Author Topic: Random randoms, short stories, something something, etc.  (Read 4434 times)


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Random randoms, short stories, something something, etc.
« on: April 18, 2016, 01:07:58 PM »
I've been wanting to write for a while. Sometimes I need to do random things to just get them out of my head. So sorry.
If something is cheesily stupid, it's probably on purpose. Whether ironically or unironically or not depends on my sanity at the time of writing.


"Marisa, there's something I need to tell you."

From the flutters of the wind, her flaxen hair touched the corners of a mysterious grin.

"My name is actually Balice."

What. Marisa woke up. That was a dream. And in that dream was Alice. Her neighbor. But she said her name wasn't Alice, but...


"So I'd been calling her by a wrong name this whole time." Marisa muttered to herself.

She got up from her futon and walked up to a nearby window to shake off the remaining drowzinesses that weren't already shaken off by the startling dream. A dreary morning, it was cloudy and slightly drizzly outside.

Marisa imagined things.

"Good morning Barisa" "Hey there, Bariss" "What's up Barisa" "Why are you still sleeping in this late Barisa?"

She shuddered all over. Her roof was leaking droplets of rain on her head. I thought I fixed that accident of a hole I made last Tuesday, she thought to herself.

Or was it last Wednesday? A scandalous suspicion rose to her mind. About the hole, on the Sunday of last, she was out on the roof of her house casting an arcane magical spell together with Alice about- no wait, Balice. It's Balice, right. Marisa began to dress up to head out.

It was a typical witch attire: a witch's hat, a witch's broom, and a pair of witch's shoes. And a witch's dress, of course. It bothered her that she could still find no cat that could tolerate her high-speed broom flying techniques. And that made her not a cool witch, but just an ordinary one. Not like the ones she would read of in her storybooks. And what witch would be complete without a witch's cat?

Opening the door, Marisa discovered to her glum that the drizzle had developed into an outright downpour. Down with cats and down with dogs, it was raining cats and dogs, and yet not a single cat could be found that would be excited to be her partner in witchdom. She cast a spell that made her ignore the unpleasantness of wet clothes for the duration it would take to walk over to the house next door.

For it was not very far, and when she arrived at its front door, she invited herself in.

"Alice!" Wait, wasn't it-

"I do not go by that name." A doll-like figure glared at her from the fireplace. "My name is Balice."

"So it was true." Marisa said, plaintively, as though wise words were uttered.

Since her clothes were soaking wet, even from the short trip, she casted another quick spell that transferred all the wet moisture in her clothes into the fire in the fireplace. With a sizzle and a poof, the fire went out. And darkness filled the room.

Marisa stared at Balice, and she stared back. But the darkness of the room soon hid her figure from Marisa's eyes and then she saw nothing but black.

"Balice, I'm sorry."

"Don't be." The reply came from somewhere both far and near.

"I should have known."

"But I never told you."

"But I should have known, we're friends."

No response.

Marisa continued. "Look, I'm sorry about this time, but hey, I'll always be here to listen to anything you have to say."

The darkness rippled with a tentative shyness. "Really?"

"You know me," Marisa put on her biggest smile. "I'll lie, I'll steal, but I'll never betray you, we're friends. We're friends, Balice. Now hit me with your biggest shot."

"Well, then... well..." The darkness started to recede as moonlight stole in from the window. More time had passed than it had seemed. "I'm, I'm..."

Marisa waited attentively.

"I'm a cat." Meow.

"B-but, Balice you, you...!" Marisa fumbled half-formed words out.

"Please, don't hate-"

"No!" Marisa said, perhaps too fiercely.

Now the moonlight shone clearly at a small figure in front of the fireplace, what the darkness had hid. What Balice had been trying to hide.

Balice was looking up at Marisa through big, clear, beautiful, but terrified eyes-- she was a golden cat.

"I would never hate you! Hell, there's something I haven't told you either."

Balice waited, curious but still a little frightened.

"I've always wanted a cat partner. Makes a witch-wannabe a witch-witch, ya know?"

"I-I-" Balice stammered.

"Kinda sucks that you're not black, but-" Marisa kicked her own foot. "I mean no! I didn't mean that, I mean witches all have black cats in the stories and all but, I mean, uh-." She paused to think of her next sentence before blurting something potentially insensitive out again. Because that was a smart thing to do. She kicked herself in her own foot again, but mentally this time.

"What I mean is," Marisa crouched down and put out her hand. "Want to be my partner?"

"I- of course! I would love... to..." But Balice hesitated to approach. "I'm sorry for hiding this from you, Marisa."

"Are you still hung up on that? I'm way over that already. Here, get up on my shoulder."

Seemingly content, Balice used her claws and climbed up onto Marisa's shoulder. She stood up carefully, making sure her new companion could stay perched.

Marisa had a mischevious look on her face. "We've got witch stuff to do."

The light of a new day was quickly illuminating the sky. More time had passed than it had seemed.

--------------------------------\\\   .
|To (not) be continued...>
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« Last Edit: April 18, 2016, 01:14:26 PM by Mеа »
Naked expression; purple raspberry flavour


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  • "So this was it. My easy retirement."
Re: Random randoms, short stories, something something, etc.
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2016, 04:40:49 AM »
Weird but entertaining to read.