Author Topic: Imitation  (Read 3351 times)


« on: March 19, 2010, 09:31:58 PM »
I've been on writer's block for a while, I know it's short... But this is the prologue to my story...
Quote from: [url=
Taboo Mikipop[/ur;]]
"Crysis! Crysis!!" All I weard were muffled screams... My name...? Everything hurt, and I could feel something warm and gooey pouring out of me. I no longer had the strength to move, to even open my heavy eyelids. This was it, but it was worth it. I had saved her......
==A week earlier==

tmp, tmp, tmp.
My footsteps were light and delicate on the newly cleaned floor. I had just finished cleaning every single one of the 81 rooms of the Hisuzukara Manor. With a sigh, I headed to the kitchen to prepare my mistress' tea. Today was an odd day... I seem to be even more exhausted than I normally am at the end of my daily routines. Prehaps, lonliness has taken it's toll.
Mistress Akane was a vampire, royalty to be exact. She was sent to live apart from her family in order to learn to live life without her parents spoiling her. I was simply a white mage, and somehow... Fate had intertwined itself with my mistress...

--- 15 years ago ---

"Why me?!" I could feel my breath slipping with every gasp. I had to get away, they would take me and do anything to harness the power within me.... Why did I have to get my nose in business outside of the village?  There it was! The forest that seperated Aipotu from my home, Kotodama.
Aipotu was a technologicly advanced city, much different from Kotodama. However, they were not aware of the magic within my home. A forest and a magical boundary seperated our worlds, however, Humans from Aipotu seem tonot be able to pass through like I could.
I often went to Aipotu for various treasures when I got bored, but this time, someone caught me using my magic.

I suddenly felt the rush of energy pass through me as I passed the border into Kotodama. With a sigh of releif, I fell to the ground, the cool leaves of Kotodama's Boundary Forest the ultimate form of releif. I let out a laugh, but silenced as i realized that the youkai in this forest were much stronger than average youkai, and fear caused my body to freeze as I heard a twig snap, and a figure emerged from the shadows.
A sinister giggle emerged from a pleasant looking girl carrying an umbrella. "Oh, lookie there, it seems as if dinner came to me tonight!" With no warning and sudden agility, she launched herself at me, and I felt a sudden pain, then everything faded to black...


I slowly opened my eyes, the scent, feel, and whole atmosphere to this room was so strange... Was I in a dream? A girl sat beside me, She had dark black hair, with green tips. Her eyes were a soft violet color, and she smiled at me. "You're mine!"
Taken aback, I sat up, but too fast, as I felt a sharp pain in my ribs and neck.
"Slow down, You were hurt badly by that youkai." She stood up, she looked to be about ten years old. I shook my head. "Who are you...?"
The girl turned to me, and her eyes grew wide. "Oh! I'm sorry! I am Akane Hisuzukara, the heiress to the Hisuzukara throne." She curtsied and I scratched my head.
"I am... My name is Crysis-" then it hit me, a princess? Wait, I've heard that name before... "You're a vampire!?"
She tilted her head and gave me an odd look, "Yes I am, and you are my maid. I chose you."
"What? I didn't agree to that!"
"You did when I saved your life, if I hadn't been there, you would have been dinner." She narrowed her eyes at me. "You have nowhere else to go, either. Your parents died and your home was repossesed."
With sheer suprise, I rubbed my head again. "How... did you know?"
"I can see into your past... It's my gift from Nyx." She looked out the window thoughtfully. "I'm sorry for sounding rude earlier... I need someone to stay with me as I mature into an adult vampire... Please...." Tears filled her eyes. "Stay with me...."


My flashback ended abruptly as I heard the all-too familiar voice call my name.
"Crysis! Crysis! Please, may you bring my tea to me in the den...? The trials were very tiring today..."
"Of course, Mistress!" I looked over at the tea, which was ready. I grabbed the 500 year old wine and poured a little bit into the tea. Sighing, I grabbed the knife and sliced my hand, pouring my blood into the tea. I was used to it, this was how Akane liked her dose of blood, despite being a vampire, she found drinking directly from humans very filthy and horrible. I admired her bravery to go against the rituals of her family. Dressing the wound on my hand, I heard Akane ask from the other room, "Crysis, whatever you do, please... Do not ever abandon me...."
I had set down her tea beside her chair, and counted at least fifteen bruises on her body. "Mistress Akane." I kneeled down and hugged her, I held her. "I will never abandon you..."
I could feel her tears wet my dress, and I pulled away. "Crysis, I am a failure as a princess.... " I looked into her sorrowful violet eyes, and used my apron to whipe her face. Although young, she had a sophisticated look in her eyes. She was very strong, and for her to call herself a failure, something very terrible had happened.
"Mistress Akane, you will never be a failure..." Suddenly, frantic knocks on the door made both of us jump. "Pardon me, Mistress."
Little did I know, little did my Mistress know, that the moment I opened that door would be the end of our reality as we both knew it.


  • Autumn is coming!~~~
Re: Imitation
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2010, 03:24:54 AM »
As expected, very nice. I like how you manage to put in descriptive details without overdoing the whole thing. Something I wish I could do.

I look forward to the rest of the story.^^


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: Imitation
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2010, 04:00:46 AM »
This could almost be read as Sakuya and Remilia. It is very ... remiliar.



Re: Imitation
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2010, 03:39:53 PM »
More like a Chachamaru/Evangelene similarity was in my head... I'm not too crazy about the Remilia/Sakuya thing.
Anyway...... I guess I'll continue it.


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: Imitation
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2010, 12:30:04 PM »
Well, continue on. We'll be waiting warmly.

(Also, this is a Touhou forum, not Negima - that's why I jumped to Remilia/Sakuya instead of Eva/Chachamaru.

And that does not mean that you can't write whatever you want. Continue your story, and don't be afraid to do so. I'm rootin' for ya)