Author Topic: Suika Fortress Game III GAME OVER: One Greedy Suika = Everyone's death  (Read 39026 times)


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Re: Suika Fortress Game III Summer 1053: Stuffman melts with the magma
« Reply #120 on: August 27, 2010, 08:07:00 AM »


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
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Re: Suika Fortress Game III Summer 1053: Stuffman melts with the magma
« Reply #121 on: September 02, 2010, 12:38:23 PM »
Ok guys, Serpetatius informed me that he got back from a trip and hasn't had time to work on Suika Fortress. So it looks like I'm taking over Lovely Muscles again. I wonder if we'll all survive this round?? Anyways time to grab the file and continue onward. I would like to get  my run done before 0.31.13's release.
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  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
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Suika Fortress Game III Spring 1054: Managing, adjusting, and bone axes
« Reply #122 on: September 06, 2010, 06:18:41 PM »
Well gang I fnially got around to getting to this thing. I'm going to have to do one update a day to keep the mometum moving and get everything done on time. Otherwise I'll request an extention.

Anyways here's the report.

First month of Spring Day 1

Once again the torch was passed to me to maintain our little Suika Fort, and we are now on our 4th year with the fort. I?m going to be taking a little bit of time to manage and look over everything cause there?s several things I need to look over. The levers, the pits, the traps, and the biokkuri stuck down in the slaugter pit?..

But just as I was beginning to check out everything I hear a fellow Suika go about blabbering, she was one of our own soldiers. And she withdrew from sciocty and went all the way up to the former workshop to begin work on an project of some sort?.

I wonder what she has in mind?.

First month of Spring Day 2

I went and did some observation around the fort as I went to check out some of the Suikas. I found out that some of our Suikas are distant relatives to others.

First off we have Charoe the II and Militia commander for the combat team as  well as training specialitst?..

Then there?s Pikbak the weapon smith

And finally Stuffman the II. Who was among our Suika Miners the whole time.

Meanwhile I?m still looking around to see what I can do with the remaining Suikas and also need to get to work on doing some trading with the kappa.

First month of Spring Day 3

I sat down to do some trading with out fellow kappas. I decided that trade out mainly some of the brass and other goods that were produced along with some of Doll Warrior S?s food. And got some blocks, gems, and shell iron, ect. And also managed to obtain some Yukkanes as I noticed our Suika Soldier who is currently in a fey mood wants bones. So this little yukkuri is set for slaughter?.

First month of Spring Day 12

We open the wall where the wounded biokkuri sit . And had Charoe and Anathe?s team ready (which wasn?t many). Thankfully with the help of the kappa we disposed o them. The process was a little messy, and we even got blood on the prepared food, but that shouldn?t hurt?. Thankfully no casualties were reported? Now it?s time to clean up!

First month of Spring Day 16

One nameless Suika frm Charoe?s army was injuried. Dr. Head crabs reports that she had injuries in the right hand, that resulted in her hand being cut badly. Her thumb was also cut and broken. Thankfully she can still use her hand, but for the time being she is getting the proper treatmen. More or less she will be getting stutures, cleaning and have her wounds dressed.

First month of Spring Day 24

Migrants have arrived in the middle of winter! So far many Suikas arrived to the fort to make a livng! Among the team considered a peasent who seems skilled for combat so he will be enlisted into Charoe?s army right away! A carpenter who has a talent for archery, a high master wood crafter/ carpenter with leadership skills, a gem cutter with some mace combat skilled, a wound dresser and a surgeon, a pesent with dencent spear skills, An expert Mason and engraver, a tanner who could be an archer, a Seige Operator and Engineer.

With this the Suika Population is now at 58 meaning 20 Suikas came to make a living on out fort! Time to look into expanding our living grounds?..

And out of all of them at least 3 of them will be added into the Suika Military.

Second month of Spring Day 3

The corpses of the biokkuri are a mess?. In fact it?s annoying. I can?t stand when there are cropses that don?t rot away fast enough so I deviced an alternet plan since the current issue that?s occurring is the miasma from the biokkuri?

So I decided to tell all our fellow Suikas to toss the corpses in to the magma and let em burn! It?s a nice alternet solution and it?s the best method of disposing unessary trash that we don?t need. As for right now the military has expanded from 4 to 6  soldiers in Charoe?s group and 2 archers now in Anathe?s squad.

 Second month of Spring Day 4

One Sanae and Chen yukkuri later, our military Suika finally has enough bones to make her artifact. And so she begins to work on her creation. I hope it?ll worth while?

Second month of Spring Day 8

It appears our Suika has finished making her artifact which turned out to be a Yukkane battle axe?.made of bone?.. Sounds sort of prehistorc if you ask me?. It?s not even that valuable (only 4080 Suika bucks) but let?s look on the bright side, her self esteem is up. She?s now a legendary bone carver and a solider!

Last month of Spring Day 2

Production has been slowing down as the snow melts outside.,, lately a lack of coal has causing steel production to be put on hold, so now I had to resort to having our wood workers go back to cutting things outside again so add to the wood pile?. Until the Parsees arrive we can?r do much with the current supply of wood until we cut down some of it?.

Meanwhile we start up our booze production again because our booze is running low too?.

And finally we got plenty of left over thread so we might as well start making some cloth, and maybe if there?s a clother around, we should make clothes.

Last month of Spring Day 13

We got reports from our fellow Suikas that the parrseekkuri are coming along the mountainside to our fort, I?m going to get the team together be begin sorting out our metal crafts for trade. We?ll see how it all goes in a little bit?.

Last month of Spring Day 17

I took a moment to trade with our jealous traders and as usual we got plenty of wood, animals and yukkuri from them, and all I had to trade them were 1 or 2 gold or brass crafts. Now we can probably work on the Steel again since we got some wood for charchol.

Last month of Spring Day 19

As expected the Parseekkuri leader talked to our leader about the cutting of our trees?.as expected though?. We cannot cut down on our quota because of this. So yeah typical jealous yukkuri being jealous.

Last month of Spring Day 24

A buch of yukkumois were roaming about down in the grasslands so we though that now would be a good time to go sent the troops to go hunt them. And as a result it all payed off. As they managed to kill two of them. Sadly during the time some yukkuyouseis snuck in and managed to kill off a yusakuya and managed to retreat. Thankfully one of them was taken out?

Last month of Spring Day 30

Noticing all the armor spread out across the field I can?t help but find it messy so my main concern is to clean up the mess so I?ve set up a armor and weapons stockpile and in the process I plan to add  bins to keep everything in order. Heck a lot of bins are needed for most things here. We can?t seem to keep up with the production.

Final Spring Report
Now that things are back in order and we got a decent sized population, my first order of business is to get our new recruits fully equipped?. Then?. We will go forth and open the path to the underground cave once more and begin our exploration of the underground once more?.

Hopefully the rest will come easily?.

And before you ask, I nearly got everyone renamed.. I right now lack only Anthony. Because I didn't get a good axe Suika. Unless you want to be a traniee. I won't mind either way.

I will do another update tonight.

« Last Edit: September 06, 2010, 06:42:05 PM by Totaku »
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Re: Suika Fortress Game III Spring 1054: Managing, adjusting, and bone axes
« Reply #123 on: September 06, 2010, 08:10:25 PM »
We should use our brass for bins now. Gold will be our craftsmetal and brass will be our bins/barrels. We need all the wood we can spare for charcoal. Keep DollWarriorS pre-occupied with food cooking - it keeps our food stockpile nice and available as well as making the best trade goods we can make.


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
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Suika Fortress Game III Summer 1054: One Greedy Suika = Everyone's death
« Reply #124 on: September 08, 2010, 03:36:52 AM »
I had expected to draw something for this, but I had no time due to the ever constant events in this house.... Following after this have a big question....

First month of Summer Day 9

Our miners did some digging along by the northern magma pipe to get some more marbles and one of them managed to uncover something…. Deep down in the depths of the magma pipe….rest and most richest resource known to all of Gensokyo…..

Adamantine! The most valuable rescourse in the world. It’s deep, but we must obtain it! For with Adamantine we can have the most richest fortress in the history among us Suikas! I will be get the troops ready to fend off any dangerouns undergrond life while we attempt to… DIG DEEP!

First Month of Summer Day 13

After getting information from Stuffman the II about the location of the Adamintie, my first orders were to dig around in the location where the adamantine stands. And from there once all the walls are cleared out to begin digging a path undergrond…..We’re going to reach this! I know it!

First Month of Summer Day 15

Despite taking Psieye’s advice, I noticed there’s a disturbing lack of brass…. So due to that, we can’t make brass bins…. So for now I’m going to have to go back to wooden bins for now cause I want to make sure everything is clean and sorted out sooner of later. But for now I’ll be keeping eye on things up here and make sure our local chefs and brews keep the food and booze coming….

First Month of Summer Day 17

A working at the magma forge has just given birth to a Suika, and it’s a boy. Guess we got someone who can be part of our military in the future….

First Month of Summer Day 19

Our Fortress has become large enough due to our birth of our new Suika that we now have been talking about establishing a form of conrol in our now village of Suika. Currently a nameless Suika has become our current mayor for our growing fortress. He’s hoping he will help make our future brighter….

First Month of Summer Day 21

We got reports that the waters underground rest cave fish so the good news is we have plenty of fish the catch in the underground… However something else lurks in the depths….

Pond grabbers, a strange type of tentacle beast that pulls upsupecting victims into the water in an attempt to drown them. I will be monitoring the situation while our fishermen fish the area….

First Month of Summer Day 28

Our digging team has been digging deeper into the underground as they make their attempt to reach the Adamantite. During their dig, they breach the Second Cavern layer.

This place too is flourishing with plant life and there’s something else deep underground…..

Cave fish men! Apperently we have stumbled upon a campsite where the fish men rest. This has me curious since I knew strange things lived undergrond, but are they friendly? For now I will redirect movement to a spot near by so we can dig deeper I will send a squad down there to see if these strange creature are friendly or not… later on…

Second Month of Summer Day 13

We managed to dig down to the where the fish people lived. We sent our soliders to greet the mysterious fish people but they turned hostile the moment we walked into our campground!

Strangely only one Suika went down there and fight the fish people. Thanks to the steel equipment, all the fish people’s wooden equipment prove worthless to them. The Suika Soldier managed to slaughter the entire fish people camp. Leaving their corpses to rot…. And it turned out this Suika….was also the inventor of the bone axe artifact…..

And also I was told this Suika was…. Another decent from Anthony’s family…..Anthony the III,

Second Month of Summer Day 19

We breach the third underground caveran and it’s full of plant life just like the last location. But it also appear to have water too! It’s beginning to feel warm now. So we have to be getting close to the magma sea…. Here’s hoping to get our hands on that Adamantite!

Second Month of Summer Day 21

A nameless Suika  has become possessed by mysterious forces…. Who know what she’s going to do. But we know she’s a stone worker. So maybe it’ll mean a new statue or something of that nature….

Second Month of Summer Day 22

The worst case senario has just happened….. the Anamantite spire was a trap from the get go! It lead to a shaft all the way to hell!

We could hear the horrifying screams as they bellowed out from the shaft...

And now demons begin to pour out!!!

This is it everyone! My greed has cost us our fort! I’m send the troops in as a last line of defense. I salute the brave miners as they may not live much longer now….

Second Month of Summer Day 24

I can hear the screams of agony as our Suikas are being eaten and burned alive by the evil that was let out…. I can’t belive that top lair had a shaft….

I am riding on the hope of a few brave soldiers to defend the fort….

Second Month of Summer Day 26

They’re now in the fort! No one here is prepared to fight and were all doomed!!! WHY DID I DO THIS?!!!

Second Month of Summer Day 28

The demons are feeding among the corpses of those they have killed and I’m stuck in the room with them…. I need to an escape, I know what I must do….

Last Month of Summer Day 1....

This looks like it… the fort has become a slaughter house…. Within less than a few days everyone is nearly dead…. I know that the mayor is still alive….everyone else has been eaten…. Eaten by my greed…. I guess I will take one more drink of my booze before I become devoured by the demons…. For I can’t out run them…. To every one out there….. LOSING IS FUN!
And with that Totaku was beaten to death by a giant ash lizard demon and the everyone following that died quickly the last survivor was the mayor who made a daring escape from the fort…. But sadly the Suika mayor was caught by a one eye Sparrow brute as  it grabbed and beat up the mayor just as she was making her way outside…

With that…. The mayor died a slow and painful death as she beaten, chocked and breathed flames upon her as she slowly died…..

The only witness to see it…. A raccoon….who isn’t going to likely tell anyone about it.


Ok, I was hoping to go down and reach around the spot where the adamanite was and mine it out carefully, I never expected that I would end up mining it from the top!  Because of this, the fortress is now doomed.:P

Course now comes the big we want to reset and go back to Spring (which mean Psieye will take a turn) or should we try something....different like... say..... an "a make your own adventure mode" where we take the role of a Suika and attempt to.... say...Clear the abandoned fort of the demons? Or even try to embark to a new location?

I'll let you guys make a call here. But yeah I'm sorry for my accident here, I haven't had a complication like this when mining adamanite before hand. ^^;

And before asking "why didn't I plug up the hole the demons come out of?" Do you know what that does to your FPS? It's murder on it!
« Last Edit: September 08, 2010, 03:45:22 AM by Totaku »
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Re: Suika Fortress Game III Summer 1054: One Greedy Suika = Everyone's death
« Reply #125 on: September 08, 2010, 04:43:20 AM »
Restart, the Suikas must be lead to glory!

Re: Suika Fortress Game III Summer 1054: One Greedy Suika = Everyone's death
« Reply #126 on: September 08, 2010, 07:18:38 AM »
I want to know whether T34G3 or Serpetarius are around to take a turn. May as well let them take it from where I left off and we continue. Otherwise this fort will have too much of my vision imposed on it and that's not what a succession fort is about... oh wait, Nahkh and his Sparkgears forts...

Put simply, I'm reluctant for adventure mode or restarting.


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Re: Suika Fortress Game III Summer 1054: One Greedy Suika = Everyone's death
« Reply #127 on: September 08, 2010, 07:32:16 AM »
Hey, I got Suika Fortress but having a hard time starting the game, can you guys help?

Re: Suika Fortress Game III Summer 1054: One Greedy Suika = Everyone's death
« Reply #128 on: September 08, 2010, 07:33:23 AM »
Does that mean it's crashing when you start it or you need some help on how to play?


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Re: Suika Fortress Game III Summer 1054: One Greedy Suika = Everyone's death
« Reply #129 on: September 08, 2010, 09:16:35 AM »
Well for one, I keep only playing dwarf fortress, an another is that it keeps flashing and I have a hard time with the menu.


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
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Re: Suika Fortress Game III Summer 1054: One Greedy Suika = Everyone's death
« Reply #130 on: September 08, 2010, 10:17:46 AM »
Well for one, I keep only playing dwarf fortress, an another is that it keeps flashing and I have a hard time with the menu.

This here is a common error I seem to keep getting a report of....

It's mainly due to the setting I place the game in when I uploaded it since it helps my computer run

Here's how you can fix it:

Go into you Suika Fortress Folder, then go to the data folder, then open the init folder, locate init.txt and open it.

Now in init located PRINT_MODE

It should be set at PRINT_MODE:PARTIAL:0

Try changing it to PRINT_MODE:STANDARD

That should fix the flickering problem. (feel free to try other settings like 2D, VBO, other modes if you want to look for a better performance..)

I will contact TG3G4 that it's his turn. From there we'll see how that goes...

Also I will see about fixing the flicker problem with the next release (which should be out soon) so that those who aren't famaliar with init settings won't have to worry about it.

To the next player don't forget, Charoe (ax military Suika), Stuffman(miner), Anthony(axe military Suika), and Pikbak (whatever you like for him) needs a Suika!

Also Dwarf Fortress is Suika Fortress as there is no way to edit the game mode title so your playing it right if your playing Dwarf Fortress mode.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2010, 10:56:44 AM by Totaku »
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Re: Suika Fortress Game III Summer 1054: One Greedy Suika = Everyone's death
« Reply #131 on: September 08, 2010, 10:52:36 AM »
There is no separate "Suika fortress" option. You select Dwarf Fortress and that will load the Suika fortress files.


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Re: Suika Fortress Game III Summer 1054: One Greedy Suika = Everyone's death
« Reply #132 on: September 08, 2010, 11:39:46 AM »
Interesting, I might get this later.
Can I have a Suika named after myself?


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
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Re: Suika Fortress Game III Summer 1054: One Greedy Suika = Everyone's death
« Reply #133 on: September 13, 2010, 04:07:01 AM »
Knock, Knock, T34G3.

I know I confirmed that you wanted to play a few days ago, but are you still up to taking on the relay? Cause I haven't heard anything from you past the PM.

You still have 4 days...
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Re: Suika Fortress Game III Summer 1054: One Greedy Suika = Everyone's death
« Reply #134 on: September 17, 2010, 09:08:49 PM »
It's been over a week, I even PMed T34G3, and he hasn't responded....

Due to the rules that I have placed...  his turn is now nulled out and he is sent to the back....

I contacted Serpetarius a day ago to ask if he had time to play. He said he couldn't and has asked me to remove him from the list....

This means that only me and Psieye (and maybe T34G3 though he's been a no show after the first attempt)

This leaves me to ask...

Should we just retire this fort?

I am not sure I can keep going like this if there aren't any player who want to sign to actually play. :P

I may still play if we really want to... but it would be so much better if there were more players out there that would sign up.

Course if we stop, it could be a good while before a new Suika Fortress comes into play, since starting with 0.31.13, the entire world generator features have been scrapped and remade. Leaving adventure mode to become mostly a wasteland with only human farms and villages.  And the new spawls are in need of some serious adjusting.

Plus I hope you all have an OS that's XP or above since now DF will no longer support Windows 2000 starting with 0.31.13 and higher.

If we do continue to play, we're going to stick with the 0.31.12 version for the time being until some issues are sorted out (which may be by 0.31.14 is what Toady said was true about fixing bugs.)

Anyways, I'll let you guys make the call here.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2010, 09:10:50 PM by Totaku »
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Re: Suika Fortress Game III Summer 1054: One Greedy Suika = Everyone's death
« Reply #135 on: September 17, 2010, 09:12:49 PM »
Let's put this fort in hibernation for now then. Colleges and schools the world over are starting back up so let's see after people have settled in again. 4 players was too small for a succession game pool anyway.


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
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Re: Suika Fortress Game III GAME OVER: One Greedy Suika = Everyone's death
« Reply #136 on: September 18, 2010, 10:16:11 PM »
Well I guess I will wrap this up and we'll just call this game over then....

It probably will be a while before we get back to start another game again as I'm awaiting to see the changes that will occur since right now there is alot that has changed rather sudden and alot of things have been scrapped in adventure mode to make room for new things. Plus it's now become buggy in the new version so we will be waiting a bit....

Course I guess it wouldn't hurt to ask this question....

When I do another game, would you all be interested if I spicing things up by saying....doing a cross forum relay involving this board and bay12 games together (I know it has it's own Touhou team there too)?

From what I got somme think this wouldn't be a good idea, but I thought I'd ask here just to see if I can get additional feedback...

As for now, I will be turning my focus on getting Touhou Crawl ready since I need to fix an error that suddenly occured that set me back by a few days. ^^;;;
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Re: Suika Fortress Game III GAME OVER: One Greedy Suika = Everyone's death
« Reply #137 on: September 18, 2010, 10:56:21 PM »
Oh that would be good. We have way too small a player base in this forum alone to justify a succession game. Too many people aren't familiar with DF to contribute. We can cross-post player reports between the forums so we don't have to go out to other forums.


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
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Re: Suika Fortress Game III GAME OVER: One Greedy Suika = Everyone's death
« Reply #138 on: September 18, 2010, 11:54:21 PM »
That's the whole game plan I had in mind so far was to post the reports between Bay12 and here based on who's playing (and maybe responds to. :P) I'll probably still keep the rules pretty much the same on the most part with the exception to the cross forum idea.

I'll take some time to think about how I'll put this together. Since it'll definetely be a while before I do another game. :P (Especially with the current version.) But yeah I'll leave it at that. Should be fun though to see how each community react to one another's actions. XD
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