Author Topic: General Magic: the Gathering Discussion BIG Rules Update  (Read 32912 times)


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There isn't a block season under the current scheduling. Block constructed really only sees play at its 1 PT and occasionally as a MOCS format on MTGO.

Yea I shouldn't have said season, I meant for MOCS. I was using season as in "the whole block is out and the PT happened, now is when RTR block tournaments will happen". Block is a Magic Online thing for me mostly as it's cheap. I think block is the best EV and has been shown to have the best EV. Not many people spend much time on it but if you do you'll win a lot.

After watching today I saw a lot of UW decks, Bant and Esper control decks. Some had lots of multicolor stuff and some had lots of Renounce the Guilds. There's a brutally fast Selesnaya deck. There was a pretty sweet 4 color (-red) brew with Deadbridge Chant and Maze's End acting as a Thawing Glaciers. Then just filled it wth and all kinds of good stuff.

Very diverse block format compared to the last one that had about 2-3 decks because mana fixing is so much better in RTR. There is even a few people playing the 10+ gate Maze's End deck, one is Alexander Hayne who won a Pro Tour.

I'm not going to focus on it till after this 5k but I will after for online purposes.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2013, 09:27:07 AM by Zirene »


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I think Zhur-Taa Druid is fast becoming my new favorite card. It just does everything I want out of a 2-drop. It ramps me into awesome 4-drops on turn 3 and pings the opponent down relentlessly while fueling an ungodly Clan Defiance or something.


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I think Zhur-Taa Druid is fast becoming my new favorite card. It just does everything I want out of a 2-drop. It ramps me into awesome 4-drops on turn 3 and pings the opponent down relentlessly while fueling an ungodly Clan Defiance or something.
He also plays very well Burning-Tree Emissary. I feel like there's some sort of turbo ramp strategy out there with this guy, Farseek and Gyre Sage. Maybe accelerating into a quick Ruric Thar or Sire of Insanity would be strong, both of them end games quickly if unanswered. A few Clan Defiance would be a beating but Bonfire of the Damned (Bonfire's price has halved in the last few months) might just be better, although Clan Defiance is better at going to the dome and is more reliable.


  • Moon Sign "Theft of Dreams"
Re: General Magic: the Gathering Discussion
« Reply #93 on: May 25, 2013, 03:22:52 AM »
Oh yes, I cannot ask for a better turn 2 than Burning-Tree Emissary into Zhur-Taa Druid (unless it's multiple Burning Tree Emissaries). Throw in a Ghor-Clan Rampager or a Deadbridge Goliath on turn 3, and you've got yourself a fun time.

I originally wanted to play the Druid in some sort of ramp deck, but right now it's doing fine work in a more lean aggro/midrange deck. Just accelerating out that big 4-drop on turn 3 is great, and the extra damage he gets in over the course of the game is crucial when backed up by burn to the face.


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Re: General Magic: the Gathering Discussion
« Reply #94 on: May 25, 2013, 07:43:14 AM »
But Para, when you do that, you empty your hand into topdeck mode. What if the other guy has a little ramp and plays a board sweeper?


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Re: General Magic: the Gathering Discussion
« Reply #95 on: May 25, 2013, 08:07:04 AM »
You obviously have to always be assessing your opponent and playing around likely threats/answers. You have to be able to gauge whether the "what if" you're asking is likely or not, and what it would cost you to play around it. There are an endless number of "what ifs" out there, and if you play in fear of all of them, you're never going to win anyway.

If you think they have a wrath, then you're still going to play out enough of your threats and force them to use it. If they have it, then you weren't going to win anyway without playing your threats. If they don't have it, then they die. You still want to put the responsibility on them to have it. There are no wrong threats, only wrong answers. If in doubt, it is always better to pose your threats, because it puts pressure on your opponent to have the answer for it.

Although personally, I've found that the deck has enough reach to still function reasonably well after a wrath, given the mixture of burn, recurring effects (Deadbridge Goliath), and mana sinks.


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Re: General Magic: the Gathering Discussion
« Reply #96 on: May 25, 2013, 08:12:13 AM »
All I'm seeing lately is aggro, midrange and control. Where is the burst damage combo :qq:


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Re: General Magic: the Gathering Discussion
« Reply #97 on: May 25, 2013, 01:19:56 PM »
Oh hey guys, I'm Sixten, the doujin artist behind the MTG/Toho crossover 4-koma Lotus Cobra is Evil (and by extension, the Tamiyo Reisen picture Parallaxal used as his avatar). There are also some rather blatant MTG references in my Toho works as well.

When it comes to playing Magic, I'm partial to ramp strategies. I sometimes joke that Primeval Titan is my wife. For current Standard however, my FNM deck is a fast Selesnya deck. From proxy testing Voice of Resurgence works great in it, often evolving Gyre Sage and Experiment One twice with hardly any effort. Now actually acquiring 4x Voice of Resurgence is not going to be cheap...


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Re: General Magic: the Gathering Discussion
« Reply #98 on: May 25, 2013, 01:20:25 PM »
All I'm seeing lately is aggro, midrange and control. Where is the burst damage combo :qq:
I think A+B+C is what you're looking for.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2013, 01:22:04 PM by yuyukos »
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Re: General Magic: the Gathering Discussion
« Reply #99 on: May 25, 2013, 01:30:57 PM »
I think A+B+C is what you're looking for.

Nope. The U/R big storm turn kind of stuff is my style.


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Re: General Magic: the Gathering Discussion
« Reply #100 on: May 25, 2013, 03:01:48 PM »
Just about to start round 1 of starcitygames 5k open Dallas. I'm playing a very midrange jund deck so i like my chances. I hope I get on camera and if I do ill let y'all know. Wish me luck I'm gonna need it!

Re: General Magic: the Gathering Discussion
« Reply #101 on: May 25, 2013, 03:21:20 PM »
HELL YEA SLIVERS ARE BACK. already have 4 of every sliver in my deck :V(except plague sliver)... its a huge deck and its more like a pile of cards i just play with

also they look pretty cool with that humanoid form of theres


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Re: General Magic: the Gathering Discussion
« Reply #102 on: May 25, 2013, 04:48:55 PM »
Oh hey guys, I'm Sixten.

Oh hi there! Love your work. Lotus Cobra is Evil is hilarious, especially when one can get all the jokes from both sides of each fandom.

Re: General Magic: the Gathering Discussion
« Reply #103 on: May 26, 2013, 06:36:38 AM »
I got my hands on some booster tutors and considering isocroning them.... i have 5 worldwake boosters too. chances of getting jayce :V


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Re: General Magic: the Gathering Discussion
« Reply #104 on: June 04, 2013, 08:56:46 AM »
This is post was way longer than I wanted it to be but I tried to trim the fat, so enjoy my tournament report from SCG Dallas even though I didn't do too well. Day 1 I was 2-0 and drew and thought "This is great I'm playing a Jund deck with tons of hate for control main deck and even more in the side!". Nope, I ended up drawing 3 more times due to my opponents playing slow, not illegally slow (except 1 instance) but too slow if your plan is to mill me 3 cards at a time. One round I did call a judge after losing game 1 because he slowed WAY down for game 2. If you suspect your opponent is doing this, just call a judge to watch the match. SCG events have plenty of judges and I explained to him that game 1 took almost 30 minutes and I wanted to make sure we could finish. After that I lost to Bant Hexproof putting me out of day 1 a 2-1-3.

Day 2 was much better. I started 3-0 then lost the mirror match, which is just a haymaker punch fest. He got to his Rakdos's Returns game 1 and 2 faster than I did and that's all she wrote. My next round was interesting, don't be this guy I'm about to describe.

Game one he didn't mulligan and got stuck on 2 land after I killed his mana elf, despite casting a Mulch, it happens. So while we are sideboarding he is already starting to bitch about how good his hand was, how good of a player he is, and how I can't possibly win if he doesn't get mana screwed. I used to play sports so shit talking doesn't phase me, in fact I kind of enjoy it because I know he's not going to play his best Magic while on tilt like that, so I just smirked while he complained and just said stuff like "Yea that was pretty unlucky".

Game 2 was basically impossible for him to win my draw was so good. He was playing a WBG Reanimator deck that depends on Unburial Rites and Angel of Serenity to win. I play a turn 2 Ground Seal, a turn 4 Slaughter Games naming said Angel, then Rakdos's Return for 3 killing his planeswalker and making him discard the rest of his hand the next turn. This deck won the SCG event the week before and has been tearing up standard lately so I was very ready for it, playing all 4 Ground Seals between main and side and 2 Slaughter Games sideboard as well. Rakdos's Return is a card that seems bad against a deck that wants it's card in the graveyard but I kept the 1 I was playing in to hedge against possible planeswalkers and it's one of those "oops I win" cards that I love so much.

At this point he lost it. He called me a scrub then turned around to his friend who was watching saying something like "can you believe this kid beat me, I never lose to people this bad". So I figured he's on tilt, why not push him over the edge? I asked him "Hey we should play a match of Magic to see who's better... oh wait we just did" then I filled out the match slip and while I was writing the 0 next to the number of games he won I said something like "That was your chance of winning anyway, good try though." He refused to sign the slip and walked off so I called a judge who had to make him come back and sign the slip and gave him a warning for unsportsmanlike conduct.

So I'm 4-1 in a 9 round tournament feeling good and then the wheels fell off. I played against the fastest aggro deck in the format (Naya Blitz) and had to mulligan to 4 game one on the play and didn't have a chance. This is one of my best match ups too, my deck is all removal, value creatures, and life gain. Game 2 was close but I drew a few too many lands and he beat me. I didn't do anything like the kid above me, I signed the match slip, shook his hand and said good game and good luck. Next round I played against that damn Bant Hexproof deck again and didn't draw enough of my untargeted removal and died in quick fashion so my day was done. END OF TOURNAMENT REPORT, read below for some random rambling if you don't care about the report.

All in all it was a fun weekend, made some good trades, a few new friends, and got to see some old college buddies. I don't get to play in many large tournaments since I live in Arkansas so it was nice to play in a 500+ person event again. I wore my Touhou shirt the second day and 2 people recognized it, one even ran me down and showed me his super awesome Seiga playmat and I told him about this place so maybe he'll register.

I had two observations from the weekend. First one was Magic players don't seem to smell as bad as they used to. I played in a GP in Dallas during the summer 9 years ago and they booked an event site that was way too small for the 650 that showed. I was only 15 so my mom drove me and some friends down and she usually watches me play but she almost threw up when we walked in there the smell was so bad and she went back to the hotel, so props to Magic players for showering more and using deodorant!

The other was I've noticed there seems to be a lot more women playing competitive Magic than when I started playing. Maybe it has something to do with Jackie Lee winning a Grand Prix and Melissa Del Tora top 8ing a Pro Tour recently, either way I'm glad to see more women playing. I read some where that the DCI (the body that runs Wizards competitive events) said that the amount of women registering with them went up about 3-4x last year than years before. I'd say out off the 500+ people there were at least 20+ girls playing in the event. 10 years ago when I started playing seeing 2 women in the same tournament was unheard of.

Holy crap that was a long post, I'm going to sleep but tomorrow I want to ramble a little about the M14 rules changes!

E: Oh yea the deck I played. The main deck is 1 card off of what I played, the sideboard was a little different but not much. I think it was a good choice, if I ran it back I'd play the same deck with a few changes.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2013, 06:42:45 AM by Zirene »

Re: General Magic: the Gathering Discussion
« Reply #105 on: June 04, 2013, 04:06:45 PM »
seiga playmat

need pictures please

Also I'm planning to build a Naya deck but my wallet's dying.

Thanks to GreenVirus for the Siggy.
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Re: General Magic: the Gathering Discussion
« Reply #106 on: June 05, 2013, 11:12:09 PM »
Nope. The U/R big storm turn kind of stuff is my style.
Unfortunately I heard Mark Rosewater say in an interview that they had a list of rules for making cards in the R&D room. The number one rule was "Don't print any more cards with storm". Legacy and Vintage are really your only options for storm combo now. Seething Song and all the good cantrips are banned in modern so I think storm combo isn't coming back any time soon, if ever.

Honestly while I'm ok with that, I think that WotC could come up with something like storm, I'm just not sure what it would look like. Decks like Legacy Dredge and Storm aren't fun to play against (WotC has said many times that they regret dredge). Dredge obviously isn't working the way they wanted it to, it was supposed to be a draw back. The only dredge card that they got right is Life from the Loam. The way dredge plays the cards might as well be blank except for the Dredge 6 part of it. Anyway playing against those decks you sit there while your opponent plays some other non-Magic solitaire like game and if you don't have a Force of Will or quick graveyard hate, you lose. Non interactive Magic is what they are trying to get away from, that's why they've been printing such powerful creatures and midrange spells lately, so people can play interactive Magic.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2013, 09:21:24 PM by Zirene »


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Re: General Magic: the Gathering Discussion
« Reply #107 on: June 06, 2013, 04:04:49 AM »
seiga playmat need pictures please
I really wanted to take one but pairings just got posted and they were going nuts with people not getting to their seat on time. Usually it's 3 minutes but I saw someone get a game lose for sitting down at  2:30. I don't know the specifics, as I was playing a tough match up, but I thought they were a bit harsh on that. He didn't appeal it (that's something a lot of people don't know about) and should of. Even his opponent, who obviously benefited, was like man I thought it was three minutes too are you sure its really a game loss? Love seeing sportsmanship like that among player, however he knew he had the game win so take it as you will.
Also I'm planning to build a Naya deck but my wallet's dying.
Voice of Resurgence is the main culprit, that site has only one 1 for $55. After playing against the card for a while, it's bonkers goodl. It's the new Tarmogoyf. I was going nuts when I opened it and a Blood Crypt in the same pack. And of course the lands are expensive as they are almost all rare. I might play it if I can get the other three voices because I played this Zoo in original ravnica at that States and the rest isn't too much.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2013, 02:41:16 PM by Zirene »


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Re: General Magic: the Gathering Discussion
« Reply #108 on: July 25, 2013, 07:31:04 PM »
I seriously considered making a new topic but this topic has a lot of information in it and I don't want to be a Necro bumper, but I feel this is better way to do it. Tell me if I'm wrong.

Anyway the reason I want to go on a rant is Magic is going through a rules change, some very significant ones and I want to discuss those. If no one is really interested that's ok but I felt it would be nice to let you guys know about the rules changes, how they will impact gameplay, and how I feel about them.

So here is the article from Wizards that explains the rules changes in general, it's pretty long so I want to condense it here. I'd love to hear what you guys think about it because I think they are all good for the game in the long run. There's was "The sky is falling" when combat damage was no longer on the stack. The legend rule change to what it is now was another "The sky is falling". Wizards is a hell of a company(and my dream Job), they know what they're doing.

Change 1 "The Legend Rule"
Before the M14 rules changes, if you played a legendary permanent or Planeswalker with the same name, both would die due to state based effects, it happens immediately. Now with the M14 rules changes both players can control the same legendary permanent or Planeswalker. This is MASSIVE, I can't overstate how much this changes the game.

The best Planeswalker ever Jace, the Mind Sculptor if your opponent played one first and you played your own to kill their's, yea you're down a few cards but you're at board parity hopefully. Now If I play Jace first and they follow up with one, they are MORE far behind than if he killed both of ours. I get 1 more activation of my Planeswalker, and the nature of Planeswalkers is the more they are in play, your chances of winning go up FAST.

I want to present another change that affects the Legend rule. For example, your opponent has 2 creatures on board and you really want to kill them both. Let's say I have a Liliana, of the Veil in play and one in hand that I can cast. Before the new Legend rule, if I -2 Sacrifice a creature and she doesn't die, I can't play my other Liliana because they would both die. Now with the M14 Legend rule if you control 2 Legendary permanents you choose 1 of them and sacrifice it. You can choose either the new or old one. So with M14, I -2 Sacrifice a creature, play my new Liliana and choose the old one the sacrifice, and now I have a fresh Liliana.

As you can see this is a big change to how the game has been played for almost 7 years. This is the most important rules change and has made my matches much more mentally intensive when I can't just answer their Legend or Planeswalker with my own.

There are more examples to get into but I want to keep this brief so I'm moving on.

Rule Change 2: Sideboards in Constructed Tournaments.
Before the rules change. Your deck could be 60 cards or more and your sideboard 0 or 15 cards. Under the new rules the sideboards don't need to be 15 cards. For example I could present a deck with 62 cards and 13 cards in the Sideboard.

This does two things. The first thing it does is prevent unnecessary game losses by forgetting to sideboard out 1 card and present an illegal deck which is a game loss, this changes makes that no issue and it's a good change. It also opens up a small window for strategy also. For example you know your playing a bad match up and you need a good draw to win. It might be worth it to sideboard in 2-3 cards to increase the spell density in your deck. Yes you will have a lower chance of drawing the necessary lands, but if you do you have 3 spells more than they do and that could win you the match up. It's going to be gutsy, but an option. I also think siding in 1 card will be an option some people consider. I'm going to post a chart of what is a legal deck to present and an illegal deck to present

Game 1   Subsequent Games   Legality
60/15   60/15   Legal
60/15   61/14   Legal
60/15   75/0   Legal
75/0   60/15   Legal
60/10   63/7   Legal
250/15   60/205   Illegal
60/15   50/25   Illegal
As you can see this opens up new strategies and gives players more options, which is great.

The next two are kind of fluff but I'll give a short description.
Rules change #3 Indestructible Promoted to Keyword and #4 to Keyword Unblockable Demoted to Definitely Not a Keyword

#3 From the article, "I frequently get asked why indestructible isn't a keyword. The answer has always been because it doesn't need to be. It's just an English word with a definition, slightly modified for use in Magic." Basically if you know nothing about Magic and I tell you this is indestructible, you'd understand it can't be killed (well except Exile). It just a simplification for players. Good change! A little more info on a case.

Case 1: A permanent is made indestructible by another spell or ability (for example, Withstand Death), and then it loses all abilities. Previously, it would still be indestructible, because that was just something true about the permanent. It wasn't an ability the permanent had. With the change, the permanent will no longer have indestructible.

#4 Keyword Unblockable Demoted to Definitely Not a Keyword. Before M14 cards would say there were "Unblockable". Now instead they will read "can't be blocked." It will function the same way.
That's all there is to it.

#5 Playing Additional Lands
This change is bigger than 3 and 4 but not 1 and 2. Basically it simplifies the number of land drops you get per turn. I'll give and example. Say I have an Oracle of Mul Daya in play. Before the rules change If I had and Oracle of Mul Daya in play, I could play 2 lands and if they killed my Oracle of Mul Daya I could play another one and play a 3rd land.

Under the M14 rules the game checks constantly for your allowed "land drops" take the above situation. When I have Oracle of Mul Daya in play I am allowed what is called "2 land drops". They kill my Oracle of Mul Daya and I play another. The game checks again for how many land drops I have and it's only 2 so I can't play the 3rd lands.

That's basically it. Let me know if you guys like this kind of stuff, this was big so I wanted to share it. If you want me to help with decks, talk about the game in general, or the different formats, I'd love to, I love this game. I want to know what you guys what me to do. If you want me to record some Constructed and Draft video to watch I'd love to, I stream a little. I hope you'd enjoy my commentary and content, I've been playing for 14 years and I've rededicated myself to this game. I got second in an Invitational qualifier that I wanted to win so bad, the real kick in the nuts what instead of the $250 travel voucher they give out, he got cash.

Anyway that's my rant. I hope it's not too long but these are big changes.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2013, 08:12:48 PM by Zirene »


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Re: General Magic: the Gathering Discussion BIG Rules Update
« Reply #109 on: July 27, 2013, 02:08:17 PM »
That Legend rule change is really wow for me... being at the wrong side of Eldrazi and not being able to use something like Clone to remove them or other planeswalkers is just nasty. Also nerfs Mirror Gallery quite a bit.


Re: General Magic: the Gathering Discussion BIG Rules Update
« Reply #110 on: July 27, 2013, 04:39:02 PM »
Took advantage of those new sideboard rules and the Planeswalker uniqueness change last night at FNM. I sided in my second copy of Jace, Memory adept every game and one I casted my second copy just to mill 20 in one turn.


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Re: General Magic: the Gathering Discussion BIG Rules Update
« Reply #111 on: July 27, 2013, 05:39:55 PM »
That Planeswalker unique change is huge and certainly upends more than 7 years of tradition.  If it's for Legends as well, that's a rule that has been in place since 1994.  This is as big as allowing more than one Legend in a deck in the first place.


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Re: General Magic: the Gathering Discussion BIG Rules Update
« Reply #112 on: July 28, 2013, 07:05:29 PM »
Have you guys seen these new blacked-out, foil M14 Planeswalkers they sold at Comic Con? They look so cool and already are worth a ton of cash. I don't like the way they went about distributing them in such a limited amount at just 1 event, but I'm glad they're out there either way.
That Legend rule change is really wow for me... being at the wrong side of Eldrazi and not being able to use something like Clone to remove them or other planeswalkers is just nasty. Also nerfs Mirror Gallery
I like it so far, mostly because cards like Phantasmal Image and other clones are no longer such a good catch all Legend killers. Hopefully they'll print something that deals with those hard to deal with Legends like Eldrazi and Thrun, The Last Troll. I bet they'll reprint Hero's Demise or something like it that can deal with Hexproof and other protection. This new change makes Evil Twin pretty awesome now too.
If it's for Legends as well, that's a rule that has been in place since 1994.
Wow, I guess it's has been 10 years since they changed the Legend rule, I feel old :ohdear:. The original Legend rule was when a Legend came into play, the second one died due to state based effects. I never played the Rebels mirror, but when it was the best deck whoever played a Lin Sivvi, Defiant Hero first won every time, from stories I've heard. Then in 2004 when Champions of Kamigawa came out they changed it to both Legends die since there were so many Legends in that block.

The next block Theros is going to be based on Greek Mythology, which from the artwork they revealed at Comic Con looks amazing. I'm sure there will be a lot of Legendary cards in Theros just like Kamigawa. I can't wait to attack with a Zeus or an Athena.
Took advantage of those new sideboard rules and the Planeswalker uniqueness change last night at FNM. I sided in my second copy of Jace, Memory adept every game and one I casted my second copy just to mill 20 in one turn.
Nice one! I never thought of that. Are you still on Esper Rikter? I'm playing Jund Midrange right now. My version is a little different, as my local metagame has lots of aggro decks but the core is the same. I'm just praying that Burning Earth doesn't become popular as the only decent answer I've found is Golgari Charm and my deck only has 1 basic forest. Luckily I've avoided it so far.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2013, 02:07:38 AM by Zirene »


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Re: General Magic: the Gathering Discussion BIG Rules Update
« Reply #113 on: July 28, 2013, 11:01:17 PM »
Quote from: Zirene
Quote from: Edible
If it's for Legends as well, that's a rule that has been in place since 1994.
Wow, I guess it's has been 10 years since they changed the Legend rule, I feel old :ohdear:. The original Legend rule was when a Legend came into play, the second one died due to state based effects. I never played the Rebels mirror, but when it was the best deck whoever played a Lin Sivvi, Defiant Hero first won every time, from stories I've heard. Then in 2004 when Champions of Kamigawa came out they changed it to both Legends die since there were so many Legends in that block.

The original legend rule was that if a legend was in play, no other player could even cast a second copy of that same legend. The Lin Sivvi mirrors first pointed out the problem with the rule but the more significant event was PT Venice about 10 years ago and the Akroma vs Akroma matches. The following year with Kamigawa block brought the change to legends SBE killing another legend with the same name.
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Re: General Magic: the Gathering Discussion BIG Rules Update
« Reply #114 on: July 29, 2013, 01:15:24 AM »
I wasn't playing back then but I think we're basically saying the same thing. As I understand it you could still cast the Legend under the original rules, then the spell would fail. "The "legend rule," created back in Magic's earliest days as support for a new creature type?Legend, has long been on the minds of R&D. The rule makes a lot of sense from a flavor standpoint?should you try to summon a Legend that is already on the battlefield, your spell will fail." That sentence is a little vague though, I'm not sure if "fail" means return the card to your hand if you attempted to cast it or put it in your graveyard. Obviously this should almost never come up unless you make a mistake or need a creature in your graveyard for some reason. As far as I know the only time you can't cast a spell is if something like Meddling Mage or a similar effect is in play. But like I said I didn't start playing until 2000 so I might be wrong.

Ah, good ole Onslaught block. I remember following PT Venice coverage, that "Veggies" deck was everywhere. I ended up losing in the semifinals of a PTQ for Venice playing Beasts with Feral Throwback so I could either Provoke or use Contested Cliffs to fight Akroma. That deck was probably bad with Feral Throwback but I got really, really lucky that day.

Ahhh it feels good to talk about the old days of Magic again somewhere besides MTG Salvation, that place has too many trolls for some reason but it's getting better, thanks guys.

Anyway, have any of you guys ever Cube drafted? If not you're missing out on what, in my opinion, is the most fun format Magic has to offer, and it recently became recognized by Wizards. They Cube Drafted at the Player's Championship last year for the first time. Basically you make your own draft set with whatever cards you want and draft as usual but there can only be 1 copy of a card in the whole pool. Most pools are between 540-720 cards as a 360 card cube would be the same cards every time. The Cube is on MTG: Online 6(I think) times a year and they update it with new cards each time.

Here is a cube list put together by Justin Parnell, who has been an advocate of cube for a long time so his list is pretty refined. You can mock draft cubes on that website, which is good practice and a lot of fun. The best part is everyone's cube is different. One of the most fun cubes I've drafted was an all commons cube. I've seen combo cubes, a zombie cube, cubes with the Power 9, the possibilities are endless. Here's an example of an insanely good cube deck from Justin's cube just as an example.

I'm in the process of building a 540 draft cube myself (a tribal cube) but obviously that takes a lot of time and money (although I use print out proxys of expensive cards). I think there's even enough support for a GW Cat tribal deck and if you draft some equipment and a Raksha, Golden Cub it could be pretty competitive. What other format can you play a Cat deck in? That actually got me thinking, there's a lot of good Cats in Modern, 12 good 1 drops that can hit for 2. There might be a decent Cat deck out there I'm going to try to find out. Maybe something with Kemba, Kha Regent and Konda's Banner to turn the kittens into cats and make some 4/4 cats every turn.

Some other cool news, they are doing another round of Commander decks. Instead of doing "Shards" they are doing "Wedges" basically 3 allied colors using WUBRG. Here are two of the generals.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2013, 10:50:01 AM by Zirene »


  • alter cool
Re: General Magic: the Gathering Discussion BIG Rules Update
« Reply #115 on: July 30, 2013, 12:08:13 AM »
Anyway, have any of you guys ever Cube drafted? If not you're missing out on what, in my opinion, is the most fun format Magic has to offer, and it recently became recognized by Wizards. They Cube Drafted at the Player's Championship last year for the first time. Basically you make your own draft set with whatever cards you want and draft as usual but there can only be 1 copy of a card in the whole pool. Most pools are between 540-720 cards as a 360 card cube would be the same cards every time. The Cube is on MTG: Online 6(I think) times a year and they update it with new cards each time.

Here is a cube list put together by Justin Parnell, who has been an advocate of cube for a long time so his list is pretty refined. You can mock draft cubes on that website, which is good practice and a lot of fun. The best part is everyone's cube is different. One of the most fun cubes I've drafted was an all commons cube. I've seen combo cubes, a zombie cube, cubes with the Power 9, the possibilities are endless. Here's an example of an insanely good cube deck from Justin's cube just as an example.

I'm in the process of building a 540 draft cube myself (a tribal cube) but obviously that takes a lot of time and money (although I use print out proxys of expensive cards). I think there's even enough support for a GW Cat tribal deck and if you draft some equipment and a Raksha, Golden Cub it could be pretty competitive. What other format can you play a Cat deck in? That actually got me thinking, there's a lot of good Cats in Modern, 12 good 1 drops that can hit for 2. There might be a decent Cat deck out there I'm going to try to find out. Maybe something with Kemba, Kha Regent and Konda's Banner to turn the kittens into cats and make some 4/4 cats every turn.

I have a Ravnica cube that's supposed to roughly simulate a Ravnica block draft, although it's only ever been played once so it didn't get nearly enough playtesting to ever become polished. I really should just sell it because it's fairly bulky sleeved and I can never get enough people interested at once to play it.
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.