Author Topic: Escape Velocity Nova (Some form of a Let's Play? I dunno)  (Read 12107 times)


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  • By Benny1
Escape Velocity Nova (Some form of a Let's Play? I dunno)
« on: June 09, 2009, 06:14:38 PM »
Dunno if this'll work, or keep my interest. Bored. need something to do.

Escape Velocity Nova is a fun little shareware game by Ambrosia that was originally on a Mac and was ported to Windows, if you're familiar with games such as Freelancer, then you'll know the kind of game EV Nova is. Buy stuff, trade, kill stuff, eventually capture planets etc etc.

We'll have a bit of interactive stuff, so I shall start off with a simple question and a slightly harder question that can be thought about for a bit longer.

If anyone cares, anyway.

Question 1: Pilot name
Question 2: What team will said pilot be aligned with?

The Federation is the typical human empire, they own a pretty big part of the galaxy and have rather typical, if not slightly upper-tier ships. Rumour has it, there's someone higher up controlling it.

The Aurorans are the largest empire in the game owning LOADS of systems on the "southern" area of the galaxy, they're split into houses that often conflict and fight. Imagine them as like... widespread Irish, they love fighting, fighting and more fighting. On the other hand, their technology and thus their unique ships are low-tier.

The Polaris are an isolated group of humans who left earth a long long time ago, they split themselves into castes to perform whatever they do and hardly come into contact with other empires. Their technology is unmatched, their cybernetic organisms (or spaceships to you and me) are a pleasure to pilot, a deadly weapon and horrifically hard to fight.

The Vell-os are a race of psychics whose numbers are boosted by anyone... unfortunate enough to show psychic capabilities. They are a rare sight and don't even fly spaceships, they ride through space in mental projections and use psychic attacks to deal damage.

The Rebels like to row row fight the power of the confederation, they only own a handful of systems versus the might of the federation, but they won't live with the crimes that they commit behind the scenes. As one would expect, poor selection of ships.

Time to choose Dr Freeman.


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Re: Escape Velocity Nova (Some form of a Let's Play? I dunno)
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2009, 07:06:21 PM »
Escape Velocity...the name sounds familiar.  Sounds interesting.  Anyway, I vote Vell-os, they sound cool.  Pilot name?  No clue.  Make someone else come up with one.
Too much of a good thing, and it is no longer good.


  • Long twintail-o-holic
Re: Escape Velocity Nova (Some form of a Let's Play? I dunno)
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2009, 07:42:22 PM »
Maybe I'd participate more but I haven't played EV for like 6 years+ lol.

I actually registered the original even though the registered version did absolutely nothing but get rid of captain hector.. Just cuz the game was *THAT* good for a shareware game.

Was kinda dissapointed that the unregistered versions of nova and override weren't so generous. I think I played nova least of all the 3, even though I liked it more than override (maybe more than the original too, I forget).


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Re: Escape Velocity Nova (Some form of a Let's Play? I dunno)
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2009, 10:51:46 PM »
<3<3<3 Escape Velocity.  Especially the Star Wars mod...

Never played Nova though.


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Re: Escape Velocity Nova (Some form of a Let's Play? I dunno)
« Reply #4 on: June 11, 2009, 06:38:28 AM »
Pilot name is Edible, of course.  Who do you think I am? :|


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  • By Benny1
Re: Escape Velocity Nova (Some form of a Let's Play? I dunno)
« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2009, 02:30:33 PM »
Yeah, I love the Polaris too, sitting in a Raven and modding it so its main laser is overpowered and recharges fuel quick is awesome.

Re: Escape Velocity Nova (Some form of a Let's Play? I dunno)
« Reply #6 on: June 17, 2009, 09:12:01 PM »
I think there needs to be more voting and less "EVN? I've heard of that."

Chalk one up for the Vell-os for me. Also, Vetoing Edible as a name. Let's go with something Orginal like Ferris Wiehl.


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Re: Escape Velocity Nova (Some form of a Let's Play? I dunno)
« Reply #7 on: June 17, 2009, 09:51:03 PM »
Also, Vetoing Edible as a name.

##Vig Kill: Zakeri

Re: Escape Velocity Nova (Some form of a Let's Play? I dunno)
« Reply #8 on: June 18, 2009, 12:53:18 AM »
Also, Vetoing Edible as a name.

##Vig Kill: Zakeri

Err ...

I guess now would be a good time to tell everyone that I'm a bulletproof townie. (Damn it.)


  • One part the F?hrer, one part the Pope
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Re: Escape Velocity Nova (Some form of a Let's Play? I dunno)
« Reply #9 on: June 18, 2009, 12:56:23 AM »
Zakeri, Bulletproof Townie, was killed by a hollow-point round!

ops :<

Anyway, yeah.  Looks like Polaris is the way to go, and if Edible isn't a good enough game for you peasants then Ferris Wiehl is appropriately amusing.

Re: Escape Velocity Nova (Some form of a Let's Play? I dunno)
« Reply #10 on: June 20, 2009, 06:01:47 AM »
Zakeri, Serial Killer, was killed by a hollow-point round!

ops :<

Anyway, yeah.  Looks like Polaris is the way to go, and if Edible isn't a good enough name for you peasants then Ferris Wiehl is appropriately amusing.



  • Permabanned
  • By Benny1
Re: Escape Velocity Nova (Some form of a Let's Play? I dunno)
« Reply #11 on: June 20, 2009, 10:15:15 AM »

Ferris Wiehl (2)

Polaris (2)
Vell-os (2)

I'll start soon, been horribly busy with work.

Maid Xan~

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Re: Escape Velocity Nova (Some form of a Let's Play? I dunno)
« Reply #12 on: June 20, 2009, 07:26:52 PM »
Polaris sounds fun ^_^

I don't care about the name.
There are people in this world who enjoy being alone. But there isn't a single person who can bear solitude.

The Astral Pancake

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Re: Escape Velocity Nova (Some form of a Let's Play? I dunno)
« Reply #13 on: June 20, 2009, 07:58:50 PM »
Polaris (2)
Vell-os (2)

I'll start soon, been horribly busy with work.

We have a choice between the Borg and fucking eldar psykers , I think the choice is clear.

Polaris because we can have all-robotican firepower instead of some psyker bullshit.

Maid Xan~

  • Oh. Uh... Hey... Hey there, Koto.
  • What... what are you smiling like that for, Koto?
Re: Escape Velocity Nova (Some form of a Let's Play? I dunno)
« Reply #14 on: June 20, 2009, 08:32:46 PM »

We have a choice between the Borg and fucking eldar psykers , I think the choice is clear.

Polaris because we can have all-robotican firepower instead of some psyker bullshit.

Don't dis the Eldar.
There are people in this world who enjoy being alone. But there isn't a single person who can bear solitude.


  • Permabanned
  • By Benny1
Re: Escape Velocity Nova (Some form of a Let's Play? I dunno)
« Reply #15 on: June 21, 2009, 12:22:32 AM »
And so the journey of the to-be-famous hero, Ferris begins.

And so we begin in a shuttle, a vanilla shuttle armed with a single gun, low speed, low armour, fuel for 3 jumps, obviously the only appropirate name for such a thing would be GRAVEDIGGER.

Although the grave is more likely my own.

After only a few minutes, I find myself running for my life as I casually flew into the middle of a battle between the Feds and some pirates. Thankfully my shield only got a tiny bit chipped.

Since it was the first time I landed, in that system, the Tutorial guy turns up. He seems friendly enough but I told him to go away, he said something else to make him sound all cheerful, but I bed he's just pissed off he just got denied a free ride.

As you can see, I've been spending some cash. On what? I hear you ask. Well, if you look at the radar, we've got colour now marking out who the guys are who are trying to induce pain on me. Additional purchases were the upgrade that shows you what size enemies are and the almighty auto-refuel item, very handy for someone like me who forgets to do it every time I land.


One crash from pressing random keys trying to communicate with someone later, I'm back in action and doing an easy trade route to raise some cash for stuff to stop me running out of fuel, Earth in the Sol System has nice cheap Med supplies and Port Kane buys it for a high price, they also sell equipment which Europa in the Sol System buy for a lot, coincidently Europa sell medium price Luxury supplies which Sol buys for more, nice trade circle.

Some weird guys came up to me, asking if I could transport some weird probe or something, sounds scary, I remember that old episode of South Park that told me how bad probes can be. Money offer was nice so I accepted.

Wait, long trip? I only have fuel for 3 jumps at a time.


Turns out the destination was a long long long way away on the map, I left the system and immediately jettisoned the probe into space, maybe it'll find it's destination some day. :(

Back to trading, I decide to get a friend since they can help me carry more. Unfortunately for me, he decides to take my cargo and cash and bugger off. Unfortunately for him, his ship has no weapons so I destroyed him, those three fed guys enjoyed the show.

Back on Earth, i'm approached by some weird individual who I happen to know as the Vell-os guy. He asked me to help him, so I answered politely that the forces that control me have requested that my life be spent elsewhere in this universe and hope to maintain good relations with his kind.

Turns out my answer didn't work and being what can only be described as a faggot, he sets the entire federation army on me, a lonely guy with three slaves and piloting a shuttle, what's his problem anyway? Selling the rest of the goods you can see on the right, I made a little over 500k.

Turns out there were more Feds than I thought.


Turns out I jumped straight into the crossfire between the Aurorans and the Feds.

Out of Fed territory but still being chased, I landed on a friendly Auroran base to recharge, in the bar I was approached by the trigger to the Polaris campaign, great.

Wild Geese? New Ireland? Someone has some poor naming abilities, regardless that's our destination.

Oh wait, I just got blown up as soon as I left the base, screw you Feds, I'll take you down one day.


  • Permabanned
  • By Benny1
Re: Escape Velocity Nova (Some form of a Let's Play? I dunno)
« Reply #16 on: June 21, 2009, 12:49:27 AM »
I was saving up and earning cash at an insane rate, those damn Vell-os caught onto my money making scheme and intercepted me before my scheme could be completed.


  • One part the F?hrer, one part the Pope
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Re: Escape Velocity Nova (Some form of a Let's Play? I dunno)
« Reply #17 on: June 23, 2009, 11:10:26 PM »
I suggest making a bit more cash before heading to New Ireland, then picking up one of those damned sweet Mod Starbridges.