Author Topic: EoSD Ultra [Hey Drake hehe]  (Read 20824 times)


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Re: EoSD Ultra [Hey Drake hehe]
« Reply #30 on: June 21, 2009, 10:19:09 PM »
Well this is amazing.

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
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Re: EoSD Ultra [Hey Drake hehe]
« Reply #31 on: June 21, 2009, 11:23:55 PM »
1cc'ed Normal yay.
Started with 5 lives but never went below 4, so.. :o
It counts, damn it.

Now to try extra. *excited giggle*


Captured Silent Selene (and the death fairy) but holy shit... Cranberry trap is mind boggling.

Oh.. it desynched. Somewhere during Philosopher's Stone.

The death fairy and Silent Selene aren't too hard to capture apparently. Made it to maze of love... cranberry trap is absurdly hard (brute force'd my way through it), but for everything else (except kagome kagome, which is difficult... but not absurdly so) she simply shoots too many bullets for you to be in any real danger. 2000 bullet limit is a real life saver.
I don't think I'll ever get past maze of love though. Not without slowdown at least.

edit4: Wow ok. 2 bombs and 1 death were enough to get me past maze of love.
Starbow break is unchanged (capped). Catadiotropic is just... faster bullets, and therefore less dense. Bombed it. Counter Clock is... bullets are a bit faster. Bombed it... twice maybe? And I died on And Then There Were None, the 'spirits' left ultra dense trails, but luckily 2k limit left me an opening, so I survived that part. Then the red wav- dead. Gods that thing moved fast.

I was pressing home every now and then but apparently that doesn't work in EoSD.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2009, 01:09:25 AM by Schpwuette »
Advocate of Transhumanism


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Re: EoSD Ultra [Hey Drake hehe]
« Reply #32 on: June 22, 2009, 02:09:59 AM »
Flandre's Q.E.D. doesn't change much (lol), it's just a bit faster, if at all

« Last Edit: June 22, 2009, 02:12:10 AM by Sentinel »

Re: EoSD Ultra [Hey Drake hehe]
« Reply #33 on: June 22, 2009, 08:16:27 PM »
So I got to Patchy's last spell with Reimu A on lunatic before losing the last life of my last continue (5 lives per continue >_>)

All I have to say is... forest blaze... What. There are no gaps. It is impossible. It must be.
At least green storm had a 'safe' spot above Patchy.
Forest Blaze is just a wall that hits you from the side.

Lava Cromlech is fun to dodge though :O Until the yellow gets there, that is. Then you die.

Maybe Hard Mode is a little more reasonable...
Advocate of Transhumanism

Re: EoSD Ultra [Hey Drake hehe]
« Reply #34 on: June 24, 2009, 12:41:08 AM »
First try at Hard.

After lots of Lunatic.
It almost feels easy... Which is probably why I died so often with bombs.

Oh but... LOL at Dream Flower Vine. I wonder why it's like that? So bugged... haha.

Ah... such a pity.
Remilia is absurdly hard.
2 of her cards are the same as her Lunatic versions (QED 500 and the vamped up version of thousand needle mountain) and her bomb immunity means you can expect to waste a ton of resources on those 2 cards alone... her 2nd non-card is the Lunatic version too, and Scarlet Meister seems to also be Lunatic but with some bullets missing (it's still way too hard, but I actually dodged a shorter wave so it can't be identical)
Her last non card is harder but reasonably so, and fun.
Scarlet Gensokyo is untouched, except for the spell card bonus -

Which is hilariously large.
(I was on my last continue btw)

editmuchlater: no death (2 bomb) Lunatic stage 3 \o/
Stage. Not boss. Captured midboss card too.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2009, 03:07:53 PM by Schpwuette »
Advocate of Transhumanism