Author Topic: Hardboiled Detective Touhou - City of Illusion  (Read 4602 times)

Hardboiled Detective Touhou - City of Illusion
« on: November 11, 2016, 05:51:15 PM »
Putting on one leg after another, I lay down on my chair as I picked up the newspaper.

The thunder roar. Flash of lightning briefly illuminated this place.

'Trouble again', I think, as I take this as a sign.

...Then again, there's nothing but trouble in this city.


....The thunder roar again.

Taking the chance, I read the newspaper while the flashed is still on.

"Chief, won't you afraid to hurt your eyes reading like that?"

Sigh, I once again talk to my officer.

"If you're so worries, how about you files a letter of complain to the mayor? Something concerning the constant black-out of this police office, for example?"

Then again, as the one dealing with the "financial circumstand" of this place, he should have do it a long time ago.


Another silent, huh? Figure.

"I-It's not like I don't tried to do that in the first place! But no matter how many times, they won't respond."


"Figure? Do you know about this, Chief?"

Tch... I said my thought outloud again...Can't help it.

"You... what's your name and position?"

"Um... Bob Norman, Sergeant, Chief ! Just assigned here 2 months ago, Chief!"

 "Right... you're still new to this place. Uptight, by the book-type right?"

" Y-Yes, you could said so. By the ..."

"Yeah yeah, I don't need to hear that again... Do you pissed anyone off before coming here? Someone importance?"

"!!...N-No, I don't think so. Why?"

"...So an oblivious type, too? Or perhap just bad luck?"

Or she involved?

"W-What do you mean,Chief?"

"Hah... since you're new, I guess I should explained this to you: You don't find law to be veeery appreciated right here."


"This city is full of trouble. Always was, Always will."

"But if you want to solve this: Don't bother. Evident's always lost, witness's always find a convienient's reason to disappear, and the whole thing never seem to exist in the first place, as if it's just all smoke and mirror...Kinda fitting for this place actually. "

After all, this is a City of Illusion, where the high's always come, and all of your wildest dream will be real...provide you're willing to keep it.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2016, 07:22:10 PM by andykhang »

Re: Hardboiled Detective Touhou - City of Illusion
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2016, 12:36:06 PM »
"But well, if you keep your mouth shut, your leg on the table and your hand on the paper, just doing nothing, then maybe you would have a decent live here. The salary here is actually good, really."


Hm... look like he still don't get it.

Seen his type before. Young, passionate men with nary a beard on the face, striving to right all the wrong-doing of the world. Always the first on the case and the last to leave.

Rarely does that last long in this stinkin's place dressed in perfume though. Most of them corrupted beyond compare in just a few year, rotting in our corner. The remaining didn't even get that chance. usually with a bullet through the noggin.

...Usually though, if you want to last long with your soul intact (spiritually or otherwise), you need to have that special something.

Some kind of twisted mindset, some amount of power... or some kind of secret.

Strangely though, I does feel that special something within him. Calling it a Chief's intuition, if you will.

Don't know what though, and don't really care. And so I keep reading the newspaper, hoping this would be a rare day today...

*Knock Knock*

...Sign, today is not that day.

"What?". Asked me, half displease and half fed-up, through the old rickety door to my incompetent officer.

"Um, Chief