Author Topic: Touhou Pocket Wars English Patch?  (Read 28218 times)


Touhou Pocket Wars English Patch?
« on: September 02, 2009, 10:14:24 PM »
I know there is aready an english patch out but the problem is it disables Flandre, Remilia and a majority of goodies from patch 1.05...therefore making the english patch half good half useless.

I wondered if there is an updated patch around which includes Remy and Flandre OR, if possible, someone can finish it off?

That be much appreciated thanks. If you need the game/patches, I will happily oblige.

Dead Princess Sakana

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Re: Touhou Pocket Wars English Patch?
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2009, 05:23:41 AM »
If I may ask, where did you find the English patch? I did a search and did not come up with anything except one site where the download doesn't work.


Re: Touhou Pocket Wars English Patch?
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2009, 03:51:33 PM »

That was the only place, it at the bottom. As you can see the website is in polish but I can assure it is definately an English patch. Now just need one to function with remy and flan...

Dead Princess Sakana

  • *
  • E is for Elodie, who swims with the fishes.
Re: Touhou Pocket Wars English Patch?
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2009, 04:29:09 PM »
Thank you for the link. Unfortunately I'm no programmer, so I can't help with the Remi/Flan problem. Let's hope someone somewhere will get to it soon.


  • Crimson Asuratic
  • Touhou, Disgaea, Neptunia. Holy Trinity
Re: Touhou Pocket Wars English Patch?
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2010, 02:29:14 AM »
It may have been random...but i'm working on the Remi/Flan problem now for the english patch. I have them translated and able to buy, set spellcards and all that but i'm still workin on the battle mechanic for them. The game locks up if they are the leader and i get an error in all ???? so its pretty hard to pinpoint ~_~...after that i just have to set up the dream events so you can dream with them and they'll be ready to go. but i'm having trouble sadly.
I'm no programmer that's fer sure ;_;
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  • Long twintail-o-holic
Re: Touhou Pocket Wars English Patch?
« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2010, 02:42:02 AM »
Awoo? I totally didn't know this game was already translated. mega-sweet!


  • Crimson Asuratic
  • Touhou, Disgaea, Neptunia. Holy Trinity
Re: Touhou Pocket Wars English Patch?
« Reply #6 on: April 22, 2010, 02:58:47 AM »
yeah its been translated for a while now.
However there was a few updates after the english patch came out and the patches didn't feel like translating for the 3 new chars: remilia/flandre/alice. is the english patch but you can't get those three chars if your game is patched fully at 1.07. The english patch is updated to 1.04 so if you use it, it will lock the game at 1.04 status even though it may be higher. so no remilia/flandre/alice.

of course i can't stand for that since 2 of my fave chars are in the game...but i can't play with them ;_; screw that!
I found the translated remilia/flandre files and is adding them in the game now. They are buyable and the spellcards work and they work in battle too.
2 issues though....

1: if they are the leaders the game crashes and gives an error that i shard to decipher thanks to it being in mostly ????? marks.
2: you can't do dream events yet (didn't get to that)

I'm sure if i can finish those 2 they would work perfectly like everyone else.
I'm stuck though...issue 1 is really getting me stumped ;_;
if anyone could help with this patch which is so close to completion...please lend some aid.
I'll keep trying till i (starbow)break but still.....


There is a poosh thread here
Deranged has decided to finish translating Alice since that's literally all that's left that needs translating but we still need help (least i do...far as i know i'm the only one who just now decided to randomly finish off the patch that others started)inserting them and making sure everything works...
« Last Edit: April 22, 2010, 03:01:29 AM by Kojiremi »
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  • Long twintail-o-holic
Re: Touhou Pocket Wars English Patch?
« Reply #7 on: April 22, 2010, 08:01:54 AM »
I have experience programming with C++ and C#, but it's been several years so I don't know what use I'll be. Still though, I'd love the opportunity to try an help since I hope to help translate games msyelf once I learn  Japanese. Honestly I've never really developed a patch for something though, if it's too time consuming to let me know what I need to do (given I've never done anything like this before) just point me at a place where I can figure it out for myself if you don't mind, then hopefully I can be of more use next time >=)


  • Long twintail-o-holic
Re: Touhou Pocket Wars English Patch?
« Reply #8 on: April 23, 2010, 02:26:16 AM »
Wait, I just realized that poosh thread you linked is titled "東方口袋戰爭EVO(Taiwan"

So are we talking about Touhou Pocket war, or Touhou Pocket War Evolution?


  • Crimson Asuratic
  • Touhou, Disgaea, Neptunia. Holy Trinity
Re: Touhou Pocket Wars English Patch?
« Reply #9 on: April 23, 2010, 02:40:38 AM »
Well both really. Any talk invovling the first or second game is talked about there. Its really an old thread now but it was revived by me since i wondered about english patch for the second one.

Well there is no more translating to be done. Just adding everything in and copying scripts from the new versions post 1.04 to the english patch is all.

it sounds easy but actually doing it isn't ... :(
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  • Long twintail-o-holic
Re: Touhou Pocket Wars English Patch?
« Reply #10 on: April 23, 2010, 03:08:30 AM »
Well both really. Any talk invovling the first or second game is talked about there. Its really an old thread now but it was revived by me since i wondered about english patch for the second one.

Well there is no more translating to be done. Just adding everything in and copying scripts from the new versions post 1.04 to the english patch is all.

it sounds easy but actually doing it isn't ... :(

I'm freeish now, I assume all the files I need are already in the thread? If not link me some more please I'll take a crack at it.


  • Crimson Asuratic
  • Touhou, Disgaea, Neptunia. Holy Trinity
Re: Touhou Pocket Wars English Patch?
« Reply #11 on: April 23, 2010, 03:31:30 AM »
alright i will. actually most of the stuff needed to be worked on I had to get myself. Deranged translated Alice's scripts. Remilia and Flandre's scripts were already translated.
All that we really need to do now is insert those 3 chars into the game, their music as well, and make sure everything works for them the same way it does for all the other already translated characters. Battles, Dreams, Gensokyo, etc etc.
If you want i'll send you everything, but at the moment, essentially i'm the only one really working on it since i took it upon myself to give it a try just as you wish to now.

Currently Remilia and Flandre care buyable. Everything for them works except for Dream events, (didn't get to that part yet so if you go to sleep and select either of them the game freezes with an error), they can't be leaders in battle since i didn't edit their music files in yet so the game freezes there when your about to load a battle with either of them in leader spots.

Nothing for Alice has been done save for her scripts/spellcards being translated. I just gotten that from Deranged last night.
We also have to increase the gacha case maximum from 5 to 8 (thanks to 1.06 patch). that doesn't sound too hard just have to find that script and change it slightly from 5 to 8 i bet. ....least i hope.
In the thread on poosh the hacking tool used for the game is posted which is what i'm using to edit the game.

if you wanna give a crack at it i'll send the stuff over right away. I'm a bit busy tonight with homework sadly so any help whatsoever will be much appreciated for this lovely game~
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In order to live through the patterns, you must understand the patterns for everything else there is MASTER SPARK.


  • Long twintail-o-holic
Re: Touhou Pocket Wars English Patch?
« Reply #12 on: April 23, 2010, 09:30:17 AM »
I stole Kojiremi's work (along with Deranged and whoever else worked on it before) and fixed the crashbugs: This works with patch 1.07.

I have not played this game yet so I haven't been able to completely playtest everything. Here are some list of problems/potential problems:

1: Windows-based dialogue menus (such as the are you sure you want to quit one) are untranslated, I'm not sure if these ever were in previous versions, if they were, chances are they are part of the 3 tjs files I was unable to compile (I get crash errors before even launching the game if I try)
2: some spellcards (very few) seem to have descriptions in Japanese still, I noticed Sakuya is one example (not her starting spells though). I'm guessing these are new spells that got released since the previous english patch that were not caught since. I really don't know though.
3: I was unable to compile messagelayer.tjs, mainwindow.tjs,historylayer.tjs. I do not know what these files do, the game seems to run fine without them. I'm guessing they are the files regarding those windows-based dialogue boxes I mentioned. The game crashes immediately upon launch if I try to run a patch with them included.
4: While "fixing" dream.ks, I noticed that certain problem areas included Remilia, flandre....and Reimu. Notice the lack of Alice. Kojiremi's save file does not have alice unlocked yet. So I was unable to playtest if alice still crashes the game for the dream menu. I don't think she will though, and if she does I suspect she will without the translation patch at all too (which is doubtful)

I t hink that's it. Everything else seems to work fine.

Note that the amount I contributed to this was only several hours. Most of the credit goes to deranged+1.04 patcher. Kojiremi (who spent several days I believe) also made the 1.07 patch possible. I just wanted to try and steal the last steps because I wanted experience with translating these games. I hope to do it all myself some day *dreams*. Just tell Remi and Flan it was all me though >=)


  • Crimson Asuratic
  • Touhou, Disgaea, Neptunia. Holy Trinity
Re: Touhou Pocket Wars English Patch?
« Reply #13 on: April 23, 2010, 03:01:14 PM »
I stole Kojiremi's work (along with Deranged and whoever else worked on it before) and fixed the crashbugs: This works with patch 1.07.

I have not played this game yet so I haven't been able to completely playtest everything. Here are some list of problems/potential problems:

1: Windows-based dialogue menus (such as the are you sure you want to quit one) are untranslated, I'm not sure if these ever were in previous versions, if they were, chances are they are part of the 3 tjs files I was unable to compile (I get crash errors before even launching the game if I try)
2: some spellcards (very few) seem to have descriptions in Japanese still, I noticed Sakuya is one example (not her starting spells though). I'm guessing these are new spells that got released since the previous english patch that were not caught since. I really don't know though.
3: I was unable to compile messagelayer.tjs, mainwindow.tjs,historylayer.tjs. I do not know what these files do, the game seems to run fine without them. I'm guessing they are the files regarding those windows-based dialogue boxes I mentioned. The game crashes immediately upon launch if I try to run a patch with them included.
4: While "fixing" dream.ks, I noticed that certain problem areas included Remilia, flandre....and Reimu. Notice the lack of Alice. Kojiremi's save file does not have alice unlocked yet. So I was unable to playtest if alice still crashes the game for the dream menu. I don't think she will though, and if she does I suspect she will without the translation patch at all too (which is doubtful)

I t hink that's it. Everything else seems to work fine.

Note that the amount I contributed to this was only several hours. Most of the credit goes to deranged+1.04 patcher. Kojiremi (who spent several days I believe) also made the 1.07 patch possible. I just wanted to try and steal the last steps because I wanted experience with translating these games. I hope to do it all myself some day *dreams*. Just tell Remi and Flan it was all me though >=)

copy paste from poosh thread
sweetness! everything is working great, you managed to fix/update the things that i was confused with so this is definitely a step in the right direction \o/

As for those 4 issues.

1. eh? well that sucks. I saw that myself. Those windows-based dialogue boxes only show up at 3 points: Loading,Saving,and Quitting the game. Why untranslated? I'm guessing maybe your overwritten something that shouldn't have been overwritten, that's my guess. I'll try to correct that by finding out where that happened.
Well Nameless Fairy I'll upload them and send them when i get home from work. You definitely kno way more about the game than both of us, really appreciate the help even though the coding, is indeed terrible for this game. i definitely understand why you don't really wanna work with that anymore hehe.

2. Descriptions eh? that i know where to look for. I'll correct those myself when i get home. Shouldn't be too hard.

3.i dunno what the tjs files are either but i understand them to be vital for the game nonetheless. Patching doesn't involve those however so we should never need to touch them I believe. Only the .ks files. I might be mistaken though but i'm kinda sure they shouldn't have to be touched....

4. Definitely one of the issues i didn't get to yet was the dream events. Great work there man ^.^ I was gonna get there eventually but i just didn't yet. The first thing i did was made sure to add the girls into the game and get battles to work. Speaking of which, yes, I don't know how to add Alice nor where to go to add her. For Remilia/Flandre, once i added there .ks files to the game and added the script that allows their gacha packs to be released on day 40 it was all good. Alice however belongs in the PCB pack, but i don't know where her script is that added her into the PCB pack. Her spell cards are in the game and buyable, but Alice is not in the gacha yet. I'm expecting that i have to edit either the room.ks or the gacha.ks to add Alice to the game but i'll see again when i get off work. Still did you fix/add Alice's dream data to the english patch? so that when we do add her to the gacha she's pretty much ready to go? and her battle data? the same thing for Remi/Flan you'd have to do to Alice too.

Well with that i'ma get back to work. I'm off at 12:30 so i'll try working on it in a few hours
Again thanks for the help man. Making this great game readable for the english speaking community will be awesome ^_^ I mean if its an RPG i'd much highly prefer to be able to read it and enjoy its story even if the story is weak. or at least have the translation posted like how they do at the wikia. ya know? hehe.

i can't wait to finish this thing off man. if remi and flan are working perfectly right now. All that's left to do is to increase the gacha case max from 5 to 8 and finish Alice and the game is set completely \o/
As long as you finished everything Alice needs then all that's left is to actually add her to the game and fix those issues you noticed/made
Thanks a lot man.
I actually only started working on it like..Wednsday starting on this post and already its nearly completed hehe. i feel stoked/excited \o/
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  • Long twintail-o-holic
Re: Touhou Pocket Wars English Patch?
« Reply #14 on: April 23, 2010, 07:23:32 PM »
I'm pretty sure the tjs files I mentioned are responsible for the Japanese windows dialogue boxes. I never touched them yet though. Just to clarify, you were able to compile them just fine and not have crashbugs? (I ask cuz they were included in your 1.07 english files you sent me). Maybe my problem is just a cpu problem like I am missing a font or something, I dunno.

As for the descriptions, the spellcards in question have the stats in english like they should, but they have a buncha japanese text underneath. I assume that's a description, but I'm not sure. Thing is most of the other spellcards have no text there at all *shrugs*.

As for Alice, I noticed her included in some of the files I was working with, I'm just saying windiff didn't point out anything related to her in the files between 1.07 english and 1.07 Japanese, while I notice the 1.07 english files lacked reimu, remi, and flan completely. So, either both the Japanese and english 1.07 files lack the alice parts completely (doubtful), or...It was already done (which would be odd but I'm thinking this is the case). I honestly can't bother to check thru the file to see if she's there when we can just get her as a character and try to test her in-game >=).

As for her missing in your save file, I just figured you needed to reach a certain level before she became available or whatever. Now that I know that's not the case Ill try to make her buyable too.

I also didn't know about the 5-8 gatcha max thing you mentioned. What's that? Is that the number of pages you have to store Touhou characters in? Remember I haven't played this game (or anything similar) so some things I don't know about.

If there are any other things not working lemmie know please >=). I doubt I can do much before tonight but I can try to sneak some work in for the next hour or so.


  • Crimson Asuratic
  • Touhou, Disgaea, Neptunia. Holy Trinity
Re: Touhou Pocket Wars English Patch?
« Reply #15 on: April 23, 2010, 07:52:02 PM »
I'm pretty sure the tjs files I mentioned are responsible for the Japanese windows dialogue boxes. I never touched them yet though. Just to clarify, you were able to compile them just fine and not have crashbugs? (I ask cuz they were included in your 1.07 english files you sent me). Maybe my problem is just a cpu problem like I am missing a font or something, I dunno.

As for the descriptions, the spellcards in question have the stats in english like they should, but they have a buncha japanese text underneath. I assume that's a description, but I'm not sure. Thing is most of the other spellcards have no text there at all *shrugs*.

As for Alice, I noticed her included in some of the files I was working with, I'm just saying windiff didn't point out anything related to her in the files between 1.07 english and 1.07 Japanese, while I notice the 1.07 english files lacked reimu, remi, and flan completely. So, either both the Japanese and english 1.07 files lack the alice parts completely (doubtful), or...It was already done (which would be odd but I'm thinking this is the case). I honestly can't bother to check thru the file to see if she's there when we can just get her as a character and try to test her in-game >=).

As for her missing in your save file, I just figured you needed to reach a certain level before she became available or whatever. Now that I know that's not the case Ill try to make her buyable too.

I also didn't know about the 5-8 gatcha max thing you mentioned. What's that? Is that the number of pages you have to store Touhou characters in? Remember I haven't played this game (or anything similar) so some things I don't know about.

If there are any other things not working lemmie know please >=). I doubt I can do much before tonight but I can try to sneak some work in for the next hour or so.

Yeah that's the descriptions. Some spells have special effects and its written there. They were in english before i gave them to you...but now only very few spells like you said are in japanese again. dunno why but i'ma check it out.

Alice wasn't in the game because she wasn't added in physically yet haha. she's supposed to be in the PCB gacha . i just figured out how to add her and did so no need to worry about that ^_^

the Gacha Case is the shelf that holds your figs so yeah. The max is 5 but in 1.06 is increased to 8 now. i think i know where to go to fix that so i'ma give it a shot.

Unless you want to try taking care of these 2 issues? hehe.
I posted in the poosh thread about the 2 issues left as far as i know so check that too~
See the patterns, feel the patterns, become one with the patterns, avoid the patterns
In order to live through the patterns, you must understand the patterns for everything else there is MASTER SPARK.


  • Crimson Asuratic
  • Touhou, Disgaea, Neptunia. Holy Trinity
Re: Touhou Pocket Wars English Patch?
« Reply #16 on: April 23, 2010, 11:07:45 PM »
The patch is now complete everyone o/ it took 3 days to do 2 days of me soloing it and last day help with Deranged and Ghaleon directly ^_^ Thanks man for making this possible! ....I hope the game will run for you though ._. no idea why it crashes for you but not for me...

Read the readme file in the folder.

There is one thing not translated: The Music Room at the title screen.
Alice/Remilia/Flandre themes are playable there but they are displayed in both english and japanese. If someone wants to translate that go ahead and give it a whirl.
I welcome everyone to 1.07 english patch.
Remilia/Flandre/Alice are waiting for you all!
And you can now expand your gacha case from 5 to 8 maximum.

Have fun and thanks for the help and patience.
Only took 3 days for this mook random dood to make some difference...I hope hehe.
See the patterns, feel the patterns, become one with the patterns, avoid the patterns
In order to live through the patterns, you must understand the patterns for everything else there is MASTER SPARK.


  • Long twintail-o-holic
Re: Touhou Pocket Wars English Patch?
« Reply #17 on: April 24, 2010, 12:43:22 AM »
dar, I just got free time to work on it now too, now I have to play the game instead or something, booo >=P. Thanks for t he update, I'm sure I'll enjoy it >=)

Re: Touhou Pocket Wars English Patch?
« Reply #18 on: July 21, 2010, 10:33:28 AM »
Hm... all the links provided ehere are not working anymore... Can anyone help?


  • The DDR Maniac
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Re: Touhou Pocket Wars English Patch?
« Reply #19 on: July 26, 2010, 10:14:43 PM »
Hm... all the links provided ehere are not working anymore... Can anyone help?
True. Needs fixing. Now. -__-



  • Crimson Asuratic
  • Touhou, Disgaea, Neptunia. Holy Trinity
Re: Touhou Pocket Wars English Patch?
« Reply #20 on: July 26, 2010, 11:58:33 PM »
Well EVO+ is out (chinese version at least) a friend of mine tried it and beat the story mode already. Its really good. I only wonder when the japanese one will come out and then i guess work will start on that soon....
See the patterns, feel the patterns, become one with the patterns, avoid the patterns
In order to live through the patterns, you must understand the patterns for everything else there is MASTER SPARK.


Re: Touhou Pocket Wars English Patch?
« Reply #21 on: August 04, 2010, 01:28:35 PM »
Heh. When Touhou EVO came out, was kinda thinking the translation for the 1.07 was never going to happen. Just like to thank the folks for finishing off the translation for the 1.07 chars.