Author Topic: Touhou and the nine Types of Intelligence  (Read 12583 times)


Re: Touhou and the nine Types of Intelligence
« Reply #30 on: January 16, 2012, 08:27:38 PM »
What would Shinki's intelligent type be?

I guess Shinki would have... creator intelligence or goddess intelligence? She did create Makai, after all. It takes a smart person to construct an entire civilisation (although Makai cannot possibly be called civil.).
I'm not entirely well-versed in PC-98 characters. Also, maybe a tourist-guide intelligence? During Mystic Square, she did allow a tourist agency to organize demon trips from Gensokyo.

In short: she's pretty smart. Definitely smarter than Cirno. I have a feeling I'll be frozen for that.


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Re: Touhou and the nine Types of Intelligence
« Reply #31 on: January 16, 2012, 08:34:57 PM »
I guess Shinki would have... creator intelligence or goddess intelligence? She did create Makai, after all. It takes a smart person to construct an entire civilisation (although Makai cannot possibly be called civil.).
I'm not entirely well-versed in PC-98 characters. Also, maybe a tourist-guide intelligence?

How about from the nine types of intelligence listed in the OP of this thread?

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."


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Re: Touhou and the nine Types of Intelligence
« Reply #32 on: January 16, 2012, 08:42:35 PM »
How about from the nine types of intelligence listed in the OP of this thread?

Existential Intelligence Perhaps? I don't know. She did Create Makai.
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Re: Touhou and the nine Types of Intelligence
« Reply #33 on: January 16, 2012, 11:34:46 PM »

Expanding on what I mentioned earlier, I didn't mean that you guys were wrong about using inter- and intrapersonal, but that the reasoning used was pretty faulty and roundabout instead of taking the characters' behaviour itself.First of all the third eye doesn't innately give you the ability to understand another person, it just lets you read their hearts. If anything, both Satori and Koishi have fairly low interpersonal ability because their abilities do their thinking for them. People don't like having their thoughts read and they are hated explicitly for their ability. Koishi probably has much more interpersonal ability than Satori does because she closed her third eye. Second of all, just as how third eye does not imply interpersonal ability, neither does Koishi's subconsciousness ability increase her intrapersonal ability. It's different since she isn't hated for the ability, but she doesn't seem to give herself purpose besides randomly wandering. The closing of her third eye was because she was hated and didn't want to be in contact with people anymore, and thusly she probably has low intrapersonal intelligence. Lastly low interpersonal ability does not imply increased intrapersonal either, no matter what generalizations you want to use.

Being an extroverted person does not mean you have good interpersonal skills. Extroversion in and of itself does not give you super people-understanding powers. Similarly, being introverted does not mean you have good intrapersonal ability. As for two simple examples: people that invite others to parties, make stupid offensive claims and pressure others to do things they obviously are not comfortable with; and people who seclude themselves and feel as if nobody likes them and fall into a depression of unknowingness and insecurity. Just the same, extroversion and introversion also do not predict low ability in the opposite area. While they are simply two examples, it should be pretty clear that a person's social activity is not an indicator whatsoever of relationship-based intelligence.

Actually upon reading more intently, Starxsword has the right mindset.

Thanks, your reasoning is worthy enough. I was able to expand the horizons of my conceptions about those two types of intelligence from it.

Well, I think Yuyuko has high intrapersonal intelligence, as well as pretty much all other types of intelligence. Yuyuko is the only character
in Scarlet Weather Rhapsody that is able to control her own temperament causing snow wherever she goes.

As for empathetic characters, most Touhou characters do not really fall into that category. Remilia seems to show empathy for her
employees. Pretty much the bottom page and the next page has her talking about the fairy maids.

No touhou is empathetic because they resolve everything by beating themselves up with danmaku. We're fairly aware of that, a good example would be PoFV, where even the silliest of excuses were valid enough to bring a fight between two characters. They're all like:

Random Youkai: "Hi... I'm hunting butterflies..."
Reimu: "You're on my way! Now I'll have to beat you up!" (I?d imagine her saying that. Oh god, she is so horrible).

creator intelligence or goddess intelligence?

Those types of intelligence doesn't exist. We need to stick to the existing types mentioned on the first post.

Existential Intelligence Perhaps? I don't know. She did Create Makai.

It's clear that most of you guys aren't properly getting the intelligences. Creating makai or another realm of existence would not require existential intelligence. Rather, it'd need the spatial one, since in order to create forms, structures or images, you need to have this intelligence. She did structure a whole world, and by that... I could say she is extremely gifted on the picture-smart category.

While it's almost safe to say she has existential intelligence, I'd not say that's exactly her forte.

Sweetness and love~ ♥

Re: Touhou and the nine Types of Intelligence
« Reply #34 on: January 17, 2012, 03:16:31 AM »
No touhou is empathetic because they resolve everything by beating themselves up with danmaku. We're fairly aware of that, a good example would be PoFV, where even the silliest of excuses were valid enough to bring a fight between two characters. They're all like:

Random Youkai: "Hi... I'm hunting butterflies..."
Reimu: "You're on my way! Now I'll have to beat you up!" (I?d imagine her saying that. Oh god, she is so horrible).

While I do agree with you that touhou characters don't seem empathetic, I disagree with that line of reasoning. Spell card rules seems
like it is a type of sport, so there is nothing wrong with that line of thought. See Yuyuko's quotes:
Scarlet Weather Rhapsody Yuyuko: You can go now. It's impolite to just come to me and go without fighting.
Ten Desires Yuyuko: ...but if you want to know about the spirits, you'll have to start with beating me!


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Re: Touhou and the nine Types of Intelligence
« Reply #35 on: January 17, 2012, 03:20:51 AM »
No touhou is empathetic because they resolve everything by beating themselves up with danmaku. We're fairly aware of that, a good example would be PoFV, where even the silliest of excuses were valid enough to bring a fight between two characters. They're all like:

Random Youkai: "Hi... I'm hunting butterflies..."
Reimu: "You're on my way! Now I'll have to beat you up!" (I?d imagine her saying that. Oh god, she is so horrible).

Oh, come now. This is a combat situation we're talking about here. Plenty of characters have shown empathy in other areas, or even engaged in said combat for empathetic reasons.

Besides which, if they all lacked empathy, the post-defeat tea parties would be pretty awkward.

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."


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Re: Touhou and the nine Types of Intelligence
« Reply #36 on: January 17, 2012, 05:09:00 AM »
I'd say Cirno has a bit of intra-personal intelligence just because of the trait described: "self-motivation". For one, her health is measured in that in Great Fairy Wars. She may be gutsy and bullheaded in what she does, but she recognizes her limitations when they come around.

Re: Touhou and the nine Types of Intelligence
« Reply #37 on: January 17, 2012, 05:27:40 AM »
See Yuyuko's quotes:
Scarlet Weather Rhapsody Yuyuko: You can go now. It's impolite to just come to me and go without fighting.
Ten Desires Yuyuko: ...but if you want to know about the spirits, you'll have to start with beating me!

Good ol' Yuyuko, she knows the drill.

And while we're all at it, let's see how ZUN ranks on these intelligences:
  • Linguistic: Medium/High; his written works are worth reading, I'm dead serious

Indeedey. I especially liked the whole Yukari's name deal, and how he makes up fairly reasonable trains of thought for Rinnosuke that leads him to seemingly correct but objectively ridiculous conclusions.


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Re: Touhou and the nine Types of Intelligence
« Reply #38 on: January 23, 2012, 02:09:51 AM »
I'd say Cirno has a bit of intra-personal intelligence just because of the trait described: "self-motivation". For one, her health is measured in that in Great Fairy Wars. She may be gutsy and bullheaded in what she does, but she recognizes her limitations when they come around.

I'd rank Cirno around here-

Naturalist Intelligence- She seems to have little care for the many frogs that die in her freezing games and in general seems to not hold much thought in her environment.

Logical-Mathematical Intelligence- Probably by far her weakest intelligence, unless she really does calculate in base 9... (Danbooru, etc.)

Linguistic Intelligence- Very naive and doesn't use particularly high level sentence construction.

Existential Intelligence- She seems to have a sense of the passage of time, recognizing the 60 year cycle, and there isn't much of anything to imply she is much lacking in this intelegence

Spatial Intelligence- Almost a requirement for danmaku, but her's isn't particularly intricate and on at least two occasions she's had a giant blindspot right in front of her V:

Kinesthestic Intelligence- THE STRONGEST... FAIRY. Still, being one of the most powerful of a given species is no small feat when you control ice and every other fairy seems to be able to throw an ample supply of fire.

Interpersonal Intelligence - As loud-mouthed as she is, she is also likely the strongest of her species and seems to at least be able to act as something of a leader for them when need be.

Musical Intelligence- Unless she has a secret love for Manheim Steamroller and Trans Siberian Orchestra, I have no idea what Cirno's thoughts on music are.

Intra-personal Intelligence- Nothing in her dialogue gives any clues as to her level of introspective thought is. I'd guess low if I had to. Her "motivation" seems to be something more related to outer reward than inner satisfaction in getting something done. 
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Re: Touhou and the nine Types of Intelligence
« Reply #39 on: January 23, 2012, 02:18:08 AM »
I think her naturalist intelligence would be pretty good, simply by virtue of her being a fairy (an embodiment of nature essentially). She even knew more about the PoFV incident than most other characters. Killing the frogs is just not caring about frogs I guess.


Re: Touhou and the nine Types of Intelligence
« Reply #40 on: January 23, 2012, 02:34:57 AM »
That plus sometimes she does de-freeze the frogs without killing them IIRC.

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Re: Touhou and the nine Types of Intelligence
« Reply #41 on: January 23, 2012, 11:31:11 PM »
Rika of the PC-98 era is depicted with formulas behind her, and is capable of constructing working tanks in Gensoyoko, which is an impressive feat.  I'd think she's primarily Logical-Mathematical Intelligence.
(she also tried to lure Reimu into fighting the Ex-boss after the first level...)


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Re: Touhou and the nine Types of Intelligence
« Reply #42 on: January 25, 2012, 07:50:33 PM »
Intra-personal Intelligence- Nothing in her dialogue gives any clues as to her level of introspective thought is. I'd guess low if I had to. Her "motivation" seems to be something more related to outer reward than inner satisfaction in getting something done.

I based my view on her story in Hisoutensoku.


Re: Touhou and the nine Types of Intelligence
« Reply #43 on: February 01, 2012, 02:01:49 AM »
i think Mimichan is:
Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence (Body Smart)
Well she is a bomb so she can deliver a sick amount of  Kinesthetic energy. 
Logical-Mathematical Intelligence (Number/Reasoning Smart)
She can split atoms (or is it her creator that have Logical-Mathematical Intelligence?) 


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Re: Touhou and the nine Types of Intelligence
« Reply #44 on: February 01, 2012, 02:15:59 AM »
I'm not sure questionably animate objects can have any intelligence. Any more than a pop can is able to anyway.
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Re: Touhou and the nine Types of Intelligence
« Reply #45 on: February 01, 2012, 09:05:51 PM »
I'm not sure questionably animate objects can have any intelligence. Any more than a pop can is able to anyway.
Give her a hundred years or so and we'll see if that changes.

I really like the idea behind this topic and while I'm currently running low on linguistic intelligence, I posit that Koishi would also have some degree of Interpersonal Intelligence on sheer basis of being able to see all the weird stuff floating around in other people's subconsciouses-- to what degree exactly is up to interpretation. She seems to be really awkward around people and can't interact effectively with others (who the hell tells others that she wants to make them her pets?), but she does have the first part of understanding others down.

Scratch that. She can understand other people but has no corresponding ability (or seeming desire) to follow through on that.


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Re: Touhou and the nine Types of Intelligence
« Reply #46 on: February 01, 2012, 10:40:04 PM »
On second thought, I like Miko has quite low Interpersonal Intelligence. Her natural abilities seem to interfere with  her common sense when it comes to her interpretation of others causing quite unintelligent misunderstanding.
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