Author Topic: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)  (Read 150456 times)


  • Oh...oh I was not ready for this.
  • It's only Logical....
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #450 on: August 29, 2009, 10:05:26 PM »
Somewhere within the Graveyard
Featuring a Mysterious Duo, Lotus and Heianko, as well as Miguel's team and Team Lucky Strike
11.15 PM Day 4

"Where on earth did that boy go?" A girl with long, blonde hair muttered as she strode down the bright metal corridors of the graveyard, her rather ornate black and white dress billowing out behind her in her wake. "We let him out and take our eyes off him for just one moment..." The huge corridors were alive with activity as people and vehicles rushed in the opposite direction, as if in a hurry to leave.

"Just why do we have to save him?" A small, red-haired girl in a simple black one-piece dress said as she hurried alongside her.

"He was next on the list." The blond explained as they flashed their IDs while passing another security check point. " doesn't matter. We'll find him soon. More importantly, we must get to this girl, Okazaki Yumemi. They plan on moving her next."

"They are really abandoning this base, huh?" The red-head asked.

"I'm not too sure." The blond said. "It's odd that they've moved so much personnel and equipment out and yet left a lot of their prized subjects and all their mana generators behind."

"You're going to save them all?" The red-head asked, suddenly worried, as container trucks rumbled past them, accompanied by motorcycle escorts.

"....I can't..." The blond said, seeming somewhat sad. "...but...a lot of them are beyond saving anyway..." She gritted her teeth bitterly. "...I only know that Kikuri ordered this...which means she's planning something..."

"...they don't give us bottom-feeders much information, do they?" The red-head sighed. "So much paranoia...these humans..."

"Picking up a higher profile agent to impersonate would have been more dangerous." The blonde said. "These disguises have served their purpose. We have saved as many as we can. Continuing any longer would be rather risky. Besides...I'm running out of mana...we must find ourselves stable partners soon..."

The blond paused for a moment as she looked around. Satisfied that the coast was clear, she leaned in close to her little partner. ?Listen?is the audio concealment spell still holding up??

?I suppose so.? The little red-head nodded.

?Good, now listen well. If anything happens, you escape, is that understood?? The blond said.

??wh-what?? The red-head gasped. ?I won?t survive an hour on my own!?

?I?ve given you a large portion of the last bit of mana I have.? The blond said. ?It should last you a day. The moment you get out, head to the shrine on the edge of town. There are? ?friends? hiding out there right now. Find a good partner and lay low for a while.?

??.b-but?? The red-head murmured. "Wh-what about..."

?That is only if something happens.? The blond said, with a reassuring smile. ?We never know when we might be found out so??

They rushed on in silence for a while. None of the teams of scientists, soldiers or engineers walking past seemed to take much notice of them. They all seemed far too preoccupied with making haste in getting somewhere.

"Ne, ne, why do we have to save this girl?" The red-head suddenly asked, breaking their awkward silence.

"The ships need captains." The dark-brown-haired girl said, picking up a cellphone and speed-dialing a number. "Until we find Murasa, this girl is our best hope.....these outsider gadgets will take some getting used to..." They made another turn and walked down another hallway as a group of scientists rushed past with trolleys of goods.

"Oh, good, you people are still alive..." Miguel suddenly pulled out of a line of rushing scientists to join them. Lyrica and Lunasa followed close behind him, matching his long, hurried strides by jogging a little.

??I was just about to call you, Mig.? The blond said, pocketing her phone. ?I thought you had moved into Karuisuwa for good.?

?They asked me to pick up a few things.? Miguel explained, looking around at the rushing people. ??.what on earth is going on?

?They?re moving a lot of key personnel and research out.? The blond explained briefly. ?But I don?t know anymore than you. They don?t seem too eager to share much with us.?

"Something odd's going on in town too.? Miguel said. ?Our good friends in smart uniforms are leaving town. The fanatics have found us.?

"We know." The blond said, understanding what Miguel said to mean ?the military?s leaving the area, the Elemians have found them?. "Look, more importantly, we have some friends coming to stay over.?

??that can be arranged.? Miguel said. ?I just don?t know how much longer before the pot boils.?

?Thanks, Mig.? The blond nodded with a smile.

?Agent Lotus, Agent Heianko?? A voice came over their communicators. ?Agent Ben?s mana signature has gone silent. There was a security breach in his holding cell. We fear he has been compromised. All security feeds in the area are lost. Ascertain the situation and secure subject no. 77.?

??.? The two looked at one another, before looking around at Miguel who had received a similar order.

??oh dear?? The blond, apparently named ?Lotus?, sighed. ?I have?.an idea of where our boy is??

??.Don?t tell me you lost the guy you were trying to help escape?? Miguel facepalmed.

?Not lost?.just?misplaced?? The red-head, apparently named Heianko, sighed.

Together they quickly hurried on until they reached the holding cell in question.

??Shinjiro-san??? They found Shinjiro inspecting a body lying in a pool of blood.

??that guy?s so dead it isn?t even funny?? Heianko commented. Lunasa and Lyrica gave the body rather blank looks of curiosity, cocking their heads in opposite directions.

?He?s dead.? Shinjiro said, standing up. ?Whoever did this also took subject 77.?

??Ben?!? Miguel hurried over and knelt down by the body, his face a riddle of disbelief. ??.no way??

Yuugi merely shook her head. ?He?s gone. Let him rest.? She said, bitterly.

?It was no great loss.? Shinjiro shook his head as he pocketed his hands. ?The pathetic wretch was no use as anything more than a mana battery.?

??he was?my first friend here?? Miguel muttered, taking off his jacket to respectfully cover the former Rai agent?s face. ??even if it was only a short period??

??Mig?? Lotus murmured, laying a hand down on his shoulder comfortingly.

?The body and blood?s still warm.? Shinjiro said. ?The culprit isn?t far. Plus he?s escaping with a captive. It?d slow him down some.?

??.? Lotus nodded silently to Miguel, before straightening up. ?Shinjiro-san, you go watch the main entrance. Miguel and his team will search the research block. I will search this block and go on to cover the back entrance.?

??.? Shinjiro seemed to give this some thought before speaking up. ?I will search this block and cover the back entrance. You watch the main entrance.? He nodded at Lotus, a glint of distrust in his eyes.

?As you wish.? Lotus nodded as Shinjiro swept out swiftly with a swish of his cloak. Tewi and Yuugi gave them one last worried glance before following suite.

??is that ok?? Miguel asked.

?I want him to watch the back entrance.? Lotus said, with a mischievous little smile.

??I?m still?not sure about helping this boy?? Miguel said uncertainly. ??.if he really was the one who killed Ben??

??he perceived it as the only way to save Yumemi.? Lotus said, bitterly. ? can?t be helped. Yumemi would have died in Ben?s hands.?

?Still?.there must have been another way?? Miguel muttered darkly. ??Lotus-san?I?m no longer sure?what I should be doing anymore??

?Do what you think is right.? Lotus said, giving him an encouraging smile. ?Never, ever let your heart regret not having done the right thing, no matter what it is.?

??.? Miguel nodded silently.

?This is where we part ways for now.? Lotus said, turning to leave. ??have faith, Miguel. Never doubt yourself. Even if your justice should bring you to face me in battle one day, never question it. Never regret it.? Lotus gave him one last smile before leaving.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2009, 08:12:35 AM by Mind-The-Grue »


  • Crimson Asuratic
  • Touhou, Disgaea, Neptunia. Holy Trinity
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #451 on: August 30, 2009, 03:13:05 AM »
The hall-like corridor in front of the infirmary, medical block, Covenant Underground, ~5.25 AM, Day 5
(A little before Reimu calls for Miko Training)

Pearl and the others were sitting in the area where all the new lolis were born. There was some "awwww how cute! <3" and some " OMGWTF!!??" going on as well.  A small mix of that was seen in Pearl's and Kojiro-now Kjiri's teams as well.

Remilia: how the hell does that red-white expect anyone to work under these conditions?! its stressing and unacceptable!

Pearl: shhhh... don't be so loud Remy, Kijiri is sound asleep ^_^

Kijiri: ...........*still knocked out from the lolification pill+ran out of energy to manipulate*

Elly: well she is cute.....but what's gonna happen now?

Minoriko and Rumia poked at Kijiri's face saying how cute she looked.

Remilia: *bats their hands away* stop that! this is serious! We can't expect to do anything in states like this!

Pearl: teehee. Remilia-chan, you say that but you haven't let go of her yet.. your enjoying this the most aren't you dear?

Remilia was taken aback by this and blushed a bit.

Remi: o-of course not! Its not like i care that he's-she's a pipsqueak now but we can't be expected to work much less survive in such unfavorable conditions!

Pearl: fufufu. You worry too much young mistress, my dad and I have been though many battles in the past, such a handicap like this isn't too much to handle *pats her head*. Besides it looks like a lot of them are still able to work. I'm sure we can pull it off.

Remi: .....hmph < I still don't like this not one bit > *she holds Kijiri firmly and looks at her new loli'ed body*


Pearl: *squeals* so cute <3 she's so small and huggable

Remi: .....< now that i think about it....Koji is about my size now... >

Her cheeks turned a little tinted at the thought of being the same height. It didn't occur to her that being shorter was a sorta hindrance just now. Her thoughts were interrupted however when Reimu took a stand to announce her plans to start Miko Training

*Reimu's declaration of Miko training end*

Minoriko: she's as pushy as ever =_= she really wants us all to move out despite what happened?

Rumia: pushy pushy red-white. she's no fun....

Elly: well giving the fact that most of them still have mature minds despite being turned to kids i guess its still fine.

Remi: its still unacceptable!  < if only i had my ability working! this is ridiculous! >

Remi was squeezing Kijiri's head as her arms were wrapped around her head. finally waking her up

Kijiri: o-ow...*wakes up and looks up at Remi's face* ahhh...remi you look so...beautiful *is still half-sleep/out of it*

Remilia taken aback yet again punch Kijiri in the cheek

Remi: i-idiot! get up!

Kijiri: ow ow! *holds cheek and sits up* Why'd the violence...I just woke up *yawns*...I feel like i was sleeping forever...~_~

Pearl: ah, you should be sleeping more too. what happen to the negative drawback of using your energy?

Kijiri: *stands up* i-i dunno. I thought i'd be out for much longer too.....

She extends her hand to Remilia to help her up and she hesitantly took it.


When their hands met she noticed a difference in hand sizes and helped her up. Then she noticed that she was about the same height as well!

Kijiri: *blink blink* Remi...did you get taller?

All she could do was sigh exasperatingly, the others chuckled a little. Kijiri looked at Pearl and noticed that she was taller now and so was Elly, and Minory and Rumia seem to have gotten taller as well. Then it hit her.

Kijiri: ohhhh I shrunk? yeah..that's right...I ate something rumia gave me sleepily. Ah crud. *looks at clothes* yeah they definitely don't fit at all....What are we to do?

Remilia: that pushy red-whites wishes to continue carrying out her plans to train us that's what.

Kijiri: ara? Then we should get a move on that we should.

Remi: WHAT?! We were trying to get away from doing this absurd task! How the hell do you expect to get anything done like that!? Its ludicrous!

Kijiri gave Remi a smile.

Kijiri: it is rather ridiculous isn't it? Facts are facts that this isn't a favorable situation for us....however, we can't hide forever mistress...that we can't. Instead we should take this moment where we are in an unfavorable situation and turn it into a strength. I always believed that no matter what happens you can pull through something if you put your mind to it. I honestly don't like this at all either...First turning into a female thanks to those fairies and then without thinking took some of Eirin's medicine that turned me into a little girl...None of us are too happy, although it seems that some of us don't mind it all *looks at Shoko and Yuyuko playing around*   We can't afford more silly accidents, we should prepare whilst we can that we should.

Minoriko: yes...she's right we can't continue to complain about things like this. That's all we've been doing since we got out of Gensokyo. Its been 5 days since our world collapsed and we need to really think about what we can do...despite being in the situations we are in.

Remilia was rather hesitant on the current situation all she could do was sigh

Kijiri: *rubs her cheek* don't worry mistress. I'm sure things will look up for us soon. First things first wake Komachi up! She's been sleep(walking) ever since we found her!

Elly: I'VE BEEN TRYING! This person refuses to wake up no matter how much i shake and hit her! its no use!

The group looked at Komachi as she laid against the wall sleeping with bubbles coming from her nose. Typical


Kijiri: I got an idea *she grabs a wakizashi that is at her knee (would be waist but clothes don't fit) and gives it to Pearl*

Pearl: ara? what am i to do with this?

Kijiri: go to Komachi and hit her on the head with it and say *whisper whisper*

Pearl: that...will work?

Kijiri: seems like it would.

Pearl: *sweatdrops* uhh okay?

Pearl stands in front of Komachi and with a deep breath....

Pearl: KOMACHI STOP SLACKING OFF! *smacks her on her head*

Komachi: KYAN! I'M SORRY EIKI-SAMA I'LL.....get...back

Kijiri: *sighs exasperatedly* well i thought that would work

Komachi: where are we? I thought we were in our rooms sleeping?

Remilia: *exasperated as well* Explain it to the slacker later, we better move on! = =

Some time after they get to the miko changing rooms and get in gear finally....and Komachi is brought up to speed much to her dismay (like no one else is in dismay really...)

Remilia got her outfit on without too much trouble (OOC: sucks really...I can only find Remilia in a miko outfit....can't find one for any of my other teammates -_-)

Remi: this thing is much too loose! how can anyone wear this so openly?

Kijiri: ahh* but the red fits you so nicely Remilia! Really it looks good on you that it does. ^_^

Remi blushed a bit at that. Though she didn't like it even though Reimu wears it all the time.

Pearl: do you need help putting on the sarashi mistress?

Remi: A what?

Komachi: *already in 'uniform'* This *pulls open her outfit to reveal her sarashi* its a wrap-around for your chest. ya know, like a bra?

Rumia: bra?

Remi: eh?!  we have to put those on as well?!

Pearl: teehee don't be so fickle Remi-chan I'll help you put it on.

Kijiri: *relieved* please do then *a little flustered* < glad that komachi and Pearl already know how to do this kinda thing as well >

Elly: aauuu this is complicated! ;_;

Komachi: hahah nah its no sweat this is easy once you do it a few times. I could do it in my sleep.

Elly: .... < I bet you could do a lot of things in your sleep =_=+ >

A path leading up the hill behind the shrine, ~5.45 AM, Day 5

After everyone is geared up in shrine maiden outfits all the teams pull together and head out. It was still early morning and the mountain and river air was nippy cold

*The walking scene with Kijiri and Remi in MTG's post* (OOC: that part was RP'ed in the Saniwa chat since that happened between just me and Remi lets see what the others were doing as well shall we?)

Minory and Rumia were singing songs together, bits and bits of Rumia's memory was coming back as she was exposed to things naturally.

Komachi: maaaan this blows! I'd rather by working than doing all of this miko training. I'm a shinigami not a human ~_~

Pearl: ara? your a shinigami? wow I didn't know there were those types of beings in Gensokyo too! I so wanna go there now ;_;

Komachi: oh yeah *kinda cheery* I'm one of the best shinigami for the afterlife.  But I tend to slack off more than i should because i take my ability for granted... *sweatdrops*

Elly: what ability do you have?

Komachi: i can manipulate any distance. its great for combat and ferrying souls to the afterlife.

Pearl: ooooooh interesting.

Komachi: yeah it is. problem is after a while of doing it the job gets boring fast. so i do a lot of work at once and then get bored easily. I used to meet my quota with days to spare it was so easy *smug*

Elly: started slacking as a result?

Komachi: yup...*sweatdrops* since i had so much time to spare a lot of the other shinigamis would pay me extra to pick up their slack but then they started to get tricky and underhanded. Making me do most of their work in my "freetime". I started to hate my ability since then.

Pearl: awww...that's horrible that's-*sees Kijiri put her scarf around Remi's neck*-so cute!!! Didja see? awww!

Komachi: ahhaha. Two little lovebirds at 12 o'clock sarge. That little vampire is a fiesty one ain't she?

They then watch as they tripped over Genji and then get back up with Kijiri carrying Remilia in her arms instead. Pearl was estatic and Komachi was howling in laughter with Ana-chan who was btween the groups. Elly too gave a little snicker.

Minory: *pouts* that selfish little brat.....i wanna be carried too...

Rumia: :D

Rumia, upon hearing Minory's little wish, abruptly picked up Minoriko and carried her along the way instead.

Minory: gah! what are you doing?! >_<

Rumia: I'm doing what Mino-san wanted :D

Minory: n-no! put me down, down now! before we-*slipped up and fell*

Kijiri was carrying Remilia rather cautiously watching every step to make sure she doesn't fall like them. 

Kijiri: < m-man...that was embarrassing! I hope Remilia isn't too upset...Though...this is the first time in a long while i've carried her...Wait I'm her size now. i swear it feels like she's gotten bigger ^_^ I kind alike being the same size as her. >

Remi: < i can't think straight like this! grrr this is upsetting and unacceptable! How come I get like this when I'm close to him... I'll get that trashy Lunarian next chance i get i swear! I must...calm down i can't let the others like this! >

Komachi: *yawn* are we there yet?

Pearl: *chuckles a little* oh tell me more about your work Komachi-san

Komachi: ara? uhh okay...where did we leave off again?

Elly: you said your co-workers used you or something like that?

Komachi: oh yeah *pats hands* That's right. I was thinking about quitting my job since it was gettin rather rough trying to deny most of them all the time. We even got into a lot of bad fights. I'm glad for my ability there. I could make it so they could hardly reach me at times hehe

Elly: oh wow...did you win? how many were there?

Komachi: hmmm about 20 of em i think

Pearl: ohhh i love multi-man brawls! ^_^

Komachi: yeah i know rite? fun times. But this one wasn't. I was beat pretty bad after that. But i was tired of them trying to use my ability for their own lazy benefits.

Pearl: that's too coulda been the best shinigami there was.

Komachi: well things did get better. the yama who had jurisdiction of the shinigami noticed my abilities and how dangerous they were. *sigh*  some of them wanted to fire me but others thought i would be a great leader and wanted to make me a Yama as well. But such a position would have required a lot of work that i wasn't too willing to do... After they talked about it Lord Shikieiki was appointed the Yama of Gensokyo, and with much charisma took me as her worker. It solved a lot of problems.

Pearl: Ohhhh. Gensokyo has its own Yama?

Komachi: yup. I didn't mind working for her at all since that would mean I wouldn't have to deal with the other shinigami who i used to see a lot. So along with Lord Shikieiki I went to Gensokyo. But man Gensokyo's a fricking sweet place i get distracted from work a lot and get tired out easily there. Even I can't keep up (OOC: excuses excuses)

Elly: ufufu. well Gensokyo is indeed lively. I can't wait to get back there.

Komachi: too.... < Shikieki-sama...I hope your okay and safe somewhere too...just don't lecture anyone to death till i find you... >

Elly:  < ....lively...Even Mistress Yuka was lively sometimes....even if she wasn't too lively nor did we get many to any visitors...she was still my master....I hope she's okay too. >

The girls continued to ponder their loved ones that they were seperated from and even some of the people they hated and wanted to see again. Kijiri continued to carry Remilia up the stairs to the training destination and Remilia stayed silent trying to stay calm and keep her composure and former state of being.
Rumia and Minoriko played together as they traveled and Pearl, Elly, and Komachi chatted more

After a little bit more time. Everyone arrived at the waterfall to train....

See the patterns, feel the patterns, become one with the patterns, avoid the patterns
In order to live through the patterns, you must understand the patterns for everything else there is MASTER SPARK.


  • Red Tenshi
  • 3x More Touhou
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #452 on: August 30, 2009, 05:40:38 AM »
Somewhere in the Graveyard
11:07 PM

"Are you...there?"

The question reverberated in the back of her mind from a long distance away, like it was coming from a broken transmitter.  Too much interference, she would need to readjust it for a stronger signal.

"Are you there?" the voice repeated insistently.

Chiyuri?  No, it was a male voice.  There was something on her shoulder, a hand.  But she had to work or they would withold the infusion...she had no time to look up.  If the project wasn't completed they would have no use for her and then she would never see Chiyuri or her home again.  Yet...something here was different...the dragging feeling that had persisted over the past few months was gone.  She almost didn't notice because she had become so immersed in her work but Yumemi now realised that it was related to the drain on her vital energy from the link with her partner.  The drain was now gone, which meant...

Yumemi dared to look behind her and saw the corpse of her former partner lying on the floor in a pool of his own blood.

Yet the only thing she could do was stare.

"Don't scream", the voice said again, "please.  If you do we'll be found out and they'll put you through the processors again."

Anything she could have said was silenced by that thought.  Still she felt compelled to respond, "You...killed him?"

It was the first time she was able to look up and see who this assailant was.  Had he come to kill her too?  Was her time finally up?

"It was the only way.  I'm sorry.  More importantly there's no time and they're going to transfer you to another facility soon.  We have to get you out of here and find treatment before you die."

"Wh-why should I trust you?  You murdered a human in cold blood right in front of me."  Yumemi's logical faculties were starting to return slowly and despite her weakened state, she was still perfectly capable of analysing a potentially dangerous situation."

"Simple, you can't.  You'll just have to believe in good faith that I'm trying to escape this place and that I can't do it alone.  I need powerful allies and after going through the personnel files, it seems that you are one of the few left.  What would I have to gain from killing you too?  Plus you were dying and I couldn't just...look, we don't have time for an extended debate on altruism, alright?  We need to get out of here before my...colleagues get here.  Can you stand?"

Yumemi tried uncertainly, using the chair as a support.  She felt a little stronger but not much.  "I-I think so."

"Good, then let's get out of here.  By the way, my name's Soran.  We should know each other at least a little bit if we're going to be cooperating."

"You assume too much."

Well, well...  Soran, you've gotten soft.  Taking such unnecessary risks; you could have been discovered.

"It was necessary.  I need allies here", Soran murmured.

They had started talking in his mind now.  It seemed that after those two twins had urged him to find a way to escape from the RAI Force installation they decided to intervene more directly.  Dreams were a window into the psyche, he supposed, but otherwise he had no explanation for how they could be doing that.  Now they were urging him to run and ditch this poor girl to die.

That makes sense...we'll overlook this one incident but please try to remember that we only have your best interests at heart.  Don't make it difficult for us to protect you.  The twins gave the psychic equivalent of a sigh and Soran could feel their disapproval as he ran.  Well then, it can't be helped.  We will provide you with the knowledge and open the necessary channels in your body to allow you to supply her with mana, but it will take some time.  Be sure to keep her alive until then.

"Wait, you can do that?" Soran almost raised his voice in disbelief.  But if he started talking to thin air people would think he was insane.

That's not important right now, and all will be explained later.  Right now you have to get out of here and go find those two girls.  Do not fumble these arrangements now.  Go right.

Soran ducked to the right through an open door.  A minute later a group of lab techs ran by, presumably on some sort of errand related to the impending evacuation.  The warning had come early enough that they hadn't seen him - or Yumemi - in the corridor.  In the ensuing confusion he had hauled her very suddenly to the side and she was now lying prone on the floor, her strawberry hair strewn across her face.  Slowly she pulled herself up but didn't make any attempt to fix it.  Her eyes were still blank.  Was she really that far gone?  This can't just have been the result of the Pariah gene.

"S-sorry about that", he said, "let's keep going."

A pretty little doll, isn't she?

"Shut up."

They continued to run, taking a circuitous route through the hallways to avoid major pockets of activity.  Even Soran began to lose track of where they were going after awhile and increasingly started to rely on the guidance of his twin guardian angels.  Well, one angel and one maid anyway.

The ordained meeting place was just- wait.  Someone approaches with hostile intent.  Get rid of them!

Soran skidded to a halt and took cover around a nearby corner.  The knife was in his hand, a curious ornate thing that seemed completely out of place with the lab he found it in.  Rather than manufactured, it showed craftsmanship that wasn't consistent with any culture Soran had ever read about.  As the footsteps approached, he tried to steady his breathing.  He was no killer so the element of surprise would be his best bet.  As the person passed by he raised the knife and leaped without hesitation...
Too much of a good thing, and it is no longer good.


  • Oh...oh I was not ready for this.
  • It's only Logical....
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #453 on: August 30, 2009, 10:09:02 AM »
Somewhere within the Graveyard
Featuring Miguel's Team
11.12 PM Day 4

"Never own justice..." Miguel stared down at Ben's body, before closing his eyes in deep contemplation. "...Lyrica, Lunasa....what should...I do...?"

Lyrica and Lunasa simply grasped his shirt sleeves and looked up at him. "...Lyrica...Believe..." Lyrica murmured one of the few words Miguel had managed to teach her.

"" Lunasa murmured another word out of her extremely small but slowly expanding vocabulary.

"...." Miguel sighed, smiling at the two. His justice...didn't lie here, not with RAI, that much he knew.

...That woman....the woman who gave him this...He fingered the two daggers in his pockets....that woman had told him the same thing. What was her name...?

...Kokushou? ...Akiko? ....Kokuri? ....well, something like that...

She had told him that there would come a time when he would feel the need to find his own purpose...and that these artifacts would help...

But those without power cannot hope to achieve any purpose. If he remained like this, he would sooner or later end up being used by RAI until they deem him no longer useful...and end up just like Ben..., he won't end here. There had to be more meaning to everything that has happened so far....he wasn't going to end in a pitiful fool's death, not here, not in this hellhole...

"Lunasa, Lyrica....Ben...." He took a deep breath. "...I've decided..."

The laboratory block, Somewhere within the Graveyard
Featuring Miguel's Team
11.25 PM Day 4

"...Let's call it a day..." Ghandi yawned, stretching a little as he marvelled at his creation, the centerpiece of the Fusion Lab, the Fusion Reactor Column itself. " and art cannot be rushed." He chuckled to himself as he gloated over the nearby test subject cages wherein the next batch of victims cowered in fear.

"...even in the face of hot lead?" A voice asked from behind. Ghandi felt the sting of cold steel pressed up against the back of his neck, right at where his vertebral column was most vulnerable.

"Hmmm...someone's out of bed late..." Ghandi's mouth stretched into a wide, amused grin, contorting his already twisted visage even further. "...naughty naughty..." He clicked his tongue in a disapproving manner.

"I've read through your research material." The voice's owner walked around to look Ghandi in the face, gun still pointed at his head, just beyond his reach.

"...oh, if it isn't the little rookie, Miguel..." Ghandi's grin spread even further. "We at RAI do everything we can for our agents. You know you simply have to ask."

"That thing can make me stronger, right?" Miguel nodded at the reactor column.

"...yes, indirectly..." Ghandi nodded. "You have twins for partners, no? I've always wondered what would happen if, say, we take your partners and..."

"Not them." Miguel snapped, unlocking the safety threateningly. "Touch them and you can do all the wondering you like in a casket."

"...oh?" Ghandi raised an eyebrow. "How else do you expect me to perform a fusion? You can't expect me to do it with thin air..."

"Me." Miguel said. "Use me."

"...what?" Ghandi's smile grew even further as his lips parted into a twisted 'o' of surprise. "Ohoho, brave as that is, I'm afraid you can't. You see, you're not a medium, and...."

"....Use these as the medium." Miguel said, showing Ghandi the twin daggers. "I will personally take part in the fusion."

"....well well..." Ghandi blinked. "I'm flattered that you have so much trust in my work, but..."

"No, not you." Miguel said. "And definitely not your twisted work."

"Oh, what twisted insanity could possibly lead you attempt such rash foolhardiness?" Ghandi asked, seemingly curious as he spun to and thro in his office chair.

"Fate." Miguel said. "If I'm truly destined for something, if my justice truly really means something then I won't simply end here. I will gain what I need to fulfill my purpose."

"Oho...I never thought I'd hear such idiocy outside a cheesy saturday morning anime." Ghandi shrugged. "So, you're saying you're willfully volunteering for the project...?"

"Just get it done." Miguel said. "My partners will keep an eye on you in the meantime. If you try anything funny..."

"Oh, they won't be doing much of that." Ghandi smiled.

"...w-what?" Miguel realized his folly and quickly turned around....but too late...Isaac had already buried the taser in his guts and squeezed the trigger.

'I-I'm s-sorry...' He thought, wallowing deep in regret, as he blacked out almost immediately.

"....load him into the fusion reactor." Ghandi said. "Oh, and the daggers."

"You're listening to his requests?" Isaac asked. "...even if his loyalties obviously do not lie with RAI?"

"Do I look like I give a rat's ass about RAI?" Ghandi was bouncing off the tips of his heels as Lunasa and Lyrica rushed over to Miguel, looking utterly distraught, before looking around helplessly at their captors. "All I care about is creating masterpieces. And the boy's idea was brilliant! To use these daggers as fusion mediums for himself....he would avoid the danger of the fusion partners taking over his mind as the daggers would simply absorb them...and thus by proxy, by absorbing the daggers, he would take control over them. He would become the perfect living weapon! Now, break out all the subjects inside Vault 7. I want them all fused."

"...his partners?" Isaac nodded at Lunasa and Lyrica.

"...shove them in as well." Ghandi waved his hand airily. "Can't waste good ingredients now, can we? Let's get cracking. If we hurry, we can set him on that escapee before he leaves the compound."

"....escapee?" Isaac blinked. "What?"

"Just do as I say." Ghandi giggled. "Oh, Soran will be in for a surprise..."


  • Charisma!
  • *
  • O-ojousama!?
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #454 on: August 30, 2009, 12:37:06 PM »
- - -
« Last Edit: January 24, 2017, 02:15:40 PM by Helepolis »


  • Oh...oh I was not ready for this.
  • It's only Logical....
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #455 on: August 30, 2009, 06:12:27 PM »
Somewhere within the Graveyard
Featuring Miguel's Team (Team Lyrical Musical), Anthony's RAI team (Team ROCKIN' GOTHIC VESPA) Theorin's RAI team (Team INAZUMA KICK), and Rabbit's Gensokyo Team (Team DIEHARD) (team names tentative)
11.15 PM Day 4

(OOC: following up from the last post by Rabbit - The following is a co-post written by MTG, Theorin~ and Anthony. Not much editing was done due to I need sleep...)

He was no killer so the element of surprise would be his best bet.  As the person passed by he raised the knife and leaped without hesitation...

...only to come face to face with a speeding yellow vespa....

?and the roar of the song ?Fuel? by Metallica?.

Soran didn't remember much of what followed. One moment he was suddenly receiving a mouthful of burnt rubber....

?The next moment he was on the floor, his face feeling somewhat...more devil-may-care to put it nicely?

?With someone saying, in a sing-song voice, "Ooops...I think I hit something..."

"I sense much misfortune in the air..." Hina commented, before looking back from the rear seat of the vespa and noticing the fallen body. " wasn't a 'something'..." She added, ominously.

"What was that? I couldn't hear you over the mad rifts I was playing" Jeena shouted over the scream of her electric guitar.

" were...playing the guitar up front...?" Medicine blinked. "...I didn't notice, I was too busy having my eyes closed tight in terror..."

"Yep, both hands on guitar, and no hands on the handles" said Jeena with a smirk on her face, pulling a few more riffs.

" alive...?" Hina asked, poking the thing on the floor cautiously.

"He looks a lot like the guy you were supposed to capture." Medicine commented. "Then again, I might be wrong. I can't tell with all the tire marks on his face."

"really? let me take a look?" which then Jeena crouched down and took a closer look. "hmmm?...seems like it, now to check if he's still alive"

Soran suddenly sprung back to life. With a deft leap, he was back on his feet and backing away slowly, his knife held up in front of him cautiously.

"Whoah! It lives!" Medicine gasped.

"Well, so far no one has died getting run over by my vespa" stating Jeena

"...that wasn't the first time...?" Hina blinked.

"nope, and I'm sure it won't be the last~" yawned Jeena

?Do you even have a license?!? Medicine demanded. ?Heck, can you even drive?!"

"and I can drive! it's just that people get in my way" stated Jeena, gesturing at Soran, who was still edging away slowly from all the madness.

"...I'm not riding with you again..." Medicine shook her head, backing away slowly, eyeing Jeena as if she was a bomb that was about to explode. "....ever heard of the brakes?! Heck, ever heard of the handle bars?! You're supposed to HOLD onto them!" Medicine pointed out.

"Oh brakes? I took those out ages ago" sighed Jeena. "and the handle bars, never paid attention to them, always got to where I needed to go without touchin them" yawned Jeena.

"...hmmph..." Soran took the opportunity while the two were bickering to reach out one arm to clothesline a passing soldier on a motorcycle...

...only to get carried off with the soldier for a few meters before they crashed into the asphalt together, the motorcycle bouncing a little before crashing into the steel bunker walls.

"What the? Hey you stay right here!" yelled Jeena, obviously getting angry by Soran's attempt at escaping.

"U-ugh...Y-Yumemi!" Soran shouted, getting onto his feet gingerly and uprighting the bike.

"well, at least he didn't get away..." sighed Jeena. Jeena then dashed at Soran holding her guitar like a club.

Yumemi dashed out of a dark corner and leapt onto the bike's back seat just as Soran started it up. Together they roared off away.

?Now they are.? Hina stated the blindingly obvious.

"god dammit, freaking guy got away" moaned Jeena, disappointed

"You were expecting him to wait patiently while you two bickered?" Hina asked, sighing.

"C'mon. And I'll hold your guitar for you this time. Don't play and drive." Hina said.

"well excuse me for getting insulted about my driving skills, now get back on the Vespa!" yelled Jeena, who then got back on the Vespa. They did a wheelie 180-turn before roaring after Soran and Yumemi, weaving in and out of the traffic like madmen.

Jeena then held out her Guitar by it's neck, dragging it along the ground, causing sparks to fly out behind them.

"...tch...." Soran muttered, looking back. "Persistent bastards..." He whipped out his knife and cut the cords securing a pile of drums to a passing truck. The drums rolled into Jeena and co's path. A few other engineers on mini-scooters ran into the drums or slid into them, sending their drivers flying up into the air.

You think that'll stop me?" questioned Jeena who then poped a wheelie on the Vespa, and followed up by jumping it over the drums. Jeena snickers while flying through the air on the Vespa with Medicine and Hina holding on for dear life. Which then after landing Jeena revs the accelerator, increasing the speed while laughing like a maniac

Little did Jeena know that Soran had dropped a lighter and that the drums contained many gallons of grade-A kerosene. The explosion rocked the entire tunnel. Fire roared and blazed, licking Hina and Medicine's butts, throwing more burning drums in every possible direction.

Jeena, having complete disregard for anything except herself drove right through the flames, and continued to accelerate after Soran.

"I-it's raining fire!" Medicine cried, hugging onto Jeena tightly, against her better judgment. The burning drums landed all around them like meteors, exploding on impact. Jeena and co. weaved in and out of the flying drums, always barely missing them by inches

"You think this is bad? Wait until I tell you about this one Gig I had which I did all the pyrotechniques myself" Laughed Jeena continuing to speed up after Soran.

Jeena cackled, Hina screamed for dear life, Medicine merely gibbered in fear

"....Th-that was...a-a bit o-overboard!" Yumemi gasped as the fiery heat singed her hair lightly.

"Like I care..." Soran spat as he noticed Jeena swerving in and out of traffic behind them once more.

Jeena raised her guitar into the air as she closed in on Soran, readying to strike at him with the instrument

"Hmmph..." Soran suddenly swerved dangerously into a nearby trailer truck traveling in the same direction beside them, slid his bike sideways on the ground spinning, all the way under the trailer, before righting himself on the other side without losing even a bit of speed.

Jeena then spotted a set of items stacked, with an idea comming to her mind, her mouth widened to a huge Grin as she sped up even faster, ramping off of the items, flying through the air in a spiral arc in front of the truck and landing next to Soran.

There was the muffled sound of a toilet flushing from a nearby restroom set into the wall of the tunnel. Out came a cheerful looking girl. She stretched luxuriantly as she sighed, 'ah, healthy, healthy, as always'.

A small, green-haired tomboyish girl with a pair of antennae sticking out of her head was squatting by the restroom door, seemingly bored. ?....too much information, Fiona...? She muttered, shaking her head.

?It?s important to stay in shape, Wriggle, anywhere and everywhere, even in the John.? Fiona nodded to herself energetically. "Huh?  Anyway... What's going on?"  Fiona surveyed the carnage around her. There was burning wreckage strewn around that was definitely not there when she went inside. 

?Fire, death, destruction.? Wriggle shrugged.

"Aw hell, did I miss out on the fun already?" Fiona groaned. "C'mon Wriggle, let's go!  I don't want to be left out of this!"  Fiona grabbed Wriggle by the wrist and ran off at what seemed like a hundred miles an hour towards Soran, leaping from truck to truck as she went past.

Medicine was barely holding on now, having partially passed out. She was only hanging on by virtue of Hina pinning her against Jeena's back. Once again Jeena raised her guitar into the air. "LLLLLLLUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNNCCCCCCCCCCHHHHHHHHHHH TTTTTTTTIIIIIIIIIMMMMMMMMMEEEEEEEE" screamed Jeena as she swung the guitar with her right hand at Soran.

Soran cursed as he whipped out his knife and prepared for melee combat. Soran ducked under the guitar swing while pulling on the breaks, causing them to slow down abruptly such that he was only slightly behind Jeena. He slashed out with his knife at Jeena's lowered arm. There was a ping of metal clanging on metal.

"Tch...!" Soran slashed at a passing soldier's rifle straps. "Yumemi!" He shouted. Yumemi barely managed to grab the cut strands of the rifle's strap, pulling the rifle clean off the soldier. "Pass it to me!" Soran ordered. Yumemi did as she was told and Soran took the rifle in one hand, unlocked the safety with a flip of his thumb, before firing the assault rifle one-handedly at Jeena and co.

"Son of a..." sighed Jeena as she let off of the accelerator to try to slow down, raising her cyborg arm to her face to protect herself. The bullets ricocheted off the metal arm, raising blossoming sparks all around.

"Hey, Jeeeeenaaaa!" yelled Fiona as she ran towards her, bug youkai in tow.  "Need a hand?"

"Stop firing that god damn thing and speed back up here dammit!" yelled Jeena as she started to swing the guitar at Soran in rage.

"....that arm..." Soran gritted his teeth, before firing at a tanker right behind Jeena.

?Crap?? Fiona leapt off the tanker just as it blossomed into a huge fiery rose of fire behind her. Jeena's bike was thrown forwards by the explosion as the huge ball of fire filled up the entire tunnel's width.

Jeena then proceded to hit the ground with her guitar, lifiting the Vespa into the air a bit higher, letting it land on it's tires. "and another perfect landing by Jeena Koutetsu Ongaku" applauded Jeena to herself as she landed

"Let's use that, Wriggle!"  yelled Fiona to her firefly companion as they hurtled through the air, propelled forwards by the force of the fiery explosion behind them, their faces silhouetted ominously by the raging fire.  "Wriggle... KIIIIIIIIIIICK!"

Soran's eyes widened for a fraction of a second upon noticing Fiona and Wriggle about to double-kick Yumemi from behind. He threw aside his rifle at Jeena, grabbed Yumemi around the waist, and did a 180-turn wheelie, raising the front wheels into the path of Fiona?s kick. Fiona's metal boots threw up blazing sparks as it made contact with the raised tires. Fiona maintained her air-kick stance, sparks exploding violently as her metal boots scraped against the spinning tires.

Wriggle, however, landed atop the bike's headlamps, ran up the handle bars and attempted to spin-kick Soran in the face. Soran somehow managed to raise a hand to catch Wriggle's if some powerful precognition had warned him of the incoming kick. However, Wriggle wasn't done. She grabbed Fiona's hand and with a sharp pull, Fiona came sommersaulting over Wriggle.

"god damn sneaky bastard!" screamed Jeena as she then followed to pull of a 180 turn wheelie herself, not focusing on Hina and Medicine. After Jeena completed her 180 degree wheelie turn raised her guitar back into the air while speeding up to the max towards Soran.

"DYNAMO KIIIIIIIIIICK!" yelled Fiona, as she launched a flying scissor kick at Soran with all the force of a speeding truck.

Again, Soran ducked out of the way as if he had seen it coming. With a jolting thud the bike's front wheels came crashing back into the asphalt. There was a mad screech as the rear tires spun madly against the asphalt, turning the bike 180 once more in the right direction.

Fiona landed squatting on Soran's handlebars with Wriggle hanging tightly onto her back. "...get...your boobs...out of my face!" Soran roared at Fiona.

Jeena closed in on where Soran was very quickly, readying another strike with her guitar, grinning as wide as she can all the while. "Get Out Of The Way!!!" Yelled Jeena as she starts to swing her guitar at Soran

The burning tanker from before was now flying upside down near the tunnel's ceiling. It bounced heavily across the tunnel floor in front of Soran. With deft maneuvers, all the while dodging kicks and punches from Fiona and Wriggle, they managed to weave in and out of the bouncing trucks' trajectory.

Jeena continues to speed towars Soran while swining her guitar. Jeena started her maniac like laugh up again as she closed in, ignoring the shrapnel and other items flying at her

Hina screamed again as flaming shrapnel shedded by the bouncing truck rained all around her.

Soran suddenly ducked, much to Fiona's surprise. She wasn't surprised for long, as she was caught across the mug by a license plate swung hard at her face by Yumemi. Fiona fell over to one side but hung on tight onto the handlebar. She started running on the asphalt, keeping up nicely with the bike.

"W-what is she?! She's running alongside the bike like it's nothing!" Yumemi gasped.

"This is nothing!" yelled Fiona.  "It's just a light workout!"

Soran's attention was now taken up by Wriggle, meanwhile, who had taken the opportunity while he was ducking to lock him into a thigh hold and was now trying to suffocate him to death with her crotch.

"S-Soran?! E-eeeep! W-what are you doing?!" Yumemi gasped in shock.

"Mpppph!" Was her reply from Soran. "Mpphhh Mpphh Mppppppppphhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Soran's muffled cry was stiffened further by a vicious Wriggle-lock.

"That's it, Wriggle!  You can do it!" Fiona shouted encouragingly at Wriggle.

"Hey Hina, guess what time it is again?~' laughed Jeena as she was getting ever closer to Soran.

"T-T-Time t-to s-st-stop...?" Hina ventured, hopeful, but knowing it was too much to wish for.

"nope! It's LLLUUUUNNNNCCCCHHHHH TTTTIIIIMMMMEEEEE" Yelled Jeena as she swung her guitar at Soran's face not caring about what's in the way.

"Hey, watch where you're aiming that thing, Jeena!  You'll hit Wriggle!"

"I just want to bash this guy in the face!" Yelled Jeena as she continued to swing

Yumemi hammered on Wriggle's head repeatedly with the license plate, before hearing Jeena's war cry and ducking just in time, pushing Soran down with her, leaving Wriggle in the path of Jeena's guitar.

Wriggle had the wind knocked out of her as she was thrown backwards over the handlebars. She only barely saved herself by grabbing onto the handlebars and getting a foothold atop the front wheel-guards.

"WRIIIIIGLE!"  Fiona shot a glare at Jeena.  "IDIOT!"

Jeena continued to swing multiple times at Soran, continuing until she hits her mark"Just keep up with me! I said get out of the way earlier!" Jeena yelled back

Soran took the opportunity to attempt to violently ram Fiona into the tunnel wall. His rapid maneuver took him out of range of Jeena's guitar swings.

However, Fiona jumped up, bounced off the wall and returned with a flying punch towards Yumemi.  "SOARING EAGLE'S TALON!"

Yumemi, noticing a rifle secured to the bike's side, pulled it up, cocked it, shut her eyes tight and cried 'eeeyaaaaaaaaaaaah!' as she fired it randomly at Fiona as she ran up the wall. The bullets smashed into concrete only mere inches behind Fiona's swift feet. As Fiona whirled through the air with her flying punch, Yumemi continued firing. However, by pure badassery, Fiona grazed the bullets as she descended on her.

The punch smashed into the rifle's barrel just as the bullets ran out. The hollow metal crumpled like tin foil under her punch, all the way down to the handle, before the rifle's butt smashed into Yumemi's shoulder, causing her to cry out in pain as she was thrown sideways off the bike.

Jeena decided to close in on Soran, readying for another swing

"Yumemi!" Soran roared, grabbing onto Yumemi by her other arm, causing her to swing out over the rushing road, her head only inches away from the asphalt.

"GRRRRRRR!" Soran growled, as Wriggle finally regained her breath and leapt over the handlebars at Soran. Soran merely ducked, causing Wriggle to slam into Fiona who had just landed on the bike's rear seat.

"Hey, you alright?" said Fiona, catching Wriggle as she hurtled towards her.  She wobbled a bit as she tried to maintain her balance.

Jeena then out of rage and pure insanity, rams her Vespa into the side of Soran's motorcycle. Using the force from the slam Soran executed a deft 360 wheelie. With it he managed to gain enough momentum to swing Yumemi back onto her seat while throwing Fiona and Wriggle off into the air.

Just then, security APCs, humvees and bikes roared out of side-tunnels, called out by the commotion. Fiona and Wriggle landed atop one of the huge military fortress-trucks as it rammed through the wreckage of the tanker that had only barely come to a stop after bouncing down the tunnel for half a mile. Fiona grinned in contentment at the escaping duo.  "Buuuuut... I won't let you get away that easily!"

"...uh oh..." Yumemi ducked as the soldiers in the trucks and humvees opened fire on them. Sparks peppered the asphalt and walls around them as Soran deftly swerved in and out of the military vehicles, dodging bullet barrages almost as if he were swimming through them.

"God Dammit watch where you tards are firing!" screamed Jeena as she swerved away from Soran to avoid being shot.

Fiona?s right hand began to glow a pale blue.  "Shinken Densetsu Special Technique... BLAST KNUCKLE!"  She threw a punch at seemingly mid-air, and a ball of pulsing blue chi energy hurtled from her fist towards Soran and Yumemi.

Soran caused his bike to dive sideways into a low spinning slide, ducking out of the way of the energy blast, which struck the door of a nearby humvee. Soran then pulled out of the slide and reached out for the wrecked door's window, grabbed the dazed soldier behind it by the collar, pulled, rammed the soldier's head against the door, before stealing his assault rifle and grenades.

The humvee, having lost its driver, spun out of control into another humvee. The crash sent them both flying and bouncing off the walls and diagonally across the the tunnel.

Soran bit on the grenade pin, cooked the grenade for a bit, before tossing it under the fortress-truck on which Fiona and Wriggle stood. The grenade bounced under the truck before exploding right under its fuel tank. The fuel tank ruptured and burst into flame, sending the truck flying head-over heels.

Then Jeena grabed her guitar and holds it in the proper way, and starts to rock out on it, (playing this ) causing Soran's bike to start to rattle and shake apart

Soran's eyes flashed dangerously as he clicked the safety off the assault rifle and, again one-handedly, fired at Jeena, blasting the strings off her guitar, not missing his mark despite the shaking of his bike.

"S-son of a mother****er!!!" Cursed Jeena in rage from the strings on her guitar being blasted off. " I am going to strangle you!!!" Screamed Jeena as she grabed back onto the handle bars of the vespa steering right into Soran

"Wah!" Fiona ran up towards the front of the truck as it flipped higher backwards into the air, its incline growing steeper and steeper. Fiona and Wriggle ran up it all the way to the front against the incline before leaping off the front just as it turned vertical.

"Traffic!" Yumemi cried, pointing at a busy tunnel intersection full of trucks and cars.

"Tch!" Soran pulled on his handlebars and slid the bike skidding under a trailer before spinning back upright on the other side.

Jeena then focused on the traffic ahead of her and quickly popped a wheelie on her vespa, following up by going up another stack of items, using them as a ramp

The flaming fortress truck rammed into the busy traffic, causing more explosions and mayhem to fill up the tunnel as Jeena and co. and Fiona and Wriggle sailed high up over the flames.

Jeena spun upside down before landing lightly on the tunnel's ceiling and continuing on like nobody's business.

"W-why are we upside down?!" Hina cried.

"wait, we're upside down?" asked Jeena as she continued to drive upside down.

"WE ARE!" Hina and Medicine pointed out in fear and anger.

Fiona and Wriggle, meawhile, landed lightly atop another set of trucks. They lept from truck to truck, but the distance that Soran had gained from them seemed to be a bit too much even for her seemingly inhuman speed to catch up to. "Damn it... Only one thing we can do, Wriggle!"  Fiona grabbed Wriggle and lifted her above her head.  "Go get 'em!"

Without any hesitation at all, Fiona hurtled the tomboyish youkai towards her targets.  "SHOW 'EM WHAT YOU'VE GOT, WRIGGLE!  I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT!"

Soran rammed through a line of passing scientists at that point, causing a flurry of research papers to fly up into the air, filling the tunnel with paper snowflakes. Wriggle flew through the storm of paper, emerging out the other side in a coccon of paper. One piece of paper managed to lodge itself on Jeena's face, obscuring her vision, adding more chaos to her already erratic driving.

Meanwhile, Fiona ran at top speed, attempting to at least gain some ground between her and Soran.

Jeena then started up her maniac laughing while continuing to drive upside down. Jeena, still blinded, decided to pop a wheelie, causing her to fall off the ceiling and landing tires first onto the ground right next to Soran

Whilst her partner launched herself at their targets, Fiona had gathered so much speed that she was almost a blur.  She was gaining ground on Soran and Yumemi, and fast.

The paper Coccoon exploded as Wriggle spun around in mid-air before executing her signature WRIGGLE KICK~spinning version. "WRIGGLE KICK! SPIRAL EDITION!" She roared as she sailed through the air in a corkscrew flight.

"Yumemi!" Soran cried, pulling Yumemi out of the way, braking abruptly, while aiming a cross-counter-punch up at Wriggle.

"Aaaah!" The abrupt stop caused Yumemi to almost fall off, however, breaking Soran's concentration on the voices in his head. With that, his cross-counter punch failed and Wriggle's spin-kick met his skull with bone-crushing force.

"God Dammit! Stop braking you pansy!" Screamed Jeena. Jeena then took her feet, and pushed them into the grond, the boots she were wearing started to smoke and spark while slowing down the Vespa

"Ahah!  Now's... My chance!" Fiona charged towards the escaping scientist, her arm outstretched and ready to deliver a clothesline. "Um... Let's see... Yes!  STRAWBERRY CRUSHER!"

Yumemi, hearing the word 'strawberry', raised her head abruptly as one, final, rash idea struck her.

"STRAWBERRY CROSS!" She cried, shutting her eyes tight as she pulled on the accelerator with one hand while executing the necessary sigils. A huge pink cross exploded across the tunnel, flinging Wriggle backwards into Fiona's clothesline before blasting Fiona off her feet.

"Hey, don't rip-off my attack name!  I thought really hard to come up with th-" Fiona began, before she was hit full in the chest. "GAH!" As Fiona hurtled through the air, she tried to twist her body so that she at least landed on her feet. Unfortunately, Fiona was just a few seconds too slow and ended up landing on her back with a loud thump. "Ugh!  Oh god, that's gonna sting..."

The shockwave unbalanced Jeena before the impact of one of the arms of the cross threw her and her bike into the tunnel wall. As Jeena got throws against the wall, she moved the vespa so it would land tires first, and currently riding on the wall

"U-ugh..." Yumemi was barely keeping conscious, the last of her mana sucked out of her, as she held tightly onto the accelerator.

"Uhh...ugh...Y-Yu-Yumemi....y-you d-didn't..." Soran muttered, spitting out blood as he held onto Yumemi and took hold of the accelerator.

"Y-you're...ok..." Yumemi whispered, weakly. "T-thank...g-goodness...I-I d-didn't lose s-s-someone....again..."

"Yumemi...?" Soran shook Yumemi's limp form as she smiled one last smile. "YUMEMI?!

He didn't have much time to worry for her condition, however, as he quickly came upon the tunnel's end, which narrowed sharply into one metal blastdoor which had been blasted open by Yumemi's Strawberry Cross. Before he could stop, the bike had roared straight through the set of blast doors, emerging out in what looked like a huge hall housing a gigantic mechanical column....

.....which was crackling threateningly with energy....

"You're not going to lose me that easily" yelled out Jeena as she got the vespa off the wall and back onto the floor, then quickly steering back towards Soran.

"...load the last subjects into the....." Ghandi was saying, before his twisted smile was wiped clean off his face by the bike' s arrival. "What the....?!"

Jeena continued after Soran, accidently hitting something, sending her and the vespa, along with her passengers into a flying backflip.

Isaac, who was in the process of herding an old man and two young girls towards the column, dove out of the way of Soran's raging bike as it roared up towards the column.

Soran hit a ramp and sailed up high towards the column's core, a cage where a young man was floating lifelessly, orbited by a pair of twin girls and a set of daggers.

Jeena, along with Hina and medicine clining onto Jeena, fall off the bike, and all land on top of Isaac, the vespa still goes flying hitting a wall then falling to the floor, landing on it's tires, and it's kickstand goes out, standing up perfectly. "that, was the most fun, I have had in a looooonnnggg time" cheered Jeena as she is laying on top of Isaac, with Hina and Medicine clinging onto her

Soran, Yumemi, and their bike all smashed into the cage, sending it spiralling out of the column's core and ramming into the wall opposite.

Soran sailed off the bike and cage, holding Yumemi protectively in his arms all thewhile, before smashing into set of wooden desks.

The reactor core seemed to hit a short-circuit or something as more rampant energy coursed and arched around it before, with a huge shower of sparks, the entire room went dark. Only the glow of the cage permeated the room with an ominous blue light.

Soran groaned as he gingerly picked himself out of the wreckage. Suddenly, someone, or something, grabbed him and Yumemi and pulled them both away before he could cry out.

"Ssshhh!" He heard Lotus' voice as he suddenly emerged out into the light of another tunnel where a waiting humvee was parked. The tunnel ended in a huge blast door to the outside world at the other end. Soran could barely see the starlight outside before he and Yumemi were roughly loaded onto the humvee by Lotus and Heianko, before a set of keys were dangled in front of his nose. "Drive." Lotus said, simply. "Get to Karuisuwa. Make sure you aren't followed." With that, Lotus and Heianko melted away into the darkness.

"! Like this?!" Soran demanded, whoozily, starting up the humvee shakily. " head....that little squirt...."

Jeena finally gets up, with Hina and Medicine still clining onto Jeena, who then tries to pry them off. "seriously guys, you need to let go already" said Jeena, who was starting to lose breath from the tight grip of the two dolls

"Get down!" Youki roared, pulling Jeena and the others back onto the ground.

"Wha...?" Ghandi looked around just in time to see a flash of bright whitish blue.

Soran had only started accelerating down the tunnel before the wall behind him exploded outwards in a blaze of bluish white light.

"...I've decided..." a voice echoed down the tunnel as the smoke cleared and parted around a shimmering silhouette. "...I cannot trust someone who would kill an innocent man, no matter for what ends."

A shockwave of light burst out of the silhouette, clearing the remainder of the smoke and dust, revealing a faintly glowing Miguel, wielding his twin daggers, a pair of bluish white humanoid figures orbiting him slowly.

'Kill him....' A voice whispered in his head.

"wait, is that mig?" thought Jeena, who raised her head up a bit.

Miguel rushed forwards, daggers ablaze with light. The lights extended into long blades of light. With an upwards slash, he blasted the humvee off its wheels with a huge mound of asphalt, smashing it in two, before sending it rolling out of the Graveyard's rear entrance. The wrecked humvee spiralled down a steep incline, ramming down trees, before falling freely into a deep ravine.

"..." Miguel sighed, as the lights melded back into the daggers. The two floating lights slowly condensed into the more solid forms of Lunasa and Lyrica who landed lightly beside him. "...if you truly serve some purpose in this then you may survive that...." He said. "....prove your I have proven mine..."

"god damn it is mig" thought Jeena once again.

(OOC: Miguel is overpowered for a plot-related reason which I will not disclose now. Rest assured that there is GM-enforced justification for it.)
« Last Edit: August 30, 2009, 06:28:23 PM by Mind-The-Grue »


  • I'm a strange type of crazy...the one you love and fear
  • Do not challenge the gateguard
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #456 on: September 01, 2009, 02:35:20 AM »
Day 4 3:00 p.m. Forest near Karuisuwa town

*Vant and Kanako(carrying Suwako) run through the forest at a quickened pace. Slowly Kanako begins to lose ground on Vant and begins to stumble; she nearly trips over a root when Vant suddenly catches her.*

Vant:Hey, we need to keep moving; we have no idea if they're chasing us, but we can't take that chance.

*Kanako glares at Vant, but then looks down at Suwako as she lies almost limp in her arms*

Vant:Look, let me carry her, I've got more stamina and you're already tired so ju--

Kanako:HELL no! I still don't know if I can trust you yet. I'll carry her.

*Vant merely shakes his head and walks in the same direction*

Vant:Then hurry up, or would you rather go back?

Kanako:...Fine; but if you're trying something I won't hesitate.


*They take off running again, though at a slower pace, through the woods. After what seems like hours they come into a clearing and stop.*

Vant:This should be good enough. We'll rest here for the night.

Kanako:*pant pant pant* Good, I don't think I can take another step.

*Kanako settles on the ground against a tree with Suwako in her lap*

Vant:Let me see her for a moment.

Kanako:*glares at Vant* I'm not letting you near her.

Vant:They bruised you up, I've no doubt the did similar to her. Let me see her.

Kanako:*continues glaring at Vant* If you try ANYTHING I'll make sure you never live to see another day. *Sets Suwako down on the ground*

Vant:If you kill me, neither will you. *Vant moves closer and begins examining Suwako. The more he looks, the more tense he becomes. Grinding his teeth and knotting his fists, he looks about ready to rip a man's heart out through his throat.*

Vant:Those bastards, doing this to her.

Kanako:She's not as young as she looks, she's been through a lot; remember, she's a goddess.


*Vant was absolutely seething and was ready to open up hell on the yakuzas when Kanako gently placed a hand on his shoulder*

Kanako:I know that... but she's strong, I know she'll pull through...

*Vant begins ripping apart the yakuza uniform he's wearing to bind up Suwako's cuts and bruises, while using the water from his canteen to wash the blood off before Kanako stops him*

Kanako:Let me finish the rest...

Vant:...right. I'll go look for something for us to eat.

Kanako:Wait, we can't be separated for too long, or too far apart. The mana link will be broken. The other yakuzas that contracted us ran out of energy too fast to support us; and that was just ONE of us, let alone both.

Vant:If the link gets weak, all I have to do is push more mana through right?

Kanako:But the strain could be too much for you!

Vant:I'll be fine. We've survived this long, and I've barely broken a sweat. Don't worry, I'll be back soon.

Kanako:...hmmm, fine. Just don't die on us okay?

Vant:Heh, it'll take a lot more than what this forest has to offer to kill me. *Vant smiles and turns to walk away before glancing back at Suwako* Make sure she's okay alright? And don't for get about yourself!

Kanako:I will...*Kanako goes back to cleaning Suwako's cuts*

*Vant takes off into the woods and begins scaveging for food. After maybe half an hour with no luck he considers making a trap when he stumbles upon a wild boar*

Vant:...are there wild boars in Japan?


*The wild boar begins charging Vant as he readies himself...and his mind. The boar begins to run slower and slower until it seems to almost not be moving.*

Vant:<Let's see...come on, you've got to be weak what's around me?> *looks around taking in every potential within his limited field of vision*

Vant:<hmmm....a rock...that could be useful but... how is it going to help me against a boar this big?...Let's see..> *Looks back at the boar, taking in every minute detail: the hair on it's back; the bright glowing eyes; it's legs pumping in slow rythmic motion; the hairline fracture in its left tusk...*

Vant:<That's it!>
*Vant moves forward at a snail's pace in his mind, reaching to grab the large rock nearby. Picking it up he rushes towards the boar and yells out of pure fury, using the hate towards the yakuzas to fuel his actions. He comes within 4 feet of the boar and swings the rock...*

*Back at the campsite Kanako methodically washes Suwako's wounds and finishes binding her cuts with the torn clothing*

Kanako:*whew* That took awhile.... Suwako.. *brushes her hand against Suwako's face* Please be okay, we can't stop until we've found Sanae and the others. Besides, I still have to beat you and make you declare that I'M THE STRONGEST GODDESS IN GENSOKYO!!! AAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAhahahahaha...ha......ha...... *tears well up in her eyes and splash down on Suwako's dress* Please don't leave me alone Suwako....please.....*Shakes her head vigourously* What am I thinking? I have to be strong, and I have to keep an eye on this "Vant" guy....he IS ex-yakuza after all. For all I know he could just be trying to win my trust and get me to tell him where the others are. <Though I wonder how they're all doing now...or if they're alive...I know I saw someone at that Saniwa shrine but...I can't tell Vant that. Not until I can trust him....still, the way he reacted towards Suwako's injuries...and she needs more help than this. She's badly hurt, she needs a doctor, and I'm sure that Eirin woman would help. Oh, Sanae must be so worried about us now...>

*Vant's timing is perfect as the rock smashes into the boar's tusk and breaks it off. Vant then flips over the boar while grabbing the tusk in his other hand. The boar shrieks in pain and skids to a halt to pull a 180, just as Vant comes flying at it with a downwards swing and plants the tusk through it's skull. The boar drops to the ground dead and Vant looms over it as his anger fades away.*

Vant:Well then, I guess we're having boar tonight.

*Vant strolls into the clearing carrying the boar, slung over one shoulder, and a large stack of firewood under the other.

Vant:Hey Kanako, you like boar?

Kanako:*stares wide-eyed at the boar* Wh-What is that thing?!

Vant:It's a boar...though I'm not sure why it's in Japan. Anyway, should be good meat for us three.

Kanako:*stares down at Suwako*...sure I'm okay with meat, but I don't think she's much of a carnivore.

Vant:Well then she'll have to become one, cuz this is all we've got.

Kanako:*stands and walks over to Vant*...I....want to...thank you........for getting us out of there...what they did to her, *waves a hand at Suwako* is utterly unforgivable. *takes a deep breath* I want to trust you Vant...but I don't know if I can.

Vant:Then don't, not until your comfortable doing so. I won't push it, but you know as well as I do that she needs medical attention.....and you know someone who can help don't you?

Kanako:No that', it's only a hunch, but I think I might know where some "others" may be.

Vant:Well you're too tired to move about right now. *Begins lighting the fire* We'll eat and then move out tomorrow; we'll head towards higher ground to try and figure out where we are okay?

Kanako:Yeah. I understand...just, be easy on us okay? We're not exactly in our best shape right now.

Vant:If you'd let me carry her, you wouldn't be as tired, and you wouldn't smack her head against a tree.

Kanako:Eh?! What do you mean by that?!

Vant:That bump on her head wasn't there when we left the mansion. You were too exhausted to notice but you banged her head into a maple. That's probably why she's not awake right now.


Vant:Would you kindly gather more firewood? Since you probably can't skin an animal.

Kanako:Uhhh...yeah...sure..*walks into the woods picking up limbs until she's out of earshot* can stop faking it now...Suwako

Suwako:*Sits up* yeah, yeah, I just never thought I'd actually get to see her cry! *starts rolling around laughing until she rolls onto her sore head* Ow, ow, ow! *Rubs the tender area on her skull*

Vant:Maybe you shouldn't have let her carry you.

Suwako:Yeah, but an oppurtunity like that comes once in a blue moon! *lowers her head and frowns* But I hate to see her like that....did you really mean what you said? About those yakuzas?

Vant:What I said was true. They probably didn't know....and they still...*Shakes head* anyway... the way...when did you notice I was faking?

Vant:You grimaced when I mentioned the tree.

Suwako:Ah...yeah...anyway, do you know how to cook boar?

Vant:I know how to cook a lot of animals, comes with living in the wilderness. Oh, and look out behind you.

Suwako:Huh? *Glances up just as Kanako's fist smack Suwako in the same spot as the tree* OW!!!!!!






*The two are nearly at each others throat when Vant comes between them, holding Suwako up by the back of her dress, and Kanako by her hair.*

Vant:CALM DOWN BOTH OF YOU!!!! *Vant's words ring out with an undertone of death under them*


Vant:*glances between them* Good then, cuz dinner's ready.

(to be continued)



Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #457 on: September 01, 2009, 07:01:33 PM »
5:10PM EST, Pearson International Airport, Toronto, Canada, Day 4 EST

"So I've been assigned to help out with this case, huh?" the man wearing a black suit said said. "But what's with this suit? I'm generally not a fan of this kind of clothing."

"You have to look respectable to the boss sir." another man said, also wearing a black suit, but with a pair of sunglasses covering his eyes, possibly a pathetic attempt to hide his identity. "Also, you'll need this briefcase with you AT ALL TIMES. Do not open it, do not separate yourself from it. It's for the boss only."

"So job is to deliver this briefcase all the way to Japan? Has he not heard of delivery services?" the man replied.

"Hey, I'm only doing what I was ordered to do, and that is to give you this briefcase and the instructions I just mentioned." the man with the sunglasses said.

"Well, thank you then. I guess I'm off to my ruddy flight now. I'm not a fan of those fucking asians anyways." the man said as he waved to the other. He noticed the other with sunglasses flinched a bit after that last sentence, but he paid no attention to it.

After going through the entire process in the airport, he sat down at a chair to wait for his flight to arrive and accept passengers. As he waited, another man in a suit walked by and tapped him on the back.

"Is your name Marco Camacho?" the other man asked.

"And why would you like to know? That is confidential." Marco replied.

"Just making sure." the man replied. "Listen, I've just been ordered to give you this cell phone. Don't ask me why, I was never given the reason. Just take so I can go home for christ's sake."

Marco could easily tell that he's irritated by his order. Probably because he had some other plans that was just interrupted by this order. Marco took the phone from the man, who immediately left after lending it to him. Marco inspected the phone thoroughly. It seemed like an ordinary phone. He looked around to see if it was bugged or traced in any way.

"Nope. Nothing suspicious from it so far. What the fucking hell was that for?" He muttered to himself.


"All passengers taking the flight to Karuisuwa, Japan, please make your way to Gate 9 now. Your flight is now ready." The woman in PA announced. Marco got up from the chair that he sat on and made his way into the plane.

As he got in, he showed his airport ticket to the counter. After a few seconds of inspection, the woman behind the counter looked up and told Marco, "Ah, you're one of them. Please come with me then." Confused, he followed her towards the room behind her. It also lead to the plane, but it seemed to have lead him to the very back of the plane. She opened the door, revealing a room in the plane which he's never seen before. It was all nice and fancy, filled with gambling tables and comfy chairs. There was a bar at one end, and a nice big plasma hanging on the wall on the other end. Other than Marco himself, there were only 4 other men also wearing the same suit as him, as well as the bartender himself. They all looked up from their activities, two of them from a game a poker, another drinking some from the bar, and the other from reading a book on one of the chairs.

"I'm assuming that all of you are here for the same reason?" Marco asked all of them.

"Did you get a briefcase and a cell phone from those two?" the man in the bar asked, "because if so, you're in the right place, I assume. My name is Matthew Harrison. But just call me Matt." Matt remained at his seat, taking another sip of his cup filled with wine. He had long, dark brown hair. He had an unshaven beard. Quite fitting for a drinker like him.

"My name's Fred George." The man in the chair greeted, although not in the nicest way, as he remained at his seat, and turned his head back at the book to continue reading. He wore glasses, but the normal perscribed glasses, not the sunglasses that the other man wore. He had messy black hair, and was quite pale. It seemed that he doesn't go out much.

"And you two are...?" Marco asked the men at the gambling table, irritated by the lack of respect from whom he assumed are his new partners.

"My name's Lucas. Lucas Garvey." The blonde one said. His hair was quite smooth and neat. He had nice blue eyes. He must've been quite a ladies man, Marco thought to himself. "The other one I'm playing with is Fernando. I don't know his last name though."

"And it's none of your business too!" He said in a gruff voice. He was a bit tan. He also had messy black hair, but a lot messier than the reader. His face looked a bit deformed, as his teeth was a bit rotten. He doesn't look like he takes care of himself quite well.

"Hmph. Well my name is Marco Camacho. I'm guessing that I'm here for the same reason you guys are." He said. "Whatever we're doing, we're stuck together until further orders are given to us." Marco felt irritated when he mentioned the last sentence. He has no idea how long they'll be together for, but he hopes that it won't be for long...


  • I'm a strange type of crazy...the one you love and fear
  • Do not challenge the gateguard
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #458 on: September 04, 2009, 02:02:44 AM »
(Continued from last post)

"*sigh* When is it going to end?"

*Vant watched as Kanako and Suwako raced to see who could eat their roast boar first. It then developed into who could eat more meat. They ended up laying on their backs with huge grins on their faces. Vant only sat there and ate in silence.*

"Hey, what's with you Vant?" said Kanako.

"Yeah! Come on and lighten up!" blurted Suwako.

"...Sorry, I'm not much in the mood for merry-making." stated Vant.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! MERRY-MAKING?! I haven't heard that word in a LONG time! And I thought I was old!" *The concept barely registered in her head before Suwako began rolling around on the ground laughing hysterically.*

*Kanako jumps on Suwako and starts pinching her cheeks.* "Oh, shut up you little welp! You're almost as old as me!"

*Suwako could only continue laughing as her face was stretched.* "YEAH! UT YOR SHTILL ALD ENOUFF TO BE MY GRANDMOSHER!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

*They roll on the ground fighting for awhile before breaking away from each other, out of breath but still managing to chuckle.*

Vant:<Heh, they must be close friends; I don't think that'll change for quite a while, if ever. Still... Kanako just seems so, beautiful...Ah, I can't let that get into my head right now. I need to work on getting these two back to their friends, if they're still alive.> "Oi, let's get some rest. We've got a lot of traveling to do tomorrow and I don't want to have to carry either of you."

(Day 5 6:00a.m.)

"...Why the hell am I carrying you?" said an irked Vant.

"Cuz it's too early to get up and try hiking." Yawned Suwako.

"Yeah, can't we sleep for a few more hours?" said a half-asleep Kanako.

"Look, the earlier we set out, the earlier we get to higher ground, and the earlier we find you friends. Besides, if you two hadn't stuffed yourselves and then rolled around playing games, you wouldn't be so tired... and YOU," *Points at Suwako* "Wouldn't be on my back; and I wouldn't have to drag YOU," *Points at Kanako* "in a cot behind me!"

Kanako:"Oh be quiet Vant! If you wouldn't talk, we could sleep and you wouldn't have to listen to us. *Moment of silence* "By the way, how do you have enough energy to keep us supplied, carry us, and hike uphill at the same time?"

"I have training and experience. I know how to pace myself."

"That doesn't explain the huge amount of mana that you have." said Suwako through closed eyes.

"Yeah, no human could possibly contain that much mana." said Kanako who was almost asleep.

"Do I look like an alien, or a demon? Oh, I know, maybe I'm a god myself! Just like you two!" Vant said flatly

"Alright, alright; you don't have to get touchy about it." Kanako retaliated.

"*sigh* Forgive me, I'm just testy since I have to carry both of you when your legs work perfectly fine."

"Okay let me down, don't want you to pass out and US have to carry you uphill." Suwako replied. "Still it IS curious as to why you have such a large reservoir. Perhaps you're maybe not human? *starts walking circles around Vant* "Hmmmm you seem human though. So why...why is it?"

"Do you have any artifacts on you?" Kanako asked. "Maybe that's enhancing your natural ability to produce mana?"

"Sorry, only got the clothes on me, and this water canteen."

"Wait, you're yakuza and you don't have any weapons?" asked Suwako.

"I lost my knife on a guard that got in the way of our escape. Idiots think that serrating their knives for added intimidation is the best thing in the world; problem is that it's hard to pull it back out...especially since it got hooked on the guy's rib cage."

"Damn, how'd you kill that boar then?" said Kanako.

"I took a rock, broke its left tusk off, and shoved it through its skull." Vant stated with a grin.

"Cool! Wait, its made of bone though, how'd you break it?" said Kanako excitedly.

"I've had this ability to....slow down time;'s not really slowing down time, but when you have a ton of adrenaline rushing through your system, you brain works faster and things "appear" to slow down, to your perception. I can manipulate this to do it whenever and so far, there's been no side-effects....though I've never done if for a long amount of time so... Anyway, while I slowed down time I noticed a fracture in the tusk, so I knew I could break it with the rock and that it was sharp enough, with my amount of strength, to pierce its brain." explained Vant.

"That's amazing!" exclaimed Suwako, "So your huge amount of mana kinda helps you with that, along with your stamina and all, but it still doesn't explain the supply..."

"Well...let's not dwell on it too much, okay? All things in good time, we're at the top of the mountain."

*Below the group was a small town in the base of the valley. A little higher up was a shrine that was almost hidden within a forest.*

"Well then, either the town or the shr-"

"THE SHRINE! THE SHRINE!! THE SHRINE!!!" both of the goddess yelled which caused a flock of birds to fly off from their perches in some trees.

"Alright then, I suppose we'll go to the shrine."

(to be continued)



Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #459 on: September 04, 2009, 08:36:10 PM »
Time: 7:30 Am Day 5 Place: Outside the shrine.

Jalal and Eirin were wandering about talking.

"I wonder why they had us lolis wear a sarashi. It's not like there was anything to see," Jalal asked.

"Well maybe pedophiles would target you if you weren't wearing one," Eirin replied.


Just then, a bear burst out of the woods and roared.

"A bear!" Jalal exclaimed.

'Oh no, I left bow in the room. I guess I'll have to use my martial arts to defeat this foe,' Eirin thought as she took a stance.

Upon seeing Eirin's stance, the bear took a crane stance. Thus, the battle began. Punches everywhere, flying kicks and impossible dodges.

And then Jalal cut in, "Hey! Stop fighting! Don't you know the saying? The more you fight...

Strike! Mr. Ando! Strike!"

The bear turned away with its head held in shame.

"I am no match for Mr. Ando," it said.

"Surely there must be a better way to resolve our differences," Jalal said.

"Indeed," the bear replied, "Might I suggest Brawling."

"Wasn't that what we were doing?" Eirin asked.

"No, I refer to Super Smash Brothers Brawl. Ah, but first let me introduce myself. I am Theodore O'Bear, but you may call me Ted."

"I am Jalal McWallace and this is my wife Eirin."

"Eirin? As in Eirin Yagokuro from Imperishable Night?"

"I don't know what your talking about," Eirin said.

"hm...well, if you knew, that would be breaking the fourth wall. Let me give some of the plot if you wouldn't mind.

"Go ahead."

"The full moon was stolen and the chosen heroine must go find out who did it. It turns out that Eirin hid the moon so that people of the moon couldn't capture Kaguya."

"Imperishable Night you said this was?"


"Well, that's sounds like me."

"Well, I always wanted to ask you something. How the heck are you supposed to beat Apollo 13 on Lunatic?!? It gets me every time!"

"Well I'm certainly not telling you. It's my card."

"*sigh* I suppose that's to be expected. Well, I shall go and retrieve my Wii and television for our match."

A few minutes later, the Ted had returned with the equipment.

"I have brought the stuff and we shall commence with the Brawl."

Jalal, Eirin and Ted Brawled in the lounge for an undetermined amount of time. No really, I don't know how long they were there. Or at least not yet.

(OOC: I mean that)
Little did he know, the shed was near Yuyuko, who was in a role-play of Dune. As a sandworm.


  • Have Faith.
  • *
  • And keep it.
    • NMforce
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #460 on: September 05, 2009, 04:19:16 AM »
After the Miko Training, Day 5 Morning

After the Miko Training and successfully get their clothes changed, Amarillo and Lily are walking out on the way to the shopping district of the town.

"Err.." Lily looked at their clothes, "When did you get these clothes?"

"Eh?" Amarillo looked at the clothes, it's a typical kind of school uniform, however, instead of the usual blue-white sailor uniform, their uniforms have a light orange and blue design. "This? It's from GA-01, they got that uniform for last mission, it's the school uniform that's coming from... err.. Hikari-or something school."

"School uniforms...... again?"

"Erm.. That's the first time. Last time we only said that we are students from a faraway school." Amarillo answers Lily's unasked question.

"Well, If you said so."

As they turned across the road, they are bumped into something.

"Whoa! Look for it!" Lily shouts as she jumped away to avoid a collision.

And it is revealed that running towards them is no one but Rinnosuke.

"Ms. Viridian, found you at last." Rinnosuke runs to Amarillo, seemingly holding something in his hands.

It is a piece of newspaper.

"I found this when the er.. people with green uniforms dropped these at the door, and I picked it up and saw this photo here....." Rinnosuke said with a very high speed.

"Just clam down first, then hand me the newspaper... or hands me the newspaper first."

Amarillo looks at one of the photoed news.

"THIS JUST IN!! A cool boy with a prop-lookalike sword had dispatched a group of Yakuzas that even the polices having no idea to deal of. This boy seems like an actor, however the details are not known, we will look into the matters as fast as possible."

Beside the news is the photo, which shows a boy with short hair kicking ass with a golden sword. Behind him stands a girl that's wearing some Chinese styled clothing.

"This girl looks like Meiling." Rinnosuke said.

"Just that?" Amarillo asked.

"Yes, pretty much so." Rinnosuke replied "I want to phone you, however the cell phone doesn't work." He pulled out the phone and BATTERY LOW are shown on it. "I cannot make phone call with it, so I think I may just come here to find you."

"Then what about the shop?" Amarillo gasped, "You left the shop open?"

"Err.. Yeah, I'm used to manage Kourindou like that." Rinnosuke grins. "I'll head back to there as quickly as possible, though." He runs away.

Amarillo facepalmed.

"He forget we are no longer in Gensokyo....." She murmured, "I hope his shop didn't get robbed..." She looks down at the newspaper photo, "And it seems that my brother is in position, He may arrive here by night. However if he keeps causing these *cough*--" Her words are cut by a sudden fierce cough.

"Are you OK?" Lily is frightened to see blood dripping down from Amarillo's hand.

"Ahh, just some nosebleed... caused by the output of the energy because of the training... Heh, that's not big concern."

"Really? When you said something was no big concern, you probably will faint in merely 30 mins." Said Lily as she looks at Amarillo's covered face.

"Come on, that's harsh." Amarillo moved her hands away and it seems the bleeding had stopped. "As you see I'm alright."

"Yeah, but your face is pretty ruined, you should find somewhere to wash your face first." Lily suggested "A girl with a bloody face is more like a Youkai."She added.

"Guess So." Amarillo sighed and walks away, trying to find somewhere to wash her face, "So the Miko training is for real, Hmm.." She thought as she looked around.

Break anything that stands between you and them!


  • Crimson Asuratic
  • Touhou, Disgaea, Neptunia. Holy Trinity
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #461 on: September 06, 2009, 07:08:23 PM »
Shrine Waterfall Area - Day 5 - 5:50 am  (from Pearl's perspective)

(while Reimu and Sanae give demonstrations and instructions on water ablutions)

Pearl and her team were preparing for the water ablutions and they listened in rather loosely to begin with. Kijiri and her team was near the back so they decided to wait until all the chatter died down so they can get the instructions again.  Pearl watched as Kijiri and Remi shared their scarf together looking like a chibi tsundere couple. 

Pearl: < teehee how cute I hope Daddy and Remilia-chan get along nicely >

She fantasized about having a 'mother' who was smaller than her and a vampire (which is why she missed most of the instructions on the water ablutions to begin with)

Komachi wasn't really caring too much since she just woke up more or less. She was more hungry than anything. Those yakuza jerks worked her more than shikieiki ever has and with no pay no less. Needless to say she was very sleepy still and even more than that hungry.

Elly was curious about the outside world and took in the scenery as they trodded the mountain path and recalled the beauty that Gensokyo also shared.  Like Komachi she was starving and still tired from being used by the Yakuza group excessively.

Rumia and Minoriko were gathering buckets of water to splash themselves with neatly. It ended up turning into a water splashing game. However after a while they started to sneeze and sat down near a prepared fire to warm themselves up.

Pearl: *pours a bucket of water over herself and then shivers*  bzzzzzz....cold.

Komachi: man why do we have to do the whole 9 yards of miko rituals? if we're here for techniques we should just learn what we can and be done with it. All this tradition and stuff is pretty meaningless.

Elly: Meaningless ya say.... -_- Humans are known for doing weird things and this isn't the weirdest for me.

Koma: true of course but dam talk about being so serious over nothing. *pours a bucket over herself* ahhh refreshing. man this is no where near the temperature of the Sanzu man.

Elly: what do you mean? Is the Sanzu River even colder than this?

Koma: sometimes yeah. That water can get so cold you instantly freeze. Other times it can get so hot you melt immidiately. Its a wicked river man, I look to the left of my Titanic and see steam and on my right i see chunks of ice. That River has a mind of its own i swear hahaahahha.

Elly was a little disturbed by the thought of a "Living River"

Elly: I-i see *sweatdrops* I'm glad i never saw that river before.

Pearl listened to her 2 comrades talk and she felt more at ease with things like this. She'd much rather stay in this situation with the refugees than have to fight again like how she and her dad did in their previous incarnations against Baal's armies. 
*insert the segment where Kijiri and Remi went through the water ablutions*
She looked over to her dad who has been lolified and genderswapped. She was holding a bucket in one hand and yelling at Anth for surprisingly splashing water on her and Remilia with her wings exposed and vampiric attributes returning. She started to get up to help them but Sanae shaded Remilia with a bucket and Kijiri lowered her mana levels to suppress Remi's original qualities. Pearl sighed a relief.

Pearl: I...wonder how dad and Remi met each other....

Koma: ara? how that brat and him met...I dunno *pours a bucket over Elly resulting in her shrieking a bit* probably was over something important. Not anyone would be willing to visit Remilia in Gensokyo. She's a rather dangerous vampire.

Pearl: oh? is she evil?

Koma: nah just brat hahah. a spoiled little thing who has everything done for her. She is rather powerful though so no one dared to oppose her in Gensokyo. To visit her was a rather rare thing to do.

Pearl: ohhh i see. what else is there?

Koma: hahah man your just as curious as the little devil. I'm not one to gossip but ah...(OOC: liar) I hear she covered the entirety of Gensokyo in a scarlet mist that blocked the sun for a few days without end. Apparently she did it so she can have parties at her mansion during the daytime and to go out freely during the day. I gotta say though it was rather gnarly man haha. But it was really making the summer air cold. and kinda chilly.

Komachi sat down next to Pearl and a shivering Elly as they waited a bit to dry off before doing anything else. Pearl was tinkering with her communicator as they waited for a bit. Making sure to avoid the self-destruct mechanism as she went.

Pearl: I'd imagine...blocking out the sun is dangerous for all life. Well...i guess its fine if your already non-living huh?

Koma: yeah totally. funny thin is she did it but it wasn't to end life or be malicious or destructive. it was just to party more and make herself mo comfortable. And she did it soon after coming to Gensokyo no less! hahaah. Talk about selfish man. She doesn't take crap from anyone and thinks that no one is better than her. Its rather rich if you ask me. I've seen many humans who died with that attitude and Shikieki-sama sent them straight to hell without as much as a second breath.

Pearl: but it seems like she's doing better now though right?

Koma: yeah i guess so. seems like things are better now that she got a boyfriend to settle down on. Not that i really care though but man, she was an interesting one back home that's for sure. She was one of those types that was horrible to have an as enemy but still not really one you'd have as a friend since she's really selfish and bratty.

Pearl: well there has to be some good thing about her. afterall she's getting along really nicely with my dad and some of the others here as well.

Koma: well yeah, she has great leadership abilities it seems. Hmm what else, a crapload of maids, powerful in both physical and magical aspects and can be faster than the average human eye can follow, charismatic, and elegant. She's a real aristocratic lady when you get to know her, and she's more curious than an army of cats, its rather cute sometimes. Though I've only met her a few times.

Pearl: teehee and you said you don't gossip.

Koma: ahhaha. yeah i know i'm a sucker for gossip. When your on the sanzu river ferrying a soul one at a time all day and it can't even talk to you i guess that happens to ya. ah man! i feel like Shikieki-sama woulda smacked me by now. ...even though i have no idea where she is i feel like she's still watching me even now *shivers*

Pearl: I'd love to meet your boss sometime. You seem to look up to her and fear her at the same time ^^ teehee.

Elly was listening in quietly and gathered the information on this "Remilia" mistress and was subconsciously comparing her to her own mistress: Yuka Kazami. Pearl was watching as Kijiri tickled Remi's backside to calm her little tantrum. Pretty much affirming everything Komachi just said as true. She chuckled to herself

Elly: < just like my mistress this Remilia person sounds powerful and dangerous as well. I wonder if mistress Yuka could beat her... I've only seen her lose 2 times in my entire life with her >..ACHOO!

Koma: hehe too chilly for ya eh? Your a youkai. ya gotta toughen up a little ya know? hahah.

Elly: ...yes...I should.  < When was the last time i fought seriously...i have gotten weaker as the years went on but as a gatekeeper for the Kazami mansion. one where no fool dares to come near i hardly ever get a chance to fight....I fell out of practice. >

Elly was a little depressed about things, how weak she's gotten and not knowing where her mistress was. Pearl started to feel a sting within herself somewhere but didn't know what it was and why it felt...sad. What she didn't know was that it was because of their shared links with each other. However her thoughts were interrupted when Orin who was being washed by Yamame let out a loud loud meow of protest to the water being dumped on her scratching Yamame  in the process.

Pearl: well we should get ready to start training soon...

Koma: bout time some action started lets go before i fall asleep again!

Elly:...*nodded slightly*

The girls got up and went to Reimu's side and waited a bit for more instructions

PEarl: is something wrong Miss Elly? you seem quiet.

Elly: *perks her head up from under her hat* huh? n-no i'm fine. i'm just....tired.

Pearl: I'm sorry we'll make sure you get plenty of rest when this is over. I promise it ^_^

Elly: t-thank you.

Such kindness Elly wasn't used to as well. Mistress Yuka's behavior was at times barbaric and unruly at times. In a way she was happy to be away from her mistress but she still enjoyed her company even if she was rather.... she thought to consider this a good break to prepare herself to become stronger. She didn't know how she'd do it but it had to be done. For her and her mistress sakes.

See the patterns, feel the patterns, become one with the patterns, avoid the patterns
In order to live through the patterns, you must understand the patterns for everything else there is MASTER SPARK.


Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #462 on: September 06, 2009, 08:03:30 PM »
9:10PM EST, Flight 999, over the Pacific Ocean, Day 4 EST

Marco Camacho continued to be disgusted by his fellow "members". None of them seem all that qualified to be a RAI force member. He felt used and inferior compared to the rest of the men he used to work with back in Canada.

"These pigs are nothing. They don't deserve to be here. Little bastards." he muttered under his breath. At the moment he was just surfing through the huge plasma TV hanging on the wall. Nothing much on, and the World Cup qualifiers have already went by, as he just watched them an hour ago.

Then suddenly he felt his phone vibrate, but no sound. He looked around to see if the others felt their phone go off as well, but no one either didn't notice, or their phones didn't even go off, as they remained in their normal activities. Marco took the phone from his pocket and noticed that he received a new text message from "Private Number". He opened the phone and began to read the message in his head, "Turn the channel to 573."

573!?, he thought to himself. This thing has cable? He quickly scanned the area around the plasma, but noticed nothing that could appear like a cable. No matter, he changed the channel regardless to 573 anyways, and surprisingly it displayed a man with sunglasses.

"Hello agents." the man said in a booming voice, which made the rest of the people in the room to avert their eyes towards the large TV. "My name is of no importance to you, if you guys are wondering who I am. All you need to know is that I am the spokesperson of the RAI force. All of you have been hand-selected by the boss based on your performance of your duties. This is why you are here. I am here to give you instructions on what to do when you reach Karuisuwa. Once the plane leaves, their will be a black limo waiting outside of the airport. He will take you to your next destination, which will be a forest at the border of the city. Inside that forest will contain a mansion which has mysteriously appeared after an 'incident' that occured. Your jobs is to investigate in that mansion inside that mansion. Marco Camacho, you are in charge of this team. That is all for now. Further instructions awaits you in the limo." and the man in the screen fades out, leaving the men in silence as they all focused their eyes towards Marco.

What? Me, leader of these bastards? he throught to himself. Oh god why these group a hags? Then he got up from the chair and said to rest of the agents, "Well you heard the man, I'm in charge of you guys, so whatever we find their, you'll have to give it to me!"

"And why the hell should we do that?" Fernando asked in a rough and irritated voice, "I don't have to listen to your pansy ass mouth."

Irritated by this response, Marco takes his pistol from his holster and pointed it at Fernando's head. "You will listen to me, or I'll have to file a report about your 'accidental' death."

Fernando chuckled under his as he didn't take the response all too seriously until he heard a click coming from the hammer of the pistol. "Heh, you must be serious then." Fernando responded with another chuckle as he turned his head towards the table. "Whatever then, 'boss'. I'm only doing this for the money and other riches we'll get from this. Don't think that neither I or the others in this room agree to this though." he said as he took a sip of wine from the cup that was originally on the table.

Marco placed the pistol back into his holster and sighed. Whatever, he thought to himself, whatever we're doing in that mansion, it better be quick.


  • Charisma!
  • *
  • O-ojousama!?
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #463 on: September 07, 2009, 02:44:54 PM »
- - -
« Last Edit: January 24, 2017, 02:17:30 PM by Helepolis »


  • What's punk? It's an explosion of suppressed dissatisfaction.
  • It's the roar of the soul!
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #464 on: September 08, 2009, 04:52:19 PM »
Hilly Forest Trail, Saniwa Grounds, ~6:08 AM, Day 5

Participants: Teams Drillkumo, Silent Sinner, and Ghostbuster: E-mouse, Theorist, and Xan

(OOC: Triple copost oh man

Dialog co-written, consolidation and extra detail by E-mouse.)

Two Lunarian princesses, their master, and their pet froze in their hiding place for the third time, to escape the curious look of a catgirl miko. After a moment, she turned away again to follow her own masters.

By some miracle, Team Silent Sinner had yet to be detected, despite the shimmering green of their most noticeable member.

"I still don't like this," Yori Lunablade grumbled, fingering the hilt of her blade, "Wouldn't it be faster if we just attacked her shikigami?"

Toyohime put a hand on her shoulder. "I told you, sister." She whispered, "We'll need to surprise Yukari if we're going to have any chance of defeating her, in our condition."

"Obviously it's all part of some sinister plot..." Nathanial muttered from next to her, "I'm not sure why it involves so many mikos, but I'm sure we'll get to the bottom of this soon."

Lunablade agreed. "It's that shrine maiden's fault, I'm sure of it. Yukari must have brainwashed her into giving away her powers..."

Reisen had a quiet question. "Umm... wouldn't that mean it's Yukari's fault?"

"Of course it's Yukari's fault!" Lunablade snapped back. "She's obviously--"

Toyohime cut her off with a sharp nudge. "Next spot." she whispered, pointing at another large tree farther along the trail. "That one. Quietly."

Lunablade grumbled. The group broke cover to sneak over to the next tree, peeking at their stalking victims through the underbrush.

They waited a second or two before talking again, after their earlier experiences with provoking suspicious miko glances.

Reisen had another question. "Who are those other girls? Toyohime-sama explained the kitsune, but..."

"I can tell one of them's human." Nate provided, with certainty. "But aside from that..."

Reisen was a little surprised. "Human? Which one? I know the girl with cat ears has to be a youkai, but the others... is it the little girl, or the one giving her a piggyback ride?"

Speaking of which, the piggyride-ee let out a loud sigh as her charge started chewing on a lock of blonde hair. She said something else, not quite loud enough to be heard over the noise of the waterfall.

The younger girl reached around to grab at her ride's breasts.

Nate was rather dumbfounded at this development. "... is she doing that on purpose?"

In retaliation, the older girl let go of the younger's legs in a bid to end their piggyback ride arrangement. Unfortunately, she forgot that her rider's other arm was still around her neck. The two toppled backwards onto the dirt trail with small cries of surprise.

After a moment, the older one had another comment to add.

"Damnit, Yukari!"

No sooner had the name "Yukari" been uttered, Lunablade ran full sprint towards her, drawing her katana as she charged towards the little girl.  "YUUUUUUKAAAAARIIIIIIIIIII!  PREPARE TO DIE!!!"

The reactions of Yukari's group were varied. The catgirl following them simply shrieked in fright. Yukari herself just tilted her head back to look at Lunablade, curious. Her shikigami darted in front of her protectively, incidentally giving Yukari an excellent view of her bloomers. Inexplicably, the human girl cried out in pain.

And, from out of nowhere, a blurringly fast figure ran into Lunablade's path, pushing her blade aside with one of its own, and momentarily knocking her off-balance.


Youmu skidded to a stop on the dirt past Lunablade, and turned to glare up at her, looking unusually serious and angry for a lolita. Her arms shook slightly, struggling even under the weight of a smaller wakizashi blade.

('Wakizashi' are basically smaller katanas - such as Youmu's Hakurouken.)

She took a deep breath, and her expression softened. Slightly. "Could you not attack Yukari-sama, please? Yuyuko-sama would be really irritated if her best friend got injured."

Lunablade stared at her in disbelief for a moment, and laughed. "What?! Are you kidding?! After all she's done to us?!"

"Wh... what..." the green-clad miko stammered, as Yukari crawled out from underneath her.

"I'm sorry, Midori-san, but it's an emergency." Ran answered her, tersely.

"R... right..."

Ran began walking towards Lunablade, flexing her fingers, a hint of fear on her face.

Lunablade glanced between Youmu and her newly approaching opponent for a moment.

There was a loud "hrmhrmhrmhrm!" of someone clearing their throat.

Toyohime waited for a moment to allow the others to look at her, and produced... a large paper fan.

She smiled.

"Sister, please restrain yourself."

Ran's eyes widened, and she quickly backed off. Midori struggled up on one elbow beside her and got a proper look at the scene.

"... oh, shit."

Youmu simply gave Toyohime a blank stare, nonplussed. "Uh... thanks?"

Lunablade stared at her sister in disbelief for a moment. She threw back her head and laughed. "Ahaha! Toyo, you really think that's going to stop me?! Even if I wasn't your sister, that--"

Toyohime cut her off by clearing her throat again, more loudly this time.

"Um... what's going on...?" Youmu asked, increasingly confused.

Nate had an answer about what he thought SHOULD be happening. "Stop it, Lunablade!" he cried, "I told you that we weren't coming here to fight!"

The gaudily-clad lunar princess just grinned at him. It wasn't a friendly grin.

"Maybe you didn't."

Toyohime was starting to lose her temper. "Yori! Stop acting like a petulant child! I know it's Yukari, but this isn't the time for that!"

"It's LUNABLADE!!" her sister cried back.

Speaking of Yukari.

"Yori-chan dresses so silly~"

Everyone turned to stare.

Lunablade looked back at her sister, eyes pleading. "Please?"

Jeremidori, in the meantime, had collapsed back to the ground in exasperation. "Yukari please don't be a fucking moron!"

Youmu was equally exasperated. "Could someone please explain to me what is going on here?!"

"Moon princess out for revenge," Midori grunted, painfully getting up on her knees again.

"That's right!" Lunablade cried, spinning around to face the Yakumos again. She pulled herself up to her full height. "I shall not stand down!"

She glared down at the loli-Yukari giving her an overconfident smile, flourished with her blade, and brought it down to point at her nemesis.

"Listen here, Yukari Yakumo! What you have done to me and my people is UNFORGIVABLE! The souls of those who died during your war cry out for VENGEANCE, and I am that vengeance given form!"

"Dramatic." Jeremidori muttered. The gap-loli next to her giggled.

Lunablade continued, voice rising as she got into her speech. "I am the Sword of Lunaria!  The Moon Princess Possessed by Divine Spirits!"

"Isn't that her sword, not her?" Midori muttered. Ran shrugged.

"Defender of love, justice, and the Lunarian way!" Yori - sorry, Luna - went on, "hear my name and tremble, for I am..."

She raised an open hand to the sky. "MAGICAL! ..."

Luna pulled the arm back down, extended the other to her side, and brought them back in with an odd cross, an odd selection of fingers extended. "WARRIOR!..."

Her bizarre gesticulations continued, proceeding through a brief wide-legged pose, twisting her body away from Yukari as she continued glaring over her shoulder, a final round of strange gestures...


Before ending with a rather distinctive pose with her pointing at Yukari over one elbow.

The whole sequence was eerily familiar.

Nate, Toyohime, and Reisen buried their faces in their hands for a moment.

"Oh, that's who she's imitating." Jeremy quipped, "I didn't recognize it over the clashing gaudiness."

"What?" Ran asked, dumbfounded at the ludicrous display.

Yukari just giggled again and pointed up at Lunahime. "Your hands look funny!"

Lunablade's eyebrow twitched.

And Youmu... stared at her in stunned silence. She slowly brought one hand to her face as well, shaking.


Her calm was... fragile.

"I don't really know what's going on here, but let me make sure I've got this straight."

Youmu's tone gave the others pause. Everyone looked at her.

She gave them a strained grin. "Okay, Yukari did something bad to you in the past, right?"

Yukarin clasped her hands behind her back and failed to look innocent.

Yoriblade, at least, took it seriously. Hysterically, even. "'Something bad'!?  She tried to invade my home and... And caused the deaths of a lot of people I cared about!"

"The First Lunar War..." Midori muttered. She started trying to bore holes through the back of Yukari's head with her eyes.

Youmu nodded slowly at Lunablade. "Okay... I've got that so far. So, you come down here and decide to kill her?"

"... I doubt they'd do that on their own..." Midori muttered, frowning. "Which would mean..."

Lunablade scoffed at the half-ghost's objection. "Of course!  She deserves nothing less!"

Midori glared at the back of Yukari's head again.

Youmu developed a nasty, dead-eyed smile. "... while she's basically depowered and has been reduced to a loli."

Yorihime wasn't too intimidated. "What better chance will I have against her?" she shot back, "I'd be stupid NOT to do this now!"

"She has a point." Midori mumbled to herself.

Yukarin kept smiling.

Youmu started shaking again. Even her voice was uneven. "... and yet you give this huge speech involving justice?"

A brief silence. Now Midori giggled.

"Somehow, killing defenseless people doesn't seem at all just." the half-ghost added, with a growl.

"Yukari?  Defenceless!?" Lunablade shrieked back at her, "She's a diabolical fiend, an enemy of all that is just! The right thing to do would be to strike her down before she regains her power!!"

"Right for who?" Midori asked, loudly.

Lunahime's head snapped around to glare at her, and she opened her mouth to reply, but Youmu cut her off.

"And another thing? Am I supposed to be worried about that fan?" she had also turned away, to glare at the other moon princess. "I mean, Yuyuko-sama uses fans in combat, but come on..." she raised her blade a little, with a nasty little grin. "... there are swords involved here. And it's made out of paper..."

Lunablade scoffed, and put her hands on her hips. "HAH! Don't flaunt your ignorance! If my sister uses the power of that fan, everything you can see will be purified at the atomic level!"

Jeremy snorted.

Youmu gave her opponent a blank stare. Then another disturbing smile. "... Okay. Ignoring the whole subject of Yukari for now, did you say that everything - EVERYTHING. I. See. - would be purified by that if you used it?"

"'Disintegrated' may be a better term." Ran added, nervously. Beads of sweat rolled down her face.

Lunablade grinned. "YES!" she crowed, "To the atomic level!"

"Everything?" Youmu repeated.

Yoriblade glared at her. "I just said--"

Youmu turned her gaze up to the top of the waterfall. "Including all those people up there?"

"... um..."

Lunablade cringed back a little under Youmu's glare. 

"Yes. Or. No."

"Ah, ah, well, um, maybe..." Yorihime mumbled, sweatdropping nervously.

Youmu began shaking again. "And you... you..."

The volcano erupted.

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?!?!" Youmu roared, at the top of her lungs. The trees nearby shed their collection of birds in a panic. "SWEET MERCIFUL SHIKIEIKI, I THOUGHT I HAD TO DEAL WITH LOADS OF ILLOGIC ALLREADY, BUT THIS JUST DOES NOT MAKE SENSE!!!"

Nate and Reisen nodded sagely, arms crossed.

Midori disagreed. "Actually, it makes perfect sense, just--"

Youmu cared for none of this, boiled over in confusion and anger. She shot a finger out towards Yukari.


"It's very fun~" Yukarin sang. Midori sighed.



Midori didn't get too far with her objection. "Well, actu--"

"SHE TRIED TO INVADE THE MOON!" Lunablade shot back, nearly screaming. "SHE... SHE KILLED THE ONLY PERSON I'VE EVER LOVED!   


Yukarin actually started to sweat a little under Jeremidori's glare.

"Did you seriously..."

Still, none of this stopped little Youmu's Unlimited Flipout Works. She snapped her sword over to point at Lunablade, shaking wildly. "A-AND YOU! WHY THE HELL ARE YOU DRESSED IN THAT SILLY OUTFIT?!?!"


Youmu ignoring this was not surprising, but somewhat more understandable. "I CAN'T DEAL WITH THIS ANYMORE![/i] URGE... TO... STAB... PEOPLE... RISING!!!!"

"Uh, Youmu..." Midori said, hesitantly.

Youmu's head snapped over to glare at her. The motion made her shaky grip on her wakizashi falter, the blade scraping on her fingers enough to draw blood.

She quickly fixed her grip on the blade and stared down at the blood on her hand.

Suddenly, Youmu was calm.

Thoughts among the others met a general consensus of 'Uh-oh.'

"Yes, that's right..." Youmu said to herself, dreamily, "Why do I even bother attempting to inject sanity into these things anymore?"

She looked up at Yorihime, a distant smile on her face. "Yes, just flow with the insanity... it seems to work just fine for everyone else..."

"I prefer insanities that don't involve copious violence." Midori whimpered, shuffling backwards.

Lunablade frowned at her opponent. "If you don't act with a calm heart, you'll never be able to control your sword properly! What makes you think you can challenge me?!"

Youmu brought her sword to the ready, still smiling silently.

"Will you two stop it?" begged Nate, "We only came here to get some answers, damn it..."

"Yori... Lunablade-sama, please..." Reisen added.

No such luck.

Lunablade staggered back under the ferocity of Youmu's first assault, a little alarmed at the perfectly calm, vacant smile on her face whist essentially flying into a berserker fury. But Lunablade wasn't the Sword of Lunaria for nothing! She managed to recover quickly enough, and the two traded blows evenly, Youmu circling around her constantly to little avail.

After a few rotations, a nasty grin passed over Youmu's face.



A second Youmu stood behind Toyohime, the blade of 'her' sword lightly pressing against the moon princess' throat.

The first Youmu continued smiling at Lunablade, positioned precisely between her and her sister. "Hehehe."

Reisen and Nate made their counterpoint to the en-formed Myon that had appeared out of nowhere. A handful of gemstones and a shaky rifle bayonet leveled themselves at the back of her head.

"B... back off!" Nathanial stammered, "Unless you w-want to get hurt!"

Neither Youmu really cared about this threat. Nate and his rabbit-eared squeeze realized the reason when Myon flickered a little.

"Nooow then." Youmu went on, smirking at Lunablade a little, "I think I have a nice little hostage situation set up here."

"Just put away all the weapons," Myon added, breath brushing Toyohime's ear, "We'll discuss this calmly, and noooooo one needs to get hurt."

The two Youmus grinned nastily again. "Yet."

"This... this includes your weapons, Youmu." Midori managed to say.

"After them."

Nate took the most reasonable course of action. "Lunablade, drop it.  Now."


Lunablade glanced nervously between the Youmu in front of her, and the sister past her. 

She squeezed her katana's hilt for a moment...

"... fine, then."

... and sheathed it.

Real-Youmu's smile turned a little less dead. "See, that was easy." She sheathed her own blade, the two sword holders looking rather awkward on her lolified form.

"Nice sword, I might add. Not as good as Hakurouken-" Youmu patted said weapon's hilt affectionately, "But a good quality sword."

Myon returned to its normal, near-transparent form and resumed floating above Youmu's shoulder.

"Um." Midori stammered.

"Now, can we speak calmly?" Youmu asked, finally returning to her usual level-headedness.

Nate sighed in relief. "Finally! That's what I originally inten--" He blinked. "Wait, what did you say your sword was called?"

"Hakurouken." Youmu answered. "Normally, I'd be using it in conjunction with Roukanken," she tapped the other sheathe with a finger, "But in my current state..."

"Hakurouken... And Roukanken!?  The... The White Tower Sword and the Lookout-Tower Sword!?"  Nate's face spread into an eager, fanboyish grin. "B-b-but those were supposed to have been lost centuries ago!"

Youmu blinked. "Eh? Hakurouken here has been my family's property since... well, a very, very, very long time ago."

"They disappeared along with the last master of Konpaku-style kendo!" Nate went on.

Youmu blinked again. Laughed softly. "Ahahaha. Yes, I suppose we did disappear."

Nate's eyes widened. "W-wait... You don't mean..."

Youmu smiled again, sincerely. "My name is Youmu Konpaku. That should answer your questions."

"Konpaku..." Nate echoed, dreamily.

Midori rubbed her chin, now sitting crosslegged alongside a tense Ran, with a Yukarin lounging in her lap and a Chen hiding behind her. "This reminds me, I should probably explain Gensokyo to the newcomers that aren't familiar with it..."

Nate gasped, attention thoroughly diverted. "G-g-g-g-Gensokyo?!" he stammered, "What do you know about Gensokyo?!"

"I'm FROM there." Youmu answered, a little testily. Nate affixed her with a fanboyish stare. "... and dear merciful Yama, stop staring at me like that. It reminds me of how Yuyuko-sama looks at her food at dinner..."

"Most of us are." Jeremy added, "If only as immigrants..."

Nate's staggered back a step or two. "Y-y-you're from Gensokyo!?" He gasped. Stared into space for a moment. "Just like that Letty woman Anthony met..." A grin. "Eheheh, this is getting interesting indeed~"

Youmu looked Nate over for a moment. "Mmm, I'm somewhat surprised you've heard of it."

Jeremidori snorted back a laugh.

"Though I guess having heard of my blades is rather more surprising..."

"Of course I've heard of it!" Nate cried, "It's been my lifelong dream to enter Gensokyo!"

A nasty silence.

Youmu's face fell. "I'm... afraid you're a bit late for that. We're kinda refugees at the moment. It's... vanished."

"Damn Kikuri..." Jeremy muttered.

Nate nodded. "Yes, I heard... if it's anything like what happened to the Moon, then..."

"So the Capital DID go down?" Midori asked. "Well, I guess it's the only possible reason for those two to be here..."

"Watazuki-chan never comes to visit~" Yukarin whined, from her lap. Midori rolled her eyes.

Lunablade jumped back into the conversation at this. "Why would we ever visit YOU?!" she cried, a hand on her katana's hilt, "After all you've done to us, why the hell would--"

"I'd appreciate it if you could put that somewhere out of reach." Midori cut in.

Myon silently floated back over near Toyohime. 

"Please, can we discuss the like... intelligent people?" Youmu pleaded.

Yukarin was in a whiney mood. "But that's booooooring!"

Youmu glared at her, sighed, and turned away. "Well fine, I'll just back off and let this nice lady introduce you to the sharp end of her sword."

"Raaaaan~ Make with the clawies~" Yukarin sang, standing up on Midori's lap.

"Yukari-sama, I really don't think this is wise..." Ran stammered, sweating profusely.

Loligap started tearing up. "Buh-buh Ran-oneechan, how cooooould you?! If my shikigami doesn't like me, then... then..."


Yukarin turned to find Midori glaring at her. Ran dabbed at a nosebleed around a set of unnaturally long nails.

"Is there anything I could possibly do to make you actually take this seriously?"

Yukari's face twisted into a cute, pouty frown. "Mmmmrrrnnnnn..."

Jeremy stubbornly refused to wipe the blood off her lip while it would interrupt her glaring.

Suddenly, Yukarin recovered, and stabbed a finger into Midori's cheek.

"Let me massage your boobs up to size!"



Yukari hopped out of her battery's lap and waved excitedly at the moon princesses in the area. "Ne, ne, Watazuki-chan, Watazuki-chan!

Do you know what the English-speaking Touhou fanboys call you?"

Midori's eyes widened in alarm.

Yukarin shifted into flawless English. "The moonbi----"

"OKAY!" Midori shrieked, "OKAY! If you're that eager to molest me, then fine! Just don't get us all killed!!"

Nate blinked. "...English speaking eastern fanboys?  Huh?"

Yukarin sat down next to Midori, smirking, but actually pretending to have some shred of dignity. Although she kept eyeing her battery's chest.

"No, Western." Jeremidori replied, heavily, "I expect Yukari's kept track of events from both sides of the pond."

Yukarin nodded vigorously.

This only confused Nate further. "But... I'm sure she said 'touhou'... I thought that meant 'eastern...?'" He frowned. "Or am I getting touhou and seihou mixed up again?  Japanese isn't my first language, I must admit, and I do make the occasional mistake."

Midori blinked. "Oh... man, I keep taking that for granted." She shook her head. "Yukari, I don't know HOW you set up that everyone-knows-Japanese thing for Gensokyo, but I'm well overdue on thanking you for it."

Yukari flapped a hand dismissively. "Oh, the foreign kids being unable to talk to anyone got boring fast. It's nothing big."

"I'm glad it stuck, though..." Midori trailed off for a moment, then shook her head. "To answer your question, you're right, but I'm actually referring to a game series that pretty accurately depicts Gensokyo."

She stared into space for a moment. "... wonder where ZUN is..."

"Back to the matter at hand, please..." Youmu pleaded. You KNOW it's bad when the most serious person around gets off topic.

She got back on it quickly, though. "Right, right. You were here for... what was it, answers?"

"And to--"

"No, Lunablade."

"I just want to know what's going on," said Nate. "A lot of strange things have happened recently, and the only leads I have are Gensokyo and Saniwa Shrine."

Midori eyed Lunablade. "And them?"

"...I have a mana contract with them." Nate said, "I couldn't just leave them at home, could I?"

"I figured that much," Jeremy replied, a little annoyed, "But what have THEY already told you?" He frowned at Toyohime and Reisen. "I take it they've already told you about what they've seen of Gensokyo, so I don't have to worry about that being a security problem, but..."

"Well, yes..." Nate admitted, "But they have no idea what happened to Gensokyo and the Lunar Capital."

Lunablade gave Yukari a nasty smile. "Nonsense, Nathanial, the culprit is right here!"

"If Kikuri were here, I'd be drilling her through the throat." Midori growled.

"Kikuri? Who would that be?" Nate asked.

Midori blinked. "Damnit, I need to be less sloppy." she muttered.

"Does she have something to do with all of this?"

"We're not entirely sure who it is, other than that she is responsible for what happened to Gensokyo." Youmu answered. She paused. "Or at least involved in it."

"AND a good bit of crap outside Gensokyo." Midori growled. "Honestly, the past few days..." 

"I take it this goes much further than that basketball game the other night, doesn't it?" Nate asked.

Jeremy laughed bitterly. "That might match it if the ball was an atomic bomb." She quipped. Considered for a moment. "Though I think Sho said that was the yakuza...?"

A realization. "Wait, that means you've met the Gensokyo group already?!"

Nate nodded. "In passing, yes."

Jeremidori's eyes narrowed. "Then I'm hoping you've spoken with Satori...?"

"Satori?" Nate replied, puzzled. "Can't say the name rings a bell..."

... his eyes widened. "...Wait, by 'satori,' you don't mean the mind-reading youkai, right?  They... they actually exist?"

"If it's a youkai, it probably exists." Youmu answered, "We even have a couple of western vampires."

Midori smirked. "There's a kitsune and nekomata right in front of you, if you haven't noticed."

"Ah..." Nate's gaze turned over to Ran, looking her over carefully. Ran glared back at him, one ear twitching. 

"With all that's been going on, I didn't really realize it..." Nate muttered. He trailed off for a moment, then frowned. "Wait... If she's a kitsune, and she's a nekomata..." Chen ducked behind Jeremidori as he pointed at her, "Then... what are Yukari and Konpaku-san?  They're definitely not human..."

He hesitated, and shifted uncomfortably. "Um... If it's, uh, not rude of me to ask, of course...?"

Youmu didn't particularly mind. "I am half ghost." She grimaced for a moment. "Don't ask how that works. And please, refer to me as Youmu."

Lunablade cut in on the other half of the question, growling. "And Yukari is the Youkai of Boundaries, no doubt seeking sympathy after destroying the Lunar Capital!"

Yukari just stared at her for a moment, then burst out laughing. "Oh, Yori, Yori, Yori, you can't be serious."

"Who else would want to ruin us?! Luna shot back, hotly, "Let alone be able to!!"

Yukarin tilted her head and smiled sadly. "I already failed at that once." she said, quietly.

"And you expect me to believe you haven't been planning this for the past thousand years?!" Yorihime snapped, "You'll stop at nothing, I know it!"

Yukari's eyes narrowed.

"Wouldn't it make more sense for whatever happened to the Lunar Capital to have the same cause as what happened to Gensokyo?" Youmu pointed out.

Yukari was unamused by Lunablade's accusation. "Do you honestly believe I would sacrifice Gensokyo simply to spite you?" Her voice was cold and quiet. Eerily intimidating for an about-seven-year-old.

"I just SAID you'd stop at nothing!" Lunablade cried. She had to stop her hand from grabbing at the hilt of her sword again. "You had no qualms about sacrificing an army of youkai trying to invade us!!"

Midori turned to look at Yukarin, frowning.

"No, sister." Toyohime cut in. Yoriblade spun around to glare at her. "When I captured her trying to sneak to the moon..."

"I still can't believe you didn't kill her when you had the chance." Lunablade snarled.

"I don't think I could have." her sister replied, "But... I DO know she could have fought back, and probably even snuck past me. But as soon as I threatened Gensokyo..."

Yukari gave Lunablade a smug smirk. "I think your sister understands better than you do." she said.

"Then again, your plans weren't exactly grandiose..." Jeremidori muttered, still eyeing Yukari.

"Well, no." Yukarin admitted. Smiled. "But they weren't malicious, either."

"It was a decoy!" Lunablade cried, "A distraction! N... no, a test!! To show that you could infiltrate the moon! You must have destroyed us from the inside out!!"

Yukari glared at her again. "... Yorihime, I am rather surprised you have not matured over the past millennium."


Youmu's hand slipped down to the hilt of her sword again. Despite the threat, Lunablade kept her grip - but didn?t move to attack.

"I am not the impulsive, greedy girl I was then." Yukari went on, clearly irritated, "I did indeed intend to conquer the moon, but I have learned since then. It was not worth it." A bitter smile. "... despite what noble intentions I would like to think I had."

"WHAT?!" Lunablade repeated, shrieking in disbelief.

Midori raised an eyebrow. "Noble intentions?"

"Yes," Yukari said. "I selected my allies for that invasion... carefully. Even then, I had a certain respect for humans... but as you can guess, many other youkai did not."

"... so, it was both a genuine invasion and the 'Yukarin can do no wrong' fanon interpretation of teaching the other youkai a lesson?" Midori asked. She laughed. "Oh, clever."

"A lesson?" Yukarin asked. She laughed as well, bitterly. "Oh, no. I tried to recruit my rivals, and those that were... particularly hostile towards humans." A dark grin. "I knew there would be many casualties."

"And for us, as well?" Toyohime asked, eyes narrowed.

Yukari was silent for a moment. "... that was my last-ditch effort to remove you two from the battle." she said, quietly. A sad smile. "Unfortunately, it only motivated you."

Midori was curious. "What was?"

Lunablade flashed her sword out, to point at Yukari. "That bitch killed our husbands."


Youmu sighed, and drew her own sword again. "Come on, let's not start this again... It will just end the same way, and we'll be in the same situation."

Lunablade turned back to glare at her for a moment... and reluctantly sheathed her katana again. Very reluctantly. "I'll warn you, you're only delaying my revenge..."

Nate managed to recover from his surprise a little. "She... she was married?" He turned to the bunnygirl next to him. "D-did you know this, Reisen?"

Reisen shook her head, slowly. "It's as surprising to me as it is to you... Although now I think I see why Lunablade-sama hates Yukari so much."

Nate nodded slowly. "Yeah, things make a LOT more sense now..."

"Is revenge even a good idea?" Midori piped up. She glared at the cosplaying(?) moon princess. "I mean, I understand being angry as hell about what she's done, but... after a thousand years...?"

"You expect me to just let her go for what she's done?!" Lunahime cried, "Do you know how many people she's killed?!"

"Not really," Jeremidori replied, "But killing her for that is rather... spiteful."

Yukarin gave her a sideways smile. "My, my. Talking so casually about killing me?"

"The situation rather demands it."

A small chuckle. "Perhaps."

"Spiteful?!" Lunablade spat, "What else do you expect me to do?! Forgive her for mass murder?!"

"Pretty much."


Smile. "Pretty much."

Lunablade started sputtering wordlessly, unable to express just how absurd this proposal was.

Youmu sighed heavily. "Look, now is NO time to be killing each other. We've already established that the destruction of Gensokyo and the Lunar Capitol are likely linked. Under the circumstances, wouldn't working together be a better solution?"

Yorihime spun around to face the half-ghost, and managed to get her voice working again. "Work together?! With HER?!"

"Quite frankly, I'd rather have the power of a thousand gods AND the demigoddess of boundaries on our side than one or the other." Midori added. Smirked. "'Both' is a wonderful third option to take."

A strangely cheerful expression slowly spread on Lunablade's face. "Oh, of course... you just want to use us for our powers, don't you?!" A short bark of a laugh. "HAH! Don't take me for a fool!"

Midori crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow. "So you want to restore the Lunar Capital all on your own?" 

Lunablade snorted. "Like I need your help..." she turned to her companions. "We'd be better off on our own, right?"

They didn't seem to agree.

"Lunablade, I don't think we could do that on our own," said Nate, propping back his glasses. "We need to work together, just like, um..." he trailed off for a moment, frowning at Midori. Shook his head. "Sorry, I didn't catch your name, but like what you said."


"Midori-chan." Yukari cut her off.

Jeremy sighed heavily.

Youmu nodded. "Yes, that's Midori-san."

"Did Yuyuko order you to call me that?" the girl in question asked.

Youmu twitched. "... no, why would she do that?"

"To aggravate me?"

Youmu laughed bitterly.

Nate paused at the odd exchange, but shook his head and continued with his rebuttal to Yorihime. "... right, just like Midori said. Um... Let's see..." He trailed off for a moment, looking over Lunablade's ridiculous outfit. And her flamboyant manner from earlier...

Nate cleared his throat. "Ahem..." Gave Lunablade a wide grin. "We shall pierce tomorrow with yesterday's foes and carve a path with our two hands!"

Lunablade flinched at the mention of hands, and glared at her Master Battery. "Nathanial, that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard." she scoffed, "Only an idiot would say that, let alone believe it."

"Hear that, Midori-chan~" Yukarin sang.

"Am I supposed to care?" Midori shot back, grouchily.

"Yori, stop being so stubborn."  Toyohime said, a tiny hint of annoyance to her invariably-calm voice. "At this point in time, this is... probably the best course of action." A grim smile. "In case you hadn't noticed, we're pretty weak right now, and need... all the help we can get." She sighed. "I mean seriously, Reisen's stronger than you right now!"

"I thought you were bluffing about the fan thing." Jeremy quipped.

Ran and Youmu blinked. "Wait, they were bluffing?" Youmu asked. She stared at Lunablade for a moment. "But she didn't seem like she was... GAH! It's all too confusing! I can't take much more of this!!"

"About the FAN, Youmu..." Midori repeated.

Toyohime half-grimaced, half-smiled. "I know we've had our... Differences in the past, but we need to put that aside for now." She sighed. "This might be the only way we'll be able to restore the Capital, Yori. Don't be so blinded by your hate that you'd refuse an opportunity to restore our civilization."

Lunablade gaped at her sister in disbelief. "Wh... even... even you're..."

"Hey! Youmu-san!" a new voice cried, from up in the trees.

The others looked up in time to see a girl in a blue dress drop from the trees, landing gracefully beneath a dark purple umbrella. She smiled at the crowd. "Boo~"

Youmu was surprised, either by her arrival or her actions. "Gah! Kogasa, what are you doing here?!"

The umbrella youkai stuck her tongue out at Youmu. "Yuyuko-san wants you~"

The half-ghost twitched. "Not..." Twitched again. "Not now." Twitching continued. "I'm BUSY! I AM NOT GOING TO DEAL WITH YUYUKO AND HER INANE DEMANDS RIGHT NOW!!"

"Hey, hey, Midori-chan, since they're busy..."

"Can it wait until we're sure Lunawhatever won't slice us up?"

"Aww, fine."

Kogasa cringed in fright under Youmu's glare, before ducking behind Yorihime's leg to hide.

"I SWEAR!" the little samurai cried, "EVERYTHING SEEMS TO BE TRYING TO MAKE MY LIFE HELL! IT'S NOT FAIR!" She slouched forward, and fell to her knees. "It's not faiiiiiiiiir."

She started sobbing.

The group fell silent.

Lunablade took a step towards Yukari's group.

"Don't." Midori, Ran, Nate, and Toyohime's voices echoed. Ran flexed her fingers for a moment.

Lunablade stopped, face twisting in rage and confusion.

Reisen was, somewhat surprisingly, more concerned with the sobbing Youmu between her and Yorihime. "Um... h-hey, it can't be th-that bad, right?" she stammered, trying to sound comforting, "I m-mean, uh..."

"It's not that bad." Youmu moaned, "It's wooorse..."

Reisen kept trying. "W-well, it, uh c-could be even worse, r-right?"

Yukarin grinned.

Youmu considered this statement for a moment.

She promptly dropped to her side and curled up into a fetal position, whimpering.

This was not a good sign. "Ah!" Reisen cried, "Um... oh dear, d-d-did I say something wrong...?"

Youmu just sobbed.

Reisen... hesitantly approached the crying half-ghost, reached out a hand, and... hesitated. ""Um... uh..." She gathered her courage, and took the enormous risk of patting her on the head. "Th... there, there... There's n-no need to cry, r-right?"

Lunablade stared at Youmu, half in disgust, half in pity. "What... What happened to you!? Have you no pride? No passion!? A true warrior wouldn't let such things reduce them to this state!"

She struck a pose. "Strike down your demons with the blade of justice!  Stand tall, with a heart full of hope and love! And in the name of the moon..." she adopted that... particular pointing pose once again. "...STOP ACTING LIKE A WUSS!"

Midori snorted back a laugh.

Youmu's sobs faded. She pulled her head up enough to look at Lunablade's rather encouraging smirk. Blinked through the tears. "A-ah... Thank you, um..." a small sweatdrop. "... what was your name, again?"

"I told you before..." Lunahime began, and moved into her highly referential posing sequence again. "I am the Sword of Lunaria! The Moon Princess Possessed by Divine Spirits!" The Point. "Magical Warrior Lunablade!"

Nate buried his face in his hands.

Youmu nodded slowly. "A-ah. Thank you, Lunablade-san."

Lunablade puffed out her chest, modestly sized despite the motion's potential as an immodest gesture. "A Hero of Justice needs no thanks! Thank me by living a life dedicated to the ideals of love, justice and the Lunarian Way!!"

Yukarin giggled, earning her a brief glare.

Youmu stared. "Er... W-well, I'll try the first two, certainly..." She took a deep breath. "Anyhow, I... kinda feel I owe you for that. A matter of honour, you understand."

"Well, if it's a matter of honour..." A sly grin crossed Lunablade's face.  "Hmmm... Your skill with the blade is most impressive for one of your age.  Yes, I think this would work out perfectly..."

Midori's jaw dropped. "Oh, god, don't tell me..."

Yukari broke into giggles again.

"E-eh?" Youmu stammered, blinking.

Lunablade pointed at Youmu. "Alright, it's decided! A magical girl can't work alone, so from now on you'll be my partner!!"

"What?! B-but... Well..." the half-ghost trailed off, and gave an off-key, high-pitched laugh. "Heeheeee! Oh, why am I even bothering with this sanity thing any more?!"

"Yes!" Lunablade crowed, "From this day forth, we'll be a team!" She paused, and rubbed her chin in thought. "But... But you need a name... A name fitting for a magical warrior... AHA!" 

Lunablade snapped her fingers and pointed dramatically at Youmu. "Alright!  From now on, you shall be known as... Mystical Hantsuki Girl Crescensoul!"

Youmu saluted, a mad grin on her face. "Hai! Understood, Lunablade-san!"

"Hmmm... But that outfit is SO wrong..." Lunablade wrinkled her nose at Youmu's Crescensoul's apparel.  "It just won't do for a defender of justice!"

"Why is this happening..."  Midori moaned into her palm.

Yukarin made the situation worse. "Me too! Me too!"

"For the love of--"

"Legendary Sukima Maiden Violet!" she cried, before giving Jeremy an innocent look. "Did... you say something about for my love...?"

"Not exactly."

Nate facepalmed even harder than before.  "Oh god, they're multiplying..."

Youmu gave him an eerie smile. "Is there something wrong with that~?"

"Yes." Midori answered, darkly, "Magical girls attract more attention than we can afford at the moment."

Youmu's gaze snapped back around towards her, still... smiling. "Oh, really..."

"And you're going to end up looking goddamn ridiculous..." Nate added.

Crescensoul apparently found this complaint irrelevant, and unsteadily approached Jeremy. She leaned in a little too close for comfort.

Midori leaned back and swallowed hard. "I... I know it must be tempting to have some f-fun with that, but i-if Kikuri finds us..." A trickle of sweat traced down her forehead.

Ran brought a hand between them. "Youmu-san, please..."

"Oh. Really."

The kitsune's fingers curled back a little, uncertain.

"Don't listen to them, Crescensoul!" Lunablade cried, "No-one will recognise you in your new outfit, anyway! No-one ever recognised the Sailor Senshi, anyway..."

Jeremy persisted in her objection, despite shaking like a leaf. "Th... that's because anime civilians are inept. I-I'm not going to assume Ki-Kikuri and her goons are i-idiots."

"I think the fact that they haven't ALREADY found us shows that they're pretty inept." Youmu replied, actually deadpan.

Midori fully regained her courage, if only for a moment. "No, she already did." she said, darkly, "But then we 'died.'"

"In which case she's less likely to believe any reports that we're still alive." Cresensoul countered, "And besides, she apparently wasn't too interested in Lunablade here." A childish chuckle. "And I certainly don't look like how I usually do."

"You say that as if she's only looking for people from Gensokyo."

"I think they're beyond all reason at this point, Midori..." Nate said, propping back his glasses. He sighed loudly.

"Besides, if they DID find us," Lunablade cried, before briefly switching to a stage whisper, "(not that that's ever going to happen)," And back to enthusiasm, "We'd just defeat them with the power of love and justice!"

"Oh for..."

"Indeed!" Cresensoul shouted. She leapt back into the open space between the two groups, and adopted the oft-abused Point Pose. "For, um..." her confidence wavered, "... puppies!..."

She trailed off, lamely. Beads of sweat formed on her forehead.

Yukarin giggled again.

"Um... We're going to have to work on your delivery a little, Crescensoul..." Lunablade said, a bit deflated at her apprentice's failure.

Youmu blushed furiously. "Uh, uhm... yeah..." she glanced around at the half-dozen people staring at her, then at the underbrush off to the side. "P-perhaps we'd better go confer over there..."

"Hmmm, alright then..." Lunablade said. She gave Yukari one last deathglare (received with a smile), and the two snuck into the bushes, whispering to one another.

Jeremy glared after them, still angry. "Do those idiots have any idea what we're..."

"Jere--" Yukari stopped, and corrected herself, "Midori-chan, we're not public yet, remember?"

Midori frowned at the gaploli sitting next to her. "Yeah, but antics like those are just..."

Yukarin put one of her hands on top of Midori's. "We'll talk to them later." she said, softly.

Jeremidori stared at her for a moment before blushing and looking away. "F... fine."

"I'm, uh, sorry about that," said Nate, as he approached Midori. "Lunablade's... Suffering from culture shock, I suppose."

Midori frowned. "... I didn't think of that. From what I've heard, the Lunarians wouldn't take too kindly to being stuck on Earth..."

The boy smiled nervously. "It doesn't help that she, um, got a little bit too into that Sailor Moon marathon..."

Midori gave him a deadpan look for a moment, then sighed. "Yeah, that'd explain it."

"Could've been worse, I suppose..." Nate mused. "Could've been something like, um,  Gurren Lagann or something like that." He shook his head. "I'd hate to see her act like someone from that..."


Yukari started laughing loudly.

Jeremidori just tried to avert her eyes from everyone else involved. "Ah, well..."

She was not fortunate enough to escape from her freshly-lolita'd charge, who reached through the neck of her miko-suit top --


-- and pulled out a vaguely conical rock on a necklace chain.

"Too late!" Yukari cried, "Midori-chan already took that one~"

Nate stared. "Um... Should I even ask?"

Midori grimaced for a moment or two, thinking. Sighed. "Yes, you should, and I should explain now rather than later."

She put one hand under the one Yukari was holding the rock in and waited for a moment.

"... um? Yukari?"

"Midori-chaaan, I remembered something~"

A pause. "... yes?"

"Welllll, now that Luna-silly isn't threatening us..." she grinned at the girl sitting next to her. "I think Midori-chan needs to make good on her promise!"

Midori turned Akai bright red. "Wh... what?!"

Yukarin planted her hands on Midori's breasts through the outfit and sarashi. "You know, this!"

Ran sighed heavily.

Nate... could only stare. "... so this is the great and powerful Yukari... You're, uh, a lot different than..." He trailed off. "Could you please stop doing that? It's... distracting. And I don't think Midori likes it too much, either."

Yukarin gasped, and looked up into Midori's face, eyes watering. "Mi-Mi-Midori-oneechan, th, that can't be true, I know you really..." She squeezed on the little bulges that remained on the sarashi, clinging like a frightened child.

Then again, it's doubtful she was actually frightened.

"Uh, I..."

Another squeeze.

"S... stop that, please."

Yukari's lip quivered, and she burst into tears. "WAAAAAA! Midori-chan doesn't love me!!"

Ran sighed again, ears drooping.


Everything Nate knew was a lie. "I... I refuse to believe that this is the same woman Lunablade's been going on about." He rubbed his forehead with a palm.  "I mean, this is just... I don't know what this is..."

"THIS! IS! GENSOKYO!" Kogasa cried, from the hem of Toyohime's skirt. She was rewarded with several shrieks of fright and a stray heel to the gut.

In a well-hidden, undisclosed location nearby, a small figure brought her palm to her face. 'I KNEW I should never have introduced her to that meme...'

"D-d-don't do that, damn it!" Reisen cried at the umbrellagirl, shaking like a leaf.

"Eee! I scared you guys again!" Kogasa cried, ecstatic, "I'll have to thank onee-san for her advice on scaring people~"

Midori drowned out Kogasa's fright show with a shout. "WHAT THE HELL, YUKARI?!" She dropped to a quieter voice, but still loud enough to be heard over Yukarin's (almost certainly false) tears. "I thought I asked you to be serious?!"

"Buh... buh... but now Luna-silly's away, so Yukarin thought... Yukarin thought..."

Jeremidori looked up at the underbrush Lunablade and Crescensoul had retreated into, and frowned. "... you're sure she won't attack us?"

Toyohime giggled. "Somehow, I doubt it.  She seemed a little... too eager to turn the Konpaku girl into her prot?g?e~  I think she'll be gone for a while."

"..." Midori was silent for a moment. Sighed, and looked at Yukari. "... I don't suppose I could ask for it to wait until we're in private?"

Yukarin dried her tears in a flash. "Nope!"

Loligap let go of the drill-rock-thing in her hands, and promptly stuck both of her arms into Midori's top. For some reason, they migrated around towards the back, groping around for something.

"... um, Yukari...?"

"The sarashi just gets in the way!" Yukarin cried, still searching for the end 'tab' of Jeremy's undergarment.

Nate sighed heavily. "I think you've gone just far enough for now, Yukari." He grabbed the mischievous little sukima from behind and tried to pull her off of Midori.

Yukarin held onto her victim for dear life. Jeremidori flinched as gapnails dug into her back.

And Yukari started crying again.


Ran facepalmed, and mumbled, "Why does she always act like this..."

"Because she knows how to abuse the Border of Moe, I expect." Jeremy grunted.

"Midori-oneechan, your knight in shining armor is a meanie! A meanie!! Make him let go! Make him let gooo!!"

"What?!" Nate and Midori shouted, simultaneously. 

"J-just be quiet, y-you!" The (current) boy continued, blushing slightly as he pulled fruitlessly on Yukari. He was met only with a loud wail.

"Yukari, stop it!" Jeremy demanded, red-faced, "Could you possibly be reasonable about this?!"

"Midori-oneechan promised I could play with her if I stayed serious about Luna-silly!" Yukarin whined, "Now I wanna plaaaay!"

Midori tried to plead with her. "Then could it possibly wait?! Or at least have s-something still covering me?!"

"But Yukarin was serious!!"

"... even about the 'Magical Gap Whatever' bit?"

Yukari's wails stopped suddenly. Nate managed to yank her off of Midori, at the cost of a small yelp from fairly deep scratches on her back.

Nate sighed at the squirming child in his hands. He carefully lifted Yukari up and offered her to Ran. "Could you look after her for a moment, Miss Kitsune?"

Ran gave her master a rather... grim look. "... certainly."

Nathanial nodded as mini-sukima changed hands. "Thanks. Now maybe we could have a serious conversation."

"But Yukarin wants to play with Midori-chan!!"

Nate sighed, and shook his head. He looked at Midori again. "Ah... I'm sorry if that hurt.  I just... couldn't put up with her treating you like that for much longer."

Jeremidori snorted. "Thanks. She's gotten a little... touchy."

The two fell silent for a moment, ears ringing with Yukarin's wails.

"I wanna play with Midori-chan! She promised!!"

"Shh, Yukari-sama, shh, I'm sure you can... get to her later." Ran said, trying to soothe her. "Ow!"

"Yu-Yukari-sama, please don't pull on Ran-sama's tails..." Chen pleaded, softly.

"... but I'm not sure how far we'll get with 'serious conversation' with her acting like that." Midori pointed out.

Yukari's whining suddenly stopped. "Yukarin will be serious if Midori-oneechan lets me play!"

Nate glared at her for a long moment, and sighed. "... maybe we should go somewhere else, then.  Somewhere away from the perverted youkai."

"Buh, buh, buh..."

A watching shadow in the forest giggled.

Midori looked at Yukarin for a long moment, and sighed as well. "... no... let me try something first. Hey, Ran, think she'd stick to it if we struck a deal on this?"

"... most likely, yes." Ran replied. Yukarin nodded vigorously in her arms. "Yukari-sama is... true to her word if pressed on it."

Jeremy nodded. "Well, then, if it's alright...?"

Ran shrugged. Yukarin squirmed in her grip and put on her best eager face.

"Midori-oneechan, Midori-oneechan, can we play?"

"If you're reasonable about it." Midori answered. "You goofed, so you aren't getting the full... package." She shifted uncomfortably. "Figuratively." Took a deep breath. "Sarashi stays on. I get to face away from the others. And no untoward shenanigans from you, or the deal's off."

Yukarin screwed up her face in thought for a few seconds, then nodded. "... okay, Midori-oneechan."

"Well!" Nate said, "Now that THAT'S sorted out..." he reached down and offered a hand to Midori to help her get to her feet. "Let's go, then."

Surprisingly, she only gave the offered hand a blank stare.

"What?!" Yukari cried, "I thought it was going to be NOW!!"

"And that's what I meant." Midori said, reluctantly. She sighed, and nodded at the stunned look on Nate's face. "Sorry, we're both a bit too practical about the whole mana battery business."

The boy shook his head in disbelief. "... I have no idea how you can put up with her."

"She wasn't nearly this bad before she got lolified." Jeremy replied, deadpan. Yukarin hopped off the ground a little after being released by her shikigami, and eyed her battery's chest greedily.

Nate sighed. "... very well then..." He averted his eyes. "Just... Make it quick.  I hate to even think about someone doing something like that to a girl."

"Q... quick?" Yukarin asked, "I thought..."

"Until I'm done talking or something important comes up." Jeremidori answered, before another nuance to the argument sprung up. She spun around on the dirt to face away from the others, took a deep breath, and let the top of her miko suit fall to her waist.

"Brr. Chilly."

"Hmhm, so that means--"

"No shenanigans, Yukari."

"... sowwy, Midori-oneechan."

There was an uncomfortable silence as Yukarin got into position on Midori's lap and began her... massages. Most of the others turned their back to the two, a bit disturbed by the scene. Jeremidori herself kept her eyes closed to avoid the look on Yukari's face.

"S, so, um..." Nate stammered, looking off into the trees, "L-let's j-just start with that basketball game. What was that about?"

"No idea." Jeremy replied, deadpan. "Unfortunately, I was out cold until... a few hours ago, when Reimu started with her... shrine maiden recruitment. All I've heard was it involving the local yakuza." A blind smirk. "I don't suppose you could tell ME more?"

Nate shook his head. "If I knew more, I wouldn't be asking. I'm almost as confused about the whole thing as you are. Anyway..." He trailed off, and sighed.

After a moment, he came up with else to ask.  "Um... So, uh, what's with that necklace you have?  Is it, um, a relic of Gensokyo or something?"

"Ah, well..." Midori was a little uncomfortable about this question. "... yes, and no. It's... a magical relic I got in Gensokyo, but I don't think it originated from there."

"I see... So, um, if it's a magical relic, does it have any powers?" Nate asked, "I'm, uh, quite knowledgeable when it comes to the occult... I might be able to help you identify it and its origins, if you'd like."
The solution to all of life's problems!

#1 Rin Satsuki Fan~♥
"For hearts long lost and full of fright, for those alone in blackest night, accept our ring and join our fight... Love Conquers All -  with violet light!"


  • What's punk? It's an explosion of suppressed dissatisfaction.
  • It's the roar of the soul!
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #465 on: September 08, 2009, 04:53:16 PM »
Jeremidori smirked. "Oh, I've got a pretty good idea of its origins. Have you heard of the Covenant?"

"I... can't say I have..." Nate answered, wonder in his voice. "Go on..."

"The... Covenant?" Toyohime echoed. "That old fairy tale? That's supposed to be a relic from THEM?"

Jeremidori nodded, grinning. "Yep. And if you don't believe me, we've got a whole underground base from them under the shrine."

Toyohime's mouth fell open in shock.

"Underground base... So totally called it..." Nate mumbled. Cleared his throat softly. "Ahem... so... wait, this 'Covenant' is supposed to be a fairy tale to the Lunarians? How old ARE they, anyway?"

"No clue. A hell of a lot older than Gensokyo, that's for sure." She risked opening one eye for a moment to look down at Yukari. "And if I recall what Yukari told me correctly, older than the Lunarians."

"And older than me~" Yukarin sang.

"They must be really old, then..." Nate mused. He shook his head. "Well, I suppose there'll be time to ask about them later. As for the necklace... Does it actually do anything?"

"Ah, well..." Midori was a little hesitant.

Something distracted her.

"Ah, ahh!"

"Ooo, Midori-chan liked that, didn't she~"

"Shenanigans, Yukari!"

Yukari... stopped her more provocative massage, smirking.

"Freakin'..." Jeremidori sighed. "Well, as I was about to say, uh... it's... basically operating like TTGL's Core Drill."

Nate was still blushing deeply at the sound of Yukari's latest antics. "Um... Uh... R-r-right..." He blinked. "Wait, what was that? It's acting like the Core Drill? Uh... I, uh, don't think I've heard of anything like that before outside of anime..."

Midori scratched the back of her head with one hand. "Well... to be honest, I think it's only acting that way because I expected it to. Considering the generator I heard about in the base, it's more likely this is just some sort of mana generator itself. Or amplifier." ... a smile. "Or maybe converter." She 'juggled' the Drill in one hand. "But either way, I get the feeling it runs on Awesome."

"Well, let's just hope you don't get all angsty anytime soon... I'd hate for it to cause the Third Impact or something like that." Nate chuckled under his breath.

Midori was silent for an uncomfortably long time, before managing a weak laugh. "A...haha... yeah... hope so."

"But anyway, all jokes aside..." Nate went on, "You really mean that thing lets you, um, well, basically rape the laws of physics if you start acting like a raving lunatic?"

"Most forms of magic tend to rape the laws of physics." Midori countered, dryly. "But... yes. When I... flipped out during the last few hours of Gensokyo, I... pretty much turned an airship into an imitation Gurren Lagann. Complete with signature move... so to speak."

... she fell silent for a moment before continuing. "... but now, that's all getting siphoned off to keep the Yakumos alive..." A smile. "Well, almost all. Apparently I've... gotten stronger, and now... well, I'm glad Ran and Chen can look human, at least..."

"...Still say the Super Inazuma Kick's way better than that silly drill..." muttered Nate, mostly to himself.

Midori grimaced at the comment, but declined to reply. Unfortunately, the lack of distractor stimulus left her a little more focused on Yukari's molestation procedures, leaving her red-faced.

"Noriko was a much better protaganist, anyway... She relied on hard work and guts, not some bullshit deus ex machina like Simon..."


Nate wondered if it was safe to see why Midori sounded annoyed.

"Could you please not insult me like that?"

"Hmmm? I wasn't insulting you... I was just saying that Gunbuster's better than Gurren Lagann, that's all." The boy took the risk and turned his head slightly to look at Midori.

Jeremidori bristled slightly, shoulders twitching in suppressed irritation, but the voice of a little girl cut in before she could respond.

"Hmmm, what's that? Mecha anime discussion I hear?" A hint of mischief, from an 'unoccupied' region of the underbrush. She giggled for a moment.

A young, pink-haired girl burst from the cover of a nearby bush, loose twigs covering her blue miko clothes. She grinned widely, and shouted, "REAL ROBOTS FOREVER! EVANGELION IS THE ONLY GOOD SUPER ANIME! SEED DESTINY ROCKS!"

Midori opened her eyes and turned to glare at the newcomer. Then she saw the pink hair, and groaned. "Oh god, not her."

Nate's head snapped over with the same purpose, with more directed annoyance behind his gaze. "Everyone knows super robots are superior!"

"Well, naturally." Shoko replied, smirking. "I was trolling you guys. At least you two have your priorities straight!" She chuckled. "Seriously, you actually believed there's someone out there who would actually HOLD those opinions?"

Nate stared for a moment, and nodded."...Good point."

Yuyuko's twin smiled. "That said, stick with the classics. Shin Getter Robo is far superior to BOTH your series of choice."

Midori bristled again. "Frankly, I'd rather not--ah!"

"I didn't do it! Midori-oneesama just moved too much!"

"Bah, the original Getter Robo outstrips all of the remakes and you know it." Nate shot back.

Shoko nodded agreeably. "Arguable. Besides, Shin Getter punches out GOD. Beat that."

The other open otaku in the area didn't have an immediate answer. "Um... Well, uh..." Realization. "Ideon destroyed the Universe!  Beat THAT!"

The lolita one smirked again. "Just the galaxy, actually. Memetic mutation at its most ridiculous. Impressive, yes, but not THAT insane."

"W-w-well, uh... Yeah... I suppose so..." Nate wracked his brain for a comeback. "But, uh, Gekiganger was so great the the Jovians based their entire civilization on it!"

Shoko laughed confidently. "Ahahaha. Getting meta, are we? But there can be only ONE true winner. And it shall be the one," she pulled back both fists, "The only," jumped into the air, punching up at the sky, "GENESIC GAOGAIGAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Nate pumped a fist at the sky as well. "YES!" he cried, "NONE STAND ABOVE THE KING OF BRAVES!!!"

Jeremidori glared at the two mecha otaku for a moment, and sighed. ... added an "Mmnph." She looked down at the gaploli sitting in her lap, still playing with her breasts.

"I... I think you can stop now."

"Aww, do I really gotta?"

"Frankly, I'd rather not deal with two child molestests at once."

Yukari's face turned to a pout.

Shoko let out a sigh of contentment. "Ahhhh, I've got to show Youmu THE SWORD THAT SMITES EVIL one of these days..." She frowned, remembering. "Speaking of which, have any of you seen her? Yuyuko was looking for her."

"Wonder how they're going to patch things up." Midori muttered.

"Oh, they always do." Yukarin replied.

"... didn't I just ask you to stop?"

"Ah, well..."

"Oh, Youmu?" Nate replied, eager to help his sudden friend. Paused. "Um... Well, uh, the thing about that is..." He sweatdropped, uncertain what to say.

"She's a bit busy right now." Midori said, pulling her top back up.


"Yukari, I said that was enough."

A pout. "Awwww..."

"And we'd agreed to something like this."

"Awwwww." Yukarin suddenly grinned. "They were really soft, though! And it was really hard not to squeeze them, it fel--"

"SHENANIGANS!" Jeremy barked, shuffling back to try and escape the gaploli.

Midori felt her skin crawl a little as Shoko's gaze bored into her back. "Awwww... lucky Yukari..." she said, dreamily.

"Try it and I WILL hit you." Jeremidori replied, voice shaking nervously.

Nate gave Shoko an odd look, shook his head, and muttered, "Thank god I'm not a girl, then.  No way I'd want a bunch of lolis all over me like that..."

"Hey, this isn't my natural age!" clone-Yuyu replied, sounding mildly offended, "Eirin needs to test her medication better!"

Toyohime giggled. "Ah, I see Yagokoro-sensei still hasn't changed, then..."

"...Well, maybe it wouldn't be so bad if you were older..." Nate mumbled. Blushed and shook his head to chase away the thoughts that had just invaded. "Um, I mean... so, this is where Eirin's been staying?  I KNEW I should've come here for answers a lot earlier..."

Shoko nodded. "Indeed. She's managed to get EVERYONE here annoyed at her for one reason or another... though I suppose I don't mind too much."

Nate was mildly disturbed. "What, do you like being a little girl or something?"

The yuyu-clone shrugged. "No, but it has its uses. It's a lot easier to avoid attention." A wide grin. "No one EVER pays attention to little kids!"

"I suppose so..." The only guy present frowned. "Still, isn't kinda difficult coping with it when you've been a grown woman for so long?"

Midori threw her head back with a barking laugh. "HAH!"

"Heh. I'm not that old." Shoko put a finger to her lips and stared off into space for a moment. "Yuyuko, on the other hand..." Chuckled. "Well, you'll meet her soon enough." Frowned. "Which reminds me, I really need to get this hair dye out. It was funny, but the joke has gone on too long."

"At least then I'll know which one to avoid more." Midori muttered.

"Who is this Yuyuko, anyway?" Nate asked, "Youmu kept mentioning her during her breakdown..."

"Ah! Yuyuko Saigyouji. Princess of Hakugyokurou, ghost, and Youmu's boss." Shoko summarized. She smiled. Looks exactly like me, given I've dyed my hair and dressed up like her."

"Hmmm, I see... Yes, she sounds very interesting.  I look forward to meeting her~"

"Though she's normally not a loli, either." Midori added, out loud.

Shoko nodded. "Indeed." Paused for a moment. "So, I think we need to formally introduce ourselves. I'm Shoko, and you are?"

"Hmmm?" Nate blinked. "Oh, where are my manners?!" He held out his hand to little Shoko. "Nathanial Theodore Wrist.  But please, call me Nate."

Shoko shook the offered hand genially. "Pleased to meet you. I see you've already met Midori-chan here."

Nate gave Midori a nervous look. "Um... Yeah... I really hope we didn't get off on the wrong foot. She seems like a nice girl, really."

"Indeed~" the little yuyu-clone sang.

Midori considered for a moment, and glared down at Shoko. "... you just had to ruin the meaning of 'nice girl' in that sentence, didn't you?"

Shoko ignored the remark, and smiled at Nate. "And you're certainly a nice guy. Glad to see some guys around here, not that it's going to do much to change the huge gender imbalance we've got."

"Well, uh, tha- Wait, gender... Imbalance?" He frowned. "What do you mean by that?"

"There are approximately two named males in Touhou." Jeremidori answered.

"Let's just say that Gensokyo's population is somewhere around 90% female." Shoko added.

"Ah... Alright then..." Nate said. A wistful tone entered his voice. "... Sounds like a nice place..." He realized what he was saying, and suddenly turned red. "Um... I m-m-mean, uh, n-not because it's f-full of g-girls or anything!"

Midori just smirked at him.

"What, there's nothing wrong with being interested because it's full of girls..." Shoko said, with a small smile. "That said, Midori and I are both non-natives."

Toyohime giggled.  "Of course not~ You're a healthy young man, Nate, so it's only natural!"

"Oh!" she cried, remembering the intent for the current situation, "And I'm Toyohime.  Watatsuki no Toyohime." She smiled down at the mecha-lovin' lolita. "Charmed to meet you, Shoko~"

Nate didn't want to let her earlier comment go. "I'm telling you, that's not-" He blinked. "Wait, you're not a native Gensokian?  So... you came from this world...?"

"Dunno." Jeremidori replied, "Considering how many others from outside had supernatural powers, and that I'm pretty sure no one had ANY in my home world - at least - I suspect the immigrants are from a bunch of other worlds."

"Hmmm, I see..." Nate said, "Makes sense, I suppose. There's many theories out there about infinite alternate worlds, so..." He frowned. "...I'm sure Professor Okazaki wrote something about that, actually..."

Midori raised an eyebrow at the name.

"True, but we can assume that the three of us are probably from the same world, or at least ones that are ridiculously similar." Shoko pointed out, "If only due to the fact that we all seem to be familiar with the same anime..."

Nate smiled. "Yes, that's probably right." The smile faded, as he looked between the two battery-girls he was speaking with. "But... You both got into Gensokyo?  How?  I've been searching for a way for years now, not that it'll do any good now..."

Shoko chuckled. "Believe me, it was pure luck in my case. It's not something you find by looking. You tend to just stumble into it unexpectedly."

Midori hesitated for a moment, then jerked a thumb at yuyu-clone. "What she said, pretty much." She shook her head. "I still don't get why I got brought there."

"Because it's fun!" Yukari explained.

A sigh. "I suppose I should have guessed..."

"I... I see..." Nate said, face drooping slightly, "... I guess I just wasn't lucky enough, then..."

Jeremidori had a counterpoint. "Or unlucky. I remember reading that most humans brought to Gensokyo from the outside world are intended to be used as youkai chow, since the ones inside generally have diplomatic immunity." A pause. "And can fight back."

"Hey, I can handle myself." Nate objected, "I have a few tricks up my sleeve which would've given me an edge against any youkai..."

Shoko chuckled. "You don't know much about youkai, then."

"I've read all about them, actually. I've perfectly memorized the strengths, weaknesses and habits of the mythological creatures of every corner of the globe."  Nate tried his best to make this sound like a great achievement, but really just ended up sounding like an obsessed nerd.

Yuyu-clone raised an eyebrow. "Impressive. Just keep in mind those aren't always accurate, and a lot of Youkai aren't easy to categorize. Like Yukari there."

Yukarin waved eagerly, clinging to Midori's hakama.

Nate stared at her for a moment, then slouched forward in defeat. "...I suppose so."

"Um... Cheer up, Nate!"  Reisen said, in an encouraging tone. "I'm sure you would've done alright if you ended up on the moon."

Midori chuckled darkly. "Ohhh, not from what I've heard."

Nate had higher priorities. "Heh, maybe... At least I would've met you a lot earlier."  He paused for a moment, and blushed. "Um... I mean... Ah..."

"Oh... Uh..." The bunnygirl turned red as well. "W-well, th-that would've been nice, I s-suppose..."

Midori silently chewed on her lip.

"Ne, ne, Midori-oneechan..."

"I'm not going to like what you're about to say, am I?"

"Does 'fucking like rabbits' work for all rabbits?"

Jeremy buried her face in her hands.

Shoko winced. "Ouch, that's a low blow, Yukarin... though if it's true...~"

Reisen turned an even deeper crimson and mumbled incoherently under her breath whilst fiddling with her tie.

"Th-that's n-not... I m-mean, we're n-not... Uh... Um... SHUT UP, YUKARI!" Nate yelled, blushing just as red as Reisen.

Midori's voice was heavy. "I believe this is the appropriate response, yes."

Ran cleared her throat. "... carrying on with the introductions, I am Ran Yakumo, Yukari-sama's shikigami."

"Um... R-r-right... It's nice to meet you, Ran."  Nate offered his hand to the kitsune, somewhat thankful that she seemed more serious than her master.

The kitsune gave his hand a firm shake. "I must... apologize for her behavior. Whenever she decides to look like a child, well..."

"... she starts acting like one?" Midori finished, since Ran wouldn't.

"Of course~"

"Uh, uhm." Chen stammered, "B-but it's kinda fun being her oneechan for a while..."

This earned her the center of attention. She ducked back behind Ran's tails and peeked out nervously.

"It's alright, Chen, I won't let them hurt you."

Chen looked up at her master for a moment, and timidly stepped out into the open again. She bowed at the others present. "M-my name's Chen, and I'm Ran-sama's shikigami!"

Shoko suddenly pointed behind Reisen. "And the one with the boatlights there is Kogasa. Youkai Umbrella, sneaky little girl, and pretty much my adopted sister~"

Kogasa jumped at the motion, looking a little guilty. She stepped away from the moon rabbit a little.

"Youkai umbrella? You mean a karakasa?" Nate asked, staring at the girl in fascination. "Ah, yes... Yes, it's very nice to meet you, Miss Kogasa..."

Kogasa recovered quickly from the prevention of her eargrab plans, and gave him a smile. "Eeeee~ Nice to meet you as well, mister~"

"Um... Anyway..."  Nate straightened up and gave Reisen a pat on the back, provoking a blush. "This is Reisen, my, uh..." He paused in thought for a moment. "My, uh..."

Moonbunny 2 reddened further. "Um, yeah... I'm his, uh..."

"Charge?" Midori suggested.

The two deemed this acceptable. "Um... Yeah..." both Nate and Reisen said, with a sigh.

Shoko smiled. "Pleased to meet you, Reisen."

"It's, uh, n-nice to meet you all, too."  Reisen bowed deeply.

"Yeah." Midori seconded. Frowned. "Though, do we have the other Reisen here? That could be confusing..."

"...There's another Reisen?" Nate and Reisen asked.

"Oh!" Toyohime cried, "The original's here, too?" She smiled. "Well, I probably should have guessed - she DID become Eirin's apprentice, after all."

"The... original?" Nate and Reisen were very confused at this point.

The moon princess nodded at them. "Yes. Reisen, I'm afraid I have to admit I named you after a previous pet we had... another lunar rabbit named Reisen. But a while back, she..." Toyohime grimaced for a moment. "... fled to the Earth, and we couldn't bring her back." She smiled at the present Reisen. "So, we took you in!"

"Oh... I... I see..." Reisen smiled back at Toyo timidly.

"Meh, there's no way the original could be better anyway..." Nate muttered under his breath.

Reisen's face turned pink again.

Midori nodded. "... Yeah, 'the original.' Most of Gensokyo's natives made it out... but some of them got captured by a nasty little secret ops squad, and I haven't gotten a full list of who's with the shrine group and who's missing."

"Secret ops squad?" Nate asked, "You mean like the one that me and Anthony rescued the Watatsukis from?"

Shoko nodded. "Sounds about right, yes."

Jeremidori's gaze bored into Nate for a moment. "... yeah, probably the same. They're called 'RAI' or something like that, and we're pretty sure they're working for Kikuri..."

"RAI, huh..." Nate tried to ignore Midori's piercing gaze. "Um... And once again, Kikuri... She must really have it in for you guys, huh?"

"Yeah. Probably you guys as well." Shoko replied.

"...Well, at least it makes things interesting..."

Mini-yuyu-clone smiled at him. "Naturally."

Jeremidori sighed heavily.

"Have no fear, Nathanial! I shall smite down any evildoers who cross our path!"  Lunablade had returned, seemingly in higher spirits than when she'd left.

Yukarin waved cheerfully.

Shoko tried her best to stifle a laugh. "And this is?"

"You wish to know my name?"  Lunablade posed dramatically.  "Then let me tell you my name!  I am-"

Toyo cut her sister off. "That's my sister, Yorihime~" 

"Ah." Sho nodded. "And she's dressed like a Sailor Moon expy why?"

"Idi--" Midori clamped down on her lip.

"...What is this "expy" that you speak of?" asked Lunablade, her slight irritation rather obvious.

Shoko just stared silently.

Nate leaned over to whisper into Shoko's ear. "Um... She's, uh, kind of undergoing some culture shock right now... just... Ignore her.  For all of our sakes."

"Fine." Shoko whispered back. "I'm more worried about avoiding laughing."

Nate sighed. "... I suppose she does look rather, um, stu-"

"I can hear you, you know." Lunablade glared at the whispering pair of mecha fans.  "How dare you laugh at the great Lunablade!?"

"Um... Er... Uh..." Shoko stammered, "GottagobeforeReimunoticesi'mmissing!"

Midori blinked. "Oh, shit, Armpits is going to have our heads."

"Wait... What did you say?"  Lunablade advanced on Shoko menacingly. "What was that name?"

"Reimu!" Shoko shot back, slightly panicked. "Oh dear gods, if she notices I'm skipping out..."

"Maybe we should get going, then." Jeremidori added, nervously.

"Reimu..." Lunablade frowned for a moment, thinking. "... ... ...THAT WAS THE SHRINE MAIDEN'S NAME!" she roared, "WHERE IS SHE!?"


Shoko cringed back from Lunablade, and pointed off at the top of the waterfall. "Over there! Now please don't kill me!"

"Um," Midori tried to object.

"ALRIGHT!"  Lunablade cried, and stormed off towards the waterfall. "They only said I was to leave Yukari alone... Didn't say anything about the Shrine Maiden, noooo..."

Jeremidori sighed. "Honestly. Do you really understand what..."

She trailed off, as Lunablade quickly ran out of sight in the trees ahead, ignoring her entirely.

"... eager, isn't she?"

"We're doomed. We're all doomed." Shoko groaned.

"Oh, for the love of..." Nate muttered. He dashed off after Lunablade.

"Yorihime-sama, wait!  Don't do anything rash!" Reisen followed him, whilst Toyohime merely giggled as she ran after her companions.

"Oi! Try to keep her from killing anyone!" Midori shouted after them.

"What do you think I'm trying to do!?" Nate yelled back, disappearing into the foliage.

Jeremidori sighed.
The solution to all of life's problems!

#1 Rin Satsuki Fan~♥
"For hearts long lost and full of fright, for those alone in blackest night, accept our ring and join our fight... Love Conquers All -  with violet light!"


  • Red Tenshi
  • 3x More Touhou
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #466 on: September 09, 2009, 05:13:06 PM »

"He truly screwed up, didn't he?"

"We are not pleased."

"No, we aren't."

"It's all because of that strawberry scientist girl.  If he hadn't been struck by sentimentality none of this would ever have happened."

"Now we're stuck in the middle of nowhere.  Foolhardy heroics will not do in any -vessel- of ours."

"We will have to keep a closer eye on his activities and curb this foolishness."

"Or make sure that I have enough power to stay alive through all of the adversity", Soran interrupted.  To his vision, the mindscape was like a library.  Shelves made of rare wood from Eastern Europe stood to attention like soldiers, carrying shelf upon shelf of classics that were long lost to the world.  The velvet carpeting below served to break the endless sea of brown, which was punctuated only by the different-coloured bindings of the books.  There was a table in the middle of a clearing in the shelves, with three chairs and a tea set.  Two women sat at the table, one with wings like an angel and the other in a maid outfit.  They both looked up in unison as Soran entered.

"Ah, you're still alive, and you have found your way to our realm.  Come sit with us for awhile."

"Black.  No sugar", replied Soran as he sat.

"We have been reviewing your performance", they began.  Soran was not sure which one had spoke but they both seemed to finish each others' sentences, "Do not worry.  You are still alive, but have been hit by being of powerful magic and are currently lying in the wreckage of a vehicle at the bottom of a ravine."

"And Yumemi?  What of her?" Soran's face remained impassive.

"Oh, fear not.  She is still alive, if only just.  You have achieved both of your goals and in doing so you have advanced ours.  In recognition of this we are again prepared to overlook your transgression."

"Taking Okazaki with us was a calculated risk.  Be glad that it paid off."

"Her knowledge will be invaluable in the coming days."

"Moving from where you are is not advisable.  Your body has not yet begun to generate sufficient mana for combat on its own yet."

"Then I'll make do without it", Soran interrupted, "but I'm in a strange land, caught up in a war beyond my reckoning.  That much I understand.  I'll be depending on your guidance from here on out...but don't expect me to serve your every whim."

The twin sisters of the dream seemed to consider this, "Fair enough.  We have always thought of you more as an associate in any case.  As we have told you before, anything we may do or say is for your own sake.  Please do not make it any harder for us to protect you.  It is already hard enough, at the rate you get into fights.  For now, avoid combat until security alerts have died down.  When you become fit to travel, ask Okazaki to teach you some of what she knows.  Start with warding so you are not detected.  Let them think you are dead but for her sake and ours as well, you must become stronger.  This is in all of our interests."

A voice echoed from the depths of the library.  It was calling his name.  Soran looked up.  His hand went unconsciously to the cup of tea that had been poured for him but at this point it was cool and probably not worth drinking.  Slowly, light began to filter in.

"Well, it looks like my new partner is calling me.  It's time for me to go", he shrugged, "but before I do, there is something I want to ask.  What is this place?"

"It's a library...or at least, our memory of one.  The Magic Library Voile, one of the most beautiful treasures in all of Gensokyo."

"Gensokyo?  Is that where you come from?"

"Oh yes...a world of endless illusions..."

"Time to wake up now, Soran Vriess..."
Too much of a good thing, and it is no longer good.


  • Red Tenshi
  • 3x More Touhou
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #467 on: September 12, 2009, 09:36:51 PM »
Soran coughed.  His chest heaved, sucking in air greedily but expelling it at the same time as his body began to readjust to the land of the living.  All a dream, as I expected, he thought.  His vision was a wall of solid black; he slowly came to realise that he was staring at the sky.  Lights from the burning wreckage of the Humvee danced madly before his eyes.  Slowly Soran's vision resolved and the lights began to separate themselves into flickering firelight and strawberry red hair.  He moved his head experimentally but could not feel the rest of his body.  Not good.  Yumemi was bending over his body, her hands outstretched, her face a mask of concentration.  Her mouth was moving rapidly, chanting rapidly in a language Soran could not begin to comprehend.

" I dead?"

Yumemi did not respond.  Soran looked up towards the top of the ravine but it was very high and he could not see any evidence of pursuers.  It looked like the advice of those twin dream sisters was still sound - RAI Force 1 had either left him for dead or were waiting until morning to mobilise their search parties.  In either case they would have to get away from the base tonight.  Whatever Yumemi was doing, Soran decided that it would be better not to interfere.

He lay in silence for twenty more minutes.

Yumemi opened her eyes, "Ah you're alive.  Thank goodness."

"What...did you heal me?" Soran asked.

"Me?  No", she replied absently, her hands busy with spare strips of cloth and metal, "true healing is very advanced.  It's the ability to remove damage from the body and make it good as new.  All I did was accelerate your body's natural regeneration so you'll heal quickly but we still need to set your bones and dress your wounds.  You'll still be in a lot of pain."

"I see", Soran shook his head, "I left intending to rescue you but in the end you were the one who had to take care of me.  Sorry."

Yumemi gently slashed her hand through the air, a negatory gesture, "No that's...I knew for quite some time about what was happening to me."

Soran's eyes widened.

"The Pariah factor.  A randomly occuring condition that makes a person's soul into a void.  Ordinary humans shun them.  For magic users they represent the ultimate horror...and he was bound to me as one of their twisted experiments."

"So, we're even then?" Soran asked.

Yumemi shook her head, "When we were falling...there was a darkness that surrounded you at the very last moment.  Interspersed with red lines.  The vehicle - its descent was slowed fractionally and then I was thrown out the door.  Because of that I wasn't killed in the impact.  You were lucky to still be alive after an impact like that.  So, consider this my gratitude for the second time you saved my life."

Soran's mind automatically filled in the rest of the details.  He did not remember throwing Yumemi from the Humvee but it was obvious that he had done so unconsciously just before they had hit the ground.  He had somehow survived and Yumemi had been able to drag his body from the wreckage.  Now he could barely stand and the fact he was not feeling anything at the moment meant that she was using magic to suppress the pain.

"Th-thank you.  But I have to say you've recovered quickly.  When I found you it was like you had some kind of wasting illness.  I was so sure I was too late."

The firelight played across Yumemi's features.  She did not look nearly as pallid and the rings around her eyes had slowly begun to disappear, "I don't know.  When I regained consciousness I could feel a spark of mana, even if it was tiny and I latched onto it with all the strength I had left.  It seems you had potential as a contractor but the RAI Force scientists missed it.  Then again, their screening methods were not exactly what I would call thorough."

Soran managed a slight smile.  From her file, he knew that she had been a scientist in her homeworld.  So, always the professional, huh?

"Anyway", she continued, "try to stand now.  Slowly."

Soran lifted his arm experimentally, then pushed against the ground to prop himself up.  It didn't hurt - the pain was probably still being suppressed - but there was no strength in his limbs.  He felt as though they had been cut off and these were prosthetics.  As Soran got to his feet he faltered but slender arms reached out to catch him.

"Re-growing damaged muscle and bone takes more out of you than you might think.  In an ideal world we would have machines as well as gels and balms that could be applied on the spot but magic will have to do.  I'm sorry if you can't walk but at the moment we really don't have a choice.  They might come for us any second."

Soran couldn't help but feel a twinge of respect for Yumemi.  Even after having her partner murdered in front of her, being chased by twisted freaks with knives coming out of their hands and tending to the mutilated body of her partner's killer she still managed to come up with a comprehensive assessment of the situation.  He nodded.

"Yeah.  You're right.  We need to get out of here.  Ugh...head for the forests.  We can try and lose them there."

Yumemi nodded, "Oh.  Just one moment", and ran to the still-burning wreckage of the Humvee.  She spent a few moments going over the hulk of twisted metal before coming back, "No good.  Nothing salvageable.  I guess we are on our own."

The two fugitives began walking the same road in silence.  The chaos from the base could still be heard even from this distance and their eyes were always open for any sign of the enemies.  Progress was slow and Soran constantly stumbled.  Every time he did he was caught by a pair of delicate arms that contained far more strength than the appeared.  It began to occur to Soran that he was not only caught up in a war beyond his own reckoning but it was being waged between people that were beyond ordinary humans.  In the face of that sheer power he had the devil's luck to survive as long as he did.

"Say", he said at length, "you were pretty handy with that cross-shaped attack.  Was that magic?"

"You are astonishingly observant.  Is everyone from this world as observant as you?" Yumemi gave a slight smirk.

"Alright, I deserve that.  But still that was some power."

"Obviously it wasn't enough.  But now that we have a contract I should be able to do better the next time we fight.  By the way you were no slouch with that assault rifle yourself.  One-handed, at that", she paused to catch Soran as he stumbled again, "combined with your ability to survive being dropped into a ravine in a flaming death coffin, I have to conclude that you're far from weak."

This time it was Soran's turn to smirk but in the darkness, Yumemi probably couldn't see it anyway.  The smirk faded after a few moments, "I...don't know how to use weapons.  I don't even know why I did what I did but under pressure the knowledge just came to me somehow."

"That's ridiculous.  Knowledge doesn't just materialise out of thin air.  You had to have gotten that knowledge from somewhere, even if you just picked it up by observing the troubleshooters around the base.  Even I had to learn magic from reading grimoires, I haven't always been able to use it."

"Yeah.  You're right.  I...probably picked it up from someone at the base."

Silence fell heavily around the pair as they walked.  The forests were beginning to look closer and closer, but it was over an hour later that they finally found a trail leading towards the trees, out of the ravine.  Eventually they passed the treeline and hid themselves away from the main path, behind the thickest tree trunk they could find.  With the immediate danger having passed they slumped to the ground, exhausted.

"I think...we" Yumemi huffed.

Soran did not reply for a long while.  Finally he spoke, "You said you learned your magic from books right?  Do you think you could teach me some?  Maybe I could help you."

"You're already helping me", Yumemi replied, "magic that's out of control is dangerous so it's better if you stick to lending me your strength.  I'll see what I can do about that though.  For now, just sleep and you should be able to travel again tomorrow."

Soran nodded.  "But it doesn't seem fair for her to be the only one doing any legwork", he murmured to no one in particular.

"Hey, what is that stay-in-the-kitchen attitude you have?"  The smiling faces of the angel and the maid filled his vision again.  Before he quite registered it, he was back in the library again.

"I was the one who decided to bring her along so I should take responsibility for keeping her alive.  It has nothing to do with Yumemi being a girl", Soran was barely able to mask his irritation.

"Take her advice for now and rest your body.  Not just muscle and bone, but in terms of generating and holding mana you are also growing.  Well, we don't have a medical explanation for you but it's easiest to think of it like that.  The process will add a little more pain on top of what you already have to deal with but please try and bear it for now."

"If you're going to put me through pain now, why not give me more than that?  Give me the power to stay alive, if you really care about my interests that much."

"Please try to understand Soran.  You weren't born with the ability to use magic or to supply others with mana and to trigger such rapid mutations is inevitably stressful.  We will make you strong enough to support Yumemi but you need to learn to walk before you can run, otherwise you'll tear yourself apart."

Soran looked skeptical, "Well at least you tell me in a way I can understand.  But even if you put it that way, we may not have that much time."

"We are doing all we can."

"In the end the results will be worth the effort, we promise you."

"Sleep now.  No more dreams.  Concentrate on recovering your strength."

"Good night, Soran."
« Last Edit: September 12, 2009, 10:35:53 PM by Rabbit »
Too much of a good thing, and it is no longer good.


  • Have Faith.
  • *
  • And keep it.
    • NMforce
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #468 on: September 15, 2009, 06:41:27 AM »
After My Last Post, Around 9~10AM

"Hauu~ It's been like 20 minutes and Ms. Amarillo haven't finished her business." Lily thought as she heard Amarillo's voice.

"It's me. Please follow the directions."

Lily looks around but cannot find Amarillo nearby.

"Yeah it's telepathy, something bad had happened, please follow my direction, go three blocks east and turn right at the crossroad. For some reason my ability is enhanced, but something else happened...."

Lily sighed and start walking following the directions.

And she saw a net cafe called Spring Charm

"It suits you well, right? Now go in and if the manager stops you, just tell him that you are looking for a girl that came in 10 minutes earlier."

Lily looks at the sign again, and walks in the door.

"Hey you," there is a man at the counter "You seems young, is it too young for you being here?"

"Er.. I'm looking for my friend.." She described Amarillo's appearance.

"A girl with long ponytail and wearing school uniform? Yes, she is here. " The manager leads Lily into a room that's beyond the hall, "She did tell me that someone will be coming..."

The manager then left. "Well, Privacy is important, so see ya."

The girl that sits there is nobody else than Amarillo. Who seems extremely tired.

"Are you OK?" Lily pulled another chair and sit beside her, then noticed that Amarillo is sweating hard.

"Well, sort of... On the good side, it seems I have infinite energy to spend, that's why I can still call you here... On the bad side......... " Amarillo points at the monitor. "I contacted Fairy Phoenix about my current status, and the result is not... very good."

Lily looks at the monitor, it shows the chatlog of Amarillo and Fairy Phoenix. while Fairy explains that Amarillo is suffering from "Energy Overclocking".

Lily put her hand on Amarillo's forehead, and is shocked, "You are currently having a fever!"

"Ahh.. Yeah... It seems if I didn't use mana at all my body will be damaged, according to Fairy. " Amarillo explained. "Because my body cannot contain the full power. so there I need to spend some. That's why I used telepathy on you and all fairies who was in the shrine or at the waterfall, including your sis."

"Huh?" Lily is confused, "You contacted EVERYBODY?"

"Well, just wasting the spare mana." Amarillo smiled.

"So what do you mean when you said Overclocking? Looking at too much times?" Lily is still confused.

"Ah, it's a computer-related word, you put the control unit at higher work rates to make them improve for the better. However it will harm the chips if done badly." Amarillo explained. "In my currently status it seems I can abuse all extends of my ability within range limit... However with this fever... " she points at her forehead, "I doubt that I'm in the best condition."


"And I want you to try something out, tap in my power and try if you can overpower yourself." Amarillo smiled, "with my current mana output, I'm sure you can do that. just focus and you will do it."

"Er.. Here?" Lily is still a little confused, but she closed her eyes anyway.

As Lily slowly starts to float above ground, her wings can be seen clearly enlarged in size and changes color from white to pink. Then she opened her eyes and found the difference.

"Congrats. You have done it, and thank you because my fever have go down a little." she saw Amarillo smiling at her while somebody burst in.

It was Alex, together with his fairy squadron.

Alex is stunned to see Lily White facing him, "You... called us here?"

"No, It was me." Amarillo stands up and slowly walks to front, however, she collapsed in the process.

"What's with you?" Alex come forward and pulled her up from the ground. "You are having a fever?"

"Well, kind of. However I gained the unlimited buff."

"Strange to see you smile when you are having a fever that high, are you out of your mind?" Alex asked. "And your strange aura is affecting all fairies here. I see." He looks at the fairies as they once again gained their wings back. "However, your one seems.... stronger." He added after he looks around.

"That's because she knows how to tap into my power here, since she is always with me." Amarillo said.

"Well, I have no interest on your ESP stuff, real men use fists to fight." Alex said, "come on, we are heading out."

"Please stay for an extra 5 minutes, since I'm storing my mana into them so they can use their abilities for today."

"Heh, if you said that, then OK." Alex opened the browser and looks at the recent activities part. "So we have an Idol contest here?"

"Seems so." Amarillo replied.

"Well, aren't you interested in it? All girls love to sing and dance and such."

"Oh well, I'm not pretty enough, a kind heart are not always connected with the best face and vice versa." Amarillo nods her head in self agreement.

"Hah, I think I may go there, of course it's not for girls." Alex looks at Lily Black. "By the way, you said if they can tap in your power they will become stronger?"

"Well, only in this condition. However I want to get rid of it as soon as I can." She told Alex about the overclocking of mana, "I don't want to get fever for a whole day."

"You are simply not that kind of girl, right?" Alex and his team leaves after he lefts that comment, "I'll be at the idol contest ground. Do join us when you feels better! And thanks for the charging or whatever this is."

Seeing them left, Lily White sighes, "Still cold?"

"Cold what?"

"I mean Alex, he seems uninterested about your ability and such."

"That's OK, seeing what he does. A Martial Master like him depends on fists more than brains. That's true, you have no time to think in a melee combat, remember that, so for us, stay away from enemies and strike at the safe range is better."

"Hey! You are lecture me again!!" Lily White shouts.

"Hmm... after a while we will move out, and try to find anything that costs mana, and join them, I have a feeling that something big will happen within two hours."

"Then what about me?" Lily asked as soon as she felt a cape have been worn on her back.

"Yeah, a cape for hiding your wings, it also looks cool on you." Amarillo tilted her head to check the knot is tight enough. "Capes looks cool on anybody." She added.

"So, shell we go? fees for this room is not cheap and I don't want to waste money."

"Basically go for place where trouble appears, right?"

"Hmm, yeah, so we as well might go to the idol contest." Amarillo turned the computer off and head out.

"Hey! Wait for me!"

"Oh well, you can easily catch up, now I felt as my legs are made of iron."


Break anything that stands between you and them!


  • Good gravy!
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #469 on: September 15, 2009, 03:02:07 PM »
Underground, 5:25AM, Day 5
(OOC: An explanation for Renko's insanity!)

"W-wait a second. You called me 'lady' before. Why'd you say that?" Renko asked.

"Um...because I didn't know your name." Sanasan said nervously.

"You...didn't know my name?" Renko frowned. "Do you remember your name?"

She thought to herself for a second. ".....No....Do you know who I am, Miss Renko?"

Renko was silent for a moment, then burst out laughing maniacally. Sanasan looked at her like she'd lost her mind. Oh, the possibiities! Finally, she could do all the things she'd always wanted to do, but wouldn't because of a little thing called "sanity"! No longer would she be held back by common sense!

"M-Miss Renko, are you ok?" Sanasan asked.

"I'm just fine, Sana-chan! In fact, I feel better than ever! Let's go do some miko training!" Renko said excitedly.

"Sana...chan? Is that me? I-Miss Renko?!" Renko picked her up and tucked her under her arm.

"C'mon, LET'S GOOOOO!" Renko ran out into the hallway pumping her fist, Sanasan in tow.

Hill, 5:45AM, Day 5

Renko and Sanasan were following the group to their first miko training session. A waterfall was roaring in the distance.

"Miss Renko..I'm cold..." Sanasan said, shivering as she walked.

"Cold? What're you talking about?! This morning breeze is FABULOUS!" Renko exclaimed, raising her arms to let the wind blow through her sleeves. Sanasan sneezed.

"I hope you don't have a cold, Sana-chan, because look what we have to do next!" Renko said, pointing at Reimu dumping water on herself. Sanasan looked on in horror.

"That looks so refreshing! I think I'll give it a try!" Renko ran over and dumped an extremely generous amount of water on herself. She shook the water off her hair like a dog. "That felt great! Want to give it a try?" She offered Sanasan a bucket, but she shook her head.

"Oh well. Suit yourself then. I've got plenty of HP left, so I'll be fine." she said, dumping more and more water on herself.

An unhealthy amount of buckets later, it was time for the meditation session. Sanasan sat as still as possible, but Renko fidgeted throughout the entire ordeal. Luckily for her, Lunablade, the queen of distractions, appeared to save the day.

"Oh wow, look at that costume! She's got to be like, the DEFENDER OF EARTH or something! That's so cool!" Renko said, admiring her.

Reimu then began her various lectures. Sanasan had no idea what was going on, but once the topic of communicators came up, Renko was enthralled. When Reimu used a holographic display, she almost lost her mind for the second time.

"WOAHHHH, LOOK AT THAT, SANA! IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL!" Renko could hardly contain her excitement. Sanasan just smiled nervously.

"You're all free to do what you like for the rest of the day." Reimu said as she finished her lecture. Renko didn't need any telling twice. She unceremoniously picked up Sanasan and ran back to the shrine.


Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #470 on: September 16, 2009, 05:05:10 AM »
Saniwa Shrine 8:30 AM Day 5

Team Lunatic and the bear had just finished a round of Brawl when a newpaper flew in.

"THIS JUST IN!! A cool boy with a prop-lookalike sword had dispatched a group of Yakuzas that even the polices having no idea to deal of. This boy seems like an actor, however the details are not known, we will look into the matters as fast as possible," it said.

"Did that newspaper just talk?" Ted asked.

"Yes it did," Jalal replied, "Interestingly enough, that newspaper would have been content to to just have that written on it if you hadn't called it out on talking. It would have just said that with written language."

"But I didn't say anything."

"You did."

"Ok, before I spoke."

"By asking if it spoke, you retroactively affected history so that the newspaper had spoken as opposed to displaying those words on it."


"Did anyone else notice that that was styled lkie a news broadcast?" Eirin asked.

"Well, with newspapers declining in sales, they might have decided to adopt the methods of news shows," Jalal said.

"I see. Perhaps we should investigate this," Eirin said.

"I would like to travel with you. This seems like an interesting diversion," Ted said.

"I have no problem with that, but we would need to do something special," Jalal said.

"Like what?"

"I, the loli, shall ride on your back."


"Because you are a bear and bears have a reputation for dangerous."

"How would you riding on his back help that?" Eirin asked.

"Simple. A bear that is alone is a fearsome sight of unrestrained ferocity. A bear with a loli on its back is a gentle giant that protects its innocent charge in a heartwarming way," Jalal explained

"Oh! So that's how my cousin enters the city with such ease. I think I shall wear my sweater into town," Ted said.

"A sweater?" Eirin asked.

"It is a maroon turtleneck sweater that my grandmother gave me"

"Very well," Eirin said, "Let us go out and investigate."

"Maybe we'll recruit a new ally and eventually have half the town hiding with us from the other half," Jalal said, "Forwards, Ted!"

And so they left the shrine in search of the person described in that news story. Jalal riding upon Theodore O'Bear, the sweater clad bear, and Eirin walking beside.
Little did he know, the shed was near Yuyuko, who was in a role-play of Dune. As a sandworm.

Caber Knight Etch-A-Sketch

  • The return of something
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #471 on: September 16, 2009, 01:33:06 PM »
Saniwa Shrine, After Miko Training, Day 5.

"Well, it looks like the spare mana is nearly gone. My mind will regress into that of a 7 year old child, so please bear with me..." Ria said looking down.

"Wait, so you will actually become a child?!?" Kaguya was starting to freak out a little. "Man, my NeoPet died the day I got it, how am I supposed to take care of a kid"

"I don't know Sis."

"Aw hell"


Cirno and Marx left the Shrine and were on their way to an idol contest.

"I think the others said they were going there, anyways."

"Alright, let's go. idol contests are always fun to watch."


Etch was talking with Nitori when he felt a tug on his overcoat. It was Flandre of all people.

" Etch-san, Nii-Chan won't tell me about the internet. Could you teach me?"

Ah, the curiousity of youth. Etch looked at Nitori, both nodding.

"Of course! Now, let's begin" he said as he openned up the laptop

(Etch and Ria storylines to be continued)


  • I'm a strange type of crazy...the one you love and fear
  • Do not challenge the gateguard
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #472 on: September 16, 2009, 03:32:56 PM »
Outside Karuisuwa Town: Day 5 11:00am

(Vant and Rabbit co-post)

The leaves in the canopy above rustled gently to yet another gentle spring breeze. Gentle sunlight filtered through the rustling leaves, creating gentle patches of light across the forest floor. A few errant sakura petals from wild sakura trees blew by, settling into the small stream gurgling in the brook nearby.

They had been walking for an approximately an hour, by Soran's reckoning. On the other hand he hadn't thought to bring a watch with him so time had about as much meaning to him as it did to the stream flowing next to him. He heard no sign of pursuit, so far, and kept walking as if driven by some sort of instinct. He didn't really know where he was going; his plan had been to meet up with the other escapees but that went out the window as soon as he took a dive into the ravine. He only knew that those who had escaped the Graveyard were gathering, but he did not know where, which meant...

["Keep moving. Stay one step ahead of them. Don't get into any unnecessary fights."] "Shut up", Soran muttered under his breath, "I know what I'm doing here."

["Fine then, you can walk without directions"]

"So sorry, oh goddesses of my life. I beg your forgiveness, just please tell us how to get to safety."

"Who are you talking to?" asked Yumemi.

"Ah, one. Anyway, let's continue."

There was nothing around them but trees. Trees and a stream. No landmarks of any kind to provide direction, aside from the powerful force that seemed to be guiding Soran. At all times he kept a hand on his knife, the only weapon that he had been able to bring with him.

"Hey", Yumemi frowned, "Hey. Relax a little bit. You'll miss the big picture if you don't."

"How can I possibly be relaxed at a time like this? You do know we're being chased...right?"

Yumemi opened her mouth to reply but was cut off by a noise. As one, the two of them crouched and began to listen.

"COME ON!!!" Kanako shouted, "We've been walking forever! Why haven't we reached the shrine yet?"

"Maybe because you have no idea where you're going?" Vant replied

"She doesn't have much sense when it comes to directions" Suwako interjected

"OH shut up you little frog!" Kanako swung around and began to wrestle with Suwako

"OLD LADY OLD LADY!!!" Suwako yelled

"Would you two please cut it out already?" said Vant

As Soran and Yumemi crept closer, they could begin to make out the source of the noise. "I know them", Yumemi whispered, "in the other world they are...manifestations of divine power. In other words, goddesses."

"A pursuit force?" Soran whispered back.

"I don't know. We should keep observing in any case, until we are sure."

"STOP NOW!" said Vant, dead serious; Kanako and Suwako froze mid-stride and looked around

"What i-" Kanako barely got out before Vant held up a hand for silence

Vant continued looking around for the small source of noise he had heard

"Don't move!" Soran spoke in his most commanding voice.

Vant, Suwako, and Kanako all looked in the direction of the voice

Yumemi gave a questioning look. Soran couldn't respond or the bluff would fail.

"I have you in my sights. Hands on the ground. Slowly."

"Follow the orders you two" said Vant

All three slowly moved to the ground.

"Now, I'm going to ask you some questions. Cooperate and you'll go free. If you fight, you will definitely die. Why are you here?"

"We're going to the shrine!" Suwako blurted out

Vant glanced at Suwako and then shook his head

"The shrine? What shrine?"

"Nothing" Vant replied

"You're lying. It's clear as day", said Soran, "and you're putting me in a pretty bad position here. I mean, how am I supposed to know what you're doing out here? You could be here to hunt people down. Maybe the Shrine is a codename for something? Your camp maybe? You might be dangerous killers. I might be doing society a favour by killing you right here."

Soran let the words hang in the air.

"Really? It's a favor to kill someone while his face is in the dirt? Well I suppose if they're suicidal"

"I'm not here to bandy words with you. You're answering my questions."

"Am I?"

"Yeah, I think you are. What were you doing out here?"

Vant merely blinked at the guy as if his head wasn't screwed on right

"No response huh? I wonder. Well then what about the two young ladies? Who are they?

"What do you think? Two young ladies"

"Friends? Associates? Acquaintances?"

"All of the above?"

"Fair enough, I guess... Now, what if I told you that I myself was running from something? That I would kill if I had to, in order to protect myself? What then would you do?"

"I'd let you on your way, and tell everyone in front of you to move to the side."

"No magic?"

"Sorry no."

"Well then, I'm coming out. Don't try anything stupid. I'm a man of my word."

"Alright then"

Slowly and with his hands spread out, Soran walked from behind the tree. Yumemi seemed to have understood the gist of the conversation and was concentrating on the two companions.

"Now we're on equal terms. I'm still not sure that you're not out to kill me, but at the very least you could tell me what you're doing out here."

"As the young lady said, trying to get to the shrine"

"What is this shrine?"

"We don't know exactly, we saw it from the mountain top and tried to go there"

"But the old lady can't see very well" Suwako said

"SHUT UP FROG!" shouted Kanako as she hit Suwako over the head

"ow...." cried Suwako

"Now now, be nice"
"Whatever" said Kanako as she looked away which Suwako took as cue to stick her tongue out at her

"Any particular reason for going there?"

"Because it's a SHRINE! Us gods are at home in them" said Kanako

Soran feigned a confused look, "So you two are...?"

"Goddesses, yes" replied Suwako

"By any chance, you wouldn't happen to be from a world of endless illusion, would you?"

"Gensokyo? Yeah! We're from there!" Kanako said

Soran relaxed slightly, "So, to confirm, you are both goddesses from this place...Gensokyo, and you're travelling together with him. You're heading to a shrine you saw from the top of a mountain. Am I right so far?"

"Yeah, pretty much" responded Suwako

"Right. One more question, then. Where did you set out from?"

"The Amakawa residence"

Soran stood there considering the words for a moment, then nodded. "Yumemi. It's alright. At least, they aren't part of a pursuit team."

The woman called Yumemi emerged from behind another tree. "I'm sorry for my partner. He tends not to trust anybody and as you probably can tell, we have been on the run for a little while."

"So can we stand?" Suwako asked

Yumemi nods at the question.

Suwako and Kanako stand up, but Vant continues laying on the ground

"Oi, Vant, you can get up" said Kanako

"Don't wanna"

"YAY! Trampoline!" Shouts Suwako as she jumps on Vant's stomach

".....please don't do that"

"...well, I'm not incapable of apologising so I'll say sorry for the trouble. Well, please excuse us, and if you find anyone asking after us, please don't tell them where we are." Soran nodded and turned to leave.

"You sure you don't wanna come to the shrine? Doesn't sound like you should be on your own, especially in the state your in"

He stopped, "Eh? Well...what direction did you say that shrine was in?"

"Dunno, Kanako was leading us in the wrong direction" Vant hooks a thumb towards the blue-haired woman

"WAS NOT! I know exactly where we're going!" says Kanako triumphantly

"and that way would be...?" asks Suwako

"uh....this" stammers Kanako

"*sigh* It's to the west. Look to the sun"

"Oh right, sun rises in the west and sets in the east, so...That way!" Kanako points

Both the voices in Soran's head and at his side seemed to be talking at the same time, "We should go with them. They're heading in the same direction as us anyway."

It seemed the decision had already been made for him.

"Let's go then" says Vant getting up with Suwako riding on his back

"....still on my back?" Vant asks

"Well, I guess I'll be travelling with you all for awhile. Hope you don't mind."

"Of course! Why not you hop on Vant with me?" Suwako asks Yumemi

"" says Vant, clearly annoyed

Yumemi shook her head gently, "Thank you, but I can walk."

"awwww.. that's no fun" complained Suwako

"*sigh* let's just go" Vant proceeded to walk off in the designated direction

Soran and Yumemi walked generally in silence. She seemed to be contemplating something while he was looking at all the small details and jumping at every sound. Finally, Soran spoke up.

"So, what is so important about this shrine? Aside from you goddesses needing to be there?"

"It's really just a hunch, or rather, they'd prefer to stay there than anywhere else... besides, we don't have any other leads"
« Last Edit: September 16, 2009, 10:46:37 PM by LordVant »



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Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #473 on: September 19, 2009, 12:54:12 PM »
- - -
« Last Edit: January 24, 2017, 02:17:53 PM by Helepolis »


Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #474 on: September 21, 2009, 05:43:23 AM »
Near Junes, Day 5 12:40

Team Crios and Team Pirate were off doing somethings, but we're going to focus on the newly named Team Etch, as it is easier to recognize.

In town, there was a saloon. The area around it was always dusty for some odd reason.

Actually, it was dusty because of the nearby construction on Junes.

Well, yes, but that ruins the mystery.

Aw, ok then, carry on, I guess.

"So, what now, Etch-san?" Momizi asked. The four of them, all but Etch dressed in casual clothes, walked down the streets of Karushirwa.

"Well, I guess we should check out what there is to see, I guess." Etch said as they walked by Junes, still in the process of being rebuilt after the fiasco a couple of days ago. Etch sighed as he remembered that basketball battle against the yakuza that happened not long ago. Suddenly, Etch was distracted by a building.

"Huh. Do you guys like Ice Cream?" Etch asked the rest of his team.

"Oh, that sounds nice!" Akyuu smiled at the idea of ice cream after all that has happened so far.

"Ice cream?" Momizi had a confused look on her face.

"Eh? Someone has already perfected the technology?!?" Nitori was evidently shocked.

The bell tinkled as Etch walked in. The bartender looked up, a smile growing on his face.

"As I live and breath. If it isn't Etch-E-Sketch!"

"This guy! Damn, how are you man?" Etch said as he did some sort of weird handshakes and hand sliding.

"Doing good! Shiit, it's been a while!" The bartender returned the handshakes and hand sliding.

"Who's this?" Akyuu asked as she looked on at the unusual proceedings.

"Ah, this is an old friend of mine, Gerard. He's an entrepreneur. So, what are you up to this time, man?"

"Well, it's an ice cream shop. I've also come up with some new flavors, some of them not really a hit."

"Really? Let me try." Etch grabbed a small scoop of one of the flavors and tasted it. "Huh, this isn't so bad"

"well, you always had a weird taste in foods."

"Hey, I'm just open minded."

Nitori grabbed a small scoop of green ice cream and ate it. Her face lit up with joy as a familiar taste jolted her tastebuds.

"This is cucumber!"

"You like it?" Gerard was a little suprised. "Not many people seem to like it."

"Yeah! How much for the biggest you've got?!?"

"It's on the house."

"REALLY?!?!? THANK YOU SO MUCH!! Thank you for the meal!" Nitori then began chowing.

"You sure, man?" Etch was a little suprised at Gerard not charging for a product.

"Hey, I'm just repaying you for the favor you did me a while back."

As Etch caught up with his old friend, a group arrived just outside.

"How'd we get here?" Eirin asked.

"That was always here," Ted replied

"Let's go inside," Jalal said.

"I'd rather sit out here," Ted said.

So Team Lunatic went into the saloon and saw many rough looking characters, Team Etch, and a Man in a Tyranosaurus Rex costume playing the piano. He was playing Old Susana.

"Hello, so what brings you to this part of town?" Eirin asked.

"Oh, you guys." Etch put down his spoon. "Well, the guy here knew me a while back and invited me to eat some ice cream here."

"Repayin' a favor an' all" The bartender said.

"Nice to meet you," Jalal said, "I'll have a martini, shaken not stirred."

The bar went silent. Everyone turned to Jalal. A man in a cowbow hat walked over menacingly and said, "We don't take too kindly to secret agents around these parts"

Wait, a cowbow hat?

Darn, a typo! I meant cowboy!

Nah, nah, leave it as cowbow. Moving on...

"Secret agents?" Eirin asked.

"Secret agents with all their high-faluting gadgets and witty coversation and their smooth talkings and their charming manner..." the cowboy continued.
"We ain't looking for trouble here," Etch said.

"...We have a name for people like you," the cowboy said as a group of them leaned in, "trouble."

Etch looked at his team, silently and slightly nodding as if ready for a conflict. Jalal and Eirin, on the other hand, stared at the men unflinching. The man paused.

"You know, does anyone here have a problem that were about to try lynching a loli?" a different cowboy said. The bartender raised a finger and opened his mouth, but decided against speaking.

Mutterings of "no, not really" were scattered around to crowd.

"Thought so," the asker said and then threw a punch at Jalal. He was so drunk, he missed and hit an astronaut.

...where did the astronaut come from?

The astronaut gang that got up from their seats to fight the cowboys.

You still didn't say where the astronaut came from. Where did the GANG of astronauts come from now?!?

They were on break from the nearby launch facility.

Oh... carry on.

And the lumberjacks wandered in, choosing that day of all days to settle their age-old feud with the cowboys.

Wait, Lumberjacks?!?

They have an age old-feud with the cowboys that warranted it's own section in the local newspaper. The newspapers will surely blame the chaos on that.

And a priest, a rabbi, a lawyer, a construction worker, and the sheriff walked in.

"What is this a joke?" Jalal asked.

*sigh* You know what, I'm going to take a little break...

And so the fight was on. An astronaut kicked a lumber jack who dropped a log on to the priest's foot. The priest threw his arms in the air and his bible smacked the lawyer who vanished in a puff of smoke. A cowboy was distracted and Eirin laid him out with a mean right hook. Jalal followed up by sliding him along the bar and into the wall. Not wanting to get left out of the brawl, Akyu slammed the rabbi onto the bar and slid him the other way. The rabbi not wanting to go down without a fight, grabbed a broken bottle and circumsized a cowboy on his way down.

"Wow, I never knew Akyu was strong enough to throw a grown man down a bar! You go girl!," Jalal yelled. Akyu merely blushed as she punched a man in the jaw.

The cowboy threw a punch at Nitori that Momizi blocked with a bar stool. Etch threw a right jab at that cowboy sending him into a lumberjack. He, in turn, punched the priest who yelled, "stop these sinful proceedings!" as he crashed into the poker table where a shadow girl had just shown her hand of five aces.

That's when the shit hit the fan.

I come back and this is what I see? Ah, whatever. Let's just go on.

Another group of shadow cat girls entered the fray giving the astronauts an awful scratching.

"This is a rare and magnificent sight," said Sir David Attenbrough. He continued, "The seasonal ba-ooof" until Etch socked him through the window.

A biker gang rolled into town and saw the commotion at the saloon.

"Look there, good sirs," one of the bikers said, "I daresay that looks like a jolly good row."

This is about the time David Attenbrough flew through the window.

"No! Look, Dances With Crabs In Pants! Pale face Narrates Everything on Television fly through window and bear parked outside," another biker replied.

So the biker gang rolled out of town.

An astronaut punched a catgirl in the ovaries and the priest smashed it on the head with a bible causing her to explode and transform the priest into a catpriest. Another catgirl did a flying kick at the priest, but the construction worker smashed her in the side with a chair. The sheriff threw some mean roundhouse kicks, but was stopped when the construction worker threw a bar stool at him.

Angels sang out in immaculate chorus. Down from the heavens descended Chuck Norris, who could deliver a kick which could shatter bones into the crotch of Indiana Jones. Who fell over on the ground writhing in pain as Batman changed back into Bruce Wayne, but Chuck saw through hus clever disguise and he crushed Batman's head in between his thighs.

Then Gandalf the Grey and Gandalf the White and "Monty Python and the Holy Grail"'s Black Knight and Benito Mussolini and The Blue Meanie and Cowboy Curtis and Jamba the Genie, Robocop, the Terminator, Captain Kirk, and Darth Vader, Lo Pan, Superman, and every single Power Ranger, Bill S. Preston and Theodore Logan, Spock, the Rock, Doc Ock, and Hulk Hogan all came out of nowhere lightning fast and they kicked Chuck Norris in his cowboy ass.

Okay! Fine! I get it! You find the groups participating in this absurd. We needn't bring up the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny. Let's continue.

A cowboy and the sheriff broke away from the fighting to have a little Brokeback Mountain action.

The priest went up to tham and said, "Infnyernyal gay demonyas! The Power of Christ compels you, nya! Leave these men's bodies, nya, and allow them to resume moral lives as upstnyading members of the church."

The construction worker said, "Now listen here, father. A gay sexual orientation is not caused by demons."

Then two rainbows burst from the cowboys and demons appeared at the end.

"Aw bless," one of them said.

"Demons! I byanish thee to the firey dyepths of San Francisco, nya!" the priest said as the construction worker gaped. The demons left and the sheriff and that cowboy resumed the Brokeback Mountain action.

Wait, where's the plot?!?!? Hang on a bit. Dude, where was the plot in that? I mean, Jalal and Eirin got lost in the whole fiasco, and what happened to Ted anyways?

He's parked outside.

Well, how do you intend to get them away from the battle? Also note that this is a big brawl. Kikuri's bound to notice it!

As I said earlier, brawls like this are common in this part of town. Do you remember when I mentioned the feud between the cowboys and the lumberjacks?



...fine, just go on with the brawl then.

Eirin picked up Jalal and swung her around. Jalal kicked madly and sent a catgirl into the shadow pansy demon. The pansy demon grew big and punched out a lumberjack.

"Fred just got beat up by a total pansy!" a cowboy said while laughing. Eirin took this oppuortunity to bring down barrels on the crowd. Many were squished in the resulting chaos. The catgirls exploded and created a heavy fog within the bar. Eirin gathered as many samples as she could while Jalal stood on her and held her hair so that it extended beyond the fog.

Why am I tempted to say "NO CAT FARTS"?

Just say it. why restrain yourself, when the action is not illegal?


No cat fart for you!

Team Etch snuck away from the chaos bearing cat ears and tails. Team Lunatic triumphantly strode from from the battlefield

with their pockets and assorted devices for carrying things loaded with dark mana samples.

"How was it?" asked Ted.

"eh, it was alright," Jalal said.

"Did you know this was going to happen?" Eirin asked.

"Wait, nya" Etch suddenly spoke up, "why is there a bear in a myaron sweater, nya?"

"Uh, why are we talking like this, nya?" Nitori asked.

"Aw hell, nya."

" chase...rising...nya" Momizi said.

"You ok there Momizi, nya?" Etch asked.

"NYA! NYA! NYA! NYA!" Momizi barked as she chased Etch into the forest followed by the rest of Team Etch.

Slap! Slap! Slap!

The world came into focus.

"Nitori," Jalal said, "That was the mushroom flavor."

"Yeah, we all tasted it," Eirin said.

"Although," Etch began as he held his cat ears, "that doesn't explain where these came from."

"Or these," Jalal said as he lifted up two jars of what appeared to be dark mana.

"What an awfully vivid dream though," Eirin said, "How much was that?"

Gerard said, "Actually, that was the free sample" as he stared at his immaculate shop.

"I remember that I had to get that window fixed, but now it's repaired," he continued.

"Wait a moment," Jalal said, "So you mean that rousing brawl was all a dream?"

Not exactly, it was an ice cream induced trip.

"It sounds awfully like it really happened, but people needed it to be a drug trip for their minds to comprehend it," Jalal said.

Truth is stranger than fiction.

"But we ARE fiction," Jalal said.

Yes, I meant that it appearing incomprehensible was strange. People enjoy being in their little mental boxes and we should respect that.

*sigh* Last time I go on a snack break when you're working on this bit.

Etch ignored Jalal's statements as he wondered where his team's new found cat ears came from. Akyu flexed and found no changes in her musculature. She sighed in disappointment.

They departed for their next destination.

"The next post," Jalal said.

Maybe, someone else may post while I'm getting the next one ready
Little did he know, the shed was near Yuyuko, who was in a role-play of Dune. As a sandworm.


Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #475 on: September 22, 2009, 04:48:54 AM »
Day 5 1:40 PM Some St.

Teams Lunatic and Etch walked south along Some St. when they were accosted by pompadour-bearing yakuza.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here? Tourists? You better give us your money if you want to leave this place alive."

Jalal stared the leader straight in the eyes and said, "Now, now, we can certainly settle this like gentlemen."

"Alright then" the leader said as he took his jacket off. "I'm gonna beat the crap out of you!"

"Boss!" One of them spoke up, "She's just a little girl! Are you sure that's ok?"

"Oi, the big boss said get money from anyone on Some Street, and that's what we're going to do. Now, we're going to get our money," the yakuza pointed his pomapdour at Team Etch and Eirin "otherwise your friends are going to get hurt really bad."

"How dare you..." the air got tense as Jalal's clothes were blown about by a wind that came out of nowhere. Her pompadour grew into a heart-shaped pompadour. "You try and act tough, even though you threaten helpless people..." The pompadour grew another level. "YOU BASTARDS! I WON'T LET YOU HURT MY FRIENDS!!!!" The pompadour grew once more, into a mighty three-tiered heartful pompadour.

(cue awesome themem music)

"It can't be..." Etch said in awe, " the Three-Tiered Heartful Pompadour. It is said that it only appears when one's passion is enflamed. I've only heard about it's legend, but I have never seen it!"

"BOSS! She has the three-tiered heartful Pompadour!" the yakuza looked shaken.

"Very impressive little girl, but now it is time for our duel," the boss said as he took off his shirt to reveal a koi tattoo that covered his back.

Jalal followed suit and revealed a Kohryu tattoo on her back and a Mada tattoo on her stomache.

"En guarde!" the boss cried as he thrust his pompadour at Jalal. Jalal parried and did a downward slash with her pompadour. The boss blocked and pushed Jalal away. Jalal thrusted and the boss dodged. Their pompadours clanged with each might blow. Jalal tripped and fell onto the side of a recently mixed section of Quick-dry Cement. The concrete hardened trapping Jalal's pompadour within.

The boss laughed and said, "You are ten years too early to defeat me!"

"Don't you know the saying?" Jalal said, "The more you push pompadours into the cement." Jalal pulled the pompadour out of the cement. "Strike! Mr. Ando! Strike!" she yell as she jabbed the boss in the stomache. The boss fell and the other yakuza fell to their knees. "Chairman Kazuma!" one of them yelled, "We're sorry! We're sorry! Please forgive us!"

"Kiryu Kazuma?" Etch said, "I don't remember him having a three-tiered heartful pompadour."

"Oh yeah, that's right," another yakuza said.

Eirin glared at him. "We could have gotten away, you trench-coat wearing idiot," she said.

The yakuza charged at Jalal trying to smack her with their pompadours.

Jalal crossed her arms. "You are an eternity too early to defeat me! Falcon Pompadour!" she cried as she thrust  her pompadour which had a flaming aura shaped like a hawk at the yakuza. The shock wave blasted the yakuza into an alley. One of the yakuza got up and charged at Jalal who responded by smacking him over the head. Four more got up and slashed at her. Jalal jumped over them into the middle of their group and did a spin slash. The last man got up. He was a hulking brute with a Quetzacoatl tattoo on his back.

"There's only one way to defeat a brute like this," Jalal said as her pompadour started glowing.

"POOOOMPADOOOOOOOOOUUUUURRR KARUSHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" she yelled as she brought down the pompadour on the guy's head.She stood facing away from the alley with her arms crossed and her pompadour immaculate.

"The Three Tiered Heartful Pompadour. Truly a fearsome weapon," Etch said.

"What are you talking about?" Jalal asked as her twin tails blew in the breeze.

"Ah, nevermind. Let's get out of here before more of them come." Etch responded.
Little did he know, the shed was near Yuyuko, who was in a role-play of Dune. As a sandworm.

Bias Bus

  • It's unpleasent
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  • if you're better than me
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #476 on: October 03, 2009, 12:42:37 AM »
=== Kuroyama Estate * Sauna/Hot Springs Area - 6:15 AM ~ Day 5 ===
-Previous Event-

After a long bout of training with Yuugi (and pretty much being taunted by the little white rabbit youkai named Tewi through the whole thing) Shinjiro had retired to the hot springs area of his vast estate to relax and reflect on his plans for the future, mainly on how he was going to go about attaining the power held in that hideout those strangers were brooding in. So far he's had no luck in manifesting his one trump card, a Reality Marble. Which now rules out his theory that one had to be aware of one to simply awaken to it. A Reality Marble apparently must manifest on it's own in this plane of space before being called upon by it's user to further 'solidify' it's existance in the world...or at least, something of that nature. Reality Marbles (and Marble Phantasms for that matter) were some of the bigger mysteries Shinjiro couldn't actively grasp, only his grandfather knew alot on them, and at the moment, Shinjiro had no clue as to where he was at the moment. No one did, matter of fact. Shirotaro's existance was wiped off clean from the world nearly 20 years ago, when he attempted an experimental spell that many thought would never work and would result in a backfire he would never dream of encountering.

It seemed they were right in doubting the aging fool and his ambitions...

For now, there was no reason to look back on the past and people of those was the time to surpass his grandfather and finally attain the power he was trying to achieve that faithful day of his 'death'. His journal entry gave several clues towards what exactly his grandfather was trying to do, and were it not for these clues, then more than likely he would not have joined RAI Forces' endeavors. Yes, if it wasn't already obvious, Shinjiro didn't give two shits about RAI or it's true goal of existing, he only needed the resources they gave out, Tewi and Yuugi being 2 of them. There was only one thing on Shinjiro's mind and that was finding what his grandfather was trying to obtain that led to his disappearance, after he achieved his goal he would simply go his own route and to hell with RAI.

So far, Shinjiro knew that he was trying to prefect a special kind of 'magecraft' that no one else was capable of understanding (or trying for that matter). The sole page from his grandfather's jounal that Shinjiro had was all the proof he needed. Even so, it wasn't enough to show him as to what it had to do with his disappearane and what kind of power this spell truly had. No matter eventually he will find out, once he claims the shrine's mana as his own and turns it into his personal base, he will begin searching for more clues on his grandfather's lost spell and then once he's gathered enough data he will bring everything into fruition and obtain that lost power all for himself.

However, to even begin with any of that (or at least make it easier to do this), Shinjiro needed to secure that vast mana supply he (thought) was in the area all of those strangers were nesting in as his own. Still, he couldn't go charging in blindly, while he regarded himself as the strongest of ALL of those weak Master imitators combined, he DID know that there was only one of him (plus Yuugi and Tewi, which still only came up to 3 units total) and many more of them, times that of their Partners which, he knew little of at this point. He hated to admit this...but in order for this 'invasion' to go over as planned he needed more manpower (at least enough to keep the opposition busy while he took over the main source of Mana for himself thus attaining power far beyond that of an ordinary Magus). So far, he knew not where Yagi was, likewise for Miguel or Ben. Marx was out of the question after her heel face turn long ago, so that means Shinjiro was on his own in this whole thing. Something he would normally be happy about, lest it wasn't a mission that required a few more personnel to be remotely successful...

The, now frustrated, magus pinched the bridge of his nose as he let out a sigh of exasperation. Why do humans have to be so unrealiable?

No matter, he would have to simply expand his own troop by attaining another similar to Yuugi and Tewi, another Gensokyo Native. There were still a few from RAI that were avaliable, so he would simply have to make due with what he could and hope for the best.

"Hey, I didn't know you had a hot spring out here, Shinji!"

"See, I told you it would be here~"

Eh? thoses voices...

"Hoshiguma? Tewi?" Shinjiro rose up at the sound of the both the oni and rabbit entering the hot spring. "What the hell are you two doing in here! I didn't give any of you permission to co-!" The magus' raised voice suddenly clammed up as his eyes came to meet with Yuugi's towel covered body, and immedieatly his face began to heat up as it took on a crimson color. Maybe it was the long time of being shut off from women, but Shinjiro's mind suffered a rare lag the moment he saw Yuugi. Shinjrio knew the blonde oni had a healthy bosom on her, but he's never seen them like...well THIS, plus he didn't know some one who could command such strength could have curves the way Yuugi did, from her large, supple breasts, to her perfectly toned legs and thighs.

And even then, there was the persistant thought of the oni being completely half naked underneath the towel she had wrapped across her feminine curves that kept nagging at the male side of his mind. Such a side of him was usually overshadowed by an intense maelstrom of egoism and hatred, the vile hypercane of bitter emotions doing wonders for shutting all feelings Shinjiro did not desire. Only did the voice of a certain rabbit bring him back to reality and keep himself from stammering like a moron...

"Heh, I bet he didn't tell us because he was afraid we'd barge in on now." Tewi chuckled mockingly as she stepped from behind Yuugi's taller frame. The rabbit was far more petite than the oni, having curves equal to that of a 13 year old. Even so, Tewi's form was a slender one at best and, when compared to Yuugi, Tewi's shape was the perfect contrast; trim, sleek and streamlined.

"You troublesome vermin," Shinjiro snarled, his one good eye flaring up with a boiling rage he's shown the rabbit more than once since they've been together. "How dare you go snooping around in my wonderful estate. If I find that you've tainted it's beauty in only the slightest of ways, I will rip out your optic nerves and make you dance like the fool you are!"

"Spare me, what else do you expect me to do all day when you say 'Leave me, until further notice'?" Tewi quipped, using a poor imitation of Shinjiro's masculine voice to further emphasis the quote he made to her many times in the past. "I found this place a few days back. Heck, by now, you could say I practically know this entire estate now." Shinjiro stayed his wrathful tounge for a moment and thought on Tewi's words, it usually took newcomers a good long while before they managed to figure out where the important stuff was, like the washroom or kitchen. And even then there were many other rooms that were left undiscovered by their eyes. Rooms Tewi might have been through once, twice, maybe even four times already...

Of course, given this is Tewi, she could be lieing...

Still, be that as it may, Tewi wasn't exactly the most useful unit he had when it came to combat, and while he's sure the rabbit could care less about what she was to him, he still needed her to be of SOME use for the coming operation. Shinjiro rubbed his chin for a moment as his mind began churning up ideas as to how to capitalize on this. Perhaps he could find a spell that can help enhance Tewi's ability or her entire being as a whole. "Hmm, it seems you have some other uses besides that of superstitious aspects." Shinjiro said as he turned away from Yuugi's body to regain his composure. "Very well, I have decided that the two of you may join me here, Tewi's excellent scouting abilities has pleased me and thus, put me in something of a good mood. Be grateful."

"Geeze, why do ya hafta talk so formal all the time," Yuugi groaned as she stepped into the hot spring and came to sit across from her master who had his eyes closed in thought at the moment. Truthfully, his manner of speaking didn't bother her at first but now it was getting rather old, as she knew someone like him didn't always have to talk the way he did. In other words, she believed his fancy way with words was nothing but a front to make him look better than he should be. "Cut loose for once, and stop usin' all those fancy ol' words."

"I shall use however many 'fancy words' I wish, Hoshiguma." Shinjiro responded, his eyes still closed and thus not giving Yuugi an eye contact. He needed to focus, a clouded mind is the worst thing to have when one is setting up for, what will be, one of the biggest invasions of their life. "In anycase, I have something to discuss with you both, as you may know after the incident several days ago, I've been training myself nonstop, and now I shall reveal the reason why; We are going to invade the Shrine area."

"Invade?" Tewi questioned with a perplexed look on her face. "We don't even know where it is, how're we going to invade it if we don't know where it is?"

"I've lived here far longer than both of you, I'm aware of it's location." Shinjiro informed the rabbit youkai. "The only shrine I know of is located far off beyond the urban area in the woodlands, where few reside, it's nothing more than a ratty eyesore last I checked..."

Knowing it's location was fine and dandy, but there was still one glaring detail Tewi didn't quite get. "If it's such an eyesore then why invade it. Stuff like that usually tend to not have anything worth getting in them."

"Simple, Tewi. I have reason to believe that there is a vast supply of mana inside the shrine somewhere, if we can attain it, then we can become an unstoppable force that not even the gods can touch." Yes, to have such power all to oneself is something that Shinjiro wanted since he became a magus long ago. However this also proved a chance to establish a Magus laboratory in that area and then continue forward with his plans. "However, we must de-worm this carcass of those miserable parasites that now reside there, the lot of them do not deserve to have such power, only a magus as strong as myself should be the one to command such energies."

"So basically, what you're sayin''ve been training to get ready to barge in there and fight your way to the mana?" Yuugi queried the magus who nodded in return.

"Indeed, Hoshiguma," Shinjiro confimed. "However, this operation will go far more smoothly if we had back up, which is why I'm going to pull together a group of like minded agents as well as admit 2 more to our team. With the right selection, our prowess in battle will most certainly increase 10 fold, and thus make the operation far more easy to complete and make for crushing those wastes of human skin all the more enjoyable."

"So, another lucky contestant gets to join the happiest group on the planet." Tewi questioned the sarcasm simply dripping from her words.

" Mana reserves can handle more than just the two of you, so why not expand on this?" The magus remarked before he leaned back and sighed, a hand planted on his forehead as he brushed the hair from around his discolored left eye. "However, there's still much to be done before I commence this operation, so take the time to prepare yourselves...I will provide the proper training for both of you, each one to better suit your specialties and the like...and I shall start with you Tewi."

"Me?" Tewi perked up, a little surprised of Shinjiro choice. "Why me, why don't you go do something with Dirty pillows instead!"

"Hah! That's a new one, how many names do you have for me anyway?" Yuugi laughed. the oni paying little mind to the name Tewi branded her with, if her jovial attitude towards the questionable nickname(s) wasn't evidence enough. In fact, Yuugi's laid back demeanor is probably the only reason why the oni didn't curbstomp the mouthy lagomorph into the earth's mantle for constantly making cracks about her noticeable bosom. Still, so long as she doesn't try to play any tricks on her, then the rabbit won't find her head in a wall somewhere.

Shinjiro, however, payed no mind to this and continued on with his explanation. "Your abilities have given me an idea on a way to expand on your potential, I cannot gaurantee you'll be as strong as Yuugi, but you will indeed be more powerful than you are now..."

"I don't need your help." Tewi muttered, looking away from her master who kept a sharp eye on her expression.

"If you want to live, you will take my help as a blessing." Shinjiro said coldly. "Or would you rather go back to rotting in that field I found you in?"

"... ... ..."

"Just as I thought." Shinjiro commented in a victorous tone before he rose from the warming waters of the hot spring and walked past the two bathing youkai. Stating his orders as he went. "You may stay here if you wish, but your training starts at 5 PM today, do not be late or you will go hungry tonight. Hoshiguma you are exempt from attending but you may watch if you so desire."

== Shirotaro's Lost Journal Entries (Page 1 of ??) ==

I must have patience.

I need time to gather more proof on if this spell will really do what I want of it.
For now though, everything looks as though it would work out. There doesn't appear to be any
noticeable variables or problems with the technique. Hell, if I didn't know any better I'd say the layout of this
spell was absolutely flawless. But I cannot trust any of the conventional magus' and their theories,
and thus this spell is NOT perfect...not by my standards anyway. Magecraft of this calibur is something far more advanced
for any of them to achieve or comprehend. Only a mind like my own can know of the possibilities this spell can hold for us
if it is executed correctly.

Many believe that it is foolish to pursue such an endeavor, saying that this path will only lead to my own destruction and ruin.
I will let them say what they will of my sanity or decisions, I know full well of what I wish to do...and the consequences
that will follow if this happens to fail. In any event, the others are of no help to me, so from now on what is to be written in this
journal of mine, shall remain in this jorunal. No other man, woman and especially child, shall know of my plans to further perfect this spell.
If anyone worthy were to see will have to be someone willing to face as many sacrifices that I am about to make.

Someone willing to die at any given moment in the name of their work and dedication.

In anycase, it will be months, perhaps years, before I'm able to leave my lab again. I will miss seeing my beloved wife and my son, but all of this time...
will be worth it...

- Kuroyama Shirotaro, 07/23/1940
« Last Edit: October 03, 2009, 04:24:41 AM by Lesser Key of Erebus »
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Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #477 on: October 17, 2009, 03:05:56 PM »
That night, Yumemi was awoken by a sharp prod on the shoulder.  She opened one eye to find a grim-faced Soran standing over her and she realised what had happened.

"Ah-I'm sorry!  I must have overslept!  Is it my turn to stand watch?!"

Soran shook his head and made a patting gesture with his palm, "Keep your voice down.  We don't want to wake the others.  I think we've travelled far enough; we can make it to this 'shrine' from here and I think it's time we all went our separate ways."

"But why?" asked Yumemi, "it doesn't make sense to simply leave in the middle of the night without telling anyone."

Look at her.  Do you really think she's grateful to you for saving her?  The debt is repaid.  Now she's watching your every move in case you try to turn her in.  You must put the child at ease.

"A pursuit force might be on its way and we can't afford to drag other people into our problems right?  We're a danger to them as long as we stay here", Soran said finally.

Yumemi gave him a dubious look but got up and straightened out her clothes and hair.  She took one last look at Vant and the others before disappearing into the trees.  As she followed Soran in silence, her eyes narrowed in suspicion.  This wasn't the first time she had detected some kind of presence following him around and now she caught brief glimpses of some kind of white miasma forming around his head.  She had also caught glimpses of it when he started talking about enemies in pursuit but she tried to dismiss it as a trick of her eyes but now she could no longer ignore the possibility that someone or something was tampering with his thought processes without his knowledge.  It would explain his sudden proficiency with things he claimed to have never been trained in or the sudden opening of mana channels throughout his body.  In the past few days, Yumemi had noticed a significant increase in the amount of mana Soran was able to supply her with; such an increase was as unnatural as flowers being in full bloom in the winter.  If something could alter a human being that much it had to be inside his body, which would account for everything.

Primary conclusion: another spiritual presence is living inside Soran for its own purposes.

The thought was chilling.  Questions began to run through her mind at once, her mind analyzing the situation from all angles at once.  What was the nature of this presence?  Was it hostile or not?  Did it have its own agenda?  Is it a parasite or symbiote?  Is it even from Gensokyo?  She couldn't dismiss the possibility that it was from this world or even another world entirely.  The fact that it could not take a physical form did not mean that it was from a spiritual realm.  There were too many factors that were left uncertain to make further conclusions so she had to narrow down the facts.  Yumemi felt a small twinge of regret in the back of her mind for treating her new partner like an experiment but she stiffened her resolve - this was for his own good after all.

Meanwhile, Soran continued to forge a path ahead, guided by an instinct he did not question or understand.

She suspects something, you know.

"Of course she does", Soran mumbled, "she's a top class scientist after all.  I don't see any loss in telling her."

No, not yet.  We don't want her to know everything before our goals are accomplished.  She wouldn't understand what we are trying to achieve.

"And what are we trying to achieve?" he asked pointedly.

Yumemi's eyes narrowed, "I was beginning to wonder that same thing myself.  Do you even know where you are going at this point?"

Soran nodded, "If I didn't know where we were going I wouldn't have tried to persuade you to leave.  We just need to take a roundabout route to lose anyone who might be following us."

Yumemi nodded slowly, seemingly satisifed by that explanation.  Soran turned his head and began to concentate on the path forward.  Meanwhile his partner's suspicion was growing with each passing comment; even if his argument was rational it was still a rather flimsy excuse.  Why does a person have to cover their tracks?  Presumably because they don't want anyone following them, whether they be friend or foe.  It was clear he was lying and had some kind of ulterior motive for leaving Vant and his two goddess companions behind.  While she did not rule out the possibility of his inherent paranoia driving him to suspect that they were part of a RAI pursuit force, Yumemi reasoned that if they were serious about recapturing her they would have been upon them much quicker.  The reason had to be related to either Vant or the goddesses.

She decided to pursue this line of enquiry first.  When she got to this so-called shrine, she would need some time to herself.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2009, 09:16:41 PM by Rabbit »
Too much of a good thing, and it is no longer good.


  • Oh...oh I was not ready for this.
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Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #478 on: November 07, 2009, 12:41:56 AM »

Saturday, 27th February, 20XX

Dear Security Log,

   Today marks the 5th day since our guests arrived and my observation diary began. They show no signs of suspicion as yet, leading me to believe that I am still well concealed under my well-conceived cover. I have yet to find satisfactory evidence that they are indeed who the Steward thinks they are. Further notes to self ? I suspect the Steward is senile on top of mad, but I digress. A few of them show promise.

   Their day began with what I may consider a rather rough call-to-arms. In her eagerness to test out what little of our wide array of security functions they have managed to activate, young Lady Reimu got a little....over-excited. Her compatriots took this more as an attack on their sleep and freedom, and thus escaped, mostly into the fortress complex, much to my disapproval. After they did considerable damage to the complex itself (which, I am unhappy to note, will take some effort to repair), they finally sought out a cure to what they believed was the root of the problem - that they had turned female (refer to security log entry D52/N023/7657). They then proceeded to lay siege to their resident medical practitioner, Lady Eirin, threatening to destroy her door with a 'Tank', a rather primitive solid projectile cannon mounted on mechanical tracks which I mentioned in the first log entry (refer to security log entry D52/N023/7654).

   Are they intellectually challenged?

   Lady Eirin soon surrendered and handed the victorious assailants what they demanded, a cure for their accidental femininity. However, these did not elicit the results they wished, something I surmise to be caused by the medication's experimental nature. A good many of them unfortunately experienced a sudden reversal in their aging. However, much to my surprise (and amusement), many didn't seem to mind the new state of affairs. How queer. They actually seemed to enjoy being younger, as well as being of the opposite gender.

   Young Lady Reimu then took on the task of teaching them all what is now known as miko arts, the Eastern arts of exorcism. I find it quite interesting how a practical science of warfare devolved into a practical extension of a spiritual belief system. I have personally witnessed said devolution. However, it did lead to subsequent conservation of these practices. While all that we were was worn away by the cruel winds of time, some things remain, however disfigured. But I digress. Young Lady Reimu lead them all to the hill behind the shrine for training in said arts. While some were reluctant at first, taking part only grudgingly, they seemed to start enjoying the outdoor activity soon enough. I too, personally enjoyed it. It brings to mind old memories, something odd to me for I do not recall ever having the emotion of nostalgia installed in me.

   I feel sorry for young Lady Reimu, for a lot of our guests take her prudence and dedication for granted, even going so far as considering her acts comparable to that of full blown dictatorship. I personally witnessed how little sleep she's had ever since her arrival. Even the night before today, she had been up all night researching the Linker-MAD functions, before cooking up a wholesome breakfast for everyone with the assistance of her good and loyal companion, young Lady Sanae. It is little wonder that the two practically collapsed soon after the training ended and were carried off to bed.

   There was little to note at breakfast, though I cannot be wholly sure. I myself was not present at breakfast. The security records don't seem to suggest anything out of the ordinary occurred, at least on the surface, but there are subtle signs of tampering. Considering that Lady Alice emerged from breakfast with newly made citizen identify details, a new system to create new forms of such identification, as well as a new cache of funds suggest that something more than the intake of organic nutrition occurred. I shall be sure to question her at my earliest convenience. Though I already have my suspicions, it would be best to act on them once they have been confirmed.

   Lady Shoko, as her female form has come to be known, later requested Lady Reimu to take the two new arrivals, Master Nate and Lady Ana, for a tour of the fortress complex. Lady Midori somehow ended up tagging along. Truth be told, I was somewhat wary. Lady Reimu took on the task for what I believe was a rather trivial sum of money. She then showed them around the fortress complex, sharing with them what little she knew of it. Oh I so wish I could have spoken up. To see their awestruck faces upon meeting every little surprise we had in store made me swell with pride. Unfortunately, Master Nate went a little too far in his excitement and seemed to scare away Lady Alice. I can't say Master Nate has made a very good impression to begin with. I myself have had to resist a few advances from Master Nate....but perhaps it is his way of showing affection? I cannot tell. I only know that if he tries anything modern society refers to as 'creepy', he shall find more than just the fortress' security system hounding him.

   Lady Reimu has repeatedly warned everyone of the danger of wandering about the Fortress Complex alone, particularly of the danger of the Shadow Creatures prowling about. Unfortunately, few listened. Fewer still heed it. Indeed, Lady Shoko even asked Lady Reimu why she has never been notified of this, when she herself led the so-called 'security meeting' where Lady Reimu announced this for the first time. Sure enough, when we reached the library, we found Lady Alice under the assault of one such Shadow Creature, a full-grown adult Shadow Wyvern. However, armed with the exorcism training young Lady Reimu had given them as well as sheer gungho, the group assembled managed to defeat the Shadow Wyvern. Upon defeating it, Lady Ana acquired what I believe to be one of the lost artifacts, something she later came to call a 'G-stone'. I understand that it was named after a similar artifact from a children's animated show. I am most perplexed.

   However, it did not perplex me as much as Lady Yukari, or, as she is now known, Lady Yukarin's, antics. She somehow managed to slip more of those age-reversal drugs down the throats of young Lady Reimu, young Lady Alice and young Lady Marisa. While this had seriously detrimental effects on Lady Alice's emotional maturity, it didn't seem to have as much an effect on Lady Reimu's and Lady Marisa's.

   Perhaps they've always had such 'fascinating' personalities since childhood?

   Speaking of intellectual maturity, here I once again came upon Lady Yorihime, who seems to insist that she is one named 'Lunablade', a self-proclaimed 'champion of love, justice and the Lunarian way'. She fancies herself a 'mahou shoujo', a product of modern day popular culture, particularly that of animated children's daytime shows (see cultural reference J01/001/001). Somehow, this seems to have infected poor Lady Youmu as well, whose mental integrity, which seems to have been under siege for a while now, has finally decided to give way to nothing short of insanity. She now fancies herself a certain 'Magical Girl Crescensoul' or some such.

   Later on in the morning most of the so-called 'teams' went their separate ways to take care of personal business that they have so far been unable to accomplish, for one reason or another (mostly impromptu calls for action which I mostly attribute to the team's bad luck and uncanny ability to attract trouble). Young Lady Sakuya decided to go shopping for clothes for her husband, or, rather, very, very young wife, Lady Taihou. I understood it was a very embarassing affair. However, probably not as embarassing as when young Lady Reimu led her team to purchase new clothing for themselves as well as young Master Mitaka, or, rather, baby Miyo-chan as we refer to her now. I feel sorry for young Lady Hirowaza and Lady Meira who have to bear the sheer burden of merely being associated with us in that store.

   Perhaps there is some truth in karma, as young Lady Reimu was afterwards dragged along to the gambling parlour across the street by an excited Lady Hirowaza. As I understand it, she seems to particularly enjoy indulging in a local gambling game known as 'mahjong' (see cultural reference J73/032/009). To make matters worse, the gambling parlour seemed to be full of 'yakuza' (see cultural reference J15/002/004 and security log entry  D52/N023/7655). At least none of them seemed to recognize us, particularly as most of our group has altered so much since our last encounter. However, someone did seem to recognize us, and us them. There were two young ladies in the process of securing their final victory at a table as we entered. One of them I identified as Unit Code S31/X-000a VIVIT. The other bore a shocking resemblance to Lady Reimu, and, by proxy, to our Lady Administrator. Both were dressed all in white, in the uniform of the Covenant, which, I understand, is now often worn by the Order of Elemia, a religious order little understood by outsiders.

   Lady Reimu's lookalike, who came to introduce herself as Lady Quistia, challenged Lady Hirowaza to a game, a challenge she could not refuse. The prize, however, was to be Lady Meira and Lady Reimu. There was to be no retreat, however, the yakuza around us having blocked of our path of retreat. Lady Ana, who had accompanied us up to the entrance, apparently managed to escape and secure a means to make our own escape, which I will describe momentarily. After a heated battle, Lady Hirowaza emerged victorious. I wasn't quite sure what happened after, but Lady Ana broke through the parlour's front in a van, scattering the yakuza into panic. Lady Quistia had somehow escaped through the back door, causing Lady Reimu and Lady Hirowaza to give chase. They found her outside, with Lady VIVIT held close in one arm.

   What happened next was little short of sheer chaos. Lady Quistia performed the forbidden  rite of the 7 Dark Towers, causing Lady VIVIT to gather and amplify pockets of dark shadows all around her. The effects spread all across the city. Perhaps it is a blessing that only those who have been exposed to high concentrations of mana can witness such horror. Surely it would twist the minds of the uninitiated beyond any hope of repair.

   Meanwhile, Lady Erebus, Lady Sana, Master ThirtyFour and the-now-Lady Nate arrived at the city square just in time for the Idol Master contest. From what I understood, there they met Lady Shoko and Lady Midori. After a little mishap, most likely attributable to their attire (they were dressed in traditional miko garb), they were pushed on stage as the contest's final entries. With Lady Rika's quick and decisive actions, they were saved from embarrassing awkwardness by the sheer embarrassment of having to sing the full collection of songs by a group of composers/singers known as IOSYS (which, I understand, has their own popular culture following).

   Midway through the show, Lady Marisa and Lady Alice burst onto stage, just in time for the song titled 'Marisa Stole the Precious Thing' (which I understand is Lady Alice's specialty), followed by Lady Quistia and the rest of Lady Reimu's group. A heated battle ensued as Lady Quistia summoned a plethora of shadow nekomata youkai. Thankfully, the battle was safely passed off as part of the show, much to the amusement of the crowd.

   It might be good to note that most of the group have managed to become possessed by these nekomata spirits, causing them to exhibit the common symptoms of possession including feline-like ears and tails.

   I found them quite endearing and cute.

   Upon her defeat, Lady Quistia attempted to escape, only to later be cornered in an alleyway and captured by our group. By the group's consensus, Lady Reimu's decision to rearrange Lady Quistia's memories was vetoed in favour of removing her ability to produce enough mana to sustain herself, turning her into a mana-dependent much like the other refugees. Lady Jan then performed the rite of contract and bound her to herself. Lady Quistia, though she begrudged her fate, agreed to cooperate as it befitted her new station. She confessed that Quistia was naught but her priestess name, and her real name was in fact 'Oyuki'.

   Fearing for her store, Lady Nate then led the team back to her bookstore. And as feared, it was under the effects of the shadow storm unleashed earlier by Oyuki through the 7 dark towers rite. Upon entering, Lady Nate's, Lady Shoko's, Lady Jan's, Lady Amarillo's, Lady Midori's, Lady Sana's and Lady Reimu's teams were ambushed by a pack of nekomata-eating ice frog youkai. But these were nothing in comparison to the leviathan of a shadow centaur that later came along with the shadow-infested VIVIT. Its arrival was marked by Lady Hirowaza flying crashing through a wall, before it itself ploughed down said wall as if it were those very convenient modern tissue papers.

   Through their combined prowess and uncanny use of tactics on Lady Reimu's part, however, the team managed to defeat the collosal monster. The battle did lose Lady Nate her bookstore, but it did win Lady Shoko, Lady Sana, and Lady Renko new artifacts, which they oh-so-aptly named after similar artifacts they have previously seen in those modern day video games. I am admittedly perplexed. Lady VIVIT's suffering did not cease there, however, as her body continued to accumulate and amplify darkness, creating a vortex of dark energy so immensely powerful that it threatened to shred her to pieces. However, Lady Hirowaza braved the vortex to reach out to her and save her. Somehow, something in her actions reached Lady VIVIT's heart and allowed her the willpower to overcome the darkness.

Or something like that. Maybe.

   It may also be worth mentioning that shortly after, the magical girl team seemed to expand exponentially within the space of 5 minutes to include a certain theoretical physicist, a certain computer scientist, a certain black and white witch, a certain carpenter, as well as a certain maid. But that is of little importance.

   There is admittedly something odd about this group, for they immediately drove off to lunch (in the aforementioned van previously used to smash into the mahjong parlour) right after as if the morning's events were nothing more than a short jog in the park. While seeking out a good place where they may find seafood-based sustenance, they came upon a distressed woman who pleaded for help. She saw that we were dressed in miko garb and asked that we exorcise a 'demon' now plaguing her store. Being the enterprising miko they were, the group entered the store and, after being baffled by a few cunning shape-shifting tricks, they managed to apprehend the 'demon', who turned out to be none other than another missing refugee, Lady Nue. Lady Nate quickly performed the rite of contract to save her from fading away. However, in the process, she ended up running low on mana herself and risked endangering her own life and that of her charge. However, Lady Amarillo steadfastly delivered aid by performing a simple Linker-MAD to provide her with the mana she so sorely needed.

   After lunch, the team was driving home in the illegally-acquired van when they saw a number of familiar figures at the train station. It was none other than Lady Byakuren, Lady Shou and Lady Ichirin, yet more lost refugees. They were in the company of young Lady Amakawa (Refer to security log D52/N023/7653) and were just about to board the train. The group, rather recklessly, gave chase on the van and ? I shall spare you the details of what ensued. I doubt you will believe me,  in fact, I fear you will think me malfunctioning. I agree, I would think so as well had I not experienced it personally. But in short, after a long and protracted battle that involved the destruction of two train carriages, the team managed to safely get back onboard the van with Lady  Byakuren in tow to make their escape. Unfortunately, Lady Amakawa made a hasty retreat with Lady Shou and Lady Ichirin before anything could be done about them.

   As we made our way back, relishing our latest escape from the jaws of doom for the day, Lady Byakuren shared with us her knowledge of Covenant Lore. The input from Lady Oyuki sparked such controversy. Oh how I wished I could have related the truth. It took every fiber of my being to stop myself from speaking out, no, lashing out against all the slander. I was particularly irritated by Lady Nate's skepticism. But no, my personal opinions should count for naught. I will not let my emotions compromise my cover and the task at hand.

   After our return to the shrine, most of the group took to settling down in the Great Library. I myself did not remain long. I did hear that a small incident or two involving people falling over into the waterfall but there were no casualties or injuries to report and thus warrants little mention.

   A more notable occurrence was Lady Youmu's sudden decision to propose to Lady Yorihime. Perhaps the madness sparked by Lady Yorihime's magical girl fanaticism was the cause, I  do not know. The security feeds suggest that Lady Youmu came to the rather sudden decision after a brief deliberation involving Lady Reimu and, most importantly, Lady Yukarin and Lady Yuyuko, out in the front garden's gazebo. I myself was not present at the time.

   I might also add that all of them had been further transformed by their possession into small  kitten-sized humanoids with feline ears and tails. Very cute and endearing, I might be so bold as to say.

   Upon Lady Yorihime's sudden arrival to challenge Lady Yukarin, Lady Youmu launched into a very sudden marriage proposal which, I'm sure, caught the Lunarian princess off guard. Much to my surprise, she agreed. There was much love and warmth shared thereafter.

   I am worried.

    More trouble followed, unfortunately, this time in the backyard. Lady Mima had appeared to take a stroll through the rose beds, brimming with dark miasma. She managed possess Master Taihou to carry out her bidding. Lady Amarillo and Lady Hirowaza mounted a desperate resistance, but they were severely overwhelmed by the might of Lady Mima's magic and Master Taihou's combat prowess. Lady Amarillo was left with a deep stab wound in her back while Lady Hirowaza was cornered. Lady Reimu, Lady Yukari and Lady Yuyuko arrived just in time to provide backup and support, and together they defeated Lady Mima and Lady Taihou before they could cause any further damage. Lady Reimu then delivered first aid before delivering the injured to Lady Eirin's expert care.

Let us hope she takes more care with their surgical treatment than she does with dispensing her medicine.

   Much later in the evening, after dinner, a small group of daredevils consisting of Lady Alice, Lady Marisa, Lady Suika, Lady Shoko, Lady Jan, Lady Renko, Lady Sana and Lady Nate, decided to go delving deeper into the Great Library, particularly into the what they referred to as the 'deep chasm of books' or 'Grand Canyon of Books'. Little did they know that it has an actual name. I did not plan on letting them venture that far just yet, so you can imagine how upset I was upon learning that they had.

Apparently they were beset by an entire flock of shadow wyverns and only barely managed to survive by hitching a ride on one and diving into the safety of the Library Block's  Master Waypoint Tower. Finding themselves trapped by the flock of wyverns outside, they decided to explore the tower's interior for possible solutions. After descending the tower and discovering its many living facilities (including the kitchens, where apparently they managed to get one of the food synthesizers to work. I am indeed worried), they finally came upon the Master Waypoint Tower's Mana Generator Room. I am not quite sure how they got the door to open, but I suspect Lady Oyuki and her resemblance to the Head Administrator played a part in it. While I must admit that turning on the generator was a great achievement, I think the most commendable part was not getting mauled over by the Library Block's Coordinator, MeiMei, who wasn't very happy with them trespassing on her domain.

   Meanwhile, Lady Patchouli and Lady Reimu mounted a daring rescue, gathering the brave few willing to charge in to liberate their trapped companions. They dived down the chasm, crushing a thick wall of wyverns, before mounting what I think was the most dramatic yet pointlessly silly rescue I had ever witnessed.

   A few more events of note occurred throughout the night and early morning as Lady Reimu prepared for the festivities to celebrate the union of Lady Youmu and Lady Yorihime, but I fear those will have to await tomorrow's report. Till then, I shall keep up a vigilant watch.

Somebody has to make sure these people don't hurt themselves. Too much.

Ever Stoically Vigilant,
Chief Security Coordinator



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Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #479 on: November 07, 2009, 09:10:50 PM »
Inn Halls, Saniwa Shrine, ~6:06 AM, Day 5
Participants: Teams Drillkumo: E-mouse

Well, this is a pleasant state of affairs.

I didn't need to ask to be sure that Yukari had lolified herself voluntarily. And given her method of greeting, I have fair reason to suspect that it was done to help get away with molesting me.

... well, I didn't exactly hate that in itself, but given our circumstances, it's probably a bad idea... and trying to make me into a pedophile is even worse.

At least she'd agreed to let Ran dress her instead of me after I made that point. Here's to hoping Reimu wants miko(s) more than strict timeliness.

But still... I guess I can't REALLY blame her for doing this. She's a real mischief-maker, and this is probably her last 'hurrah' at getting away with something this big - if we 'go public' at all, it won't really be an option anymore. For a while, at least. Sure, she could get away with some shenanigans in the Covenant base if she wanted to, but it's just not the same... and she doesn't have enough of her powers to tick off that check box next to 'Yukari's screwing around again' on her own...

... which would be my fault. Ugh. At least it's pretty clear she's made a full recovery from the Sky Ray incident...

Chen interrupted my musing. "S... so, um..."

"Mmm?" I asked, looking up from my position lounging against the wall next to the miko-outfit storage. The resident shikinekomata was standing over me, looking a little nervous.

She tried to smile, just a little. "Uh, um... what are you thinking about?"

"Yukari's antics, mostly." I replied. Sighed. "It doesn't really surprise me, but given how things are going, I don't think it was the best idea."

Chen laughed nervously. "Yu... Yukari-sama can be like that sometimes. She..." She glanced at the miko-suit door for a moment, and leaned in so she could whisper instead. "Yukari-sama sometimes does silly things, even if it gets her in trouble..."

... Chen leaning in close to me... now I'M nervous. I shuffled away a little. Can't get Ran any more pissed off, whether or not she's here to see.

... and yet I hope that didn't offend Chen, instead. Le sigh.

Anyway. "I know it's Yukari's style to make trouble just for kicks, but still. It's going to be a lot harder to set things right once she's had her fun out here, and 'trouble' is probably going to be a lot worse than getting beat up by Reimu..."

Chen grimaced for a moment, and nodded. "Y... yeah... but still... Mi, Midori-oneechan..."

She trailed off for a moment, one cat ear twitching. I wiped my nose again.

"... please don't be too upset with Yukari-sama..."

I shook my head. "I'm not. Well, at least I HOPE I'm not. I actually enjoy her pranks and jokes, to an extent, and even if this loli-Yukarin silliness isn't the wisest thing to do, it'll be her last chance to have this sort of fun for a while. So."

Chen stared at me for a moment. "Midori-oneechan..." She slowly broke out into a big smile. "Thanks for understanding!"

... there goes my nose again.

Her smile softened. "Even Ran-sama gets angry at Yukari-sama sometimes... I'm happy you aren't upset with her."

God damn, she's good at this.

Chen's smile faded, and she stared again. "But... it's kinda weird how you know so much about us..."

She blinked. "Ah!" Blushed a little. "Uh, uhm, s, sorry Midori-oneechan, that was rude..."

I really hope this isn't the outer world as I remember it. Otherwise I'll be out of blood by the end of the day...

Still. She had a good point. Am I acting too much on my knowledge of Touhou......? I mean, I'd hoped that after seeing a handful of other fanboys in the human village - not to mention some of the others from this very group, like Shoko...

Ugh. Why did she... he have to go and seduce me like that...

Argh, not now! Point is, I'd think Gensokyo's natives would have had SOME hint as to Touhou's existence - and popularity. But as it stands, I guess knowing about it would make people uncomfortable... should I try and stop?

... no... we need to pull what advantages we can get. Knowing what people are capable of, and what to expect from them, are worthwhile parts of that. It'll be kinda creepy, I know, but...

I shook my head and sighed a little. "It IS pretty weird, isn't it? I guess I should apologize for that... but I'm afraid it's a fact of life, now. We've talked about the 'Touhou' game series, right?"

She nodded. "Yeah... that was the..." she screwed up her face in thought. "Game... thing you mentioned on the train? With stuff about Gensokyo?"

I gave her a small smile. This stuff seemed like second nature to me, but that's right - video games are an odd idea in Gensokyo, aren't they? Oh well.

"Right. Thanks to that, everyone who's been involved in the Incidents from the games - and a few that haven't - have turned into fictional celebrities to the outer world." I frowned and backpedaled on that a little. "Well, fictional as far as anyone here would be concerned, at least... but it still means that I'm unfairly familiar with a lot of Gensokyo's natives, even if I've never met them before."

And more importantly... "... as would a lot of other fanboys."

Chen grimaced a little, and nodded slowly. "So... so people would recognize us in the outer world?"

I nodded. "A few could, at least. Touhou seems to have gotten pretty popular in Japan, so if we did anything overt..." ... why am I using over-complicated language? "... obvious, then any otaku that finds out will make a point of it. And if it happens too often, then we'll end up popular among them for being so much like the Touhou crew. And with Kikuri around, well....." I trailed off.

... Chen's face turned pale. Her cat-ears flattened down in fear, and I think her tails were starting to curl up again.

Damnit. But... it's true.

... I reached out and put a hand on her shoulder. "Yeah. We're in a scary situation." I said, soothingly, "But it's not our fault. A lot of bad things have happened, but we'll get through it somehow." ... I gave her a smile. "Ran-sama and Yukari..."

I stopped myself. Blinked. Laughed a little. "Haha, now I'm talking like I'd expect you to!"

Chen didn't interrupt, so I shook my head - those little drill-hair things in front of my ears flap around a lot, now that I really notice them... oh well - and continued. "Anyway." Smiled. "Ran and Yukari will be able to handle this, won't they? What the hell do you think they are?"

Chen grinned a little, and laughed herself. "Heehee..."

I let go of her shoulder to dab at my upper lip.

"Midori-oneechan's right." Chen went on, smiling again. "We'll make it through this fine, somehow!" She brought up her hands and clenched them in determination. "And I'll do my part, too!!"

I grinned. "That's the spirit, isn't it? Even if there's not a whole lot we can do right now, there's gonna be some way to bring Gensokyo back, and we'll find it!"

... I put a hand on the Drill, and spoke softly. "For that matter, maybe we'll even end up better off afterwards..."

Chen nodded vigorously, ears flapping from the motion. "Yeah!"


The door to the miko-outfit storage slammed open, and out marched a little blonde miko in a blue hakama. She turned towards me and Chen, puffed out her chest proudly, and spun around a bit to show off her clothes.

"Hello again, Yukari." I deadpanned.

Her face scrunched up into an adorable little pout. "Midori-oneechaaan! That's no way to greet your imouto's new outfiiit!"

... damnit, that look on her face is cute. I wiped my nose again for the who-knows-how-manyth time.

She grinned. "See, it's cute, isn't it?!"

"I think that was more about your antics than the outfit itself." I replied.

A brief pause. Yukarin's grin broadened. "Heehee!"

... that WAS a rather sweet thing to say, wasn't it?

"Yukari-sama can have her moments." Ran agreed, shutting the closet door behind her with a 'click.'

Yukari spun around to grin (I presume) at her. "You bet, Ran-ba-"

I gently clutched a hand on the top of Yukari's head.

"... oneechan."

I let go. Ran... looked a little conflicted. Glad I stopped the abuse, but upset at the threat to Yukari? Oh, whatever.

But, she recovered quickly enough. "We should get going. Reimu can be... quite frightening when she's angry."

I was... not certain how I'd forgotten about that. Crap.

"This is very true." I agreed. "Hopefully a gap miko will make up for being late."

Yukari turned back towards me and pouted again. "Reimu-oneechan never liked it when I wore her clothes..."

"That would probably be because you stole them." I replied, deadpan, and turned to walk towards the exit of the shrine. "Come on, let's go."

I could hear a pattering of feet from behind me. Mmm, I guess Chen at least would be eager enough to get goi--


I stumbled forward a little as something leapt at my back. Not as forceful as Yukarin's initial knockdown greet-tackle, but disconcerting enough.

Yukari confirmed herself to be the perpetrator. Again. "Yukarin wants a piggyback ride!!"

Oh, for...

Ran sighed from behind me, irritation getting the better of her. "Yukari-sama, do you really need..."

"Yukarin wants a piggyback ride!!" Yukarin repeated, a whiny tone entering her voice. She jumped up at my back again.

"Um, Yukari-sama, we need to hurry so Reimu doesn't get angry..." Chen suggested.

Silence for a moment. I realized Yukari wouldn't really care about that argument.

... and we don't have time to argue over it instead. Tsk. Well, it's not that bad anyway.

I sighed, and knelt down. "Alright, fine, c'mon."
"Wai~" Yukarin cried, leaping onto my back once again, wrapping her arms around my neck. And her legs around my waist.

She promptly started to slip off, so I grabbed her shins with my hands to keep her on. Standard procedure, really, if I remember from when I was a kid correctly.

With a groan of exertion, I got to my feet again. She wasn't TOO heavy, mostly thanks to her current 'age.' I can handle this.

"Midori-san..." Ran said, hesitantly.

... Ran probably could have done this instead of me, couldn't she?


Yukari at least provided an excuse. "But Yukarin wants it from Midori-oneechan!"

Yeah, figured she'd use that argument. She's really pushing for mana purposes, ain't she... still.

"Sure you want to pass on having Rantails with you?" I asked.

Yukari actually hesitated. "... I get to play with Rantails often enough!" she countered.

I chuckled a little, and started walking down the hall towards the shrine entrance. "Right, right. Well, if you insist..."

We left. Ran didn't object further, but I'm still a little worried...

Front shrine grounds, Saniwa Shrine, ~6:06 AM, Day 5
Participants: Teams Drillkumo: E-mouse

It wasn't too difficult finding our way back out of the shrine, and the only annoyance Yukarin supplied from on my back was playing with my hair. On the other hand, it's good that I managed to stop her from tying my dangly-drill-hair-ear-hanging-things together, or it would've been more than an annoyance.

Regardless. I paused after stepping into the standard (if run-down) stone clearing in front of the shrine, squinting out in the morning sun.

... which way were we going again? Up the hill nearby? Which way would...

Ran and Chen power-walked past me and made a beeline for an opening in the mostly-barren trees off to one side of the 'front lawn.' There was a sort of rough dirt trail there, leading into the forest proper. Past the branches above, I could see that the tops of the trees rose up higher in that direction - and there was an implied opening between a segment of them, quite possibly for a mountain stream.

Well then.

I adjusted my grip on Yukari's legs.....

... ugh, actually thinking about physical intimacy always gives me pause...

She cut in on my excessive ruminations with a dual knee-nudge to the sides. "Giddiyap, Midori-oneechan!"

... okay, that was cute, but still... "Shaddap." I muttered back, but did as ordered.

... requested.

I actually rather doubted I'd be able to catch up with Ran and Chen, but for some reason Ran stopped in her tracks and turned around. Probably to berate me for taking so long...

... no, she's looking past me? With her fox ears turning around to listen to something...

I turned around to try and follow her gaze, and realized she was watching the top of the stairs to the shrine. I didn't see anything there.


"Hmm." Ran hummed. "I thought I heard something..."

I clicked my tongue. "Well then, I suppose we'll have to investigate."

I only managed two steps before a hand grabbed my arm from behind. "Midori-san, don't worry. Reimu-san is watching the shrine grounds, remember?"

I hesitated, still staring at the stairs. "... I don't know. She didn't exactly do a perfect job downstairs."

... Ran's hand squeezed my arm for a moment. "Please." she pleaded, a hint of fear in her voice, "She'd raise an alarm if it was anything dangerous, and she'll be angry with us already." A pause. "Don't underestimate her... in ability or anger."

Well... that's true. Reimu wouldn't be THAT inept, and she'd know security for up here would be more important than the Covenant base. What the hell could be dangerous down there, anyway?

And if she'd direct her wrath at us instead...

I sighed a little. "Yeah, you're right." Turned back around, to see Ran looking a bit pensive, and Chen looking back from quite close to the start of the forest trail. "Sorry for holding us up."

Ran nodded again, and we set out once more.

Or started to, before Yukari reached down to grab my chest.

I yelped a little in surprise. She didn't seem to care enough to stop, and attempted to explain her actions. "We gotta hurry-hurry, gotta press Midori-oneechan's speedup button!"

I tilted my body away from her grasp, and she actually let go, returning her arm to clinging onto my neck.

"Yukari do not do that." I hissed.

"Aw, but Yukarin's just having fun~" she sang.

"I know, but still!"

I could just see the pout on her face. "Aw, phooey."

I sighed. "Let's just go..."

"Yes..." Ran agreed, though she sounded a bit disapproving of Yukari's antics. I had to agree. I swear, if Yukari does that again...

Hilly Forest Trail, Saniwa Grounds, ~6:07 AM, Day 5
Participants: Team Drillkumo: E-mouse

We went on, mostly in silence, but had a brief conversation about Chen thinking she heard something, too. Ran and Yukari reassured us that it was probably some stray animal in the forest... since the shrine was unoccupied for so long, they probably didn't try to avoid it, until now. Especially now that we were actually wandering outside of the obvious man-made areas of it.

Ran added a small bit of worry about this being especially true for any animals approaching youkaihood. I pointed out that this was unlikely in a magic-less outer world, but she retained her doubts.

Oh well. Culture shock, no doubt...

We were silent for a while longer, before noticing that Chen had stopped to look again. The rest of us didn't even turn around this time, only pausing for a gentle reminder from Ran that we needed to hurry. So we went forward again.

It didn't take long before something else got in the way. Namely, Yukari getting a bit restless on my back, wriggling and mumbling a little.

"You want to get off and walk?" I suggested.

"Naw." She replied, and... started chewing on my hair.

I paused for a moment, and sighed. "Yukari, what the hell are you doing?"

... she reached down and grabbed my chest again.

Okay, that's IT!

She started to explain - something about less talking and, probably, speeding up again (to be fair, I HAD slowed down when she started wriggling), but there was retaliation to be had. I let go of her legs to force her to drop off my back anyway.

Unfortunately, I had somehow managed to forget about the other gapmiko arm around my neck. Damnit.

Both of us toppled backwards with twin yelps of surprise, falling onto the ground. Well, mostly onto the ground - my head landed somewhere on Yukari's belly, but the same idea applies.

I briefly worried if she was okay. But between the lack of any whimpers of pain and the feel of barely pressing back on her belly, I concluded that there wasn't any problem.

Except, of course, with this actually happening.

"Damnit, Yukari!" I cried into the forest.


It was at about this point that, somewhere, for undoubtedly perfectly sensible reasons, a large quantity of excrement made contact with a series of rotary blades.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2009, 12:11:06 AM by E-mouse »
There was something here once. Wonder what...