Author Topic: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)  (Read 93341 times)


  • Narry the Corruptor
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #90 on: September 30, 2011, 05:57:29 PM »
Sparkler yawns putting her hand to her mouth, her eyes drooped as she notice dhow tired she was. Getting a small smile, she curled up around the fire she started. Quickly going to sleep, she was tired and she could try more things later. Maybe even talk with the person who found her more.
"there is a Fine line between genius and insanity. I see it every day running screaming past it with scissors."
-8-bit theater, Red Mage, taken as personal saying.

Aya Squawkermaru

  • "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war." - William Hearst
  • Relevant quote is relevant.
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #91 on: September 30, 2011, 10:52:51 PM »
Sourbang and GuardianTempest
(OOC: Isn't it just?)

?You could say that. I own the temple, but I am only one of the disciples here,? Byakuren said in response to Minako's question.

?That's a bit of an understatement,? said a voice from the hallway. Shou stepped into view, followed by Nazrin, who was visibly tired. ?Neither of us have done as much for the world as you have. Neither have Minamitsu or Ichirin, for that matter.? She then turned to Minako and Heal. ?Good morning.?

?Speaking of, where are they? They're usually awake by now.? Byakuren asked, as Shou and Nazrin sat down.

Nazrin spoke up. ?I ran into them last night on the way back to my room. Said they were going to go visit the Red-White.?

Byakuren bit her lip, but shook off whatever was bothering her. ?I see. In that case, they're probably just still sleeping.?

Heal was a bit startled when she ate the stew. It wasn't that the food had a bad flavor, but that it was completely lacking in flavor. It didn't taste like anything at all. She didn't even know how this was possible; it tasted like absolutely nothing. She didn't know whether to be impressed or disappointed.


Mikan didn't know she'd been so hungry, but she was packing away the food like nobody's business. A few fairies stopped and stared, but they didn't bother her, for there was nowhere else on Earth that she would rather be. She then heard a polite cough from behind her. ?Well. Based on your vigor, I'm assuming you are satisfied with the meal??

Mikan turned around to see a girl with long, purple hair looking at her. The girl was wearing a strange, pink and white nightgown. ?My name is Patchouli Knowledge. I'm the head Librarian. Meiling informed me that we have an interesting new maid, so I figured I would come and greet you. I don't often leave the Library, but Koakuma can handle it while I am away.?

Youkai Jesus

?I figured as much. Like I said, I don't know if we're going today or tomorrow yet, but I'll let you know later. I just have some business to attend to.? She saw that he was staring at her eyes and blinked. ?What? Do I have something on my face??


Momiji sighed. ?I see I'll have to teach you manners, as well...? she muttered, more to herself than Ohuku. ?Anyway, as far as the day goes, I have to talk to the Great Tengu about you living in the village. Hopefully you can stay here. If not, we'll have to talk to the Kappa. If that doesn't work...? she trailed off, and bit her lip. ?Well, I'm sure we don't have to worry about that. We may need to, um, give you something to put underneath that jacket... I-it's kind of see-through...? Momiji looked down, fidgeting nervously. ?I'll go see if I have something for you...? She left for the hallway, and returned a few minutes later with a small nightgown, and handed it to Ohuku. ?Here. Just put this under your jacket.?

(OOC: I must admit, I am confused. Is Yoshiko actually speaking, or does she just think she is?)


As the fairy fell asleep, she thought she heard something, but it didn't interest her.


The fairy woke up to see that a bunny was prodding her. Upon her waking up, it ran off into the forest, but turned around to watch her after getting a few meters away.

Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #92 on: September 30, 2011, 11:50:51 PM »
Hilde ignores the fact that the 'Mindreader' just asked her why she is here  :derp:.
She takes a sit.
"Well since there is no need to hide something from a mindreader, I can tell you my story."
[...] [OOC: I have to think about "Stay a while and listen" xD]
She needed some time to tell Satori everything she knew and what happend so far, except the overdrinking with the oni's, even when mindreading would have been faster.
"So that's my story... as you can see, I thought you might be able to help me. Well, I don't mind if I don't remember... but I would like to know what happend and ... why am I here anyway."
Hilde seems to be tired. "Pretty late to ask but do you have some tea?"
« Last Edit: October 01, 2011, 12:37:59 AM by German Flower Youkai »


  • Adorably Awkward Android
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #93 on: October 01, 2011, 01:06:27 AM »
Still, Heal continued to eat the provided food, for vassals cannot be picky and must be able to handle whatever comes to their sight. After she had finished consuming her meal she wipes her mouth on her left arm. Afterwards she puts on her helmet securely and says that she's done eating. Somehow, the timing of telling Byakuren that she wants to server her bothers her, should she say it now? Or maybe a minute later? She awaits some clearance for her to speak, and while waiting, she mentally rehearses how she's going to say it.

"Byakuren, please, I wish to be your vassal and serve no one but you. Hmmm, that didn't sound right..."

[Y]oukai [J]esus

  • "MotK's 1%" (?)
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  • Idiot Deity 2013 - 2014 RIP
    • Muh Writings
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #94 on: October 01, 2011, 01:08:33 AM »
Arasoi flinched at the question, the gold in his eyes wavering. Quickly, he pulled his hand off his cheek, grabbed the soup bowl, and practically devoured all of it's contents before using the bowl to cover the lower part of his face. Arasoi slowly brought e bowl down, but in it's cover, responded.

"I-It's nothing."

As the bowl touched the table, Arasoi abruptly stood up. He look at the hallway. "Uhh. Umm. I forgot something in t-that room." Arasoi almost lept out of the area and ran to that messy room. As he reached, he closed the door shut and laid on the floor on his side. Facing the clothing that were spewed about and still holding that wooden stick.

<Nietz> Anyway, sex toys alone won't come up to 11k.
[18:48] <Warma> There must have been a new depth, where you've sunk as a person. Then you dug through that.

Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #95 on: October 01, 2011, 01:15:31 AM »
Sayuri, still in shock, shakes her head a little. "It's nothing..."
As she hears the voice she turns to the door. With Futo's permission, she floats through the door and out of the room.


  • Hakase Hakase Hakase!
  • Nano Nano Nano!
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #96 on: October 01, 2011, 03:09:54 AM »
The introduction by the purple pajama girl reminded Mikan of where she was, which by the second was turning into a freakhouse of sorts. Mikan wondered if she was dreaming, she swallowed nervously, forgetting the full scone in her mouth before she started hacking, trying to get it out of her gullet. Mikan retched and retched, grabbing her neck desperately. Finally, she stood up, pushed the bench back, and pushed her body onto the table in an incredibly comical and forced manner, forcing out the scone onto the plate in front, completely intact and still looking quite delicious. She turned to face the librarian, greeting her like so.

"E-*cough*-xcu-*cough*-se me..." Mikan took a deep, heavy breath before continuing. "My name is Huang Mikan, miss." She took a short bow instinctually, feeling as if she might be able to get used to life like this. "Pleased to make your acquaintance."

Oh what she would give for first impressions to never matter.
Helloo world! Would you like a cookie?

Aya Squawkermaru

  • "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war." - William Hearst
  • Relevant quote is relevant.
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #97 on: October 01, 2011, 03:39:44 AM »
German Flower Youkai
(OOC: She was asking to prompt Hilde to think about it.)

Satori nodded. ?Yes. I'll go make some.? She set the cat down, and left the room to make some tea. On the way out, the cat meowed at her. ?Let's let her have some nice tea, Orin. Yours isn't bad, it's just... Well, you're supposed to use water, not milk.? She then left, as the cat made a noise that was a mixture of a meow and a grumble. Was that even possible?

Satori returned a few minutes later with a tray with three cups of tea, which she set down on the table as Orin turned to her human form. ?For now, I can provide you a place to stay here until you get situated in the city. The same goes for the other guest, but I'll have to take care of her personally, as she is also a Satori. You'll mostly just have to live as another member of the city, to be honest. We've never had someone like you down here, but I'm sure we can adjust.?

(Going to wait on Sour here.)

Youkai Jesus

Mima stared blankly at the hallway for a bit. ?...I never thought guys would be such a pain. Well, whatever.? She then blinked, as there was a knock on the door. She went up front to see a fairy holding a letter. She thanked the fairy, and opened the letter. ?...Tomorrow, then. All right.?


In the next room, the people from earlier were having breakfast. Seiga was the first one to speak up. ?My my, good morning, miss Sayuri. I trust you slept well??

Miko nodded. ?Good morning, miss Sayuri.? Yoshika just looked up from her food, before diving back into it with renewed vigor. She was probably imagining that it was Sayuri.


Patchouli raised an eyebrow at Mikan's display. ?...Hm. It is nice to meet you, too.? She yawned, in a way more adorable than should be allowed for someone of her status. ?Please excuse me, I am on a similar sleeping schedule to the Mistress. I'm not nocturnal entirely, but it is getting rather late for me, so if you'll excuse me...? she moved to leave, but stopped herself. ?...Before I forget. Stop by the library when you are done with your duties for the day. I should be awake by then.? She turned, and left the room, showing a bit of discomfort at the antics of the fairies.

Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #98 on: October 01, 2011, 04:00:38 AM »
Sayuri nodded to them silently, twitching slightly as she saw Yoshika.

((Les get outside pls))

[Y]oukai [J]esus

  • "MotK's 1%" (?)
  • *
  • Idiot Deity 2013 - 2014 RIP
    • Muh Writings
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #99 on: October 01, 2011, 04:17:09 AM »
Arasoi rolled on his back after forcing the spikes in. He almost rolled while his spikes were still out. And that would be a very bad situation. He spun the wooden stick in his hands. Much like how one would spin a pen. The room was still messy, red and white clothes spewn everywhere. Arasoi didn't like it. Not that much.

He stood up, gripping the stick as the white pieces of paper waved in the wind. He begannto rummage through the random clothes, still holding on the stick. Waving through the red clothes and sarashi(s), he found another rice cracker, which Arasoi munched down rather quickly.

Walking out of the room, Arasoi headed outside of the shrine for some ZUN-shine.

<Nietz> Anyway, sex toys alone won't come up to 11k.
[18:48] <Warma> There must have been a new depth, where you've sunk as a person. Then you dug through that.


  • Hakase Hakase Hakase!
  • Nano Nano Nano!
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #100 on: October 01, 2011, 04:41:38 AM »
Mikan wondered what this sleepy purple girl had in store for her when she would visit at night. Hopefully she did not turn into a monster at night or some sort of crazy thing. She picked up the previously coughed out scone and stuffed it into her mouth. It still tasted just as sweet as it did. After finishing the scone, she sat down again and within seconds finished the rest of her meal. She let out a burp that was way disproportionate to her body size and savoured the taste of that last pastry.

Narrator's Note: I wonder if all human-type youkai eat like pigs.
Helloo world! Would you like a cookie?

Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #101 on: October 01, 2011, 09:32:41 AM »
After noting that the small tools appear to be employed with consuming the food, Minako decides to follow her hosts example, and tucks in. The sensation of having food in her new mouth is strange, but no so strange as some others. Perhaps because her humanoid mouth isn't altoether different from her equine one. Merely smaller. But the lack of taste was a bit unusual as well. Even grass had a flavor of its own. This may have been the preference of the alpha, Byakuren, or of the one who prepared to food, Minako didn't know. But she was hungry, and that was enough.
"This 'red-white'" she states between bites, noting Byakuren's reaction to the mention of the term. "She is not a friend of yours?"


  • Maru~ Maru~
  • Lurk~ Lurk~
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #102 on: October 01, 2011, 12:10:08 PM »
Ohuku eyed the new piece of clothing, it seemed like it would fit under "herself" better than the robe. She started with putting her legs through the top of it and pulling it up until she hit her arms. At that point she pulled her arms out of "her" sleeves  and slipped them through the gown's straps. Throughout the whole process she was giving Momiji a slightly confused look, she didn't get why the tengu was so bothered by her jacket being see-through.

Still, this new piece of clothing wasn't nearly as obtrusive as the last one so she didn't really mind. "Okay, I'm done. Ehm, what did you say we needed to do? Talk to some great tengu? What's that and why did we need to talk to it again?"

She was getting used to both her newly gained motor skills and the ability to speak, at least to the extent of letting questions flow freely from her mouth.

((OOC: I'll probably stop referring to her jacket/poncho as "her" from now on unless it gets relevant in conversation))
« Last Edit: October 01, 2011, 12:11:46 PM by Marokuu »
My first attempt at storywriting, looking for critique

Avatar schizophrenia? I don't know what you're talking about.


  • Narry the Corruptor
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #103 on: October 01, 2011, 05:06:42 PM »
Seeing the bunny Sparkler grinned, and immediately , flying off at the bunny, immediately giving chase. She wanted to catch the bunny! "Come here!"

(<_< not much i can say when i all have is a bunny that obviously wants me to follow it.)
"there is a Fine line between genius and insanity. I see it every day running screaming past it with scissors."
-8-bit theater, Red Mage, taken as personal saying.

Aya Squawkermaru

  • "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war." - William Hearst
  • Relevant quote is relevant.
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #104 on: October 01, 2011, 05:29:15 PM »

Miko sighed now. ?Well. We had breakfast ready for you, but Yoshika ate it, I'm afraid.?

Seiga waved er hand dismissively. ?Don't worry about it, she doesn't need to eat. Yoshika is a growing girl~?

Miko shook her head. ?I suppose you are right. I shall reserve my opinions.? Having finished her food, she stood up. ?Anyway, I figure now would be a good time to show you the area outside of the Mausoleum.?

Futo had entered the room by this point. ?I concur. If thee shall be residing with us, 'twould be in thy greatest interest to comprehend the land.?

?Yeah. Hey Futo, how about you show her around?? Miko requested.

Futo nodded, and turned to Sayuri. ?Well then, let us be off.? With that, she led Sayuri outside of the Mausoleum. She opened the door, and they were now in a graveyard, and a temple could be seen in the distance. ?That would be the Myouren Temple.

(OOC: I have heard rumors that the Mausoleum moves to the Hakurei Shrine at the end of 10D, but have yet to confirm them myself as the ending is one thing I absolutely refuse to spoil for myself, so in the RP's continuity it's still behind the Myouren Temple.)

Youkai Jesus

Arasoi left the shrine, and found that, in the daylight, he could now see that the forest was full of fairies. Fairies flew by, going about their own business, talking with each other. It was an interesting sight, to say the least.

?Oy. You there.? Arasoi turned to the source of the voice, and saw a blonde girl in a witch costume. ?You seen Mima around here? Gotta talk to her about something.?


?My, you sure enjoyed that.? Mikan wheeled around to see Sakuya staring at her with those cold eyes. ?I trust your appetite is satisfied? Or did you want to gorge yourself more? I can wait, I have all the time in the world.? A sadistic smile spread across the maid's face. ?Of course, the Mistress may not be pleased if I were to let you do that... I wonder which one of us would get punished??

Sourmango and GuardianTempest

?Oh, I wouldn't say that. She's the shrine maiden of the Hakurei Shrine, so she is religious competition, and she isn't exactly kind to Youkai, but she is not a bad person.? Byakuren then turned her attention to Hilde. ?My, something seems to be troubling you.

At this time, a young girl walked into the room. She had blue hair, strange ears, and a pink dress. ?So, how was breakfast, everyone??

?I-it was great, Kyouko!? Byakuren said, trying to smile.

?Well, the thing is-? Shou said, but was cut off.

?Anyway, what were you saying, Heal??


?The great Tengu rules over the Tengu Village, which is where we are now. I need to talk to him about you living here, and other things like that. I just didn't want you to be seen like... That. It was fine at night since you couldn't see it very well, but showing indecency like that, isn't... um... good.?

Momiji then stretched her arms out. ?If you're done with breakfast, we should head out soon.?


Yuyuko watched as Yoshiko tried to mimic her. ?...You're an odd one, you know that? It's a bit odd that you can't talk, though. I guess you just forget how after dying, I guess.? She smiled, then looked off in the distance. ?I wonder if this...? she muttered under her breath. Her smile soon returned, however, and she turned her attention back to the poltergeist. ?You don't seem like you died, though.?


Sparkler followed the bunny, which would occasionally stop to make sure it was following her. It eventually came to a carrot, and stopped a few decimeters away from it, looking at her expectantly. Sparkler thought the ground around the carrot looked a bit odd, but that bunny needed help!

[Y]oukai [J]esus

  • "MotK's 1%" (?)
  • *
  • Idiot Deity 2013 - 2014 RIP
    • Muh Writings
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #105 on: October 01, 2011, 05:35:39 PM »
Lightning began to jolt on Arasoi's back as the blonde witch asked for Mima. It would seem that Mima was a busy person, having female admir- Arasoi shook his head, his horns beginning to flare with electicity. Oh, and at least this person had'nt tried to kill him and eat his body or anything.

Arasoi turned his back and pointed to the shrine.

"In there, girl." His voice waz unmistakable male. Again.

<Nietz> Anyway, sex toys alone won't come up to 11k.
[18:48] <Warma> There must have been a new depth, where you've sunk as a person. Then you dug through that.


  • (*7(*7(*7(*7(*7
  • Round face... z( ⌣ω⌣)z
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #106 on: October 01, 2011, 05:46:15 PM »
Yuyuko watched as Yoshiko tried to mimic her. ?...You're an odd one, you know that? It's a bit odd that you can't talk, though. I guess you just forget how after dying, I guess.? She smiled, then looked off in the distance. ?I wonder if this...? she muttered under her breath. Her smile soon returned, however, and she turned her attention back to the poltergeist. ?You don't seem like you died, though.?

>She would try again to communicate with the other ghost, trying to say "You, Me? Are you a ghost as well?" Points of the other ghost and then herself.

>As the other ghost would be occupied by her memories, looking in the distance, she would try to look there as well trying to find something... the other ghost was trying to find.

>She would ponder on the word died, since it had a strange aura of mystery around it, that Yoshiko would find interesting to explore. Namely she would try to examine herself, knowing that her body felt cold. There was no circulation sustaining the body temperature, thus this strange feeling gave her the idea of "being dead". She would then try to compare that feeling with trying to touch Yuyuko hand and seeing if that feeling would be similar.

Aya Squawkermaru

  • "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war." - William Hearst
  • Relevant quote is relevant.
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #107 on: October 01, 2011, 06:03:41 PM »
Youkai Jesus

Marisa stared at him for a second, then shrugged. "Thanks. You her new bodyguard or somethin'?"


>Yoshika then remembered that this isn't a text adventure, and the world went back to the way it should be.

Yuyuko watched in interest as Yoshika tried to talk. "I guess I can kind of hear you. Not used to having lungs, I'll bet~" She then blinked in surprise as Yoshika took her hand. Yuyuko's hand was also cold. "Yes? What seems to be the matter now?:


  • (*7(*7(*7(*7(*7
  • Round face... z( ⌣ω⌣)z
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #108 on: October 01, 2011, 06:20:39 PM »
(On the side note > Is only used for helping since I did said she would try to communicate, and that was not taken in account, that is why I considered having > just to help you read :P)

When Yoshiko would hear what the other ghost just said, she would feel relief as nothing appeared wrong with her.  She would instantly ask: "Yuyuko-sama, why I can't talk the same as you do?".

"Your a ghost too? Your hands are cold, like mines, you must a ghost ~aha" *smile* She would happily respond to the question at hand.

"So you are searching for someone too? I think I have forgot to who I am trying to find in the first place... but I can help you, if you still remember." Offered Yoshiko. 

Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #109 on: October 01, 2011, 06:30:26 PM »
"Myouren Temple..." Sayuri repeats as she gazes at the large building. After about 10 seconds she turns to Futo. "Who's Myouren?"
As she's looking at Futo, she sees something move in the bushes behind her. Sayuri tilts her head to the side and looks at the bushes with interest.


  • Maru~ Maru~
  • Lurk~ Lurk~
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #110 on: October 01, 2011, 07:34:13 PM »
"Sooo we need to talk to him because I can not stay here if he does not want  me too... couldn't we just not talk to him" Ohuku couldn't wrap her mind around the workings of tengu society, her mind was still busy wrapping itself around its own existence.

She picked up a couple of stray grains of rice of her plate before registering Momiji's proposal to leave. "Break-fast?... oh you mean the... food." She swallowed another grain. "Yeah I'm done, it was good... uhm thanks... is what I'm supposed to say right?" Her mind was supplying her with more basic words for interaction, was it like this for all youkai?
My first attempt at storywriting, looking for critique

Avatar schizophrenia? I don't know what you're talking about.

Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #111 on: October 01, 2011, 08:02:03 PM »
Hakurei shrine... Minako recognizes that name. The shrine maiden of that place is important, somehow. Holds a place of import in the world. (Isn't kind to youkai. But that's what I am now, isn't it?) Minako finished her stew while pondering the possibility that, one day, this important Red-White will come here, and the pegasus will have to defend her new home.
She spares a glance at Shou, who welcomed her before Byakuren. Had she ever been called upon to defend this place from red-white shrine maidens? Or anyone else, for that matter. Apart from perhaps the armored figure calling itself Heal, Shou seemed to Minako's eyes to be the strongest of them all, the first and best line of defense, if not the leader of the herd. Of course, she couldn't be sure of that, judging the strength of humanoid bodies isn't her forte. She would have to inquire about that later, either to the alpha or to Shou herself.
For now, however, the alpha was acknowledging the other new arrival to the temple, so Minako decides to wait her place.


  • Adorably Awkward Android
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #112 on: October 01, 2011, 10:21:49 PM »
This is it, the moment of truth for Heal. All this time, she finally had an opening to confess. The feeling is tense, and within seconds she kneels towards Byakuren, bowing as she finally confesses. "My lord, Byakuren, I wish to be your vassal and serve you." she requested, without a single stammer. She maintains her composure, trying to look as serious as possible. She also asks her a much simpler question, "And by what title do you wish to be called?"

Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #113 on: October 01, 2011, 11:36:09 PM »
(OOC: I know that's how Hilde thinks :-) )
"I'm glad that I can stay here for some time. Thanks for tea." Hilde takes a sip of the tea. 'Taste's interesting, different from what I remember'.
"Well the oni's told me something about the underworld. But they couldn't tell much about the surface. Yuugi couldn't tell me much about it either (or she was too drunk to do so). Can you tell me something about it, about that Gensokyo?"


  • Narry the Corruptor
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #114 on: October 02, 2011, 01:58:11 AM »
She suspicious of the ground, also why the bunny need her help? She went over getting a bamboo piece and tried digging up the carrot with the bamboo. "Now i can dig up the carrot for you bunny."
"there is a Fine line between genius and insanity. I see it every day running screaming past it with scissors."
-8-bit theater, Red Mage, taken as personal saying.


  • Knight of the Accursed Order
  • Boredom is contagious.
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #115 on: October 02, 2011, 02:39:01 AM »
Ark tried to fly by jumping.  It didn't work as well as she'd hoped, and she just made herself look stupid.  Maybe it had something to do with the thought behind it instead of the actions.  With that in mind, Ark tried to imagine herself floating like Rumia had been, and found herself a few feet off the ground.  Any higher, she couldn't manage.  She was sure a few feet would be enough though.  At least, that's what she hoped.  She tried floating forward, and found herself floating down as she went forward.  This won't do . . . . she thought as she tried to fly higher.  Finally she managed to level out at about six inches above the ground, but as long as she was going forward, she couldn't get any higher.  That would be a problem.
[15:30] * Wolfsbane706 pitfalls Roukan.
[15:30] <Roukan> WHAT WHY
[15:31] * Roukan aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa*splat*
[15:32] <Wolfsbane706> That's the funniest reaction I've seen yet.
[15:34] * Roukan thumbs-up from beyond the grave.

[Y]oukai [J]esus

  • "MotK's 1%" (?)
  • *
  • Idiot Deity 2013 - 2014 RIP
    • Muh Writings
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #116 on: October 02, 2011, 02:45:12 AM »
Arasoi began walking, almost ignoring the blonde witch's question. In the middle of it, he stopped and turned his head a little. "Mima doesn't need bodyguards." The then continued walking to the back of the shrine. He needed some time to Genuflect gather his senses and energy.

After reaching the back of the shrine, Arasoi sat on a particularly big rock, closed his eyes, and began concentrating. Trying to be able to use his energy to it's fullest. Or even better, attain the ability to switch between forms. Subconsciously, he began to like his humanoid form... Maybe it's better to stay this way. Staying with... Mima... So... Charming...

Lightning flared on his horns and spikes.

<Nietz> Anyway, sex toys alone won't come up to 11k.
[18:48] <Warma> There must have been a new depth, where you've sunk as a person. Then you dug through that.

Aya Squawkermaru

  • "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war." - William Hearst
  • Relevant quote is relevant.
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #117 on: October 02, 2011, 04:17:51 AM »
(OOC note: Due to them being a tad bit behind, MFZBdude, Hanzo K., and Berzul all officially started on Day Two, instead of Day One like everybody else.)

(OOC: Trust me, I don't need mathematical equations to help me read your posts. As amazing as math may be, this isn't math.)

Yoshiko was slowly growing louder, until her last sentence was only somewhat quiet. ?Oh, I'm not searching for any...? Yuyuko trailed off. ?Don't worry about it for now. Anyway, what did you say your name was? I couldn't hear you.?


?In all honesty, I am not quite sure of his identity myself...? Futo answered.

Out of the bush flew a pair of fairies. One was wearing a green dress, the other red; the red fairy tackled the green one to the ground. Futo didn't seem to pay them any mind.


?I'm glad you liked it,? Momiji said as she picked up the dishes and went to the kitches. Running water could be heard. ?We'll head out as soon as I finish washing these. I'd mentally prepare myself if I were you, the village is very... interesting.?

Sourgang and GuardianTempest

Shou's jaw dropped at Heal's request. Byakuren just smiled. ?That's very nice of you, but I'm afraid I don't have much use for a vassal. Of course, you're still welcome to stay here...? She trailed off, then remembered something. ?Although, I'll be going with you...?

?Hm? Going with her where?? Shou asked.

?Ah, didn't I tell you? The four of us are going to the human village tomorrow.?

?The four of us...?? Shou's confusion only grew.

?You, myself, and our two guests here~? Byakuren answered. ?I meant to tell you about it earlier, but we have business there.?

German Flower Youkai

Satori tapped her finger on the table. ?There's not much to say, actually. It's just... different. Different people, different kinds of Youkai, different number of Youkai, different geography. But, it's also pretty similar, in that it even has Youkai. The outside world doesn't have any gods, magic, or Youkai of any sort.?


As Sparkler pulled the carrot out of the ground, she felt the ground give way beneath her. As she was a young fairy, she did not know what this meant, and plummeted into the ground. When she had landed, she looked up, rubbing her back where she hit the ground. A new face was looking at her smugly, but it also had bunny ears. ?Oh my, what have we here? A poor little fairy seems to have fallen into my trap~ And this one doesn't even have rabbit ears!?


Cirno watched with amusement as Ark floated around a bit. ?At this point, it'll be easier for you to just walk. You're obviously not very good at flying yet. Well, whatever. We can slow down or something.? Cirno and Rumia lifted off the ground, and started flying away. ?Follow us, servant!?

Youkai Jesus

The witch shrugged. ?I was kidding anyway.?

The jinouga's meditation was cut off by an old voice. ?And who might you be?? Arasoi looked around, but did not see anyone, just a pond with a turtle in it. He shrugged it off, and went back to focusing his energy. That same voice interrupted him again.?Don't ignore me, whippersnapper!? The turtle was staring him down intently. ?Kids these days got no respect!? ...Did that turtle just talk?


The kitsune slowly opened her eyes. She looked around, and remembered the events of last night. She couldn't help but groan as she got out of bed. She saw that a white dress that had not been there the night before was now on the ground. Its shape was similar to her own, so she figured out how to put it on without too much trouble. She then opened the door, and went to the front room of the shrine. There, she found Hina.

?Ah, good morning~ I see you found the dress I put out for you,? Hina said, spinning in place. ?Like I said, it's no shrine maiden attire, but the shrine maiden is usually the one who makes those, and I haven't had one in awhile...?

?Oh, this will be fine, thank you,? Kanade said.

Hina clapped her hands together. ?Anyway! Once you eat breakfast, I'll teach you all you need to know about being my shrine maiden.?

Kanade stared at her for a few seconds, waiting. Hina didn't move. ?...Where is breakfast, then??

Hina just kept smiling. ?Off you go, go have breakfast.?

Kanade let out an exasperated sigh. ?I'll make it myself, then.? It was going to be a long day...


  • Narry the Corruptor
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #118 on: October 02, 2011, 04:32:43 AM »
(... i wasn't pulling on it tho.. i was digging it up.....)
Sparkler blinks and simply flies up out the hole, she looked for the bunny that wanted the carrot, ignoring the one who obviously made the trap. "Where the one that wanted the carrot?" Sparkler looks around confused. She didn't really care about the fact there was a pit fall, or what the person wanted to do with it, sparkler wasn't even angry in fact, since she noticed the ground was weird, and just noting how ground like that means falling down holes.
(please don't try and make her freak out over what twei or whoever is doing...)
"there is a Fine line between genius and insanity. I see it every day running screaming past it with scissors."
-8-bit theater, Red Mage, taken as personal saying.

Aya Squawkermaru

  • "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war." - William Hearst
  • Relevant quote is relevant.
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #119 on: October 02, 2011, 05:03:14 AM »
(OOC: It was never buried in the first place. It was just lying there.)

The other rabbit was now gone. "Oh, I gave it some carrots to lure someone in. Was expecting someone more interesting, though." She pulled out a carrot of her own, and began munching on it. "Well, I'm bored now. Thanks a bunch, kid. Least you could do is tell me your name."

(OOC: Wasn't planning on it. You control your character, I just make things happen to her.)