Author Topic: Touhou 13.5 Hopeless Masquerade Black screen  (Read 4056 times)

Touhou 13.5 Hopeless Masquerade Black screen
« on: October 14, 2017, 03:09:44 PM »
guys can you help me?
whenever i run Masquerade
it only shows black screen
« Last Edit: October 14, 2017, 03:36:18 PM by Ziljian »

Re: Touhou 13.5 Hopeless Masquerade Black screen
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2017, 03:43:02 PM »
Give me more information: What graphics card are you using? What is the version number of your graphics driver? Do you have DirectX9 installed (Can be found here and here. You need to install both for full DX9 compatibility)? Are you using 32 or 64 bit Windows 10? (I know you are running Windows 10 because this forum shows which OS and browser someone is using) Which version of the game itself are you using? (The latest one is 1.34b) Did you try using Locale Emulator or AppLocale in order to run the game with a Japanese locale? If no, are you using an English patch, where did you get it and who made it? If you are using an English patch and you can't name the author or give me a download link, there is a very high chance, you have a pirated copy.

If you are asking about technical help, don't just say "It's not working", give the people system information, give them the error message if there was one, give them more then just "It's not working". That does not only makes you look smarter, it makes it easier for people to replicate your problem and give you the solution to your problem. Also, I am assuming you used Google before posting this thread. If you didn't, always use Google before asking a question on a forum!

? Make sure you post what operating system you're running and what hardware you have

I am using Wine 2.0.2-stable on Ubuntu 16.04 with Intel HD Graphics 520 in order to run the game and it works perfectly fine. I also tried Windows 10 64 bit in VirtualBox 5.1.28 and it worked too.
Not that a signature matters.