Author Topic: Warrior chicks made in China! Let's Play FE: Will of Good and Evil!  (Read 19054 times)


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Re: Warrior chicks made in China! Let's Play FE: Will of Good and Evil!
« Reply #30 on: December 23, 2011, 04:09:57 AM »
...Chapter 8.  She'll be level 11.

[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson


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Re: Warrior chicks made in China! Let's Play FE: Will of Good and Evil!
« Reply #31 on: December 23, 2011, 07:51:13 AM »
Chapter 5 images collected, Chapter 5x image collection in progress

Chapter 5x in ChinaFE is basically "poor Eph gets fucked over" precisely because his allies changed and nothing happened to him. :V

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Re: Warrior chicks made in China! Let's Play FE: Will of Good and Evil!
« Reply #32 on: December 23, 2011, 08:24:28 AM »
Funny story.  I used Sophia once in FE6.

...she promoted to level1 Druid with 21 speed.

To be fair, the main reason Sophia sucked in FE6 is that you should have gotten Ray several chapters earlier, at a higher level, and to be completely honest Sophia's stats aren't even really expected to come out superior to his nevermind her being horrific in her introductory chapter (whereas Ray might be the only one capable of damaging the chapter boss in your party if you're not using any prepromotes at that point in time).  About the one thing she contributes to most players is getting the Guiding Ring from the chapter she shows up in.

In other words, she's still a useable unit, it's just that you've already gotten a completely useable Shaman and she's not really going to get any advantage over him by taking all the extra effort.

See also: Wendy



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Re: Warrior chicks made in China! Let's Play FE: Will of Good and Evil!
« Reply #33 on: December 23, 2011, 02:41:23 PM »
Sophia's like a much poorer Nino.  You can level her up and she'll be decent, but a) she's even harder to level, b) her intro chapter SUCKS, and c) she's not as good.

Unless you're me. :smug:

[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson


Re: Warrior chicks made in China! Let's Play FE: Will of Good and Evil!
« Reply #34 on: December 23, 2011, 02:44:33 PM »
She will clearly gain her first points of strength when you use a energy ring on her.


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Re: Warrior chicks made in China! Let's Play FE: Will of Good and Evil!
« Reply #35 on: December 23, 2011, 03:11:41 PM »

Throughout the land the monsters have suddenly started appearing from the shadows... Despite this lingering threat, Eirika and her entourage press on in order to provide support to her older brother Ephraim. The town of Serafew, on the border of Renais and Grado, is one of the long-standing markers of the friendship between the two nations, but now...


KARLA: Ah, looks like there's an arena there. Good timing, I could spend a bit to make some money here. Ah, hey, is that a sister? Why yes, it is... she's quite the looker.

<< :3 >>

KARLA: Sister? You look like you're in a hurry......

NATASHA: S, sorry...
KARLA: No, I should be the one to apologize. I did not mean to sneak up on you like that.
NATASHA: No, it's fine... It was my fault in the end, now, if you excuse me, I must get going... Have a nice day.

KARLA: And there she goes, just like that... Hmm... Doesn't look like I'll be getting what I want around here...

ZEPHIEL: Captain Saar of the Serafew Guard... How do you fare? I bring orders from His Majesty. Rumor has it that that Princess Eirika of Renais is going to go to Grado. You are to find her and to bring her to us immediately.
SAAR: Yes, sir.
ZEPHIEL: Oh, and one more thing... a traitor to the empire has fled Castle Grado. We believe she's hiding somewhere here in Serafew from our reports. I dno't care if you have to burn this town down. Find that rat.
SAAR: Yes sir, General Zephiel. May we execute her if she resists?
ZEPHIEL: ...You may do so if necessary.
SAAR: At once. Grado's will be done. The Grado Empire will punish betrayal through blood.
ZEPHIEL: His Majesty places much trust upon you, Captain. Be sure it is not in the wrong place. That is all.
SAAR: Yes, sir.

ZEPHIEL: What loyalty to the crown... If only I had such zeal in the proper righteousness of our emperor.
YOUNG ZEPHIEL: What's wrong, brother?
ZEPHIEL: No... Do not mind me. Come now, let us ride. From here, we go northeast, back to the fort.
YOUNG ZEPHIEL: As you say. Let us go.

EIRIKA: It's been so long since I last visited Serafew. My brother and I used to go through here to get to Grado. I remember the peace and harmony in which the people of the two countries lived... nothing divided our borders. No soldiers stood guard in high towers... It... really was a symbol of the trust between our nations... To me, anyway.
BRUNYA: And now...
EIRIKA: Everything I remember here... it seems like something from another time... it seems lost now...
BRUNYA: Well, the city itself doesn't seem to be very heavily patrolled, they must believe it's not worth guarding with Castle Renais under their control. Let's try not to draw much attention to ourselves.

VOICE: Sorry, but I would like to ask a question of you.

EIRIKA: What is it?
SONIA: Oh, I'm looking for someone. Have you seen a young girl with indigo hair?
EIRIKA: Hmm, indigo hair? No... I'm sorry...
SONIA: Ah. Well, thank you. Sorry to take up your time.

EIRIKA: What a beautiful woman.
BRUNYA: (Is that you... Sonia...?)

<< Yes it is. >>

VOICE: Get her! Don't let her escape!
VOICE 2: There! She's over there!
EIRIKA: What's that?
BRUNYA: Sounds like it's coming from there.
EIRIKA: Let's check it out.

SOLDIER: Traitor Natasha, please surrender peacefully. Come quietly and you may have the chance to explain yourself.
NATASHA: W-w-wait, please, you have to listen to me!
SOLDIER: Get her.
NATASHA: Can't you see?! The emperor is not himself! You have to see that!
SOLDIER: Don't say such things about the emperor! We've been ordered to execute you if you offer any resistance, but your words condemn you!

EIRIKA: That sister is a traitor to the Grado Empire??? What on earth is this?

EIRIKA: Are you okay?
NATASHA: Who are you?
EIRIKA: I'm from Renais. Why are these Grado men after you?
NATASHA: You're from Renais... ah, there's something I have to tell you! It's about Grado--
EIRIKA: Hold, Grado soldiers are coming this way! We'll have to talk later. Now we must fight kick ass!

<< We give Pent an axe. Because he can use them. Because we can. >>

<< We also give Brunya a sword. Because she can use them. Because we can. Anima mages can use a specific melee weapon in this game. Pent uses Axes and Brunya uses Swords. By the way, I bench Louise, Clea and Brunya for this fight. >>

KARLA: Eh... So much for making my fortune here...

SOLDIER: Mercenary! What are you doing in the arena! Get back here!
KARLA: Aw, hey, why don't we train in the arena? Come on, I'll take ya on. Maybe get some money out of it.
SOLDIER: Don't think I'll cut you some slack just 'cause you're a woman! I'm reporting you to the captain! You'll be lucky if he just docks your pay! You better not forget that you can be replaced easily, you little cur!

KARLA: Ah, I know, now, for my next job... Eh, women... Really?

NATASHA: They may not want to hear what I have to say, but I got to speak with one of the Grado soldiers... oh, if only /one/ of them will listen to me...! Please, God, grant me courage!


<< Exactly the same as she was in vanilla FE8, even comes with the same items - A Mend staff and a vulnerary, complete with D rank staves. She has very low magic but she has good speed, luck and resistance. >>

<< I have Isadora and Celica block two of the paths up, and have Vanessa move to the village. >>

TETHYS: Ah, hello. Have you come to watch me dance?

<< Oh bby lesbian lapdancing >>

TETHYS: I apologize, but I just finished a few moments ago... well, would you be interested in one of these? A wealthy patron left me a small fortune in gifts after watching my performance. You can sell it for money if you need it or use them to improve your abilities. I don't think I can carry this all by myself, so, please take one. Wealth is useless if you can't use it to bring happiness to others, right? Thanks for stopping by, who knows, we might see each other again some day.

<< yes baby we will >>

<< It's Dragonshield! It increases DEF by 2. >>

<< Move up to position and end turn. >>

Enemy phase

<< Isadora destroys a soldier who comes up to her and gains a level. It's okay. >>


At the start of turn 2, brigands start to appear in the map. In vanilla FE8 just 2 appear in one turn but in ChinaFE all 6 appear at once. In this run I don't bother saving the village where
leaves her Torch so I don't get the bonus item for saving all the villages. But seriously fuck doing that, it's too much of a hassle.

BANDIT: Oh, would you take a look at that! Now's our chance! Let's join the chaos and plunder our way through this pathetic establishment!

<< Pent destroys the Soldier there. >>

<< I have everyone move into position and end turn. >>


<< I have Celica and Sophia kill the approaching Archer, which yields Sophia a level. >>

<< A decent level. >>

<< Our positions at the end of our turn. Note that Isadora and Klein have sort of charged in to kill the bandits there. >>


<< Klein finishes off that bandit... >>

<< And Pent kills the Archer. We end turn. >>


<< Celica kills a fighter who suicides into her, netting her a level up. >>

<< :] >>

<< I park Vanessa there, note Pent and Isadora's positions. They will lure out the enemies that are right next to Karla, who we can recruit by having Natasha talk to her. However, Karla isn't like Joshua - Karla will attack Natasha if she's in range, and will definitely kill her. We must have someone to bait her out. >>

<< we end turn. >>


<< One of the fighters harassed Vanessa, so we had her retreat and get healed by loli Guinevere, who levels up. It is an awesome level up. >>

<< We then have Isadora enter this house. >>

MAN: Serafew has some Renais and Grado people, but it's been very difficult on us who live here... Since they singled out families from Renais to do their awful awful things... We want it to stop. Please, take this sword... It is an armor slayer, that can pierce through even the toughest armor! Take it and cut down that evildoer Saar...

<< Armorslayer obtained! In Chinese, it's called "Mail-breaking Sword." We'll be giving this to Celica later so she can utterly destroy Saar. >>

<< We move Pent to that exact position in the map so the first brigand will approach Pent and the second brigand will approach Isadora. >>

<< We end turn. >>


<< Isadora cuts down the brigand blocking her way, getting a level. >>

<< :o what happened, Isadora?!?!?!?! >>

<< With that done, we end turn after moving everyone into position. Note that Celica is in that little spot there next to Sophia in the woods - that will lure out the Soldier. FE AI is silly - they will always attack anyone they can if they are able to, and if there is only one character in their attack range, they will always go for them, even if it's WTD. But in this case, the enemy has WTA. Not that it matters for Celica anyway. >>


<< Notice that the soldier is now gone - Sophia destroyed him. We move Isadora to that forest indicated by the arrow. She will be our bait to lure out Karla. >>

<< End turn. >>


<< Operation success! We have Natasha talk to Karla. >>

NATASHA: You... you're that woman I met... are you here to kill me? You've been hired to silence me, right...
KARLA: ...Well... It's hard to refuse money. Nothing personal.
NATASHA: Uuu... please, it doesn't matter to me, but you have to hear me out. The emperor has changed! He's not the person we knew anymore! Other nations must be warned...
KARLA: Sorry, no offense, but I'm just a mercenary. I don't care about Grado or its emperor. I don't really care.
NATASHA: But...!
KARLA: Even so... Killing someone as beautiful as you would make me feel sick... and, you know... I think women should stick together, you know?
KARLA: Actually... well, I think I changed my mind. You know? I'll work with you instead.
NATASHA: Are you serious.
KARLA: Sure I am.

<< Karla replaces Joshua, and has -1 HP, -1 STR, +1 SPD, -1 DEF and +1 RES compared to him. She also has 2 levels more than he does. I'd say Karla is worse. Sorry Joshua fanboys! She has the same loadout as he does - Killing Edge, which improves crit rate, and a C rank in swords. She has Lightning affinity instead of Wind as well. She's hurt in that image because when she hit Isadora, Isadora countered. :derp: >>

<< More shuffling about before we end turn. >>

Enemy phase

<< Fuck it. I don't give a shit. >>


<< Isadora enters the remaining village. >>

MAN: In my youth, I was a swordsman of some fair renown, you know! I've even crossed blades with one of Grado's most famous generals, yes I have... but... Eh, I'm an old man now... What if I die without passing on my knowledge? So I decided I should write down all I learned in a book. Here it is! You seem like a strong warrior... Please, I would be honored if you would accept it!

<< We get a Secret Book, which increases Skill by 2. >>

<< We do some more shuffling about and end turn. >>


<< Loli Guinevere is running out of healz, so we buy her another Heal staff. It's freaking expensive. >>

<< Pent moves over to explode the Archer. >>

<< And Sophia hits the mercenary. We shuffle about and end turn. >>


<< Celica kills the soldier and levels up. Why no STR? You have 60% STR growth! Also, she's 1 point off from capping RES. >>

<< Shuf shuf shuf >>


<< Sophia finally kills the mercenary up there and gains a level. It sucks. >>

<< Celica runs up to Saar to smack him with the Armorslayer. Note that even with WTD she not only doubles Saar and takes only 5 damage from him, but she deals 17 damage per strike AND HAS 80 HIT RATE. What the christ Celica :dragonforce: >>

<< Like so! >>

EIRIKA: Well, that was quite a thing dangerous.
NATASHA: Yes... it was... thank you so much... I don't know how to--
BRUNYA: You're from Grado, right?
NATASHA: yes... I'm Natasha. I was a servant of the people at the Imperial Temple.
EIRIKA: So, why are they chasing you? Care to tell us?
NATASHA: Of course... a few days ago, my mentor was suddenly arrested, then they executed him! They said he was a traitor... but those are totally untrue! The emperor had him silenced... a holy man, silenced!
BRUNYA: What do you mean?
NATASHA: My mentor said that the emperor planned to break the Sacred Stones before he died...
EIRIKA: Whut? Destroy the Sacred Stones?
NATASHA: You should know, that they drove back the evil forces long ago! Now, each of our nations houses one of these powerful and legendary treasures. There's one in my homeland of Grado and one in your Renais...
EIRIKA: Yeah, that's true.
NATASHA: The emperor... wants to destroy these five stones, one by one!
BRUNYA: That makes no sense. Legend says the Stones are all that keeps evil at bay!
NATASHA: I do not know... you must know that our emperor was once a gentle man, but one day he changed all of a sudden! I don't even know... Before my mentor passed, he said the keepers of the Sacred Stones must be warned! I tried to get out, but I was caught.
EIRIKA: I see... well, Brunya, what do you think?
BRUNYA: She is from Grado. I'm not sure if we should trust her yet...

EIRIKA: Hnn... Well... if what Grado wants to do is really that... Eugh, I pray that it's not true! But we have no choice but to take her word for it.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2011, 03:32:07 PM by TranceHime »

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Re: Warrior chicks made in China! Let's Play FE: Will of Good and Evil!
« Reply #36 on: December 23, 2011, 03:19:16 PM »


[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson


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Re: Warrior chicks made in China! Let's Play FE: Will of Good and Evil!
« Reply #37 on: December 23, 2011, 03:25:42 PM »
axe pent is awesome

Also a potentially lesbian hot chick is an acceptable Joshua replacement. For now.

Re: Warrior chicks made in China! Let's Play FE: Will of Good and Evil!
« Reply #38 on: December 23, 2011, 03:36:05 PM »


I hope they have an animation for this.


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Re: Warrior chicks made in China! Let's Play FE: Will of Good and Evil!
« Reply #39 on: December 23, 2011, 03:47:10 PM »
I hope they have an animation for this.

They don't.

Magic users were never meant to wield Swords/Axes/Lances/Bows, so their sprites never had animations for them. Same case with melee classes and magical tomes.

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Re: Warrior chicks made in China! Let's Play FE: Will of Good and Evil!
« Reply #40 on: December 23, 2011, 04:57:15 PM »
>Zephiel talking to himself

My brain hurts.


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Re: Warrior chicks made in China! Let's Play FE: Will of Good and Evil!
« Reply #41 on: December 23, 2011, 05:45:34 PM »

I knew there had to be a reason he scored a babe like Louise.


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Re: Warrior chicks made in China! Let's Play FE: Will of Good and Evil!
« Reply #42 on: December 23, 2011, 05:49:32 PM »
What is best in life? To crit your enemies, see them hit for triple damage, and hear the lamentation of their Luck stat.


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Re: Warrior chicks made in China! Let's Play FE: Will of Good and Evil!
« Reply #43 on: December 23, 2011, 06:58:52 PM »

I knew there had to be a reason he scored a babe like Louise.
my god ilu stuffs

[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson


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Re: Warrior chicks made in China! Let's Play FE: Will of Good and Evil!
« Reply #44 on: December 23, 2011, 07:09:04 PM »
>Zephiel talking to Zephiel
>Axe-user Pent

I.... I'm going to go to sleep, and when I wake up I hope this will make more sense and/or turn out that I have misread things because this is Maximum Silly.


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Re: Warrior chicks made in China! Let's Play FE: Will of Good and Evil!
« Reply #45 on: December 24, 2011, 03:00:18 AM »

a.k.a Ephraim gains 8 levels in one chapter

LEILA: Valter.
VALTER: Ah, Leila... How is everything? You have captured that Ephraim, haven't you?
LEILA: Not yet. Prince Ephraim still fights up at Renvall to the north.
VALTER: And why is that? What happened to all those mercs you hired?
LEILA: Mercenaries? Useless. Ephraim's no slouch. While we have the numbers, he uses the terrain to his advantage - he has no army, just a small band of knights loyal to Renais. I wouldn't put it past him to be quite the tactician.
VALTER: Hnn... Well, that's interesting. The fellow's beginning to heat me up. Leila, my friend, bring 'im to me as quickly as you can, will you?
LEILA: Well, okay.
VALTER: Have you got something in mind, dear?
LEILA: I am but your loyal subordinate... Your wish is my command, and for you, I have quite the thing.
VALTER: Ohhhh? Is that so~? Well, do go on.
LEILA: Okay. First, you and I will leave this fort and go north. Then, we will track down Ephraim in his little place.
VALTER: Okay. But he's not found so easily, is he?

LEILA: You know, by Prince Ephraim's side is... a /friend/ of mine. When the time is right, our friend will move on our behalf...

EPHRAIM: Guinevere, how are we on our supplies and such?
GUINEVERE: Not so good... Our weapons are rusty and we're running low on food, but we could perhaps restock at a nearby village... euh...
EPHRAIM: That will not do. We're in enemy territory and I cannot involve innocents, especially if I can avoid it.
GUINEVERE: To be expected...
CECILIA: Did you hear that the invasion of Renais got pretty far? I heard the capital fell.
EPHRAIM: Already... well, I'm sure that since mother is in the capital, she won't surrender that fast.

<< Except she kind of died. >>

EPHRAIM: Well, our mission is simply to distract the enemy so that mother and Eirika have time to get out of there. Cecilia, did you hear from Orson? I had him go ahead to scout.
CECILIA: Well, I heard nothing, but he should be coming back right about now...

ORSON: I have returned, Prince Ephraim. I can see that Grado lies at several places around our camp. Furthermore, a large retinue of soldiers has been deployed from Renvall... We shouldn't linger here anymore than necessary.
EPHRAIM: I see...

GUINEVERE: You can see that it's a tad dangerous to go forward at this rate... perhaps we should return?
EPHRAIM: Nope. We go on. We're gonna take Renvall.

EPHRAIM: So Renvall's just up ahead... Okay. Let's get going.
GUINEVERE: With all due respect, Prince Ephraim... but are you alright? Their entire army is after us, and yet you wish to charge their stronghold?!
CECILIA: Hush, Guinevere... I am sure the prince has something in his mind.
EPHRAIM: Peace, Cecilia. We've heard nothing from home, so I'm sure it wouldn't hurt go on a little siege.
CECILIA: Prince...
EPHRAIM: Not to worry, I haven't lost all sense of self-preservation. And I haven't gone mad. Note that Renvall is an important place in Grado's national defense. If we can take control of it, Grado will run itself dry trying to recapture it. I hope our attack proves useful to my mother and Eirika.
GUINEVERE: ...But...
EPHRAIM: Everyone in this area is out for us. The enemy has us vastly outnumbered, and attacking the castle is just plain crazy. But if the enemy thinks the same... That's where we have our opening.
EPHRAIM: We might not get another opportunity like this. Have faith in me. I don't pick fights I can't win!

Ephraim leaves.

GUINEVERE: Is it me, or do I have a strange feeling about this?
CECILIA: No... I can feel it too... But... do we have a choice?

ZONTA: An attack by the enemy... by Ephraim's troops? Now, to arms! Prince Ephraim's circled around and come to us! If we capture the prince here, we can become rich! Do you get it? We'll be rich!

<< If you live to tell the tale that is >8) >>

ORSON: Yes...
EPHRAIM: Your wounds still haven't recovered, have they? Don't overexert yourself... If we're defeated, you must return to Frelia. Understood?
ORSON: Acknowledged.

<< Hmm... >>

EPHRAIM: Let's go! Guinevere, Cecilia!


<< Ephraim. He's so badass, he remains unchanged in ChinaFE, which means he must be worth something. He has excellent base stats for his level. He has the same items he did in vanilla FE8, the Steel Lance, his lance Reginleif, and an elixir. Reginleif is an anti-cavalry and anti-armor weapon, and has overall superior stats to the Steel Lance, being lighter and more accurate while having the same ATK/MT. He has D rank in Lances. >>

<< The older Guinevere, who's a Valkyrie. Very nice base stats for a prepromote Valk, though she has a lower defense. Her 11 CON is actually pretty decent. She comes with a Divine tome and a Recovery stave, which fully heals the target and a vulnerary. Her Light is A rank and her Stave is B rank. >>

<< Cecilia, who's a Mage Knight. She's more balanced than Guinevere is and has a much more decent defense stat, and 1 more CON than she does. Note that Guinevere and Cecilia share a similar Green/Red Cav relationship - Guinevere has lesser defenses but higher skill and speed, while Cecilia has higher magic, and defenses. Cecilia comes with an Elfire Tome and a Physic, as well as a vulnerary. Her Anima is A rank and her Stave is B rank. >>

<< Orson, the Paladin who remains unchanged, thus is mediocre because you now have 2 new prepromotes who trump him in every way because they use magic. >>

<< We have Cecilia move out of enemy range and I have Ephraim charge up all alone. Don't worry - Cecilia and Guinevere will play the role of healer so Ephraim can get as much EXP as possible. End turn. >>


<< Ephraim destroys everyone in his way! >>

<< Orson softens up the merc who approached. >>

<< Eph kills him, gaining a level. It's not so good compared to what he /should/ be getting, but STR and SKL are quite nice. >>


<< End turn. >>


<< Ephraim kills off the Archer... >>

TURN 4/5

<< Ephraim kills the Knight using Reginleif, netting him the Door Key.

TURN 6/7

<< Ephraim destroys the archer inside, getting another level. A very nice level. Ephraim gets a Treasure Chest key from the archer >>


<< Orson accidentally kills the Fighter who drops another key. He then gives that Chest Key to Cecilia for safekeeping.
Nope, I don't think to strip Orson of his gear - we can't carry all of it anyways

TURN 8/9/10/11

<< Ephraim gets an Elixir and a Killer Lance, which he's unable to use at the moment (but he will later, and pretty soon). >>

<< Enroute, we have Ephraim kill another Archer, so he gains a level. It's a meh level though. >>


<< We move everyone up to here... >>

TURN 12/13

<< Ephraim kills another poor fool, gaining C rank in Lances, allowing him to use the Killer Lance! Yay! >>

<< We put Ephraim here to lure out the two soldiers... >>

<< He kills every enemy who approaches him, gaining another level. An excellent level, befitting of Ephraim! :] >>


<< Everyone goes to this little corner... >>

TURN 14/15

<< Ephraim kills more dudes, gaining another level. Another solid level up though some SPD wouldn't hurt. >>


<< Ephraim stays here so he attracts the attention of the fighter and the soldier... >>


<< Who then get destroyed utterly by Ephraim's might. We move Ephraim here to attract the attention of the other Fighter, and a Soldier. >>


<< Ephraim kills one of the enemies and gains a level out of it. It's not such a good level, but more damage is pretty nice. >>


<< Ephraim tussles with the other enemy and gains B rank lances. Yeah!!! >>

<< After this turn, Ephraim gets assaulted by: A Shaman, a mage and an Archer. He survives attacks from all of them. >>


<< Guinevere kills the Shaman, gaining a level. It's very good. >>

<< Cecilia heals Ephraim back to full life (he had 3 HP before that) and gains an awesome level up. >>

<< Ephraim kills the archer and gains another level! It's much better than his past two levels. >>



<< The mage suicided into Cecilia so we move everyone up closer to the throne room. The soldier in his turn suicides into Ephraim. >>


<< Ephraim moves up to kill Zonta, but he only hits once. He dodges Zonta's attack. >>

Enemy phase

<< Zonta suicides into Ephraim after hitting him once. >>

<< So, Ephraim gains a level. It sucks though :ohdear: >>



<< We seize! >>

CECILIA: The entire castle has been secured. That was quite a battle.
EPHRAIM: I believe at least half the enemy troops are out there somewhere. We took this castle, but we don't have enough manpower to keep it up in a siege. There's no point in staying here. Let's go on to Grado Keep.

GUINEVERE: Prince, this is not good! I took a look around the castle perimeter... The enemy has us surrounded...
EPHRAIM: Grado sent reinforcements? How did they get here so fast?
GUINEVERE: I knew this was a bad idea...
CECILIA: Damn...
EPHRAIM: We have no choice but to escape! Let's go.

VALTER: Ohh~ If it isn't Ephraim, who managed to capture Renvall with such a small force. You've earned your reputation... I must say, your work is quite admirable, /Prince/ Ephraim.
EPHRAIM: I know.
VALTER: Well, I'm General Valter, the Moonstone of Grado's Imperial Army. Getting to you was quite troublesome! We've reduced your pathetic home of Renais to ruin, yet you and your small band of merry men continue to be such a thorn to our side. But... that all ends here.
EPHRAIM: Well, okay. You claim you've taken the capital of Renais... But... how the hell did you know I would attack...?!
VALTER: Hehe...~ Patience! You'll find out soon enough! Now, be good little girls and drop your weapons.

CECILIA: Prince, don't challenge him... With Guinevere, we must get out of here.
VALTER: Hear me out, Ephraim. You're clever. You know it's useless to resist, because you won't win. You can't escape... Just surrender!
EPHRAIM: Surrender, huh...
VALTER: Kekeke... that's correct! If you do, you'll live... I'll let you live, that is! Haha. Don't test my goodwill! Now, get over here and show me how you dogs beg for mercy!
EPHRAIM: Nah... don't think so
EPHRAIM: You said you're Valter, right? Well, no hard feelings Valter, but I don't have time to waste messing about with you. So we're gonna knock you louts about a bit and then walk out of here, get it?
VALTER: Fool... are you crazy? Do you really think you can get past my wyvern knights?

EPHRAIM: Watch and /learn/. I don't pick fights I won't be able to win. Cecilia, Guinevere, are you ready?
GUINEVERE: Ah, Ephraim, you can't be...
CECILIA: We'll just have to make a break for it. Don't worry, I'm sure we'll be fine.
EPHRAIM: Come now. Let us go.
VALTER: What idiotic fools you are! Prepare to be utterly destroyed!
EPHRAIM: Okay, guys, ready?! We make a break to the East! Go! None of us can die here!

元素召唤 || pad & msl news translator robit
twitter xx motk resident whale

Re: Warrior chicks made in China! Let's Play FE: Will of Good and Evil!
« Reply #46 on: December 24, 2011, 03:50:18 AM »
Nope, I don't think to strip Orson of his gear - we can't carry all of it anyways

Huh. I thought Ephraim's squad got a must have been longer since I played than I thought.


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Re: Warrior chicks made in China! Let's Play FE: Will of Good and Evil!
« Reply #47 on: December 24, 2011, 05:02:42 AM »
Holy crap that's a lot of levelling!

I knew there had to be a reason he scored a babe like Louise.
This is too good. :getdown:
C:DOS> ayayaya.mid
Bad command or file name



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Re: Warrior chicks made in China! Let's Play FE: Will of Good and Evil!
« Reply #48 on: December 29, 2011, 01:44:25 PM »

Concentrating on suppressing the feelings of unease, Eirika continues on to search for her brother. They enter the Grado Empire and as such are in enemy lands, so to try and avoid as much trouble as possible Eirika and the others go to a less populated part. However, they are being followed...

a.k.a Idoun is a... bro... sis? I don't know

RIEV: Have you discovered where Eirika is going?
NOVALA: Yes. I have sent some of our own to follow the princess as she went through Serafew. They say to me they are on their way here. We'll be ready for them. They can't escape... hehehe
RIEV: Most excellent... I think that Valter bastard will be just fine with that. Now... I hear that this Princess Eirika can be quite a bit to handle. You know how that Brunya is... you sure you can take this?
NOVALA: Be at ease, I can take care of all of this. I have something that will prevent them from being able to resist...
RIEV: Keke... Fair enough. Well, do what you have to do. I need to return at once.
NOVALA: Will you not stay and see how Eirika looks under our clutches?
RIEV: Unlike some other people I know, I do not have the time to meddle with such small infidelities. I have a lot of work to do, so many tasks that await my doing. These menial things are best left to other people... like yourself.
NOVALA: Ah... yes...

Riev leaves.

NOVALA: Keh... Weird old man. You should have just stayed and watched. Perhaps you might have learned something useful. I will get that princess and I will replace YOU at our master's side... you will wallow in depression and I WILL ENJOY EVERY MOMENT

<< Might I take this time to say that 诡异 is incredibly loving archaic to use for the word "weird." In Traditional script it looks like this: >>


NOVALA: Ho... If it isn't Princess Eirika of Renais! Accept your fate. You have nowhere to escape!
EIRIKA: Ah! What! Who the hell are you! Where'd you come from!
NOVALA: You're quite the looker... and you're even wearing that bracelet... Actually, let's start there. Would you surrender that lovely little thing of yours?
EIRIKA: Why do... you want my bracelet?
NOVALA: His Majesty wants it. That's all you need to know. Once I give it to him, he will make me a general and I will become famous. Come on, hand it over. Do it quickly and perhaps I'll spare you.
BRUNYA: Princess Eirika, don't do it.
NOVALA: Just obey. You came all this way to help Prince Ephraim, right? That's pointless... he fell before the empire's might! As we speak he's stuck in a cell in Renvall, waiting for his appointed time~

<< Keep in mind just last update Ephraim just sort of... uh... yeah >>

EIRIKA: Brother...? You liar! Things like you could never beat my brother.
NOVALA: You can be in denial all you want! It does not change the fact that Ephraim has lost, and that he lost to Grado.
NOVALA: You're not gonna budge, are you? Very well... go on, bring 'er over.

<< uh >>

<< welp >>

CHILD: Sa... save me...
NOVALA: Hehe... she's a citizen of your Renais... Now give me that bracelet. Do it, or the child dies.
EIRIKA: No... just... Fine. But you must not harm the child.
BRUNYA: The bracelet...!
NOVALA: Hehe... okay, now... your weapons. Hand them over.
BRUNYA: Don't be stupid. We're not doing that.
NOVALA: Oh... you're smarter than you seem. Looks like I don't have much use for her anymore. Well, you know, I have a good idea. You know about the giant spiders in this area, right? They'd like a really nice meal, what do you think?
EIRIKA: No way

CHILD: I... I don't wanna ;_;

NOVALA: Those people, and the rest of you mongrels of Renais, should just get eaten by monsters!
EIRIKA: Enough! Cease your talk!

EIRIKA: The people of Renais have maintained our allegiance with the Empire for so long... and then, you invaded with no warning! You ruined us, and you killed my father... Despite this, I told myself that I would not hate Grado or her people. If I gave in, the bond between our lands would disappear forever... So, I did not hate, I refused to. Instead, I would live for the day our nations would see peace! But alas, if this is Grado's true face, and if you could so extinguish Renais from the map without pity! Without remorse! Then I really have no room in my heart to forgive.
NOVALA: Stupid girl... Do you expect those words to carry weight?! They won't. Your beloved people will all die... and so will you!

NOVALA: Hahaha, if you really need to spite or hate someone, it should be that Eirika.
CHILD: Help! Help!
NOVALA: Cry! Scream! Ahahahahaa~!

<< They stay there. For a while. >>

CHILD: Are we going to get eaten?
MOTHER: Don't worry... someone will save us...

<< This update doesn't have much meat to it because really, I'm still sick doing this update. Sorry! But I'll try to be as indepth to fill in the gaps as much as I can. >>

<< We boot Natasha in favor of Idoun. We'll be needing the two pegs for this round this time about. Also, I make a fatal mistake in preparation in forgetting to give one of Pent or Idoun Natasha's Mend staff. Sadface. Also, Eirika doesn't do anything again. :] >>


<< I park Idoun's butt right on that Forest because I know it's going to aggro like 3 enemy units or something. Since I don't have Torches as I ignored the village in Chapter 5, this is going to make things annoying. By the way, notice that most of the tiles are hued some crazy shade of grey. This is called Fog of War. It's self-explanatory. It's fog. You cannot see past a limited field of vision, which can be increased by using Torches (which we don't have, for reasons explained) but, the torch's effect diminishes by 1 square each turn. >>

<< End turn. >>


<< :( >>

<< :dragonforce: >>



<< Really? Come on Clea. :wat: >>

<< I'm sick, RNG. Give me a break. >>

<< I have Vanessa enter this house. >>

KID: You know about those really scary monster spiders to the eastern mountains... I hear that they can do some nasty poison things on ya! So you should be wary and take these antitoxins. So you don't die or something.

<< By the way, I decide to completely ignore killing the spiders because fuck them in ChinaFE, no one in our current lineup save Brunya, Pent and Idoun can even damage them more than 10 right now and Brunya's not around, Pent's Elfire tome is about to break and Idoun's Nosferatu is also about to break. >>

Received Antitoxin

<< These cure one of poison. >>


Enemy phase commentary

<< Pivotal turn. At this point is where most of the stuff comes to shit. Once again Idoun draws fire from most of the enemies, but at this point's where her Nosferatu tome breaks and she devolves into Luna-flinging crap because Luna has motherfuck shit accuracy in FE8. I don't actually remember off hand if they made it lower or higher in ChinaFE, but it's hovering around the 40~60 hit-range with Idoun's stats ON NORMAL TERRAIN. On Forest it's dumb like 30. And really makes her deadweight.
I'm gimping myself
Most of the enemies either charge for Klein or Loli Guinevere. Actually, Loli Guinevere gets hit like once. >>

<< Somewhere along the way I have Clea and Vanessa go to the green family over to the east because we get something shiny if we keep them alive. >>

<< Sooo uhh really not much to say at this point aside from everybody wrecking poo poo. The main challenge really originally was to save the family, but in vanilla FE8 it's not even that hard. So have a flurry of levels instead. >>

<< finally gain motherfucking STR also capped RES >>

<< grrr and after such a good level too >>

<< some motherfucking speed would be really nice klein >>


<< See this? >>

<< It turned to this. And then everybody offloading the family unit by unit the next turn. Really something. >>


<< Pent kind of hits him >>

<< Celica kills him and gets an okay level BUT NO MOTHERFUCKING STR >>

the end

CHILD: ...
EIRIKA: You're safe now.
CHILD: Uuu... wah... I was so scared, so so scared D:
MOTHER: Thank you. You saved us both... if you would please take this... and thank you again...

<< Apparently the Father doesn't count but I'm pretty sure I saved him too >>

Orion's Bolt obtained

<< Use that to promote Archers and shit >>

BRUNYA: Your late mother, Queen Eleanora ordered to keep me quiet until the time came to tell you. But with all this, with Emperor Vigarde's course of action, I need to tell you everything right now, Princess Eirika. Are you ready to hear the secret of the bracelet on your arms?
EIRIKA: ...I am.
BRUNYA: Well, you know that Renais houses one of the legendary Sacred Stones.
EIRIKA: Yes, isn't it in the temple? It's meant to ward off the evil.
BRUNYA: The true one does, anyway. The one in the temple is a fake. The real one is under the royal castle. Guarding it is a very powerful seal.
EIRIKA: What? Is this true?
BRUNYA: Queen Eleanora told this to me and confided in me. The Sacred Stones defeated the evil powers long ago and have capability to do much wonder beyond our understanding. So, the rulers of Renais thought it would be wise to seal ours away. They sealed it as such so it could not be misused. The keys to break the seal are hidden too... They're forged into bracelets. You know now, right? The ones that you and your brother, Prince Ephraim, wear.
EIRIKA: Our...? How did I not know this for so long?
BRUNYA: I was commanded not to tell you until the time was right. Actually, the Prince doesn't know about this either.
EIRIKA: Well, the Grado army really want me just for this... because... they want to... oh... geez
BRUNYA: I think I know what you are thinking... We must hurry!

元素召唤 || pad & msl news translator robit
twitter xx motk resident whale


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Re: Warrior chicks made in China! Let's Play FE: Will of Good and Evil!
« Reply #49 on: December 29, 2011, 02:38:09 PM »
Orion's Bolt obtained

<< Use that to promote Archers and shit >>
Your storytelling techniques are quite interestingly different when you're ill. :V

[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson


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Re: Warrior chicks made in China! Let's Play FE: Will of Good and Evil!
« Reply #50 on: December 29, 2011, 03:02:44 PM »
Your storytelling techniques are quite interestingly different when you're ill. :V

This update was long overdue because people started poking me about it, and I was still pretty damn sick so I got impatient with it. I actually struggled just to get that update out. Hopefully Chp7 will be better. ~*~take over renvall~*~

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