Author Topic: Making guides for the main games.  (Read 3368 times)


Making guides for the main games.
« on: July 03, 2013, 04:05:06 PM »
Well, as the topic title says, I am making some video walkthroughs on YouTube.
The idea came from some friends who just started Touhou, and kept doing things wrong. (partly lack of skill, partly because they didn't know what to do)
Instead of pointing things out every time, I thought about making  a public guide, so I (hopefully) manage to help some other people with it too.
There are some other guides as far as I know, but I wanted to do this anyway and 2 guides are always better than 1.

However, I am total noob when it comes to video editing, and I might miss something/there might be a better way to do something.
I am currently able to 1CC Normal pretty easily, and I'm mostly looking for some tips on making everything look nice/tips on other ways to dodge stuff that I haven't used etc..
I currently have uploaded EoSD on  my channel, and am in the process of making a guide for PCB.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, so if you have any comments or criticism, please post them here or on YouTube.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2013, 11:00:59 AM by KuroArashi100 »

Seppo Hovi

Re: Making guides for the main games.
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2013, 05:15:24 PM »
Might be a bad idea advertising bad routes, since in the long run it'll just end up hindering people.

I can believe you have a good intention behind this, though, but it's not really much of a help and ends up becoming more of a bad thing, if someone goes and learns them and has to learn new muscle-memory later on. It's not something that cannot be fixed, but it'll end up taking more time.

If you plan on carrying on with it, I'd recommend using replays from the WR runs. Or if you wanted to advertise good survival planning runs that play it safe but aren't completely depressing, you could go with the NMNBNBB by HS, or the likes of it. I don't know if there's something similar for EoSD, and I did not watch your EoSD videos. And I don't know enough of PCB either, why am I typing this.
something like a comparison between all the characters in the game, their bombs and how much they affect the bosses,
It's a sticky thread, really.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2013, 05:27:42 PM by Vee »


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Re: Making guides for the main games.
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2013, 05:25:01 PM »
I honestly think these are actually pretty good guides for begginers! Good job.
But I think that you can still improve on them, not only with the tips our friend Vee gave you, but doing something like a comparison between all the characters in the game, their bombs and how much they affect the bosses, damage multipliiers and stuff like that (Example: In Touhou 7: MarisaB does high damage to enemies but low damage to bosses, if you are going to use her, do A, not B, but if you use Reimu A, do B instead of A)

It's a sticky thread, really.

I realised that, so I tough that if our friend Kuro really wanted to make his own tutorial as well, he should explain these thing on video as well. So you could both see those strategies on paper and in practice! But, without these, these tutorials have a pretty limited purpose outside of tutoring the new players.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2013, 05:34:11 PM by FamilyTeam »

The nova of the ocean of the cleverness


Re: Making guides for the main games.
« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2013, 07:07:45 PM »
Might be a bad idea advertising bad routes, since in the long run it'll just end up hindering people.

I can believe you have a good intention behind this, though, but it's not really much of a help and ends up becoming more of a bad thing, if someone goes and learns them and has to learn new muscle-memory later on. It's not something that cannot be fixed, but it'll end up taking more time.

Everything in this playlist is just advice, as there are often many more methods than one, many of which are better than these.
This is pretty much the first thing I wrote when I made the playlist. I understand what you mean, and this is exactly the reason I posted this here.
So that other people, who might have a better way to do something than I have, can tell me. Not for other people telling me that it sucks. Sure, maybe it does suck, but if that is the case,
I'd like if you could at least tell me why.

I decided on making a guide for EoSD when I saw that a friend of mine kept doing stupid things while playing it. I did not make this guide to help people achieve perfect runs etc. quickly, but more to help people get a basic understanding of the game, so that they can practice easier, and start making their own routes.

I honestly think these are actually pretty good guides for begginers! Good job.
But I think that you can still improve on them, not only with the tips our friend Vee gave you, but doing something like a comparison between all the characters in the game, their bombs and how much they affect the bosses, damage multipliiers and stuff like that (Example: In Touhou 7: MarisaB does high damage to enemies but low damage to bosses, if you are going to use her, do A, not B, but if you use Reimu A, do B instead of A)

In a few video's I have put a basic description of the characters inside the description of the video.
If I remember correctly, this is in the videos for stage 1~3.
The video's are mostly meant to give a simple description of attacks, with some basic tips on handling it. That is what I'm trying to achieve, not telling people how to play a game, because they will need to figure that out themselves. My friend however, got somewhat demotivated after trying for so long. I understand that this might just be part of the game, but my friend started trying to cheat through the game. I didn't want this, and so I at least wanted to try if I could help someone with it.

Re: Making guides for the main games.
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2013, 08:52:23 PM »
I started something like this a while back but never got around to making it public because the recording/uploading takes a while and hogs up my internets.  I'd be willing to make survival route stage practice replay sets and maybe do some route commentary and stuff if you want (annotations, not voice) for most of the games if you'd be up for the recording aspect of it.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2013, 08:55:14 PM by ♥♥♥東方Hugger♥♥♥ »


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Re: Making guides for the main games.
« Reply #5 on: July 03, 2013, 09:16:38 PM »
No guide would be complete without Embodiment of Scarlet Failure. It's actually an inspirational message, when you consider the player.

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."


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Re: Making guides for the main games.
« Reply #6 on: July 03, 2013, 10:03:42 PM »
^ This
Fun Fact: This happened to me, but in Normal and I had no bombs left, and (translating) what I said:

That's saying something. I rarely swear out of anger.
Later that day, I was able to 1cc so no worries

The nova of the ocean of the cleverness

Mino ☆

  • PCB player.
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Re: Making guides for the main games.
« Reply #7 on: July 03, 2013, 10:05:21 PM »
I'd say go for it. I'll be sure to check your videos out! Keep playing, there's so much more in Touhou once you really get into it!
« Last Edit: July 04, 2013, 03:51:37 AM by Minogame »


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Re: Making guides for the main games.
« Reply #8 on: July 03, 2013, 11:49:22 PM »
You really are so desperate aren't you.
Yes, respond to actual criticism with personal attacks. You are such a good person.

I would agree with looking for good NMNB replays beforehand. In general, if there are scoring tactics involved, you can easily point it out and ignore it if it's dangerous. Even if you really just want to record your own play, I highly suggest at least watching good plays and taking notes, and improving your own play by using things you learned. I think it would be incredibly silly to upload videos intended to show people how to play better, while also not going out yourself and watching players better than you for the exact same reason. Especially if you want to display good summary of what a "best" method of tackling a pattern might look like.

For example, I just watched your stage 5.
- Why bother with the silly T placement at the beginning? You can sit in the middle and it's just the same. If you're quick you can even just fly straight up.
- Speedkill the wall fairies; at least the middle, left, then middle.
- You might even be moving too much on Misdirection. All it takes is two taps.
- Not showing the player the barrage at the end and instead waiting out mid-Sakuya's non probably means that you aren't aware that everything there is aimed, mostly around you, and is totally trivial.
- Clock Corpse you seem really nervous and you swoop over for some reason? You should be careful, the wave is aimed at you and will wall you if you start too far away from Sakuya.
- Luna Clock's main wave spawns based on your position. If you're higher up, it will spawn higher up and so the barrage will be easier. Moreover, the first ring is completely static, so if you're comfortable with it you can sit in front of Sakuya and a bit to the side, and the ring will miss you while the wave starts quite high up.
- Unlike on higher difficulties, Marionette can be misdirected to an extent. At the very least, you can fire the first wave mostly off-screen.

I'm also wary of how you intend to talk about borders. Unlike EoSD's rank which you can mostly ignore, borders are nowhere near static if you don't somewhat plan for it, and so you would really have to avoid breaking borders in order to properly show how to tackle a pattern.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2013, 11:55:02 PM by Drake »

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Mino ☆

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Re: Making guides for the main games.
« Reply #9 on: July 04, 2013, 12:06:17 AM »

I won't even bother.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2013, 03:53:44 AM by Minogame »


Re: Making guides for the main games.
« Reply #10 on: July 04, 2013, 08:44:35 AM »
You really are so desperate aren't you.

No, I just have a bad habit of sometimes overreacting if I get criticism. I'm still trying to stop myself from doing that, but sometimes I just can't stop myself.

I would agree with looking for good NMNB replays beforehand. In general, if there are scoring tactics involved, you can easily point it out and ignore it if it's dangerous. Even if you really just want to record your own play, I highly suggest at least watching good plays and taking notes, and improving your own play by using things you learned. I think it would be incredibly silly to upload videos intended to show people how to play better, while also not going out yourself and watching players better than you for the exact same reason. Especially if you want to display good summary of what a "best" method of tackling a pattern might look like.

For example, I just watched your stage 5.
- Why bother with the silly T placement at the beginning? You can sit in the middle and it's just the same. If you're quick you can even just fly straight up.
- Speedkill the wall fairies; at least the middle, left, then middle.
- You might even be moving too much on Misdirection. All it takes is two taps.
- Not showing the player the barrage at the end and instead waiting out mid-Sakuya's non probably means that you aren't aware that everything there is aimed, mostly around you, and is totally trivial.
- Clock Corpse you seem really nervous and you swoop over for some reason? You should be careful, the wave is aimed at you and will wall you if you start too far away from Sakuya.
- Luna Clock's main wave spawns based on your position. If you're higher up, it will spawn higher up and so the barrage will be easier. Moreover, the first ring is completely static, so if you're comfortable with it you can sit in front of Sakuya and a bit to the side, and the ring will miss you while the wave starts quite high up.
- Unlike on higher difficulties, Marionette can be misdirected to an extent. At the very least, you can fire the first wave mostly off-screen.

I'm also wary of how you intend to talk about borders. Unlike EoSD's rank which you can mostly ignore, borders are nowhere near static if you don't somewhat plan for it, and so you would really have to avoid breaking borders in order to properly show how to tackle a pattern.

Well, I do watch other people play, but the problem is that I'm distracted pretty quickly, so I'm pretty quick to miss something. Of course, that is not really a reason not to watch them, but that is another habit of mine I've still got to change.

The reason I swept over was because I was trying to see if I could redirect it. I know that that is not a good idea if you're trying to teach people something, but I was kind of sleepy at that time and didn't want to do it all over again. (I know that was a bad idea, but I didn't really think about it.)
I didn't know about the ring being static. I guess I just never looked at it.
Not misdirecting Marionette is again just stupid, as the whole guide probably is.

My problem with NMNB playthroughs is usually that they're pretty difficult to copy etc., because some tactics are pretty advanced.
But I guess that that is kind of impossible to avoid isn't it?
Well, I'll be looking at them anyway, and trying to figure out a better way to play the game, and I'll go see if I still want to make a guide once I get better at playing it.

Thanks for helping/telling me why it was a bad idea/etc.

Re: Making guides for the main games.
« Reply #11 on: July 04, 2013, 11:44:44 AM »
My problem with NMNB playthroughs is usually that they're pretty difficult to copy etc., because some tactics are pretty advanced.
It depends on the player. T has a NMNBNBBNF Normal run, and while there's a couple risky things done here and there for score (Stage 4 seems a bit too aggressive, Yuyuko's second spell will scare new players, maybe a couple other things), for the most part it follows the safest route possible.  Some stuff is just hard to start with and there's not much you can do about that, but a perfect run gives people something to work with for every section and after trying to follow those strategies they can decide what sections might be too hard for them and plan different routes (and/or bombs) for those sections.

Mino ☆

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Re: Making guides for the main games.
« Reply #12 on: July 04, 2013, 01:33:25 PM »
No, I just have a bad habit of sometimes overreacting if I get criticism. I'm still trying to stop myself from doing that, but sometimes I just can't stop myself.

Don't worry, my comment wasn't directed toward you. Anyway, it doesn't even matter anymore. It was meant as a simple statement, not to actually combat criticism. But, being "such a good person", I removed the post. So it doesn't matter anymore.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2013, 03:37:23 AM by Minogame »


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Re: Making guides for the main games.
« Reply #13 on: July 04, 2013, 03:33:59 PM »
Don't worry, my comment wasn't directed toward you. Anyway, it doesn't even matter anymore. It was meant as a simple statement, not to actually combat criticism. But, being "such a good person", I removed the post. So it doesn't matter anymore.

It actually sort of does matter. If there was more to "you're just so desperate", like if it was part of a larger, constructive point you were trying to make, maybe you should go ahead and say what you really mean. Otherwise it just looks like thread-shitting followed by a sideways jab at Drake.

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."

Mino ☆

  • PCB player.
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Re: Making guides for the main games.
« Reply #14 on: July 04, 2013, 03:50:04 PM »
It actually sort of does matter. If there was more to "you're just so desperate", like if it was part of a larger, constructive point you were trying to make, maybe you should go ahead and say what you really mean. Otherwise it just looks like thread-shitting followed by a sideways jab at Drake.

I'd rather just drop it overall. It's just pointless drama that could ensue anyway. That's why I edited my posts, to prevent the drama, that admittedly, would have been caused by me. If drama does ensue from it, I won't respond to it.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2013, 03:57:01 PM by Minogame »

Re: Making guides for the main games.
« Reply #15 on: July 05, 2013, 11:47:50 AM »
eb: there should be a shmup that is sort of like podd minus the versus shit
eb: you go dodging semirandom things then it goes WARNING GET OUT OF THE WAY MOTHERFUCKER and you get a shitstorm
KB: and there is no way out of the way
eb: the way is through

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Re: Making guides for the main games.
« Reply #16 on: July 05, 2013, 04:26:44 PM »
I completely disagree, multiple different sources to look at can be very helpful.  Just as an example, if you were to take my MoF perfect extra as the definitive "how to do this", you'd still have no idea how to approach Red Frog due to lucking out.  Additionally, in most cases there is no "one true way" to do a pattern, so again multiple different strategies to draw from helps.


Re: Making guides for the main games.
« Reply #17 on: July 05, 2013, 08:25:01 PM »
To an extent, yes, as there can be different strategies for different purposes, etc. For the most part though, no. "One good guide" is better than "one good guide and one lackluster one."

I don't mean to sound condescending, but nobody's going to learn as much from KuroArashi's guide as they would from watching a replay by an extremely skilled player, and these are readily available to anyone who bothers to go looking for them (like here or here). Adding to the already massive array of lower quality sources doesn't really help anyone. Especially if you present yourself as some kind of expert or something (which you basically do by calling the video a guide), since people may just stick with the first "guide" they find, lacking a good way to tell what the best source of information is.

I won't say this shouldn't be done though. If you show decent strategies and stuff, then people can learn from it. I'd just make sure you know what you're talking about and emphasize that these are not the end-all be-all strategies. A video demonstrating safespots and easy tricks, at least, is okay.