Author Topic: Touhoumon/SuperCard help  (Read 2618 times)


Touhoumon/SuperCard help
« on: August 28, 2010, 11:18:38 AM »
Okay, so I need a bit of help. I had this thought one day that maybe I should try to be able to play Touhoumon using my DS - reasonable idea, right? I've been attempting to get the Aqua/Yui version of Touhoumon to work properly using a SuperCard lite for a bit now. The game itself plays great, but whenever I try to save, I get this message;

Save failed.
Checking the backup memory...
Please wait.
"Time required:
about 1 minute"

Naturally, this is not fun. I haven't really had much luck finding an answer so far that isn't fairly... convoluted. So I figured that asking a Touhou community about it might yield a better result. Surely someone had this idea before me and experienced the same problem?

Please help. ^_^;

Re: Touhoumon/SuperCard help
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2010, 04:02:29 AM »
I can't remember which version the Aqua/Yui patch is based on, but if it's FireRed, the game also needs to be patched before you can save on a GBA (and I suppose this is also true for the DS).

Searching for Pok?mon FireRed save patches should help.

I've managed to get it working on a GBA using the japanese Touhoumon and a SuperCard, but I also had to let an Emulator generate the save file (instead of  letting the SC program generate it), then copy it to the SuperCard. And even then, I kept getting a "The save file is corrupted. The previous save file will be used" message. It didn't seem to affect the file that much, but it was annoying.

...Aaand that all the help I can provide. Didn't play with it that much because I was waiting for the Gensokyo patch to be completed. Maybe I should try again now that 1.80x is out...

Re: Touhoumon/SuperCard help
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2010, 08:20:37 PM »
Alright. Tried again now that 1.80x is out.

There is a tool named "gbata" that you can use to patch the ROM so it saves when playing on a GBA (and DS I suppose). The option is in the "SRAM Patcher" tab of the utility.

Now with that, use the Super Card's software to transfer the file, but make sure to uncheck "Saver Patch" in the ROM options there (just leave the "Enable Saver" checked). The standard save file provided by the software works OK.

Also, this is from my own experience with it, but leave "Enable Restart" checked as otherwise trying to save to the card will do nothing.

Right now the game is working for me, and I can save. The only problem is, I'm still getting the "Save file is corrupted. The previous save file will be loaded." message after the title screen. I can continue the game with no problem, but that message sort of bothers me...