Author Topic: The One & Only SHINO QUEST ~ Part 2  (Read 168262 times)

Hello Purvis

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Re: The One & Only SHINO QUEST ~ Part 2
« Reply #180 on: December 01, 2011, 04:24:06 AM »
>Sakuya can clean that up when we're done here.


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Re: The One & Only SHINO QUEST ~ Part 2
« Reply #181 on: December 01, 2011, 05:07:26 AM »
>Give Remilia a thumbs-up. While still making out, of course.

Re: The One & Only SHINO QUEST ~ Part 2
« Reply #182 on: December 01, 2011, 07:39:57 AM »
>Give Remilia a thumbs-up. While still making out, of course.
> Then cease paying attention to anything except the important activity we are currently engaged in!

Tamashii Kanjou

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Re: The One & Only SHINO QUEST ~ Part 2
« Reply #183 on: December 01, 2011, 12:58:01 PM »
>Sakuya can clean that up when we're done here.
>Give Remilia a thumbs-up. While still making out, of course.
> Then cease paying attention to anything except the important activity we are currently engaged in!

>Ah, Sakuya can easily clean that up later.
>You give a quick thumbs up in Remilia's direction, before continuing on with your perfect maid.

>Sakuya pulls away after a few more seconds however.
>"Was that to your liking?"


Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: The One & Only SHINO QUEST ~ Part 2
« Reply #184 on: December 01, 2011, 01:03:57 PM »
>Catch our breath.
>"I think you won."
>Glance toward Remilia. "I think she won."

Tamashii Kanjou

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Re: The One & Only SHINO QUEST ~ Part 2
« Reply #185 on: December 01, 2011, 01:19:02 PM »
>Catch our breath.
>"I think you won."
>Glance toward Remilia. "I think she won."

>You take this time to get your breath back; who knows when you might need it again.
<"I... think you won."
>"Guess that will never change~ <3"
>You glance towards Remilia.
<"I think she... won..."
>Remilia is standing there, jaw open; her eyes just stuck on the scene in front of her... possibly in shock.


Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: The One & Only SHINO QUEST ~ Part 2
« Reply #186 on: December 01, 2011, 01:29:08 PM »
>Slip an arm around Sakuya's waste, grin.

Tamashii Kanjou

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Re: The One & Only SHINO QUEST ~ Part 2
« Reply #187 on: December 03, 2011, 01:56:49 AM »
>Slip an arm around Sakuya's waste, grin.

>You take a hold of Sakuya's waist.
>Your grin is so big right now.

>Remilia continues to stand in silence; though she is at least trying to say something.
>Sakuya giggles a little; but only so you can hear her.


Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: The One & Only SHINO QUEST ~ Part 2
« Reply #188 on: December 03, 2011, 02:10:03 AM »
>"Hey, if dinner is done, would you mind if we had some time to ourselves?"

Tamashii Kanjou

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Re: The One & Only SHINO QUEST ~ Part 2
« Reply #189 on: December 03, 2011, 02:17:52 AM »
>"Hey, if dinner is done, would you mind if we had some time to ourselves?"

<"Hey, if dinner is done, would you mind if we had some time to ourselves?"
>Remilia begins to point towards you both; but seems to still find talking a problem.
>"Well, I can easily get things served..."
>Remilia's shout is quite deafening.
>"I... I..."
>Remilia's face scrunches up... You can sense it coming...


>She grabs her head, whilst saying... or, shouting, this, blinks wildly, sways a little, and, tears and all, falls flat onto the ground.
>Yes... in that order.


Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: The One & Only SHINO QUEST ~ Part 2
« Reply #190 on: December 03, 2011, 02:28:21 AM »
>" you think we killed her?"
>Go check on Remilia, unless she's starting to get up on her own. But do be ready for Sakuya to blow by us in concern.

Tamashii Kanjou

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Re: The One & Only SHINO QUEST ~ Part 2
« Reply #191 on: December 03, 2011, 02:35:15 AM »
>" you think we killed her?"
>Go check on Remilia, unless she's starting to get up on her own. But do be ready for Sakuya to blow by us in concern.

<"Um... do you think we..."
>Sakuya holds a hand up; cutting you off.
>She quickly leaps next to Remilia and checks her, before looking back at you.

>"It seems Milady couldn't handle it... I'm quite surprised."


Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: The One & Only SHINO QUEST ~ Part 2
« Reply #192 on: December 03, 2011, 02:35:59 AM »
>"Oh, she just blacked out?"

Tamashii Kanjou

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Re: The One & Only SHINO QUEST ~ Part 2
« Reply #193 on: December 03, 2011, 02:41:47 AM »
>"Oh, she just blacked out?"

<"Oh. So she just blacked out?"
>Sakuya sounds happy about this.
>"It's so nice seeing Milady like this from time-to-time... Not all the time though."
>She smirks at you.
>"You're such a bad influence~ <3"


Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: The One & Only SHINO QUEST ~ Part 2
« Reply #194 on: December 03, 2011, 02:48:18 AM »
>"Does this mean we get to tell her it was all a dream, then do it again?"

Tamashii Kanjou

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Re: The One & Only SHINO QUEST ~ Part 2
« Reply #195 on: December 03, 2011, 03:17:09 AM »
>"Does this mean we get to tell her it was all a dream, then do it again?"

<"Does this mean we get to tell her it was all a dream?"
>"You could indeed try..."
<"Then we could do it again!"

>Sakuya chuckles.
>"I'm pretty sure Milady would catch on after a while."
>Sakuya begins to pick Remilia up.


Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: The One & Only SHINO QUEST ~ Part 2
« Reply #196 on: December 03, 2011, 03:20:20 AM »
>Offer some assistance, if it seems like Sakuya needs it.
>"Well, maybe after the second or third time..."

Tamashii Kanjou

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Re: The One & Only SHINO QUEST ~ Part 2
« Reply #197 on: December 03, 2011, 03:27:33 AM »
>Offer some assistance, if it seems like Sakuya needs it.
>"Well, maybe after the second or third time..."

>You head over to help Sakuya out.
>The two of you rest her on her chair for a bit.

<"Well, maybe after the second or third time..."
>"You truly enjoy seeing Milady in such distress."
>She winks at you.
>"Perhaps I should place a limit on you~ <3"


Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: The One & Only SHINO QUEST ~ Part 2
« Reply #198 on: December 03, 2011, 03:34:29 AM »
>"Well, if you must~"
>Glance at Remilia.
>"Think she's going to wake up any time soon?"

Tamashii Kanjou

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Re: The One & Only SHINO QUEST ~ Part 2
« Reply #199 on: December 03, 2011, 03:42:16 AM »
>"Well, if you must~"
>Glance at Remilia.
>"Think she's going to wake up any time soon?"

<"If you must~"
>You take a look at Remilia.
<"Think she's going to wake up any time soon?"
>"I'm sure she will... However, I'm to take Milady to her room in the event of something like this happening."
>Sakuya turns to you.
>"I do have a meal to serve you, though."


Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: The One & Only SHINO QUEST ~ Part 2
« Reply #200 on: December 03, 2011, 03:50:09 AM »
>"I can't wait! And, do you want any help with her?"

Tamashii Kanjou

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Re: The One & Only SHINO QUEST ~ Part 2
« Reply #201 on: December 03, 2011, 03:56:25 AM »
>"I can't wait! And, do you want any help with her?"

<"I can't wait!"
>"Then I'll get that ready for when I've tucked Milady away."
<"Erm... do you need any help with her?"
>"If I leave her with you, you'll just do something silly like draw on her face. I should be fine."


Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: The One & Only SHINO QUEST ~ Part 2
« Reply #202 on: December 03, 2011, 04:05:37 AM »
>"Alright, don't forget to add a goatee for me! I'll be here when you're finished."

Tamashii Kanjou

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Re: The One & Only SHINO QUEST ~ Part 2
« Reply #203 on: December 03, 2011, 04:10:05 AM »
>"Alright, don't forget to add a goatee for me! I'll be here when you're finished."

"Alright, don't forget to add a goatee for me!"
>"I think I can find better ways of amusing myself~"
>Sakuya picks up Remilia and starts to walk away.
<"I'll be here when you're finished."
>"I'd actually advise you come inside, Shino. After all, humans prefer to be warm, do they not?"

>Sakuya vanishes from site at this point.
>The front door, from what you can see, is slightly open.


Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: The One & Only SHINO QUEST ~ Part 2
« Reply #204 on: December 03, 2011, 04:25:28 AM »
>Head inside.

Tamashii Kanjou

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Re: The One & Only SHINO QUEST ~ Part 2
« Reply #205 on: December 03, 2011, 01:12:17 PM »
>Head inside.

>You decide to enter the Mansion; full of glorious anticipation.
>As you go through, the door instantly closes behind you.
>"I do believe you have some explaining to do..."



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Re: The One & Only SHINO QUEST ~ Part 2
« Reply #206 on: December 03, 2011, 01:14:16 PM »
>Whose voice is this?

Tamashii Kanjou

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Re: The One & Only SHINO QUEST ~ Part 2
« Reply #207 on: December 03, 2011, 01:19:57 PM »
>Whose voice is this?

>By the unamused tone... Patchouli.


Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: The One & Only SHINO QUEST ~ Part 2
« Reply #208 on: December 03, 2011, 01:20:39 PM »
>"I do?"

Tamashii Kanjou

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Re: The One & Only SHINO QUEST ~ Part 2
« Reply #209 on: December 03, 2011, 01:23:32 PM »
>"I do?"

<"I do?"
>"Yes, you do! After what happened in my library earlier..."
>There's a slight pause as you hear the sound of paper being flicked through; possibly Patchouli opening a book of sorts.
>"I should probably ask you to help clear it up."
