Author Topic: In PoFV with Mystia in Story mode, is Reimu reachable in Stage 5?  (Read 1677 times)

I know Phantasmagoria of Flower View isn't that popular, and this is rather an obscure question, but I'm just curious.

When playing as Mystia in story mode, there are two different dialogue scripts for facing Reimu, according to the Touhou Wiki: one for stage 6, and one for stage 5. Reimu is the only possible opponent for stage 6, so you will always see that dialogue. However, Sakuya and Marisa are also possible stage 5 opponents. My question is whether it's ever possible to actually see Reimu in stage 5, and thus whether her dialogue for that stage will ever be shown. This dialogue is definitely present in the game dialogue scripts, but I'm not sure it's ever visible in the game. In a whole bunch of Mystia story-mode runs, I've always gotten either Sakuya or Marisa. (This is using 1.50a with English patch 1.1.) I suspect the game code prevents encountering the same character twice, and so Reimu's mandatory stage 6 appearance always preempts her optional stage 5 appearance.

Any help would be appreciated. Apologies if this question has already been answered previously.

Re: In PoFV with Mystia in Story mode, is Reimu reachable in Stage 5?
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2011, 01:25:26 PM »
Interesting find. I think you are right about reimu being the only possible opponent for stage 6 thus never appearing in stage 5. I tried extra several times, but stage 5 is either marisa or sakuya.