Author Topic: The Grand Tower  (Read 3421 times)


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The Grand Tower
« on: July 03, 2011, 07:52:43 AM »
This is something that I had planned on writing for while. It will (probably) be very long so sorry if the beginning, mainly this first part, starts off as uninteresting


Kyouko swept away the last bit of dust from the walkway to the Myouren temple. With her duties outside of the temple done, she turned to go inside to see if Byakuren required anything else of her, when out of the corner of her eye she saw a visitor approaching the entrance. She was tall with long jet black hair. She wore a long dark green cloak and a blue scarf around her neck. As she came closer to the temple Kyouko could also see a smug grin on her face. Despite having greeted many visitors in her short time at the temple, this one particular one gave Kyouko a feeling of unease. Kyouko, however, could see no reason to deny entrance to this guest so she began to greet her saying, ?Welcome to the Myouren temple is there any reason for your visit??

The strange woman stared at her for a while with a disdainful expression as if she was deciding whether she should answer or just ignore the question altogether. Kyouko noted this and it further deepened her unease. Finally a reply came. ?I suppose I don?t have any particular reasons for visiting, I merely heard that many Youkai enjoyed visiting this temple so I wanted to see why it was so popular.?

The answer seemed innocent enough, so Kyouko accompanied her in a small tour of some of the areas of the temple. She noticed that the guest didn?t seem to be paying attention to her words much and was instead gazing at the walls. As soon as the Kyouko was finished talking the visitor began to speak. ?I?ve been told that this temple used to be a ship that could travel between dimensions, the palanquin, I believe it was called. Is this true??

Kyouko nodded her head, confused as to why this question had suddenly presented itself. The guest walked towards one of the walls and Kyouko noticed that the same smug grin from earlier was on her face. Her suspicion from earlier began to return. The woman put slowly put her hand on the wall and held it there for a while. She appeared to be concentrating deeply. A few seconds later an extremely faint rumbling sounded which only Kyouko with her ears that were highly sensitive to sounds could hear. This was the last straw for the Yambiko. Her suspicion got the better of her and she turned towards the mysterious visitor shouting, ?LEAVE NOW!?

The temple went quiet and a wave of embarrassment came over Kyouko as she realized how many others were in that same room with her and the visitor. The visitor merely laughed and walked back towards the entrance saying ?I had no idea that the Myouren temple received its guests so rudely.?
Still mortified at what had just happened Kyouko ran out of sight.
Meanwhile, Byakuren and Murasa were in one of the uppermost rooms of the temple. ?Hm, that?s strange? Murasa mumbled.
?What is it?? asked Byakuren.
?Back when this place was still a ship I always got a certain feeling when it was travelling in between Gensokyo and Makai. For some reason I just got that feeling again.?
Curiously Byakuren peered out of the window. ?I can assure you that we?re not travelling to Makai right now?
?I didn?t think so?, replied Murasa. ?Maybe it was just nostalgia?
Behind the Myouren temple a patch of deep red grass began to rapidly grow.


  • Apostatical Verdant Eudaemonaic
  • This is my danmaku.
Re: The Grand Tower
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2011, 09:07:22 AM »
Interesting start - I notice that you have a lot in store for us, so I won't go into too much detail until the next few installments. Arriving in an unfamiliar place is a strange ordeal; and to arrive in Makai is, hrmn.. I look forward to finding out the purpose of this visitor, and the reason of the sudden transference. Sometimes I find that using a single - to separate scene changes can be less distracting than a whole row - although in installments like this, the length of your post and when things blend into another is up to you. Hopefully Kyouko will mention this stranger to Byakuren - I guess I'll find out next time!

Awesome sig courtesy of Squawkers23! Thanks!

Oh, you're looking for words? My writing is here.
Do you remember me? I also remember you - and though we haven't met in so many days, I still know you and love your memories. If you stumbled upon this - good luck, in whatever you might do.


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Re: The Grand Tower
« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2011, 03:19:57 AM »
More setting up the start of the story here. It'll get more exciting soon
Later in the temple after all of the visitors had left for the day Kyouko tried to explain herself to a slightly disappointed and slightly perplexed Byakuren. She was in the middle of explaining about the rumbling when the exact same sound happened again. This time though, it was much louder and heard by everyone in the building at that time. For the second time that day Byakuren looked out of the window? and saw the terrain of Makai that was all too familiar to her stretched out before her. She stepped backwards in shock. When she looked through the window again, however, she saw the view of Gensokyo that had been their just a few minutes earlier. She was about to breathe out a sigh of relief and attribute what she had just seen to be a figment of her imagination when the rumbling in the temple increased yet again and the outside flashed back to being Makai. When Byakuren finally got over her shock, she turned to Kyouko with a grave expression and said, ?Unfortunately it appears that you were correct in your suspicions.?
Shortly after that Murasa and Shou burst into the room. ?It?s like what we discussed earlier, isn?t it?? Byakuren exclaimed to Murasa pointing to the constantly changing land outside of the window.
?Somewhat, but instead of us traveling from Gensokyo to Makai, it?s as if Makai is traveling through this ship to Gensokyo.? Before anyone had the chance to ask Murasa how that made any sense the rumbling in the temple became extremely intense, knocking everyone to the floor.
?Until this temple is stable none of us should leave it?, Murasa ordered. She then continued,? We have to find a way to get a message to someone in Gensokyo to see if they can help.?
The next morning Reimu was woken abruptly by a series of shouts. She looked up to see Aya rapidly descending towards her. ?Something?s happened at Youkai Mountain, you?ll definitely want to see this.?

Before Reimu could object, Aya had grabbed and they were flying through the skies towards Youkai Mountain. As they neared the mountain Reimu noticed a thick dark cloud around it. ?You called me here for a fire?? she complained. Couldn?t you just have the Kappas put it out??

?That?s not smoke?, Aya assured her.
When they finally landed at the foot of the mountain Reimu was able to see in full detail what Aya was talking about. What she saw before her looked completely different from the Youkai Mountain she was used to. Much of the vegetation that covered the ground was a deep red color. Crystalline trees stood in the forests among regular ones. The cloud of what Reimu had thought to be smoke from earlier actually turned out to be Miasma. She recognized this kind of terrain as well. It looked exactly the same as Makai did in Reimu?s visits to it.

?It?s as if this happened over night?, Aya contributed after she felt Reimu had enough time to take in her surroundings. ?I?d ask you to explore it to find a solution, but many vicious Youkai have appeared as well.?

Reimu was about to tell Aya that she?d explore anyway when both of them heard a distant voice calling out, ?come?Myouren temple?Gensokyo?Makai?coming together.? They both decided that they would get some answers by going to the temple. On their way there, they saw that Youkai Mountain was by no means the only area that was affected by this change.
When they arrived, they saw Kyouko, who was the source of the voice, along with the rest of the denizens of the Myouren temple standing Just inside the entrance. Reimu bounded towards them eager to get some answers when all of the sudden the temple shimmered and disappeared. A few seconds later it reappeared in exactly the same spot and more of the land from Makai started to grow from around it. After seeing what had just happened Reimu dared only to step a little bit closer, then demanded answers as to what was going on.

?You should ask her, she?s the one who caused this?, said Kyouko pointing behind Reimu. Reimu turned in the direction of Kyouko?s finger to see the woman who Kyouko had seen the previous day arriving on the scene.

?Oh my, I didn?t intend to be identified as the culprit so early. I was just checking the results of my handiwork.?

?So this is another incident caused by some Youkai again. This?ll be the fastest resolved incident in the history of Gensokyo. I assume you know the Danmaku rules.? Reimu stated as she pulled out a spell card.

Instead of responding, the woman simply backed off into the forest and said, ?You have more urgent problems than apprehending me right now, such as the Youkai that don?t know the Danmaku rules.?

As if on cue a monstrous lion like Youkai burst out of the trees and charged at them. Having not fought in a battle that didn?t involve spell cards for many years, Reimu was unprepared to face this opponent. Luckily the wind was not a weapon that had to be prepared before battles and Aya was able to dispatch of it quickly.
They heard the woman?s voice as she retreated deeper into the forest. ?By the way, my name is Izris. You should know the name of the future lord of this world, once it?s complete that is.?

Reimu knew pursuit would be futile so instead she had Aya help her gather people to the Hakurei shrine. She figured she would have a better chance of solving this incident if she had more allies working with her.
Because of the fact that my descriptive prowess is more limited than I expected I'll put a short out of narration summary of the events so far to avoid any confusion.
1. Izris somehow made the Palanquin ship active again, except this time it's properties are different and it is merging Gensokyo and Makai together.
2. The inhabitants of the Myouren temple know this but they won't leave it while it is active for fear of where they might end up
3. Reimu and Aya are calling together a group of people to help solve this incident.