Author Topic: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)  (Read 93111 times)


  • Narry the Corruptor
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #210 on: October 08, 2011, 05:31:42 AM »
"actually i wanted to start the fire in the pit she made. that way i knew i wouldn't come out the hole, don't know why i know that. i was going try and bath in the fire to see what it was like. She didn't like that. Also you said not to ask you so many question, i didn't know if that included other people to. I didn't even know i could shoot fire till me and her started play that game." Curiously looks around. seeing all the burns places. "Also didn't you start the fir ei was burned in?" Sparkler asks the last question titling her head.
"there is a Fine line between genius and insanity. I see it every day running screaming past it with scissors."
-8-bit theater, Red Mage, taken as personal saying.

Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #211 on: October 08, 2011, 06:01:43 AM »
"Forgive me, Shou, but I am no buddhist. I have no reservations about defending my home and those I care for. If either of these two darken our roost, rest assured, I will be ready."
But to think that one of the Lady's enemies would roost so close to the temple. How brazen and bold must she be? Perhaps something should be done about that soon...

But Minako tries, at least, to put that out of her mind. She's not out here to fight. Not today, anyway. She's out here today to recover her wings, something which seems to be going swimmingly. True enough, now that the shock of her humanoidification has at least mostly worn off, she finds herself capable of holding herself aloft rather well. She's not anxious to go all out just yet, just in case, but flying around the temple? Check.

Flying over the front of the temple now, Minako notes the two figures below walking towards the temple. "What of those two, Shou? Are they also members of the temple, or merely guests?"

Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #212 on: October 08, 2011, 06:04:30 AM »
Chiseki had literally nothing to tell either of them. Most likely, Koishi had already learned of her from Satori, and that wouldn't be much; like the other one said, she didn't have much memories, either.

"Me neither," she responded, "Why don't you tell us more about yourself, too?"

She wondered whom Koishi was referring to when she mentioned "the girl on the mountain." More importantly, what was a mountain? As she waited, she brushed her hair back; it was a bit messy and irritated her a bit.

Crow's Dumping Ground of Art

"So I never have to worry what tomorrow will bring, because my faith is on solid rock; I am counting on God."


  • Adorably Awkward Android
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #213 on: October 08, 2011, 06:11:26 AM »
"Her speech pattern, is she from 'that land' as well?." Heal thought upon hearing of Futo's words, her first lord is of European origins but the puzzle on how he and his family got here is perpetually inexplicable. "A beast I am not, for my form is that of armour." She lays her forearm on her torso as if introducing herself. "I am christened Heal de Garde, vassal of the lord of this temple, and many thanks to your visit." she said, as if she was smiling underneath. Then suddenly she asked her, "......What reason has come up to bring you here?" while holding the broom like a staff.


  • Knight of the Accursed Order
  • Boredom is contagious.
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #214 on: October 08, 2011, 06:37:50 AM »
Ark nodded and started to walk in the direction of the big red building.  "Let's visit, then." she said, having finally set a goal since coming into existence earlier that day.  "I wanna find out what a maid is, and what a vampire is too."  She was completely focused now, and nary a thing would stop her short of being dragged off in the opposite direction.
[15:30] * Wolfsbane706 pitfalls Roukan.
[15:30] <Roukan> WHAT WHY
[15:31] * Roukan aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa*splat*
[15:32] <Wolfsbane706> That's the funniest reaction I've seen yet.
[15:34] * Roukan thumbs-up from beyond the grave.


  • Maru~ Maru~
  • Lurk~ Lurk~
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #215 on: October 08, 2011, 08:48:04 AM »
"How would someone put lies in a paper?" Ohuku knew what the words 'lie' and 'paper' meant but she wasn't familiar with the concept of writing. The thought soon left her mind as she noticed people was looking at them "Why are they looking? They all have that paper with lies." She stepped closer to Momiji, feeling a bit safer in the wolf tengu's prescense.

Her mind shifted tracks once again when Momiji spoke "Oh, okay" she looked up at her guardian, searching through her mind briefly "Kappa are like turtles right? But... what's shogi?"
My first attempt at storywriting, looking for critique

Avatar schizophrenia? I don't know what you're talking about.


  • Hakase Hakase Hakase!
  • Nano Nano Nano!
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #216 on: October 08, 2011, 10:14:18 AM »
With calmness Mikan pulled off the bucket, looking at the fairies and the black dress girl. After the initial fright, her face later turned into that of slight irritation, yet to the hysterically laughing crew it would probably pass off as completely calm and collected.

"Yes... Yes, I am." Mikan dropped the bucket on the floor. "And you did that because...?"
Helloo world! Would you like a cookie?

[Y]oukai [J]esus

  • "MotK's 1%" (?)
  • *
  • Idiot Deity 2013 - 2014 RIP
    • Muh Writings
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #217 on: October 08, 2011, 02:40:55 PM »
Arasoi sighed, still tired and weak. Weak. God when would it stop bothering. Subconsciously, Arasoi clenched his clawed fist. Green Flames, and lightning, as far as he could see within the white, vast sea of Makai. Being weak would be a constant problem until he could regain his strength. And he almost missed the witch's greeting.

Arasoi looked up, exhaustion crawling over his face. "N-Nice to meet you, Marisa..." he said, before turning to Mima.

"Who's this Suika person you're talking about?"

<Nietz> Anyway, sex toys alone won't come up to 11k.
[18:48] <Warma> There must have been a new depth, where you've sunk as a person. Then you dug through that.

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #218 on: October 08, 2011, 04:30:09 PM »
She looks around at the assorted blades on the cave's floor, as well as the ones that somehow got embedded in the walls as well.
Were they hers? Or had they just been there when she had gotten here so long ago?
"Swords...? Oh, these? They're nice aren't they? Really shiny! ...But I can't remember how these got here...Are they mine..? Either way, I guess they are."
Of course, with such a horrible memory, and it being only further scrambled by the change from mere bird into a Youkai, she's not likely to recall anytime soon.
"...Underground?" The whole concept of going underground was a very befuddling one, and the girl calling herself Utsuho would no doubt be able to tell from the look of abject confusion on the girl's face.
"So...uh...What were we doing again?" She remarks with a completely oblivious smile.
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure


  • (*7(*7(*7(*7(*7
  • Round face... z( ⌣ω⌣)z
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #219 on: October 08, 2011, 08:40:01 PM »
Reply with excitement: "It's a Pleasure to meet you all, my name is Yoshiko Nakamura."

Turn to Youmu and Myon, and try to... you know whisper or talk to her on the side... "It's because you are leaving tomorrow?"

Aya Squawkermaru

  • "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war." - William Hearst
  • Relevant quote is relevant.
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #220 on: October 08, 2011, 09:15:05 PM »

Mokou shook her head. ?I did, but that's different. Those were ashes from the ground. I was fighting the princess. I didn't nearly burn down the whole forest, unlike you. And yes, slowing down the questions applies to everyone.? Mokou shook her head. ?Why would you want to bathe in fire, anyway? The point of bathing is to clean yourself.?

Crow Cakes and German Flower Youkai

Koishi grinned, and focused that orb on her chest on the two. It looked almost like a closed eye. ?...Interesting... Well, anyway, I'm just Satori's sister. We've lived here as long as I can remember, and since then I've been wandering around. The world's an interesting place, you know??

?She does come home every now and then, though.? The trio turned to see Orin walking in, yawning. ?Morning, everyone. I have to go get to carting the corpses, but I figured I'd stop in and say hey first.?

GuardianTempest, Sourpang and Sonae

Shou shook her head. ?No, I don't recognize either of them. But, if they're coming from that direction...? She bit her lip. ?Come on, let's go fly over there. Try not to let them notice you.? Shou slowly led Minako over to where the other group was converging.


Shou and Minako arrived, above the group, unnoticed.

Futo scowled. ?We are not visiting thy miniscule temple; we are traversing Gensokyo in an attempt to help miss Sayuri understand the land. Now, if thou wouldst leave, thou wouldst have my appreciation.?


Cirno sighed, then followed, along with Rumia. ?Well, I guess there's no harm in it.?

?Maybe we'll find some bad guys there!? Rumia theorized with excitement.

Cirno shrugged. ?I guess. The vampire there isn't really a bad guy, but she might count...?

?Anyway... Ark, do you know how to fly?? Rumia asked.


?Um... I guess you could sort of say that... And Shogi is a game of strategy. It's kind of hard to explain to a child, to be honest...? Momiji shrugged.

?Ayayayayaya!? Momiji and Ohuku looked up to see a strange girl flying at them. Within an instant, she had landed next to them. ?A new development! Momiji's new girl is only a child!? More people looked on, a few of them whispering to each other.

Momiji grit her teeth. ?Aya... I knew you were trash, but this is a new low!?

?What? Momiji Inubashiri picks up a naked girl, and takes her to her house. She then requests that said girl be allowed to live with her. It's the obvious conclusion!? Aya said, nodding. She then gave Ohuku a once-over. ?Hm... I can see why, too. I'm not into that sort of thing, but you've got to admit that she's cute.?


?I did that because it was hilarious, that's why!? The girl said, smiling. She stood up, and grabbed Mikan's hand, shaking it. ?The name's Koakuma. I'm Miss Patchouli's assistant. I'm on my break right now. And you are??

Youkai Jesus

?Suika's an Oni who is a friend of Reimu's,? Mima explained. ?I'm her acquaintance by association.?

?One of the four devas of the mountain, too! Strongest in Gensokyo!? a mist condensed in the room, eventually taking the shape of a girl with horns on her head. She looked like a child. She grinned, and shook Arasoi's hand. ?The name's Suika Ibuki! It's not often you see guys around here. You going to help us find Reimu??


?Yeah, the Underground. It's where Rin, Miss satori and I live. Miss satori told me to bring you there, because... uh... something.? Utsuho shrugged. ?She just told me to find you. At least, I think it's you. I'm not really sure...? She shook her head. ?Anyway, we should get going. Um, you okay with leaving this place? I need to take you to the palace...?

(OOC: If you're going to include it anyway, I'd rather you do it in a quote. That way, we don't have to sort through your post to see where mine ends and yours begins. Also, this isn't just a text adventure without the greater than signs. You don't give commands, you just narrate what she does.)

?Eh? Them being here?? Youmu asked, also whispering. ?I don't think so. They just show up to give performances.?

Merlin nodded, having heard them anyway. ?Yup! Miss Saigyouji asked us to give some performances, so here we are. We'll be here for a few days!


Hina clapped her hands together. ?So! Today, we're going to go visit my friend Nitori.?

?...What does that have to do with being a shrine maiden?? Kanade asked, a bit perplexed.

?Well, um... I told her I'd come visit today? Plus, she knows more about the gods up on the mountains, maybe she knows what a shrine maiden does...? Hina said, grasping.

Kanade sighed. ?Fine, whatever. Let's just go already.?

?That's more like it!? Hina said, smiling, before grabbing Kanade's wrist. ?Let's go!? She spun out the door, swirling Kanade around, much to the kitsune's dismay.


  • (*7(*7(*7(*7(*7
  • Round face... z( ⌣ω⌣)z
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #221 on: October 08, 2011, 09:37:39 PM »
"hmm I see" Said the ghost, as she realised the insignificance of the visit. However she also felt intrigued by the new information. Whatever this "performances" are, she would be very interested in actually seeing one.

Thus she would replay, "A performance? Of course I would gladly see one, if that's not a problem"

Also she wondered about the other ghosts.. being silent. *Maybe not all ghosts are that talkative like others?* she pondered.


  • Maru~ Maru~
  • Lurk~ Lurk~
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #222 on: October 08, 2011, 10:25:52 PM »
Ohuku disliked the girl that had landed in front of them as soon as she had opened her mouth. She didn't like her voice and she was evidently bothering Momiji. She tried to make sense of the following conversation. "Obvious conclusion? What is she talking about?"

"I don't know what you're talking about, Miss Momiji saved me from falling after I had been born." She spoke quietly and wasn't sure if anyone had heard her. What she was sure about however was that the annoying girl, Aya, had stepped closer to her and was now closer than she felt comfortable with. Ohuku reacted instinctively by taking a step back, turning her upper body and snap her head downwards to the side, flicking her hair in the direction of Aya's face.

Said maneuver took less than a second to execute.

((Note: Hair still acts like jellyfish tendrils, just as a reminder))
My first attempt at storywriting, looking for critique

Avatar schizophrenia? I don't know what you're talking about.


  • Adorably Awkward Android
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #223 on: October 08, 2011, 10:59:13 PM »
"Understood, but do tell the student about the background of this place, for she is not familiar about it."

Heal examined Futo, her outfit doesn't seem to match that from 'there'. Then she looked at Sayuri, strange...guess should she turn hostile she wouldn't be able to touch her, hm? Anyway, she moves her fingers, as if preparing for a quick maneuver. Upon hearing of the spirit's questions she decides to open her visor, revealing her golden eyes. "My senses lie beneath this body. Strange, this shell now contains something to protect." afterwards she closes it again.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2011, 05:52:22 AM by GuardianTempest »

Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #224 on: October 08, 2011, 11:22:26 PM »
Sayuri gazed in the direction of the voice. She blinked a few times not knowing what it was. "Hello" She said plainly.
As Futo came to a stop, her grasp on Sayuri's hand slipped, allowing the spirit to break free from her. Sayuri instinctively floated towards the creature before them to examine it. She looked curiously at it's face which did not quite resemble Futo's or her own for that matter. She brought a finger to her mouth, her gaze still fixated on the being. "Shiny..." She mumbled, noticing how the sun reflected off the armor. She then slowly lowered herself, turning her gaze towards the broom. She watched it intently, as if she were waiting for it to speak as well. After about a minute of waiting, satisfied that the broom would not begin speaking to her anytime soon, she turned her attention back to Heal. She circled around her in an upward spiral, stopping infront of Heal's face once more. After a few moments of silence she spoke again.
"Where's your mouth? and your eyes? Did you forget them somewhere?" She asked curiously, a finger still resting infront of her mouth, her eyes shining with innocence, and her ghost like tail waving gently in the wind, despite there being no breeze.


  • Narry the Corruptor
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #225 on: October 09, 2011, 03:07:25 AM »
"Well fire would burn things away. i like ash feel and smell. Besides. i didn't ask because i thought you did bad. I was curious still form a thought i had after you went to sleep. I don't know things. I do know fire helps grow forests and makes them healthier but i don't know how that works." she says frowning a bit. "Besides. How am i suppose to learn when i can't use it." Clearly ignorant of the "safer places" thing, as well other safety issues.
"there is a Fine line between genius and insanity. I see it every day running screaming past it with scissors."
-8-bit theater, Red Mage, taken as personal saying.

[Y]oukai [J]esus

  • "MotK's 1%" (?)
  • *
  • Idiot Deity 2013 - 2014 RIP
    • Muh Writings
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #226 on: October 09, 2011, 03:08:35 AM »
One of the strongest in Gensokyo? This is a good time to test out my strength... But...

As Arasoi pulled his hand back after shaking Suika, he sighed. Still no energy. His recovery speed had been hindered in the transformation too. Great. He glanced to the blonde witch, before looking at Suika.

"S...Suika... We should have a brawl sometime. No flying magicalness. Just pure strength." For the first time today, Arasoi smiled. It was a weak, tired smile. God he had to snap out of this tiredness. Arasoi looked at Mima. Funny, why did it feel like forever since he saw her eyes?

Arasoi stared for some time. Maybe a moment too long. The others were giving him quizical looks. With that, Arasoi flinched and stood up. "S-So... W-Whe-n to the human v-village?" Oh god he was stuttering.

<Nietz> Anyway, sex toys alone won't come up to 11k.
[18:48] <Warma> There must have been a new depth, where you've sunk as a person. Then you dug through that.

Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #227 on: October 09, 2011, 04:18:03 AM »
(OOC: Temps, I had the impression from squaks' post that Shou and I had gone unnoticed at the time, so that's what I'm gonna go by.)
(And I still think you should set Tewi's tail on fire when she's not looking, Nary. It'd be gangbusters.)

Minako slows her wingbeats to the minimum to keep herself aloft, and narrows her gaze upon the two figures standing before her fellow new arrival at the Temple. She decides to hold her tongue for now and simply observe, both to the going ons below, and to Shou's reactions. But from Shou's previous actions, she can't help but think (Give me the word, Shou....)
« Last Edit: October 09, 2011, 04:20:28 AM by Old Man Sour »

Aya Squawkermaru

  • "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war." - William Hearst
  • Relevant quote is relevant.
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #228 on: October 09, 2011, 04:21:48 AM »
(OOC: Yeah, Minako and Shou's arrival was unnoticed by the group below, as seen in:
Shou and Minako arrived, above the group, unnoticed.

As such, for now, the two will remain unnoticed.

Anyway, will update within an hour or so.

Edit: Never mind that. Got carried away with other things, and it's too late now)
« Last Edit: October 09, 2011, 05:10:15 AM by Squawkuhashi Parsee »


  • Adorably Awkward Android
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #229 on: October 09, 2011, 04:47:39 AM »
[OOC: Updating, please stand by]
« Last Edit: October 09, 2011, 04:49:24 AM by GuardianTempest »

Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #230 on: October 09, 2011, 05:02:09 AM »
[OOC: Updating, please stand by]
((Ya make sure ta respond to Sayuri's questions too. Else! YOU WILL FEEL COLD DOOM))

[Y]oukai [J]esus

  • "MotK's 1%" (?)
  • *
  • Idiot Deity 2013 - 2014 RIP
    • Muh Writings
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #231 on: October 09, 2011, 05:27:43 AM »

(There is no cold doom, only Cirno.)

<Nietz> Anyway, sex toys alone won't come up to 11k.
[18:48] <Warma> There must have been a new depth, where you've sunk as a person. Then you dug through that.


  • Hakase Hakase Hakase!
  • Nano Nano Nano!
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #232 on: October 09, 2011, 08:20:55 AM »
"Huang Mikan."

This event had quite a significant effect on her perception of this Scarlet Devil Mansion. Other than short hours of work, it would seem as if life here was pretty damn relaxed. Maybe not the kind of relaxation she would want to spend the rest of her days in, but the kind that she would not mind putting up with if it meant a simple life. As for the elusive Mistress, it would seem as if she had not a single consideration for who she was or what she was like, at the moment at least.
Helloo world! Would you like a cookie?

Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #233 on: October 09, 2011, 01:13:14 PM »
"Hello," Chiseki replied to Rin. Her voice did not exceed a moderately soft tone, and would probably never will.

Her third eye focused on the cat-eared girl, almost on instinct, and began searching her mind for the thing Rin called "corpse." The satori got a chilly feeling after that; it spooked her quite a lot. The eye began searching for more recent and pleasant thoughts, but Chiseki's mind was quickly bombarded with random thoughts, like food and whatnot.

Her third eye switched again to Koishi, but it still found nothing. Instead of trying any more, Chiseki made it focus on Hilde. Perhaps she might find some different thoughts to pass the time. Her two "normal" eyes, of course, weren't looking at Hilde but at Rin.

Crow's Dumping Ground of Art

"So I never have to worry what tomorrow will bring, because my faith is on solid rock; I am counting on God."

Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #234 on: October 09, 2011, 05:22:28 PM »
"Ooohh~" Sayuri says, a bright smile spreading across her face. "Pretty~!" she cheers happily, clapping her hands in the process. She twirls around energetically before speaking again.
"Are there more pretty people here?" she asks excitedly, her tail moving faster now.

Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #235 on: October 09, 2011, 07:45:01 PM »
Hilde's dry view moves to Orin.'That cat again, it's kind of getting annoying. I wonder what she means with corpses'
''I wonder when Satori is coming back.' Her view switched back to Chiseki and Koishi. She noticed that Chiseki's 3rd eye was focused on her. 'This mindreading stuff can't also become quite annoying, be glad that I don't care' She feels a little bit tired since she hasn't sleeped much, she closed her eye's and tried to sort her memories once more.

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #236 on: October 09, 2011, 11:37:35 PM »
The underground....Having soared the skies her whole life as a Raven, she never realized what could be under what the groundcrawlers walked on.
'Underground? I dunno why, but it sounds like fun...So I'll just play along~'
'..But I don't want my treasure to get taken....'
She simply tilted her head interestedly. "But how are we gonna carry all my stuff? I can't let some other bird up and take it."
And then it finally dawned on her. She was talking. Not squawking, or cawing, but talking.
"Hang on. I'm talking. Talking. This-is-amazing! Talking-is-so-fun! So-much-to-say-think-feel-do! Wahahaha!"
And she could probably carry on like that until the universe perished of an eventual heat death.
(OOC: She's talking a mile a minute here now, and the whole realization is having more than a few effects on her simple brain.)

(Another OOC: I assume that Chiseki would find Hotaru's thoughts rather....Well, overwhelming. When you consider that she'd be thinking about EVERYTHING, it's kinda expected. basically like with Rin's "Pleasant Thoughts", but a lot more. And many more arbitrary lines of thought. You folks would basically be privy to many of my own rambling chains of thought. Like why it's never a good idea to put oyster sauce in certain soups.)
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure

Aya Squawkermaru

  • "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war." - William Hearst
  • Relevant quote is relevant.
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #237 on: October 10, 2011, 02:51:16 AM »
(OOC: Things got a little out of order here, but whatever, it still works.)


Lunasa shook her head. ?It wouldn't be a problem. We put on performances to have people listen to them after all.?

?Well, that depends, actually,? Youmu added. ?When will your performances be??

?Tonight, tomorrow, and the day after,? Lunasa answered. ?Why, are you going somewhere??

?Well, we won't be here part of tomorrow, but I don't see why we wouldn't be able to go tonight,? Youmu answered. She turned to Yoshiko. ?Be prepared for an... interesting... performance.? Lunasa glared at her upon hearing this. ?N-not in a bad way! Their performances just tend to mess with your emotions...?


Despite the speed with which Ohuku executed her maneuver, she failed to hit the girl, who instead stepped back and away. ?Now now, I'm not going to hurt you. I just wanted to get a closer look at the poor, unfortunate girl had fallen into Momi's grasp.?

Momiji closed her eyes, trying to control her temper. ?That's enough out of you, Aya. I found her falling from the waterfall, and gave her shelter. That's all.?

?But that's nowhere near as interesting~? the crow Tengu protested. ?You should be used to this by now.?

?That doesn't make it any less vexing,? Momiji retorted. Aya just shrugged. ?Anyway, we should get going.?

Aya nodded. ?Yeah. Bye! Have fun, you two~? She let off one last tease before flying away.


?Oh, I see. You're the new girl Miss Patchouli was talking about. I'm Miss Patchouli's assistant, so she told me a bit about you. Not much, though. You the same as Meiling, then?? Koakuma asked,  looking Mikan over a bit.

Crow Cakes and German Flower Youkai

Chiseki listened in on Hilde's thoughts. Thankfully, they weren't as random as Rin's, but they were a bit more cynical.

Orin watched the two, her face devoid of interest. ?...You two are boring, you know that? I thought we would finally have some interesting house guests for once.?

?Orin, you should be more polite to them.? Heads turned to see Satori walking in, yawning. ?Good morning, everyone.?

?Good morning, Miss Satori,? Rin said, not even pretending to be enthusiastic.

Satori frowned when she focused her third eye on the kasha. ?Well, it's your own problem if you don't get along. Especially since you'll be joining us tomorrow.?

?Wait, what?? Orin asked, tilting her head. ?What's tomorrow? Did I forget Okuu's birthday again??

Satori sighed. ?No, but she will also be joining us. We have urgent business to attend to above ground, and these two are coming with us, as is a third party we have yet to see.?

Sonae, Sourbrang, and GuardianTempest

Futo sighed. ?Really, Miss Sayuri, we should not tarry hither. Gensokyo is a vast land; there is much to see in a day as short as this. Gensokyo is full of people considered by many to be attractive.?

Shou looked over at Minako, pursing her lips. ?Please, don't make this violent...? she pleaded, whispering.

(OOC: Yeah, you should totally burn that brat. I know I'm not supposed to encourage these things as GM, but Tewi is pretty much the worst thing ever.)

?Well, you don't learn by burning the whole forest down, that's for sure, ? Mokou said, sighing.

Tewi yawned. ?Well. Think you can handle the brat, then??

Mokou nodded. ?Yeah, just go already.?

Tewi turned to leave. CHANCE!

Youkai Jesus

Suika grinned. ?Sounds good to me. Just know that I could tear down Youkai Mountain by myself if I wanted to,? she said, taking a sip from her gourd.

?It's happening tomorrow,? Suika said, taking another sip.

Mima looked at her quizzically. ?You mean you-??

Suika nodded. ?Yup! I helped. That's part of why I came here, actually.?


?Unyu? You aren't used to talking?? Utsuho tilted her head. ?As for carrying your swords... if they really are yours... I dunno, but if we can't carry them, I don't think other people would be able to carry them easily, either. There are a lot of them, after all...? She scratched her head. ?I'm not sure, though... Orin's better with this sort of thing than I am...?


  • (*7(*7(*7(*7(*7
  • Round face... z( ⌣ω⌣)z
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #238 on: October 10, 2011, 03:13:52 AM »
Upon hearing the world people, Yoshiko got confused... to what people they meant? Other ghosts, she didn't know about? It was something that would she both wondered about and felt a bit confused towards what that actually mean. She would then alter ask Youmu-san, "Others ghosts come for the performances?"

She would also kinda ashamed that Youmu has already spoken for her. "I will be fine, Youmu-san..." She would explain.

Realising the agreement they would come up with, she would then follow up Youmu to whatever place the performance would be held.

Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #239 on: October 10, 2011, 03:33:16 AM »
Sayuri turned towards Futo, her eyes still filled with curiousity. She began to float over to her current guardian. "Ooohh~ Where where~?" She asks looking around for the 'attractive' people.