Author Topic: Don't Roll To Dodge - RPG Edition  (Read 99288 times)

an unmatched sock

  • Um...what's this?
  • Should I be concerned? I think I should be concern
Re: Don't Roll To Dodge - RPG Edition
« Reply #870 on: July 15, 2015, 03:02:28 PM »
>If the worker still lives after it gets bolted, chase after it and sword it's face!
>If it dies, move to the other side of the rock to help push it.

The Hating Hater

  • What's the deal?
  • YO~!
Re: Don't Roll To Dodge - RPG Edition
« Reply #871 on: July 15, 2015, 03:39:28 PM »
> Vomit robot vomit
> Move left into the mushrooms.


  • Rena is pleased with your efforts.
Re: Don't Roll To Dodge - RPG Edition
« Reply #872 on: July 18, 2015, 12:23:19 AM »

aUsernameIsFineToo (Archer) (Lv. 4)
HP: 10/10
SP: 10/10
Knowledge: 1/4
ATK: 2 | DEF: 1 (2) | SPE: 1
SPD: 1 | Luck: 5%
Cash: 13 | EXP: 14/100
Inner Shards: 2
Items: Blueberries: Heals 5SP upon use.
Cardboard Shield: Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Boosts DEF by 1 (Passive) (Equipped).
Wriggle's Lantern: Need 2 Knowledge Points to equip. During the night, grants an extra action per turn (Passive) (Equipped).

Raitaki (Blood Mage) (Lv. 4)
HP: 1/5
SP: 5/5
Knowledge: 0/4
ATK: 1 | DEF: 0 | SPE: 5
SPD: 1 | Luck: 5%
Cash: 4 | EXP: 24/100
Inner Shards: 0
Items: Plastic Wand: Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Boosts SPE by 1 (Passive).
"Exercising For Dummies": Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Boosts SPD by 1 (Passive).
Bloodlust: Need 4 Knowledge Points to equip. For the screen, every enemy you defeat boosts your damage slightly (Passive) (Equipped).
Meditate (Spell): Costs 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Boosts SPE by 1 for your next attack, costs 2SP per charge.

Kasu (Healer Mage) (Lv. 4) (Hallucinatory)
HP: 10/10
SP: 10/10
Knowledge: 1/4
ATK: 0 | DEF: 2 | SPE: 2 (3)
SPD: 1 | Luck: 5%
Cash: 74 | EXP: 9/100
Inner Shards: 0
Items: Items: Plastic Wand: Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Boosts SPE by 1 (Passive) (Equipped).
Wriggle's Lantern: Need 2 Knowledge Points to equip. During the night, grants an extra action per turn (Passive) (Equipped).

an unmatched sock (Warrior) (Lv. 3)
HP: 10/10
SP: 5/5
Knowledge: 0/3
ATK: 2 (3) | DEF: 2 (5) | SPE: 0 (-1)
SPD: 1 | Luck: 5%
Cash: 20 | EXP: 54/100
Inner Shards: 0
Items: Plastic Sword: Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Boosts ATK by 1 (Passive) (Equipped).
Cardboard Shield: Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Boosts DEF by 1 (Passive) (Equipped).
Chestplate: Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Boosts DEF by 2, but lowers SPE by 1 (Passive) (Equipped).

Smashy (Fighter) (Lv. 4)
HP: 13/15
SP: 5/5
Knowledge: 2/4
ATK: 3 | DEF: -1 (0)| SPE: 2
SPD: 1 | Luck: 5%
Cash: 32 | EXP: 5/100
Inner Shards: 1
Items: Cardboard Shield: Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Boosts DEF by 1 (Passive) (Equipped).
Dodge Badge: Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. When you defend, you have a Luck% chance of taking zero damage (Passive) (Equipped).
Unknown Berry: Heals ?HP, ?SP, and might do something...only one way to find out what it does...

bigyihsuan (Bookworm) (Lv. 4)
HP: 9/15
SP: 5/5
Knowledge: 5/5
ATK: 1 | DEF: 2 | SPE: 1
SPD: 1 | Luck: 5%
Cash: 42 | EXP: 6/100
Inner Shards: 0
Items: Wriggle's Blade: Need 5 Knowledge points to equip. Whenever you land an attack, you have a 25% chance of leeching HP from the enemy. During the night time, this chance increases to a 50% chance.

Patorikku (Thief) (Lv. 4) (Regenerative?)
HP: 2/10
SP: 5/5
Knowledge: 2/4
ATK: 1 | DEF: -1 (0) | SPE: 1
SPD: 5 | Luck: 5%
Cash: 78 | EXP: 5/100
Inner Shards: 0
Items: Sharpened End: Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Grants a 10% chance of inflicting the enemy with Bleeding Tier I (Passive) (Equipped).
Cardboard Shield: Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Boosts DEF by 1 (Passive) (Equipped).
Luck Gauntlets: Need 2 Knowledge Points to equip. Boosts Luck by 5% (Passive).

LaserTurtle (Sprinter) (Lv. 4)
HP: 6/10
SP: 5/5
Knowledge: 0/4
ATK: 2 (3) | DEF: 0 | SPE: 0
SPD: 4 (7) | Luck: 5%
Cash: 59 | EXP: 17/100
Inner Shards: 0
Items: Plastic Sword: Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Boosts ATK by 1 (Passive) (Equipped).
Mystery Card: One use. Is said to have 128 different effects, both helpful or harmful...can turn the tide of a battle for either side.
"Exercising For Dummies": Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Boosts SPD by 1 (Passive) (Equipped).
Broken Guitar: Previously owned by...LaserTurtle? But that's you, isn't it? In it's current condition, it's unusable.
Music Sheet (Energize): Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip, and guitar. Costs 3SP. When used, the party's ATK, DEF, SPE, and SPD are all increased by 1 for 2 turns.
Wood: It's wood, what else is there to explain?
Wriggle's Lantern: Need 2 Knowledge Points to equip. During the night, grants an extra action per turn (Passive) (Equipped).

MewMewHeart (Healer Mage) (Lv. 3)
HP: 10/10
SP: 10/10
Knowledge: 1/3
ATK: 0 | DEF: 0 | SPE: 2 (3)
SPD: 2 | Luck: 5%
Cash: 25 | EXP: 51/100
Inner Shards: 0
Items: Items: Plastic Wand: Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Boosts SPE by 1 (Passive) (Equipped).
Cardboard Shield: Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Boosts DEF by 1 (Passive).
Unknown Script: Shows an image of a person placing a circular object into the slot in the wall. The text is illegible.
Book of Flight: Needs 6 Knowledge Points to equip. Allows user to walk on all terrain (Passive).
Familiar Charm: Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Gives the wearer a chance to obtain enemy summon cards upon defeating an enemy (Passive) (Equipped).
Cake: Happy Birthday! Heals up to 44HP. Can be partially eaten and used later.

The Hating Hater (Robot) (Lv. 3)
HP: 6/10
SP: 5/5
Knowledge: 3/3
ATK: 2 | DEF: 1 | SPE: 1
SPD: 1 | Luck: 5%
Cash: 28 | EXP: 71/100
Inner Shards: 0
Items: Donut (x4): Heals 1HP and 1SP to entire party upon use.
Present: What's inside? Who knows! Open to find out (takes an action to do so)!
Wood: It's wood, what else is there to explain?

Miniking1 (Townsfolk) (Lv. 3)
HP: 10/10
SP: 5/10
Knowledge: 2/3
ATK: 1 (2) | DEF: 0 | SPE: 1
SPD: 2 | Luck: 5%
Cash: 10 | EXP: 38/100
Inner Shards: 1
Items: Plastic Sword: Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Boosts ATK by 1 (Passive) (Equipped).
Bzzit Summon: Need 3 Knowledge Points to equip. Information can be found here.
Apple (x1): Heals 5HP upon use.
Lunchbox (x1): Can be used three times before the item disappears. Heals 20HP and 10SP upon use.
String (x1): It's a piece of string, nothing special here.

Player Turn
LaserTurtle zooms past a great deal of trees up and to the left.
Patorikku moves down thrice and left once into the dark blue mushrooms. He starts to regenerate health...? (+1HP?)
Miniking1 leaves MewMewHeart and an unmatched sock to deal with the last Worker Livingstone, while he moves towards the boulder to push it back.
MewMewHeart is too far away to fire magic at the Worker Livingstone, so she moves south thrice towards him.
Raitaki dark bolts the Red Fairy for 6 damage, and tries to move right twice, but Tomion and Valar are blocking the way.
Smashy moves left a whole bunch, I guess.
bigyihsuan moves left once and up twice (you crafted the lantern into a sword, removing your extra move during night). He then throws some books into the mushrooms. Welp, looks like you won't be needing those anymore.
Kasu moves left once and trips upwards into the mushrooms, renewing his hallucinatory status. He still felt dizzy from the trip, so he sat down during his third move.
aUsernameIsFineToo moves left a bunch as well.
an unmatched sock chases after the Worker Livingstone and smacks it with his sword, dealing 3 damage.
The Hating Hater coughs up some parts. That's got to be painful, but nothing important seems to have been lost. He moves left thrice, cutting through the mushrooms. He recovers from his hallucinatory status, and even after cutting through the other mushrooms, he seems to be fine for now...?
Tomion fires a few arrows at the Red Fairy, successfully defeating it. Afterwards, Tomion and Valar had been dropped into mysterious gaps, presumably never to be seen from again. Their items, EXP and Cash has been transferred to Raitaki (+3 Cash, +20EXP).

Enemy Turn
The icy fairy moves up twice and right twice, and fires icicles at the mermaid, dealing 3 damage.
The mermaid moves down once, and smacks the icy fairy with her tail for 4 damage. She then retreats right three spaces.
Green Fairy 1 moves right once and fires more danmaku at Raitaki for more zero damage.

Green Fairy 2 moves right twice and fires danmaku at Raitaki for zero damage.

Green Fairy 3 moves right twice and down once.

Blue Fairy 3 moves right thrice.

Green Fairy 4 moves also right thrice.

Blue Fairy 4 also moves right thrice.

Worker Livingstone 2 retrieves some emergency rock-climbing equipment, and successfully escapes from the group...

Misty Lake Turn 9

Forest of Magic Area 1 Turn 14

Dried Plains Area 1 Turn 10

(Yeah, that's probably one of the only ways for me to remove you from the game is when you haven't visited the site in like a month or something.)
Next Update: When all players post, or whenever (preferably less than 24 hours, but most likely less than a week)


  • Hermit Mode on!
  • Just chilling like a hermit.
Re: Don't Roll To Dodge - RPG Edition
« Reply #873 on: July 18, 2015, 12:39:51 AM »
> "Well that cares of that now let's plug up that hole!"
 > Move up and behind the boulder to help Mini push it into the hole.
My danmakucopter goes pew pew pew!

Check out my newb PAD box it's a thing right?

Re: Don't Roll To Dodge - RPG Edition
« Reply #874 on: July 18, 2015, 12:55:30 AM »
> Up, left, left, up (if nighttime).

Failure McFailFace

  • I'm h...a...p...p...y...
  • Impor
Re: Don't Roll To Dodge - RPG Edition
« Reply #875 on: July 18, 2015, 02:13:06 AM »
>Did anything happen at all???
>left x4
1cc Easy: DDC (all) | 1cc Normal: UFO (SanA autobomb),  DDC (ReiA, SakA) , LoLK (Sanae PD)| EX clears: DDC (MarB Ultra) | Puzzle Games: StB: 10-X, DS: Hatate unlock, ISC: All clear


  • 雷滝
Re: Don't Roll To Dodge - RPG Edition
« Reply #876 on: July 18, 2015, 02:32:18 AM »
>Dark Bolt for triple kill .-.
[08:23 pm]  Aristocrat -- Raitaki on a scale of 1 to 10 your current mafia game play is annoying as fuck
[08:25 pm]  Aristocrat -- Raitaki, if both of us ended up as mafia
[08:25 pm]  Aristocrat -- I would be so angry
[08:25 pm]  Aristocrat -- that I will snap and give into my rage


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: Don't Roll To Dodge - RPG Edition
« Reply #877 on: July 18, 2015, 02:36:54 AM »
> Up and open the chest.

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.


  • Weird country-bumpkin city-boy hybrid
  • (ง ?̀_?́)ง
Re: Don't Roll To Dodge - RPG Edition
« Reply #878 on: July 18, 2015, 05:06:56 AM »
> Up, left, left, up.

Oh look, I got an image in my signature. Finally.
Click here for Tumblr nonsense.


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Don't Roll To Dodge - RPG Edition
« Reply #879 on: July 18, 2015, 06:39:12 AM »
>"Alright guys I'm gonna try and push this thing that's like 4 times my character sprite size, lookout."
>Right once. Spend the rest of the turns taking the boulder and pushing it somewhere else, preferably south.


  • :V tank
  • ᕦ(? Д?)ᕤ
Re: Don't Roll To Dodge - RPG Edition
« Reply #880 on: July 18, 2015, 02:13:32 PM »
>Up Left Up

The Hating Hater

  • What's the deal?
  • YO~!
Re: Don't Roll To Dodge - RPG Edition
« Reply #881 on: July 18, 2015, 10:51:47 PM »
> Keep moving left.


  • Master of the lurk
  • *sips tea*
Re: Don't Roll To Dodge - RPG Edition
« Reply #882 on: July 20, 2015, 05:43:10 PM »
>Run up  next to Kasu, then down 1 and left any moves I have left.
Off The Rails [complete!] 1  2 - Sharks jumped: Somewhere between one and all of them
Talking to yourself isn't a sign of madness. Expecting a reply is.
Stare too long into the abyss and the abyss stares back, and then it gets awkward until one of you breaks eye contact.

an unmatched sock

  • Um...what's this?
  • Should I be concerned? I think I should be concern
Re: Don't Roll To Dodge - RPG Edition
« Reply #883 on: July 21, 2015, 06:58:09 AM »
>"You cur!"
>Move to assist with pushing the rock into the gap.


  • Derp Imminent
Re: Don't Roll To Dodge - RPG Edition
« Reply #884 on: July 30, 2015, 01:32:54 AM »
If this isn't a bad time to join, I'd like to /in with my Bookwormy self, please!

>Check out what the shop has to offer, assuming it's fine to do something like that straight from the get-go.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2015, 04:41:38 AM by Cheez8 »
Someday, I'll have a clue what I'm doing.


  • Rena is pleased with your efforts.
Re: Don't Roll To Dodge - RPG Edition
« Reply #885 on: August 02, 2015, 01:53:22 AM »
Q: Stop taking so long to update!
A: Yeah I should learn how to do that eventually, you're right. Work has gotten heavier recently, however, and as I get more exhausted, I become less motivated. However, for the parts where I did have motivation, I found time to finally finish player cards for every player in the game!

(EXP and Cash values not up to date yet)
Now of course, this table is still sticking around because it tracks items and Knowledge Points, and other useful things for me, but these cards will be updated alongside with an actual update from here on out, meaning you can keep track of how healthy or terribly unhealthy your character is at the moment.

...or that's the plan anyways, still trying to figure out how to do this exactly, as I am no tech savvy! Hopefully photobucket does the job?

Also, with work getting in the way more often, luckily, I do get a schedule of the next week two days before said week, so inside the "Next Update:" slot at the bottom of a post, I will be certain to post the day and the approximate time I'll post the update at (will always be EST, and if I say I'll post at 5:00PM and I post at 5:02PM, please don't hate).

aUsernameIsFineToo (Archer) (Lv. 4)
HP: 10/10
SP: 10/10
Knowledge: 1/4
ATK: 2 | DEF: 1 (2) | SPE: 1
SPD: 1 | Luck: 5%
Cash: 13 | EXP: 14/100
Inner Shards: 2
Items: Blueberries: Heals 5SP upon use.
Cardboard Shield: Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Boosts DEF by 1 (Passive) (Equipped).
Wriggle's Lantern: Need 2 Knowledge Points to equip. During the night, grants an extra action per turn (Passive) (Equipped).

Raitaki (Blood Mage) (Lv. 4)
HP: 1/5
SP: 5/5
Knowledge: 0/4
ATK: 1 | DEF: 0 | SPE: 5
SPD: 1 | Luck: 5%
Cash: 8 | EXP: 34/100
Inner Shards: 0
Items: Plastic Wand: Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Boosts SPE by 1 (Passive).
"Exercising For Dummies": Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Boosts SPD by 1 (Passive).
Bloodlust: Need 4 Knowledge Points to equip. For the screen, every enemy you defeat boosts your damage slightly (Passive) (Equipped).
Meditate (Spell): Costs 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Boosts SPE by 1 for your next attack, costs 2SP per charge.

Kasu (Healer Mage) (Lv. 4) (Hallucinatory)
HP: 10/10
SP: 10/10
Knowledge: 1/4
ATK: 0 | DEF: 2 | SPE: 2 (3)
SPD: 1 | Luck: 5%
Cash: 74 | EXP: 9/100
Inner Shards: 0
Items: Items: Plastic Wand: Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Boosts SPE by 1 (Passive) (Equipped).
Wriggle's Lantern: Need 2 Knowledge Points to equip. During the night, grants an extra action per turn (Passive) (Equipped).
Leafy Wand: Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Summons a 4 space projectile that has a 10% chance of putting the target to sleep. 1SPE damage, 1SP per use.

an unmatched sock (Warrior) (Lv. 3)
HP: 10/10
SP: 5/5
Knowledge: 0/3
ATK: 2 (3) | DEF: 2 (5) | SPE: 0 (-1)
SPD: 1 | Luck: 5%
Cash: 20 | EXP: 54/100
Inner Shards: 0
Items: Plastic Sword: Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Boosts ATK by 1 (Passive) (Equipped).
Cardboard Shield: Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Boosts DEF by 1 (Passive) (Equipped).
Chestplate: Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Boosts DEF by 2, but lowers SPE by 1 (Passive) (Equipped).

Smashy (Fighter) (Lv. 4)
HP: 13/15
SP: 5/5
Knowledge: 2/4
ATK: 3 | DEF: -1 (0)| SPE: 2
SPD: 1 | Luck: 5%
Cash: 32 | EXP: 5/100
Inner Shards: 1
Items: Cardboard Shield: Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Boosts DEF by 1 (Passive) (Equipped).
Dodge Badge: Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. When you defend, you have a Luck% chance of taking zero damage (Passive) (Equipped).
Unknown Berry: Heals ?HP, ?SP, and might do something...only one way to find out what it does...

bigyihsuan (Bookworm) (Lv. 4)
HP: 9/15
SP: 5/5
Knowledge: 5/5
ATK: 1 | DEF: 2 | SPE: 1
SPD: 1 | Luck: 5%
Cash: 42 | EXP: 6/100
Inner Shards: 0
Items: Wriggle's Blade: Need 5 Knowledge points to equip. Whenever you land an attack, you have a 25% chance of leeching HP from the enemy. During the night time, this chance increases to a 50% chance.

Patorikku (Thief) (Lv. 4) (Regenerative?)
HP: 2/10
SP: 5/5
Knowledge: 2/4
ATK: 1 | DEF: -1 (0) | SPE: 1
SPD: 5 | Luck: 5%
Cash: 78 | EXP: 5/100
Inner Shards: 0
Items: Sharpened End: Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Grants a 10% chance of inflicting the enemy with Bleeding Tier I (Passive) (Equipped).
Cardboard Shield: Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Boosts DEF by 1 (Passive) (Equipped).
Luck Gauntlets: Need 2 Knowledge Points to equip. Boosts Luck by 5% (Passive).

LaserTurtle (Sprinter) (Lv. 4)
HP: 6/10
SP: 5/5
Knowledge: 0/4
ATK: 2 (3) | DEF: 0 | SPE: 0
SPD: 4 (7) | Luck: 5%
Cash: 59 | EXP: 17/100
Inner Shards: 0
Items: Plastic Sword: Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Boosts ATK by 1 (Passive) (Equipped).
Mystery Card: One use. Is said to have 128 different effects, both helpful or harmful...can turn the tide of a battle for either side.
"Exercising For Dummies": Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Boosts SPD by 1 (Passive) (Equipped).
Broken Guitar: Previously owned by...LaserTurtle? But that's you, isn't it? In it's current condition, it's unusable.
Music Sheet (Energize): Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip, and guitar. Costs 3SP. When used, the party's ATK, DEF, SPE, and SPD are all increased by 1 for 2 turns.
Wood: It's wood, what else is there to explain?
Wriggle's Lantern: Need 2 Knowledge Points to equip. During the night, grants an extra action per turn (Passive) (Equipped).

MewMewHeart (Healer Mage) (Lv. 3)
HP: 10/10
SP: 10/10
Knowledge: 1/3
ATK: 0 | DEF: 0 | SPE: 2 (3)
SPD: 2 | Luck: 5%
Cash: 25 | EXP: 51/100
Inner Shards: 0
Items: Items: Plastic Wand: Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Boosts SPE by 1 (Passive) (Equipped).
Cardboard Shield: Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Boosts DEF by 1 (Passive).
Unknown Script: Shows an image of a person placing a circular object into the slot in the wall. The text is illegible.
Book of Flight: Needs 6 Knowledge Points to equip. Allows user to walk on all terrain (Passive).
Familiar Charm: Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Gives the wearer a chance to obtain enemy summon cards upon defeating an enemy (Passive) (Equipped).
Cake: Happy Birthday! Heals up to 44HP. Can be partially eaten and used later.

The Hating Hater (Robot) (Lv. 3)
HP: 6/10
SP: 5/5
Knowledge: 3/3
ATK: 2 | DEF: 1 | SPE: 1
SPD: 1 | Luck: 5%
Cash: 28 | EXP: 71/100
Inner Shards: 0
Items: Donut (x4): Heals 1HP and 1SP to entire party upon use.
Present: What's inside? Who knows! Open to find out (takes an action to do so)!
Wood: It's wood, what else is there to explain?

Miniking1 (Townsfolk) (Lv. 3)
HP: 10/10
SP: 5/10
Knowledge: 2/3
ATK: 1 (2) | DEF: 0 | SPE: 1
SPD: 2 | Luck: 5%
Cash: 10 | EXP: 38/100
Inner Shards: 1
Items: Plastic Sword: Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Boosts ATK by 1 (Passive) (Equipped).
Bzzit Summon: Need 3 Knowledge Points to equip. Information can be found here.
Apple (x1): Heals 5HP upon use.
Lunchbox (x1): Can be used three times before the item disappears. Heals 20HP and 10SP upon use.
String (x1): It's a piece of string, nothing special here.

Cheez8 (Bookworm) (Lv. 1)
HP: 15/15
SP: 5/5
Knowledge: 1/1
ATK: 0 | DEF: 0 | SPE: 1
SPD: 1 | Luck: 5%
Cash: 0 | EXP: 0/100
Inner Shards: 0
Items: Plastic Sword: Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Boosts ATK by 1 (Passive).

Player Turn
LaserTurtle over-estimates his night boost, but still sprints a respectable distance towards Kasu.
Patorikku moves up once, left twice, and up once again, carefully avoiding the mushrooms.
MewMewHeart moves up thrice to slowly help Miniking1 push the boulder into place again.
Miniking1 moves right once, and pushes the boulder an overall distance of one space over the span of two actions.
aUsernameIsFineToo mimics Patorikku's movement pattern, also managing to avoid the mushrooms.
bigyihsuan studies the book to see if anything happened at all. The spores are taking over the book at an astonishing rate, so you're probably not getting that book back. When the book impacted the mushrooms, you saw them jiggle a little, but nothing more than that. Disappointed, he moves left thrice (you don't have the lantern, you forged that into the blade).
Raitaki, feeling safe about there being no more red fairies to nuke his HP, nukes the fairies nearby, retrieving a net-gain of 10EXP and 4 Cash (in case you're wondering about actual damage, 7 damage to Green Fairy, then 7 damage to Blue Fairy, then 9 damage to Green Fairy. Damage was scaling per kill).
Kasu successfully move up once and opens the chest! Inside he finds...a Leafy Wand!
Smashy moves up and left. He'd move up again, but y'know, aUsernameIsFine is blocking the way
The Hating Hater moves left twice, and falls asleep from the spores from earlier.
an unmatched sock yells at the Livingstone, and then moves up thrice after MewMewHeart for the same cause.
Cheez8 materializes into the world of Gensokyo! He goes to the shop, but is stopped by "Lew".
"It's dangerous to go anywhere without some form of protection...I was helped by a friendly villager a while ago, and decided to follow his example. Please, take this..."
+Plastic Sword (x1)

Enemy Turn
The icy fairy moves up once, right twice, and slashes the mermaid with an icicle blade, dealing 6 damage! She then trips (on water...?) and slams an ice block onto the mermaid, dealing 4 damage.
The mermaid activates a spell card: Water Sign "Tail Fin Slap", forcing the icy fairy back one space! She unleashes a wave of danmaku from swinging her tail across the water!
Green Fairy 3 moves right thrice.

Green Fairy 4 moves also right thrice.

Blue Fairy 4 also moves guess what right thrice.

Human Village Turn 22

Misty Lake Turn 10

Forest of Magic Area 1 Turn 15

Dried Plains Area 1 Turn 11

(And now we at least have an even table again!)
Next Update: Wednesday @ 3:00PM
« Last Edit: August 05, 2015, 11:28:33 AM by FlamingRok »


  • Hermit Mode on!
  • Just chilling like a hermit.
Re: Don't Roll To Dodge - RPG Edition
« Reply #886 on: August 02, 2015, 02:00:42 AM »
> Push the boulder to the left then let Mini push it down into the hole.
Wow.~ Fancy stats.~
My danmakucopter goes pew pew pew!

Check out my newb PAD box it's a thing right?

Failure McFailFace

  • I'm h...a...p...p...y...
  • Impor
Re: Don't Roll To Dodge - RPG Edition
« Reply #887 on: August 02, 2015, 02:22:12 AM »
>left up up
1cc Easy: DDC (all) | 1cc Normal: UFO (SanA autobomb),  DDC (ReiA, SakA) , LoLK (Sanae PD)| EX clears: DDC (MarB Ultra) | Puzzle Games: StB: 10-X, DS: Hatate unlock, ISC: All clear


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Don't Roll To Dodge - RPG Edition
« Reply #888 on: August 02, 2015, 03:01:57 AM »
Omagod Lew's Rok's back yahoo! And didn't notice before but it seems like they show our status too (critical, regen, etc.) Also is that the SDM in the background?
>Left 1, make like an earth bender and move the rock south some more.
>"Even if that shrine maiden did kill that girl, she must've had selfless reasons right? Wouldn't you guys agree?"


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: Don't Roll To Dodge - RPG Edition
« Reply #889 on: August 02, 2015, 03:17:21 AM »
> Left as far as possible and attempt to open chest.
> Equip Leafy Wand.

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.


  • 雷滝
Re: Don't Roll To Dodge - RPG Edition
« Reply #890 on: August 02, 2015, 03:33:15 AM »
>Hmm, after this do I clock out or do I sneak up and attempt to one-turn nuke one of those two over there. DECISIONS
[08:23 pm]  Aristocrat -- Raitaki on a scale of 1 to 10 your current mafia game play is annoying as fuck
[08:25 pm]  Aristocrat -- Raitaki, if both of us ended up as mafia
[08:25 pm]  Aristocrat -- I would be so angry
[08:25 pm]  Aristocrat -- that I will snap and give into my rage


  • Weird country-bumpkin city-boy hybrid
  • (ง ?̀_?́)ง
Re: Don't Roll To Dodge - RPG Edition
« Reply #891 on: August 02, 2015, 09:38:00 AM »
> Full left onto the next map, I suppose. With any luck, it's someone's house, and we can rest and certainly recover.

Oh look, I got an image in my signature. Finally.
Click here for Tumblr nonsense.


  • :V tank
  • ᕦ(? Д?)ᕤ
Re: Don't Roll To Dodge - RPG Edition
« Reply #892 on: August 02, 2015, 02:08:49 PM »

(left 3)

Re: Don't Roll To Dodge - RPG Edition
« Reply #893 on: August 02, 2015, 03:35:48 PM »
Now that I know what those dark blue mushrooms do,

> Move down once, then to the left as far as possible.


  • Derp Imminent
Re: Don't Roll To Dodge - RPG Edition
« Reply #894 on: August 03, 2015, 01:35:18 AM »
Ooh, nice! I can actually fend off a fairy now!

>Oh right, I'm broke. Whoops. Better equip that sword right away.
>"Thank you! I owe you one!"
>Wave goodbye and scurry up north as fast as my legs can carry me! To treasure!
Someday, I'll have a clue what I'm doing.


  • Master of the lurk
  • *sips tea*
Re: Don't Roll To Dodge - RPG Edition
« Reply #895 on: August 03, 2015, 05:54:59 AM »
>Am I speedy? Time to find out!
>Down as far as I can!
>But make sure that I dash across the mushroom patch, and hold my breath and close my eyes to prevent myself from inhaling any of the spores or getting them in my eyes
>and keep holding my breath and closing my eyes for as long as I can do both at the same time while I move down. no lingering spores please!
>and since I'm  planning on all this anyway, judging the distance to the far tree, just make sure I stop running after I travel 9 tiles down and not smash facefirst into the tree at the bottom.
Off The Rails [complete!] 1  2 - Sharks jumped: Somewhere between one and all of them
Talking to yourself isn't a sign of madness. Expecting a reply is.
Stare too long into the abyss and the abyss stares back, and then it gets awkward until one of you breaks eye contact.

The Hating Hater

  • What's the deal?
  • YO~!
Re: Don't Roll To Dodge - RPG Edition
« Reply #896 on: August 03, 2015, 02:57:16 PM »
> *robot sleep noises*