Author Topic: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)  (Read 93139 times)

Aya Squawkermaru

  • "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war." - William Hearst
  • Relevant quote is relevant.
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #420 on: November 01, 2011, 02:16:02 AM »
(OOC: Okay, time for a little notification. As you know, November begins tomorrow (or has already begun for a few of you.) This also marks the start of National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo. During November, many writers (though novel is in the title, the publication of an actual novel is not required) attempt to write 50,000 words on one new project. Now, as you can guess from the fact that I'm bringing this up, I will be participating in NaNoWriMo this year. This means that, for the month of November, I will have a lot less free time. Which means less time for TNG updates. Paired with all the other crap that's going on, this means that updates will be very sparse. I'll try to get them in, especially on weekends (luckily, I have the whole week that contains Thanksgiving off) but I figured I may as well let you all know. Anyway, enough of this thing, on to the update.)


Yuyuko laughed. ?Ah, don't worry about it, sport. I just like to tease Youmu is all.? She then blinked, and watched as Yoshiko began to tear up. ?Erm... Sorry. I didn't think it would offend you this much.?

Youmu sighed. ?Miss Yuyuko, this is why I tell you not to do these things... Not everyone is as tolerant of it as I am.?

Immaterial Crow
(OOC: Well, I saw your username on Eastern Garden, so I felt like messing around a bit. :P

Anyway, going to wait on Dorakyura here. Want to see if Hilde will have a reaction to Chiseki and Koishi speeding into the building.)

Sour, GuardianTempest and Sonae

Shou nodded. ?That's Keine Kamishirisawa. A Were-Hakutaku who protects the village and acts as its main teacher. Though, I'm not sure who the other one is...?


The girl with horns grinned. ?The name's Suika Ibuki! One of the four devas a' the mountain!? She took a swig from her gourd. ?So, who're you, anyway?


Finally, Heal arrived at the edge of the village. She could see a crowd of people at the middle; apparently, that was where the enemy was, as Shou and Minako were observing the crowd. She moved in to get a closer look, but kept her distance.

(OOC: For the record, they haven't left for the Human Village quite yet. So I don't know what woman in blue clothes they'd see. Mima was just waving her hand dismissively.)

The group began departing for the human village. ?It's not that being a male is bad, it's just that, for awhile, it was believed that male Youkai didn't even exist. To this day, male Youkai are extremely rare. But that definitely sounds like Makai,? Mima explained, as they exited the shrine. They were met with a cool breeze; a few yellow leaves danced on the wind.

Marisa smiled nervously and scratched behind her head. ?Hey, I said I was sorry, didn't I, ze? Besides, that's just how things work here in Gensokyo. And you're fine now, so what does it matter?? As they traversed the mountain, a village could be seen off in the distance.

Mima looked at Arasoi. ?This would go by a lot more quickly if you could fly. Want to try it??


  • Maru~ Maru~
  • Lurk~ Lurk~
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #421 on: November 01, 2011, 08:44:32 AM »
"Ugh." Momiji brought up her shield just in time to block the water but the impact almost knocked her off her feet. She spit out the card she was holding in her mouth and in one smooth motion jammed her sword into the ground and caught it. "Mountain Nomad [Expellee's Canaan]" She held the card close to her chest, still struggling against the torrent of water as spirals of bright yellow bullets shot out towards the kappa. Nitori avoided the first wave simply by cocking her head to one side, letting the bullets pass around her.

"Looks like you're a bit too far away for your little card to work Momiji." The sneer had returned to Nitori's voice as her grin grew wider. "Maybe you should come a bit closer!" Her voice rose to a shout as she split the water apart, making it flow around Momiji. The tengu barely had time to turn her head before the streams turned around and hit her square in the back, launching her towards Nitori right into her metaphorical and mechanical grasp.

Meanwhile Utsuho was busy blocking multiple streams of water by projecting suns of varying sizes around her, currently unable to help her partner in need.

"It looks like the raven can't get to me now, what a shame." Nitori turned back to Momiji who was now hanging her head, ears drooping, muttering something. "I still ...t ...out."

"Sorry what was that? I couldn't quite hear you." Nitori brought the tengu closer, sticking her own head forward as if attempting to hear what she was saying.

Momiji raised her head, intently meeting the kappa's gaze. "I. Have still not. Timed out."

Nitori's eyes widened as she realized that she had not managed to break Momiji's card. She released Momiji and rapidly dashed away from her as another wave of bullets erupted. The brunt of the attack was absorbed by the mechanical arms but they were getting in  progressively worse shape, they all had multiple scratches and dents inflicted both by Utsuho's attack and the danmaku, with a couple of them shorting out and starting to spasm around randomly.

"Tch." Nitori let out an annoyed noise before detaching the malfunctioning arms, letting them drop to the ground. "Interrupting a card halfway... I guess I shouldn't have expected fair play." She whirled around and threw up the remaining arms just in time to block a shot coming in from her left. "I let my attention slip it seems." She looked over at Utsuho who was now free of the water and trailing Nitori with her arm.

"Stop it Nitori, you've lost." Momiji had gotten her sword back and was now holding it out towards the kappa, another card between her fingers.


As the water clone burst apart Ohuku stopped and looked around. "Did I win?"

Her feeling of triumph rapidly gave way to bewilderment as the droplets of water didn't fall but instead converged on her. She opened her mouth to voice her confusion to no one in particular but the words got stuck in her throat as the drops all started firing amulets, all headed straight towards her.


Nitori raised her hands and let the mechanical arms hang down in a submissive gesture as a smirk crept onto her face. "Lost? Aren't you forgetting something Momiji?" The tengu frowned, not realizing what Nitori was talking about as Utsuho gave her a quizzical look.

Then they heard a yelp behind them, Momiji whirled around to see what it was. She saw Ohuku, surrounded by droplets of water, set upon from all sides, frantically maneuvering through the air in an attempt to get away from them.

"Damn it!" Momiji looked at Utsuho, her thoughts apparent in her eyes. The raven nodded and Momiji took off, trying to catch up to the jellyfish as she swung around erratically in the air.

Utsuho turned her head back to Nitori and was met with a whole flurry of arms heading toward her face. "Gyah!" She deflected the first wave with her arm and blocked the second with a rapid burst of bullets.

"Now it's you and me raven, show me what that nuclear energy can do." Nitori taunted as she gathered up another mass of water behind her.

(OOC: I'll dump this here now because it bothers me to have it lying around. Miles, if there are any problems you can just poke me, you don't have to respond until Hanzo has posted either, I posted this solely to get it off my mind and can edit it if need be.)
My first attempt at storywriting, looking for critique

Avatar schizophrenia? I don't know what you're talking about.


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  • Round face... z( ⌣ω⌣)z
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #422 on: November 01, 2011, 09:18:41 AM »
"Yuyuko... *choke* sama" Those words came hard from Yoshiko mouth. She really couldn't speak normally any more.

She floated at Yuyuko, hugging her with both hands firmly. "Yu... sam.. i..." Her words did not make that much sense as she was trying to say something. Resting her head on Yuyuko, tears began to drop out of Yoshiko's eyes. She was hoping Yuyuko would finally show her affection and empathy, as what Yuyuko said wasn't really what she would except.

Yoshiko felt strange warmth, being that close to Yuyuko. Normally ghosts did not felt any warmth at all. There were usually colder than air around them. This time around it was different. Yoshiko submerged into this feeling. She did not quite understand it, or why does she have those strange feeling, but since she began wondering, it felt as something, desirable for her, something she could follow, aim, live her life towards maybe. There is not much life in her isn't it? *I am dead or alive? Does it matters?* She pondered. At this time she would suddenly pause her tearing. "Yuyuko-sama, does it matters if a ghost is alive or dead? Am I dead or alive?".


  • Hakase Hakase Hakase!
  • Nano Nano Nano!
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #423 on: November 01, 2011, 10:02:48 AM »
"So... they ARE 'regulars'?" Mikan animatedly put in air quotes, looking down at the crazy little blue girl. The yellow haired girl had an odd pose of her arms wide open, as if ready to give a hug to anyone. If anything, the yellow one was cute but not the blue one.
Helloo world! Would you like a cookie?

Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #424 on: November 01, 2011, 10:16:37 AM »
Minako pressed her free hand against her chin, her tail swishing. A little one with horns.... Perhaps another animal-turned youkai like her. A bull, perhaps, or a mountain goat. Irrelevant. Simply one more figure to observe and report on.
"If that were-haku...." She pauses, twisting her tongue slightly. Strange title for a woman with a strange name. Kamishirasawa. Not an easy name. "If that woman is the village protector, then why hasn't she expelled those two from her home yet?" Her visage darkens, and she speaks more to herself than to Shou. "Could she be in league with them? Is that why they're here, to form a union with this village and it's protector?" There's a decent crowd down there. The thought of an army, humans though they may be, descending upon her new home....
Minako's grip on her spear tightens sharply.


  • White Wolf of the West
  • Must not use military vehicles to ?Squish? things.
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #425 on: November 01, 2011, 02:12:30 PM »
Aref paused looking over the village, she had seen it from a distance but had never been to one, much less one at her point of view now. "Its so... active... so many people in one place... so many aromas and sounds," the wolf said, a bit taken back by the culture shock. "I think I sense some youkai... is that normal?" Aref said scaning the town.
(Ooc) Is there 1 or more human towns around? just checking to see if there are more PC meeting or not.
There are 2 items I believe can solve any problem
1. The Doctor's sonic screw driver
2. Marisa's 8 trigrams reactor

Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #426 on: November 01, 2011, 03:52:48 PM »
(ooc: sorry wanted to post yesterday, but I somehow killed my textdocument and fallen into sleep later on :-( )

Hilde didn't expect such a reaction of Yuugi, but she wasn't suprised either. When she considered that the Oni lived for a long time with the Satori's, it was clear to say that she didn't want to do much with them.
"I can understand you Yuugi, but there isn't much I can do for now. Since I want to go to the surface, that is my opportunity and I don't have to hide much, there is nothing a mindreader could make use of anyway."
Hilde also had to think of what she 'said' to Chiseki earlier, that was kind cruel...
"I want y- ..." Hilde wanted to say something to but she got interrupted when something past her quite fast. 'Was that Koishi?' she thought as Chiseki ran past her aswell.
"Did something happen? They were quite in a rush." HIlde turned to Yuugi "Well, I guess you won't join us? I will follow them, so this is goodbye then." Hilde made polite gesture and ambled into the townhall with her weapon on the shoulder.

Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #427 on: November 01, 2011, 04:10:31 PM »
"Suika..." Sayuri repeated slowly. Then an energetic smile spread across her face and her tail waved faster. As Suika spoke, Sayuri looked intrigued once more. "What's a Deva?" She asked, her eyes wandering over to Youkai Mountain in the distance. After a pause she spoke again. "That Mountain?" She said, pointing to Youkai Mountain, her eyes moving back to Suika.
As Suika asked the child her name, she spoke it happily.


  • Adorably Awkward Android
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #428 on: November 05, 2011, 12:04:40 AM »
Heal wondered though, if her first lord is relocated to the village, well of course he's not alive, but his children, are they still alive? With their own kids? She kept watching the crowd, keeping her distance. Looking around she decided to hide in conveniently located, large bush. "A crowd, nothing special here. These villagers, blissfully unaware of the greater picture." she thought, like a philosopher. She then looked up to the two flying up, thinking about flight but then, at least she has the thrill of these 'covert operations', of course she could just stand up and walking right into them, simply saying that she's a human with a suit of armor...unless of course they're too defenseless for this.


  • Knight of the Accursed Order
  • Boredom is contagious.
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #429 on: November 05, 2011, 05:14:38 AM »
Ark stuck out her hand with a smile, still staying behind Cirno.  She felt that, as Cirno's subordinate, servant, whatever Cirno wanted to call her, it was better to not seem too forward.  She was learning alot, and she was starting to hear voices in her head explaining stuff.
"My name's Ark.  I'm Cirno's servant.  What's your name?"  She rattled her whole introduction off quickly, but slow enough to be understood.  Wouldn't do to introduce herself only to have to do it again.  This particular Ice Youkai tended to attribute repetitions with bad stuff, especially if that repetition included going up and down over and over and over again.  As she thought about that, though, she briefly wondered what it would be like to go left and right over and over again.  No doubt as unpleasant as going up and down over and over again.
[15:30] * Wolfsbane706 pitfalls Roukan.
[15:30] <Roukan> WHAT WHY
[15:31] * Roukan aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa*splat*
[15:32] <Wolfsbane706> That's the funniest reaction I've seen yet.
[15:34] * Roukan thumbs-up from beyond the grave.

Aya Squawkermaru

  • "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war." - William Hearst
  • Relevant quote is relevant.
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #430 on: November 05, 2011, 10:51:22 PM »
(OOC: Long story short, I am no longer doing NaNo due to the fact that I'll be way too busy over the next two weeks. So, updates will still be scarce for those two weeks, but I'll have free time again earlier than I expected. Yay?)

(OOC: I'm going to continue this scenario, but slow it down a bit. Because Hanzo hasn't posted in two weeks. Time to talk to him about that!)

Nitori sent the new water over to Ohuku and Momiji. ?Have fun~?

Utsuho frowned. ?I didn't want to have to use this one.? She held up a new card, determination shining in her eyes. ?Explosion Sign: Mega Flare!? Nitori grinned, and dropped into a stable stance as Utsuho fired a large ball of nuclear fusion at her. Nitori was enveloped in light, as the ball moved past her. She was lying on the ground when it passed.

?...Heh. Ehehehe.? Nitori was laughing. She slowly sat up, bruised all over. Her clothes were burnt, and most of the extending arms had fallen off. ?My, that was an interesting experience.? She staggered to her feet, putting more weight on one foot than the other. ?But is it enough?? Her backpack fell ovv, revealing the mechanical arms. But they were not in a set of machinery inside the backpack itself; they were growing out of her back. ?Afraid you'll have to do better than that, though.?

Nitori was enveloped in a strange gray cloud, and the extending arms could be soon growing longer. The bruises healed, and the arms re-formed. ?Isn't science exciting?? The arms flew out, grabbing Utsuho. Her own arms were restrained, and she was brought closer to Nitori. Nitori knealt on the ground, picking up a scalpel out of the backpack. ?Time for some experimentation~?

?U-unyu?!? was Utsuho's only response, as she struggled in the kappa's grip. She could still use the fusion, but without being able to move her control rod, aiming would be impossible.

The scalpel was now millimeters from Utsuho's face. She gulped in fear. The kappa moved it forward, as the sound of a missile firing was heard. A missile flew out from the cover of the trees, hitting Nitori square in the back. Nitori was flung from the hell raven, who stretched her wings, looking into the forest.

?Tsk. Must have malfunctioned,? Nitori said, as she stood up. ?Well, whatever. It;s insignificant.? She turned back to Utsuho, the grin returning. ?Let's dance, raven.?


Ohuku cried out as shots cut across her limbs. She was good at dodging, but dodging from every direction was getting difficult. However, there was a break in the shots; Momiji slashed her sword through the water dome, which dissipated back into multiple, spread-out droplets. ?You alright, Ohuku??

Their conversation was cut short as the water re-formed back into the Hina clone. New water appeared; Nitori was moving more water to fight them. It formed into two more clones, this time of a girl with a single horn on her head, and a girl wearing a shrine maiden outfit. ?Sanae.? No... Reimu,? Momiji said, observing the new clone. ?Hm. Three on two. Don't know who the third one is, though...?

(OOC: The fact that Nitori was in SA gives me so much variety to work with, it's amazing. This is as good a time as any, so...

Hotaru vs Water!Marisa
Utsuho v Nitori
Ohuku & Momiji vs Water!Hina, Water!Yuugi, and Water!Reimu

Don't worry, the scales will tip in your favor a bit, soon. The water clones aren't as resilient now as they used to be, since Nitori has to control four at once. They'll just be much weaker in general, so don't worry too much about me suddenly throwing Yuugi and Reimu at you, heh. However, this happens a bit after the next part of Hotaru vs Water!Marisa, so it's about the same as it was earlier for her.)


Yuyuko smiled a comforting smile, resting her hand on Yoshiko's head. ?It's alright, child... I'm sorry about that. I have a joking nature, but I do hurt people from time to time.? She rubbed Yoshiko's head for a minute. She then listened to the girl's question. ?Well, if you were alive, I highly doubt you'd end up here. So, it's safe to say that you are dead. It's alright if you don't remember your life, though. We almost never do.?

XinXin and Wolfsbane
(OOC: I'll mostly let you two steer this conversation. I'll have the NPCs speak at appropriate times, of course, but I want you two to have a sort of conversation. And, the NPCs don't have much to add right now.)

Sour, Sonae, and GuardianTempest

Shou put her hand on Minako's shoulder. ?It's alright. They don't pose any threat to the village, and Keine poses no threat to us.?


Suika grinned. ?It's a title to show that I'm one of the four strongest Oni around! And yep, that mountain. We used to live there, but we moved underground. Of course, Deva of the Underground doesn't have the same ring, y'know??

Keine sighed. ?May as well be Deva of the Liquor.?


Kotohime nodded. ?It's the human village, but here are a lot of tame Youkai that come here to trade, or do other things. Don't think any of them actually live in the village itself, though.?

(OOC: Well, Keine, Sayuri, Suika, and Futo are a bit outside of the crowd around the dragon statue at the center of the village. Shou and Minako are above, but out of sight for now. Heal is hidden in a bush farther away.)

Immaterial Crow and Dorakyura

Hilde found that Yuugi was behind her. ?Nah, I want to see what this's about. Got nothing better to do, y'know??

- - -

Koishi burst into the room, followed by Chiseki. Faces turned to her, including Satori's. ?Koishi? What are you doing here??

Koishi panted, supporting herself on her knees. ?I need... to talk... in private...?

Hilde and Yuugi entered at this point. Satori frowned. ?...Hm. We were in the middle of a vote, but I suppose if it's that important...? she looked at Chiseki and Hilde. ?...You two come as well. People murmured throughout the room as Koishi, Hilde, and Chiseki followed Satori to a door at the back of the room. She opened the door, and led them through a hallway into a small meeting room. Satori closed the door behind them, and sat at the head of the table. ?So??

Koishi looked into her sister's eyes, completely serious. ?The hashihime's subconscious has been altered. And not by me,? she said, cutting off her sister's question. ?We encountered her earlier, and she was... different. She's never been exactly pleasant, but she was even worse.?

Satori frowned. ?Well, people change-?

?Their subconscious doesn't. Not this much,? Koishi said, cutting her off. ?She's dangerous, Big Sis. Something is definitely not right here.?


Corruption: .3%
« Last Edit: November 06, 2011, 04:49:24 AM by Ran Squawkumo »

Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #431 on: November 05, 2011, 11:05:25 PM »
Sayuri's eyes lit up with curiousity as always. She looks to the ground below her, then back to Suika. "Underground?" As she says this, the images of the great mausoleum and its beautiful starry sky surface in her mind. Her ghostly tail waves gently in the wind. Then her expression becomes slightly puzzled. She turns to Futo.
"Is there any horned people in the Mausoleum?" she asks slowly.
As Keine speaks, she turns her gaze to the woman and tilts her head slightly. "Liquor?"

Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #432 on: November 06, 2011, 04:13:49 AM »
Quote from: Squwakers
The girl [Parsee] shifted uncomfortably as Chiseki's third eye tried to face her. ?Parsee Mizuhashi. Well, I really should get back to guarding the bridge, I was just doing some shopping...?
OOC: I see. Are we sitting down? I'll assume we are.

"She was uncomfortable with me around," Chiseki added, "unless she always is around a third eye. She was in a hurry to leave, which I don't think she was before we came. Maybe something did change."

She leaned on the back rest of her chair, almost slouching. While she had been walking around the city, even with her third eye completely visible, no one really minded. It was only Parsee that actually reacted to it. It was too bad she didn't read her mind.

"What's the subconscious?" She'd been hearing this many times, but it wasn't explained to her.

Crow's Dumping Ground of Art

"So I never have to worry what tomorrow will bring, because my faith is on solid rock; I am counting on God."


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  • Round face... z( ⌣ω⌣)z
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #433 on: November 06, 2011, 11:25:36 AM »
She was a little confused towards who she is, but what question her even more was does it really matters? *since there is no place to go I better stay with those ghosts here, they are nice* She was thinking back as Yuyuko rubbed her hair. *But it felt so warm, I couldn't..." She wiped the tears from her eyes.

Yoshiko released Yuyuko from her hug and held back a little. Then she turned her head directly at Yuyuko. She was shorter than her, so she needed actually to turn her head upwards. Looking at her ghostly eyes Yoshiko asked, "Yuyuko-sama, it is ok to be dead? It can't be worse than living, even if I don't remember from before... but it also can't be that terribly boring. Yuyuko-sama, I want to enjoy living... if you know what I mean. I also would like to thank you for being with me, something I will have to repay you. That is why I will see to Youmu-san's return here."
« Last Edit: November 07, 2011, 09:32:47 AM by Berzul »

Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #434 on: November 07, 2011, 09:22:40 AM »
Somewhat mollified by Shou's words, Minako relaxes her white knuckle grip on her weapon. A little, at least. She'd feel a lot better if she could hear what they were talking about down there, but her ears aren't that good. She can't remember if they were any better when she was still equine or not.
"Well, then. Suppose that leaves with the question of, what are they doing here?" She pauses for a moment. "I hope Heal can hear what they're saying better than we can. Still, I suppose it's something that they haven't started anything yet."
Settling her more belligerant instincts slightly, Minako takes a few moments to appraise more than just her enemies below, but the people as well, as well as the city. To the best of her recollection, she's never seen a humanoid settlement.


  • Adorably Awkward Android
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #435 on: November 07, 2011, 09:27:46 AM »
Heal continued to watch the crowd from the bushes.

[OOC: Short post, sorry. Have tasks.]


  • White Wolf of the West
  • Must not use military vehicles to ?Squish? things.
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #436 on: November 07, 2011, 02:29:07 PM »
"hmmmm sounds like an accepting place. By the way, seems as though there are allot of people over there," Aref said looking out over to the crowd in the center of the village, "Is the market having a special or is there a festival or something?" the wolf Inquired trying to focus in on the crowd.
There are 2 items I believe can solve any problem
1. The Doctor's sonic screw driver
2. Marisa's 8 trigrams reactor

[Y]oukai [J]esus

  • "MotK's 1%" (?)
  • *
  • Idiot Deity 2013 - 2014 RIP
    • Muh Writings
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #437 on: November 07, 2011, 04:05:54 PM »
"...Fly? I don't think I can fly... Well, maybe. I mean, I've been living mostly on the ground for a few days now..." Arasoi briefly remembered his more primal form. Well, with that thought, he almost didn't want to even try. But it would make the trip faster, would it?

Arasoi looked at Mima, his horns beginning to jolt with lightning.

"Fine. I'll try to fly." Without waiting to listen to a word Marisa or Mima would say, Arasoi jumped. Still having some of his past agility from his old self. Reaching top speed with liftoff from the ground, a huge gust of wind just ravaged the ground directly bellow him, creating a sort of mini-crater. However, his efforts were futile. A few seconds later, he crashed back on the ground at the same speed that he took off. Pathetic.

Silently, he got up, ignoring the giggles from the two females beside him. Dusting himself off, he jumped once more. But this time, he used lightning. Focusing all of his energy into his back, electricity sparked all around the spikes that covered his back. Lightning burst from their tips in every direction, before finally settling in a jolty, but stable shape. Resembling Lightning bolts that were stopped in time. He had teal wings of lightning.

Arasoi began to sweat and pant, his body exhausted. But the wings stayed, keeping him off the ground. He had no more energy in any parts of his body besides his back and makeshift wings.

"S-So... haaa... What are we waiting for...?"

<Nietz> Anyway, sex toys alone won't come up to 11k.
[18:48] <Warma> There must have been a new depth, where you've sunk as a person. Then you dug through that.

Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #438 on: November 08, 2011, 11:51:01 PM »
Hilde was surprised finding Yuugi behind her. Even thought that there are three mindreaders now.

(dammit, haven't seen Gummicrows post :derp: but still might fit?)

Hilde just listened to what Koishi had to say. Koishi seemed very serious. 'Is that fear in her voice?' She was thinking.
"Subconscious altered? What effects can that have?" Hilde asked, not knowing what an altered subconscious could mean for a person.

(There isn't much I can add to the conversation, I have really no idea what can happen when someonce subconscious changes ^^)
« Last Edit: November 09, 2011, 03:15:38 PM by Dorakyura »

Aya Squawkermaru

  • "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war." - William Hearst
  • Relevant quote is relevant.
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #439 on: November 13, 2011, 04:36:50 AM »
Sonae, Sourfang and GuardianTempest

?The Underground is a large land beneath Gensokyo,? Keine explained. ?Various sealed Youkai live down there, mainly the Oni.?

Suika grinned. ?We Oni're the strongest, y'know.?

Futo shook her head. ?No, not really.?

Keine gulped. ?Um... Liquor... It's a vile potion that turns you into a wretched creature and ruins your sensibility. Yeah.?

Suika grinned. ?Aw, live a little, Keine. She's a Youkai, not a human.? She held out the gourd to Sayuri. ?Here, take a sip, kiddo.?


Shou shrugged. ?They have every right to be here. I'm not sure, myself.?

The crowd around the statue was beginning to subside at this point. The village sprawled out in all directions; it was fairly large, though the ends of the village were clearly visible from their vantage point. People walked through the village with no hurry; they stopped to talk to neighbors, clerks, town criers. Small groups of children ran about, playing some game or another. People stepped in and out of buildings throughout the village, still with nothing resembling a hurry. Vegetation spotted the landscape, though only as though it were an afterthought.

CROOOOOOOOOOOOOW and also Dorakyura I guess :P

Satori frowned. ?She's uncomfortable around me, but usually isn't in such a hurry to get going...?

?The subconscious controls everything we do. It controls our instincts, our desires, our restrictions. Altering the subconscious can change everything about a person; their goals, what they're willing to do to achieve them, you name it,? Koishi explained. ?Her subconscious was altered, but I couldn't really tell how, and I couldn't really change anything. Something was stopping me, but I have no clue what it was.?

Yuugi sipped from her sake dish. ?That doesn't sound good. Parsee isn't exactly the happiest of people. I don't want to think 'bout what she could do...?

Berzulio von Hoolio

Yuyuko nodded. ?Of course it is. I mean, it's a bit late to enjoy living, but being dead really isn't all that bad.?

Youmu blinked. ?Um, I appreciate it, but I definitely think I can handle myself. I'm more worried about your safety, to be honest.?

Yuyuko furrowed her brow. ?Indeed. Yoshiko, can you fight??


Kotohime shrugged. ?No clue. Wanna find out?? Without waiting for a response, she walked over to the crowd. At the center was a large statue of a dragon with red, glowing eyes. ?That can't be good.?

Youkai Jesus

(OOC: I have no clue what to even call you now. Not calling you corruption, that's for sure. And I'm not sure if you're okay with everyone here knowing your first name. And for the record, I'm un-happening that crater thing. A youkai jumping wouldn't ever cause that kind of a crater.)

Mima shrugged. ?Not much.? The three took off across the mountain. A village could be seen off in the distance.

« Last Edit: November 13, 2011, 06:50:07 PM by Ran Squawkumo »

Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #440 on: November 13, 2011, 05:06:32 AM »
((If I may, I request someone interrupt Suika's sake offering Please.))

Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #441 on: November 13, 2011, 12:10:19 PM »
OOC: Sorry, Sonae. Minako's here to observe and report, not chaperone.

Minako shakes her head slightly at Shou's words. She, and most pegasi she can remember, would never be so lenient with a territorial rival. Still, she is not the leader of her new family, and she will abide by the wishes of said. And Shou, as well, for Shou is her elder, both in age and in time among the herd. And in strength and skill, on top of everything else.
Minako takes a moment from her studies of her enemies and the humans below her to study the tiger youkai floating alongside her. Somehow, Minako simply knew that the elder youkai was beyond her. It was more than the way she carried her spear, or the musculature of her arms. There was a quiet sense of strength about her, a knowing of how good she is, but not making any boast about it. Byakuren had a similar sense, Minako realized, but it was much more subdued. (That must have been why I thought Shou was the strongest before.) she thinks to herself.
Looking back down at the ground, and the humans beneath, her gaze settles on the Mausoleum dweller with the blue hat. That one seems more... dangerous, than the other one, somehow. The other one, the one with the unusual lower body (where the heck are her legs?) seems almost benign, much more harmless than the other. If there is a threat, a fight, Minako believes the one with the hat will be the greater threat. A threat, perhaps, that she's not adequately prepared to deal with. If Shou is beyond Minako, who's to say that woman isn't, either?

"Shou? When we're done here, I... I would like you to teach me. Train me. I know I may sound belligerant, aggresive, but there may come a time, if not today, when we will need to defend our home. Or someone else's. And when that day comes, I want to be ready. Will you teach me, my elder sister? Help me attain the power I need to defend our home?"


  • (*7(*7(*7(*7(*7
  • Round face... z( ⌣ω⌣)z
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #442 on: November 13, 2011, 07:35:40 PM »
Yoshiko replayed with little confidence "ehehe, I am a ghost, what worst that can happen? I won't die or anything..."

Then looking back Yuyuko, she added to her speech "What? I don't really... we... Youmu-san would be in danger?". Yoshiko back a little, scared more than Youmu would be possibly. She was not afraid of herself, rather puzzled on that Youmu did not really felt worried or moved because of her master request, even if it would have put her in danger. Yoshiko then put aside talking with Yuyuko and turn to Youmu. "I... promise me you won't do anything stupid, I don't want you to get hurt by rushing yourself to save someone." It sounded strange what she said, to herself especially. Yoshiko was perplexed by things she would say out loud. She wasn't quite sure if that was she wanted to say, or that something made her say such things. She did felt sorry for Youmu, she wanted to help, but saying something off the hook like that.

The next second, her head was getting heavy as she was to collapse. She was starting to lose sight, and feeling in her hands. Luckily her hands supported her before she would fall over. "My head hurts.." She explained to everyone, facing the floor. Yoshiko felt ashamed, but then again, what she would be ashamed of really? It's not alike she is responsible for her condition right now, but she also was not sure what did happen just now. "Yuyuko-sama..." She voiced herself half-silent, reaching out her hand to Yuyuko. And that is how strength she had left, as she fallen over onto the floor. Her vision blurred and blacked out.


  • White Wolf of the West
  • Must not use military vehicles to ?Squish? things.
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #443 on: November 14, 2011, 08:59:30 PM »
Aref hurried after Kotohime towards the crowd, then looking up at the statue with her. (hmmm thats a large statue... an Idol maybe... whats with the eyes though?)
"... whats not good?" She asks glancing around at the people around it, then sniffing the air, "something wrong?"
There are 2 items I believe can solve any problem
1. The Doctor's sonic screw driver
2. Marisa's 8 trigrams reactor


  • Hakase Hakase Hakase!
  • Nano Nano Nano!
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #444 on: November 19, 2011, 02:31:46 AM »
"I am Mikan, pleased to meet you," she accompanied this with an awkward half-bow, during which she realised it made her see them more eye-to-eye to the small children than to the taller girl greeting her - therefore the awkwardness. Wait, 'servant'? She was a servant, to this tiny little girl here? This person who seemed capable of giving a small kick and sending her off like a soccer ball, was the servant of the soccer ball? Mikan's face gave away the fact that she was perturbed by this revelation. Of course, she kept her mouth shut because she had absolutely no clue what any of them could do, and if Sakuya's time control taught her anything, it was that anything could happen at that point.
Helloo world! Would you like a cookie?

Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #445 on: November 19, 2011, 07:26:34 AM »
"So shouldn't we be going now? Should we follow her?" Honestly, the young satori could not see the true urgency of the matter. All she knew was that something bad was about to happen, and that she would need to brace herself for it.

Crow's Dumping Ground of Art

"So I never have to worry what tomorrow will bring, because my faith is on solid rock; I am counting on God."


  • Adorably Awkward Android
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #446 on: November 19, 2011, 09:33:56 AM »
"Ah the crowd is thinning out, guess it's time for me to move."

Heal slowly exited the bush she was hiding in, trying to avoid any attention. Looking around she sees a child pointing at her, complimenting her appearance. "Cool costume, mister!" Heal replied to him, "Ahehe, I'm a girl. Guess it's hard to tell with this suit huh? Now run along now, I'm doing an errand." Knowing she could be sighted by the corner of the objective's eyes, she calmly walks a few meters away, standing behind another bush, leaning on the wall.

Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #447 on: November 20, 2011, 12:43:44 AM »
"Chiseki is right." Hilde added to Chiseki's statement. "You might be able to find a trace that leads to those who did this."
« Last Edit: November 20, 2011, 10:54:05 AM by Dorakyura »

Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #448 on: November 21, 2011, 12:00:20 AM »
((It seems something bad has happened to Squawks))


  • (*7(*7(*7(*7(*7
  • Round face... z( ⌣ω⌣)z
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #449 on: November 21, 2011, 12:11:43 AM »
((It seems something bad has happened to Squawks))
Don't lose hope, he is still young...

Anyway how's going your duel with Sakuya? :P