Author Topic: The best mecha anime you've never seen - Let's Play Super Robot Wars K!  (Read 9833 times)


  • Red Tenshi
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The Who: A rock band from London.  One of the most famous of the 20th Century.  Also, me, who will be playing this game along with guest commentary by anyone who curries sufficient favour with me.

The What: Super Robot Wars K, the newest second newest, now that Super Robot Wars NEO has been announced, game in the series.

The When: Every week, at least twice a week.  More updates if I'm motivated.

The Where: Here.

The Why: I was bored.  Why K specifically?  Because it introduced me to a lot of series I now consider to be awesome.  Was the plot well crafted?  No.  Was the system well-designed?  No.  Are the robots cool?  Hell yeah.

The How: This LP will be hybrid - most of the action in screenshots with a little bonus at the end that will be video, either with guest commentary or me on my own, that serves as both an outtakes reel and a little explanation (most of the time) for those who haven't seen the series in question before.  There are a few different routes that can be taken, as well as several mutually exclusive secret characters that can be saved from their plot-induced deaths.  We'll spend the first day or so voting for the people you want to save, if any.  Basically it all boils down to:

Option A (Gun x Sword, Gundam SEED Destiny):
- Stellar Loussier (Gaia Gundam)
- Rey Za Burrel (Legend Gundam)
- Michael Garrett (Saudade of Sunday)
- Fasalina (Dahlia of Wednesday)

Option B (Fafner in the Azure, Gun x Sword):
- Michael Garrett (Saudade of Sunday)
- Fasalina (Dahlia of Wednesday)
- Shouko Hazama (Fafner Mk. Sechs)
- Kouyou Kasugai (Fafner Mk. Vier)
- Mamoru Kodate (Fafner Mk. Funf)
- Sakura Kaname (Fafner Mk. Drei)
- Michio Hino (Fafner Mk. Ein)

Option C (Godannar, Zoids Genesis):
- Ken (Blade Gainer)
- Felme (Bio-Ptera)

Option D:
- None of the above (no restrictions on route choice.)

tl;dr - Option A = LOLGUNDAMS, Option B = The awesome Gun x Sword robots plus some very nice reals, Option C = Series nobody cares about.

That's pretty much all there is to it.  Oh yeah, gotta make proper obeisance to the RNG because otherwise it will hate you.  Also, yes, the originals are a little broken at the end, why do you ask?
« Last Edit: October 08, 2009, 10:24:33 PM by Rabbit »
Too much of a good thing, and it is no longer good.

Letty Whiterock

Re: The best mecha anime you've never seen - Let's Play Super Robot Wars K!
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2009, 05:07:41 PM »
Option C.


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Re: The best mecha anime you've never seen - Let's Play Super Robot Wars K!
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2009, 05:11:33 PM »
Hmmm... C~
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Re: The best mecha anime you've never seen - Let's Play Super Robot Wars K!
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2009, 06:25:21 PM »
I'd say B (That's the route I've always picked) but C isn't bad either (Motherfucking BLADE GAINER YEAH)


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Re: The best mecha anime you've never seen - Let's Play Super Robot Wars K!
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2009, 06:31:07 PM »
Fafner is awful, Godannar is awesome.  C is your only option here.

Maid Xan~

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Re: The best mecha anime you've never seen - Let's Play Super Robot Wars K!
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2009, 09:48:46 PM »
C. If only because I know for a fact you've done the B route twice and I want you to watch Godannar already.
There are people in this world who enjoy being alone. But there isn't a single person who can bear solitude.

Re: The best mecha anime you've never seen - Let's Play Super Robot Wars K!
« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2009, 10:11:44 PM »
Option C, for reasons already stated.

...I really should play the SRW:OG games again. It's been far too long since I last played something not on my computer.

"What do you mean 'stop repeating everything you say'?"

Re: The best mecha anime you've never seen - Let's Play Super Robot Wars K!
« Reply #7 on: October 08, 2009, 10:20:39 PM »
The only one of those I've seen is GSD, and really the only thing from that listed I care much about either way is the Gaia Gundam. So I'm just going to be largely-apathetic and pick Option D.


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Re: The best mecha anime you've never seen - Let's Play Super Robot Wars K!
« Reply #8 on: October 09, 2009, 01:05:51 PM »
C. Blade Gainer is good enough reason (though I suppose BioPtera is fine too)

(As much as I'd like you to pick B because well face it Saudade and the Dahlia are amazing, the Marks are alright? But Fasalina and Michael are pretty good pilots in K iirc)

元素召唤 || pad & msl news translator robit
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  • Red Tenshi
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Re: The best mecha anime you've never seen - Let's Play Super Robot Wars K!
« Reply #9 on: October 09, 2009, 04:29:10 PM »
Well I guess its been decided in favour of Blade Gainer (and Bio-Ptera) almost unanimously.  Well, now that's settled, I'll be away for a couple of days but it should start soon.  Enjoy your weekend, everyone, I'll see you next week~

Making me go through the effort of watching Godannar and Zoids Genesis *grumblegrumble*
Too much of a good thing, and it is no longer good.


  • Red Tenshi
  • 3x More Touhou
Re: The best mecha anime you've never seen - Let's Play Super Robot Wars K!
« Reply #10 on: October 11, 2009, 04:56:28 PM »

Okay!  I've held you guys up long enough so let's cut to the chase shall we?

So here we have the Original for this game.  His name is Mist, apparently, and his machine is the Levirias.  Or the Revilius.  I never know which and I can't read moon runes, so yeah.

This is the favorite series list; you might recognise it if you've played Super Robot Wars W.  The upgrades have no real significance in the short run as you likely won't make enough money to take advantage of it on more than a few units.  On the other hand, robots from your favorite series' gain more money from defeating enemies, which is very useful.  For this playthrough, I picked Godannar, Gaiking and Jeeg since no matter what happens, you will always have scenarios where you use them.

So, if I'm not mistaken, Mist regains consciousness at Dannar Base.  Words ensue.

It is a period of civil war.
Mimetic Beasts, striking
from a hidden base, have won
their first victory against
the evil Dannar Base.


2 months later...

Or is it 2 years?  I'm not sure.  Anyway, Mist works at Dannar base for food now.

Wait, Sayaka?  I didn't know she was at Goh's wedding.  I also kinda wonder why Mist is here, unless he became close friends with Goh and Anna in two months.  I like to think he's an usher.

You guys know the rest, presumably.  Goh and Anna are about to get married, a Mimetic Beast attacks and Go leaves Anna at the altar.  I find it funny that he has a video screen built into his glasses.

Stage One: Wedding Bells Chime in the Battlefield

GameFAQs told me so.

Boss Borot and G-Gunner are already on the scene.

As usual, Boss is a bit of a failure.  But we forgive him.

During this first part of the game, the most important pilot you have is Shizuru, because of her Alert Spirit Command (highlighted).  Alert allows the pilot to automatically evade the next attack against them.  (Note: The effects of Spirit Commands will be explained for people who have never played a SRW game before)

Unfortunately, the G-Gunner's main strength is its long range weaponry so Tetsuya attempts to retreat to higher ground.  The G-Gunner still gets blown away and Shizuru takes over in the Core Gunner.

Goh shows up just in time and the Core Gunner retreats with a not-quite-dead Tetsuya in tow.  Unfortunately, he seems to be a bit of a failure too...  Fortunately Anna and the Neo Okusaer arrive in time to back him up.

In spite of its frail appearance, the Neo Okusaer can take a few hits.  To finish the mission as quickly as possible, let her counterattack the Mimetic Beast; her Angel Wall will negate a bit of the damage.  If things get really pear-shaped, Anna also has Alert so don't hesitate to have her attack enemies for now.

Allow me to introduce the second Kouji of this game (they can get a little confusing at times), Kouji Kabuto of Mazinger Z fame.  Don't get him confused with Tetsuya Kouji who pilots the G-Gunner.

Take note of his Spirit Commands, Strike (to the left) and Invulnerability (highlighted).  Many pilots have these Spirits and they're quite useful in combination; Strike gives you guaranteed hits for your turn and the enemy's, and Invulnerability cuts damage from the next attack down to 10.  Especially useful later in the game where enemies start to do enough damage to threaten even Super Robots with their thick armour.

Also, one thing to note about Mazinger Z - it is very, very spendy on energy.

Here we have the Diana A.  Now I don't particularly like or dislike Mazinger Z but Sayaka has the all-important Bless spirit, which doubles the money you get from any battle.  Since the Mimetic Beast is a rather strong enemy, you can make a killing.  I'll be using the Diana A as often as I can, even if her ability to kill anything tails off later on in the game.

After you kill the big guy, several lesser Mimetic Beasts turn up.  Because Anna was closest to the water, they went for her but once again, the Neo Okusaer's Angel Wall proves itself.  After that, you can just mop them up.

Now you may have been wondering where Mist was hiding this whole time.  Well, now you know.  Turns out, the Levirias was being hidden near Dannar Base, or something.  No, Mist can't actually attack three enemies at once.  Yet.

So the rest of the level is just cleanup.  Don't have Godannar and Neo Okusaer go into the water because they aren't built for underwater combat; have them defend from the shoreline while Mist and Kouji (Kabuto) mop up any of them too stubborn to advance.  Well, here we are, with one last enemy to go.  Just need to use Mist's strongest attack to finish it off and...

FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.  This is a regular fixture in my playthroughs, at least in the early levels.  I count on Mist to finish off something and he fails.  Which is actually quite fitting given his backstory.  Yeah, Mist's backstory is full of failure.  So in the end it's up to Mazinger.

Hey!  It got back up, ohshi-  Well, as you can see, Mist generally tends to fail quite hard.  But he never really dies so you have to give him credit for his tenacity.  You'll be seeing situations like this a lot.

Hell yeah Godannar Twin Drive!

This is the post-battle menu.  From here you can tune up your mechs, upgrade your pilots, equip special parts and other such things.  The top screen shows your three top aces and each one gets a +5 morale boost, which is important later on.  For now it's enough to know that it's good Goh has a top ace bonus.

Partnering up is the gimmick of Super Robot Wars K, kinda like the squad system from Z except with two people instead of three.  When two units are partnered up they can support each other by attacking and taking blows for their partners, and they each share in the experience gained.  They're always in a position to use combination attacks and to combine (you saw Godannar and Neo Okusaer combine during the stage itself.  That option will always be available now once Goh and Anna have accumulated enough Will.) and if one of the partners is a repairer/reloader, they will each regenerate their HP (or Energy) slowly.

Here we have the mech upgrade screen.  Robot stats are divided into 6 categories: HP, EN, Accuracy, Evasion, Armour, and Weapon Power.  You'll hear a lot of talk about Real Robots and Super Robots among SRW fans, the basic difference is that Real Robots tend to have higher Accuracy and Evasion, and more ranged attacks while Super Robots tend to have higher Health and Armour, and more melee attacks.  Of course this isn't always true and the majority of the robots in this game are Supers, despite the fact that some of them are insanely agile.  Anyway, we'll want Godannar to have as much Weapon power as it can handle, and we can use the rest of the money to give Mazinger a little extra energy.

As a general rule of thumb, the most expensive upgrades are always weapons while HP and EN tend to be quite cheap.

Pilot upgrades are just as important as those for mechs.  Basically enemies will drop items that can be used to give the pilots certain skills or stat increase - I got those two from killing the large Mimetic Beast earlier, the Type 12 (for those who have seen Godannar before).  The first one is In-fight, which I will give to Goh.  The second one is Gunfight and goes to Shizuru since the Core Gunner specialises in ranged attacks.  These skills increase the power of your melee and ranged weapons, respectively.

Okay, so we got quite a lot of the basics out of the way today.  Movement and combat, spirit commands, and the intermission screen.  Oh, and we've set the scene now, which is also good.  Next time, we'll be tackling some invaders from another world.  It might get a little difficult to understand because I haven't yet watched the anime so I'll be calling in some additional support.  Xan!  Your presence is required.  Get your ass up here.

Until next time.
Too much of a good thing, and it is no longer good.

Maid Xan~

  • Oh. Uh... Hey... Hey there, Koto.
  • What... what are you smiling like that for, Koto?
Re: The best mecha anime you've never seen - Let's Play Super Robot Wars K!
« Reply #11 on: October 11, 2009, 05:05:22 PM »
Present and accounted for!
There are people in this world who enjoy being alone. But there isn't a single person who can bear solitude.


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Re: The best mecha anime you've never seen - Let's Play Super Robot Wars K!
« Reply #12 on: October 13, 2009, 11:37:46 AM »
Curiously, Rabbit, you gonna go for FUBs this run?

元素召唤 || pad & msl news translator robit
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  • Red Tenshi
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Re: The best mecha anime you've never seen - Let's Play Super Robot Wars K!
« Reply #13 on: October 14, 2009, 12:08:37 PM »
FUBs aren't all that hard to get but then on a first run I generally don't get more than a few robots to that level.  Last time I just managed to get the Mk. Sein to full upgrades and then I sorta started spreading my upgrades 'round a lot.  IMHO, I think it's counterproductive on a first playthrough since it leaves other guys horribly weak while giving you a few amazing guys.  Of course, if one of those few is the Levirias it hardly matters :p
Too much of a good thing, and it is no longer good.


  • Red Tenshi
  • 3x More Touhou
Re: The best mecha anime you've never seen - Let's Play Super Robot Wars K!
« Reply #14 on: October 18, 2009, 07:09:14 AM »
Welcome back!  Last time we managed to repel an invasion of Mimetic Beasts from tearing up town.  But that's not the only threat we'll be facing.  Let's get started.

Chapter 2: Visitors from Another World

This is Suspage.  As far as I remember, he's the forward commander for the forces from the Darius World.  Or something.

Now we're going to do something a little tricky...  See all of those enemies there?  Godannar is going to take them all on.  All of them.

See that display on the top screen?  At the moment, Goh has 105 Will and Anna has 100.  We need to get Anna to around 107 before they can combine, and then Goh needs to get as much Will as possible.  The more he has, the more damage he can do.

You can change who the attacking partner and who the supporting partner are with this button.  We want Anna to be in front for now so that she can protect Goh.  As awesome as he is, he'll die if he takes too many hits.  We want to even the odds as much as possible.

Neo Okusaer can handle herself even if Goh can't use Defensive Support.

When things get too rough, this is the Evade option.  The one above it is to defend, which cuts down on the damage you receive from an attack.  As you can probably imagine, it's better for Super Robots who aren't really that agile and have better armour and more health anyway.  It never hurts to evade when you can't attack.  In this case, the monster is well out of range of Gravity Bomber.

After a turn of intense fighting, the Daiku-Maryu shows up.  That's Captain Garis.  No I don't know if he's actually human.  The Daiku-Maryu is our first battleship - basically they behave exactly like mechs except that they're mainly useful in a support capacity.  Later on, their accuracy is pretty terrible and unless you upgrade them, they take huge amounts of damage from enemy attacks, which kinda offsets their loads and loads of HP.  That said, they do have their uses, which I will show when they become relevant.

Just to demonstrate how terrible battleships are at hitting, this is Suspage's most accurate attack.

There is the titular Gaiking and its pilot, Daiya.  It's one of the "main character" mechs of K, so you'll be seeing it fairly frequently, especially with the routes that we'll be taking.  It's also quite powerful and never a bad choice.

So far I've been doing a lot of explaining, but some action has been going on.  The trick is, don't want to kill that last enemy.  I actually got carried away on my practice run and had to reload T_T.  Once you have Godannar Twin Drive, just have it defend against any further attacks - Goh gains 2 Will from each hit he takes.  Now's the time to start weakening Suspage.

Just so we're clear on this, Mist isn't a total failure.  This is the first and only time you will hear me say this...for awhile, anyway.

This is about where we want to be before the final stage of the plan.

This is Mazinger's Rust Hurricane.  Not a terribly powerful attack on its own but it does reduce the defence of enemies it hits.  That alone makes it a nice thing to have, but Mazinger does decent damage too.

Dynamic kill!  I actually lucked out on this one; usually I let Godannar go up to around 140 or 150 Will before I deliver the final punch but with a critical hit you can take Suspage out with less.  Why did I stop hitting him at 7700?  Well, Suspage retreats when his HP drops below 6000 so you need to take him out in one shot.  Rust Hurricane does about 1500-1600 damage so around 7500-8000 is good.

Suspage looks a little sad.  I mean you'd be too if you just got hit by Heart Breaker.  But who's that other guy?  Oooooh...foreshadowing...

Oh yeah, after Suspage "retreats", more Mimetic Beasts show up.  Fortunately, Daiya's friends deploy from the Daiku-Maryu to help out.  From the top they are Stinger, Serpent and Crab Bunker.

The thing is, these are the same generic ones you fought on the previous stage.  They're called Type 13's I think - in the show, the Type 13 regenerates from a piece of the Type 12 and actually foreshadows even more horrifying things to come.  For now, I'll let pirate man take care of it.

Final Dynamic Special!!!  Or something.  The truth is, the Crab Bunker is very much a support unit.  I'll also explain that when it becomes relevant.  For now, it's more than good enough for cleanup.

As the saying goes, there's no kill like overkill.

I'll end this mission with basically the best attack ever.  Ever.  Seriously, I was a bit dubious on how useful the Core Gunner was until I saw this.

I believe Goh comes back to the church to pray for the dearly departed.  Specifically Milla, who will become quite important later.

I do apologise for the lack of a midweek update but I kinda screwed up on my coursework and had to rush to get it done.  The money and EXP I got from this mission were quite good, although Goh and Anna are somewhat overleveled now.  The two parts I got from Suspage were an SP Up and Focus bit - they increase the amount SP the character has and reduces the cost of their Spirits, respectively.  I gave those to Sayaka; in the long run she might even be able to use Bless twice or something!

As always, if there's anything you want to ask, comment upon, or request that I do, you're welcome to speak up.

Until next time.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2009, 07:04:44 PM by Rabbit »
Too much of a good thing, and it is no longer good.