> Let's start with Kitt's Hummock.
> "We'll check out this little town first. If I can't sense anything there, we'll try further out."
>"Got it," says Archer.
>The two of you pile into your car and head out. According tot he map, it should only take a little over an hour to get there. In practice, it takes closer to two as you deal with rush hour traffic and dodge around toll roads. Along the way you pas through Dover, which doesn't seem to be much special compared to Calumet City, and snake alongside an aide force base. You start to wonder after the base if you've somehow missed it as you drive along a little country road lined with farm fields and blocky prefab houses as well as the occasional trailer house. Then the fields give way to bogs and a little sign on the road welcomes you to Kitt's Hummock Beach. A moment later, following a little curve, you reach the place proper, It is just a single road running perpendicular to the one leading into town, with little kind of run down houses along both sides. Past those, you can see the ocean stretching along the horizon. It looks oddly similar to one of the great lakes, really. As near as you can tell, there isn't even a corner store here.