Author Topic: Problems installing a PC-98 game [SOLVED]  (Read 3996 times)

Problems installing a PC-98 game [SOLVED]
« on: February 17, 2011, 05:07:20 PM »
I've been having this problem with one game called A列車で行こう4 (Take the A Train4)
I've tried installing it on both Anex86 and T-98Next to no avail.
First I put in the M$Dos system disk so I can access the install floppy of the game, and to format the newly created hard drive. Then I just mount the installation disk, and it goes all smoothly, asking me to put specific disks (such as the one with the data, graphics, and so on)
After the installation finishes, I get those following confirm messages (placed in order of appearance):

I found out that if I choose 'Yes' at the last confirm message, the installation deletes all the files it installed, so I suspect an unsuccessful install?
So, if I chose it not to delete the files, I try to run the game, but this is what happens:

In spite the fact that I even tried adding 32MB of RAM in the emulator settings, which would make it impossible to run out of memory
I wanted to try and copy all the system files from the M$Dos to the hard disk before I would install the game (to be able to run it without the floppy) but it refuses to boot showing me only a blank screen when I start the virtual machine...

So I ask you PC-98 junkies or japanese language knowers to help me on this issue X.X
Thanks in advance~
« Last Edit: May 04, 2011, 06:26:14 PM by Momiji »

Re: Problems installing a PC-98 game
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2011, 08:06:52 AM »
Nevermind, found out how to expand the memory inside M$-Dos here: