Author Topic: [1.6.7_03] Touhou GTA Vmod - Bosh! Yet another fix!  (Read 326669 times)


  • Red shroom
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[1.6.7_03] Touhou GTA Vmod - Bosh! Yet another fix!
« on: November 30, 2011, 07:32:59 PM »
You thought this project was dead? No, no, just took longer than expected. :V

So without further ado, well, this was the version that would have been 1.6, but after a dispute I've opted to call this a derivative mod rather than an outright successor. Makes more sense that way as well considering the changes.
...and what of Squidtentacle's original thread and modification project? Well, considering the differences between the two I say it's another interpretation of the idea! ^^;

This requires GTA: San Andreas and a US v1.0 executable. Don't have the former? Amazon (US store linked) sells the downgradable Version 2 for cheap. Steam has it too - complete with Mac version - but the recent song removal update makes me rather uneasy about recommending this version.
The Win8.x Store version (ported from iOS and Android versions with the touchscreen and Xbox controller support, and so on) is currently unsupported but I encourage testing it out anyway if you're really curious and have free time. :V

EU executables previously have worked, but recent reports suggest the opposite.
Downgraded v2 EXEs have been noted to work. v3 downgraders do exist but the common ones make it an EU executable.

It is meant to be installed on top of a vanilla installation for best results.

Version 1 script files are also included, so those of you with v2 or v3 saves will notice that they will not work with this mod. If, after installing this mod, you find that your old saves are crashing immediately upon load, then they are v2/v3 saves and (alas, but I can't find a V2->V1 conversion method) you'll have to start the game over again.

Lastly, Windows Vista and later users must set compatibility to Windows XP (Service Pack 2) for it to work. SP3 is rumoured to work on Vista and 7, but it definitely does not for Win8 and later.

Screenshot galleries from prior development versions:
Plotline characters and missions
General gameplay
More on Steam

SAVE OFTEN! Even after mod stability tests, it can still crash unexpectedly at times (sometimes with a nice little crash report too).

Well, without further ado, enjoy the mod! ^^

> Full Version (1.6.7_02) <
Extract the file into your GTA:SA directory, set compatibility settings for your EXE, and get going! Though if using Win8.x and not the Steam version, I'd highly advise moving the directory elsewhere first to avoid the default permissions stuff.

> Patch Version (1.6.7_03) <
For anyone with a pre-existing 1.6.7_02 installation. Check the TGTA_readme file in ReadMe folder to determine which version you have.

Important Addendum:
A crash source in the Black Project mission has been found, in which if you were detected in the outside area, the game would crash.

This is caused by the AREA_69_ENTER2.cs file in the CLEO directory - detection would lock the doors, and this script (designed to keep the doors unlocked) does not like that. Solutions include (A) move or delete the file, or (B) slip by without getting caught. The file in question will be removed in the next patch/release.

Character Modules (optional)
For those who want to play as different characters through the plotline (similar to the alternate character versions in Squidtentacle's mod; just easier to implement and install)
These replace models/tgtaspec.img and are extracted directly from the main TGTA VMod folder.

These will be made available in the future as they are made. Older 1.6-1.6.1 ones will not work due to the changes in model pointers.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2014, 11:22:45 PM by DX7_EP »
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Re: Touhou GTA VMod - v1.6A (Comprehensive Update) Released
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2011, 07:17:36 PM »
But as I am still not fully sure of who would go in the Sanae version, I'll release a beta in an incremental update instead. And once again, feel free to suggest a cast here and I'll see to it!

Well, like I said, I have played through just a first part of the game so far, so I can only suggest the roles for few characters I am familiar with.

For Sanae?s scenario I can suggest:

Sweet: Kanako
Kendl: Suwako
Caesar: Reimu, I like the idea of two miko working together ^_^

Big Smoke: Murasa
Rydar:  Ichirin
Tenpenny: Byakuren
Pulaski: Shou
Maybe with Nazrins as regular policemen ^_^
Hernandez: Kogasa

Unfortunately, it is hard for me to advice anything beyond this, as I don?t know anything about other major gangs/factions and characters.

Among potential girlfriends for Sanae, I would definitely like to see Nue (although I am not sure which potential girlfriend?s personality would suit her best). And Nitori as Michelle! And Koishi would be another possible choice, I believe.

I am currently considering possible roles for Sakuya?s scenario as well, though I am not sure such minor suggestion are of much use. But if they are, I am happy to be of help.


It?s nice to see that your version is out, although I will probably wait until Sanae?s version is ready before I play. Just don't feel like playing as Reimu.


  • Red shroom
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  • Smooth Charisma
    • Sanmaat (site of personal tat)
Re: Touhou GTA VMod - v1.6A (Comprehensive Update) Released
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2011, 09:51:22 PM »
Well, like I said, I have played through just a first part of the game so far, so I can only suggest the roles for few characters I am familiar with.
...I see. I'd suggest getting up to speed by playing the vanilla game or watching a walkthrough/LP of it. Even though I've played through the PS2 version, I still had to go back to these approaches to see what would fit better.

For Sanae’s scenario I can suggest:

Sweet: Kanako
Kendl: Suwako
That works.

Cesar: Reimu, I like the idea of two miko working together ^_^
Hehe, that works too though I thought of using Reimu Tenpenny >:V

Big Smoke: Murasa
Ryder:  Ichirin
Tenpenny: Byakuren
Pulaski: Shou
Works for Touhou, but not for GTA. I don't see Byakuren being a corrupting bastard, and the rest in turn don't follow.

For Smoke and Ryder, I think Aya and Hatate would fit better with the other locale, as both are technically Moriyaist and are willing to cause a stir.

Maybe with Nazrins as regular policemen ^_^
Funny idea, but not enough models for that :V

Hernandez: Kogasa
Again, uncertain.

Unfortunately, it is hard for me to advice anything beyond this, as I don’t know anything about other major gangs/factions and characters.
They, along with their respective sprays, would have to be modded too if it need be.

Among potential girlfriends for Sanae, I would definitely like to see Nue (although I am not sure which potential girlfriend’s personality would suit her best). And Nitori as Michelle! And Koishi would be another possible choice, I believe.
Nitori as Michelle works, definitely, regardless of character (well, unless it's the Nitori mod :V). Koishi...definitely fits somewhere.
I'd add Aya and Kogasa as one of the pairings due to apparent relationshipping between the two by silly fans.

I am currently considering possible roles for Sakuya’s scenario as well, though I am not sure such minor suggestion are of much use. But if they are, I am happy to be of help.
Well, small suggestions are suggestions nonetheless and are appreciated!

I would say, though, to focus for now on the Sanae roster.

It’s nice to see that your version is out, although I will probably wait until Sanae’s version is ready before I play. Just don't feel like playing as Reimu.
Many thanks.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2011, 09:54:25 PM by ロケット Copy/Fax Machines »
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Bad command or file name



  • Too moe for ZUN
  • それは私、Flinixです
Re: Touhou GTA VMod - v1.6A (Comprehensive Update) Released
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2011, 01:14:45 AM »
Nice to see the release to 1.6! Once I download all the files myself, may I have everyone make a vote for the torrent idea? I can create the torrent for any newcomers for faster downloading, though the choice of download source is in fact pretty good by itself (Thank you MediaFire). Let me know. Thanks everyone for the hard work!, especially you EP, now I have something new to do again. XD
Still using Windows XP in the year 2050
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Re: Touhou GTA VMod - v1.6A (Comprehensive Update) Released
« Reply #4 on: December 02, 2011, 03:12:48 AM »
As for the torrent idea:
Feel free to make this into a torrent - just let me know by PM or post and I'll put it up as an attachment, but if it goes dead for too long it'll be removed.

Also working on initial bits of 1.6.1 (interim update) that shows the feasibility of the modular IMG format I put in (which allows for easier and much smaller alternate-character versions)...7zipping the default one (~213MB - the character, cutscene, gang, and girlfriend models, as well as spray textures, are moved from gta3.img to a custom-made tgtaspec.img) led to a zipped size of...only 34.3MB. :o
The other plan for that version is to reduce audio-related crashing rates by recompiling a few bits.
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  • Sprite animator
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Re: Touhou GTA VMod - v1.6A (Comprehensive Update) Released
« Reply #5 on: December 02, 2011, 03:34:20 AM »
reduce audio-related crashing rates
That would be absolutely brilliant, since I had nothing BUT them in the older versions :blush:


  • Red shroom
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  • Smooth Charisma
    • Sanmaat (site of personal tat)
Re: Touhou GTA VMod - v1.6A (Comprehensive Update) Released
« Reply #6 on: December 02, 2011, 03:40:10 AM »

This was supposed to be an edit to my previous post but it seems I've been beaten at that (and it refused to save).

I'm still picking out a roster of songs for radio stations for 1.7 (release date 'when it's done')'s what I have in mind, which is (mostly) genre-based rather than circle-based categorization. (all the titles are working titles, not finalized yet)
Playback FM (O-Life Japan): Border Streaming Service (other songs from other games, mostly 1990s ones)
K-Rose (Black Night Funeral): Oarfish Disco (vocal electronic, Vocaloid arranges, etc).
K-DST (Concealed the Conclusion): Electro-Satomimi (trance, house, D&B, etc)
Bounce FM (dBu Music): Strongest Stream (the most common songs, and then some)
SF-UR (EastNewSound): Shanghai Alice Hop (ZUN-style)
Radio Los Santos (Demetori): Hourai Phoenix Forge (hard rock/metal)
Radio X (C-Clays): Easy Modo FM (jazz, lounge, easy rock, folk)
CSR (Liz Triangle): Akyu's Synth Station (MIDI/FM synthesis, chiptune)
K-Jah West (HACW): I have no clue what I'm missing here, any suggestions? :V
Master Sounds (WAVE): Prismriver Symphonies (orchestral, pianist)
WCTR (TAMusic): Bunbunmaru Talk Session (M-1, TH for Busy People, similar)

While I would've liked recruiting and installing DJs, that would take up much more work and instead I'll just put in more music (even though that means a few songs will play only at specific times in the plot). ^^

Not sure how many songs will be in each at the end of everything, though I'm aiming for 200MB total size per station assuming there is no maximum. They will be 7-zipped, but from what I've tested they have a 99-100% compression ratio. :\
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  • Too moe for ZUN
  • それは私、Flinixです
Re: Touhou GTA VMod - v1.6A (Comprehensive Update) Released
« Reply #7 on: December 02, 2011, 07:03:22 AM »
I want to point out that right off the bat, I am unable to play TGTA 1.6. The game loads well (like the new choice of song for the loading screen btw). I get to the point where  the Francis Int'l Airport beginning text displays, but in attempt to load the video that follows that text, the game closes immediately with no error message. Just to make sure it wasn't a fluke, I've tried a few times and it is the same result. What could be the issue? Let me know, thanks!

EDIT Ichi: Loaded a save game file which successfully loaded, but I get literally 1/30th of a second of game visual before the closing occurs just like the loading of the beginning video. Is there a corrupted file amongst my download, just like 1.5 had a corrupted fly.cleo?

EDIT Ni: Found the problem! The bullet.fx file was causing the problem. Just moved it to a new folder. In game now. If anyone else has the bullet problem, just move to a new folder as I have and the game will at least load. This is at least for Windows XP Black Edition (professional modified) SP3. Will post for any more problem occurrences. Back to game! Flinix Out!

EDIT San: I am starting to feel this is not an out of the box ready game, as least in my experience so far. Now Cuts.img in the anim folder is causing a problem. I can get in the game, but as soon as I walk about 10 feet to where something new loads, likely peds and cars, the game again shuts down completely. Grrr. I need help with this.

EDIT Shi: Well, I replaced Cuts.img of TGTA 1.6 from 1.5, and I was actually able to walk a bit further, people and cars loaded and I was able to look around. Then about 5 seconds after all was loaded, crash boom click click bang bang. Anyways, copied from the very convenient error dump log file, here is the error report:

Version: US 1.0
Last File Loaded: ANIM\CUTS.IMG
Last Library Loaded:
Error: Unknown

Assembly Info:

Exception At Address: 0x4FE640BE
Exception Code: 0xc0000005 (EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION)

EAX: 0x00000112   EBX: 0x015B2000
ECX: 0xC4898842   EDX: 0x00000014
ESI: 0x016B0020   EDI: 0x08000000
EBP: 0x0023FC0D   ESP: 0x0022FBCC

I know I put myself up for testing, but I didn't expect to encounter every error in the universe. XD I wanna plaaaayyyyy!!!! *in childish voice and temper*

EDIT Go: Will be installing and retesting on a different machine, specifically my desktop to see if anything improves....bleh
« Last Edit: December 02, 2011, 08:17:10 AM by Flinix »
Still using Windows XP in the year 2050
[img width= height=][/img]


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Re: Touhou GTA VMod - v1.6A (Comprehensive Update) Released
« Reply #8 on: December 02, 2011, 09:46:56 AM »
...oh my, sorry to hear that :ohdear:

Did you install it on top of an existing TGTA install, or on a vanilla one?

Sparda and I have confirmed this mod to work (though former noted lag when loading up the world) on 32 and 64-bit Win7, both on top of vanilla installations. I have a 2k3 install as well, let me see how it runs on that as it's similar to XP....

...crap, I'm having issues on my Win2k3 R2 install as well with this mod. Some things are not rendering at all, and when things do I notice rather odd bands going top to bottom on my screen. Taking out the Bullet ASI rendered things, but all the textures are missing. It's definitely not my GPU, as vanilla and TGTA 1.5 work fine.
Fortunately, though, I was able to fix it by removing the salimits.ini and using the bundled salimits_hq.ini. The banding problems came from the Bullet ASI, texture ones from Colormod; both were removed. Cuts.img has not caused any problems for me. Everything seems to run fine now there! ^^

Also, if you have Data Execution Prevention on for all processes (most of you don't) remember to disable it on gta-sa.exe. It will not run otherwise.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2011, 09:57:27 AM by ロケット Copy/Fax Machines »
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Re: Touhou GTA VMod - v1.6A (Comprehensive Update) Released
« Reply #9 on: December 02, 2011, 01:39:49 PM »
I've been using this mod for about half a day now, and it is brilliant!!! For some reason I'm not getting any more crashing, so whatever changed, it fixed that problem! But I really have to say this... Those prostitute models... CAN!!! NOT!!! UNSEE!!! :colonveeplusalpha:


  • Red shroom
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Re: Touhou GTA VMod - v1.6A (Comprehensive Update) Released
« Reply #10 on: December 02, 2011, 01:45:34 PM »
Those prostitute models... CAN!!! NOT!!! UNSEE!!! :colonveeplusalpha:
Let's credit Dark_Fox for that, as they are from his Touhou pedestrians pack. :colonveeplusalpha:

Keep an eye out for other absurdities! :V
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  • Sprite animator
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Re: Touhou GTA VMod - v1.6A (Comprehensive Update) Released
« Reply #11 on: December 02, 2011, 02:05:15 PM »
Let's credit Dark_Fox for that, as they are from his Touhou pedestrians pack. :colonveeplusalpha:

Keep an eye out for other absurdities! :V

Anyway, There's this problem. Right after buying new clothes against my will, I saved and exited, but when I came back the default player model was stuck on Carl, so the Reimu player model was nowhere to be seen. I tried re-installing the mod itself but that didn't work either. Any suggestions?

Either way I can deal with awkwardly switching to Reimu during cutscenes ::)


  • Red shroom
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  • Smooth Charisma
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Re: Touhou GTA VMod - v1.6A (Comprehensive Update) Released
« Reply #12 on: December 02, 2011, 02:13:23 PM »
What you do here is hold TAB and use Q and E (or mouse wheel) to navigate between the skins.
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Re: Touhou GTA VMod - v1.6A (Comprehensive Update) Released
« Reply #13 on: December 02, 2011, 02:26:51 PM »
What you do here is hold TAB and use Q and E (or mouse wheel) to navigate between the skins.
Yeah that's what I did. The player model Reimu isn't the same as the Reimu in the cutscenes. Is that normal?


  • Red shroom
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  • Smooth Charisma
    • Sanmaat (site of personal tat)
Re: Touhou GTA VMod - v1.6A (Comprehensive Update) Released
« Reply #14 on: December 02, 2011, 02:48:13 PM »
For the time being, yes.

Reason for that: I had issues with creating my skin.img file (which has the same model as the cutscene one), and thus to prevent further delays I decided to just re-use the skin.img from Squidtentacle's mod for the interim.

Over here I'm trying to re-create the intended skin.img file, so far to success.
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Bad command or file name



  • Sprite animator
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Re: Touhou GTA VMod - v1.6A (Comprehensive Update) Released
« Reply #15 on: December 02, 2011, 04:47:39 PM »
For the time being, yes.

Reason for that: I had issues with creating my skin.img file (which has the same model as the cutscene one), and thus to prevent further delays I decided to just re-use the skin.img from Squidtentacle's mod for the interim.

Over here I'm trying to re-create the intended skin.img file, so far to success.
Ah good to know, I didn't really like that Reimu model I just pulled out the pedestrian one and threw it into the skin.img for the time being, if anyone asks; she wears an eye patch and takes it off when she's around people she knows :3

Putting that aside, I am LOVING this version! Keep up the great work! :D


  • Red shroom
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  • Smooth Charisma
    • Sanmaat (site of personal tat)
Re: Touhou GTA VMod - v1.6A (Comprehensive Update) Released
« Reply #16 on: December 02, 2011, 07:35:28 PM »
Haha, you used what I call the Mafia Reimu model, eh? :V

In the process of recompiling audio...I think I found the source of the crashes.

Most of the audio crashes involved AUDIO/STREAMS/AMBIENCE...looking at the actual files vs. what is stated in the lookup file, it seems that Squidtentacle's additions, though they are great, were in the wrong bitrate (44kHz vs. 24kHz), and even though the lookup file can be modified to detect that, apparently it wasn't.
As for other ones...well, they were simply exported but SAAT says not to worry about it. Nonetheless conversion to the game's sample rates will occur for maximum stability.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2011, 07:57:21 PM by ロケット Copy/Fax Machines »
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  • Too moe for ZUN
  • それは私、Flinixです
Re: Touhou GTA VMod - v1.6A (Comprehensive Update) Released
« Reply #17 on: December 02, 2011, 08:30:56 PM »
Did you install it on top of an existing TGTA install, or on a vanilla one?
This was installed on a vanilla install of GTA:SA with version 1.0 executable.

...crap, I'm having issues on my Win2k3 R2 install as well with this mod. Some things are not rendering at all, and when things do I notice rather odd bands going top to bottom on my screen. Taking out the Bullet ASI rendered things, but all the textures are missing. It's definitely not my GPU, as vanilla and TGTA 1.5 work fine.
Fortunately, though, I was able to fix it by removing the salimits.ini and using the bundled salimits_hq.ini. The banding problems came from the Bullet ASI, texture ones from Colormod; both were removed. Cuts.img has not caused any problems for me. Everything seems to run fine now there! ^^

I will try removing the salimits.ini like you did to see what happens. I originally removed salimits_hq.ini as I thought that may have been an issue, but now I'll flip flop that.

EDIT Ichi: Wow, the file swap worked wonderfully! Thanks EP!
« Last Edit: December 03, 2011, 06:08:50 AM by Flinix »
Still using Windows XP in the year 2050
[img width= height=][/img]


  • Sprite animator
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Re: Touhou GTA VMod - v1.6A (Comprehensive Update) Released
« Reply #18 on: December 03, 2011, 01:13:46 AM »
Most of the audio crashes involved AUDIO/STREAMS/AMBIENCE...
Yes, yes, yes and more yes...                                                                             Yes!
That was the majority of my previous errors, it happened every time a car exploded close enough to make a noise... So I really couldn't progress very far. This would REALLY help :*


  • Too moe for ZUN
  • それは私、Flinixです
Re: Touhou GTA VMod - v1.6A (Comprehensive Update) Released
« Reply #19 on: December 03, 2011, 08:35:45 AM »
Desktop testing progress with: Windows XP Performance Edition; 2GB DDR2 RAM; 2.4Ght AMD Athlon XP 64 x2 4600+ dually CPU; 8600GTS video card; vanilla install of GTA:SA

Main mods:
CLEO Speedometer - VERY stable under this setup
Taxi Mod - Yes, they really do suck at driving XD

Touhou spell scripts:
Musou-Huin: Causes immediate exit of game with no error crash report
MASTER SPARK: Works wonderfully
Magic Broom: Works fine
Non-directional Laser: Works well (and I notice the change from spins much faster than before...good turnout)
Killing Doll: Works wonderfully
Perfect Maid: Works Wonderfully
Time Stop: Works like wonders (Did not work in 1.5, nice to see the addition of working spells)
Spear the Gungnir: Works like wonders
Flandre's Laevateinn: Works like wonders
Moonlight Ray: Works very well (Did not work well in 1.5)[very powerful feeling spell - as if Gungnir wasn't strong enough]
Grand Patriot's Elixir: Immediate crash of the game; no report (same result with 1.5)[in 1.5, would work in SAMP along with in-chat memory error messages{got banned on some servers for it}
Lunatic Cage: Works better than in 1.5 (in 1.5, the spell would only target one or two objects and the effect was less focused) Good work
Flying Phoenix: Works very well. Did not work in 1.5 (another spell hits the "functioning" list)
Trial Express: Works very well as it did in 1.5 (May I ask, were there any changes to this spell? Something seems a little different.)
Nitori Missiles (Funnel): Works well, and yes, floating bottles of win! (I love selecting targets behind a car or about the mass of a few bottles)
Scarlet Weather Rhapsody: Works well (had navigation and camera complications during the use though)
Feat of Strength: Works well
Subterranean Sun: Oh so powerful (much more stable than 1.5)

NON-Touhou scripts:
Blaze: Not yet tested
Airstrike: Very cool little cheat. Very stable and works wonderfully
Car Mass Hole: Does not work (Cheat activation shows, but no effect)
Never Die: Not yet tested
It's Raining Ped's: The amount of falling peds is  very low, but works otherwise
Evil Cars: Works most of the way, they just can't catch me! XD
Heaven Bound: Not yet tested
Super Saints: Not yet tested
Gravity Gun: Might not be fully functional (model loads, but unable to get any effects as described by following the directions...could be me on this one)
Portal Gun: Cheat activated and gun appears in weapon selected window, but I can't get it to do anything according to the directions
FPS Mode: Not yet tested

No included external programs have been used during the game, so they are untested with this setup.

Those CLEO spell cards/cheat additions will be filled in later as I fully play them out.

Hope this is enough to give some people an idea what to look for. Results may vary largely, depending on your set-up. 3:31AM, bed time noughw!
Still using Windows XP in the year 2050
[img width= height=][/img]


  • Red shroom
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  • Smooth Charisma
    • Sanmaat (site of personal tat)
Re: Touhou GTA VMod - v1.6A (Comprehensive Update) Released
« Reply #20 on: December 03, 2011, 11:23:00 AM »
Desktop testing progress with: Windows XP Performance Edition; 2GB DDR2 RAM; 2.4Ght AMD Athlon XP 64 x2 4600+ dually CPU; 8600GTS video card; vanilla install of GTA:SA

Musou-Huin: Causes immediate exit of game with no error crash report
Grand Patriot's Elixir: Immediate crash of the game; no report (same result with 1.5)[in 1.5, would work in SAMP along with in-chat memory error messages{got banned on some servers for it}
They rely on IIRC reimu.txd and udon.txd inside the models/txd folder. Though I have them in mine and they work in Win7, I'll be sure to keep an eye out when testing on Win2k3.

May I ask, were there any changes to this spell? Something seems a little different.
Not that I know of.

As for the controls for Gravity Gun and Portal Gun, well, could be that I tested with my setup of controls and forgot to check for default ones ><.

Got the audio recompilation and the new skin.img done for 1.6.1; now it's on to setting up Moriya Edition Alpha, some quick testing on both Win7 and Win2k3, and then I can bundle and upload! ^^
« Last Edit: December 03, 2011, 11:30:50 AM by ロケット Copy/Fax Machines »
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  • Servant of Pandora
Re: Touhou GTA VMod - v1.6A (Comprehensive Update) Released
« Reply #21 on: December 03, 2011, 06:37:09 PM »
Great to see this up and going! Did someone mention my prostitutes? Haha, I almost made one of them a certain shop keeper just for OMG value. Once more info on how its working for everyone comes in, I MAY start doing some more models/objects/vehicles to add for optional download. Right now though I just want to see how the mod is doing. To keep it from cluttering this thread though, and since my future mods will work with either touhou gta mod, I will probably start putting them in their own thread when the time comes.


  • Red shroom
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  • Smooth Charisma
    • Sanmaat (site of personal tat)
Re: Touhou GTA VMod - v1.6.1A released
« Reply #22 on: December 03, 2011, 08:26:43 PM »
Though I have them in mine and they work in Win7, I'll be sure to keep an eye out when testing on Win2k3.
After testing:
Odd...both spellcards work beautifully for me in Win2k3. @Flinix: Can you check your models/txd folder for reimu.txd and udon.txd? The lack of those files seems to be a major reason why the two can crash.

Once more info on how its working for everyone comes in, I MAY start doing some more models/objects/vehicles to add for optional download. Right now though I just want to see how the mod is doing. To keep it from cluttering this thread though, and since my future mods will work with either touhou gta mod, I will probably start putting them in their own thread when the time comes.
Probably a good idea to put your own mods in another thread, just so that anyone can install it at his/her leisure rather than have to rely on either my or Squidtentacle's mods. ^_^

In related news, the 1.6.1A patch is live! Changelog:
VERSION 1.6.1A (2011.12.03)
 + Removed sprays, girlfriend models from gta3.img (these were overriding the tgtaspec.img ones)
 + Switched the default tgtaspec.img to the new one (which is larger, but makes up for the changes to gta3.img)

VERSION 1.6.1 (2011.12.03)
 + Fixed load/performance issues on Windows XP and 2003 systems (hopefully)
 + Released Moriya Edition Alpha (optional download)
 + Recompiled GENRL (SFX), AMBIENCE, and BEATS (STREAMS) to reduce crash rates (the rest will be fixed with a larger update)
 + Rearranged file archive patterns (standalone install version)
 + Edited skin.img with 92 models, loosely based off the THWiki 2011 poll results
 + Moved girlfriend models and gang spray textures over to tgtaspec.img for greater character mod depth potential
 + Included readme for Stream INI Extender
 * Tweaked values of stream.ini to better adjust for low-spec systems - under stream_low.ini (again)
 - Removed low-spec system-oriented salimits.ini due to texture issues under 2003; the hi-quality one is used, and instead stream.ini has the tweaks (stream_low.ini has low-end one)
 - Removed default installations of Bullet and Colour Mod due to reported crashing on XP and 2003 systems; they are available under the folder 'Optional'
Links are up in the OP; you will have to re-download the Models archives, though.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2011, 12:02:47 AM by ロケット Copy/Fax Machines »
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Bad command or file name



Re: Touhou GTA VMod - v1.6.1A released
« Reply #23 on: December 03, 2011, 11:36:00 PM »
Crashed my game from spawning too  many Nitoris. Could you put up a list of available models in the advanced skin changer? There's a lot of duplicates in there, by the way.


  • Red shroom
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  • Smooth Charisma
    • Sanmaat (site of personal tat)
Re: Touhou GTA VMod - v1.6.1A released
« Reply #24 on: December 03, 2011, 11:53:13 PM »
Crashed my game from spawning too many Nitoris.
The skin changer's AI spawner is quite crash-prone. :V

Could you put up a list of available models in the advanced skin changer? There's a lot of duplicates in there, by the way.
...ugh, it'd take far too long to do so. The best I can do that for is the skin.img file, and even then I'm limited to 92 models maximum (already filled in).

There's also the Special Actors (which depend on what Character Module you use) and the Normal Peds, which...yeah, there are quite a few duplicates in there, I'll say that; maybe that will be something I'll try and attend to for the next major version.
C:DOS> ayayaya.mid
Bad command or file name



  • Reimu Hakurei empress through gods grace
  • Peace through osaisen!
Re: Touhou GTA VMod - v1.6.1A released
« Reply #25 on: December 04, 2011, 01:55:08 AM »
so i tested the tgta mod 1.6.1 on an desktop pc 8GB ram, quad core intel core i7 2.93GHZ, ATI readon HD 5800 series, win7 32bit and an GTA EU EXE
running and flying without problem(no lags)
: no probs worked fine
Master Spark: same as above
Magic Broom: worked fine (try not to jump from the broom while in the air you could be death when you land on the ground)
Non-Directional Laser & Killing Doll: both worked fine and i also can use them at the same time without probs
Perfect Maid: no probs
Time Stop; works also fine but to end it press f when you write it again it gets slower and the write i a 3 time even slower (and i dont written it a 4 time because my pc told me with a stange noise it dont like it ^^)
Spear the Gungnir: works fine
Laevateinn: works fine (but to write the whole name to activate is a torture)
Moonlight Ray: works fine but the animation of the beam works not always like it should sometimes you see only the beam ball that bump into the ground and the explosion
Grand Patriots Elixir: works fine
Lunatice Cage: works fine
Immortal Fire-Bird ~ Flying Phoenix: works fine
Yakumo Express: also one off the funniest spells works fine
Funnel: works fine
Scarlet Weather Rhapsody off All Mankind: works also fine but the camera stucks often at a position
Feat of Strength Storm on Mt. Ooe: works fine
Subterranean Sun: works but when i try it on the ground the charakter jumps into the air then you have a screen without the character when you stop for a sec and try it again you see the character in the air but with every explosion it zoomes to the character
Other Cheat Scripts: all worked

« Last Edit: December 04, 2011, 01:59:50 AM by BlackSparda »


  • Red shroom
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  • Smooth Charisma
    • Sanmaat (site of personal tat)
Re: Touhou GTA VMod - v1.6.1A released
« Reply #26 on: December 04, 2011, 10:45:37 PM »
Thanks for the information Sparda.

And it seems that I'm still getting audio-related (according to SALA) crashes, but this usually happens when activating several cheats and mods (namely, Evil Cars + Pedestrians attack player + Everyone is armed + GTA Carmageddon + never die) all at once; normal game is a bit more stable than prior versions but crashes still occur. I think it may be a memory overflow, but I'm not certain (testing with 4GB memory set in stream.ini and SALA's streaming memory on my desktop to check).
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Re: Touhou GTA VMod - v1.6.1A released
« Reply #27 on: December 04, 2011, 11:28:04 PM »
 It's pretty amusing spawning shitloads of NPCs in front of a moving train.

Then I tried to spawn people in the house and this happened:
« Last Edit: December 04, 2011, 11:31:53 PM by moooo »


  • Red shroom
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  • Smooth Charisma
    • Sanmaat (site of personal tat)
Re: Touhou GTA VMod - v1.6.1A released
« Reply #28 on: December 04, 2011, 11:37:26 PM »
It seems like you're playing the game in Windowed mode, which SALA supports via a tweak to salimits.ini. I have it disabled due to render issues (such as with fire) I noticed with that mode on.

Also seems like the textures haven't loaded up fully. The game default is 50MB, which causes lots of low-detail textures and pop-in...I have it set to 512MB by default as of 1.6.1 (1024MB in 1.6). Perhaps the streaming memory is getting overloaded?
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Re: Touhou GTA VMod - v1.6.1A released
« Reply #29 on: December 05, 2011, 06:40:11 AM »
I've already downloaded the main game files. Looking forward to playing next week when I have free time.

Since there is already a Reimu and Sanae mod, may I suggest a Marisa mod? Just to complete the trio.  :V
I must say I liked Squidtentacle's choice in the Marisa version of models with Cesar as Patchouli and Kendle as Alice. Just a suggestion, not forcing you into anything.