Author Topic: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)  (Read 93056 times)


  • Knight of the Accursed Order
  • Boredom is contagious.
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #30 on: September 25, 2011, 08:34:35 PM »
The newborn Yuki-Onna just stares blankly at her "savior" and asks the first question that pops into her head.  "What's a servant?"  It's clear she's new to this world, but she's not sure she's the one who should be taking orders from a fairy.  To be honest, she doesn't even know her name yet, but she decides on taking the noise she let out earlier as her name.  "I'm Ark."  She fixes her position so she's sitting on the ice and looks up at "Cirno" curiously.
[15:30] * Wolfsbane706 pitfalls Roukan.
[15:30] <Roukan> WHAT WHY
[15:31] * Roukan aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa*splat*
[15:32] <Wolfsbane706> That's the funniest reaction I've seen yet.
[15:34] * Roukan thumbs-up from beyond the grave.

Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #31 on: September 25, 2011, 08:39:49 PM »
Sayuri turned head to see the woman clad all in blue. Her hair was done in two loops, kept in place by a large hairstick. She floated through the air gracefully, a cloth around her arms danced in the air as if the concept of gravity what completely unknown to the both of them. Though the same could be said for Sayuri. In that case, it was true. The woman smiled sweetly as she engaged in conversation with Miko. As she pinched Sayuri's cheek, the young spirit let out a mumbled sound. She spoke after the woman had let go of her face.
"Jiang Shi...?" She said as she tilted her head to the side slightly.


  • Maru~ Maru~
  • Lurk~ Lurk~
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #32 on: September 25, 2011, 08:48:23 PM »
The little jellyfish didn't really know what to do after being left alone in Momiji's living room. She looked around racking her new mind for a way to describe it. Plain was the first word that surfaced and it seemed to fit, there wasn't a lot to look at so she decided to try out another of her new senses.

She got up and tentatively started feeling things around the room, taking in the different textures of the things scattered about. Partway through her exploration she accidentally stepped on the coat-like garment that was her former body, losing her balance, regaining it, realizing she's standing at a precarious angle and finally landing on the floor, somehow managing to barely make a sound by putting one hand down first and sort of sliding along it down onto the floor.

"Walking is tricky, I'll just lie here until the tail... person comes back."
« Last Edit: September 27, 2011, 05:34:57 AM by Marokuu »
My first attempt at storywriting, looking for critique

Avatar schizophrenia? I don't know what you're talking about.

Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #33 on: September 25, 2011, 08:56:13 PM »
Hilde, still in delirium, seems to be able to see normal. I expected an unfriendly greeding from an... her head is starting to hurt. She wants to hold her head but it's hard to lift it. She just noticed that there's something at her forearms. It's a vambrace out of metal. Now that she saw that, she looks down onto her body. She is covered in clothes and a plate armour that's pulling here to the ground because of her weight.
Yuugi still standing in front of her and waiting for an answer. That thing looks strong, I should not expose my weakness and act polite. Her body still in pain, she pulls up her weapon to support her footing, but her legs doesn't seem to hold her body yet and she falls back to her knees.
Unhappy about it she trys to bring up some words. "I... I apologize, my Name is..." she pause for a second to rethink her answer. "... Hilde...". She takes a close look around. "C...can I ask you for your name and where I am?"

Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #34 on: September 25, 2011, 09:33:12 PM »
Minako sighs in relief as she spreads her wings out wide. She takes a moment to look at them through her new eyes. Things seem a bit duller now, the colors less vibrant, less defined, both in her wings and in the world around her. Still, a strange sensation occurs on her face as her mouth curls slightly. It takes a moment to recognize the sensation as a 'smile'. "Thank you." The sound of her voice is becoming less strange to her now.
"You say... everybody does. Does that mean I am not the first that this has happened to?" She feels curiousity at the notion. Others like her? "Have you learned how to... put things right?" She frowns, thinking that wording isn't quite what she meant, then tries again. "How to return to your true shape, I mean. The thought of remaining in this body for the remainder of my days is... unsettling."


  • Adorably Awkward Android
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #35 on: September 25, 2011, 10:08:36 PM »
Heal shakes her head then looks down, "I used to, serving my first lord until he and his family moved away, leaving me behind as my first duty is finished. You had me piqued, where is this temple you speak of? And who is this 'Shou'? Is there a person higher than her?" she asked in return. "My apologies, I tend to carry away as I am looking for someone new to serve, does your area have a hierarchy?"

Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #36 on: September 25, 2011, 10:34:28 PM »
The satori's mind returned to the pebble she had left behind. My name is... Chiseki.  Wait, why are we talking through mind reading?

Now that she had time to think and more knowledge about the matter of reading minds, she decided to raise a question. It seemed that she could only hear Satori's thoughts, and that they were the only two here, besides the animals. Can I ask a question? If I was able to read many people's thoughts at once, then how far can I go inside just one person's thoughts?

Then taking a puzzled look at Satori's attire, another question popped into her mind. Are these "clothes" heavy? Because they look like they're resting on you.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2011, 10:39:04 PM by Crow Cakes »

Crow's Dumping Ground of Art

"So I never have to worry what tomorrow will bring, because my faith is on solid rock; I am counting on God."


  • Narry the Corruptor
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #37 on: September 25, 2011, 11:02:43 PM »
(pretty sure Mokou?s hair is white, or silver, but eh, whatever. I assume that?s her anyway. :P  It shoudl be noted i not going completely insane pyromaniac with my fairy, forest fires also renew the forest after all.  XD)

She stares up at the girl with amazement. ?Sparkler... umm I think. I just sorta...? Brings hands together and unfurls them. ?poofed, out in the ash from a fire.? Points off to where she was born.  ?I was sorta just looking around for things. Then I found this rock, and for some reason I knew it make fire. I wanted to see it make fire.... so I tried. Your pretty, so are the wings.? Looks energetically up at the person, almost ready to bounce off the trees and still covered in soot. ?I also was trying to find out why fire started... not that I dislike them, I just wanted to know. I think I was born from it. Wait, is that born or poofed??
« Last Edit: September 25, 2011, 11:39:27 PM by cecilthebolt »
"there is a Fine line between genius and insanity. I see it every day running screaming past it with scissors."
-8-bit theater, Red Mage, taken as personal saying.

Aya Squawkermaru

  • "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war." - William Hearst
  • Relevant quote is relevant.
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #38 on: September 25, 2011, 11:56:18 PM »

Cirno beamed at this chance to show her intelligence. ?A servant is a person who does stuff for another person without question. I know this 'cuz I'm the smartest!? She then listened intently as Ark introduced herself. ?Hm. Alright, then, Ark! Today is your first day as my servant!? She flew off and began making a path of ice for her 'servant' to follow. The pair were soon away from the lake, and in the forest. A clearing was visible up ahead.

They soon reached the clearing, and were joined by three other girls. ?Okay everyone, listen up! We've got a new team mate! Team Marukyuu, assemble!?

In an instant, two of the girls responded. The yellow haired one ran to Cirno's left, while the pink haired girl leapt up in the air, striking a pose behind them. Cirno smiled a bit, then looked to her right. ?...Wriggle, get over here.?

The green haired one, who had been leaning against a tree, rolled her eyes. ?I told you, I'm done playing that game. It's stupid.?

Cirno pouted, and stomped her foot on the ground. ?It's not stupid! It's heroic! Team Marukyuu travels the lands, protecting Gensokyo from bad guys!?

Wriggle rubbed her temples in vexation. ?Cirno, we just fly around, shoot a few kedama, and call it a day. I hardly see how that's heroic.?

Cirno ran over to Wriggle. ?B-but! It's not Team Marukyuu without Wriggle kick! It's just not the same!? By this time, the other two had walked over to flank Cirno, nodding.

Wriggle just shook her head. ?Grow up, you guys. You can't just play those games forever. You think Mystia likes playing those games, too??

The yellow haired one and Cirno turned to face the pink haired one with wings. ?U-um... Actually, I am getting a bit tired of it... I mean, I have my lamprey shop to run, you know...?

Cirno turned away from them. ?Fine! Do whatever you want! See if I care! Team Marukyuu is disbanded!? Ark could tell that the girl was trying not to cry.

Wriggle and Mystia looked at each other with concern, then at Cirno, then shrugged and flew off in different directions.


Seiga grinned at Sayuri's question. ?Words can't describe how adorable she is, so it's time for you to meet her!? She grabbed Sayuri by the wrist and flew off. Miko couldn't help but laugh as they left. Futo soon returned. ?I hath prepared clothing for thine guest! Where beeth she??

Miko pointed towards the receding figures. ?Seiga took our guest to meet her Jiang Shi.?

Futo nodded, and left to follow them.


The pair were soon to the exit of the Mausoleum. Seiga just floated through the door, so Sayuri followed suit. They were greeted by a pale-skinned girl with blue hair. ?Ah, hello, Lady Seiga.?

Seiga pointed at the girl. ?This is my Jiang Shi, Yoshika. Yoshika, this is our new friend, Sayuri. She'll be staying with us.?

Yoshika gave Sayuri a long, contemplative stare. ?...Can I eat her??

?No, Yoshika.?


(OOC: I just realized that I kept forgetting that she already has clothes. Sorry. >_<)

Momiji returned a few minutes later with a robe, and a plate with two cups full of tea on it. ?...Is there any reason you're lying on the floor lie that? Eh, whetever. Anyway, this robe isn't much, but it should suffice until your current clothes dry.? She put the tea on the table, and handed Ohuku the robe. ?I'll wait until you have it on. You can change in that room over there,? she said, pointing a room across the hallway. ?You'll be sleeping there until I find a place for you to live, if that's alright with you. Just bring me these clothes back when you're done.?

German Flower Youkai

Yuugi's concerned look never left. ?The name's Yuugi Hoshiguma, one of the four Devas. You're in the Underground City right now. Here, let me help you with that.? Yuugi used her free hand to help the Valkyrie up. ?Anyway, that's a weird outfit you've got going on there. If you don't know where you are, you're probably not from around here. Where are you from? The surface??


Shou smiled back. ?It actually happens somewhat frequently. Most of them live in the wild and live out the rest of their lives having to scavenge or hunt. You're pretty lucky you were right near the Temple. And not everyone can return to their original forms, actually. I've heard that some of the ruler of the Underground's pets can, but that's about it. Like with balance, you get used to it eventually. I'm sure I'd feel out of sorts if I went back to being a tiger. Still, this has me curious. What was your old form like, if you don't mind me asking??


Nazrin yawned. ?It really depends on your perspective. Byakuren owns the shrine, but Shou is the avatar of Vaisravana. I've got seniority to both of them, though. Not just in age, but in serving Vaisravana, too. Not that it really matters, though. I generally let them take care of things around the temple. And I have no clue what you mean by 'hierarchy'. Look, if you're so interested, why don't you just come with me? I'm sure Byakuren will get a kick out of helping some Youkai.?

Crow Cakes

I see. We're talking through mind reading because we can and talking out loud is a waste in this situation. You can read any person's thoughts and memories, but not their subconscious. Only one person can do that. She then answered Chiseki's question before it had even been asked. That person is my little sister.

Soon after, a girl stepped into the room. She had red hair, two sets of ears, and a black dress. She was carrying a night gown. ?Here you go, Miss Satori!?

Satori stood, and took the night gown. ?Thank you, Orin.? She took the night gown to Chiseki, and helped her put it on. There, that is much better. She sat down, and Orin returned to cat form before jumping back in her master's lap. She stroked the cat's fur, eliciting a soft purr.


(OOC: Yes, it's Mokou. I always saw her hair as a very light violet.)

Mokou couldn't help but laugh at the fairy's explanation. ?My, you're an energetic one. My guess is that that fire was from my battle with the sheltered little princess the other day, which would make you a fire spirit. Makes sense I guess, since you fairies are nature spirits. Anyway, I should get going. I have people to show through the forest and such.? She turned to leave.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2011, 12:19:05 PM by Squawkakura Shouma »

[Y]oukai [J]esus

  • "MotK's 1%" (?)
  • *
  • Idiot Deity 2013 - 2014 RIP
    • Muh Writings
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #39 on: September 26, 2011, 01:43:49 AM »
Arasoi grinned at Mima's comment, before heartily gulping down his bowl of rice. This bowl of rice. Oh god it just tasted so good. Arasoi could'nt help himself but to smile. As he set down the now empty bowl, he turned to the still forlorn Mima. His smile softened a little. "You seem to be bearing the weight of this world, oh powerful, beautiful evil spirit." Gensokyo will be fine, even of I just arrived. From the looks of it, Gensokyo is still beautiful."

Arasoi stood up, facing the moon. "You seem to be lonely, without that shrine maiden. But I'm here to keep you company." His eyes stared into the moon, as if slowly unravelling it's secrets. "The moon is always there. Always giving off it's white light. Ot has had better times, but it's still here."

Arasoi looked back at Mima, smiling. "Like how I'll be here with you." Arasoi finally felt that primal instinct kicking in, and howled to the moon. A howl that was much like a wolf. A wolf and some reptalian beast. Lightning sparked on the spikes on his back.

<Nietz> Anyway, sex toys alone won't come up to 11k.
[18:48] <Warma> There must have been a new depth, where you've sunk as a person. Then you dug through that.

Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #40 on: September 26, 2011, 01:53:52 AM »
Before Sayuri could react, Seiga had grabbed hold of her and dragged her up to the exit of the Mausoleum. As they came to a door, Sayuri slowed a bit, not knowing what to do. Seiga however, kept on flying, right through the door infact. Sayuri is awed by the woman's feat and stares at the door for a moment. Seiga sticks her head back through the door and informs Sayuri she can do the same. Hesitantly, Sayuri followed, smoothly passing through the door as if it wasn't there to begin with.
After a few more minutes of flying, they came to a large set of stairs leading up. The two girls flew up, going through the cover to the outside.

Sayuri gazed around at the many sights before them. The graveyard packed with spirits, the stones that stuck up from the ground, the falling cherry petals that glowed faintlt amongst all the darkness. The spirit looked up to see a field of black speckled with thousands of tiny lights. It was more majestic than the fake one of the Mausoleum. As the spirit gazed up towards the heavens, a voice startled her slightly. She spun around to see a pale girl, her arms outstretched like she was about to grab you. Seiga introduce her as Yoshika. Sayuri nodded as Seiga told Yoshika her name.
Yoshika stared at her for a long period of time. The light in her eyes faded slightly, drool forming from her mouth. Then she abruptly turned to Seiga, asking if she could eat Sayuri. Seiga quickly shot down the corpse's question, recieving a disatisfied 'aww' from her servant. Sayuri was a little startled, letting out a small 'eek!' at the thought of getting eaten. She didn't quite feel safe around this Jiang Shi or what ever she was.

Aya Squawkermaru

  • "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war." - William Hearst
  • Relevant quote is relevant.
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #41 on: September 26, 2011, 04:36:17 AM »
Youkai Jesus

Mima couldn't help but laugh at the howl, but soon regained her composure. ?...I know you think you're clever and all, but to be honest, all that sappy crap annoys me. Just talk like a normal person. And for the record, I'm not bearing the weight of Gensokyo on my shoulders or anything. Look, I can tell all that charmer crap doesn't come naturally to you, so just stop it already. Girls don't like boys who are clingy like that~?

Mima stood up, and yawned. ?It's starting to get pretty late. You should go to bed or something. There are rooms inside, sleep there if you want. I'm going to go fly around for a bit.? She then soared off into the sky, leaving Arasoi behind.


It was at this time that Futo opened the door. The clothes she had been carrying disappeared in a poof of logic as the GM realized that Sayuri already had clothing on. ?Ah, there thee beeth. I hath prepared a room for thee. Please follow me.? She went back through the door, leading Sayuri back through the Mausoleum. Eventually, they came to a room not unlike the one Sayuri had awoken in. ?I do hope it suits thy wishes. It is late; I know thee hast just awoken, but thee shall needeth sleep for the day ahead. I bid thee farewell.? Futo stepped out and closed the door behind her, leaving Sayuri.

(OOC: Basically, the plot will pick up once the next day starts. So for now I'm just trying to get everyone to bed and such. Of course, this is problematic when you have three people who still haven't even posted, but I'm sure they'll catch up eventually.)


  • Adorably Awkward Android
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #42 on: September 26, 2011, 04:43:45 AM »
Heal smiles as her eyes twinkle...under her helmet. "Byakuren....such an elegant name fitting to the owner of such a prestigious place. Ah, it's time for a new session." she thought with immense glee in her heart. She couldn't believe her luck, she's going under a temple-owner, whatever the other details are. And judging by her words, she expects that she would be at least compassionate. Looking at Nazrin, she makes her statement "Why y-yes, I am more than willing to serve such a figure."

She twitches for a bit, quite excited, but immediately calms herself knowing such behavior would not be tolerated well should she appear like a giddy novice. "Nazrin, I feel grateful for such an exquisite offer, but I am, in shameful incompetence, unfamiliar with the location. May...may...(oh how awful)..may you guide me?" she requested, if she would be blushing, she is, though her helmet doesn't show her accent is as she begins following Nazrin to wherever she may go...or more so following her every move.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2011, 04:51:23 AM by GuardianTempest »

[Y]oukai [J]esus

  • "MotK's 1%" (?)
  • *
  • Idiot Deity 2013 - 2014 RIP
    • Muh Writings
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #43 on: September 26, 2011, 04:53:36 AM »
"Girls don't like guys who are clingy like that."

Those words echoed in Arasoi's head. Did he do something wrong? Did he say something he should not have? What exactly went wrong? Or did she just got fed up with his fake, gentlemanly speech. Or maybe it was that primal instinct that just came out of him. Arasoi sighed to himself, lightning crackling on his back. Mima flew off, her long green hair and blue dress waving in the wind, illuminated by the moonlight. Arasoi shifted uncomfortably. Something about this reminded him of something. Something within Makai when he was born. But whatever, that would be put away for now.

"All that sappy crap annoys me."

Arasoi could'nt help but wonder what had happened. What was so devastatingly wrong with what he had said and acted like. Ahh well, if it's over, it's over. I mean, he had just met Mima, anyway. The first actual talking being that didn't try to kill him on sight. And she was beautiful beyond comprehension. And she had power. Power unbelievable. Just like his own before this...

"I hate my life." He slams his fist on the ground, shaking and cracking the earth. Lightning crackles through his palm. It's weak. Very weak.

"My power..." Arasoi stood up, and walked into the shrine. The shrine wasn't huge, but was relatively big. And it was the first shrine that Arasoi had seen in his life. What did a shrine maiden do, anyway? He ventured into the shrine, finding only boring objects. The most interesting being a random, occasional rice cracker on the floor. Which if still crispy and not dirtied, would be eaten by the Fanged Wyvern. Eventually, he made his way into a room. It was a comfortable, small room with a crumpled up futon on the floor and clothes thrown everywhere.

Arasoi picked up one of the clothes, a detached sleeve. He then began to imagine what the shrine maiden would look like, coming up with horrible visions of eldtrich abominations with arm sleeves for tentacles. Arasoi tossed the arm sleeve across the room and pulled up the futon. Even with the clothes messed up so much, this would do. He slid on the futon, lying sideways. Those spikes on his back didn't help his sleep straight up... Unless...

Arasoi concentrated, forcing energy into his back. This allowed him to retract his spikes a significant amount, allowing him to lie facing the celling. Slowly, humming along with the blowing of the wind, Arasoi sank into the abyss of slumber...

« Last Edit: September 26, 2011, 08:44:26 AM by Youkai Jesus »

<Nietz> Anyway, sex toys alone won't come up to 11k.
[18:48] <Warma> There must have been a new depth, where you've sunk as a person. Then you dug through that.

Aya Squawkermaru

  • "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war." - William Hearst
  • Relevant quote is relevant.
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #44 on: September 26, 2011, 05:15:56 AM »

"...Who said anything about serving? Oh, whatever. You're taking this way too seriously, you know," Nazrin remarked, bored as ever, like this really wasn't worth her time. She then began ascending. "I'm going to fly over there. I'll fly slowly so you can follow. Don't worry if I lose you, you won't be too hard to find." She flew off in the direction of the temple. Heal followed behind without too much difficulty, though it seemed that the mouse was contemplating losing the vassal. Eventually they were out of the forest, and a temple could be seen in the distance.

Arriving at the temple itself didn't take long after that. Upon closer inspection, the so-called temple was really just an overturned boat. Nazrin landed, and led the vassal inside, to see Shou and a strange girl with white wings. "Hey Shou. Who's this?"

"This is Minako Honjou. I found her outside the temple. And who is your guest?" Shou asked, truly interested.

"Heal... something. I dunno. She wanted to talk to Byakuren or something. It doesn't concern me, so I'm going to go to bed."

Shou nodded. "I won't be far behind you. Just need to get these two situated."

Nazrin also nodded, and was soon out the door. Shou turned back to the two newcomers. "Well then, is there anything else you'd like to ask? Byakuren has already gone off to bed, so you can meet her in the morning. If that will be all, though, I'll lead you two to your temporary rooms."


A knock on the door. "Come in," the girl said, absent-mindedly. The door opened, and a green-haired girl appeared in the doorway. The first girl looked up from her work, and set it aside for a moment. "So? Did it work?"

The green-haired girl nodded. "Just like you said. Probably means the rest worked, too."

"Good. A few of them already know, so they can handle theirs. Messengers have been dispatched to the others, or at least most of them. A few of them are a pain to find."

"Yeah. When will you bring them here?"

"I don't know. Tomorrow, maybe. Or the day after that."

"Are you sure that's enough time? I mean, most of them are brand new."

"As much as I'd love to give them more time to grow accustomed, we're running short on time. I'm afraid we don't have nearly as much time as we originally thought."

"...I see. I'll leave you to your work, then." The door opened, and the second girl left, closing the door behind her.


  • Narry the Corruptor
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #45 on: September 26, 2011, 05:39:27 AM »
Sparkler begins to follow Mokou flying behind her. ?then wouldn?t that mean you started that fire?? She asks curiously. Not even considering that she couldn?t follow. Sparkler was ablaze with questions and curiosities. ?How do you control fire? Why you make wings specifically? What are those things on your pants? Why you wearing pants instead something else??

(ugh tired enough I actually could not think of much. I referring to the seals or whatever they are on Mokou?s pants, I believe there suppose be some fire protection talisman or something, I might be wrong.)
"there is a Fine line between genius and insanity. I see it every day running screaming past it with scissors."
-8-bit theater, Red Mage, taken as personal saying.


  • Adorably Awkward Android
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #46 on: September 26, 2011, 05:40:07 AM »
[OOC: Off to homework]

"Peculiar, anyway I will learn to live alongside, it seems this will be an exciting journey." Heal thought as she calms herself again, she then introduces herself formally to Shou. "I am Heal de Garde, a wandering vassal who seeks to serve this 'Byakuren' person, but before I take my first rest since my awakening, can you introduce me to the background of this area? I wish to know more, I am not familiar." She looks around walking on the shrine's path, gazing at the features like a child in an amusement park and begins familiarizing herself to the outside. "A ship? Then perhaps it would be easy to navigate indoors. I can feel tranquility, how would a guardian like me fit?" she wondered.


  • Maru~ Maru~
  • Lurk~ Lurk~
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #47 on: September 26, 2011, 06:24:17 AM »
(OOC: I just realized that I kept forgetting that she already has clothes. Sorry. >_<)
(( Her base clothes are pretty transparent so it's understandable for Momiji wanting her to get a bit more dressed, I'm more bothered by the fact that you keep calling me GuardianTempest >_>))

Ohuku wasn't sure what to do with the robe Momiji had handed her. She tentatively grasped it and held it up in front of her "What do I?" She looked back and forth between the robe and Momiji, suddenly making the connection that the tengu was wearing something kinda similar.

She put her arms through the arms of the robe, not bothering with trying to fit it under her current "clothes". The end result was far from perfect but it could have looked much worse, the fact that the robe was quite a few sizes too large was negated by the extra "clothing" she was wearing under it. It was also starting to get a little damp from her own clothes but she didn't mind.

Not bothering with trying to tie the robe up she turned her attention to the other thing Momiji had brought into the room, the teacups.

She gripped one of the cups with both hands and brought it up in front of her face. It looked a bit like water but the color was strange, it was warmer and it smelled differently. The feeling of warmth and the smell were the only two things she could really understand about it so she sat like that, watching Momiji to see what she would do with her cup.

There was still a ton of thoughts swirling around in her head but she did not quite feel ready to get them out, the whole deal with structuring sentences still felt unnecessarily hard.

((You can just put her to bed if you want to, I'm just taking the opportunity to get some more of her learning out of the way since some people haven't gotten started yet))
My first attempt at storywriting, looking for critique

Avatar schizophrenia? I don't know what you're talking about.


  • Knight of the Accursed Order
  • Boredom is contagious.
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #48 on: September 26, 2011, 07:36:59 AM »
Ark watched the whole mess with a childlike curiosity, and turned to face the yellow haired girl.  She was still looking at the yellow haired girl a minute later when she asked "What's a 'Marukyuu'?"  She took in every detail of the yellow haired girl's appearance, and realized that she and Cirno had something Ark herself lacked: something to cover their bodies with. She stopped staring at the yellow haired girl and turned to tug on Cirno's dress out of curiosity.  "I wonder . . . ." she said softly while tugging.  She wondered if the dress was part of the fairy or just something to cover herself with.
[15:30] * Wolfsbane706 pitfalls Roukan.
[15:30] <Roukan> WHAT WHY
[15:31] * Roukan aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa*splat*
[15:32] <Wolfsbane706> That's the funniest reaction I've seen yet.
[15:34] * Roukan thumbs-up from beyond the grave.

Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #49 on: September 26, 2011, 07:39:13 AM »
Minako's eyes settle on the newly arriving armored form, and the smaller woman with the redent-like ears, and she nods a simple greeting to them both. Then she regards Shou and thinks back to her old self. "The humans called us 'pegasus'. We were like horses, but with wings." She gives said wings a quick flap. "I am greatly releived to have kept them, as well." She may have been disconnected from her old life, but being disconnected from flying would have been too much to bear. "There were never a lot of us in this world, and we lived simple lives. A pegasus is more than a simple beast. My mind wasn't... too different from what it is now. ... I think. The memorys are dim. Is that always the case, as well, when this change happens?"

Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #50 on: September 26, 2011, 08:15:07 AM »
Chiseki was mildly startled at the cat's sudden transformation. Since she had been busy wearing the borrowed nightgown (stretching her arms felt weird), her third eye couldn't read the cat's thoughts. Curiously, she rotated the eyeball in front of her chest to make it look at her face. It stared at her, with the occasional blink. Nothing happened.

Now that everything was out of the way, Chiseki's physical and mental endurance began to crumble. The soft texture of her clothes was beckoning her to lie down and sleep. May I go now?

Crow's Dumping Ground of Art

"So I never have to worry what tomorrow will bring, because my faith is on solid rock; I am counting on God."

[Y]oukai [J]esus

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Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #51 on: September 26, 2011, 08:44:46 AM »
Editted because everything I typed was when I was in school using my Iphone.

<Nietz> Anyway, sex toys alone won't come up to 11k.
[18:48] <Warma> There must have been a new depth, where you've sunk as a person. Then you dug through that.


  • Hakase Hakase Hakase!
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Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #52 on: September 26, 2011, 09:58:26 AM »
Scarlet Devil Mansion? What kind of name was that? It was either descriptive of the actual presence of a devil that was best identified by her scarlet colour in clothing, perhaps in skin or even abilities, or a seriously brain damaged individual who managed to rope in poor slaves or equally confused people. Still, the girl who was dressed in clothing that seemed to call out to her appealed to her curiousity the most. After all, she was the only one who seemed to understand her.

"Uh... And I'm Huang Mikan." She extends her hand in return to shake hers, although rather awkwardly. She was still naked, after all. The ensuing conversation from the maid and her friend was confusing at best. It went on for a minute or two, awkward for the bare Mikan. Eventually, she could not take it any longer.

"May I please borrow some clothes? I don't quite fancy staying in... this..." Mikan awkwardly shifted her eyes, hoping that they could comply to this request.
Helloo world! Would you like a cookie?

Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #53 on: September 26, 2011, 10:12:35 AM »
(pretty sure Mokou?s hair is white, or silver, but eh, whatever. I assume that?s her anyway. :P  It shoudl be noted i not going completely insane pyromaniac with my fairy, forest fires also renew the forest after all.  XD)

((She does have white hair. But there's no point in arguing with Squawks about it. Already tried. It didn't work))
((As for Pyromaniac. If ya want some of that, check out EoG. AHAHAHAHAHAH PYROMANIAC MODO))
((Gah I have sooooo much to read through. Will post later hopefully Nevermind I'll do it now then catch up.))

As Futo leaves the room, Sayuri is left alone in the room. The spirit watches the door for a few seconds, but it doesn't seem like anyone would be coming back in any time soon. She eventually turns her attention to the room. Due to just waking up she's not very tired, so she decides to investigate the room. First she heads to the bed. She pokes the soft blankets, which are pressed down in response. She explores every corner of the room. She experiments a bit, flying around, spinning, floating upside down, and all. Eventually wearing herself out and falling asleep on the bed.

Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #54 on: September 26, 2011, 01:58:53 PM »
[OOC: 12:30: Lunch time *omnomnomnomnomnom*
12:40 I should not work in my lunch time, doesn't even have 10 minutes to relax  :ohdear:
13:30 We have these mondays where there is no time to do anything, good that I was able to eat something withing  ::)
14:30  :derp:  Work is never enough  :3
16:00 Finally some minutes for a break...
22:48 I'm living in the worst timezone evaaaaaaaaaaaa]

Her presence is similar to a demon kind, but she seems very friendly. I think I can trust her for now.... Hilde gets up on her feet. "It's an honer do meet you Yuugi Hoshiguma, I thank you for your kindness."
Hilde, still breathing quite heavily, recovers faster then she expected. Her body is still in pain, but not as much as before. With the help of Yuugi she can take some steps.

While thinking about where she came from, the headache becoming worse. "I'm from the surface, but I can't remember much... . my kind is called valkyrie, I think."
I can't remember who I am or where I came from, but I still have some knowledge...
Actually, her memories are totally in chaos. She's mumbling something. "Amnesia?" was the only understandable word for Yuugi.
"The last thing I can remember was a light that hit me. Then it was quite and dark for a long time."
I think I got killed. She doesn't say it.

Her stomach gives up a loud rumble. "I'm unsure if I can ask but is there a place where I can get something to eat and rest. This headache is killing me, I can't sort my thoughts."
« Last Edit: September 26, 2011, 08:42:34 PM by German Flower Youkai »


  • White Wolf of the West
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Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #55 on: September 26, 2011, 10:15:46 PM »
(Ooc wait were starting... great boundary I missed the memo!)
Out side of the human village the grass blew in the wind. waves of grass flew across the field almost all at the same rate.
Food must be near...
A black wolf thought stalking through the grass.
The wind blows the scent of chicken right to my noes... what great luck!
She thought hungrily.
She approached a small chicken coop on the out skirts of the village, the grass hiding her presence. One of the hens looked up from the feed and looked around the going back to eating. Contrary to popular belief, wolves don't howl too much when they hunt only to communicate with other wolves other wise they are dead silence, which all the chicken heard before her neck snapped was grass and wind. The wolf enjoyed her meal as the remaining chickens wildly panicked and fled. When a rush of cold went over her body,
"Probably nothing." She said to her self... moments later realizing that she spoke. Before she could react however,
There are 2 items I believe can solve any problem
1. The Doctor's sonic screw driver
2. Marisa's 8 trigrams reactor

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #56 on: September 26, 2011, 11:54:03 PM »
A day like any other in Gensokyo.
Humans tend their crops and livestock, Fairies get into arguments over trivial matters, Youkai do what they do best.
But for one unsuspecting Raven, all of that is about to change.
How? Well, she's been around for some time afterall.
And how are Youkai born? Animals who reach a sufficient age, generally 100 Years, become one of an surprisingly large variety of Youkai.
This is the story of one such creature, and her adventures in overcoming many trials.

'Eh? Something feels weird...'
Was the first thought that went through the freshly-changed tengu's mind.
'Who exactly am I?'
'Where am I again?'
'Does this place serve sliced cheese?'
Those were just samplings of her now-elevated mind running rampant.
Of course, as she rises from her nest made of the rings she had collected as a Raven, she realizes something.
She is no longer a raven.
Of course, when she takes a few experimental steps, she promptly falls flat on her face.
Of course, what she had forgotten was that the cavern she had built her nest in was strewn haphazardly with various blades in varying conditions.
Thankfully though, the part of the cave in which she had her nest was mercifully free of such things.

For starters, she has to get used to her new body, which..uh...might not be as easy as she thinks.
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure

Aya Squawkermaru

  • "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war." - William Hearst
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Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #57 on: September 27, 2011, 03:31:58 AM »
Hey guys, sorry about the lack of an update today. Our internet access has been down since noon, and we only just got it back. I probably won't be able to get to all of these before I go to bed, unfortunately (I was planning on going to bed in thirty minutes or so.) Sorry for the inconvenience, but things happen. Also, good to see Reisen-tanith and Hanzo posting, Now if only Berzul would post. If he doesn't by the time I get back tomorrow, I'll talk to him about it.

...I have a lot to reply to tomorrow. Hoo boy. :V

[Y]oukai [J]esus

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Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #58 on: September 27, 2011, 06:56:12 AM »
Well then, you bettur get eet done. I'm in need of some Mima-loving. Even though it'll take a long time to get there.

<Nietz> Anyway, sex toys alone won't come up to 11k.
[18:48] <Warma> There must have been a new depth, where you've sunk as a person. Then you dug through that.

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: The New Generation (Story) (May contain TD spoilers)
« Reply #59 on: September 27, 2011, 09:12:24 PM »
It took me a while to get it all hammered out, but I think I got it right.
Well, at any rate, here's hoping things go well.

A few bits of info though.
Hotaru's nest is inside a cave in a rocky crag on the Western Face of Youkai Mountain.
Hence the whole cave/cavern business.
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure