unrelenting, as if it was gong through the walls themselves.
Right through to the shrine?s magnificent gate.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2012, 04:31:29 PM by Sonae »

Re: On The Boundary ~ Illusionary Festival for the Dawn
« Reply #87 on: January 08, 2012, 03:30:48 PM »
Instinctively, Kohaku lets an inch of chain slide out of her hand, bringing herself to one knee, ready to defend herself and her friend. If Hyozan's reacting that way, there's a reason. Plus that bit about youkai eating humans from the outside world has her a little spooked. She may not be from the outside world, but she is still a human. And the hakurei shrine maiden, whoever she may be, does not appear to be in evidence to defend people from being eaten by youkai, if that's what Hyozan's reacting to out there.

Of course, Kohaku thinks fleetingly, If that's Haine out there, that's a different story...


Letting a few minutes past, neither Kohaku nor Hyozan can detect anything coming from outside; or, in Hyozan's case, nothing more than something worth taking notice of. Perhaps it wasn't a threat after all. Or Haine, Kohaku adds with just a twinge of disappointment, Hyozan'd be almost as excited as Kohaku herself to see that particular youkai again. Still, a little pragmatism never hurts.
Kohaku sends one of her chains out from her, sliding the far door open from a safe distance, slowly, to afford her a look at just what Hyozan heard. And this look reveals.... Nothing. At least nothing that wasn't there before she entered the building. Curious. Reeling in her chain, the young woman stands and heads for the door, to get a better look. Still nothing. She spares a glance back at Hyozan, who's still standing at attention. "You sure there's something out there, boy?" The malamute doesn't answer, but doesn't sit back down either. Shrugging, but deciding to humor the dog, Kohaku coils her chain around her slender arm and takes a couple steps outside, to see just what's got her friends hackles raised.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2012, 07:21:28 AM by Sourfang, the Falling Star »

[Y]oukai [J]esus

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Re: On The Boundary ~ Illusionary Festival for the Dawn
« Reply #88 on: January 12, 2012, 10:52:24 AM »
Walking into the shrine barefooted, the girl ignores Amaya just for a sentence - I mean, she never wore shoes in the first place. Entering the shrine, she felt an incredibly nostalgic feeling. The feeling of being home. The room was big, but simple. Settling herself into the place, Nanaya soon sat at the table. Relaxing and sipping tea, Nanaya sighs. She begins to trace her memories back towards her time as a small, tiny child.

How she was forced into things she never wanted to do. How she eventually fought back in her own way. It was like pissing against the tide.

"Please tell me, Nanaya-san, you seem very.... fixed up. I don't want to hurt your feelings, but do you want to talk about it?" Amaya asks.

"Fixed up...?" Nanaya says, leaning back. "Maybe you could call me that..." She sighs and pushes the tea cup away a little. She glances over to her sword; Neatly placed at the side, along with the gauntlets.

"Well... You two are the first people I've talked to in a long time. This is also the first time I've been in a building of any sort. I mean, I live in a cave and all..." She states bluntly. "I guess I'm lonely." Nanaya smiles to herself. Receiving a look from Suwako, Nanaya begins to realize what she just did. She revealed her past without thinking.

"...Um... I should go." Nanaya grabs her sword, and gets off the table, beginning to run out of the shrine. Her gauntlets dangle freely attached to the hilt of the sword. Amaya and Suwako look at her stunned, before going after her. Nanaya is faster, even if just by a little bit. Soon, she stops just for a moment at the shrine's tori.

"Say I said hi to Kanako and Sanae!" She shouts, before running off down the mountain.

<Nietz> Anyway, sex toys alone won't come up to 11k.
[18:48] <Warma> There must have been a new depth, where you've sunk as a person. Then you dug through that.

Re: On The Boundary ~ Illusionary Festival for the Dawn
« Reply #89 on: January 13, 2012, 12:04:26 AM »
As the girl cautiously ventures out into the morning sun, a gentle breeze blows past her. It?s cool and refreshing, not too strong, and not all too week. Kohaku?s long hair sways softly in the passing breeze. She can feel the sun?s heat clearly even though it is only the beginning of spring.
Kohaku carefully examines her surroundings, looking around for any signs of youkai or otherwise. After thoroughly gazing at the surrounding area, she frowns, slightly puzzled. The girls turns and looks back at Hyozan, who has made his way out of the shrine and is now standing a short distance behind Kohaku. As she watches her malamute, she thinks to ask him again if there was really something out here.
Just then, another, slightly stronger, breeze blows across the shrine grounds.
Kohaku swiftly turns around and faces forward, towards the magnificent torii standing proudly at the top of the stairs, silently watching over all of Gensokyo.
As the wind dies down to a calm zephyr, a woman steps out from behind the left pillar of the grand torii.

Her short hair is golden in color. She?s wearing a white dress with a dark blue, no indigo, colored layer on the front. Her hands are in her sleeves, sitting in front of her chest. Atop her head is an oddly shaped hat with charms on it. However, this is not what draws the girl?s attention the most.
Sprouting from her back are nine golden tails, all shining under the bright morning sun.
As the wind slows to a stop, she opens her eyes, revealing beautiful golden eyes. She turns her gaze to the human before her and smiles invitingly.
?So you?re the one she chose?? She says with a smile of reassurance. She closes her eyes for a moment then opens them, gazing directly at Kohaku with their beautiful golden luster.
?I apologize for all the trouble we?re causing you. I hope you will understand?? She says, looking slightly uneasy for a moment.
Just then a shout rings out from the sky.
?Bunbunmaru Newspaper! Extra big news! Read it or be blown away!?
As Kohaku looks upward in search of the voice, a bundle of paper flutters down towards the ground. As it lands by her feet, she kneels down and picks up the lump of paper. As the girl quickly glances at it, she notices the pages are entirely covered with words, the first page in particular grabs her attention.

The Next Hakurei Miko Appears!
Barrier left in the hands of Amateur?

          As the harsh blizzards of winter come to an end, a gentle breeze blows throughout Gensokyo.
          At this time, all of Gensokyo eagerly awaits the arrival of spring.
          When it comes to spring, there is one thing on everyone?s minds.
          Flower viewing.
          And the number one place in Gensokyo for flower viewing is none other than the Hakurei Shrine.

          X Month X Day, I received a strange report from a certain youkai.
          The youkai spoke criptically and her words were hard to comprehend, but this was what she said:
          ?Do you remember that magnificent shrine to the east?
          There will be someone there today, someone special.
          Maybe she?s there to take the Hakurei?s great power.
          Shouldn?t a reporter such as yourself go check out these things??
          As always this youkai speaks in illogical riddles that can?t be understood by normal people.
          Uneasy as I was, I reluctantly set out for the deserted shrine.
          Upon arrival I observed a most shocking of scene.
          There was a human girl ransacking the shrine.
          I quickly rushed back to write an article.

          On my way back I ran into Gensokyo?s resident oni, Suika Ibuki.
          Upon hearing of the thief I caught red-handed, she told me not to worry, that the girl was just the new miko cleaning up.
          This was even more surprising than I imagined.
          So with renewed energy I headed back to begin writing the article.

          It?s been more than a decade since the Hakurei Shrine was inhabited.
          The Hakurei shrine which stands on the boundary between Gensokyo and the outside world used to be a lively place that youkai frequented.
          The shrine?s only role is to maintain the border between the two worlds. Without a shrine maiden, the shrine fell into a sad state of disrepair, and youkai no longer visited.
          Unable to complete it?s function, the shrine was forgotten by Gensokyo.
          To believe that the shrine finally has a new shrine maiden.
          This is a happy day indeed.
          I look forward to a multitude of new material from this new shrine maiden.
          (Aya Shameimaru)

          To celebrate this joyous event, a feast will be held at the Hakurei Shrine. Everyone is welcome so there?s sure to be plenty of sake and food.


As Kohaku finishes reading the article, she looks up from the paper to see that the golden tailed woman had vanished.
It seems her everyday life is going to become anything but boring.


---Time Skip Initiated---
Date: 28th of March, Year 160. Early Spring
9:01 A.M.   --->   5:46 P.M.


As the sun began to sink to the west, Gensokyo was tinted with a beautiful golden hue. Shadows stretched out far across the dusty ground. Slowly, the nocturnal residents of Gensokyo began to awaken.



?Hah! That?s all the lessons for today? Tsukasa says as she wipes her brow with her sleeve. She inhales the cool evening air with a smile. She places her hands on her hips and turns to Sanaya who is standing before her outside of the Dojo.
?Thanks for your help Sanaya. I appreciate it.? She says. ?Anyways, I?ve got things to do this evening. Sorry that I can?t keep you busy any longer? She says with a weak laugh. She closes her eyes and takes another breath of crisp air. She opens her eyes and smiles at Sanaya.
?Feel free to stop by any time you?ve got nothing to do. I could always use help with demonstrations.? She shfts slightly, glancing towards her home that stands behind her.
?Well, It was great seeing you again. I hope we?ll get to spar again soon. I need to check on my mother so?? Tsukasa turns and gazes at the house with a frown. After a few moments, she turns back to Sanaya. Her gaze seems to have lost a bit of that energetic aura they previously had,
?So I?ll see you later??