Author Topic: Games You're Playing Right Now III: Return Of The Protagonist  (Read 223559 times)

Re: Games You're Playing Right Now III: Return Of The Protagonist
« Reply #270 on: January 01, 2012, 02:28:57 PM »
Haven't updated. Here's something to read for those as bored as I am. ;)

Uncharted: Been playing UC2 and 3 back to back. UC2 is the best one. Period. UC3 isn't bad though but it falls short with what feels like a rushed ending with certain elements left unexplained and unanswered which is disappointing. UC3 did have its awesome set piece moments which counts for a lot within this franchise but really, the beginning is far too slow and there are too many puzzles. That makes the replay value smaller than UC2's. The puzzles were pretty darn easy to figure out and once you know what to do with em' those parts of the game will just be filler.

Bulletstorm: Then i've been playing Bulletstorm. Idk what happened with people giving best FPS awards to stuff like Battlefield 3 or MW3. I don't care how great they are at what they do, Bulletstorm is the best one this year. Period. Its very easy yeah, beat Very Hard with zero problems and at one point i could keep going for two hours without dying. The fun part is all the creative ways in which you can kill people and that the game rewards you with score to do it. Imagine that. An FPS game with a scoring system. Sweet!! Also, thumbs up for a hilariously intentionally bad plot with an awesome villain. And an awesome ending.

Deus Ex:
Now I'm playing the original Deus Ex. A game that I didn't play back when it came out but figured it would be time to try. I don't know how the graphics looked compared to stuff back then but nowadays but they are pretty hard to live with today. Also, the stealth sucks in this game. It relies almost entirily on the enemies idiocy, blindness and deafness. Really bad compared to its contemporaries. However, I'll still try to play it through just to see what the story is about and all that. I hope it'll be worth it but I don't think i'll end up regarding it as better than Human Revolution.

チソウ タイゼン

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Re: Games You're Playing Right Now III: Return Of The Protagonist
« Reply #271 on: January 02, 2012, 01:46:19 AM »
This post is live and closer to a Let's Play than an update, so excuse the brevity :V
I don't have the means to actually Let's Play a game on the DS, which is pretty much why I haven't.

~This is also only assuming that whoever is reading this knows the scenario of the game~

When last we left off on Bowser's Inside Story, I was complaining that Bowser was an asshole.
I have since grinded to Lv. 18, shelled out all of the Princess Peach Date Fund on pants, raising my defense from 80... to 150 :V
My physical damage is halved! But now I'm penniless. ;-;

After being defeated, and while leaving, Bowser acts like an asshole and starts busting the shit out of all of the barricades around the shopping mall and Toad Town. ...Actually, that was rather nice of him.
Instead of following him, Mario and Luigi have to get inside him, so they walk right outside the clinic at the mall where they and Bowser fought and they break the wall (I can't afford property damages, damn you), revealing a contrived coincidence Very Convienent Entry Pipe Into Bowser's... Shoulder? Side Of Face?
Bowser then unexpectedly takes the rein of the story, and then parades around the lake breaking things and punching wildlife like an asshole. Also, underwater fire.
We find a tower. Bowser opts to get high on the smelly flowers sitting beside it. Now, all this time, "smelly flowers" was a cue for The Worst Minigame Fucking Ever.
Screwing up in any minigame costs coins, and screwing up in this one is damn near inevitable, due to sloppy control. Take the stylus and flick the Mario Bros. around the screen. It sounds fine on paper. It's worse than it sounds.
Peach, you better enjoy McDonalds dollar menu burgers
So we sneeze and the tower rises from out of the lake and smashes us.


So we go to Bowser's dick in an attempt to make him huge.
(The Embiggening Center being right around there on the map)
This is like Gradius, except not. It's vertical and you shoot at balls. In his balls. And then Bowser grows huge! Like fifty feet tall! You then begin one of the four Giant Boss fights- holding the DS incredibly awkwardly, flicking the stylus everywhere and touching the screen in different places. The result is eventually that you've punched the tower into submission. In the face, preferably- the game goes out of it's way to point that out to you.


And then we walk inside the tower, completely ignoring any fleeting danger stemming from structural damage- you know, because we punched this thing a lot.
We find a few buttons Bowser is mentally incapable to operate, and then walk into a room at the top of the tower.
Bowser reads a book that actually contains a hologram/ghost thing of the tower's owner, who doesn't seem to mind the new holes here and there in his tower, or the fact that his tower was almost entirely underwater for some number of years. Surprising, as it bears his likeness.
He shows us his invention, an Invisibleness Ray Machine that looks like a cross between a projector and a Boo. The end the light comes from is the opposite than what you might guess at first. It makes his body invisible in certain places- but who cares about that, we can now track down that worm Bowser inhaled~
After probably the most annoying dungeon ever, we find the worm. It's tiny and shouldn't have any more than five hitpoints.
Also, this is a no-dodge run, to remind you. The importance to say again stems from the fact that one of her attacks won't end until you smack her with a hammer. In the face.
And after a few Jump Helmets to the face, she gets bigger!
Which would explain the 400+ damage that little worm could take.
She begins shooting stars and crystal hearts and shrinking you and stomping on Tiny Ass Mario & Luigi.
That's.... it? Wail on her enough and she gets tiny again.
I take the next three turns using Jump Helmets, shaving way more HP than any worm ought to have. And then she got tiny, so Jump Helmets started doing around 260 again, instead of 150 damage. I won rather quickly.
She then turns into a butterfly, expects Mario to comment on her figure, gives us our Star Plot MacCoupon, and then flies off, having only this to say:
Quote from: worm bitch
And pleaaaase... Stop following me aaaaroundddd... It's creeeepy....

Well said.

To leave, we follow her out the door.

Mario Lv. 21
105 HP / 33 MP / 89 St / 139 En / 64 Ag / 74 Lu
Luigi Lv. 21
125 HP / 31 MP / 64 St / 150 En / 44 Ag / 90 Lu
Bowser Lv. 19
248 HP / 35 MP / 152 St / 209 En / 30 Ag / 74 Lu
(Did I mention the retarded EXP curve? Bowser has 11,786 EXP and Mario has 22,266. They're two levels apart.)

I probably should have Let's Played this game from the start, but it would've been text-only. Like the above, I guess, this is for the bored.
I know I am. I'm in a car headed home from Vegas. It'll be like a 20 hour drive.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2012, 01:49:00 AM by Chisou Taizen »

Re: Games You're Playing Right Now III: Return Of The Protagonist
« Reply #272 on: January 03, 2012, 04:36:19 AM »
Played through Red Faction Armageddon twice. Once on Normal mode and once on Insane cheesing the fuck out of cheats making it really easy lol. The game was pretty okay, nothing special but pretty okay nonetheless. Notable for the kickass destruction mechanics. They are not without flaws however. Unfortunately they haven't fixed the crappy physics from Guerilla meaning that an entire building can still keep itself up with just one tiny supporting pillar.

I'd love to see a game like this that could incorporate realistic physics with this kind of destructable environments. Well, 960/1000 GS get. I'll have to come back for the final two Co-op-related achievements later on.


  • Time expired: 121:45
Re: Games You're Playing Right Now III: Return Of The Protagonist
« Reply #273 on: January 03, 2012, 06:37:48 AM »
Started up Golden Sun: Dark Dawn.  I know I just started, but the puzzles don't seem that hard.

Ionasal kkll Solciel

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Re: Games You're Playing Right Now III: Return Of The Protagonist
« Reply #274 on: January 03, 2012, 12:31:40 PM »
Started up Golden Sun: Dark Dawn.  I know I just started, but the puzzles don't seem that hard.

Generally, there are only a couple of hard puzzles in Dark Dawn, and that's only because you can't use a Psynergy you get fairly early on (which reveals solutions!) to hack your way through.

(and damn it, I really have to pick up Kamidori and Sumaga again, but Minecraft is sucking up time like a black hole)
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Re: Games You're Playing Right Now III: Return Of The Protagonist
« Reply #275 on: January 03, 2012, 01:04:02 PM »
I'm playing three games AT ONCE.

The first is Pokemon White Version. It should not need a description.

Second is Ace Combat: Assault Horizon, which I have already beaten. STEEEEEEEEEEL CARNAAAAAAAAAAAAGE. Also the Raptor's agility is better than I remember it being in Ace Combat Zero or Ace Combat 5. It's a bit too light, IMHO. And the F-14 is, sadly, more trucklike in agility for some reason. THE STRIKE EAGLE IS MORE AGILE THAN THE SUPER TOMCAT. Tell me, what is wrong with that sentence? I'll tell you. The Super Cat is a fighter. The Strike Eagle is a groundpounder. Also, the A-10's lolarmor makes it nearly indestructible, which is good. But the Strike Eagle, for some curious reason, has more air-to-ground weaponry. Which is bad. But the Strike Eagle in this game is seriously awesome.

Also, the B-2. Dat flying batwing. It should be more agile than the Bone, but it isn't. It also carries fewer bombs, but that makes more sense, as the Bone has a bigger bomb bay. Lastly, the Apache. The guns are good for aiming at anything that moves. The 4AGM are kinda pointless for anything that isn't behind a building, though. But the rockets solve everything. EVERYTHING. Pity you don't get more.

Third is LEGO Harry Potter years 5-7 for PS3. Blowing up stuff with magic and collecting studs oh God so addicting.
Without beginning or end

The ring stretches on into the infinite.


Re: Games You're Playing Right Now III: Return Of The Protagonist
« Reply #276 on: January 04, 2012, 08:27:02 AM »
I return from vacation!

...with DX:HR, and SPAZ, and HOARD, and Bastion, and...

Re: Games You're Playing Right Now III: Return Of The Protagonist
« Reply #277 on: January 05, 2012, 04:28:58 AM »
Played 2 rounds of Binding of Isaac. Didn't have very much luck. On the second one though I got Brimstone pretty early on and had a Full Health pill going into the Mom fight, so I cleared that easily enough since I could heal up once I got to low health. It sucked seeing that I couldn't exit Mom's room after the fight as there was another Full health Pill I wanted to grab but couldn't. Then I got to Womb 2 thinking I might have a shot, then I got absolutely unlucky on enemy formations. I have no idea when I'll see a Devil Room with Brimstone in it again.

I do plan to beat the full game of this someday and maybe even get all the achievements since it's a very fun game.


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Re: Games You're Playing Right Now III: Return Of The Protagonist
« Reply #278 on: January 05, 2012, 05:32:03 PM »
Considering putting up a brief collection of pics of the East Coast Touhou Congoer Gentlemen's Vidya Club's continuing shenanigans in Broderlands. Vehicular nuttiness are our most common source of random hilarity, but there are so many that it's hard to pin down exactly how many times these have happened. Of particular note was a miraculous incident that started with a car crash and ended with our vehicle on a platform about 35 feet directly above the crash. No one managed to capture on film, though. There's been a lot of, um, auto-erotica if you will. Also, these sessions may be a bit too popular for their own good.

If I do post pics, what won't be pictured includes: The ridiculous number of voluntary and involuntary suicides committed by all party members, jumping on more heads than Mario, Lancer-related party van road trips, hiding from Rakkzilla rain for 20 minutes and failing, poorly executed plans for maneuvering around the Strider-esque Drifters, copious amounts of footraces between the Berserkers and Siren, vehicles with FAAAAAAAbulous pink and orange paint jobs, shotguns used for travel, greedily hogging those 100 XP revivals, "all of the (insert name of enemy here). All of them.", and panda jokes.

TA-DAAAAAAA! 61 blood donations and counting! 
Best Mile: 5:30
Best 5k: 18:07
Best Marathon: 3:23:16

The ⑨th Zentillion

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Re: Games You're Playing Right Now III: Return Of The Protagonist
« Reply #279 on: January 05, 2012, 08:00:09 PM »
Got myself PSN version of Sonic CD last night. The ability to switch between the JP/EU and US soundtracks? Playing as tails? Special stages without the PC/Gems Collection doubled framerate? yesplz :derp: Finished a Sonic game, got the bad ending, now doing a Tails game. You know, I hope that sometime soon we get DLC content that lets you play as Knuckles or something... that would be rad.
Did you bring a light?

Smash the Fash; The far right belongs in the TRASH.


  • Time expired: 121:45
Re: Games You're Playing Right Now III: Return Of The Protagonist
« Reply #280 on: January 06, 2012, 06:18:30 AM »
I guess I'm about halfway through Dark Dawn.  Everything got serious all of a sudden.  And people jumped in my team and messed with my Djinn set up.

The Greatest Dog

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Re: Games You're Playing Right Now III: Return Of The Protagonist
« Reply #281 on: January 07, 2012, 12:05:53 PM »
Cave Story.

Re: Games You're Playing Right Now III: Return Of The Protagonist
« Reply #282 on: January 07, 2012, 08:13:56 PM »
3 Binding of Isaac Mom's heart kills today bringing me to 5.

1 clear with each of the characters available to me right now. The Eve run was insanely lucky with items. The Isaac run was mostly garbage luck, but I lucked out in getting an Error room allowing me to skip the first mom fight and an Emperor card on Womb 2.


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Re: Games You're Playing Right Now III: Return Of The Protagonist
« Reply #283 on: January 07, 2012, 08:15:36 PM »
1. Borderlands
2. Resonance of Fate
3. Katawa Shoujo (and loving it)

Re: Games You're Playing Right Now III: Return Of The Protagonist
« Reply #284 on: January 07, 2012, 09:03:40 PM »
Cave Story.
Butbutbut speedrunning the Sanctuary is so much fun.

Been playing Dungeon Fighter Online a lot lately with a couple of friends. I've got a level 36 witch and a level 11 slayer who's going to become a berserker at 18. For those who don't know, DFO is a MMO beat-em-up in the same style as Streets of Rage, only flashier and with a heavier emphasis on combos.

Aside from that, Blazblue: Continuum Shift and Halo: Reach have both sucked up my free time as of late.
"I'm a nurse!"
-Nurse Hasumi, Cave Story

Formless God

Re: Games You're Playing Right Now III: Return Of The Protagonist
« Reply #285 on: January 08, 2012, 12:24:12 AM »
- Cave Story. Insert obligatory wall of praise and manly tears here.
- Ys Seven. The story is fucking stupid, but I sticked around for the boss fights and music, which are both pretty good.

Tokyo Mono Hara Shi, a game as obscure as an Atlus game can get. It's a mix between Devil Survivor 2 (interaction), Strange Journey (navigation), Disgaea (combat), The House of the Dead(!) (combat), and a soundtrack that resembles Okami a lot. Sooo, if you are interested in the oldschool SMT games and pattern-y stuff like this and can read moon, I think it'll be worth a try :V
« Last Edit: January 08, 2012, 12:26:23 AM by Anarchy Formless »

Re: Games You're Playing Right Now III: Return Of The Protagonist
« Reply #286 on: January 08, 2012, 03:59:20 AM »
Got the Binding of Isaac achievement for completing the full game 8 times. Of course, that only applies up to Mom's Heart and not the part after it that was added later. I think that leaves 1 more to unlock ??? and Sheol.

I did get a Sheol attempt on my last one though. I had the Shovel which allowed me to skip first mom fight. Double KO on Mom's Heart, but I had a 1-up, so I got to try again. No Devil Room after Mom's heart, but I just used the shovel to continue on since the full game completion had been counted. Died to Satan as I had no idea how the fight would play out.

The game seems to be getting easier, mainly due to all the unlock stuff.


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Re: Games You're Playing Right Now III: Return Of The Protagonist
« Reply #287 on: January 10, 2012, 06:29:39 AM »
Going through DX:HR finally after having bought it during a Steam sale (and forgot afterwards). Using DX9 with ENBSeries mod with maximum settings (except AA, which is set to FXAA Low) which really cuts framerates (especially in large areas such as the Detroit police station and Alice Pods) but also looks a hell of a lot better than the stock game (even with DX11 and everything maxed).

Playstyle - stealth is key (silenced pistol & SMG, noise surpression and MGS-style radar augs), but brute force (explosive revolver + twin-barrel shotty, some other augs) and hacking (Lv3, Analyse, Evasion 1) are alternatives. Heavy inventory load.

It's worked so far but I end up killing off a ton of troops anyway. :V

And damnit I can't find my original DX disc anymore, >:(
« Last Edit: January 10, 2012, 06:31:46 AM by 大諏訪子 Gang Empire »
C:DOS> ayayaya.mid
Bad command or file name


Re: Games You're Playing Right Now III: Return Of The Protagonist
« Reply #288 on: January 10, 2012, 10:07:51 AM »
Also playing Human Revolution for the moment.Still messing around in the beginning of the game. Decided to wait out on the Pick Up heavy stuff aug and instead make it past that turret by blocking its field of vision with cardboard boxes. I wonder how that works but it did. That's why this game is awesome.

What is not so awesome about it is how you by the end of the game have pretty much all augs. You don't really have to choose which augs you want but rather in what order you want them.

Oh well. As for my playstyle, as I've already done a No-alerts, no-kills run on Hard I've simply decided for No-alerts this time around. I don't think I can expand upon the challenge further anyway. Oh and I bought the DLC. I hope its gonna be good.


  • You just did it because you're older than me.
Re: Games You're Playing Right Now III: Return Of The Protagonist
« Reply #289 on: January 10, 2012, 03:04:46 PM »
Playing through Deus Ex these days. Never really played it until now which was a damn shame as I now find out.  :V
The HD patch makes the game look pretty good too even though bad graphics don't really bother me. It's the gameplay that counts anyway.


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Re: Games You're Playing Right Now III: Return Of The Protagonist
« Reply #290 on: January 10, 2012, 05:54:17 PM »
In addition to Broderlands, I've been half-sucked into playing PAYDAY: The Heist. The dialogue is cheesy and the voice acting is ridiculous, but it falls nicely into that narm charm zone. The number of heists is limited, and each can be completed in 15-30 minutes, but they're balanced quite well and full of action. Between regular police, regular and heavily armored SWAT forces, plus four very rugged specialist units, there's plenty of trouble to be had, and each heist can be very tense as everything can go pants up in a moment. Each heist features a number of different events that can go well or go poorly, meaning there's a strong amount in variation each and every time you do a heist. Also, weapon loadouts are varied, but each and every weapon serves a purpose; there's no 'junk' weapons. There are also enough other items to make sure that everyone serves a purpose.

The 3(.2? One guest star for a round thus far) of us playing it on a regular basis are all at very different levels, but the game is balanced enough so that while there are clear rewards for career criminals, street rats can hop in, enjoy the action, and contribute a lot as well.

TA-DAAAAAAA! 61 blood donations and counting! 
Best Mile: 5:30
Best 5k: 18:07
Best Marathon: 3:23:16


  • Scientific editor
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Re: Games You're Playing Right Now III: Return Of The Protagonist
« Reply #291 on: January 13, 2012, 04:53:38 AM »
Just finished replaying Sonic Unleashed, with all S-ranks, all achievements, and all collectables collected (except Art Book 40 lol). Damn, this game takes even longer to get everything than I remembered. I was mainly doing this while I waited for my computer to return, but fortunately I timed this whole thing well enough.
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Re: Games You're Playing Right Now III: Return Of The Protagonist
« Reply #292 on: January 13, 2012, 08:44:20 AM »
Still playing DE: Human Revolution. I figured I'd go about a more violent and shooty approach but that turned out to be both boring and easy so I switched to a non-lethal, 100% stealthy playstyle which is a lot funner. :)

If they ever toy with the idea of making another Deus Ex game then it should restrict your options more, as in restrict the amount of augs you can get. Right now I'm running around with around 6 or 8 praxis kits just waiting for me to stumble across an obstacle justifying their use. It would probably be more interesting if they had made the game so that you had to choose between one or the other sometimes or have more limited amounts of choices so that you'd need to work harder to get through the areas flawlessly.

While still providing means to do it regardless of playstyle of course. Or maybe I'm just whining because I figured out all the good stuff on my first playthrough and now the game is easy.  :V


  • Time expired: 121:45
Re: Games You're Playing Right Now III: Return Of The Protagonist
« Reply #293 on: January 13, 2012, 10:55:33 PM »
Started Final Fantasy XIII.  I have no idea what the stuff at the end of battle means.  Are those points experience or what?  Is it the Final Fantasy equivalent of Grade?  I didn't skip the tutorial and read from the menu, but it didn't tell me what it was or what it did, just how to get it.

Re: Games You're Playing Right Now III: Return Of The Protagonist
« Reply #294 on: January 14, 2012, 12:18:03 AM »
Took a break from my Deus Ex run. That Picus station is probably the toughest part of the game to do without getting spotted+non-lethally. But the music is great so who cares. Anyway, as I beat the place I felt like doing something different so I started collecting Riddles in Arkham City. ?'m doing my best to solve them on my own but sometimes they get too hard. Like having to go to scan one specific place from one other specific place. How was i supposed to figure that out anyway? Most of the actual riddler trophies are fun to figure out though.

What are you talking about? Your rating? If so then its just a sorta pointless system that based on how high rank you score (based on the amount of time you spent dispatching a group of enemies) will restore some of your TP.

I hope that'll answer your question.

Re: Games You're Playing Right Now III: Return Of The Protagonist
« Reply #295 on: January 14, 2012, 02:30:08 AM »
Making my inevitable return to Simcity 4. Have a couple mods and plugins installed, the primary ones being the Network Addon Mod and the Coastal Development Kit. I swear I spend more time modding this game than I do playing it  :derp:


  • Time expired: 121:45
Re: Games You're Playing Right Now III: Return Of The Protagonist
« Reply #296 on: January 14, 2012, 02:31:16 AM »

What are you talking about? Your rating? If so then its just a sorta pointless system that based on how high rank you score (based on the amount of time you spent dispatching a group of enemies) will restore some of your TP.

I hope that'll answer your question.

That's probably it, I haven't gotten far enough to get TP.


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Re: Games You're Playing Right Now III: Return Of The Protagonist
« Reply #297 on: January 14, 2012, 12:04:41 PM »
That's probably it, I haven't gotten far enough to get TP.
Yeah, the rating is basically just a measure of "Hey, how efficiently did you complete this".  There's a couple trophies based around getting maximum rank on enemies in the postgame however, but nothing missable.

Re: Games You're Playing Right Now III: Return Of The Protagonist
« Reply #298 on: January 14, 2012, 08:00:44 PM »
Played some Binding of Isaac as it had been a while since I last played it.

Got a Judas Sheol clear and an Eve Sheol clear.

I didn't expect to pull it off on the Eve one, but the good luck stuff outweighed the bad.

That Eve run had

No damage boosts at all, except a Gish.

D6'd a 1up that saved me at one point.

D6'd a Wafer to halve damage for the Womb and Sheol

D6'd a Relic

Got Book of Revelations on Depths 2.

Ran into the Worm boss and not Death despite having Book of Revelations.

Had a full health pill going into Womb2.

Found a Bad Trip! in Womb 2

Used Full Health on Mom's Heart then went back for Bad Trip

Found a Full Health pill in Sheol then used Bad Trip! at the point where it turns into a Full Health, so I got to enter final boss with full health and a full health pill. And it was still closer than I would have liked due to my terrible damage.

Now, I have to do it with Maggy and ??? to have Sheol clears with all characters. I am not looking forward to those at all, one due to the low speed and the other due to not having normal hearts.

Re: Games You're Playing Right Now III: Return Of The Protagonist
« Reply #299 on: January 14, 2012, 11:03:44 PM »
All of this Deus Ex talk convincing me to fire up my own copy. This time, I'm going to be checking out those HD model and texture packs! :3

Of course, this means that after I complete DX, I'll have to play System Shock 2 again.... Damn you guys. :V