Author Topic: Something on my mind  (Read 7360 times)


  • The Black Knight.
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Something on my mind
« on: April 11, 2010, 09:20:16 PM »
     What is a Jrpg? Well, to put it simply, it's an role playing game originating from the island of japan. Of course many of you probably knew this already. I used to love Jrpgs as a kid. They were decent stories. I had little understanding of any of them at the time but I always immersed myself whenever I could. I used to imagine the world that they tried to create in the game whenever I had the chance. I tried to give the characters more life through fanfictions but I had no talent for writing at the time. Nor did I have any artistic skill at the time. So I just used my imagination. People would stare at me as I absentmindedly did as I was told. They say the imagination is a really powerful tool. When I was finished imagining the world that they had created I would move onto another Jrpg world. It was like starting over... A whole brand new world for me to explore. New things to discover.

    As I grew older though... It began to become harder and harder for me to move on to the next Jrpg. It was really grating on my soul to know that all my imagining was useless. There were too much worlds for my poor measly imagination. With each new game that I played I found myself more and more irritated with the stories that they put out for me and just skipped large batches of text. In time I began to resent Jrpgs and their like. I didn't want to enter another world just to leave it a few months later. I didn't want to do it anymore. One day while I was playing on my console. I finally beat the final boss of that game. But it wasn't a victory to me. I didn't want it to end yet. Not yet. I tried to imagine what it would be like after the ending movie. All that came up was a blank. That was the final straw. I wasn't going to do it anymore. Not anymore. I got up and took a bat from the closet and smashed my console in. I let my rage engulf it. After I finished I let the bat fall to my side and went to bed. That was the last time in 4 years that I played any console game.

     4 years later I decided to pick up console gaming Jrpgs again. It was a mildly strange experience. I couldn't immerse myself at all in the stories. They all felt cold and bland to me. I tried really hard to imagine what it was like when I was younger. When I actually had fun playing these types of games. I couldn't. Then I found touhou on the internet via youtube. The first thing that came to my mind was the sheer number of characters that it had. It also kept expanding. This I knew was what I had wanted. A world that I could imagine in. I still play Jrpgs from time to time but only for the game play. Just... Only for the game play...

    What was it like for you playing Jrpgs while you were little or any other genre of gaming for that matter? Don't be afraid to tell me.  :D
« Last Edit: April 11, 2010, 11:24:34 PM by Wylfred »


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Re: Something on my mind
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2010, 09:28:57 PM »
Wall of Text critically hits!

I reckon you may wanna chop that up a little bit so more people read it, man.

To answer your question, though, I don't play that many jRPGs - just the Final Fantasy series, and thats cuz it's a format I grew up on (plus when I can make a squad of black mages and Focus them up, nothing lives. Nothing.)

Otherwise, I play mostly FPS and MMORPGs - mainly WoW, but I do enjoy Ragnarok Online, Priston Tale, and MU Online. Haven't played the last three in ages though.

Re: Something on my mind
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2010, 09:42:01 PM »
I always found it funny that people say jrpgs. Aren't the majority of rpgs from Japan? All we make in America are fps and bad movie games mainly.

Anyways I mostly started playing them after I played FFX. Until then I had never touched or knew what an rpg even was. I played Tekken mainly.

Now though I'm pretty much experiencing the same effect. I can't get into them, the stories feel cheesy, there's always characters I hate. Unless they have like really good music, a fun battle system, or initiative story plot I can't really enjoy playing them. But whenever I start one I HAVE to finish it because I hate leaving them unfinished even though I know there is no pay off.


  • Long twintail-o-holic
Re: Something on my mind
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2010, 10:30:50 PM »
I always found it funny that people say jrpgs. Aren't the majority of rpgs from Japan? All we make in America are fps and bad movie games mainly.


Because of this, I don't really call an RPG a JRPG just simply because it originated from Japan, I consider it a style. I don't know if my definition is correct or not, but it seems to be from my perspective.

Just because it stands for Japanese RPG doesn't really mean it MUST MEAN RPG from Japan, RPG itself is often mis-represented as well. Most of the time you rarely actually role-play at all, if you check wiki it will say that the videogame genre RPG doesn't even qualify as a literal RPG, but it's just what it's called.

ANYWAY... If some guy on the street was to ask me what a JRPG was, I'd say it's a console-styled RPG with a heavier focus on stat mechanics, character stat development, leveling, grinding, farming, secrets and extra content, etc. For this reason, Final fantasy doesn't really qualify as a JRPG (except 12, which fits quite well, I haven't really played 11 or 13 yet). Disgaea is a good example of a Tactical JRPG. The Lunar series, despite being Japanese, is not what I would really consider a JRPG. I hope I'm making sense here.

Anyway, not many people like grinding levels or whatever, so JRPGS automatically have a higher chance of being distasteful for most people to play. However, the enhanced character stat mechanics and whatnot often make the leveling process more fun and rewarding than your typical "level up, get stronger, don't customize shit" system. In addition, all those weird rare item drops, materials, stuff to farm, etc. Makes it so level grinding also serves a purpose for other things as well, making it seem less tedious. So a JRPG can be really awsome if you enjoy a particular game's crafting/leveling/stat mechanic/system.

In case it wasn't obvious, I'm ranting about my definition of JRPG, which as I said, am not sure if it's the official definition for them. I assume it is based on intuition, which figured out what a console RPG was before the internet ever existed >=p (as did many other people)


  • The Black Knight.
  • The Eternally Bored Butler
Re: Something on my mind
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2010, 11:29:20 PM »
Wall of Text critically hits!

I reckon you may wanna chop that up a little bit so more people read it, man.

Ah, sorry about the text wall. :V

And I call them Jrpgs because it's easier to call em that. If you have a better term then please enlighten me.  :)


Re: Something on my mind
« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2010, 12:00:36 AM »
This be a gamin' thread.

It goes in the arcade. *moves*


  • The Black Knight.
  • The Eternally Bored Butler
Re: Something on my mind
« Reply #6 on: April 12, 2010, 12:02:03 AM »
This be a gamin' thread.

It goes in the arcade. *moves*

Wasn't sure whether to post it in there or EE. Thanks.


  • Long twintail-o-holic
Re: Something on my mind
« Reply #7 on: April 12, 2010, 01:59:01 AM »
And I call them Jrpgs because it's easier to call em that. If you have a better term then please enlighten me.  :)

It's either JRPG or just RPG. I was trying to describe how it takes a bit more than just being from Japan to make an ordinary RPG into a JRPG. Otherwise people would have called FF1-10 JRPG instead of RPG, as well as lufia, and lunar, and dragonquest, etc.

The term JRPG has only existed for a short time compared to RPGS in general, which is ironic because literally ALL the mainstream RPGS for consoles NES+ were Japanese back then.

Sounds like you're discussing RPGS in general (including JRPGS), I wasn't nitpicking on your incorrect term usage (if it's even incorrect).


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Re: Something on my mind
« Reply #8 on: April 12, 2010, 03:01:49 AM »
It's either JRPG or just RPG. I was trying to describe how it takes a bit more than just being from Japan to make an ordinary RPG into a JRPG. Otherwise people would have called FF1-10 JRPG instead of RPG, as well as lufia, and lunar, and dragonquest, etc.

You mean they aren't jRPGs? I'm pretty sure the style distinction is quite clear, it just SO happens that the style distinction occurs with the Western and Japanese schism. Western RPGs tend to focus on actual role enaction, you as the player make the decisions that are handed to your character, and it is YOUR choice to decide what you want to do. Japanese RPGs adopt a slightly more linear formula, making you try to empathize in the role of given characters, instead of you being that character yourself. Only exceptions are games where there's a silent protagonist main, which are sort of similar to western RPGs, but still can't be considered as such since there's no sense of true non-linearity.

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Re: Something on my mind
« Reply #9 on: April 12, 2010, 03:08:32 AM »
     I got up and took a bat from the closet and smashed my console in.
Woah, couldn't you have given it to someone else instead?

Re: Something on my mind
« Reply #10 on: April 12, 2010, 03:36:09 AM »
The Star Ocean and Valkyrie Profile series never get dull for me.  Story is pretty good considering most of the crap that comes out these days.

Oh yeah, while the gameplay is superb, each person has their own reasons for playing a game.  I play RPGs mainly for story, gameplay, and sometimes music.

I have a feeling that the OP might have picked up an RPG of questionable quality.  Bad games can be a major influence that may or may not last for the rest of your life.


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Re: Something on my mind
« Reply #11 on: April 12, 2010, 04:32:25 AM »
Western RPGs tend to focus on actual role enaction, you as the player make the decisions that are handed to your character, and it is YOUR choice to decide what you want to do. Japanese RPGs adopt a slightly more linear formula, making you try to empathize in the role of given characters, instead of you being that character yourself. Only exceptions are games where there's a silent protagonist main, which are sort of similar to western RPGs, but still can't be considered as such since there's no sense of true non-linearity.

So Persona 3 and 4 would be the exception then, Silent Protagonist of a Main Character.


Re: Something on my mind
« Reply #12 on: April 12, 2010, 05:15:47 AM »
So Persona 3 and 4 would be the exception then, Silent Protagonist of a Main Character.

The Persona series and many ATLUS RPGs (e.g. Shin Megami Tensei and Etrian Odyssey) are WRPG/JRPG hybrids.  Their first person dungeon crawling mannerisms stem from Wizardry, a 1981 WRPG brought over to Japan, influencing the model of several later JRPGs.

Ghaleon makes a good point.  RPGs are not inherently Japanese even if they come from Japan.  Neither are RPGs inherently Western if they come from the West.  Chinese and Korean RPGs tend to follow a lot of the JRPG trends Trancehime mentioned.  I suppose you could call them Eastern RPGs as well.


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Re: Something on my mind
« Reply #13 on: April 12, 2010, 08:02:30 AM »
I thought J-RPG simply referred to the rpgs with anime-esque graphics.  ???
Old Danmakufu stuff can be found here!

"As the size of an explosion increases, the numbers of social situations it is incapable of solving approaches zero."

Re: Something on my mind
« Reply #14 on: April 12, 2010, 02:21:42 PM »
To be true I'm sure the term jprg was invented by some 4chan troll trying to get them weeaboos.


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Re: Something on my mind
« Reply #15 on: April 12, 2010, 03:53:46 PM »
Most of the time you rarely actually role-play at all, if you check wiki it will say that the videogame genre RPG doesn't even qualify as a literal RPG, but it's just what it's called.

ANYWAY... If some guy on the street was to ask me what a JRPG was, I'd say it's a console-styled RPG with a heavier focus on stat mechanics, character stat development, leveling, grinding, farming, secrets and extra content, etc.
This. Which makes JRPGs not RPGs at all. Just 'cause it's got stats in it doesn't make it an RPG. Also, some videogame RPGs do qualify as such.
This is a good read, I agree with most of it.

Re: Something on my mind
« Reply #16 on: April 12, 2010, 07:57:55 PM »
I see no point in splitting up the genre like this.  RPG is RPG.

If you don't like that concept then just DEAL WITH IT.


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Re: Something on my mind
« Reply #17 on: April 13, 2010, 08:04:52 AM »
Sure there's a point, WRPGs and JRPGs are very different (though the terms for those subgenres may not be the best).

Anyway yes, I used to get immersed in my RPGs too, but the more of something you experience the more critical you get, and the same old stuff doesn't cut it anymore. It's just a part of getting older.

Anyway, all I really want from JRPGs nowadays is to see less focus on cutscenes and a cast with an average age over 20.

All I want from WRPGs is no more generic Tolkien settings and to be in control of more than one character. And ditch the first person crap, that's not an RPG.


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Re: Something on my mind
« Reply #18 on: April 13, 2010, 08:18:40 AM »
All I want from WRPGs is no more generic Tolkien settings and to be in control of more than one character. And ditch the first person crap, that's not an RPG.

Wait, so what does that make Wizardry?

What the crap is going on here?!

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Re: Something on my mind
« Reply #19 on: April 13, 2010, 08:26:14 AM »
And ditch the first person crap, that's not an RPG.
Someone wasn't around back when Dungeon Crawlers were a very popular type of RPG, eh? Ah, the memories of Lands of Lore.

Formless God

Re: Something on my mind
« Reply #20 on: April 13, 2010, 08:28:23 AM »
I guess the difference comes from JRPGs being mostly turn-based / turn-based strategy ? And mostly developed for consoles instead of the PC ?

Anyway, all I really want from JRPGs nowadays is to see less focus on cutscenes and a cast with an average age over 20.
Whoo, Strange Journey has this :V


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Re: Something on my mind
« Reply #21 on: April 13, 2010, 08:36:00 AM »
Oh shut up, you know I'm talking about Oblivion and stuff that's basically just adventure games.


  • Long twintail-o-holic
Re: Something on my mind
« Reply #22 on: April 13, 2010, 08:40:05 AM »
As I said the term "JRPG" is relatively new, and based on the lack of proper definition RPGS already have, chances are the "real" meaning of JRPG is still being defined.

Anyway, about first person RPGS, I had a hard time getting into them too to be honest, and I HAVE been gaming back when might and magic 1 was new and all that. There was just something about them that was a turn-off for me, I generally enjoyed Text-based MUDS more to be honest.

I think the whole idea of splitting up RPGS into JRPG and RPG is pretty pointless IMO. Yes they can be different, but there are plenty of examples of games sharing the same genre that don't feel alike at all. A good example is the difference between an RTS game like Warcraft 3 or starcraft, and an RTS game like Total War. Or an adventures Zelda, Diablo (Unless you consider that RPG), castlevania (ps 2 version), and Your typical platformer adventure game like Super mario world.

I mean having more definition for what your game is is good I suppose, but this example is clearly debateable.


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Re: Something on my mind
« Reply #23 on: April 13, 2010, 08:45:24 AM »
Oh shut up, you know I'm talking about Oblivion and stuff that's basically just adventure games.

but those aren't first person...

They just HAVE that as a feature...  :/

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  • Long twintail-o-holic
Re: Something on my mind
« Reply #24 on: April 13, 2010, 08:55:09 AM »
but those aren't first person...

They just HAVE that as a feature...  :/

Oblivion does, I think he's also referring to Fallout 3, deus ex, mass effect (I haven't played it, dunno if it MUST be FPS or not), etc.

Re: Something on my mind
« Reply #25 on: April 13, 2010, 02:19:29 PM »
how were my initial experiences with jrpgs? Hmm..

- (Dragon Quest): I didn't understand japanese, and was little, so I and my brother had to mess around the world and ask for translations from our dad.

- (Final Fantasy 6): I wasn't little any more, and since my SNES was stolen ( someone broke into our house while we were away and left it in a mess ) and my Game Boy's rechargeable battery accessory stopped working, I had to emulate the games. I was turned away at first when it seemingly featured characters riding machines, didn't like their attacks. But then I liked to experience the game's story. At that time, I was already into the fighting game genre ( at a stage where I liked to use intelligence in matches against human opponents, though without the knowledge that it's available now in the internet ), and because of this, I took advantage of the gameplay's flaws (if needed. However, just pumping up attack/speed was enough, most of the times). Not to mention that I liked to grind at that time, in order to increase certain desired stats. What I liked at the time? The "reading experience". What I liked the least, related to this game? My obsession with completing Gau's Rage list.

- (Breath of Fire 2): after playing FF6, I thought that it would be difficult for me to be captivated by another story, and just tried this game to see if I would like it. Which I did. Thankfully, some of the most boring parts happened at the middle of the game ( the frog palace, for example. Until I get to "collect ingredients" for a dessert, at least. ). Some parts were frustrating, because you're told that the monkey-looking character can cross mountains, but not exactly how. The game has never shown such a feature before you actually have to use it. Well.. after that, I spent a lot of time grinding at the island with the giant enemies, and learned to fight Barubary alone ( by spamming Guts to keep my HP at around 50% ). Since I didn't put much effort into not killing the protagonist's father with the enemies that surround him, I didn't get to see the "happy ending".

- (Breath of Fire): after BoF 2, I played this, I think. The story wasn't as interesting, though it had a more "medieval"/epic-ish setting (with few futuristic dungeons, perhaps?). And a more overpowered dragon summoning system, and a useful boomerang weapon.

- (Final Fantasy 4): same thing as BoF 2/FF6, I was scared at first, since I didn't knew that the SNES FF3 was actually FF6, and thought.. "how can this and FF5 be.. more advanced than FF3? These are looking pretty uninspired!". Beat the game, didn't enjoy having to play as a crusader.
also, Golbez being unable to defeat the last boss, because he's not from the Light side? Also, Light being superior? wtf?
conclusion: Rydia is the game's redeeming factor :D
Cecil can go die in a fire. Pun not intended..

- (Shining Force): the game looked like it had a mix of medieval and a bit of industrialized setting (and bits of "ancient" futuristic technology). I liked the storytelling, the characters, and the gameplay. (also, Chaos Breaker is an awesome sword name, isn't it?
plus, more likable ladies in this game *coughMaocough* :3

- (Der Langrisser): having played the (emulated) Genesis' Langrisser/Warsong before, I didn't have much expectations for this sequel, until the very first minutes, seconds playing it. Sure a big jump in quality. Interesting path selection and stories, awesome characters and an immersive gameplay (like Shining Force), that makes you (or just me) imagine these battles, because the pacing is done well (except when you have too much hired units and need to wait until they've all finished moving). Recently, I've heard that there are some extra paths (not sure if these are on the SNES version, though. The screens seemed either from Saturn or PS), and the story for them is.. interesting as well.. (to quote the person who've found them.. "
map Genocide 01 is named that way, for a reason.

- (Shining Force 2): there were few characters that I liked, I wondered why the protagonist had to stay with that sleeping beauty-clone, when he had his friend Sarah by his side. I didn't like the fact that Sarah was a priest, so I changed her job into a Monk, and she owned since then. (I pumped her so much -- at least until I got bored -- that I killed the final boss with her alone, leaving everyone else behind while she shrugged off any damage that she would take. Four or five attacks were enough, as I enjoyed watching the final boss' HP go down).
Mitula also owns. The protagonist can also go drown himself.

- (Romancing Saga 3 and Destiny of an Emperor): not much to say here, liked the story progression and gameplay, got to the ending, but didn't feel like it would be a remarkable adventure. (can I blame it on FF6 and Der Langrisser?)
neku: now for something important.
How much time do you guys think it will take for HM to be translated? Besides everyone's story modes and the whole menus, there's also the fact that the way HM's programmed is different from all other games. I bet it'll take two months.

lusvik: I don't mind about playing HM in japanese. The language of punching other people is international.